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IRJIEST 2020 Author's Copy CSS

Article · November 2022


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Albert Paytaren
Batangas State University


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Batangas State University, Batangas City, PHILIPPINES

Editorial Board Members


University of the Philippines Los Baños, Los Baños, PHILIPPINES


UQ Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA


Tsinghua University, Beijing, CHINA


Pace University, New York City, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, THAILAND

Volume 6 ISSN 2449-464X January - December 2020

Table of Contents

Incorporating the inhibition effect and hydrolysis kinetics into the mathematical model of waste activated sludge fermentation . . . . . 1
Allen Kurniawana, Mark L. Sibagb
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University, Gedung FATETA, Kampus IPB Dramaga,
Bogor, Jawa Barat, 16680
College of Arts and Sciences, Batangas State University - Pablo Borbon, Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City 4200, Philippines

Preliminary assessment of potential farming sites for commercially important seaweed, Kappaphycus alvarezii in Lobo,
Batangas, Philippines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Alecs L. Persia a, Chryzantine Joy W. Domingoc, Kathrina Joy D. De Austriaa, Jayvee Ablaña Sacoa,b
Verde Island Passage Center for Oceanographic Research and Aquatic Life Science, Batangas State University
Masaguitsit, Lobo, Batangas 4229 Philippines
College of Arts and Sciences, Batangas State University Main I Rizal Ave., Batangas City, Batangas 4200 Philippines
College of Medicine, La Consolacion University Philippines, Catmon Road, Malolos, Bulacan 3000 Philippines

CSS droid: An android-based computer system servicing training app with virtual computer hardware assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Albert V. Paytaren
Batangas State University ARASOF Nasugbu Campus, Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu 4231 Philippines

Effects of temperature on the growth, survival, and feed intake of Leiopotherapon plumbeus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Leah Mae Sanchez a, Romano Manlimosa, Andrea Mae Ilaoa, Jayvee Ablaña Sacoa,b
College of Arts and Sciences, Batangas State University Main I, Rizal Ave., Batangas City, Batangas 4200 Philippines
Verde Island Passage Center for Oceanographic Research and Aquatic Life Sciences, Batangas State University,
Masaguitsuit Lobo, Batangas 4200 Philippines

Production and evaluation of biodiesel from rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seed oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Arjie F. Aguila, John Carlo M. Arellano, Kim Dowell D. Panganiban, Rejie C. Magnaye
Chemical and Food Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts,
Batangas State University, Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus II, Alangilan, Batangas City 4200

Development of Fe-doped amorphous nanosilica from Philippine waste rice hull as anode material for lithium battery . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Emie A. Salamangkit-Mirasola, Rinlee Butch M. Cerverab
Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Ceramic Engineering Program), College of Engineering, Mariano Marcos
State University, City of Batac, Philippines
Advanced Ceramics Laboratory, Department of Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of the Philippines-Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Further insights into the respiratory response of activated sludge in a lab-scale membrane bioreactor to short-term and
long-term exposure to silica nanoparticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Mark L. Sibag, Jinwoo Cho

Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong University, 98 Gunja-Dong, Gwangji-Gu, Seoul 143-747, Republic of Korea



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IRJIEST 6 (2020) 14-19
Available online at irjiest.batstate-u.edu.ph

CSS droid: An android-based computer system servicing training app with virtual
computer hardware assembly
Albert V. Paytaren
Batangas State University ARASOF Nasugbu Campus, Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu 4231 Philippines

Computer System Servicing (CSS) covers basic and common competencies such as installing, maintaining, configuring, and
diagnosing computer systems and networks. The main objective of the study was to develop an android application for the
students that would provide them a platform to practice with the aid of virtual computer hardware assembly, at any given time.
This application presented a series of review questions designed to help students enhance their knowledge and abilities on the
CSS NCII assessment. Different forms, manuals, and reports relative to CSS, assessment, and certifications were utilized. The
study surveyed 119 respondents on their level of acceptance and satisfaction on the android application. The project was
programmed and organized based on the actual procedures of the assembly of computer hardware and the software installation.
Recognizing the issues and challenges that respondents had while completing the CSS NCII assessment, the android application
received the highest ratings of highly acceptable and highly satisfied from respondents. The paper recommends the adoption and
implementation of the developed android application in higher education institutions, as it highlights the concerns and challenges
that students encounter while pursuing CSS NCII certifications.

Keywords: CSS, computer assembly, virtual, android application, application development

1. Introduction national certification for CSS. To ensure that the students will
pass the certification exam, they need extra time to review
Mobile phones are increasingly becoming part of the
and practice the unit of competencies in CSS; install and
daily life of today’s youth [1]. Young people, in particular,
configure computer systems, set up computer networks, set up
appeared to be highly susceptible to mobile use [2]. The
computer servers, and maintain and repair computer systems
Philippines had nearly 169 million smartphone subscribers as
and networks.
of 2019. For many Filipinos, mobile phones have been an
important tool [3]. For education, smartphones help the In terms of assessment and certification, the rate
students to learn information and have access to online increased from 62.4% in 2006 to 87.36% in 2013. Regions IV
learning. Students have benefitted in terms of searching for -B, III, XI, II, NCR, VII, and VIII have high certification
information, video lectures, and taking notes through the use rates. Furniture and fixtures, processed food and beverages,
of mobile phones [4]. According to [5], students in the twenty maritime, HVAC/R, tourism, and construction all had high
-first century are obsessed with technical advancements that it certification rates [8].
would be difficult for them to consider not using them in their The challenge now is to make sure that there will be high
daily lives. passing rates for the college students who will take up the
Mobile applications are computer programs that are national certifications for CSS. This will be possible by
programmed to run on mobile devices. The use of technical identifying the problems encountered by the students before,
devices in education has stimulated the interest of higher during, and after taking the assessment and then developing
education institutions. In recent years, a growing number of solutions that will address them.
cell phone applications have been used in teaching and The main objective of the study was to develop an
learning [6]. android application for the students that would provide them a
The CSS course covers basic and common competencies platform to practice with the aid of virtual computer hardware
such as installing, maintaining, configuring, and diagnosing assembly, at any given time. This application would provide a
computer systems and networks [7]. Information Technology series of questions that serves as a review to improve the
students from higher education institutions shall be instilled student’s knowledge and skills in CSS NCII assessment.
with knowledge, skills, and attitude of the CSS. There are As part of the evaluation, a survey was conducted to
courses in the curriculum that highlight the assessment for determine the level of acceptance on the proposed android
*Corresponding author
Email address: albert.paytaren@g.batstate-u.edu.ph
Paytaren / IRJIEST 6 (2020) 14-19

application and the level of satisfaction of the respondents. and cycles were scrutinized by the researcher to develop
2. Materials and methods systematic procedures that will help in producing and
designing the project. The researcher used Boehm’s spiral
The researcher used the descriptive-developmental
model as a method to finish the project and have a valuable
method of research to collect data on current concerns and
outcome. Figure 2 presents Boehm’s spiral model which
difficulties faced by respondents, which were then used to
integrates risk management and incremental development
create a android application that addresses those issues. The
[10]. It includes different steps and procedures that were used
researcher used various formats, manuals, and reports related
in the initiation and fulfillment of the research. It includes
to CSS and assessment in the data collection process. The
requirements gathering in the planning phase, prototyping in
researcher used purposive sampling procedure which
the risk analysis phase, coding and testing in the engineering
involved a total of one hundred nineteen (119) respondents
phase, and customer evaluation in the evaluation phase. The
including seventy-eight (78) BS in Information Technology
functional and non-functional requirements were designed to
(BSIT) students, sixteen (16) BS in Computer Science
develop and align to the needs and/ or overall significance to
(BSCS) students, and twenty-five (25) BS in Computer
the end-users. The different risks were identified, classified,
Engineering (BSCpE) students, all of which are from the
crafted, planned and monitored all throughout the software
College of Engineering and Computing Sciences of Batangas
development phase. High-level test cases were written before
State University ARASOF Nasugbu Campus.
coding started. The Test Plan and Test Cases were carefully
The researcher also used ranking to determine which utilized to ensure that each module of the android application
issues and problems were always encountered by the is working according to its specified functionalities. The
respondents. It involved placing the value in numerical order completeness and usability of the developed software were
and assigning new values to indicate where in the ordered set identified through the use of developed software evaluation
they fall [9]. For the most problems and difficulties faced, the tools.
researcher assigned the lowest number 1, followed by 2, 3,
and so on.
Figure 1 shows the repressed structure that gave
Planning Risk Analysis
conceptual meaning through an articulated rationale and Requirement Prototyping
operations of the research.

Evaluation Engineering
Customer Coding

Figure 2. Boehm’s spiral model illustrating the pattern of the

Figure 1. The input-process-output model used in the research.

2.2. Programming procedure

Inputs in the project are the hardware peripherals
It began with the review of the requirements of every
specifications, software packages specifications, and the
part followed by analyzing the requirements and the
existing studies. The process includes an analysis of the input
preparation of the design. Using the unity platform, the
requirements to develop the research.
hardware components were designed as well as the software
application (Figure 3).
2.1. Software development
2.3. Hierarchical input process output (HIPO)
The researcher conducted methodical research to collect
Figure 4 shows the hierarchy of higher-level modules:
well-founded ideas that gave the assistance to comprehend
hardware configuration, software installation, instruction, and
the concepts of their subject matter. Different representations about their lower-level modules
Paytaren / IRJIEST 6 (2020) 14-19

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the computer hardware and software installation.

Figure 4. The Hierarchical input process output (HIPO) depicting the system modules and processes.

3. Results and discussion during testing. System testing was done to verify if all the
features in the module were working. It was also done to
3.1. Prototyping provide a quality system for the users. The researchers
The researcher utilized the extreme prototyping method. demonstrated the developed system to the intended users to
The development of the software was divided into sequential verify if the user met their needs (Table 1). This also helped
independent phases. In the first phase, the researcher the researchers to improve the quality of the developed
developed static pages and mobile screens that show the order system. The test was considered 100% complete if all test
and hierarchy of the functionalities. Then, the functional cases had been successfully executed. The testing tools
screens were developed, and simulated data were included involved were local host Apache web server, browser, text
using a prototype services layer. Lastly, all the functional and editing software.
non-functional requirements were implemented. With the use
of the prototyping method, the researcher was given a partial 3.3. Implementation
product even in the early development phase. Errors were The implementation process started after uploading the
detected much earlier and saves a lot of effort leading to more developed android application on the Google Play Store
quality applications. (Table 2). During this phase, the android application has been
evaluated by the users upon downloading it. Further
3.2. Test plan improvements will be done with the help of the users through
The purpose of this section was to evaluate the system’s their comments and suggestions and other developers that
compliance with the specified requirements. Testing was done would evaluate the developed application. It will be a tool for
to review the overall performance of the developed system to more effective educational material that copes with
enable the researchers to debug the errors that were found innovation.
Paytaren / IRJIEST 6 (2020) 14-19

Table 1. Test cases for the CSS Droid main functions.

Data Expected Passed/ Issue

Case Description

Enter your First name, Page

Last name to sign up.





1) 3)

Table 2. Implementation Plan starts from pilot testing until Table 3 shows the issues and challenges encountered by
deployment. respondents. The most common problem in taking the CSS
NCII examination is the lack of educational materials (book,
workbook), and students take too much time on other subjects
and spend less time on CSS trainings with the frequency of 55
at the same time.

1 Week Table 3. Issues and challenges encountered in taking CSS

NC II Examination.

Issues and Challenges Frequency Rank

Lack of resources (actual parts of the system unit

46 2
such as the CPU, RAM, motherboard, etc.)

Lack of resources (actual parts of the system unit

55 1
such as the CPU, RAM, motherboard, etc.)

Limited use of training facilities. 46 2

Lack of interest in taking the CSS NC II

33 3

Students take too much time on other subjects and

55 1
spend less time on CSS Trainings.

Others. (students don’t prioritize the CSS training,

3.4. End-user’s evaluation
the students didn’t have an effective reviewing
To get the level of satisfaction and acceptance of the 16 4
strategy, many students didn’t take the CSS NC II
developed android application, the researcher utilized the Assessment seriously)
weighted mean. The Likert scale, a psychometric scale,
allows for qualitative information amenable to statistical
Table 4 shows the result of the evaluation of the
analysis by transforming it to quantitative data [11]. Each developed android application. The respondents rated the
possible option is given a numerical value, and at the end of developed system with the level of acceptance of highly
the assessment, a mean number for all the responses is acceptable with a composite mean of 4.51 in terms of
calculated. reliability.

Paytaren / IRJIEST 6 (2020) 14-19

Table 4. Level of acceptance in terms of reliability. Table 7 shows how the respondents rated the developed
Components of reliability Mean Level of acceptance system with the level of satisfaction of highly satisfied with a
The application displays composite mean of 4.52 in user-friendly.
pictures of the actual computer 4.61 highly acceptable
hardware parts. Table 7. Level of satisfaction in terms of user-friendly.
The system tells the correct Components of user-friendly Mean Level of satisfaction
4.48 highly acceptable
definition of each computer.

All the contents included in the The application displays a

4.63 highly satisfied
module are validated by an 4.45 highly acceptable simple user interface.
accredited CSS NCII assessor. The application can be
4.45 highly satisfied
understood easily.
Composite mean 4.51 highly acceptable
The application is easy to use. 4.49 highly satisfied
Legend: 4.21- 5.00, highly acceptable; 3.41- 4.20, moderately acceptable;
2.61- 3.40, acceptable; 1.80- 2.60, slightly acceptable; and 1.00- 1.80, not Composite mean 4.52 highly satisfied
acceptable Legend: 4.21- 5.00, highly satisfied; 3.41- 4.20, moderately satisfied; 2.61
- 3.40, satisfied; 1.80- 2.60, slightly satisfied; and 1.00- 1.80, not satisfied
In Table 5, the respondents rated the developed android
application with the level of acceptance of highly acceptable Table 8 shows the result of the evaluation of the
with a composite mean of 4.39 in terms of usability. developed system. The respondents rated the developed
system with the level of satisfaction of highly satisfied with a
Table 5. Level of acceptance in terms of usability. composite mean of 4.50 in graphics.

Components of usability Mean Level of acceptance

Table 8. Level of satisfaction in terms of graphics.
The application is always
4.06 moderately acceptable Components of graphics Mean Level of satisfaction
The application is fit for The application provides a drag
4.53 highly acceptable 4.50 highly satisfied
android devices. and drop function.
The application involves
The application displays
processes that are easy to learn 4.58 highly acceptable
understandable text on the 4.60 highly satisfied
and understand.
Composite mean 4.39 highly acceptable
The application displays the
Legend: 4.21- 5.00, highly acceptable; 3.41- 4.20, moderately acceptable; artistic use of pictures and 4.39 highly satisfied
2.61- 3.40, acceptable; 1.80- 2.60, slightly acceptable; and 1.00- 1.80, not videos.
Composite mean 4.50 highly satisfied

Table 6. shows the result of the evaluation of the Legend: 4.21- 5.00, highly satisfied; 3.41- 4.20, moderately satisfied; 2.61
- 3.40, satisfied; 1.80- 2.60, slightly satisfied; and 1.00- 1.80, not satisfied
developed android application. The respondents rated the
developed system with the level of acceptance of highly
The respondents rated the developed system with the
acceptable with a composite mean of 4.51 in terms of
level of satisfaction of highly satisfied with a composite mean
of 4.52 in learnability (Table 9). This means that the
Table 6. Level of acceptance in terms of efficiency. developed android application takes into account how simple
it is for a user to complete a task the first time they
Components of efficiency Mean Level of acceptance experience the interface, as well as how many repetitions it
takes for them to become proficient at that task.
The topics included can be
understood by any CSS 4.49 highly acceptable
Table 9. Level of satisfaction in terms of learnability.

The application is a tool that can Components of learnability Mean Level of satisfaction
be used by trainers to provide 4.50 highly acceptable
additional learning. The application is easy to learn. 4.57 highly satisfied

The application uses easy-to-

Quizzes can help the trainee to 4.51 highly satisfied
4.54 highly acceptable understand instructions.
assess their knowledge of CSS.
The application is
Composite mean 4.51 highly acceptable comprehensive, and the user 4.49 highly satisfied
can easily follow.
Legend: 4.21- 5.00, highly acceptable; 3.41- 4.20, moderately acceptable;
Composite mean 4.52 highly satisfied
2.61- 3.40, acceptable; 1.80- 2.60, slightly acceptable; and 1.00- 1.80, not
acceptable Legend: 4.21- 5.00, highly satisfied; 3.41- 4.20, moderately satisfied; 2.61
- 3.40, satisfied; 1.80- 2.60, slightly satisfied; and 1.00- 1.80, not satisfied

Paytaren / IRJIEST 6 (2020) 14-19

4. Conclusions https://doi.org/10.29252/ijree.3.2.48
This research was able to identify problems and [7] TESDA – Technical Education And Skills Development
challenges that students faced when obtaining CSS NC II Authority [Internet]. TR - Computer Systems Servicing NC
certification. The researcher concluded that doing a review II; 2013 Dec. Available from: https://www.tesda.gov.ph/
and simulation of CSS is limited in time and there were Downloadables/TR%20Computer%20Systems%0Servicing%
limited interactive resources. 20NC%20II%20.pdf
The android application highlights the following: it is a [8] TESDA – Technical Education And Skills Development
portable mobile reviewer that the users can easily access; it Authority [Internet]. TVET statistics; [date unknown].
includes virtual parts which is the actual parts of a system Available from: https://www.tesda.gov.ph/About/TESDA/53
unit that is used in actual training which covers the lack of [9] Tarka P. Scales construction for consumers' personal
resources, and it contains the basic precautions, activities, values. methodological aspects and application. Poznań:
quizzes, and features just like the actual activities on CSS Poznań University of Economics and Business Press; 2015.
training. 492 p.
The developed android application allows learners to [10] Nilsson A, Wilson TL. Reflections on Barry W. Boehm's
have a broad scope for the CSS course's learning process, as “A spiral model of software development and enhancement”.
it expedites a multidisciplinary learning platform and International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
provides new opportunities for students. [Internet]. 2012 Sep 7;5(4):737-56. Available from: https://
The developed android application was rated highly doi.org/10.1108/17538371211269031
acceptable and highly satisfied by respondents, who were [11] Joshi A, Kale S, Chandel S, Pal D. Likert scale:
very pleased with the app's features and agreed that it was Explored and explained. British Journal of Applied Science &
efficient, secure, and accessible, according to the report. The Technology [Internet]. 2015 Jan 10 [cited 2022 May 12];7
paper strongly recommends that the developed android (4):396-403. Available from:
application be used and implemented in higher education https://doi.org/10.9734/bjast/2015/14975
institutions because it addresses the problems and challenges
that students face.
The findings suggests that incorporating an android
application into the teaching and learning process could have
a significant impact on students’ academic success.
Adaptation and use of android applications in learning and
teaching processes should also be considered by educational

[1] Iqbal S, Khan MN, Malik IR. Mobile phone usage and
students’ perception towards m-learning: a case of
undergraduate students in Pakistan. International Journal of E
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