NG Series 1200 Traffic Signs - November 2008
NG Series 1200 Traffic Signs - November 2008
NG Series 1200 Traffic Signs - November 2008
#NG 1206 Faces for Permanent Traffic Signs 3 NG (05/01) NAW Sample Appendix WA1
NG 1207 Construction and Assembly of Northern Ireland
Permanent Traffic Signs 3 NG 1200NI General N1
NG 1212 (05/01) Road Markings 3 NG 1206NI Faces for Permanent Traffic
NG 1213 (05/01) Road Studs 6 Signs N1
NG 1214 Traffic Cones, Traffic Cylinders, NG NI Sample Appendix NA1
Flat Traffic Delineators and
Other Traffic Delineators 7
NG 1216 (05/01) Temporary Traffic Signs 7
# denotes a Clause or Sample Appendix which has a substitute National
NG 1217 Traffic Signals 7 Clause or Sample Appendix for one or more of the Overseeing
NG 1218 Detector Loops 8 Organisations of Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
NG 1203 Foundations for Permanent Traffic 5 (08/03) Guidance on the use of variable message
Signs and Signals signs on all-purpose and motorway trunk roads is given
in Advice Note TA 60 (DMRB 8.2) and Standard
1 It has been assumed that all traffic signs and TD 33 (DMRB 8.2).
signals will have a concrete foundation. However where
it is considered a sign can be founded purely in the soil 6 When using overlay material (ECOF-Electro
this should be specified in Appendix 12/1. Cutable Overlay Film) to manufacture the sign, face
overlaps are not used. Manufacturers’ recommendations
2 The design of concrete foundations should be should be followed for all face materials.
prepared adopting the advice given in NG 2602
utilising the wind loading described in BS 873 : Part 1.
3 The foundations for free-standing luminaires NG 1207 Construction and Assembly of
should be designed to the same standards as those for Permanent Traffic Signs
sign posts, allowing for the size of luminaires likely to 1 When it is proposed to fit signs to new lighting
be adopted. columns the technical approval procedures should
prove relatively simple. If many signs are to be added to
NG 1204 Posts for Permanent Traffic Signs existing columns it is likely that several different
combinations of column and luminaire will be involved.
1 The number, type, size, protective finish and Where the effects on the column are small an overall
material of posts should be determined to satisfy the technical approval procedure may be considered. In all
structural requirements of BS 873 : Parts 6 and 7. cases where the columns are over 5 years old the
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2 Information is available from the Overseeing possibility of reduced strength due to corrosion should
Organisation covering the design of posts using steel be considered. A site inspection of the condition,
circular and rectangular hollow sections and reinforced particularly at ground level, should be carried out and
or prestressed concrete. allowance made for any loss of material.
3 The requirements for ‘large’ or ‘small integral’ base When considering the possibility of drilling holes in
housings or a separately attached ‘root box’, or a lighting columns the effect of the holes both on the
‘switch box’ to accommodate electrical equipment strength and fatigue resistance of the column should be
should be described in Appendix 12/1. considered.
2 Puncturing of the sign face material for the purpose
#NG 1206 Faces for Permanent Traffic Signs of affixing stiffening is not permitted.
1 Full details of the legend layout for faces of 3 Puncturing of the sign face material is permitted in
Contract-specific traffic signs (eg. directional accordance with sub-Clause 1207.12 for purposes other
informatory and informatory) should be shown on fully than affixing stiffeners. This includes the provision of
detailed drawings listed in Appendix 12/1. holes for affixing temporary and permanent cover
2 Legend layout of faces of non-prescribed traffic
signs that have been authorised by the Secretary of
State should also be fully detailed on drawings listed in NG 1212 (05/01) Road Markings
Appendix 12/1.
Permanent Road Markings
3 Other traffic signs which have standard symbols
and markings (with permitted variants) need not be 1 Advice on the type and dimension and the location
drawn in detail. These signs are shown in the Traffic and layout of road markings within the highway cross
Signs Regulations and General Directions or in section can be found in the Design Manual for Roads
Working Drawings for Traffic Sign Design and and Bridges, the Traffic Signs Regulations and the
Manufacture (3 volumes, The Stationery Office). The Traffic Signs Manual.
diagram number and where necessary the required 2 It should be stated in Appendix 12/3 (cross-
permitted variant and the overall size of the sign or referring to the appropriate Drawing) where and
where no size is given, the x height of lettering required whether thermoplastic, paint or preformed road
should be included in Appendix 12/1. markings or other special materials are required and, if
4 The standard of reflectivity and whether the sign is thermoplastic, whether it should be screed, extrusion,
to be internally or externally lit, retroreflective or non- profiled, preformed or spray applied. If a special
retroreflective should be specified in Appendix 12/1 for material is required, full specification requirements
each permanent traffic sign. should be included in Appendix 12/3.
3 Thermoplastic material, whether screed, extrusion, (vii) (08/03) The spacing of the transverse raised
profiled, preformed, or spray applied is recommended ribs where Regulation 32 permits
for use on all types of roads particularly those that carry alternatives.
a heavy flow of vehicles and at locations which are 6 Class S3 Skid resistance to Table 7 of BS EN 1436
subject to turning movements. should be specified for road markings at potentially
4 Road marking paints are best used in situations hazardous locations, eg. where braking or turning is
where they are not subject to heavy traffic wear or are likely to occur on large areas of road surface covered by
required as temporary markings, or for the maintenance the road marking materials.
of existing edge lines.
7 (11/07) Functional life of a road marking is defined
5 The following additional information should be in BS EN 1436 as “Period during which the road
stated in Appendix 12/3: marking fulfils all the requirements initially specified
(i) Whether a tack coat is to be used. Generally by the responsible road authority”. Among other factors
a tack coat is only required on concrete or on it is also dependent upon traffic volumes and location
some old, polished surfaces. of road markings.
(ii) Whether white or yellow colour required. This is particularly critical in respect to retroreflectivity.
The acceptable alternative shades from As surface applied glass beads are worn away the
BS 381C are Primrose and Deep Cream in-situ readings may likely to be below that specified
which are equivalent to Class Y1 in until the in-mix glass beads become exposed by gradual
BS EN 1436, and Canary Yellow and Lemon traffic wheel-overs. All glass beads shall be
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which are equivalent to Class Y2. accompanied by a test certificate to show that the beads
have been tested by a UKAS accredited laboratory to
(iii) (08/03) Whether the material should be
conform to a level of not more than 1,000 ppm of
reflectorised, i.e. contain and be surface
Arsenic trioxide, 200 ppm of Lead and 1,000 ppm of
dressed with spherical glass beads. All road
Antimony. One certificate per contract and/or per
markings on motorways are to be
specific source of supply should be required. Better
reflectorised. The need for reflectorisation of
guidance will be given by early 2008 as indicated in
road markings on other trunk roads and on
CHE Memo 197/07.
side roads forming part of the Works should
be determined in accordance with Glass beads eroded out of road markings find their way
Regulation 31 of The Traffic Signs into water courses and subsequently reach water supply
Regulations and General Directions 2002, or works. Increasing levels of heavy metals are infiltrating
the Traffic Signs Regulations (Northern all ecosystems giving rise to concern. Although most
Ireland) 1997 as appropriate, and where glass manufacturing is believed to be to a safe standard,
appropriate the Traffic Signs Manual, some manufacturers still rely on the addition of Arsenic
Chapter 5. Appendix 12/3 should state that and other metal to ensure clarity of the glass and control
all temporary road markings shall be bubbles. Consequently maximum levels of Arsenic,
reflectorised. Lead and Antimony have been set as a precaution.
(iv) (08/03) Whether raised rib edge lines are These levels are consistent with the EU Hazardous
required. These should be provided on Waste Directive and the latest thinking from a European
motorways with full hard shoulders. Standards Task Group.
(Approval for the use of these on all-purpose Though the road trial procedures are specified to P5
roads must be obtained from the Overseeing Roll-over class in BS EN 1824, the manufacturers
Organisation who will provide the should be able to demonstrate that their material
appropriate advice.) Further advice on formulae will comply with the specification
appropriate horizontal geometry is given in requirements prior to works commencing.
Chapter 5 of the Traffic Signs Manual.
8 For the relevant luminance factors of white and
(v) Where drainage gaps are required in raised yellow road markings see Table 5 of BS EN 1436 and
rib road markings. These are usually 25 mm for corner points of chromaticity for white and yellow
to 50 mm at irregular intervals where road markings see Table 6 of BS EN 1436 and Table 1
ponding is expected, to promote free surface of BS 381C.
water drainage.
(vi) Whether there is a requirement for improved Temporary Road Markings
visibility for wet night conditions.
9 (05/01) Permanent road marking material should not
normally be permitted for temporary road markings on
carriageways which form part of the Permanent Works. Small amounts of marking are left in the
Instead, one of the removable materials now available voids of the surface and this has to be
should be adopted but the limitations referred to in masked or removed by other methods. The
11 below, as to their use, should be considered. main use of mechanical scabbling is for
Appendix 12/3 should state that all temporary road removing the bulk of markings and the
markings shall be reflectorised. removal of raised ribline markings which are
exceptionally thick. This method produces
10 (08/03) Where there is a requirement to remove or
large amounts of debris that must be cleaned
cover existing road markings at road works,
up quickly to avoid the thermoplastic
Appendix 12/3 should specify, according to site
particles re-adhering to the surface. The
conditions, either permanent removal or the use of a
equipment is also relatively noisy and
black masking material. If the black masking materials
operates at 90 dba, but can peak to 104 dba.
are required to be removable, they should be
constructed from a proprietary preformed black (iii) Forced Air Abrasive (Shot Blasting)
masking material.
Abrasive particles are projected by high
11 (05/01) Appendix 12/3 should include the limitations pressure air at the road marking. The
as to where only certain of the removable materials will particles abrade the road marking from the
be acceptable. For example materials which are only road surface. This method leaves very little
available in 100 mm and 150 mm wide strips should not scarring as heat is not generated during the
be used to form warning arrows, etc. Others should not process but some polishing of the aggregate
be used on particularly rigours surfaces such as a is likely. Total removal of road markings
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surfaced dressed finish or a worn open textured finish. from porous/thin layer surfaces can only be
Further information may be obtained from the undertaken with this process. The equipment
Overseeing Organisation and from BS EN 1790. is relatively noisy and operates at 105 dba. If
this method is specified the time factor must
(08/03) Removal Methods of Road Markings be considered because removal of road
markings by shot blasting is very slow.
12 The main removal methods that are detailed below,
with minor modifications, have been abstracted from Consideration must be given to the
the Highways Agency’s publication ‘Temporary Road environmental effects of the discarded
Markings: Working Group Findings, dated March 2003 abrasive material used during the removal
may be used as guidance. process, especially in water courses. Captive
shot blasting can be considered but the
(i) Hot Compressed Air (H.C.A.) Lance binder that is recycled with the abrasive
This equipment works by using hot material tends to clog the machinery.
compressed air to vaporise the road marking. (iv) Mechanical/hand chipping
A flame is not used and the marking is not
burnt off, and it is regarded as a mechanical This method is only suitable for removing
method of removal. The temperatures temporary studs and tape.
involved are likely to cause damage to the (v) New developments
road surface and for this reason it is
inappropriate for use on thin bituminous New methods of removing markings are
surfaces. Noise, smoke, and fumes are also being developed. One that is commercially
important issues that need consideration. The available is a method of forced air particle
H.C.A. lance operates at a relatively high removal that employs dry ice as an abrasive
noise level (120 dba) and its appropriateness particle. The dry ice vaporises during the
close to other site operations and urban areas removal process leaving very little debris.
must be therefore be assessed. The vaporised Another new system uses a heated mixture
thermoplastic can cause clouds of smoke of sand and water applied at low pressure to
which will affect drivers’ visibility and, remove markings. The developer claims that
although not toxic, may be a health and the removal process yields a relatively small
safety issue. amount of damp residue that can be swept up
for later disposal.
(ii) Mechanical Scabbling
Table NG 12/1 hereafter provides a summary of the
Mechanical scabbling grinds the marking above methods.
from the surface, but total removal is not
possible without damaging the surface.
***** High/Good
**** Above average
*** Average
** Below average
* Low/Poor
Note A Removal of markings by mechanical scabbling can only be done to the point of damage of the surface. Total removal
is not possible without some surface damage.
Note B Paint does not have any “bulk” to it so removal by mechanical scabbling cannot be undertaken.
Note C Polishing of the road surface occurs.
NG 1213 (05/01) Road Studs 4 Temporary retroreflecting road studs are special
studs designed to be effective for a minimum of
Retroreflecting Road Studs 3 months. After this period their colour may deteriorate
and compliance with the photometric and colorimetric
1 (08/03) The HCD show typical positions of values may be outside the set limits. If the period of
permanent retroreflecting road studs on motorways. installation is expected to be much in excess of
Regulation 31 of The Traffic Signs Regulations and 3 months the temporary studs should be examined and
General Directions 2002, or The Traffic Signs renewed as necessary or permanent retroreflecting road
Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997 as appropriate, studs may be used with the Overseeing Organisation’s
together with, where appropriate, the Traffic Signs approval, depending on the total expected duration and
Manual Chapter 5 should be consulted for the Site conditions of the Works. Further information on
application and spacing on all other roads. permanent and temporary reflecting road studs may be
2 Appendix 12/3 should list those locations where obtained from the Overseeing Organisation.
retroreflecting and non-retroreflecting road studs are to
be used, together with any other requirements.
3 Retroreflecting road studs and components should
not be installed by any method other than that
recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the
Overseeing Organisation. Full compliance with these
installation instructions is essential.
NG 1214 Traffic Cones, Traffic Cylinders, Flat 2 The installation and commissioning of traffic
Traffic Delineators and Other Traffic signal controllers is a task calling for specialist skills
Delineators and experience in this type of work. It should be
established that any sub-contractor proposed has the
1 For permanent cones, cylinders, FTDs and other necessary skills and experience.
delineators Appendix 12/4 should state whether testing
of samples selected from the batch to be supplied under Provision of Controllers
the Contract is required.
3 A minimum of four spare cores should be specified
2 Where testing of permanent cones, cylinders, FTDs in cabling between each post and the controller. All
and other delineators is to be carried out it is cables should be marked or tagged at each end and at
recommended that not less than 1 item in 500 should be each intermediate joint or connection so as to identify
selected at random for testing. However, the minimum the function of each cable clearly in the phasing
number to be tested should be determined by the sequence. The method of marking should be specified
numbers required for a single test; for example, for a in Appendix 12/5.
single test to BS 873 : Part 1, two samples of cones and
four samples of cylinders are required. For FTDs it may 4 All cables within the controller/signal installation
only be necessary to have extra samples of the blades. should be specified to be of adequate size and rating to
The requirements should be listed in Appendix 12/4 and meet the electrical current requirements and electrical
cross-referenced in Appendix 1/5. protection system, increased if necessary to ensure there
is no voltage drop on longer cable lengths, eg.
extensions to mast arm or bracket assemblies.
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NG 1216 (05/01) Temporary Traffic Signs 5 Low voltage and extra low voltage cables should
1 The term temporary in the context of the Contract be designed to be kept separate and not used in the
includes signs known as portable in BS 873 : Part 2 and same multi-core cable.
fixed short life signs of Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs 6 The minimum requirements for the location of all
Manual. traffic signal equipment should be included in
Appendix 12/5. The position of the controller cabinet,
all posts, signal heads and push button equipment,
NG 1217 Traffic Signals interconnecting ducts and cable requirements, loop
detector locations and the mode of operation for the
General signal control cycle should be included on a Drawing to
a scale of 1:500 identified in Appendix 12/5.
1 (08/03) Information on the installation and
maintenance of permanent traffic signals together with 7 The cable core to function allocation for all cables
technical advice, is available from the Overseeing should be specified in Appendix 12/5.
Organisation. It should be noted that BS 505: 1971
(AMD 1990, 1976) has been superseded by BS EN Permanent
12368:2000 (sub-Clause 1217.3 refers). However, the
8 The requirements for permanent traffic signals,
Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002
including installation of loop detector cables, should be
(issued January 2003) require UK traffic signals to
given in Appendix 12/5. This should be written for the
meet the UK performance class selected from
particular installation ensuring compatibility with
BS EN 12368. The Regulations make no requirement
Series 1200 and 1400.
for UK signal heads to be Type Approved.
9 Any special requirements for servicing of the
Although BS EN 12368 has been issued, there is no ZA
equipment once in use should be included in
Annexe identifying the conformity assessment
Appendix 12/5.
requirements, thus the ‘CE’ marking process cannot be
used for declaring conformity to this standard.
Until such time that a ZA Annexe is produced,
suppliers are encouraged to obtain evidence of 10 If temporary haul crossings and other Site accesses
attestation of conformity by the use of notified bodies joining the public highway are likely to be required the
responsible for Third Party execution of Initial Type requirements for traffic signals for these or any other
Testing within the framework of the Construction purposes (in addition to any requirements required
Products Directive. Alternatively, this evidence may be under Clause 117) should be included in
provided by a Third Party mutually recognised by the Appendix 12/5. The requirements for standards of
United Kingdom Accreditation service (UKAS). operation and for maintenance of all temporary traffic
signals (including portable traffic signals used to NG 1220 Traffic Signs on Gantries
control alternate one way working) based on advice
from the Overseeing Organisation should be included in 1 The requirements for traffic signs on gantries
Appendix 12/5. including variable message signs and matrix signals
should be included, in the same way as other traffic
signs in Appendix 12/1.
NG 1218 Detector Loops 2 Any illumination and electrical work on or to the
1 (05/05) The Contractor’s loop installation record gantry should also be specified utilising Series 1400
drawings should be complete before being submitted to supplemented with any special requirements in
the Overseeing Organisation. For all matters relating to Appendix 14/5, cross-referring to gantry detail
loop installation refer to Specification MCH 1540. drawings as appropriate. Standard drawings for
fabricated steel gantries which include sign supports
2 (05/05) For guidance on all matters relating to and electrical apparatus eg. cable trays etc. are available
electrical work and safety, refer to Series NG 1400. from the Overseeing Organisation. These drawings
3 (05/05) When connecting more than one loop to a should be adopted wherever possible. Requirements
detector channel in series the total loop inductance will should be given in Appendix 12/6.
be the sum of the inductances of the separate loop
4 (05/05) Vehicles can also be reliably detected when NG 1221 (05/01) Preparation and Finish of
up to 300 m of feeder cable is connected to a loop Metal and Other Surfaces
system, therefore a length longer than 200 m may be
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installed provided approval has been granted by the 1 Where paint finish is required to steel traffic sign
Overseeing Organisation. Advice should be sought from components the minimum requirements of Series 1900
the Overseeing Organisation as to whether the detectors should be adopted. The items to receive such treatment
to be used are effective for their specified use with should be listed in Appendix 19/2 together with the
feeders in excess of 200 m. paint system (chosen from the typical ones in NG 1900)
and a HA/P1 sheet incorporated in Appendix 19/2 for
5 (05/05) For guidance on all matters relating to type each differently painted item. Where the Contractor
600 Cabinets, refer to Series 1500. offers a painted sign in compliance with BS 873 the
preparation and paint system should be equivalent to
the minimum requirements of Series 1900.
NG 1219 Controlled and Un-controlled
1 The requirements for controlled and uncontrolled
crossings should be described in Appendix 12/5. The
Overseeing Organisation will advise on particular
equipment specifications.
2 The required type, eg. thermoplastic (screed or
spray applied) or paint, for road markings related to
pedestrian crossings other than on the crossing area
should be stated in Appendix 12/5.
3 (05/01) For the crossing area, the required material,
eg. screed applied thermoplastic or preformed plastic
tiles, should also be stated in Appendix 12/5. The
choice of material should be based upon traffic flows or
other requirements specific to the Site.
4 (05/04) Details of pedestrian guard railing associated
with pedestrian crossings should be detailed in
Appendix 4/1 to comply with Clause 411.
Sample Appendices
[Note to compiler: Include in Appendices 12/1 to 12/6 the information listed below, referring to any drawing
numbers where this information is otherwise located.]
(v) Details of foundations including cable ducting, reinstatement and any requirements for anchorages and
attachment systems including their loadings and torque settings.
(vi) The number, type and size of posts including details of any baseplates or flange plates.
(vii) Details of any electrical equipment compartments.
(viii) The type of sign face material including the Class of any retroreflective material.
(ix) The type of any direct illumination; whether internal or external, overhead mounted or upward pointing
luminaires and whether free standing on separate foundations. Also the luminance and impact categories
of the signs and luminaires.
(x) The method of switching the illumination [eg. photo-electric control, time switch].
(xi) Whether any bollards are to be internally illuminated or reflective only.
(xii) (11/08) Temporary Traffic Signs: Add here any and all temporary traffic signs required for Temporary
Automatic Speed Camera System for the Enforcement of Mandatory Speed Limits at Roadworks. See
Chapter 8 – Traffic Signs Manual.
2 Additional Information (05/01)
(i) Any particular requirement for the covering of signs [1209.1].
(ii) Where sign fabrication drawings are not required, and the details to be provided for warning and
regulatory signs [1202.5].
(iii) The number of keys required for locks to traffic sign housings [1202.6].
(iv) Details of location identifying marks [1202.7].
(v) Requirements for filling pockets in concrete foundations if different from the requirements of
sub-Clause 1208.4.
(ii) Locations where gaps are required in raised rib road markings.
(iii) Locations where a skid resistance Class S3 to BS EN 1436 is required for permanent road markings.
(iv) Limitations on the use of preformed temporary road marking materials.
(v) Locations and any other requirements for reflecting and non retroreflecting road studs.
(vi) Requirements for the temporary covering of road studs and road markings.
(vii) Locations where enhanced improved night visibility retroreflective road markings are required to Class
R2 to Table 2 of BS EN 1436.
(viii) Spacing of transverse raised ribs.
Traffic Signs
3 Controlled Crossings
[Generally as for 1 above.]
4 Zebra Crossings
(i) Location:
(a) Road markings.
(b) Beacons.
(c) Electricity supply.
(ii) Materials:
(a) Road surfacing.
(b) Road markings.
Sample Appendices
[Note to compiler: Include in Appendices 12/1 to 12/6 the information listed below, referring to any drawing
numbers where this information is otherwise located.]
NG 1200NI General
1 The Series 1200 covers all traffic signs including
permanent, prescribed temporary and temporary. It
draws on BS 873 for the majority of its requirements
but also other sources including The Traffic Signs
Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997. For illuminated
signs and traffic signals it utilises the ‘electrical work’
aspects of Series 1400.
2 Advice on the above and other matters is available
from the Design Manual for Road and Bridges.
Sample Appendices
[Note to compiler: Include in Appendices 12/1 to 12/6 the information listed below, referring to any drawing
numbers where this information is otherwise located.]
(iv) Requirements for type of material, preparation and finish, for sign plates, posts, etc. [For painting,
cross-reference should be made to Appendix 19/2.]
(v) Details of foundations including cable ducting, reinstatement and any requirements for anchorages and
attachment systems including their loadings and torque settings.
(vi) The number, type and size of posts including details of any base plates or flange plates.
(vii) Details of any electrical equipment compartments.
(viii) The type of sign face material including the Class of any retroreflective material.
(ix) The type of any direct illumination; whether internal or external, overhead mounted or upward pointing
luminaires and whether free standing on separate foundations. Also the luminance and impact categories
of the signs and luminaires.
(x) The method of switching the illumination [eg. photo-electric control, time switch].
(xi) Whether any bollards are to be internally illuminated or reflective only.
(xii) (11/08) Temporary Traffic Signs: Add here any and all temporary traffic signs required for Temporary
Automatic Speed Camera System for the Enforcement of Mandatory Speed Limits at Roadworks. See
Chapter 8 – Traffic Signs Manual.
2 Additional Information (05/01)
(i) Any particular requirement for the covering of signs [1209.1].
(ii) Where sign fabrication drawings are not required, and the details to be provided for warning and
regulatory signs [1202.5].
(iii) The number of keys required for locks to traffic sign housings [1202.6].
(iv) Details of location identifying marks [1202.7].
(v) Requirements for filling pockets in concrete foundations if different from the requirements of sub-
Clause 1208.4.