AA ROS mไม่ต่าง
AA ROS mไม่ต่าง
AA ROS mไม่ต่าง
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of body weight and body length and wing length compared to Ross and Marshal strains.
measurements of three strains of broiler chicken at 8 weeks of The Ross strain was significantly (p<0.05) superior to Arbor Acre
age. Arbor Acre and Ross attained average body weight of 1.88 kg and Marshal strain in body length while Marshal strain recorded
and 1.81 kg respectively which were superior to Marshal (1.65kg) the highest breast width. The three strains of broilers did not differ
at 8 weeks of age. Arbor Acre was the most superior in drumstick (p>0.05) in shank length and body width.
Table 2 presents the coefficient of correlations of body weight and Similarly, in Ross strain, significant (p<0.05) positive relationships
body measurements of the three strains of broiler chicken. The were observed for thigh length and wing length (0.54), shank
correlation coefficients ranged -0.05-0.76, -0.02-0.56 and -0.28- length and wing length (0.55) and body width and breast width
0.60 in Arbor Acre, Marshal and Ross strains respectively. (0.50). Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy
Relationships between body weight and most of the body computed for Arbor Acre, Marshal and Ross were 0.60, 0.62 and
measurements were positive and non significant (p>0.05) in the 0.67 respectively. These values revealed the pattern of correlation
three strains of broilers. Highly significant (p<0.01) positive among the variables. Though not marvelous, the values indicated
correlations were recorded for shank length and breast width that the sample sizes were adequate to apply PCA (Kaiser, 1960).
(0.62), thigh length and breast width (0.66), thigh length and wing Results of the Bartlett test of sphericity for body measurements of
length (0.64) and breast width and wing length (0.76) in Arbor Acre Arbor Acre (chi-square 55.70, p=0.00), Marshal (chi-square 37.71,
broiler. In Marshal, significant (p<0.05) positive relationships were p<0.01) and Ross (chi-square 64.97, p=0.00) were significant. This
obtained for shank length and body width (0.56), shank length and implied that PCA was applicable to the data sets.
wing length (0.50) and body width and wing length (0.47).
BW 1.00
SHL -0.02 1.00
THL 0.21 0.31 1.00
DSL 0.27 -0.53* -0.52* 1.00
BDL 0.50* 0.01 0.20 0.18 1.00
BDW -0.17 0.56* 0.16 -0.31 -0.34 1.00
BRW -0.31 0.20 -0.42 0.05 -0.15 -0.04 1.00
WL -0.15 0.50* 0.19 -049* -0.05 0.47* 0.03 1.00
BW 1.00
SHL 0.36 1.00
THL -0.40 0.22 1.00
DSL 0.39 -0.22 -0.23 1.00
BDL -0.37 -0.28 0.35 -0.01 1.00
BDW 0.03 0.17 -0.46* -0.42 -0.70** 1.00
BRW 0.60** 0.44 -0.48* 0.23 -0.71** 0.50* 1.00
WL 0.17 0.55* 0.54* -0.37 0.09 -0.08 -0.06 1.00
Table 3 presents the eigen values, percentage of the total variance accounted for by the components. It ranged 0.413-0.883, 0.592-
along with the rotated component matrix and communalities of the 0.894 and 0.760-0.940 in Arbor Acre, Marshal and Ross broilers
body measurements of three strains of broiler chicken. The respectively. The eigen values showed the amount of variance out
communalities represent estimates of the variance in each variable of the total variance explained by each of the factors.
Shank length 0.885 0.112 0.062 0.800
Thigh length 0.434 -0.736 0.235 0.785
Drumstick length -0.738 0.306 0.106 0.649
Body length -0.028 -0.107 0.939 0.894
Body width 0.634 -0.065 -0.520 0.676
Breast width 0.168 0.899 0.029 0.837
Wing length 0.766 0.010 -0.069 0.592
Eigen values 2.677 1.549 1.007
% of total 38.237 22.132 14.388
Shank length 0.403 0.824 -0.005 0.842
Thigh length -0.588 0.639 -0.074 0.760
Drumstick length 0.072 -0.244 0.935 0.940
Body length -0.878 -0.009 0.099 0.781
Body width 0.748 -0.144 -0.594 0.933
Breast width 0.913 0.118 -0.247 0.908
Wing length -0.124 0.863 -0.206 0.803
Eigen value 2.733 2,079 1.155
% of total 39.037 29.696 16.501
Two principal components were extracted from Arbor Acre broilers and thigh length (0.824) while PC3 was most highly correlated with
with eigen values of 2.841 for the first principal component (PC1) drumstick length (0.935).
and 1.707 for the second principal component (PC2). The two
principal components accounted for 65% of the total variance DISCUSSION
present in the seven original variables. PC1 had high loadings The average bodyweight of 1.88kg, 1.81kg and 1.65kg attained by
(correlations between the components and the variables) on breast Arbor Acre, Ross and Marshal respectively at 8 weeks of age were
width (0.930), wing length (0.897) and thigh length (0.789). PC2 in line with the report of Akanno et al., (2007) that broiler birds
was orthogonal to PC1 and loaded heavily on drumstick length attain a market weight of 1300.00-2000.00g at 8-10 weeks of age.
(0.852). In Marshal, three principal components were extracted Abdullah et al., (2010) reported an average bodyweight of
with eigen values of 2.677, 1.549 and 1.007 for PC1, PC2 and 1801.00g for Ross broilers at 7 weeks of age. The positive and
PC3 respectively. The three principal components accounted for significant correlations among the body measurements observed
74.76% of the total variance present in the original variables. PC1 in the three strains of broilers indicate high predictability among the
had high positive loadings on shank length (0.885), wing length variables (Pundir et al., 2011).
(0.766) and a negative loading on drumstick length (-0.735)
implying that an increase in shank length and |or wing length will The positive relationship between bodyweight and most of the
results to correlated decrease in drumstick length of Marshal body measurements showed that bodyweight can be predicted
broiler. A similar situation was obtained in PC2 which loaded from body measurements. A similar observation was reported by
heavily on breast width (0.899) and thigh length (-0.736), thus Ajayi et al., (2008). The values of communalities computed for the
implying that an increase in breast width will results to decrease in three strains of chickens confirm that PCA was appropriate for the
thigh length. PC3 was most highly correlated with body length data sets. Yakubu et al., (2009b) reported high range of
(0.939). In Ross broilers, three principal components were communalities (0.755-0.987) for body measurements of Arbor Acre
extracted after varimax rotation accounting for 70% of the total broilers. Mendes (2011) reported a communality range of 0.785-
variance in the original variables with eigen values of 2.733, 2.079 0.987 for body measurements of Ross broilers which was similar
and 1.155 for PC1, PC2 and PC3 respectively. PC1 was most to what was obtained in this study. The lower communality
highly correlated with breast width (0.913), body width (0.748) and observed for body length (0.413) and shank length (0.462) in Arbor
body length (-0.878) implying high relationship among the three Acre imply that the body parameters were weak in explaining the
variables. PC2 had high positive loadings on wing length (0.863) total variation in the body measurements of Arbor Acre broilers.
Generally in the three strains of chicken, PC1 had the largest Ibe, S. N. (1989). Measure of size and conformation in commercial
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thigh length and shank length. PC1 could be described as the
generalized form of broilers (Salako, 2006). In a principal Jolliffe, I. (2002). Principal Component Analysis. 2nd ed. Springer.
component analysis of body measurements of broilers, Yakubu et
al., (2009b) reported that PC1 had high positive loadings on body Kaiser, H. F. (1960). The application of electronic computers to
weight, breast circumference and thigh length of Arbor Acre and factor analysis. Educational and psychological measurement 20:
termed PC1 “form factor”. Mendes (2011) reported that PC1 had 141-151.
the highest correlation with shank length, breast circumference
and bodyweight of Ross 308 broilers. Yakubu et al., (2009a) Mendes, M. (2009). Multiple linear regression models based on
reported that the first principal component accounted for the principal component scores to predict slaughter weight of broilers.
largest variance in the morphological traits of three Nigerian Archiv Fur Geflugelkunde. 73 (2):139-144.
chicken genotypes. Ogah et al., (2009) presented data that
showed PC1 accounting for the largest variance in the body Mendes, M. (2011). Multivariate multiple regression analysis based
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bill width, shank length, body length, head length and neck length. pre- and post- slaughter traits of broilers. Journal of Agricultural
Pinto et al., (2006) used PCA to analyze performance and carcass Science (Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi.) 17:77-83.
traits measured in a population of Gallus gallus. The authors
reported that the five first principal components explained 93.30% Monsi, A. (1992). Appraisal of interrelationship among live
of the total variation and the first component explained 66.00%. measurements at different ages in meat-type chickens. Nigerian
They called the first component generalized weight because the Journal of Animal Production 19:15-24.
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42 days of age, liver, breast, wing and thigh weights. According to Ogah, D. M., Alaga, A. A & Momoh, M. O . (2009). Principal
Mendes (2009), the first principal component provides an component factor analysis of the morph structural traits of
adequate summary of the data in most cases. Muscovy duck. International Journal of Poultry Science 8 (11):
Conclusion and Recommendation
In the three strains of broiler chicken, PC1 had the largest share of Ogah, D. M. (2011). Assessing size and conformation of the body
the total variance and correlated highly with breast width, wing of Nigerian indigenous turkey. Slovak Journal of Animal Science
length, thigh length and shank length. PC1 could be used to 44 (1): 21-27.
describe the generalized form of broilers. PC2 was orthogonal to
PC1 and loaded heavily on drumstick length, breast width and Pinto, L. F. B., Packer, I. U., De Melo, C. M. R., Ledur, M. C &
wing length. The subsequent component, PC3, was highly Coutinho, L. L. (2006). Principal components analysis applied to
correlated with body length and drumstick length. The three performance and carcass traits in the chicken. Animal Research
principal components could be used to define body size of broilers. 55: 419-425.
These components could be used as selection criteria for
improving meatiness in broilers. The components could also be Pundir, R. K., Singh, P. K & Dangi, P. S. (2011). Factor analysis
used as factor scores for predicting the live weight and carcass of biometric traits of kankrej cows to explain body conformation.
weight of broilers. Asian-Australinian Journal of Animal Science. 24 (4): 449-456.
Eyduran, E., Topal, M & Sonmez, A. Y. (2010). Use of factor Yakubu, A., Idahor, K. O. &. Agade, Y. I. (2009b). Using factor
scores in multiple regression analysis for estimation of body weight scores in multiple linear regression model for predicting the
by several body measurements in brown trouts (Salmo trutta fario). carcass weight of broiler chickens using body measurements.
International Journal of Agriculture & Biology. 12: 611- 615. Revista UDO Agricola 9 (4): 963-967.