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Wireless Comm Lab Manual - Yash

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Wireless Communication



This is to certify that Mr/Ms. __________________________

of Semester-VII Enrollment no. ____________________ has
satisfactorily completed her/his laboratory work for the subject
3171608-Wireless communication for the academic year
Date of submission: _______________

_____________ _____________
Head of Department Faculty

Wireless Communication- 3171608

No. Definition Date Signature Remarks

1 To Briefly introduction about SCILAB.

2 To Write a program to calculate cluster size N for given

value of signal to interference ratio.

3 To determine the freespace loss and the power received

using SCILAB program.

4 To write a SCILAB program to calculate the link

budget for satellite communication.

5 To write a SCILAB program to calculate the median

path loss for Hata model for outdoor propagation.

To study the BER performance of DS-CDMA using

mixed codes in multipath channel using RAKE receiver
for single user case.
7 To study the BER performance of MRC combining
and equal combining varying with SNR.

To stimulate wireless channel including Rayleigh
Fading using SCILAB
9 To stimulate Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (OFDM) using SCILAB

10 To study Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying(GMSK)

modulation technique
To design a receiver using Viterbi algorithm
To study the BER using Viterbi


To Briefly introduction about SCILAB.
The useful workspace in Scilab consists of several windows:
 The console for making calculations,
• The editor for writing programs,
• The graphics windows for displaying graphics,
• The embedded help.
The general environment and the console
After double-clicking the icon to launch Scilab, Scilab environment by
default consists of the following docked windows – console, files and
variables browsers, command history.

In the console after the prompt “ --> “, just type a command and press the
Enter key on the keyboard to obtain the corresponding result.
--> 57/4
ans = 14.25
--> (2+9)^5
ans =
It is possible to come back at any moment with the keyboard's
arrow keys ← ↑ → ↓ or with the mouse. The left and right keys
are used to change the instructions and the up and down keys are
used to come back on a previously executed command.

Simple numerical calculations

All computations done with Scilab are numerical. Scilab performs
computations with matrices(see chapter 2, page 23).
Operations are written with “ + “ for addition, “ – “ for
subtraction, “ * “ for multiplication, “ / “ for division, “ ^“ for
exponents. For example:
Ans = 5.4

The case is sensitive. It is thus necessary to respect uppercase

and lowercase for the calculations to be performed properly. For
example, with sqrt command (which calculates the square root):
-->sqrt(9) while: SQRT(9)
Ans= 3 !--error 4


1.1.1 Particular numbers

%e and %pi represent respectively e and π:

--> %e --> %pi
%e =2.7182818 %pi=3.1415927

%i represents the i of complexes in input and is displayed iin output:

--> 2+3*%i
Ans= 2+3i

1.1.2 For not displaying the results

In adding a semi colon “ ; “ at the end of a command line, the calculation is

done but the result is not displayed.

-->(1+sqrt(5))/2; --> (1+sqrt(5))/2 Ans=

To remind the name of a function
The names of commonly used functions are summarized in Chapter 3 of
this document (page 32). For example:
--> exp(10)/factorial(10)

ans = 0.0060699

The tab key →│ on the keyboard can be used to complete the name of
a function or a variable by giving its first few letters.
For example, after typing in the console the command:

and then pressing the tab key, a window is displayed with all the
functions and variables names beginning with fact, such as
factorial and factor. Just double click on the required function or
select it with the mouse or with the keys ↑ ↓ and press Enter
(Windows and Linux) or Return (Mac OS X) to insert it in the
command line.

The menu bar

The menus listed below are particularly useful.
1.1.3 Applications

• The command history allows you to find all the commands from
previous sessions to the current session.
• The variables browser allows you to find all variables previously used
during the current session.
1.1.4 Edit

Preferences (in Scilab menu under Mac OS X) allows you to set

and customize colors, fonts and font size in the console and in
the editor, which is very useful for screen projection.
Clicking on Clear Console clears the entire content of the
console. In this case, the command history is still available and
calculations made during the session remain in memory.
Commands that have been erased are still available through the
keyboard’s arrow keys.

1.1.5 Control

To interrupt a running program, you can:

• Type pause in the program or click on Control> Interrupt in
the menu bar (Ctrl X under Windows and Linux or
Command X under Mac OS X), if the program is already
running. In all cases, the prompt “ --> “ will turn into “ -1-
> “, then into “ -2-> “…, if the operation is repeated.
• To return to the time prior to the program interruption, type
resume in the console or click on Control > Resume. To
quit for good a calculation without any possibility of
return, type abort in the console or click on Control >
Abort in the menu bar.

The editor
Typing directly into the console has two disadvantages: it is not
possible to save the commands and it is not easy to edit multiple
lines of instruction. The editor is the appropriate tool to run
multiple instructions.
1.1.6 Opening the editor

To open the editor from the console, click on the first icon in the
toolbar or on Applications > SciNotes in the menu bar.
The editor opens with a default file named “ Untitled 1“.
1.1.7 Writing in the editor

Typing in the editor is like as in any word processor.

In the text editor, opening and closing parentheses, end loops,
function and test commands are added automatically. However,
these features can be disabled in Options > Auto-•‐ completion
on menu, in clicking on the two below entries enabled by

• (,[,…
• if, function,…

While in principle each instruction should be entered on a

separate line, it is possible to type multiple statements on a same
line separating each statement with a semicolon “ ;“.
A space at the start of the line called indentation is automatic when a
loop or a test is started.
In the following example, we calculate 10 terms of the sequence (𝑢𝑛)
defined by:
𝑢1 = 1
𝑢 𝑛!1 = 2𝑢 𝑛 – 3

1.1.8 Saving

Any file can be saved by clicking on File > Save as.

The extension “ .sce “ at the end of a file name will launch
automatically Scilab when opening it (except under Linux and
Mac OS X).
Copying into the console, executing a program
In clicking on Execute in the menu bar, three options are available:
• Execute “ …file with no echo “ (Ctrl Shift E under
Windows and Linux, Cmd Shift E under Mac OS X): the
file is executed without writing the program in the console
(saving the file first is mandatory).
• Execute “ … file with echo “ (Ctrl L under Windows and
Linux, Cmd L under Mac OS X): rewrite the file into the
console and executes it.
• Execute “ …until the caret, with echo “ (Ctrl E under
Windows and Linux, Cmd E under Mac OS X): rewrite the
selection chosen with the mouse into the console and
executes it or execute the file data until the caret position
defined by the user.
Standard copy/paste can also be used.

The graphics window

1.1.9 Opening a graphics window

A graphics window opens automatically when making any

plot. It is possible to plot curves, surfaces, sequences of
points (see chapter 2, page 18).
To obtain an example of curve, type in the console:

1.1.10 Modifying a plot

The magnifying glass allows zooming. To zoom in two

dimensions, click on the tool and with the mouse create a
rectangle which will constitute the new enlarged view. To zoom
in three dimensions, click on the tool and create a parallelepiped
which will constitute the new enlarged view. It is also possible to
zoom in using the mouse wheel. To return to the initial screen,
click on the other magnifying glass .
The icon enables rotation of the figure (particularly useful in 3-
•‐D) with right click actions which are guided by
messages in the bottom of the graphics window.
For more precise modifications, click on Edit > Figure properties
or Axes properties and let yourselves be guided (this option is
not yet available under Mac OS X).

1.1.11 Online help

To access the online help, click on ? > Scilab Help in the menu bar, or
type in the console:

To get help with any function, type help in the console followed
by the name of the appropriate function. For example:
-->help sin displays help for sin
(sine) function.

Windows management and workspace customization

As in the default Scilab environment, where the console, files
and variables browsers and command history are all together
docked windows, all other windows in Scilab can be
repositioned in a single one. For example, the user can choose
to position the editor in the default environment of Scilab.

To dock a window in another one, first identify the blue

horizontal bar under Windows, or black under Mac OS X and
Linux, at the top of the window in the toolbar containing a
question mark on the right.
• Under Windows and Linux, click on this bar with the left
mouse button and, while maintaining the click, move the
mouse pointer in the desired window.
• Under Mac OS X, click on this bar and while maintaining
the click, move it in the desired window.

A rectangle appears indicating the future positioning of the

window. When the position is the one you want, release the
mouse button. To cancel and bring out the window, click on the
small arrow on the right of the same bar.


Write a program to calculate cluster size N for given value of signal to
interference ratio.


clear all;
SIRdb=input('Enter the SIRdb=');
N=input('Enter the number of cell per cluster, N=');
i=input('Enter the number of cochannel cells,i=');
n=input('Enter the path loss exponent,n=');
N=(1/3)*((SIR*i)^(2/n)) if N > 1 && N <=3
N=3; elseif N >3
&& N<=7
N=7; elseif N>7
&& N<=12
N12; elseif
N>12 && N<=13
; end; N
//for this value of N the given SIR is obtained or not
SIRnewdb=10*log10(SIRnew) if
disp('The new cluster size can be implemented');
end; N

Enter the SIRdb=20

Enter the number of cell per cluster, N=12

Enter the number of cochannel cells,i=10

Enter the path loss exponent,n=6

"The new cluster size can be implemented"

Radio Propagation and Propagation PathLoss Models

Aim: Scilab code To find free space and reflected surface attenuations.


// To de t e rmine f r e e spa c e and r e f l e c t e d s u r f a c e a t t e n

clc ;
clear all;

hb =100; // i n f e e t s ( h e i g h t o f BS ant enna ) hm =5;

// i n f e e t s ( h e i g h t o f mobi l e ant enna ) f
=881.52; // i n MHz lamda =1.116; // i n f e e t
d =5000; // i n f e e t
Gb =10^0.8; // 8dB(BS ant enna g a in )
Gm =10^0; // 0dB ( Mobi l e ant enna g a in )

// s o l u t i o n
free_atten =(4* %pi*d/ lamda ) ^2*( Gb*Gm)^ -1;
y= round (10* log10 ( free_atten ));
disp ( “ Fr e e spa c e a t t e n u a t i o n i s %d dB nn “ ,y);

reflect_atten = (d ^4/( hb*hm) ^2) *( Gb*Gm)^ -1; x= round (10*

log10 ( reflect_atten )); disp ( “ Re f l e c t i n g s u r f a c e a t t e n u
a t i o n i s %d dB
“ ,x);

Aim: Scilab code To find received signal power and SNR.

d =8000; // Di s t a n c e between ba s e s t a t i o n and mobi l e s t a t i
f =1.5*10^9; // i n Hz lamda
=0.2; // i n me t r e s
Pt =10; //BS t r a n smi t t e d power i n wa t t s
Lo =8; // To t a l sys t em l o s s e s i n dB
Nf =5; //Mobi l e r e c e i v e r n o i s e f i g u r e i n dB
T =290; // t empe r a tur e i n d e g r e e k e l v i n
BW =1.25*10^6; // i n Hz
Gb =8; // i n dB
Gm =0; // i n dB
Hb =30; // i n me t r e s
Hm =3; // i n me t r e s
B =1.38*10^ -23; //Boltzmann “ s c o n s t a n t

// s o l u t i o n
Free_Lp =20* log10 (Hm*Hb/d ^2) ;
Pr= Free_Lp -Lo+Gm+Gb+Pt; // i n dBW
Te=T *(3.162 -1) ;
Pn=B*( Te+T)*BW;
disp ( “ Re c e ived s i g n a l power i s %d dBW nn “ ,10* log10


SNR =Pr -10* log10 (Pn);

disp ( “ SNR r a t i o i s %d dB nn “ ,round ( SNR ));


Aim: Scilab code To find the allowable path loss

d =3*1000; // i n me t r e s
Y =4; // path l o s s exponent
Pt =4; // Transmi t t ed power i n wa t t s f
=1800*10^6; // i n Hz Shadow =10.5; // i n
dB d0 =100; // i n me t r e s
P0 = -32; // i n dBm

// s o l u t i o n disp ("Us ing e q u a t i o n 3 . 1 1 and i n c l u d i n

g shadow
e f f e c t we g e t ")
Pr=P0 +10* Y* log10 (d0/d)+ Shadow ; disp ( “ Re c
e ived power i s %. 1 f dBm nn “ ,Pr); path_loss =10*
log10 (Pt *1000) -Pr;

disp ( “ Al l owabl e path l o s s i s %. 1 f dB nn “ ,
path_loss );

Aim: Scilab code to find the distance between transmitter and receiver.

shadow =10; // i n dB Lp
=150; // i n dB

// s o l u t i o n disp (" Us ing e q u a t i o n g i v e n i n

Problem i . e Lp
=133.2+40_ l o g ( d ) we ge t , "); d
=10^(( Lp -10 -133.2) /40) ;
disp (" S e p a r a t i o n between t r a n smi t t e r and r e c e
i v e r as %. 2 f km” , d ) ;




To write a SCILAB program to calculate the link budget for satellite

A link budget is an accounting of all the gains and losses in a
transmission system. The link budget looks at the elements that will
determine the signal strength arriving at the receiver. The link budget
may include the following items:
• Transmitter power.
• Antenna gains (receiver and transmitter).
• Antenna feeder losses (receiver and transmitter).
• Path losses.
• Receiver sensitivity (although this is not part of the actual link
budget, it is necessary to know this to enable any pass fail criteria to
be applied.) Where the losses may vary with time, e.g., fading, and
allowance must be made within the link budget for this - often the
worst case may be taken, or alternatively an acceptance of periods of
increased bit error rate (for digital signals) or degraded signal to noise
ratio for analogue systems.

Received power (dBm) = Transmitted power (dBm) + gains (db) -

losses (dB)

The basic calculation to determine the link budget is quite
straightforward. It is mainly a matter of accounting for all the different
losses and gains between the transmitter and the receiver.

Losses = FSL + AML + RFL + PL + AA

FSL = Freespace loss
AML = Antenna Misalignment loss
RFL=Receiver Feeder loss
PL=Polarization Loss
AA = Atmospheric Absorption.

Carrier to Noise Ratio – Uplink

Carrier to Noise Ratio – Uplink
Overall Carrier to Noise Ratio
CNRoverall=CNRu X CNRd / (CNRu+CNRd)


clc; close
clear all; pi=3.14;
// Boltzman Constant K = -228dBW/K/hz
// Satellite at 40,000Km distance from Earth station
// Satellite Antenna Gain = 31dB
// Receiver System Noise Temp = 500K
// Transponder saturated output Power = 80W
// Earth Station Antenna Diameter = 5m
// Earth Station Aperture Efficiency = 68//
// Uplink Frequency = 14.15Ghz
// Required C/N in transponder = 30dB
// Transponder HPA Output Backoff = 1 dB
// Location: -2dB contour of satellite receiving antenna
// Downlink Frequency = 11.45Ghz
// Receiver IF Noise BW = 43.2Mhz
// Antenna Noise Temp = 30K
// LNA Noise Temp = 110K
// Required Overall (C/N)o in clear air = 17dB
CNup=30:1:60; //C/N required at transponder is 30dB
ln=length(CNup); // Uplink Noise Power Budget
k=-228.6; // Boltzman Constant

Ts1=10*log10(T1); // noise temp 500K in dBK

B1=10*log10(43.2*10^6);; // noise BW 43.2 Mhz in dBhz
N1=k+Ts1+B1; //in dBW // Transponder Noise power N=kTsB
Pr1=N1+CNup; // received power must be 30dB graeter than noise
// Uplink Power Budget R=4*10^7;
D=5; // Antenna Diameter Ae=0.68;
// Aperture Efficiency lmb=0.0212; //
operating wavelength
Gt1=10*log10(Ae*(pi*D/lmb)^2); // Earth Satation Antenna gain
Lp1=10*log10((4*pi*R/lmb)^2); // pathlosss in dB
Gr1=31; // Satellite Antenna Gain in dB
Lp1=-Lp1; // pathloss is negative
Lant=-2; // due to 2dB contour
// Pr=Pt+Gt+Gr+Lp+Lant; As all in dB so simply addition
Pt1=Pr1-(Gt1+Gr1+Lp1+Lant); for i=1:ln
Ptw(i)=10^(Pt1(i)/10); end
xlabel('C/N ratio in dB --- >');
ylabel('Transmitted Power Pt in Watt ---- >');
title('C/N Versus Pt'); grid on;
CNdwn=17.2:1:50; // C/N downlink is 17.2 dB as C/N air is
17dB lnn=length(CNdwn); //Downlink noise Power Budget k=-
T2=30+110; // noise temp
Ts2=10*log10(T2); // Noise Temp in dB
B2=10*log10(43.2*10^6); // Noise BW in dB

Pr2=N2+CNdwn; //power at earthstation receiver input

Pt2=10*log10(80)-1; // Output power is 1dB below saturated power
//Downlink Power Budget
// Pr=(Pt*Gt*Gr)/(Lp*La) in Watt
// Pr=Pt+Gt+Gr-Lp-La in dB
for i=1:lnn
Grw(i)=10^(Gr2(i)/10); end
xlabel('C/N ratio in dB --- >');
ylabel('Receiving Antenna Gain Gr in Watt ---- >');
title('C/N Versus Gr'); grid on;



Aim: To write a SCILAB program to calculate the median path loss for
Hata model for outdoor propagation.

In wireless communication, the Hata Model for Urban Areas, also
known as the Okumura-Hata model for being a developed version of
the Okumura Model, is the most widely used radio frequency
propagation model for predicting the behaviour of cellular
transmissions in built up areas. This model incorporates the graphical
information from Okumura model and develops it further to realize the
effects of diffraction, reflection and scattering caused by city
structures. This model also has two more varieties for transmission in
Suburban Areas and Open Areas. Hata Model predicts the total path
loss along a link of terrestrial microwave or other type of cellular
This particular version of the Hata model is applicable to the radio
propagation within urban areas.
This model is suited for both point-to-point and broadcast
transmissions and it is based on extensive empirical measurements
PCS is another extension of the Hata model. The Walfisch and Bertoni
Model is further advanced.


Frequency: 150 MHz to 1500 MHz

Mobile Station Antenna Height: between 1 m and 10 m
Base station Antenna Height: between 30 m and 200 m
Link distance: between 1 km and 20 km.
Mathematical formulation
Hata Model for Urban Areas is formulated as:
LU = 69.55 + 26.16 log f – 13.82 log hB – CH + [ 44.9 – 6.55 log hB]
log d.
For small or medium sized city,
CH = 0.8 + (1.1 log f – 0.7 ) hM – 1.56 log f. and
for large cities,
CH = 8.29 (log (1.54 hM))2 – 1.1 , if 150 ≤ f ≤ 200
CH = 3.2 (log (11.75 hM))2 – 4.97 , if 200 ≤ f ≤ 1500

LU = Path loss in Urban Areas (dB) hB= Height of
base station Antenna. (m) hM = Height of mobile
station Antenna. (m) f= Frequency of Transmission
(MHz). CH = Antenna height correction factor d=
Distance between the base and mobile stations (km).
The term "small city" means a city where the mobile antenna height
not more than 10 meters. i.e. 1 ≤ hM ≤ 10m
clear all;
f=input('enter the frequency of transmisson in mhz:');
Hb=input('enter the height of base station Antenna in meter:');
Hm=input('enter the height of mobile station Antenna in meter:');
d=input('enter the distance between the base and mobile stations:');
n=input('enter 0 for small city and 1 for large city:');
ch=0.8+(1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-1.56*log10(f); if n==0
ch=0.8+(1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-1.56*log10(f); else
if f>=150 && f<=200
if f>=200 && f<=1500
4.97; end; end; end;
6.55*log10(Hb))*log10(d); disp(sprintf('%s %f %s','Path
loss in Urban Areas=',Lu,'db')); Output:


Aim: To study the BER performance of DS-CDMA using mixed codes

in multipath channel using RAKE receiver for single user case.

1. What is Multipath?
2. Effect of Multipath on the performance of CDMA
3. What is RAKE Receiver? Description

What is Multipath?
Multipath occurs when a radio signal is split into two or more signals
causing the receiving antenna to receive multiple copies of the same
signal. The radio signal can be split by obstacles such as walls, chairs,
tables and other objects. As the signal bounces off an object it causes a
longer path to the receiver. Some signals may bounce off several
objects before reaching the receiver. The longer the path, the greater
the amount of delay. As radio signals are delayed, they reach the
receiving antenna at different times sometimes overlapping. The
receiver becomes confused by the signals and is unable to interpret
them correctly which causes data errors requiring retransmission of the
signal. Performance can be significantly reduced by the delayed
signals and retransmissions.

Effect of Multipath on the performance of DS-CDMA

CDMA is inherently tolerant to multipath delay spreading signals as
any signal that is delayed by more than one chip time becomes
uncorrelated to the PN code used to decode the signal. This results in
the multipath simply appearing as noise. This noise leads to an
increase in the amount of interference seen by each user subjected to
the multipath and thus increases the received BER. The BER is
essentially flat for delay spreadings of greater than one chip time (0.8
ms), which is to be expected as the reflected signal becomes
uncorrelated. Also the multipath delay spreading leads to an increase in

the equivalent number of users in the cell, as it increases the amount of
interference seen by the receiver. RAKE Receiver
A RAKE receiver is a radio receiver designed to nullify the effect of
multipath fading. It uses number of sub-receivers called fingers. Each
finger is a correlator and is designed to a different multipath
component. Each finger independently decodes a single multipath
component. The output of all the correlators is combined to increase
the SNR in a multipath environment. The multipath channel through
which a radio wave transmits can be viewed as transmitting the line of
sight wave plus a number of multipath components. Multipath
components are delayed copies of the original transmitted wave
traveling through a different echo path, each with a different
magnitude and time of arrival at the receiver. Since each component
contains the original information, if the magnitude and phase of each
component is computed at the receiver through a method called
channel estimation then all the components can be added coherently to
improve the information reliability. The RAKE receiver is so named
because it looks like a garden rake, each finger collecting the symbol
energy similar to how the fingers in a garden rake collects leaves. To
minimize the distortions introduced in the DS- CDMA systems, RAKE
receiver uses a technique called diversity.

RAKE Receiver

In our case, RAKE receiver has 2 fingers. Each finger of the receiver
process one path of the composite multipath signal. All the processing
in the RAKE fingers should be done at chip level. Here c(k)indicates
the spreading code used for that particular user. h0and hLare the
multipath channel coefficients. LTcis the delay that is used in the
multipath channel model.

SCILAB Code Implementation


Block diagram of CDMA- Multipath Transmitter 1.

Random data to be transmitted for User1 is generated.
2. Random data of User1 is QAM modulated.
3. The QAM modulated User1 data is convolved with its spreading
4. The convolved data of User1 is RC Pulse shaped.
5. The RC pulse shaped data is multiplied with different channels to
show the multipath effect.
6. The data convolved with channel 1 and channel 2 are summed
7. The summed up data is upsampled.
8. The upsampled data is then given to the WiCOMM-T Tx interface
block to send through the WiCOMM-T.

1. The samples are received from the WiCOMM-T Rx interface block
2. The received samples are down sampled
3. The down sampled signals are de-spreaded using User1 de-
spreading codes using MRC and EGC technique
4. The de-spreaded data are QAM demodulated for both MRC and
5. BER is calculated for the QAM demodulated data for both MRC
and EGC.

Note: Refer Appendix A on how to setup WiCOMM-T and Appendix B
on how to generate the modem samples, vary the parameters,
transmit, receive and analyzing the received modem samples etc.
The following are the default values used for this experiment.
1. Connect WiCOMM-T for baseband loop back.

2. Select CDMAPART2 from the experiments list in EXPERIMNT
3. Select the SNR maximum and minimum value from pop up menu
for generating the transmitter modem sample.

4. Transmit and receive the modem sample through WiCOMM-T.

5. Analyse the received modem samples.
6. Observe the BER plot generated by MATLAB for MRC and EGC
7. Connect WiCOMM-T in IF loop back and repeat steps 2 to 6.
8. Connect 2 WiCOMM-Ts in baseband level and repeat steps 2 to 6.
9. Connect the 2 WiCOMM-Ts in IF level and repeat steps 2 to 6.

Note: For running this experiment between two WiCOMM-Ts such

that one will be transmitter and other will be receiver, ‘data1.bin’,
‘data2.bin’generated by transmitter Matlab file under ‘C:\WiCOMM-
T\EXPERIMENTS\CDMAPART2\REF_Data’ directory should be
copied to receiver ‘C:\WiCOMM-T\EXPERIMENTS\CDMAPART2 \
REF_Data’ directory since receiver Matlab code refers ‘data_1.bin’&
‘data_2.bin’ file for finding pilot symbols & BER calculations.

Aim: To study the BER performance of MRC is combining and equal
combining varying with SNR.


Why Spread Spectrum Technique?

Shannon’s formula for channel capacity is a relationship between
achievable bit rate, signal bandwidth and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR).
Channel Capacity = Bandwidth*log2(1+SNR)
When the signal is much smaller than the noise or under very low SNR
condition the above relationship becomes much simpler as given
below. Channel Capacity / Bandwidth = 1.44*SNR From the above
relationship we can conclude that SNR can be traded for Bandwidth or
vice versa. If there is a way to encode our data into a large signal
bandwidth, then error free transmission is possible in a very low SNR
condition. This is the reason why Spread Spectrum technique is used.

Advantages of Spread Spectrum Technique

Ability to selectively address

If the signal is spread and encoded properly, then the signal can only
be decoded by a receiver which knows the transmitting code and hence
a specific receiver in a group can be targeted. This is termed as Code
Division Multiple Access

Bandwidth Sharing
If the proper modulation codes are selected, it is feasible to have
multiple pairs of receivers and transmitters occupying the same


It is very difficult to intercept the signal if the modulation code of

spread spectrum transmission is not known. If the proper spreading
code is not known to demodulate, the signal will be seen as random
electrical noise and not as useful signal. And also spread spectrum link
puts out much less power per bandwidth than a conventional radio
link, having spreading it over a wider bandwidth and hence a
knowledge of the link’s spreading code is required to demodulate.
Hence it is very difficult to detect.

Immunity to Interference
If an external radio signal interferes with the spread spectrum signal, it
will be rejected by the demodulator much as random noise and hence
provide excellent error rate even with faint signals.

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

The Spread Spectrum technique can be divided into Direct Sequence
Spread Spectrum (DSSS) and Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
(FHSS). In DSSS the Pseudo Random sequence is applied directly to
baseband data entering the carrier modulator. The modulator therefore
sees a much larger bit rate, which corresponds to the chip rate of the
PN sequence. This code sequence is typically Pseudo random binary
code or PN specially chosen for desirable statistical properties. In
effect, we are transmitting a wideband noise like signal which contains
embedded message data. The time period of a single bit in the PN code
is termed as chip and the bit rate of the PN code is termed Chip rate.

Spreading codes
The spreading code or the PN sequence should be ideally balanced
with equal number of ones and zeros over the length of the sequence as
well as cryptographically secure. Some of the most popular PN
sequences are Barker, M – Sequence, Gold and Walsh. More complex
sequences provide a more robust link but the implementation becomes
very expensive. We have Orthogonal spreading codes, Non-Orthogonal
spreading codes and Mixed spreading codes. Orthogonal codes are
generated using Walsh-Hadamard series and the Non-orthogonal codes
are generated using Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR).

The mixed codes are generated by multiplying the orthogonal and
nonorthogonal codes. The orthogonality property of the orthogonal
codes is very important for any communication system. Because of the
orthogonality property, two orthogonal signals can be transmitted at
the same time and will not interfere with each other. But the auto
correlation function of the Walsh – Hadamard matrix can have more
than one peak and therefore it is not possible for the receiver to detect
the beginning of code word without an external synchronization
scheme. Also the cross correlation can also be non-zero for a number
of time shifts and un- synchronous users can interfere with each other.
The spreading is not over the entire bandwidth instead it is over a
number of discrete frequency component. Orthogonality is affected by
multi-path effect.
Gold sequences are popular for Non-orthogonal codes. Here the
transmission can be asynchronous. The receiver can synchronize using
the auto correlation property of the Gold Sequence.

Orthogonal Spreading Code

An important set of Orthogonal codes is the Walsh set. Walsh functions
are generated using an iterative process of constructing a Hadamard
matrix starting withH1 =(1). The Hadamard matrix is built by where
Hn is the inverse of Hn. For example Walsh – Hadamard matrix of
length 2 and 4 are given as Type equation here.
From the above matrix the Walsh-Hadamard spreading codes are given
by the rows of the matrix. For example one spreading code can be
generated from the 2nd row of H4which is given asH4.2 = 1 1 1 1 and
the other spreading code can be generated from the 4th row of H4 H4.4
= 1 1 1 1 . Computing the orthogonality between H4.2 and H4.4 by
multiplying element by element ((1x1)+(-1x-1)+(1x-1)+(-1x1)) = (1+
1-1-1) = 0.This shows that both the spreading codes are orthogonal to
each other. In our experiment we used H6 and generated a code of
length 32. Then the generated code is normalized by dividing it by√32.

Non-Orthogonal Spreading Code
To give up the orthogonality property among users and to reduce the
interference between users by using spread spectrum technique, Non-
orthogonal spreading codes are used. Non-orthogonal codes are
generated using LFSR method. The LFSR is a shift register whose
input bit is a linear function of the previous state. The initial value of
the LFSR is called Seed. It has number of flip-flops termed as
registers. For the feedback mechanism the bits contained in the
selected positions in the shift registers are XORed and then fed as
input to the first shift register. The bit positions selected for feedback is
termed as taps. The Linear Feedback Shift Register is shown below. If
the length of the LFSR is taken as n then the repetition rate of the PN
sequence generated will be 2n-1. The repetition rate is 2n-1 because if
the contents of all the registers are zero then the shift registers won’t
change their states. So the condition of all zeros in the PN sequence
output is forbidden. In our experiment the LFSR length is taken as 15
and hence the repetition rate of the PN sequence is 215-1 = 32767. The
initial seed is taken as 110000000100001 and the tap positions are
taken as 5,7,8,13,15. From the generated sequence any 32 length
sequence can be picked up as spreading codes. The above LFSR is
implemented in Matlab codes in our experiment.

Mixed Spreading Code

Mixed codes are generated to combine the advantages of both
Orthogonal and non-orthogonal codes. This is generated by
multiplying the orthogonal and non-orthogonal codes.

Near - Far Problem

The main problem with CDMA is the Near-Far effect. Consider a
receiver and two transmitters; one close to the receiver; the other far
away. If both transmitters transmit simultaneously and at equal powers,
then the receiver will receive more power from the nearer transmitter
than the farther transmitter. This makes the farther transmitter more
difficult, if not impossible, to be understood. Since the signal from one
transmitter is the noise for the other transmitter, the Signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) for the nearer transmitter is much higher. If the nearer
transmitter transmits a signal of higher power than the farther
transmitter, then the SNR for the farther transmitter may be below the
detectable level and the farther transmitter may look as if that it didn’t
transmit at all. This effectively jams the communication channel. In
CDMA systems or other cellular phone-like networks, this is
commonly solved by dynamic output power adjustment of the
transmitters by the base stations. That is the closer transmitters use less
power so that the SNR for all transmitters at the receiver is roughly the

Fig 3: Near- Far problem in CDMA

This near-far problem is actually an uplink problem in reality. But in

this experiment it is assumed as a downlink problem for the ease of
implementation. Single Base station transmits the data at different
powers to the two Users and thus the effect of one user data on other
user is studied. The constellation plots for the two users are provided
for ease of understanding of this phenomenon.

Effect of delay in spreading the data

If the signal from one user arrives little delayed than the other user, the
orthogonality between user1 and user2 will be lost. When a CDMA
receiver de-spreads a signal, it effectively computes the cross-
correlation between the signal and a locally generated PN sequence. If
this PN sequence is identical to the one used to spread the signal at the
transmitter (ie. the message intended for the receiver) cross-correlation
computations restore the original information. Otherwise, due to

nonzero cross-correlation, some part of the other user data affects the
desired user data depending on the power levels of the users.
This effect of delay is studied for three types of spreading codes
discussed earlier. The delayed arrival of one user with respect to the
other user is done by introducing delay between two users. It is
observed that the mixed codes have a better constellation plot than the
other two codes.
SCILAB Code Implementation Transmitter

 Random data to be transmitted for User1 and User2 are

generated.  Random data of User1 and User2 are QAM
 The QAM modulated User1 and User2 data are convolved with
their corresponding spreading codes.
 The convolved data of User1 and User2 are RC pulse shaped.
 Sync sequence is generated and inserted in pulse shaped User1
 The Pulse shaped data of User1 and User2 are multiplied with
their corresponding powers.
 Two user data are added and then upsampled.
The upsampled data is then given to the WiCOMM-T Tx interface
block to send through the
1. The samples are received from the WiCOMM-T Rx interface block
2. The received samples are down sampled
3. The start of the frame information is found out using Schmildl &
Cox. Frequency offset in the down sampled signals are estimated
using Schmidl Cox. and the estimated offset is corrected.
4. These frequency offset corrected samples are de-spreaded using
User1 and User2 de-spreading codes
5. The phase offset in the de- spreaded data is estimated and corrected.
6. Then the residual frequency error is corrected by using LMS
7. The residual frequency offset corrected data are QAM demodulated
8. BER is calculated for the QAM demodulated data

Fig : Block diagram of CDMA Receiver

Note: Refer Appendix A on how to setup WiCOMM-T and Appendix B
on how to generate the modem samples, vary the parameters, transmit,
receive and analyze the received modem samples etc. The following
are the default values used in this experiment.
Default values are given below:

Chip length = 32
Samples per symbol = 8
Data length = 12

No of frames = 10
Sync sequence length = 800
Spreading code : Orthogonal
Delay : zero
User Power level : User1 as one & User2 as zero.
• Connect WiCOMM-T in baseband loop back.
• Select CDMAPART1 from the Experiments popup menu in
• Choose the orthogonal spreading code.
• Keep the power of User1 (A1) as 1 and power of User2 (A2) as 0
for single user condition.
• Generate the transmitter modem sample.
• Transmit and receive the modem sample through WiCOMM-T.
7. Analyze the received modem samples.
8. Observe the various plots generated by MATLAB and tabulate the
BER Value.
9. Introduce delay between two users.
10. Vary the power of User1 and User2 and repeat steps 5 to 8.
11. Change the spreading code to Non-orthogonal & Mixed code and
repeat steps 3 to 10.
12. Connect WiCOMM-T in IF loop back.
13. Repeat steps 2 to 11 for IF loop back 14. Connect 2 WiCOMM-Ts
in baseband level.
15. Repeat steps 2 to 11 for baseband communication
16. Connect the 2 WiCOMM-Ts in IF level
17. Repeat steps 2 to 11 for IF communication

Note: For running this experiment between two WiCOMM-Ts such

that one will be transmitter and other will be receiver, ‘data1.bin’,
‘data2.bin’generated by transmitter Matlab file under ‘C:\WiCOMM-
T\EXPERIMENTS\CDMAPART1\REF_Data’ directory should be
copied to receiver ‘C:\WiCOMM-T\EXPERIMENTS\CDMAPART1 \
REF_Data’ directory since receiver Matlab code refers ‘data1.bin’&
‘data2.bin’ file for finding pilot symbols & BER calculations.


Aim: To stimulate wireless channel including Rayleigh Fading using



Rayleigh fading is a statical model for the effect of a propagation

environment on a radio signal, such as that used by wireless devices.
Rayleigh fading models assume that the magnitude of a signal that has
passed through such a transmission medium (also called a
communication channel will vary randomly, or fade, according to a
Rayleigh distribution – the Radial component of the sum of the two
uncorrelated Gaussian random variables. Rayleigh fading is viewed as
a reasonable model for tropospheric and ionospheric signal
propagation as well as theeffect of heavily built-up urban environments
on radio signals. Rayleigh fading is most applicable when there is no
dominant propagation along a line of sight between the transmitter and

//----------Input Section------
N=1000000;// Number of samples to generate
Variance= 0.2; // Variance of underlying Gaussian random variables

//Independent Gaussian random variables with zero mean and unit
variance x=rand(1, N); y = rand(1, N);
//Rayleigh fading envelope with the desired variance r=

//Define bin steps and range for histogram plotting step=0.1;
//Get histogram values and approximate it to get the pdf curve

approxPDF=h/(step*sum(h)); //Simulated PDF from the x and y

//Theoritical PDF from the Rayleigh Fading equation
theoretical=(range/Variance).*exp(-range.^2/(2*Variance)); plot(range,
approxPDF,'b*', range, theoretical,'r'); title('Simulated and Theoretical
Rayleigh PDF for Variance=0.5') legend('Simulated PDF', 'Theoretical
PDF') xlabel('r--->'); ylabel('P(r)--->'); grid;
//PDF of phase of the Rayleigh envelope
theta=atan(y./x); figure(2) histplot(theta); //Plot
histogram of the phase part
//Approximate the histogram of the phase part to a nice PDF curve
[counts.range] =histplot(theta, 100); step=range(2)-range(1);
approxPDF=counts/(step*sum(counts)); //Simulated PDF from the
x and y samples bar(range, approxPDF,'b'); hold on
plotHandle=plot(range, approxPDF,'r');
set(plotHandle, 'Line Width', 3.5); axis([-2
2 0 max(approxPDF)+0.2])
hold off title('Simulated PDF of Phase of Rayleigh
Distribution'); xlabel('\theta --->'); ylabel('P(\theta) ---
>'); grid;

Stimulation Waveform

Result: The program for Wireless channel – Rayleigh Fading was
simulated successfully.


Aim: To stimulate Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

(OFDM) using SCILAB.

In telecommunications, the orthogonal frequency - division
multiplexing (OFDM) is a type of digital transmission and a method of
encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies. OFDM has
developed into a popular scheme for wideband digital communication,
used in applications such as digital television and audio broadcasting,
DSL internet access, wireless networks, power line networks. and
4G/5G mobile communications. The main advantage of OFDM over
single-carrier schemes is its ability to cope with severe channel
conditions (for example, attenuation of high frequencies in a long
copper wire, narrowband interference and frequency selective fading
due to multipath) without complex equalization filters. Channel
equalization is simplified because OFDM may be viewed as using
many slowly modulated narrowband signals rather than one rapid
modulated wideband signal.
The low symbol rate makes the use of a guard interval between
symbols affordable, making it possible to eliminate intersymbol
interference (ISI) and use echoes and time spreading (in analog
television visible as ghosting and blurring, respectively) to achieve a
diversity gain, i.e., a signal-to-noise ratio improvement. This
mechanism also facilitates the design of single frequency networks
(SFNs) where several adjacent transmitters send the same signal
simultaneously at the same frequency, as the signals from multiple
distant transmitters may be re-combined constructively, sparing
interference of a traditional single-carrier system.

////scilab simulation code

//code for OFDM signal transmission and reception in AUGN channel
n=256; //Number of bits to process
x=randint(n,1); // Random binary data stream
M = 16; // Size of signal constellation

// code for OFDM signal transmission and reception in AUGN channel

n =16; //Size of signal constellation k= log2 (M);
//Number of bits per symbol xsym= bi2de (reshape
(x, k, length(x)/k).', 'left-msb'); //Convert the bits in x
into k-bit symbols.
y = modulate (modem.qammod (M),xsym); // Modulate using
QAM tu-3.2e-6; // useful symbol period tg=0.8e-6; // guard interval
ts-tu+tg; // total symbol duration
nmax=64; // total number of subcarriers
scb=312.5e3; // sub carrier spacing fc-
3.6e9; //carrier frequency Rs=fc;
tt=0: 6.2500e-008: ts-6.2500e-008; c=ifft (y, nmax); //
IFFT s=real (c'.*(exp (1^j*2 *pi*fc*tt))) ; //bandpass
modulation figure; plot (real (s)); title('OFDM signal
plot (10* log10 (abs (fft (s, nmax)))) ;title ('OFDM spectrum ');
xlabel('frequency') ylabel('power spectral density')
title( 'Transmit spectrum OFDM');

snr=10; //signal to noise ratio

ynoisy = awgn(s,snr, 'measured'); //awgn channel
ynoisy augn (s, snr, 'measured');// tawgn channel
plot (real (ynoisy), 'b');title('received OFDM signal with noise');
z=ynoisy.*exp(j*2*pi*fc*tt); //Bandpass demodulation z=fft(z, nmax);
//FFT zsym=demodulate(modem.qamdemod (M), z); // demodulation
of bandpass z=de2bi (zsym, 'left-msb'); //Convert integers to bits.

z = reshape (z.',prod (size (z)),1); //matrix to vector conversion
[noe, ber] = biterr (x,z); //BER calculation figure; figure;
subplot (211); stem (x (1:256)) ;title('Original Message');
subplot (212); stem (z (1:256)) ;title ('recovered Message');

Stimulation Waveform

The program for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM) was simulated successfully.


To study Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) modulation
To design a receiver using Viterbi algorithm
To study the BER using Viterbin

• GMSK modulation
• Why GMSK modulation for GSM
• GMSK signal generation
• GSM transmitter
• GSM Receiver using Viterbi


GMSK Modulation
Offset QPSK (OQPSK) is obtained from QPSK by delaying the Q data
stream by 1 bit with respect to the I data stream. MSK is derived from
OQPSK by replacing the rectangular pulses in amplitude with a half
cycle sinusoidal pulse. MSK modulation makes the phase change
linear and limited to +π /2 over a bit interval of T. Because of this
linear phase change, the power spectral density has low side lobes that
help to control adjacent channel interference. In MSK when the half
sinusoidal pulse is replaced by Gaussian Pulse shape then the
modulation is Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK)

Why GMSK Modulation for GSM?

The phase of the transmitted signal in GMSK scheme is continuous
and smoothed by a Gaussian filter. This results in more compact
spectrum which enables better utilization of the available frequency
spectrum. The side lobe energy for GMSK is less and hence channel
spacing can be tighter. The compact spectrum is beneficial in a mobile
communication scenario where the operators pay premium for

bandwidth. Phase modulation, further, makes the transmitted signal to

have constant envelope.

The constant envelope property enables employing lower cost class C

power amplifiers at the receiver end thereby reducing the overall cost.

GMSK Signal generation

To generate the GMSK signals the input data stream is first passed
through a Gaussian Low pass filter with a Time-Bandwidth product
(BT) of 0.3. This filter deliberately introduces ISI spreading the bits
over a period of 3 bits. The impulse response of the Gaussian low pass
filter is given by:

GSM Transmitter
Each GSM transmitter frame consists of 156.25 symbols. Six such
frames constitute a hyper frame. Ten hyper frames repeated one after
the other constitute the transmitted information. Total number of
samples transmitted is N samples = 8 x 156.25 x 6 x 10 = 75000. The
frame structure of the GSM transmitter consists of first 2 frames for
the identification. They are the FCCH (Frequency Control Channel)
and the SCH (Synchronization Channel). The remaining 4 frames carry
the actual data to be transmitted.

• The FCCH consists of a 148 '0' bits followed by 8.25 random guard
bits. It is mainly used to estimate the frequency difference between
received and transmitted frequencies S4(n).
• The SCH channel has a known 64 bit sequence with good
correlation properties. Hence this channel is used for frame
synchronization. (In our case we use the whole SCH frame for
synchronization) • The traffic channel contains the data to be decoded.

In this experiment, the parameters are estimated under noise free


GSM Receiver

GMSK signals can be detected in many ways. Optimal GMSK

detection can be performed using MLSE, which is nonlinear and

highly complex. Here for bit recovery Viterbi algorithm is used
Frequency Synchronization Take samples of the received data, and
calculate the FFT. The difference between the most dominant
frequency component of the transmitted and received spectrum will
give us the frequency offset between the transmitter and receiver.
Necessary corrections are performed on the received data.

Frame Synchronization
Correlate the received data with the actual transmitted SCH channel
and look for the peaks. The location of peak helps in identifying the
beginning of the SCH channel.
The beginning of the
FCCH and the traffic channels are also identified.

Offset Phase Estimation

Carrier phase offset estimation is done with the help of FCCH channel.
The received FCCH channel, previously identified through the frame
synchronization, is decimated by a factor of 8 and the sequence S4(n)
is chosen [i.e. the samples S(4), S(12), S(20) are selected].
Deterministic autocorrelation is performed over this set of data to
estimate the carrier phase offset. The necessary phase corrections are
made to the received data. The received data is now ready for
demodulation of the traffic channels. Traffic Channel Demodulation
The demodulation algorithm previously described is applied
individually to each of the traffic channels to receive the transmitted

SCILAB Code implementation

1. Random data to be transmitted is generated.

2. FCCH and SCH channel are generated and then added to the random
3. The added data is then sent through Gaussian filter.
4. The Gaussian pulse shaped data is given to the WiCOMM-T Tx
interface block to send through the WiCOMM-T.

1. The samples are received from the WiCOMM-T Rx interface block

2. Frequency offset of the received samples are estimated and then
3. Identification of the SCH, FCCH channels and the burst data are done
in the frequency offset corrected samples.
4. The phase offset is estimated and corrected.
5. The phase offset corrected samples are convolved with the Matched
filter to recover the Burst data.
6. BER is calculated for various values of SNR and is plotted against
the theoretical value.

Note: Refer Appendix A on how to setup WiCOMM-T and Appendix B
on how to generate the
modem samples, vary the parameters, transmit, receive and analyze the
received modem samples etc.
1. Connect WiCOMM-T in baseband loop back with the sampling rate
set to 2MBps.
2. Generate the transmitter modem sample.
3. Transmit and receive the modem sample through WiCOMM-T and
analyse the received modem samples.
4. Observe various plots generated by SCILAB.
5. Connect WiCOMM-T in IF loop-back and repeat steps 2 to 4
6. Connect 2 WiCOMM-Ts such that one as transmitter and other as
receiver in baseband and in IF and repeat steps 2 to 4
Note: For running this experiment between two WiCOMM-Ts such
that one will be transmitter and other will be receiver, ‘bits.bin’,
generated by transmitter SCILAB file under ‘C:\WiCOMM-
T\EXPERIMENTS\GMSK\REF_Data’ directory should be copied to
receiver ‘C:\WiCOMM-
T\EXPERIMENTS\GMSK\REF_Data’ directory since receiver
SCILAB code refers ‘bits.bin’ file for synchronization & BER

Thus, the experiment was performed successfully.


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