9949 20240831160236 Prescription

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Tele-Medical Consultation

Dr. Antaraa Sharma

Reg. No.: DMC/31031

Date: 31-Aug-2024 16:02 Case No.: 9949-20240831160236

Age: 34 years Mobile: 9891891515
Email: NARESHBHATT2099@GMAIL.COM Gender: Female
Height: 5.20 ft Weight: 69 kg BMI: 28
Thank you for contacting Falck tele-medical consultation regarding your medical concern. As discussed with the doctor, please find
below tele medical advice.

Present Complaints

Medical reports reviewed

Health advice given
Counselling done

Past Medical/ Surgical History


Allergies, if any

Primary Diagnosis Based on symptoms

Vitamin D deficiency

Prescribed Medicine
S# Medicine Name Dosage Instruction

1 Tab Atorvastatin 20mg One tab at night For 5 days

2 Tab Shelcal 500mg Once a day For 6 weeks
3 Cholecalciferol sachet One sachet per week For 6 weeks

Test Prescribed

Further Referral / Recommendations

Follow up after 6 weeks

Some sources of D3 include sunlight, whole eggs, mushrooms and fatty fish.
Vitamin B12 - fermented foods, organ meat, brewer's yeast, ethically sourced dairy products

Dr. Antaraa Sharma


Disclaimer: The objective of this medical advise is to provide user of such services with information for better understanding of their health and medical condition. This information and advise is not intended
to be a substitute for professional physical meeting, examination, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be treated as a physical medical consultation and cannot be used for any medico-legal
purpose. The decision to follow the medical advise is at the sole discretion of the user and the advising doctor cannot be held responsible for providing such medical advice.
Reg. No.: DMC/31031

Disclaimer: The objective of this medical advise is to provide user of such services with information for better understanding of their health and medical condition. This information and advise is not intended
to be a substitute for professional physical meeting, examination, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be treated as a physical medical consultation and cannot be used for any medico-legal
purpose. The decision to follow the medical advise is at the sole discretion of the user and the advising doctor cannot be held responsible for providing such medical advice.

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