On The Job Training
On The Job Training
On The Job Training
I would like to express my profound gratitude to the Department of Psychology and its Head,
Dr. Rajendra Mhaske, for their invaluable contribution to the completion of my On-The-Job
I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all those who have contributed to the successful
completion of this university project. Firstly, I express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Juhi
Deshmukh, Professor of the Department of Psychology, for her invaluable guidance, support,
and expertise throughout the entire duration of this project. Her constructive feedback and
insightful suggestions have significantly contributed to the refinement of this work and its
overall success.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Niramay De-addiction Centre for providing me
with the opportunity to be a part of their esteemed organization as an intern . The experience I
gained during my internship has been invaluable and truly grateful for the support and
guidance extended to me throughout this journey. I am also deeply thankful to Mrs. Mukta
Dhavale for her mentorship and providing me with the knowledge about the institution,
addiction and intervention that take place in the organization
Lastly I would like to extend my gratitude towards the whole staff of professional as well as
experiential counselors to impart wisdom about the subject matter and handing me with the
necessary information in order to complete my internship.
Akshata Whaval
MA Part I, Division A
Roll No- 23181041
Department of Psychology
Savitribai Phule Pune University
I did my On-the-Job training in Niramay de-addiction centre. As a learning student my main job was to
collect as much information about the disorder as I can. There was an induction lecture where I
understood how a newly admitted person is given the information about the program. There were
daily one-on-one discussions with Mukta ma’am where she told the history, initiatives and general
I conducted a psychometric test on depression using BDI 2, for understanding the extent of depression
these patients might feel while in the program and also contrasting it with people who have
recovered and working as counselors now in the organization. After this I conducted a small game of
Reflecting on my training I gained valuable experience of learning about various forms of addiction,
how they get developed, difference between a bad habit and a disorder, the compulsiveness,
Niramay De-addiction centre was established by Anuradha Karkare on 3rd May 2022. The purpose for
establishing Niramay was to assist people suffering from various forms of addiction to get sober and
function normally in the society like they did before getting addicted. This is done by admitting the
person in the organization for a 2 months program where their behavior is observed and redirected
through routine, personal psychotherapy and various programs held by psychologists and counselors.
Currently the establishment holds a staff of Anuradha ma’am with seven professional counselors, seven
experiential staff (people who were addicted to substances and have recovered and now are sober for
more than a year. Also who now feel they should help other people who are going through similar
problems) two accountants, two cooks. Along with this there is a visiting Psychiatrist once a week and
visiting Physician once a week. Apart from this there are various people who come to take a particular
activity almost daily or weekly like Yoga instructor who comes daily, an art instructor for art based
therapy and a musician for Music based therapy weekly. The cleaning and maintenance of the centre is
Anuradha Karkare Ma’am has 35 years of working as a head of a rehabilitation centre. She opened an
Old Age Home in Kothrud which is known as Rainbow Day care centre. After opening the old age home,
she wanted to open a de-addiction centre; also people who had previously worked with her also wanted
to work in a de-addiction centre established by Anuradha Ma’am as they had similar views on how they
She had a vision of rehabilitation centre for people suffering from addiction since she was head at
another rehabilitation centre. This motivated her to establish her own de-addiction centre on 3 rd May
Niramay celebrated its 2nd Anniversary on 3rd May 2024 at Nivara Old Age Home. During its anniversary
celebration there was a stall of their another initiative known as ‘Asmita’ which is created to blossom
small businesses especially of people recovering from addiction like making books, calendars or some
dry food products. This initiative is taken to keep people busy as well as creating an opportunity to earn
Vision of Niramay is to lead people suffering from addiction towards the path of sobriety and pay
attention that this process won't hamper on their overall development as a person.
The main ethic that Niramay abides by is "consent". Anuradha Karkare Ma'am and all the other people
working in the centre believe that person should get admitted by his or her own accord. They believe
that until the person himself does not feel like changing his behavior and become de-addict, progress
cannot be seen significantly or that visible progress won't be sustainable. For this sustainable changes
there needs to be an intrinsic motivation to change and this is done through practicing person's
Another Vision of Niramay was location. Anuradha Karkare ma’am wanted the place of rehabilitation in
the prime location of the city of Pune. According to her it becomes easy for people living on the outskirts
as well as for people living in the city to come in the actual city area. So it becomes less exhausting and
tiring for the family members who have already endured a lot of pain from the addicted person. That is
Mission of Niramay –
“To provide a scientifically designed residential program run by professionals for the substance use
disorder clients and aim to be the one of the best institution in the field of de-addiction in Pune”.
To provide a structure residential, professionally run program to persons with substance use
To help recovering clients get a different perspective of life which will help them become a
Duration: 2 months residential Program. (The program might be extended depending on the progress of
that person)
It includes- Food, dorm, basic health checkups and tests, psychiatric and physician appointment,
counseling and psychotherapeutic treatment, group activities etc. (the only thing not included are the
The daily routine has a huge impact on an individual's growth and this routine also detoxifies people
from their toxic habits. In the case of addiction, it is also of detoxifying a person from those toxins
present in substances invested by a person. There are many things included in these daily routine to aid
them in improving themselves and having routine helps them stay busy so their mind won't wonder off
In Niramay the usual daily routine has a timetable where all the people wakeup at around 6:00 am. After
waking up they do Yoga and meditation from 6:30 am to 8:00 am. Yoga and meditation diverts person's
concentration inwards and get align their physical and mental body in order so they can be more aware
of themselves. At 8:00 am they do their Therapeutic Duty Assignments (TDA). These are basic
maintenance chores given to every admitted person. These assignments include work like sweeping,
wiping, cleaning the utensils, filling water filters, cleaning up any messes etc. TDA makes them realize
about their responsibilities along with cleaning their surroundings. After completing all these works
there is an input session from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. Input session is conducted with whole group where
either professional psychologists or experiential counselors impart wisdom to people and provide them
with tools necessary for introspection so their belief of staying away from substances gets strengthened
and any urges get decreased. After input session is done everyone has their breakfast and sits down to
write their worksheets at 11:00 am. These worksheets have various questions, hypothetical situations,
statements etc so individual can reflect upon themselves. According to their progress these worksheets
are given to write down after which these get reviewed by their assigned psychotherapist to gain more
information about them to plan appropriate intervention. From 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm there is a reading
After this at 1:00 pm everybody has their lunch and they take their breaks till 3:00 pm. From 3:00 pm to
4:00 pm an output session is conducted. In output sessions doubts, confusions and issues of people are
addressed in group setting. This helps them vocalize their concerns and get answers directly. After that
from 4:30 to 5:30 Games and other recreational activities like drawing, painting, singing building etc are
taken. There is also a quiet time assigned to everyone from 7:00 pm to 7:45 pm on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. Then everybody has their dinner, do their meditation for 20 minutes and lights are off at
During their 2 month program they can work from home (means from the facility) if they need to so
they don’t suffer financially because of their adjustment. It reduces their stress regarding finances if they
are the primary wage earner in their house or are not permitted holiday for 2 months due to personal
reasons. It also keeps them busy without isolating them with rest of the world.
Niramay Rehabilitation Centre accommodates up to 30 admissions, because it has that much allotment.
It is situated in Shaniwar Peth. It a three storied cozy space. On ground floor they generally conduct
various group activities and group sessions, on first floor the space is used as individual counseling cells,
Staff offices, a library and leisure space. On second and third floor there are accommodations of the
people who are admitted. The place is always clean and maintained. It also has a lot of creative
This was developed a year ago for patients to have an engaging task which will also create a source of
their employment. It started with a simple activity of making a paper bag of old news paper. It seems
easy, but need a lot of mental math geometric-spatial knowledge and hand-eye coordination. So they
decided to have this activity weekly and saw their overall recovery improve as well. After this they
decided to take official orders from people so it will fill their time and keep them productive. It also does
not feel like therapy it feels more like a regular work so they are less rigid to do the work for this
initiative. Now ‘Asmita’ Initiative includes paper bags in 3 sizes, small paper boxes for gifts and jewellery,
Recently they’ve also started a new podcast on YouTube to inform people about addiction.
Need Analysis – a formal, systematic process of identifying and evaluating training that should be done,
or specific needs of an individual or group of employees, customers, suppliers, etc. In Niramay de-
A Small Activity
1) Psychometric Test
Objectives of the activity: To check the severity of Depression using BDI 2 by Aron. T. Beck.
Plan of the Activity: Using a psychometric test of Depression given by Aron T Beck called as BDI 2, to
know if there is a depression amongst the people who are admitted for rehabilitation in Niramay de-
addiction centre. BDI questionnaires will be given to 6 participants and instructions will be given to solve
the questionnaire. The solved questionnaire will be then scored and interpreted according to the
Instructions- This questionnaire consists of 21 groups of statements. Please read each group of
statements carefully. And then pick out the one statement in each group that best describes the way
you have been feeling during the past two weeks, including today. Circle the number beside the
statement you have picked. If several statements in the group seem to apply equally well, circle the
highest number for that group. Be sure that you do not choose more than one statement for any group,
Materials Used- BDI 2 Question Booklet, Scoring and Interpretation key, Stationary.
Results- Score of 5 people from Niramay Rehabilitation Centre was taken and interpreted. It was as
Participant 1
Case History- Participant was in his mid 30s. He recently had a relapse and had run away from another
rehabilitation centre. He thinks that he is not feeling guilty of running away from that centre.
Interpretation- The presented score can be interpreted as participant having Borderline Clinical
Participant 2
Case History- Participant was in his early 30s, he was down for some time. He had a relapse 3 months
Interpretation- The presented score can be interpreted as participant having mild mood disturbances.
Participant 3
Case History- Participant was in his mid 30s. He feels very low these days. He had a relapse around 3
years ago.
Interpretation- The presented score can be interpreted as participant having Severe Depression.
Participant 4
Case History- Participant in his 40s. He works in the centre. It has been more than a year, he is sober. He
thinks he has emotional outbursts sometimes, but can manage it now better than before.
Result- 13
Participant 5
Case History- Participant is in his early 50s. He works at rehabilitation centre for almost two years. He is
sober for 5 years now. He thinks that he is emotionally very healthy and is not depressed at all.
Result- 2
Interpretation- The presented score can be interpreted as participant being emotionally regulated and
Participant 6
Case History- Participant is in his early 50s. He is at rehabilitation centre for almost two months. He
Result- 5
Interpretation- The presented score can be interpreted as participant being emotionally regulated and
Out of these 6 results the first 3 participants were people who are part of the recovering program. These
were also relapsed and then got re-admitted. On the other hand the next 3 participants were
experiential staffs who have been recovered from their addiction and are taking active efforts to help
others in achieving the same. There is also a case which can be made that because these people had the
autonomy and freedom to choose to get admitted they are not in as much of an emotional turmoil and
can quiet manage their negative emotions. This also shows the program set for them working effectively
and making them manage their emotions better than they would otherwise.
Conclusion of the result: Only one participant (3) has severe depression and another participant (1) has
borderline depression. Other 4 participants are good or fair at regulating their emotions with some mild
mood disturbances.
2) A Small Activity
Objectives of the activity- To show participants’ potential within themselves with the help of line game.
Plan of the activity- In this activity participants are asked to draw continuous lines of a whole 1 minute
(lllllllllll) like this. Before starting participants are asked to guess how many lines they would be able
draw in one minute without any disturbances. Once they mark that down tell them to start and on the
timer for 1 minute. After 1 minute is over request them to stop and count the lines they have drawn.
There is a high chance that the prior guess will be lower than the actual lines drawn by them. This
reflects how much they underestimate their own potential and capabilities.
Instructions- “This is a simple task; you just have to draw continuous lines like this (llllllllllll) for a minute.
You have to draw them as fast as possible. Make sure that two separate lines are distinct and are seen
as single line, don’t join them or overlap them over each other. Before we start the timer, just guess
how many lines you would be able to draw in 1 minute. Just note down your guess.”
“Now that you have drawn the lines for 1 minute just count them and note down the actual number of
First a small game was conducted of Zip-Zap-Zoom (Here all the participants form a circle and play this
game to boost their concentration. In this game one player starts a chain by clapping on their left side
and loudly saying ‘Zip’ or on the right side by loudly saying ‘Zap’. Everybody has to continue that chain.)
This game was conducted to improve alertness and increase energy in everybody. After three rounds of
‘Zip-Zap-Zoom’, the line game was conducted, with the appropriate instruction and setting a one minute
timer. Once the activity was conducted, feedback was taken from the participants and they were
Feedback: All the participants conveyed that both; the game and the activity were really nice and
thoughtful. Many participants said that it made them realize how much attention they endure and also
check their reflexes. Some participant also said that it helped them stay in the movement more. They
liked this game so much they might be playing it among themselves as well.
After the line game everybody expressed that they realized how much they have been underestimating
themselves and their potential. They also mentioned that such a simple activity also gave them an
insight about goal setting and they might use the lesson from this activity while actually working on
themselves and think of what they are capable of doing without undermining themselves.
In Niramay daily input and output sessions gave tremendous knowledge. These sessions were to be
attended by everyone so the collective thought was getting reflected. These input sessions were taken
by Anuradha Ma'am, Vaishali Ma'am, Kadu Sir, Vartika Ma'am, and also by experiential guests like
"Things that are under my control and which things aren't in my control"
Anger Issues
There are also certain activities taken in input session like 'listing things that bring you joy', 'dum
charades' , 'two truths and a lie' , 'letter to yourself' , 'memory game' etc. These sessions gave patients
insights about their problems, and issues so they would be aware about their behavior and more
mindful in their actions. The activity that I took had a similar effect and patients gave me feedback that it
During the time of on job training there was more information given about how addiction is developed
and how to treat it by Mukta ma'am who guided every step of the way and even provided a book to gain
extra information about any form of substance, its addiction and their effects on a human. The book was
There was also the 2nd Anniversary held on 3rd May 2024 which showed how much work in the
community Niramay has done. Anuradha ma'am is a highly experienced psychotherapist who has
assisted in recovering almost hundreds of people and it was clearly displayed during this anniversary.
During my OJT, I gained valuable insights regarding people suffering from addiction. I also learned how
rigid these people are when it comes to thought change and have a victimized and defeated perspective
towards self. To remove those negative blocking patterns that people have been using to face their
problems; Niramay’s intervention planning really helped. I really got to know their inner workings of
It also taught me the problems faced by the families of these patients and how to make them aware of
this disorder and even try to salvage the relations that patient might have ruined due to this disorder,
because families of patients are unaware of the disorder and just think of addiction as a bad habit.
In conclusion, the OJT provided a valuable platform for me to enhance my skills in transcription, data
collection, and analysis. Through hands-on experience, I gained proficiency in tasks critical to de-
addiction. Feedback received throughout the process served as a guiding light, illuminating areas for
Moving forward, I am committed to applying the knowledge and skills acquired during the OJT to future
endeavors. The insights gained from this experience will not only enrich my academic pursuits but also
contribute to my professional development. I am grateful for the opportunity to embark on this journey
of learning and growth, and I look forward to applying these newfound skills in my future endeavors.