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Biomechanics & Body Movements movement patterns that could lead

to injuries, helping to create safer

exercise practices.
Defining Biomechanics
3. Enhance Performance by applying
biomechanical principles to
➢ Biomechanics in physical fitness is optimize athletic performance by
the study of the mechanical aspects refining techniques and training
of human movement and how they methods.
relate to physical activity and 4. Rehabilitation Support by designing
performance. It combines effective rehabilitation programs to
principles from physics and understand how injuries affect
engineering to analyze the forces movement and how to recover
exerted by muscles and gravity on properly.

the skeletal system. 5. Equipment Improvement by
designing fitness gear and
➢ Biomechanics (from Ancient Greek: equipment to better support natural
βίος bios "life" and μηχανική body movements and reduce injury
mēchanikē "mechanics") is the risk.

study and science of how biological
organisms' systems and structures
react to external forces and stimuli.

➢ Biomechanics is the science of

movement of a living body,
6. Promote Health by encouraging
people to do regular physical
activity in more safer and effective
way, contributing to overall health
and wellness.

including how muscles, bones,

tendons, and ligaments work
together to produce movement.

➢ Biomechanics is part of the larger 1. MOTION - refers to how objects (like


field of kinesiology, specifically your body) move from one place to

focusing on the mechanics of the another.
movement. (Rogers, 2019)
2. FORCE - it is a push or pull that can
change the motion of an object.

6 Objectives of Biomechanics 3. MOMENTUM - is the quantity of motion

an object has, depending on its mass and
1. Understand Movement by speed.
analyzing how the body moves
4. LEVERS - are simple machines that help
during various activities to improve
lift or move heavy objects. In the body,
technique and efficiency.
bones act as levers.

5. BALANCE - is the ability to keep your

2. Injury Prevention by identifying body steady and upright.
risk factors and improper
understanding how forces are balanced
when an object is not in motion. It is
essential for analyzing postures, balance,
DYNAMICS - is the broader branch of and stability.
mechanics that studies the motion of
objects and the forces that influence that Example: One leg stand (assessing how the
motion. This principle helps us understand body maintains balance, what forces are
how forces, such as muscle contractions or acting on the joints, and how weight
gravity, influence motion. Analyzing distribution plays a role in keeping the body
activities like running, jumping, or upright)
throwing, where acceleration and
deceleration play significant roles.

Application of Biomechanics

Example: Sprinting (how the body
accelerates and maintains speed through
various forces acting on it)
1. Sports Performance (applied in the
KINEMATICS - is the study of motion design of sports equipment; from shoes
and clothing sports equipment. To improve

without considering the forces that cause
it. It focuses on describing how an object
moves, using parameters such as distance,
velocity, and
athlete performance while reducing the
risk of injury)

2. Ergonomics (creating office chairs and

desks that support proper posture to
Example: Throwing a Ball (analyzing the prevent back pain in workers)
angle at which the ball is thrown and its
height, distance, and time of flight, without 3. Clinical Biomechanics:
considering the forces acting on it)
➢ Orthotics – used to improve body

KINETICS - is the study of the forces that alignment.

cause motion and changes in motion. This ➢ Prosthetics – are artificial limbs
principle examines how different forces, used to replace lost or broken
such as gravity, friction, and muscle forces, limbs.
interact to influence movement. It helps us
understand how much force is needed to What is Body Movement?
perform specific actions, like jumping or
➢ BODY MOVEMENT - refers to any
lifting weights.
change in position or posture of the
body or its parts. It encompasses
Example: Weightlifting (how much force
various disciplines, from anatomy
exerted by the muscles and the reaction
and physiology to psychology and
forces from the ground)
even art. It involves the mechanics
of how we move, the neurological
STATICS - is the study of forces acting on
processes that control these
stationary objects and the conditions for
movements, and the expressive
equilibrium. This principle focuses on
qualities of movement in dance, 5 MOVEMENTS CONCEPTS
sports, and daily life.
1. Body awareness
2. Spatial awareness
3. Directional awareness
2 Types of Fundamental Body Movements
4. Temporal awareness
5. Relationship awareness
Locomotor Movements – refer to the
body’s movements, where the body travels
from one location to another point.
Movement Strategies
➢ Even movements (Irregular
movements) – movements are
➢ Movement strategies - refer to
made up of equal, unchanging

various approaches that will help
actions. Walking, running, hopping,
you or your team successfully
leaping, jumping.
achieve a movement outcome or
➢ Uneven movements (Regular
movements) – consist of unequal
➢ Movement strategies include
or alternating actions. Skipping,
galloping, sliding.\

Non Locomotor Movements (Axial

movements) – refer to the body’s
movements without allowing the body to
travel. Bending, shaking, stretching,
moving into physical space to
receive a pass from a teammate or
hitting a ball away from opponents
to make it difficult to retrieve or
return the ball. Different games and
sports may require similar activities
or goals and will use identical
swaying, swinging, turning, twisting, and
movement strategies to achieve
success. (Movement strategies -
Australian Curriculum Health
Physical Education, 2014)
Fundamental Movement Skills

Fundamental Movement Skills - are a

particular set of skills that require the use MOVEMENT PRINCIPLES
of different body parts, such as feet, legs,
shoulders, body, head, arms, and hands. ➢ Movement principles - provide a
They are the foundation for more advanced solid foundation for physical
and specialized skills that learners will activities in any environment, with
need to participate in various games, or without any equipment. They can
sports, and leisure activities during their be introduced in simple, age-
lives. appropriate ways to help students
improve their movements'
1. Body Management Skills efficiency and effectiveness. The
2. Locomotor Skills application of these principles
3. Object control skills becomes more refined as movement
competence improves. Some
movement principles include:
1. Balance
2. Centering
3. Center of Gravity
4. Posture
5. Gesture
6. Rhythm Breathing

Bending, shaking, stretching,
WHAT IS BODY MOVEMENT? swaying, swinging, turning,
twisting, and wiggling.

➔ BODY MOVEMENT - refers to

any change in position or
posture of the body or its parts.
It encompasses various Fundamental Movement Skills
disciplines, from anatomy and
physiology to psychology and ➔ Fundamental Movement Skills -
even art. It involves the are a particular set of skills that
mechanics of how we move, the require the use of different body
neurological processes that parts, such as feet, legs,
control these movements, and shoulders, body, head, arms,
the expressive qualities of and hands. They are the
movement in dance, sports, and foundation for more advanced
daily life. and specialized skills that
learners will need to participate
in various games, sports, and
2 Types of Fundamental leisure activities during their
Body Movements lives.

1. Locomotor Movements - refer 3 SKILLS

to the body's movements, where
the body travels from one 1. Body Management Skills - It
location to another point. skills involve maintaining
➢ Even movements (Irregular control of the body in various
movements) movements are positions and movements.
made up of equal, unchanging These skills focus on balance,
actions. Walking, running, coordination, and body
hopping, leaping, jumping. awareness.
➢ Uneven movements (Regular EX.
movements) consist of unequal ● Balancing: Maintaining a
or alternating actions. Skipping, stable position while
galloping, sliding. standing, sitting, or
➢ moving. This can be done
2. Non Locomotor Movements on one foot, in a
(Axial movements) - refer to the movement. squat, of while
body's movements without performing dynamic.
allowing the body to travel.
● Landing: Controlling the ● Kicking: Striking an
body upon descent from a object with the foot to
jump to minimize impact propel it in a specific
and maintain balance. direction, common in
● Weight Transfer: Shifting sports like soccer.
body weight from one ● Striking: Hitting an
part to another, which is object with an implement
crucial for movements (e.g., a bat or racket),
like turning, bending, or often seen in baseball or
performing gymnastic tennis.
maneuvers. ● Dribbling: Controlling an
● Stretching and Curling: object (often a ball) while
Movements that involve moving, such as bouncing
extending or flexing the a basketball or pushing a
body, enhancing soccer ball with the feet.
flexibility and control.

2. Locomotor Skills - It involves

3 Importance of Fundamental
moving the body from one place
Movement Skills
to another and include various
types of movement patterns.
These skills form the foundation ➔ Physical Development:
for many physical activities and Developing these skills
sports. enhances overall motor
proficiency and contributes to
3. Object Control Skills - also physical fitness.
known as manipulative skills, ➔ Sports Participation: Mastery of
involve the use of hands and feet these skills is essential for
to control objects. These skills participation in sports and
are essential for various sports physical activities, promoting an
and recreational activities. active lifestyle.
EX. ➔ Social Interaction: Engaging in
● Throwing: Using the arm activities that utilize these skills
to propel an object (e.g., a fosters teamwork, cooperation,
ball) away from the body. and social interaction among
● Catching: Receiving and peers.
controlling an object that
is thrown or hit toward
the body.
includes understanding rhythms
and timing in movement.
➔ Example: Musician, an Actor,
1. Body awareness - This involves
recognizing and understanding
your own body's movements,
5. Relationship Awareness - This
sensations, and positioning. It
encompasses the understanding
plays a crucial role in activities
of how you and others interact,
like sports, dance, and everyday
both physically and emotionally.
It's important for social skills,
➔ Example: A dancer, yoga
teamwork, and effective
practitioner, martial artist.

2. Spatial awareness - This refers

to the ability to perceive and
understand the space around Movement Strategies
you, including distances,
shapes, and how objects relate ➔ Movement strategies - refer to
to one another in that space. It's various approaches that will
vital for navigation and help you or your team
coordination. successfully achieve a
➔ Example: Basketball player, movement outcome or goal.
game of tag, architect Movement strategies include
moving into physical space to
3. Directional awareness - This receive a pass from a teammate
involves understanding and or hitting a ball away from
interpreting directions (left, opponents to make it difficult to
right, up, down) in relation to retrieve or return the ball.
yourself and your environment. Different games and sports may
It helps in tasks like driving, require similar activities or goals
following maps, or even simple and will use identical movement
movements. strategies to achieve success.
➔ Examples: Hiker, Cyclist, A (Movement strategies
person walking in an unfamiliar Education, 2014) Australian
city Curriculum Health Physical.

4. Temporal Awareness - This is

the perception of time and its
passage, which helps us manage
schedules, anticipate events,
and coordinate activities. It also

➔ Movement principles - provide

a solid foundation for physical
activities in any environment,
with or without any equipment.
They can be introduced in
simple, age- appropriate ways to
help students improve their
movements' efficiency and
effectiveness. The application of
these principles becomes more
refined as movement
competence improves. Some
movement principles include:
Balance, Centering, Center of Gravity,
Posture, Gesture, Rhythm, Breathing

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