WOT SpottingV7

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Camo Vehicle (%) Camo after firing (%)

41 8.45
View Range (m)

Spotting Range Stationary (m) No CVS CVS 15%

after firing after firing
Not firing Not firing
(15m behind bush) (in bush)
80% Bush 50 96 350 50
50% Bush 86 216 375 116
25% Bush 186 316 396 201
No Bush 286 416 416 286

Spotting Range Moving (m) No CVS CVS 15%

after firing after firing
Not firing Not firing
(15m behind bush) (in bush)
80% Bush 50 96 350 50
50% Bush 86 216 375 132
25% Bush 186 316 396 217
No Bush 286 416 416 302

Seite 1

CVS 15% CSV 20%

after firing after firing after firing after firing
Not firing
(15m behind bush) (in bush) (15m behind bush) (in bush)
144 360 50 160 363
246 381 126 256 383
331 399 206 336 400
416 416 286 286 416

CVS 15% CSV 20%

after firing after firing after firing after firing
Not firing
(15m behind bush) (in bush) (15m behind bush) (in bush)
148 364 51 164 367
250 385 147 260 387
335 402 227 340 403
420 420 307 420 420

Seite 2
Calculations used:

Spotting Range Stationary (m):


Spotting Range Moving (m):

requires camo values for moving vehicle

after firing (in bush):

When testing spotting ranges after firing, it seems like every gun has its own ratio of camo loss that is applied to vehicle ca
SpotRange=ViewRange – (CamoV / 100) + CamoF * CVSFactor) * CamoRetention * (ViewRange-50)

CamoV=Camo of Vehicle in %
CamoF=Combined Camo of Foilage
CVSFactor=Reduction factor of CVS, is 1/0.85/0.8 for No CVS/CVS/CVS in spotting slot
CVSFactorMoving=Reduction factor of CVS for moving tanks, is 1/0,9/0.875 for No CVS/CVS/CVS in spotting slot
CamoRetention= Factor of total camo a tank keeps after firing. Calculated as (Camo after firing / CamoV)

Seite 3

mo loss that is applied to vehicle camo and bush camo when firing, which is the same ratio the game displays for your vehicle camo / a

S/CVS/CVS in spotting slot

ter firing / CamoV)

Seite 4

isplays for your vehicle camo / after firing (e.g. a tank with 10/1 camo loses 90% camo after firing and retains 10%).

Seite 5

etains 10%).

Seite 6
V3 For pepega streamer
Old version V3 If you put in camo after firing into A4, it will give you spot ranges for shooting 15m behind bush

Camo Vehicle (%) Spotting Range Stationary No CVS

40 80% Bush 50% Bush 25% Bush No Bush
50 89.5 188.25 287
View Range (m)
CVS 15%
80% Bush 50% Bush 25% Bush No Bush
50 119.125 203.0625 287

CVS 20%
80% Bush 50% Bush 25% Bush No Bush
50 129 208 287

Seite 7
V3 For pepega streamer
ng 15m behind bush

Spotting Range Moving

80% Bush 50% Bush 25% Bush No Bush
50 89.5 188.25 287

80% Bush 50% Bush 25% Bush No Bush

50 134.925 218.8625 302.8

80% Bush 50% Bush 25% Bush No Bush

53.95 148.75 227.75 306.75

Seite 8

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