126 3final
126 3final
126 3final
Aim: Create a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of Android Carpool Ride Sharing system.
Hardware Interfaces
Software Interfaces
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical tool used to represent the flow of data through a
system. It depicts the relationships between different components, such as processes, data
stores, and external entities, by illustrating how information is exchanged. DFDs are essential
for understanding and modeling system functionality, as they provide a clear overview of
how data is processed and shared within a system. By focusing on datamovement rather than
implementation details, DFDs help identify inefficiencies, redundancies, and potential
security issues, making them a valuable resource in both system design and analysis.
• Represented by circles or rounded rectangles.
• These indicate the key functions or activities of the learning system where data is processed.
• Example:
o "User Registration" (for signing up learners and instructors).
o "Course Enrollment" (for managing course signups).
o "Quiz Submission" (for processing quiz answers).
o "Content Delivery" (for streaming course videos).
Data Stores:
• Represented by open-ended rectangles or parallel lines.
• These are places where data is stored within the system.
• Example:
o "User Database" (stores user profiles and details).
o "Course Materials Database" (stores course videos, quizzes, and assignments).
o "Grades Database" (stores student quiz and assignment results).
21BIT126 SEPM-Lab
External Entities:
• Represented by rectangles.
• These are outside the system but interact with it by providing input data or receiving output data.
• Example:
o "Student" (enrolls in courses, submits quizzes).
o "Instructor" (uploads course materials, grades assignments).
o "Payment Gateway" (handles course fee transactions).
Data Flows:
• Represented by arrows.
• These show the direction of data movement between processes, data stores, and external entities.
• Example:
o "User Credentials" (sent from the user to the system for login).
o "Course Content" (sent from the course materials database to the user).
o "Payment Confirmation" (sent from the payment gateway to the system after successful payment).
Levels of DFD:
DFDs are typically broken down into different levels to provide varying levels of detail:
1. Context Diagram (Level 0 DFD):
o The highest-level DFD, representing the entire system as a single process
and showing its interaction with external entities. It provides a broad
overview without going into detail about the internal processes.
2. Level 1 DFD:
o Breaks down the single process from the context diagram into sub-
processes. This level provides more detail about how data flows between
the internal processes.
21BIT126 SEPM-Lab
Best Practices for Creating DFDs:
• Keep it Simple: Start with high-level DFDs and gradually add more detail.
Avoid cluttering diagrams with too much information at once.
• Consistent Naming: Use consistent and descriptive names for processes, data
flows, and data stores to avoid confusion.
• Balance Levels: Ensure that each level of DFD provides a meaningful increasein
detail without overwhelming the viewer.
• Review and Iterate: DFDs should be reviewed and refined through feedback
from all stakeholders to ensure accuracy and completeness.
In conclusion, the practical exercise of drawing a Data Flow Diagram(DFD) has provided
valuable insights into the systematic representation of how data flows within a system. By
visually mapping out processes, data stores, external entities, and data flows, we were able to
break down the system's functionality into clear and manageable components.
21BIT126 SEPM-Lab