Evaluation of The Shaping Characteristics of ProTa
Evaluation of The Shaping Characteristics of ProTa
Evaluation of The Shaping Characteristics of ProTa
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5 authors, including:
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Introduction: This study evaluated the shaping charac- Key Words
teristics of the ProTaper Gold system (PTG; Dentsply Canal transportation, micro–computed tomographic imaging, multiple-file system,
Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and compared it nickel-titanium instruments, root canal preparation, rotary instruments
with that of the ProTaper Next (PTN, Dentsply Maillefer)
and ProTaper Universal (PTU, Dentsply Maillefer) sys-
tems using micro–computed tomographic imaging.
Methods: Twenty-four mandibular first molars with 2
A pical periodontitis is caused by root canal infection (1). Its treatment is focused on
the elimination of microorganisms by chemomechanical preparation of the root
canal (2, 3). Nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary instruments used for this purpose produce
separate mesial canals were matched anatomically us- a more centered preparation of the canal, with less transportation than stainless steel
ing micro–computed tomographic scanning (Sky- instruments (4). NiTi rotary instrument designs continue evolving to optimize their cut-
Scan1174v2; Bruker-microCT, Kontich, Belgium) with a ting and shaping characteristics. With many new systems available on the market, cli-
voxel size of 19.6 mm. Canals were prepared with nicians require an impartial evaluation of these systems’ characteristics to help them
PTG, PTU, or PTN rotary systems to F2 or X2 instru- select systems to use clinically.
ments, respectively, and scanned again. Coregistered ProTaper Next (PTN; Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) is a relatively
images were evaluated for 2- and 3-dimensional new system. PTN instruments are made of M-wire, a unique NiTi alloy manufactured
morphometric measurements of canal transportation, by a thermal treatment process that reportedly increases flexibility and resistance to cy-
centering ability, untouched canal walls, and remaining clic fatigue (5, 6). These instruments incorporate a variable regressive taper design,
dentin thickness. Data were statistically compared using unique offset mass of rotation, and rectangular cross section, which according to the
Kruskal-Wallis and 1-way analysis of variance tests manufacturer are designed to reduce points of contact with the canal walls
(a = 5%). Results: Overall, PTN showed significantly generating less fatigue in the instrument during use.
higher percentage values of static voxels than PTG ProTaper Universal (PTU, Dentsply Maillefer) and ProTaper Gold (PTG, Dentsply
and PTU systems (P < .05). Surface area, perimeter, Maillefer) systems share an identical instrument design with a triangular cross section
and minor diameter were higher in the PTG and PTU and a variable progressive taper. PTG is manufactured by proprietary metallurgy that
groups than in the PTN group (P < .05). No difference reportedly increases its flexibility and its resistance to cyclic fatigue (7). To our knowl-
was observed in form factor, roundness, major diameter, edge, research data on the shaping characteristics of PTG were not yet available at the
aspect ratio, or structure model index (P > .05). PTG time this study was undertaken. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the shaping charac-
(0.11 0.05 mm) and PTN (0.09 0.05 mm) produced teristics of the PTG system and compare it with that of the PTN and PTU systems using
significantly less transportation than PTU micro–computed tomographic (micro-CT) imaging.
(0.14 0.07 mm) (P < .05), and the percentage
decrease in dentin thickness was significantly lower Materials and Methods
for PTG (22.67 2.96) and PTN (17.71 5.93%)
Tooth Specimen Selection and Groups
(P $ .05) than PTU (29.93 6.24%) (P < .05). Conclu-
sions: PTG and PTN produced less transportation and
The study protocol was approved by the University of Toronto Research Ethics
maintained more dentin than PTU. PTN had less canal
Board (protocol reference #29482). One hundred fifty permanent mandibular first
wall contact than PTG and PTU, but all file systems
molars with 2 moderately curved mesial canals (25 –35 ) were selected. Teeth
were able to instrument moderately curved mesial
were imaged with cone-beam computed tomographic imaging (Kodak 9000; Care-
root canals of mandibular molars without clinically sig-
stream Dental LLC, Atlanta, GA) set at 66 kV, 10 mA, 10.8-second exposure, and a slice
nificant errors. (J Endod 2015;-:1–7)
thickness of 76 mm to obtain a pretreatment outline of the root canals. Twenty-four teeth
with 2 independent patent mesial canals were selected for further study. These were
From the *Discipline of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; and †Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School of Ri-
beirao Preto, University of S~ao Paulo, S~ao Paulo, S~ao Paulo, Brazil.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Bettina Basrani, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, 124 Edward Street, Room 348C, Toronto, ON M5G 1G6, Canada.
E-mail address: Bettina.basrani@dentistry.utoronto.ca
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2015 American Association of Endodontists.
JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2015 Shaping Characteristics of PTG, PTN, and PTU 1
Basic Research—Technology
decoronated slightly above the cementoenamel junction, disinfected in (green) and prepared (red) matched canals were qualitatively
0.5% chloramine T solution, and stored in distilled water at 4 C. compared using CTVol v.2.2.1 software (Bruker-microCT). The area
Before instrumentation, teeth were mounted on a custom attach- of untouched canal surface was determined by calculating the number
ment and imaged using a micro-CT system (SkyScan 1174v2: Bruker- of static voxels (voxels present in the same position on the canal surface
microCT, Kontich, Belgium) at 50 kV and 800 mA and an isotropic before and after instrumentation). The untouched area was expressed
resolution of 19.6 mm. Scanning was performed through 180 rotation as a percentage of the total number of voxels present on the canal sur-
around the vertical axis with a rotation step of 1 using a 0.5-mm-thick face (10).
aluminum filter. The acquired images were reconstructed into cross- CTAn v.1.14.4 software was used to measure volume (in mm3),
sectional slices with NRecon v.1.6.9 software (Bruker-microCT) using surface area (in mm2), structure model index (SMI), area (in mm2),
standardized parameters for beam hardening (15%), ring artifact perimeter (in mm), form factor, roundness, major diameter
correction (5%), and similar contrast limits. The volume of interest (in mm), minor diameter (in mm), and aspect ratio of the root canals
was selected extending from the furcation level to the apex of the before and after preparation. 3D evaluation was performed for the full
root, resulting in the acquisition of 700 to 900 transverse cross sections canal length, and 2-dimensional (2D) evaluation was done for the api-
per tooth in a bitmap (BMP) format. Root canal length, volume, surface cal 5 mm of the canal in 250 cross-sectional images per canal. Compar-
area, and dentin thickness from the level of the furcation to the apex of ison parameters were calculated by subtracting values obtained for
the root were recorded using CTAn v.1.14.4 software (Bruker-microCT, treated canals with those obtained from untreated counterparts. Criteria
Kontich, Belgium). Sample size calculation indicated that 16 root canals used for the calculation of the parameters have been published previ-
per group were required to support analysis with 80% power and 5% ously (10–12).
level of significance (8, 9). Canal transportation was assessed from a center of gravity calcu-
Subsequently, 24 mesial roots (48 root canals) were matched to lated for each slice and connected along the z-axis with a fitted line
create 8 groups of 3 roots based on the 3-dimensional (3D) morpho- through a total of 8583 cross sections in the PTU group, 8345 in the
logic aspects of the mesial canals. One root from each group was PTN group, and 8477 in the PTG group using XLSTAT-3DPlot for Win-
randomly assigned to 1 of the 3 experimental groups (n = 16) accord- dows (Addinsoft, New York, NY). The mean transportation (mm) was
ing to the canal preparation systems (ie, PTG, PTU, or PTN). After calculated by comparing the centers of gravity before and after treat-
checking the normality assumption (Shapiro-Wilk test), the degree of ment for the coronal, middle, and apical thirds of the canals.
homogeneity (baseline) of the 3 groups with respect to canal length, The mean percentage decrease of dentin wall thickness was ac-
volume, and surface area was confirmed using the 1-way analysis of quired by the superimposition of the data sets before and after canal
variance test with a significance level of 5% (a = .05). preparation from the midpoint between the canal orifice and the fora-
men. Fifteen measurements of the width of dentin toward the distal
Root Canal Preparation aspect of the external root surface, perpendicular to a line connecting
the centers of gravity, spaced by 1 in either the mesiobuccal or mesio-
A single experienced operator performed all procedures. Canals
lingual canals were recorded. Color-coded 3D models of dentin thick-
were accessed and the coronal third flared with Gates-Glidden drills
ness throughout the root were created by CTAn v.1.14.4 software.
2 and 3 (Dentsply Maillefer). Apical patency was confirmed with a
The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess the normality of the data.
#10 K-type file (Dentsply Maillefer) passed through the apical foramen
Results of untouched canal wall surface, volume, surface area, SMI,
before and after canal preparation. The working length (WL) was deter-
area, perimeter, roundness, form factor, major and minor diameters,
mined by passing a #10 K-type file through the major foramen and with-
and aspect ratio were compared between groups using the Kruskal-
drawing it 0.5 mm. A glide path was created using a ProGlider
Wallis post hoc Dunn test and presented as median values or an inter-
instrument (16/02) (Dentsply Maillefer) carried to the WL. All instru-
quartile range (IQR). Canal transportation and dentin wall thickness
ments used were taken to the WL in a continuous clockwise rotation
data were normally distributed and compared between groups with
generated by a 6:1 angle handpiece (Sirona, Bensheim, Germany) pow-
the 1-way analysis of variance post hoc Tukey test. Commercially avail-
ered by an electric motor (VDW Silver Motor; VDW GmbH, Munich, Ger-
able software (SPSS v17.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) was used for analysis
many) at 300 rpm and 2.5 Ncm. The instrument sequence in the PTU
at a 5% significance level.
and PTG groups was S1 (17/02), S2 (20/04), F1 (20/07), and F2
(25/08). In the PTN group, the sequence was X1 (17/04) and X2
(25/06). After 3 gentle in-and-out motion strokes in an apical direction, Results
the instrument was removed from the canal and cleaned. This was
The median and IQR of static voxels indicating an untouched canal
repeated until the WL was reached, and then the instrument was dis-
surface in each group are shown in Figure 1. A wide range in calculated
carded. After each step, the canal was irrigated with 20 mL 2.5% NaOCl
percentages (0%–34%) was noted among specimens within groups;
using a disposable syringe fitted with a 30-G NaviTip needle (Ultradent,
however, the analysis of the values recorded indicated that for most
South Jordan, UT) placed 1 mm short of the WL. A final rinse with 5 mL
specimens the variance ranged from 6%–13%. Overall, the PTN group
17% EDTA was followed by a 5-mL rinse with distilled water. Canals
showed significantly higher (P < .05) median percentage values of static
were dried with paper points (Dentsply Maillefer), imaged with a
voxels (11.66%, IQR = 11.94) when compared with the PTG (3.57%,
micro-CT system, and reconstructed with the same parameters used
IQR = 9.92) and PTU (2.66%, IQR = 7.83) groups. No significant dif-
in pretreatment scans.
ference was noted between PTG and PTU.
The results of the 2D and 3D analyses are shown in Tables 1 and 2,
Outcome Measures respectively. Preparation significantly increased all measured
Color-coded 3D models of the root canals, pre- and post- parameters in each group. Overall, the percentage increase in the
preparation, were coregistered using automated image registration. surface area, the perimeter, and the minor diameter of the canals
Custom combinations of rigid to affine modules were used based on im- were significantly higher in the PTG and PTU groups than in the PTN
age intensity similarities (3D Slicer 4.3.1 software, available from http:// group (P < .05). No statistical difference in form factor, roundness,
www.slicer.org) with accuracy greater than 1 voxel. Unprepared major diameter, aspect ratio, or SMI was present among groups
TABLE 1. Median (interquartile range) of 2-dimensional Parameters Measured at a 5-mm Interval from the Foramen of the Mesial Root Canals of Mandibular
Molars before and after Preparation with the ProTaper Universal (PTU), ProTaper NEXT (PTN), and ProTaper Gold (PTG) Rotary Systems (n = 16 canals)
Before preparation 0.05 (0.05) 0.05 (0.06) 0.05 (0.07)
After preparation 0.21A (0.14) 0.15B (0.10) 0.19A (0.16)
Before preparation 0.93 (0.48) 0.84 (0.52) 0.85 (0.70)
After preparation 1.74A (0.62) 1.48B (0.46) 1.68A (0.63)
Form factor
Before preparation 0.87 (0.11) 0.87 (0.12) 0.87 (0.16)
After preparation 0.88 (0.06) 0.89 (0.05) 0.89 (0.03)
Before preparation 0.73 (0.22) 0.67 (0.19) 0.70 (0.27)
After preparation 0.79 (0.17) 0.82 (0.14) 0.84 (0.13)
Major diameter
Before preparation 0.31 (0.19) 0.30 (0.16) 0.30 (0.29)
After preparation 0.58 (0.20) 0.51 (0.16) 0.56 (0.20)
Minor diameter
Before preparation 0.22 (0.10) 0.22 (0.12) 0.22 (0.10)
After preparation 0.49A (0.19) 0.42B (0.18) 0.50A (0.20)
Aspect ratio
Before preparation 1.34 (0.45) 1.30 (0.39) 1.38 (0.73)
After preparation 1.17 (0.23) 1.14 (0.21) 1.13 (0.12)
Values in bold letters showing different superscript letters in the same line indicate a statistically significant difference between groups regarding each of the 2-dimensional parameters analyzed (Kruskal-Wallis
post hoc Dunn test, P < .05).
JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2015 Shaping Characteristics of PTG, PTN, and PTU 3
Basic Research—Technology
TABLE 2. Median Percentage Increase (D%) and Interquartile Range of 3-dimensional Parameters Measured in Each Third of the Mesial Root Canals of Mandibular Molars after Preparation with the ProTaper Universal have a greater effect on observed changes than the instrumentation
Three-dimensional evaluation was done for the full canal length. Values in bold letters showing different superscript letters in the same line indicate a statistically significant difference between groups regarding the mean percentage increase of the 3-dimensional analyzed parameters
17.90 (20.35)
13.44 (18.97)
2.40 0.27
2.83 0.10
2.65 0.17
2.89 0.05
2.52 0.35
2.86 0.08
2.52 0.22
2.88 0.06
techniques themselves (10). In this way, a less complex preoperative
12.80 (9.67)
9.08 (5.04)
configuration of the root canals selected in this study may explain the
results. Overall, the PTU and PTG systems resulted in significantly less
untouched canal walls and a higher increase in the surface area, perim-
Structure model index
eter, and minor diameter of the canals than the PTN system. These re-
sults might be explained by differences in the design of the instruments.
7.52 (11.68)
22.19 (19.42)
2.33 0.26
2.84 0.10
2.56 0.30
2.75 0.08
2.61 0.20
2.80 0.11
2.50 0.17
2.85 0.08
7.32 (9.25)
14.26 (8.41)
Although PTU and PTG share a similar geometry, the smaller dimen-
8.63 (13.30)
5.97 (16.11)
12.24 (14.23)
2.43 0.38
2.73 0.07
2.54 0.25
2.76 0.04
2.60 0.17
2.75 0.09
2.53 0.23
2.85 0.04
canal curvature well, even in extremely curved canals (19–22). In the
current study, movements of the centers of gravity were metrically
28.41 ± 3.67C
58.45 (62.46)
56.0 (44.29)C
9.62 3.59
5.42 1.25
8.59 1.16
3.20 1.25
6.10 0.75
18.24 5.82
39.52 (38.20)B
Surface area
11.55 ± 2.10B
25.90 ± 3.82B
57.36 (63.56)
74.90 (53.74)
9.39 1.94
5.55 1.93
8.75 1.15
3.21 1.21
5.60 0.73
18.15 4.31
did not significantly affect their centering ability. One explanation may
78.34 (35.54)A
14.70 ± 1.45A
31.27 ± 3.19A
83.19 (41.99)
93.63 (51.98)
8.92 2.66
5.50 1.47
10.10 1.15
3.34 0.83
6.47 0.84
17.76 4.15
163.32 (122.65)C
1.27 ± 0.21 B
323.77 (346.11)
134.60 (99.40)C
(PTU), ProTaper NEXT (PTN), and ProTaper Gold (PTG) Rotary Systems (n = 16)
2.53 ± 0.42C
4.48 ± 0.72C
creases of volume and surface area in the coronal and middle thirds
1.08 0.54
0.47 0.21
0.16 0.11
0.68 0.10
1.71 0.86
esized that heat treatment of the alloy in PTG instruments may predis-
pose the instruments to plastic deformation and disruption of cutting
edges during use, reducing its cutting ability. This finding corroborates
previous literature that showed plastic deformation of instruments after
160.35 (144.89)
211.82 (178.02)
1.36 ± 0.21B
4.13 ± 0.81B
1.15 0.27
0.52 0.23
0.17 0.11
0.53 0.09
1.84 0.55
276.35 (144.84)A
236.97 (126.90)A
285.53 (247.02)
3.37 ± 0.41A
1.80 ± 0.25A
5.79 ± 0.74A
0.48 0.13
0.16 0.09
0.62 0.12
1.76 0.45
flutes (32); however, in this study, acrylic blocks and bovine dentin
were used as substrates, and the findings have not been corroborated
by other studies. It is worth pointing out that, in addition to the pre-
scribed manufacturers’ directions, coronal flaring was performed
with Gates-Glidden drills. Therefore, changes of the analyzed parame-
Coronal third
Middle third
ters at this level should be interpreted with caution because they may
Apical third
All canal
also the additional action of the burs. Considering that cutting ability
Figure 2. (A and B) A lateral view of representative 3-dimensional reconstructions of the internal anatomy of mesial roots of a mandibular molar in each exper-
imental group before (green) and after (red) canal preparation. (C) Three-dimensional graphs showing the combination of the preinstrumentation (black line)
and postinstrumentation (red line) root canal central axis. (D) Representative cross sections of the superimposed root canals before (green) and after (red)
preparation at the coronal (c), middle (m), and apical (a) thirds.
Teeth used in this study were anatomically matched in terms of each sample, enhancing internal validity and potentially eliminating sig-
preoperative geometric parameters determined by micro-CT imaging. nificant anatomic biases that may confound the outcomes (10, 16, 33).
This procedure creates a reliable baseline and ensures the compara- Although significant differences regarding canal transportation and
bility of the groups by standardization of the 3D canal morphology in remaining dentin thickness were obtained, the clinical relevance of
TABLE 3. Mean Transportation ( standard deviation) and Range (in mm) of Mesial Root Canals of Mandibular Molars after Preparation with the ProTaper
Universal, ProTaper NEXT, and ProTaper Gold Rotary Systems (n = 16 canals)
Experimental groups Coronal third Middle third Apical third All thirds
ProTaper Universal 0.11 0.04 A
0.16 0.06 A
0.16 0.06 A
0.14 0.07A
(0.0–0.33) (0.0–0.52) (0.0–0.51) (0.0–0.52)
ProTaper Next 0.06 0.03A,B 0.09 0.03B 0.12 0.04A,B 0.09 0.05B
(0.0–0.22) (0.0–0.27) (0.0–0.43) (0.0–0.43)
ProTaper Gold 0.09 0.04B 0.10 0.05B 0.13 0.05B 0.11 0.05B
(0.0–0.33) (0.0-0.30) (0.0–0.39) (0.0–0.39)
Different superscript letters in the same column indicate a statistically significant difference between groups (1-way analysis of variance post hoc Tukey test, P < .05).
JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2015 Shaping Characteristics of PTG, PTN, and PTU 5
Basic Research—Technology
Figure 3. Dentin thickness throughout the root before and after preparation with different rotary systems. Representative 3-dimensional models of the mesial,
distal, and axial cross sections of the mesial roots of mandibular molars are shown. Thick structures are indicated in blue and green, whereas areas of red indicated
areas of thin dentin.
the results obtained remains questionable and may not be clinically Laurichessse Research Award, and the University of Toronto
significant (30) or affect treatment outcomes. Hence, it is important Endowment Fund.
for clinicians to have impartial information regarding the various char- The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.
acteristics that may affect the shaping characteristics of the PTU, PTN,
and PTG systems to facilitate good choices to meet anatomic challenges
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Acknowledgments 2012;38:398–401.
The authors thank Drs Shimon Friedman, Anil Kishen, and Cal- 6. Ye J, Gao Y. Metallurgical characterization of M-Wire nickel-titanium shape memory
vin Torneck for critical reading of the manuscript. alloy used for endodontic rotary instruments during low-cycle fatigue. J Endod
Supported in part by a research grant from the Canadian 7. Arias A, Singh R, Peters OA. Torque and force induced by ProTaper Universal and
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tional Federation of Endodontic Associations (IFEA) Jean-Marie J Endod 2014;40:973–6.
JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2015 Shaping Characteristics of PTG, PTN, and PTU 7
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