Udyamita 2024 Brochure

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Exploring Potential !
Date - 26th & 27th November
Time - 8:30 AM onwards
Venue - Glorytorium
Journey so far
Since 2009 Udyamita! has been a unique
“If you can platform for the students of senior classes to
dream it, you test their prodigy and acquire competitive
can do it.” strength.
-Walt Disney
The core objective of this event is to bring
together the young, ignited minds and enable
them to develop the spirits required in the
corporate world specially when the world has
recognized India as the most promising global
So let's participate in this endeavor and
sharpen the academic and analytical skills.
Events at a Glance
Perception The
& Corpovita The
Discussion Quiz Sales Wiz Corporate
Test Touch
Trust Connect
the the The
Unicorn Thoughts Trailblazers
Picture Perception & Discussion Test
In this particular event, the participating Judgement Parameters
teams will be shown a picture, and the
respective teams will have to discuss and Introduction 10
write a story based on corporate theme.
The picture will be shown for 30 secs, and Theme 10
thereafter, 5 minutes time will be given to
discuss and write the story. [Common to all] Correlation 10
After the completion of story, any one with slide
member will be reading out the story, from
the stage. The order of presentation will be Power of 10
on lottery basis. Expression
Any 3 Members from each team will Participate
(remaining members will be Participating in ‘Connect the Thoughts’ simultaneously) TOTAL 40 Marks
Connect the Thoughts
In this particular event every respective Judgement Parameters
team will be provided with a sack
containing some art & craft material etc. Correlation with 10
On opening the sack they will find an Thought
envelope having an entrepreneurial quote.
On the basis of that quote the respective Design 10
team members will have to use the
materials inside the sack to prepare a Impact 20
billboard using creativity on the given
blank space relevant to the quote.
Total Time For This Event—60 minutes (common to all) TOTAL 40 Marks
Any 3 Members from each team will Participate
(remaining members will be Participating in ‘PPDT’ simultaneously)
The Trailblazers
In this particular event the respective Judgement Parameters
teams will be given an entrepreneurial
problem. They will discuss the problem Understanding of 10
amongst themselves and draft a strategy . the Problem
Thereafter any one member from each
team will explain their strategy from Critical Analysis 10
stage to the judges.
The order of presentation will be on Solution Strategy 20
Lottery basis
Total Time For Discussion and Preparing the Strategy - 15 minutes (common to all)
All 6 Members from each team will Participate in Discussion & any one member TOTAL 40 Marks
nominated by the team will come on stage for Presentation. The time for on stage
Presentation is 3 minutes per presenter.
Trust the Unicorn
In this particular event any 3 members Judgement Parameters
from the respective teams will present the
roller coaster story of successful unicorns Introduction 10
from India in last five years.
This will be an on stage presentation. Research 20
The name of the unicorn will be intimated
to the participating teams after their Use of Multimedia 10
registration and the teams can prepare
their Power point presentation in advance.
Note:- TOTAL 40 Marks
Total time for on stage presentation is 5 min per team
Kindly bring your presentation in supportable format in a pen drive.
Corpovita Quiz
This event will be oral quizzing event
comprising of rounds based on the general
business and economic environment.

Note :-
Before the commencement of this event, there will be complete
briefing by the quiz-master.
The quiz-master will be explaining the rules and regulations for
the quiz
The mode and code of conduct of this particular event will be
explained by the quiz-master.
The decisions regarding scoring and finalising of results will be
given by the quiz-master and it will be abiding.
Sales wiz
In this particular event, one member from the Judgement Parameters
respective team will have to display
salesmanship. Confidence 20
The participant will be given a product by
the judges through lottery on the spot, the Expressions 10
participant is required to convince the judges
to purchase that particular product Impact 10
The judges can cross-question the participant
or negotiate on sales terms.
Note:- TOTAL 40 Marks
Total time per participant -3 minutes
Corporate Touch
This is going to be a marketing simulation Judgement Parameters
round. The participating teams will have to Introduction 10
give a presentation on any one topic from the Budgeting 20
list given below. USP 20
Market Segmentation 20
The teams will have to take an assumed Coordination 10
budget of Rs. 50 Lacs and they will have to Interjection 10
show its use over the complete 'marketing' Power of Expression 10
exercise. TOTAL 100 Marks
Topics :-
1) A company promoting on-line fitness and Nutrition Note:-
1. The total on stage presentation time for each
Programs. team is 5 minutes.
2) A company promoting Low cost Farming equipments. 2. The team should bring the presentation with
3) A company promoting Recycled Products. compatible format.
3. All 6 members of the respective team will be
4) A company promoting Rural Handicrafts. involved in the presentation.
5) A company promoting Digital Marketing Tools.
Unique bond of Learning and Leadership !

For Participation Details

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