WOT SpottingV7
WOT SpottingV7
WOT SpottingV7
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Calculations used:
CamoV=Camo of Vehicle in %
CamoF=Combined Camo of Foilage
CVSFactor=Reduction factor of CVS, is 1/0.85/0.8 for No CVS/CVS/CVS in spotting slot
CVSFactorMoving=Reduction factor of CVS for moving tanks, is 1/0,9/0.875 for No CVS/CVS/CVS in spotting slot
CamoRetention= Factor of total camo a tank keeps after firing. Calculated as (Camo after firing / CamoV)
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mo loss that is applied to vehicle camo and bush camo when firing, which is the same ratio the game displays for your vehicle camo / a
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isplays for your vehicle camo / after firing (e.g. a tank with 10/1 camo loses 90% camo after firing and retains 10%).
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etains 10%).
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V3 For pepega streamer
Old version V3 If you put in camo after firing into A4, it will give you spot ranges for shooting 15m behind bush
CVS 20%
80% Bush 50% Bush 25% Bush No Bush
50 129 208 287
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V3 For pepega streamer
ng 15m behind bush
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