Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Simulation in Matlab
Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Simulation in Matlab
Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Simulation in Matlab
Under the guidance of Prof. Matta Mani Shankar
• Hybrid electric vehicles are powered by an internal combustion engine and one or more
electric motors, which uses energy stored in batteries.
• A hybrid electric vehicle cannot be plugged in to charge the battery. Instead, the battery is
charged through regenerative braking and by the internal combustion engine.
• The extra power provided by the electric motor can potentially allow for a smaller engine.
The battery can also power auxiliary loads and reduce engine idling when stopped.
• Together, these features result in better fuel economy without sacrificing performance.
Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Type Characteristics Battery
• Regenerative braking.
2. Medium Hybridization
• Most are not capable of using the electric motor alone to propel the
• Regenerative braking.
3. Full Hybridization
• Most are capable of using the electric motor alone to propel the vehicle
• Regenerative braking
1 Is India Ready for E- mobility. Sita Mishra 2019 Studied the future scope and consumer behavior to the electric
vehicle (EV) purchase intention in India
2 Optimized Design and Analysis Swagata 2018 Studied the modification of series hybrid electric vehicle (SHEV)
of a Modified Powertrain Borthakur power train mechanism, found that fuel economy improved by
Configuration for a Series 21.31%, simulation results showed that efficiency of traction motor
Hybrid Electric Road Vehicle improved by 10.95% and power loss decreased by 60.26%.
3 World Electric Vehicle JournalJoeri Van2018 Studied the World Electric Vehicle Journal is the first peer-reviewed
Mierlo international scientific journal that covers all studies related to
battery, hybrid, and fuel cell electric vehicles comprehensively.
4 Engineering Perspective on Vyas Singh2017 Studied the different power-train components in electric vehicle (EV)
Electric Vehicles Chauhan and their simulation using MATLAB/Simulink.. Author found that
different forces acting on vehicle when subjected to different cycles
under the different circumstances.
5 Improvement of EfficiencyS. Piriienko 2016 Studied the benefits and features of the hybrid energy storage
of Energy Storage Devices system based on the batteries and ultracapacitors are described.
for Electric Vehicles The possible topologies and common schematics of bi-directional
DC/DC converters for energy storage are analyzed in terms of
efficiency, reliability and battery
6 Hybrid Electric Storage Thilo Bocklisch 2015 Gave us an overview of the innovative field of hybrid energy storage
System. systems (HESS). An HESS is characterized by a beneficial coupling
of two or more energy storage technologies with supplementary
operating characteristics (such as energy and power density,
self-discharge rate, efficiency, life-time, etc.).
7 Advancement in Electric Karan C. Prajapati 2013 The advancement in 21st Century, there has been increase in usage
Vehicle in 21st Century of Oil and Gas leading to problems like Global Warming, climate
change, shortage of crude oil, etc. D
8 Hybrid Electric Vehicle M. A. Spina 2012 Studied the conception and assembly of an experimental Hybrid
Electric Vehicle based on the combination of human energy
contribution and photovoltaic solar energy is presented in this
manuscript. The vehicle has a battery for storing the energy
provided by both systems.
Modeling and simulation are especially valuable for testing conditions that
are difficult to reproduce with hardware prototype alone. This can improve
the quality of the system design early, by reducing the number of errors
found later in the design process.
Time (sec)
IC Engine Characteristics
)W( rewoP
Time (sec)
Power (Motor, Generator and Batter) Characteristics
System modelling,
Project Planning Analysis
2 weeks 1week
[2] Husain, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles-Design Fundamentals, Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2003.
[3] Trajkovic, S., Tunestal, P., and Johansson, B., "Vehicle Driving Cycle Simulation of a
Pneumatic Hybrid Bus Based on Experimental Engine Measurements," SAE Technical Paper
2010-01-0825, 2010, doi:10.4271/201001-0825.
[4] Statistics Canada Report: Energy Statistics Handbook – Fourth Quarter 2007, Catalogue
no., Catalogue no. 57-601-X, April 2008.
[6] I. Husain, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles-Design Fundamentals, Boca Raton, CRC Press, 20