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Bedesa Community Programme


Implementing Organisation CIVS Community Service

Project Location -----

Anticipated Starting Date: January 2009

Project Time frame: 1 Year

Selection Requirement -----

Donor /Total/ Budget 300,000.00

Project Proposal For Bedesa Community Programme

Excutive Sammery
The goal of this project is to generate income through focusing on horticulture, poultry, dairy goats
and sheep farming so as to provide educational, nutritional and medical support needs of over 75
orphans. Through farmers field school local farmers will learn and adopt modern farming
techniques. Over 50 local youths will be empowered through vocational training. The project will
also increase incomes and livelihood security of over 150 caregivers of orphans and vulnerable
children (OVC) affected by HIV/AIDS through sustainable financial and enterprise development

The primary target clientele are the lowest income populations, particularly women and children
who are affected by the prevalence of HIV/AIDS. Orphans and their caretakers will form the core
of the target participants. The project design will encourage community members to take care of
orphans and the vulnerable while strengthening their coping mechanisms.

The strategy to be adopted of providing the support to the orphans will be through the
establishment of a community Programme known as Ahero Community Programme. This centre
will be the focal point for planning the services to be provided to the target group.

Back Ground of the Community

The majority of the inhabitants of this area live below the poverty line i.e. live on less than one US
dollar a day. Additionally the majority in this rural part of Kenya do not have access to basic
services. It is estimated that over two million people in Kenya are living with HIV/AIDS. The
epidemic has increased the number of people seeking health services and increased the cost of
health care. This is evidently demonstrated by the overwhelming demand for health care services
with a notable increase of about 51% of hospital bed capacity occupied by AIDS patients. Health
care services drain family resources. Strategies need to be adopted to ensure that family assets
maintained and increased to help them cope with the effects of HIV/AIDS.

The people of this area live in a vicious cycle of poverty, characterized by low incomes leading to
low savings and investments and, therefore, low production. The majority of the residents of this
area who are engaged in economic activities do not have access to financial services, thus seriously
limiting their productivity, investment ability, and resulting in poor living standards.

Kakmie village is about 3 Kms from Ahero main bus terminus, the village is vast and signs of high
HIV/Aids pandemic are evident. It has been keenly observed and shared information through
interviews from villagers that many families units are of HIV/Aids orphaned children, infected
parents, poor guardians and single parents. The individual business enterprises are not thriving
leading to the justification that the families in the area are poverty ridden. People spend most of the
time in drinking and brewing illicit liquor, causal labor and agricultural activities in small
subdivided hired gardens.

The vulnerable groups are majorly women and children. Children and youth engage themselves in
manual jobs such as construction, working in farms, and scavenge for food from the dumping
grounds in distance shopping centers. The girl child and youth females are pushed into commercial
sex exploitation and child labor i.e. in plantations and drug trafficking out of the economic
hardships facing them. Although it was mentioned earlier that the children and women are the
marginalized groups, the children bear the burden most.

Statement of the Problem

 HIV/Aids affected and infected orphans
 Malnourished children
 Child workers
 Child prostitutes
 Abandoned and neglected children
 Handicapped children
 Psychologically and physically abused/traumatized children
 Drug addicts and drug traffickers
 Street children

Project Justification

Ahero Community Programme will be under the umbrella of CIVS Community Service with a
plan on how to assist the OVC and Caregivers of the orphans and host CIVS activities in the
Western region. Our target is to shape the children to be important members of the community and
to assist the young people from landing into problems related to drugs and lack of education. This
can be achieved if we can provide various forms of support to these orphans and their Caregivers.

CIVS is a non Profit organization that was formed to provide innovative and competent support to
needy communities and organizations aimed at stimulating local development initiatives especially
among the disadvantaged, as well as developing harmonious relations among people of different
backgrounds and cultures.

Every year CIVS deploys over 400 technical and non technical volunteers and development
personnel from all over the world to work with local communities on a variety of projects where
they assist in capacity enhancement through specialist and non specialist tasks. CIVS deploys
personnel to work with local communities on the establishment and management of financial
systems; where they help in capacity enhancement through specialist and non specialist tasks
geared towards financial service delivery, products development and product marketing support.

Personnel are deployed through such mechanisms as international voluntary service projects,
including workcamps, educational, home and project attachments. This extra-ordinary personal
involvement leads to a deep understanding of others, evolving solidarity beyond the frontiers of
race, culture, religion, education or gender.

General Objectives
Specific objectives following are to:
 Support community development initiatives, by reaching the needy with innovative and
appropriate high quality services.
 Provide opportunities for individual self-development.


Although the demand for basic services, including health care, education, financial and business
development is enormous, very few people are able to access these services. The poor in rural
areas continue to be poorly served. It is on this foregoing background that CIVS seek to initiate
Ahero Community Programme to be located in Nyando district, Kakmie village about 30km from
Kisumu town with the aim of:

1. Providing training to over 150 guardians/caregivers of the orphans on principles and formation
of microfinance activities. CIVS will mobilize the existing group’s both formal and informal in
Kakmie geographical location and train them on Bengi Investment Group (BIG) methodology
that focuses on mobilization and utilization of local resources. The caregivers will be the poor
of the poorest as determined by the community. Women caregivers taking care of two or more
orphans will be given priority as women faces special cultural challenges. Through BIG
structure, a committee called membership will be formed and tasked with selection of the 150
guardians with CIVS supervising the whole process.
2. To start Income Generating Activities (IGA) through initiating agricultural and horticultural
farming. In the farm we will grow tomatoes, onions, kales, cabbages, maize, beans and
groundnuts. CIVS will recruit an IGA Officer who will carry out commercial farming in 6 ha
of land using modern technologies of farming. The IGA officer must have some agricultural
and business skills. This will be done with assistance of professional agricultural officer. We
will also start a poultry project that will have 1000 chicken in the centre.
3. To start Farmer’s Field School (FFS) in Kakmie village so that the local farmers can learn the
modern way of farming. This will be done by the IGA officer in collaboration with
Agricultural officer.
4. Accessing therapeutic nutritious food to over 75 total orphans for good health and thus
enabling them to attend school without interruptions.
5. To support 75 total orphans to attend normal public schools and have an opportunity to join
higher institutions of learning like universities and polytechnics. This will be done by setting
up Education Fund Trust where 30% of income generated will be invested in this fund
6. To provide vocational skills to 50 youths who will be working alongside an agricultural officer
to gain functional skills in modern farming.
7. To provide a forum where local community will be enhanced in challenges with respect to
HIV/AIDS, malaria, environment, drugs, opportunistic diseases
8. Establish fruitful relationship and collaboration with donors, Government and NGO, churches
with the view of extending their activities to the projects beneficiaries.

Major Activities

 Protection of children in especially difficult circumstances

 Protection of children from falling into anti-social activities of behaviors
 Sensitizing the community if their plight and encouraging participatory management in
resource mobilization, planning and implementing viable suitable projects
 Promote children growth and development in a less socially polluted environment
 Promotion of guardian’s economic enhancement for stable family basis.
 Promotion of scholarship system to join in primary and secondary school
 Providing education opportunities to the orphans
 Prevention of spreading of HIVS/AIDS
 Accelerating economic growth in the village
 Running water
 Construction of Dining Hall, Kitchen, Toilets, Shower room, volunteers and houses, offices
and fencing the compound
 Purchase of adequate nutritious food
 Purchase of kitchen equipments, furniture for staff volunteers hostel, office furniture and other
equipments such as jikos and utensils
 Scholarships to enable children join primary and secondary schools
 Livelihood promotion Programme for HIV/AIDS affected families
 Food Basket for bedridden and ailing HIV/AIDS parents
 Hiring qualified and skilled personnel
 Enlargement of farming for sustainable supply of nutritious food
 Bring electric power to the project site
 Purchase of bicycles to be used to visit and taking the sick to hospital
 Start of agricultural activity and income generating projects for the parents, guardians and

Project Sustainability
 Income Generating Activities (IGAs) will be promoted to sustain the project

Project In Put
The Center plans to get materials, financial support and in kind donations to help meet its
objectives from individuals, companies, religious organizations, the business fraternity, friends of
CIVS, external donors, the government and other organizations.

Ahero Community Programme immediate needs are mainly in catering for the C.E.D.C and these

Project sustainability
 The well to do community individuals, business fraternity, Donors, Churches and other
charitable organizations will be invited to participate in the projects growth and sustainability.
 Farming and initiation of income generating activities will be promoted to ensure that the
project sustains itself
 A percentage of the savings and benefits will be ploughed back into the project.
 Guardians being indirect beneficiaries will be advised and encourage to defray the project costs
through cost-sharing.

Expected project outputs and benefits to the Kenyan population in future

1. Promotion of scholarship system. Participation in international society by improving children’s

scholastic level as a result of protection of their rights to receive education.
2. Reduction of widespread phenomenon of abused children who are a burden to social or
economic field of the country’s growth.
3. Promotion of gender development and growth.
4. Promotion of IT skills
5. Enhancement of community resource identification, mobilization or marshalling of the same
through community based Programme.
6. Eradication of poverty
7. Encouragement of rich individuals and organizations in the distribution of their wealth hence
breaking the wall of social stratification.
8. Advocacy and awareness creation on social issues and challenges.
9. Promotion of inter-agency collaboration in professional ideas and experience sharing.

Monitoring of individual child performance.

 CIVS will engage 1 social worker and a team of volunteers to monitor individual child
performance in related project support areas.
 They will develop performance report on each child every month
Reporting and Accountability
As soon as we receive the funds, CIVS shall inform you the equivalence and the commencement
of the building. They shall also send you the progress and financial report the project according to
your requirements.

The project will be monitored and evaluated against the project goal and objectives. The project
will install an appropriate management information system for tracking the performance of the
Programme, making informed decisions, and providing accurate information to all the stakeholders
in a timely manner.

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