KC6 Test U06 High Level

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Name                   Class           

Unit 6  Test | Higher Total score: /50 6

1 U6:1 Listen and tick ( ) what each person is talking about. Score: /5

1 a smartphone b humanoid robot c driverless car d drone

2 a driverless car b drone c intelligent home d smartphone

3 a intelligent home b social media c smartphone d virtual assistant

4 a smartphone b intelligent home c driverless car d social media

5 a driverless car b virtual assistant c intelligent home d drone

6 a bricks b bamboo c steel d clay

U6:2 Listen to a talk about the future. Complete the notes with  Score: /5
two words in each space.

artificial intelligence
• there will be 1                 everywhere

• restaurants: 2                 will take orders and cook

• 3                 instead of teachers

• we will follow our friends on 4               – not meet

• our smartphones 5                 for us

• fewer car accidents because of 6                

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Name                   Class           

Unit 6  Test | Higher 6

Read an email from a girl in the future. For each question, circle the Score: /5
correct answer.

X - +

From: Liz
To: Jim
Subject: A great day
Hi Jim! Happy 2041! I’m emailing you from our driverless car … that’s right! No one is driving it. My dad
is telling his new smartphone who to call and what to say. My mum is uploading some photos of a
humanoid robot doing the gardening. Our drone took them! Our virtual assistant is going to find a
film we will all like and we’ll watch it in the car. It will also send a message to our intelligent home
to turn the heating on. The house has already cleaned itself and my humanoid robot will be there to
make dinner!
Social media is a lot better now. I can upload smells and tastes for my friends and they can tell me
what they think!
Speak soon,

1 What is Liz doing at the moment? 4 What will the virtual assistant do?
a driving a car a cook
b sitting in a car without a driver b find a film
c emailing her dad c message Liz
2 What will her dad’s smartphone do? 5 Who cleaned the house?
a speak for him a the virtual assistant
b tell him what to do b the humanoid robot
c call him c the house
3 Who took the photos Liz’s mum is uploading? 6 What is special about the social media Liz uses?
a Liz a she can share pictures of food with her friends
b a humanoid robot b she can share food she’s eating, with friends
c a drone c she can upload what she thinks about food

4 Read and complete the text with one word in each space. Score: /5

This week’s tech exhibition was the best experience for our school!
We had the chance to try many new devices and materials and we
1     tell you all about them!
 irst of all, we tried the latest 2              that can fly
higher than the ones on sale at the moment. They are also able to
take better photos and can be controlled from a longer distance.
 ext, were sustainable construction materials like wool
3             . So houses 4              be
bad for the environment in the future.
 nother change that’s about to come are devices that will be
controlled by 5              intelligence, such as fridges,
washing machines and ovens. We 6              have to
think about doing many chores, as computers will take care of them
for us. The future looks very exciting!

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Name                   Class           

Unit 6  Test | Higher 6

5 Use the words in brackets to write sentences about the future. Score: /5

I think we won’t meet friends.

1                      (I / think / not meet / friends)

2                               (she / think / not drive / cars)

3                               (they / imagine / live / intelligent homes)

4                               (he / imagine / not use / plastic smartphones)

5                               (I / believe / have / better social media)

6                               (we / think / not build / houses / made / steel)

6 Look at the answers and write questions. Score: /5

What will we wear in the future?

We’ll wear self-cleaning clothes in the future.


No, we won’t live on a different planet in the future.


Yes, we will. We will speak many different languages in the future.


He’ll live in a smart city in the future.


People will eat artificial meat in the future.


Yes, we will. We will use glass for lots of things in the future.

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Name                   Class           

Unit 6  Test | Higher 6

7 Look at the picture and talk about the future. Score: /10

Life will be easier because artificial intelligence will be in our homes and in our schools.

Humanoid robots won’t drive cars because we’ll travel in driverless cars.

8 Look at the topics and ask and answer questions about how life  Score: /10
will be the same or different in the future.

What …?

I think … Will …?

entertainment factories food foreign language schools houses sleep transport travel

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Audio Scripts and Answers
Unit 6 | Higher generations? Getting together with friends
will take place online, as it does now on social
Listening media, where we ‘follow’ someone instead of
actually ‘meeting’ them. We will not be able to
1 U6:1 Listen and tick (✔) what each person is talking
live without our smartphones, and they’ll be so
smart, they’ll do all the thinking for us. One good
1 B: Many changes will happen in the future. First
thing will be driverless cars, as there will be fewer
of all, we will all live in much smarter homes.
car accidents.
We won’t have to use phones anymore. We will
be able to communicate without them! And we
Answers: 2 humanoid robots 3 virtual assistants
will all have people who are not real to help us.
4 social media 5 will think 6 driverless cars
They will do all the housework for us!
2 G: The best invention will be a vehicle that can
take you anywhere you want by just pressing Reading
some buttons before it starts. Humans wouldn’t
have to do anything else. Just sit back and 3 Read an email from a girl in the future. For each
question, circle the correct answer.
enjoy the journey! That would be cool!
3 M: Technology has changed our lives in so many
Answers: 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 c 6 b
ways, and so fast! I remember we used to call
people on landlines and the other person had
to be at home so we could talk. Now, you can 4 Read and complete the text with one word in
talk to someone wherever you are. And there each space.
are so many other things these devices can do.
Send emails, take pictures, find information … Answers: 2 drones 3 bricks 4 won’t
they’re really intelligent! 5 artificial 6 won’t
4 W: In the past, I met up with my friends all the
time, especially before the internet. You Writing
couldn’t chat online, you had to meet to talk.
Now there’s so much going on and people 5 Use the words in brackets to write sentences about
have so many online friends. They post photos, the future.
upload comments and talk without ever
meeting in real life. It was a lot simpler in Answers: 2 She thinks we won’t drive cars.
the old days. 3 They imagine we’ll live in intelligent homes.
5 M: I saw a man using one and it sounded like a 4 He imagines we won’t use plastic smartphones.
huge insect. Although there were cars passing 5 I believe we’ll have better social media.
by, I could still hear it flying in the distance. I’m 6 We think we won’t build houses made of steel.
not sure what it actually did, but I think it took
pictures of the area. 6 Look at the answers and write questions.
6 W: At the moment, our houses are very inefficient.
In the future, this fast-growing, strong, Answers: 2 Will we live on a different planet in
sustainable type of plant will make houses the future?
cheaper to build and more energy efficient. 3 Will we speak (many) different languages in
I can’t wait to live in one of these! the future?
4 Where will he live in the future?
Answers: 2 a 3 c 4 d 5 d 6 b 5 What will people eat in the future?
6 Will we use glass (for lots of things) in the future?
2 U6:2 Listen to a talk about the future. Complete the
notes with two words in each space. Speaking
Thank you all for coming. Now, let us think about
our future and how our lives will change. It is Teaching notes
almost certain that artificial intelligence will Award one point per item for accuracy and one point
be everywhere. We’ll have humanoid robots for ability to communicate well.
taking our orders in restaurants and humanoid
robots will cook the food. Teachers will probably Activity 7 asks pupils to produce the vocabulary
not exist anymore … at least not humans! Do items from this unit in positive and negative
we want virtual assistants to teach future statements with the future simple of verbs.

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Audio Scripts and Answers
Ask pupils to look at the picture and name the 7 Look at the picture and talk about the future.
technology they can see. Encourage them to make
predictions about how we’ll use the technology in Example answers: A: We’ll use drones to protect
the future. Put pupils in pairs. Then have them take cities. B: We won’t use social media very much
turns to form positive and negative statements, because there will be other ways to communicate.
using the future simple. Make sure they are using
the correct form and adding as much detail as they A: Virtual assistants will help us to learn languages,
can to their statements. Encourage them to give but we’ll need teachers, too. B: Humanoid robots will
reasons for their answers. They should make five take out the rubbish because people won’t want to
statements each. do this.

Activity 8 asks pupils to produce questions with 8 Look at the topics and ask and answer questions
and without a wh- question word, using the about how life will be the same or different in the
future simple. Ask pupils to look at the topics of future.
discussion and to imagine how life will be the
same or different in relation to these topics. Have Example answers: A: Will we have public transport in
them take turns to ask and answer in pairs. Make big cities? B: No, we won’t. I believe we will be able to
sure they are forming questions correctly and move within cities by teleporting.
are answering in detail. Each pupil should ask or
answer five questions. B: What will houses be made of in the future?
A: I think houses will be made of sustainable
materials, for example bamboo and wool bricks.
I think we’ll still use glass in the windows.

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