WRO 2018 Open Rules

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World Robot Olympiad 2018


Version: Final Version January 15th

WRO 2018 – Open Category Rules

Table of Contents

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Important changes for WRO 2018 ............................................................................................................... 3
Open Category Rules ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Material ................................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Regulations about the robot .......................................................................................................... 4
3. Competition ........................................................................................................................................ 4
4. Presentation ....................................................................................................................................... 5
5. Judging Criteria for Open Category............................................................................................. 6

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WRO 2018 – Open Category Rules


Robotics is a wonderful platform for learning 21st century skills. Solving robotic challenges
encourages innovation and develops creativity and problem solving skills in students.
Because robotics crosses multiple curricular subjects, students must learn and apply their
knowledge of science, technology, engineering, math, and computer programming.

The most rewarding part of designing robots is that students have fun. They work together
as a team, discovering their own solutions. Coaches guide them along the way, then step
back to allow them their own victories and losses. Students thrive in this supportive and
immersive environment, and learning occurs as naturally as breathing air.

At the end of the day, at the end of a fair competition, students can say they did their best,
they learned, and they had fun.

Important changes for WRO 2018

No changes compared to WRO 2017 rules.

World Robot Olympiad and the WRO logo are trademarks of the World Robot Olympiad Association Ltd.
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WRO 2018 – Open Category Rules

Open Category Rules

The rules of competition are constituted by World Robot Olympiad Association.

1. Material

1.1. The size of the booth provided to teams will be 2m × 2m × 2m. (Each team will be
provided with three (3) vertical display surfaces within the booth, each 2m × 2m or as
close as possible).
1.2. All elements of a team’s display must remain within the allotted 2m × 2m × 2m booth
area. Team members may be outside this space during a presentation, however,
unless requested by judges, robots and other display elements must remain within the
allotted area.
1.3. Teams will be provided with the option of using a table. The size of table will be
120cm × 60cm (or as close as possible). Table sizes will be consistent across teams.
Tables must be placed within the 2m × 2m floor space allocated to the team. Teams
will be allocated four (4) chairs in their booth area.

2. Regulations about the robot

2.1. There is no restriction on the balance between LEGO® elements and other materials.
2.2. All robots must be operated by NXT or EV3 controllers and any software.
2.3. Robots may be preassembled and software programs may be pre‐made!

3. Competition

3.1. Open Category teams must go through this process:

• Final assembly and testing of the robot
• Preparation of the booth (including display of posters, etc.)
• Pre‐judging inspection to assess adherence to the rules
• Final preparation time (ensuring that rules are adhered to)
• Demonstration and presentation to the judges (including Q & A from judges)
and demonstrations and presentations to the general public.
3.2. Teams must submit a written and illustrated report summarizing what the robot can
do, and in which way the robot is unique and conforms to the theme. For the
international final teams must electronically submit this report at the time of registration
based of the following requirements:
3.2.1. File type: PDF
3.2.2. Maximum file size: 10 MB
The report must include a visual description incorporating pictures, diagrams, and/or

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WRO 2018 – Open Category Rules

photos from different angles and an example of the program. A copy of the report
must be handed out to the judges in paper form at the time of judging.
3.3. Teams must submit a video (maximum of 2 minutes) demonstrating their robot. For the
international final teams must electronically submit this video based on the following
3.3.1. File type: avi, mpeg, wmv, mp4
3.3.2. Maximum file size: 25 MB
WRO recommends that videos are done in English or subtitled in English. This
is to aid judges in understanding the project better. Teams should also add
keywords to their videos for library purposes.
3.4. Teams must decorate the booth with one or more posters with the minimum
dimension of 120 cm × 90 cm. The poster(s) should introduce the robot project to the

4. Presentation

4.1. All team displays must be completed and teams ready to present to judges and the
general public by the allotted time (Deadlines will be provided by the Organizer one
month in advance of the competition).
4.2. Teams must maintain a presence within the team’s booth during competition hours in
order to present to members of the general public and judges at any time. Teams will
receive a warning of not less than 10 minutes prior to judging taking place.
4.3. The judging will be executed in three age groups: Elementary, Junior, and Senior.
Please refer to Section B – “Age Group Definition”
4.4. Teams will be allocated approximately 10 minutes for judgment: 5 minutes to explain
and demonstrate the robot, remaining 2‐5 minutes to respond to questions from the
4.5. Official language for all presentations is English. Interpreters are not allowed.

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WRO 2018 – Open Category Rules

5. Judging Criteria for Open Category

Category Criteria Points

1. Creativity - The project is original, worthwhile and shows creative thinking / innovative
and imaginative design / interesting and divergent interpretation and implementation.
2. Quality of Solution - The project is well-thought out and is a good solution to the
1. Project problem. The solution supports the theme assisting humankind to solve tasks in space.
(Total Points:
3. Research & Report - It is clear that research was done . The report is a good
50) 15
summary of the project : the problems - solutions - process - findings - team - task.
4. Entertainment Value - The project has a certain “WOW” factor - looks fun, captures
the attention of passers by - makes you want to see it again or learn more about it.
1. Automation - The project uses appropriate inputs from sensors to run specific
routines and clearly demonstrates automation in the completing of the tasks.
2. Good Logic - The programming options used make sense, work reliably, are relevant
Programming in terms of their use, complexity and design.
(Total Points: 45)
3. Complexity - The project uses multiple languages, sensors or controllers and
incorporates more advanced / complex algorithms, structure and design.
1. Technical Understanding - Team members are able to produce clear, precise, and
convincing explanations about each step of the mechanical and programming process.
2. Engineering Concepts - The project shows evidence and good use of engineering
concepts and team members are able to explain the concepts and need for use.
3. Engineering
3. Mechanical Efficiency - Parts and energy have been used efficiently - evidence of
Design proper use of mechanical concepts / principles ( gears/pulleys/levers/wheels & axles )
(Total Points: 45)
4. Structural Stability - The project ( robots and structures ) are strong, sturdy and the
demonstration can be run repeatedly - parts don't detach - little need for repairs.
5. Aesthetics - The mechanical elements have aesthetic appeal, there is evidence that
the team went out of their way to make the project look as professional as possible.
1. Successful Demonstration - A demo of the capabilities was completed, there is a
sense that it could reliably be repeated and that preparation and practice have taken 15
2. Communication & Reasoning Skills - The team were able to present their project
idea in an interesting way - how it works - why they chose it - why it has relevance.
4. Presentation 3. Quick Thinking - The team are able to easily answer questions about their project.
(Total Points 40) They were also able to deal with any problems that arose during the presentation.
4. Posters and Decorations - The materials used to communicate the project to others
are clear, concise, relevant, neatly prepared and engaging - Min 1 x ( 120 x 90 ).
5. Project Video - Only marks for videos provided on time. The video is a good
pitch for the project - presenting the problem, the solution and the team.
1. Unified Learning Outcome - There is evidence that team members have internalized
knowledge and understanding of the subject matter pertaining to their project.
5. Teamwork 2. Inclusiveness - The team are able to demonstrate that all members played an
(Total Points: 20) important role in the development, construction and presentation of their project.
3. Team Spirit - The team display positive energy, good cohesiveness, value one
another and are enthusiastic and excited about sharing their project with others.

Maximum Points 200

*Projects that are clearly not within the theme will receive a score of 0. Judges are requested to score each category from 0 to
10 with 10 being maximum. (A score of 9 to a criteria worth 25 points is equivalent to 22.5 points, etc.)

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