Eye White Percentage As A Predictor of Temperament in Beef Cattle

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Eye white percentage as a predictor of temperament in beef cattle

S. Core, T. Widowski, G. Mason and S. Miller

J Anim Sci 2009.87:2168-2174.

doi: 10.2527/jas.2008-1554 originally published online Feb 11, 2009;

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Eye white percentage as a predictor of temperament in beef cattle
S. Core,1 T. Widowski, G. Mason, and S. Miller

Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1

ABSTRACT: Accurately evaluating and selecting eye area. Each image was analyzed twice to determine
for calm temperament in beef cattle is important for tracing repeatability. Pearson correlation coefficients
economic and animal welfare reasons. Previous studies were calculated among 2 images of the same animal,
have shown that eye white (EW) can be a predictor of as well as among duplicate readings of the same image
a multitude of emotions across different situations, but to determine animal and tracing repeatabilities. The
there is little research on the relationship between EW mean percentages of EW were 30.14 ± 14.37, 31.43 ±
and temperament. The objective of this experiment was 14.77, and 28.57 ± 12.38, and the average percentage
to assess the accuracy and reliability of using the per- accuracy for duplicate image EW measures was 96, 96,
centage of exposed EW as a predictor of temperament and 93 (P < 0.0001) for groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
in beef cattle. Forty-eight heifers (group 1), 39 bulls The Pearson correlation coefficients for EW percentage
(group 2), and 60 steers (group 3) were video-record- and chute temperament scores were 0.674 (P < 0.0001),
ed while in a squeeze chute, and 2 still digital images 0.95 (P < 0.0001), and 0.696 (P < 0.0001), whereas the
from each animal were selected for EW determination. correlations between EW and flight speeds were 0.415
Chute temperament scores were assigned: 1 (calm) to (P < 0.0001), 0.333 (P < 0.05), and 0.294 (P < 0.01)
5 (agitated). Flight speeds were measured blindly and for groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Results from this
independently during a subsequent test in which the study indicate that percentage EW in cattle could be
amount of time it took a solitary animal to pass a han- used as a quantitative tool with minimal equipment to
dler and travel a specified distance was recorded. The assess temperament in beef cattle, providing an objec-
EW area in each image was measured using Sigmascan tive method for temperament selection.
Pro 5 and was expressed as the percentage of exposed
Key words: beef cattle, behavior, eye white, performance testing, selection program, temperament

©2009 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2009. 87:2168–2174

INTRODUCTION lection programs, the indirect often perceived as out-

weighing the direct financially.
There are many traits throughout the livestock indus- An additional advantage of selecting for docility is
try that are selected for and are economically important increasing animal welfare through decreases in daily
to producers (Gauly et al., 2001; Petherick et al., 2002) stress levels and rough handling during transport and
and demanded by consumers. Temperament (a set of processing (Grandin, 1993; Rushen et al., 1999). Select-
behavioral characteristics that are stable over time and ing for docile beef cattle could be an important factor
across situations) in beef cattle is often overlooked be- that could increase overall welfare.
cause current measures are qualitative or deemed too A quantitative and inexpensive method is needed
invasive, expensive, or time consuming (Adeyemo and so temperament can become a part of more selection
Heath, 1982; Curley et al., 2006; Bristow and Holm- programs. Currently, chute temperament scores (CTS)
es, 2007). Many studies have shown direct [increasing and flight speeds (FS) are considered to be the gold
workplace and animal safety (Vann, 2006)] and indirect standards of temperament evaluation (Voisinet et al.,
[increased growth efficiency and meat quality (Fordyce 1997; Curley et al., 2006; Müller and von Keyserlink,
et al., 1988; Burrow and Dillon, 1997; Brown et al., 2006). Sandem et al. (2002) found that the percent-
2004)] advantages in including temperament within se- age of revealed eye white (EW) was highly repeatable
and correlated with the startle response in dairy cattle,
whereas Lanier et al. (2000) found that the magnitude
Corresponding author: sosborne@uoguelph.ca
of a startle response was positively correlated with tem-
Received October 10, 2008. perament scoring. We therefore hypothesized that the
Accepted February 4, 2009. amount of exposed EW would be a good predictor of


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Eye white and temperament in cattle 2169
Table 1. A summary of environmental, animal, and methodological differences between groups 1, 2, and 3
Item Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Sex Heifers Bulls Steers

n 48 39 60
Housing 3.5 m × 15 m (n = 4/pen) 30 m × 30 m (n = 20/pen) 30 m × 30 m (n = 20/pen)
Restraint chute Chute B Chute A Chute A
Treatment in chute Infrared/ultrasound Infrared/ultrasound Infrared/ultrasound/blood
Eye recorded Left eye Right eye Right eye
Flight speed assessed 2 to 4 h after CTS1 1 wk after CTS 2 to 4 h after CTS
Flight speed environment Alley near home pens (length: variable, Scrape alley (length: 13 m, width: Scrape alley (length: 13 m, width:
width: 1 m) 3 to 5 m) 3 to 5 m)
CTS = chute temperament score.

temperament in cattle. The objective was to assess the The video camera that was used to collect the EW
accuracy and reliability of using percentage EW as a video data was a color Panasonic CCTV camera (Pana-
predictor of temperament in beef cattle by comparing sonic WV-CP240, Panasonic Canada Inc., Mississauga,
it with CTS and FS. Ontario, Canada) that was positioned, on average, 1.5
m to the side of the head of the animal. An I3DVR
International digital video recorder was used to store
MATERIALS AND METHODS the video (Kodicom model i31808WM, i3DVR Inter-
national Inc., Scarborough, Ontario, Canada), and the
All procedures that were used in this experiment program SRX-Prolite (i3DVR International Inc.) was
involving animals were approved by the University of used for digital recording.
Guelph animal care committee. A single observer assigned CTS while standing at the
Data were collected from 48 heifers (group 1), 39 bulls side of the chute, behind the head of the animal, focus-
(group 2), and 60 steers (group 3) at the end of their ing on limb and body movements. The CTS criteria
respective feeding trials (84, 112, and 149 d, respective- were based on a 1 to 5 scale as described by Voisinet et
ly). The 3 groups were a mix of British (predominantly al. (1997): 1—calm, no movement; 2—restless shifting,
Angus), Continental (predominantly Simmental), and 3—squirming, occasional shaking of device; 4—continu-
Piedmontese breed crosses and were housed at the ous vigorous movement and shaking of device; 5—rear-
Elora Beef Research Centre in the township of Elora ing, twisting, or violently struggling. Vocalizations were
in southwestern Ontario (Canada). Animals that were also recorded while the animals were in the chute, but
used for this study were between 12 and 16 mo of age. these data were not further analyzed because 95% of
A list of experimental and environmental differences the animals received the same vocalization score. When
that were present between the 3 groups of animals can all of the measurements were collected, the animal was
be found in Table 1. released into a pen and from there herded back into its
Animals were moved from their home pens into a home pen.
holding pen (which held 4 to 8 animals) that was con- The FS was measured independently during a sub-
nected to a raceway leading to the squeeze chute. Each sequent test as an additional form of temperament as-
animal was moved through the raceway and restrained sessment (Müller and von Keyserlink, 2006). The first
within the chute for 3 to 6 min on average. This was handler stood at the far end of the alley, keeping the
because of the amount of other data that were collected herd at that end. The second handler herded a segre-
at the same time for other experiments. All of the im- gated animal to the opposite end of the alley. When it
ages analyzed were taken within 2 to 4 min after the reached the far wall, the handler continued to approach
animal was restrained. the animal with wide arms until it escaped back to the
Five animals were restrained for approximately 10 herd. An observer with a stopwatch was positioned at
min due to additional setup procedures. The EW video the finish line but was well out of the peripheral vision
data and CTS were collected for each animal for this of the animal. The stopwatch was used to measure the
study while they were restrained in the chute. Collec- amount of time it took each segregated animal to pass
tion of ultrasound measurements and infrared images the handler and reach a specified point, closer to the
occurred simultaneously for all animals while blood was herd. A FS was then determined in meters per second
collected simultaneously for group 3 animals. The ul- for each animal.
trasound, infrared, and blood sampling measurements After all of the data were collected, the video was an-
were collected for an alternative study. These measures alyzed. Two still images were selected for each animal
were collected on a weekly basis so the animals were from the video and were used to calculate the percent-
well habituated to these processes as well as being fa- age of exposed EW. The images were selected on the
miliar with being restrained. basis of being representative of the estimated average

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2170 Core et al.

head, neck, or eye movements. During image selection,

the observer was blinded to any other temperament
assessment results. Each picture was analyzed twice so
that the accuracy of EW estimation could be calcu-
lated. The average EW estimation value was used in
further analyses. The EW percentage was computed
using the image analyses program Sigma Pro 5.0 (As-
pire Software International, Ashburn, VA), which was
programmed to evaluate the area of an image in pixels.
The outer edge of the iris of the eye was traced and the
area was calculated. Similarly, the total eye was also
traced and an area was calculated. Figure 1 represents
these steps pictorially.
The following formula was used to calculate EW per-
centage: [1 − (area of the iris/area of the total eye)] ×
100%. This method ensured that the smallest areas of
white at the top and bottom of the eye were most ac-
curately estimated. This method of EW estimation dif-
fered from the techniques of Sandem et al. (2002); these
authors used a ruler to measure the diameter of the iris
and total eye diameter as they appeared on a computer
screen. These values were then inputted into the for-
mula for an ellipse, and an area was calculated using
the same formula that was used in this experiment.
The technique that was created for this experiment was
believed to be more accurate because it did not assume
the shape of the eye was a perfect ellipse.
The FS value as well as the CTS for each animal was
compared with the percentage of exposed EW to deter-
mine correlation coefficients for each group of animals.
Because of the differences in housing, handling experi-
ence, and testing procedures, each group was analyzed
separately. The Mixed procedure (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary,
NC) was used to determine the intraclass correlations
and Pearson correlation coefficients among images from
the same animal and among duplicate readings of the
same image. The model that was used for the analy-
sis included a random effects variable “image,” nested
within the variable “animal,” and was compared with
CTS and FS effects. The normality of the EW and FS
distributions was assessed with the Univariate proce-
dure in SAS (Figure 2).


The mean, SD, minimum and maximum for EW

percentages, CTS, and FS are presented in Table 2.
The pattern of results appeared to be similar for all 3
groups. Group 2 had the most variation in percentage
EW; however, they had the least variation in CTS and
had the slowest FS times. Group 3 had the greatest av-
erage CTS, whereas group 1 had the fastest FS. Direct
comparisons of these results cannot be made due to the
Figure 1. Eye diagram.
differences in test procedures that were used during the
evaluations of each group.
Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated for
EW of the animal for the entire video clip. They were both images of each animal as well as for the duplicate
also selected when the head of the animal was perpen- measures of each image to ensure that the method of
dicular to the camera and when it was not performing testing and analyzing EW was reliable. The coefficients
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Eye white and temperament in cattle 2171
can be found in Table 3. Pearson correlation coefficients
were also used to determine the correlation between
percentage EW, FS, and CTS within each group (Table
4). The average of the 4 EW measurements was used
for the following analyses because all 4 measures were
highly correlated. Percentage EW was more strongly
correlated with CTS than FS for groups, and values
were highly significant. The correlation coefficients were
consistent among groups with the exception of CTS in
group 2. The CTS correlation with EW for group 2 was
much greater than any of the other correlations that
were obtained.
The results of the Proc Univariate analysis suggest
that percentage EW had a more normal distribution
than FS. The skewness values that were calculated for
EW and FS distributions did not differ significantly;
however, the kurtosis values were greater in all 3 ani-
mal groups for FS. Greater kurtosis values mean that
more of the variance is due to infrequent extreme de-
viations. The skewness and kurtosis values are given in
Table 5.

Research on EW percentage in cattle is still relatively
new, and there are many questions and implications
related to the topics of breeding programs, behavior,
welfare, and meat science that are still left unanswered.
Correlation coefficients for percentage of EW within
and between images for each animal were high, ranging
from 0.79 to 0.96, which shows that this method for
quantifying percentage of EW was highly repeatable
and that it was accurate at the level of the animal with-
in a given test. It also implies a high level of accuracy
for tracing ability, showing that the program Sigma 5.0
can be used as a reliable tool to estimate area. These
increased correlations also suggest that selecting and
tracing images did not provide a great source of error
or noise within the rest of the analyses. Although the
3 animal groups had different experimental testing en-
vironments, the average, SD, and minimum and max-
imum values for all 3 temperament assessment tech- Figure 2. Flight speed and eye white distribution for heifers, bulls,
and steers.
niques were similar. This suggests that all 3 methods
of temperament assessment have similar properties in
different situations. After determining that the method that was used
Whereas the correlations between duplicates and to estimate EW was accurate at the level of the ani-
images were high, the correlations were the least for mal and within duplicates, correlations between EW
group 3. This could be due to more reactive behavior percentage, CTS, and FS were calculated. Both chute
in this group due to increased activity in the surround- scores (CTS) of reactivity and FS are measures of re-
ing environment. During the data collection periods for sponse to handling and are currently used to quantify
groups 1 and 2, ultrasound data and infrared imaging temperament (Voisinet et al., 1997; Curley et al., 2006;
were collected simultaneously and group 3 additionally Müller and von Keyserlink, 2006).
underwent blood sampling. This may have caused more Assigning chute scores is relatively easy but because
behavioral reactions to the environment rather than it is a subjective measure, the results can vary depend-
providing a pure sample of the true disposition of the ing on the observer. Lanier et al. (2000) found the P-
animals, which may have altered the EW evaluations value of inter- and intrareliability tests of these types
and CTS and resulted in overall decreased correlation of scoring to be P < 0.05 with experienced observers;
coefficients. however, if the observers were not familiar with cat-

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2172 Core et al.

Table 2. Simple statistics for eye white average, flight time, and chute temperament
score1 for heifers, bulls, and steers
Variable n Mean SD Minimum Maximum

Group 1
  Eye white average, % 48 30.14 15.37 6.8 59.2
  Flight speed, m/s 48 2.41 0.85 0.29 3.83
  Chute temperament score 48 2.15 0.87 1 4
Group 22
  Eye white average, % 39 31.43 14.77 12.4 69.8
  Flight speed, m/s 30 1.44 0.68 0.35 3.59
  Chute temperament score 39 1.82 0.76 1 3
Group 3
  Eye white average, % 60 28.57 12.38 11.5 59.44
  Flight speed, m/s 60 1.95 0.4 0.96 2.989
  Chute temperament score 60 2.25 0.75 1 4
The chute temperament score criteria were based on a 1 to 5 scale as described by Voisinet et al. (1997).
Group 2: flight speed was only measured on 30 animals because 9 were slaughtered at market weight before
this measure took place.

tle behavior or not practiced in scoring, the reliability the average distance that the animals traveled was 4 m
dramatically decreased. The FS has also been shown past the handler. In this short distance, on a slippery
to be a consistent measure within individuals and is surface, it would have only physically been possible for
correlated with other personality traits associated with the animals to reach a certain maximum speed, no mat-
fearfulness (Müller and von Keyserlink, 2006). ter how strong the desire to escape was. These maxi-
Although all of the measures were significant, the mum FS may have led to nonlinear relationships with
least correlation coefficient was between EW and FS EW percentage and decreased correlation coefficients.
for groups 1, 2, and 3 (0.415, 0.333, and 0.29, respec- The kurtosis test results show that FS has a less normal
tively). In most studies, FS is determined as animals distribution than percentage EW and that it has larger
exit a restraint chute (Curley et al., 2006), whereas in tails. This test suggests that EW percentage could be
this study FS was determined at a different time and a more predictable measurement because it has a more
place from handling in the chute. This method was cho- normal distribution across all of the groups.
sen because of the limitations of the facilities and pro- Although direct comparisons among the groups are
vided a measure of temperament that was completely not possible due to variation in the test procedures,
independent of all of the other evaluations. Peak speed there were some interesting differences in the results
for all 3 groups of animals was on average 3.5 m/s. The between the different groups. The correlation coeffi-
peak speed could be a limiting factor in assessing FS cients between EW and CTS were greater and more
and explain the decreased correlation coefficients. The highly significant than those between FS and EW for
FS assessment took place in a scrape alley for groups 2 all groups, but the correlation coefficient (0.95) was
and 3 and an alley behind the home pens for group 1. much greater for group 2 vs. groups 1 and 3, which
Both locations were slippery due to fecal matter, and were similar (0.674 and 0.696, respectively). This could

Table 3. Pearson correlation coefficients for heifers, bulls, and steers among 2 images
and their duplicates1
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 2

Item Duplicate 2 Duplicate 1 Duplicate 2

Group 1
  Picture 1, duplicate 1 0.955* 0.842* 0.799*
  Picture 1, duplicate 2 0.848* 0.822*
  Picture 2, duplicate 1 0.966*
Group 2
  Picture 1, duplicate 1 0.947* 0.807* 0.843*
  Picture 1, duplicate 2 0.793* 0.819*
  Picture 2, duplicate 1 0.963*
Group 3
  Picture 1, duplicate 1 0.921* 0.803* 0.774*
  Picture 1, duplicate 2 0.834* 0.802*
  Picture 2, duplicate 1 0.938*
Direct comparisons between groups were not made due to differences in environmental design.
*P-value < 0.0001.

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Eye white and temperament in cattle 2173
Table 4. Pearson correlation coefficients for eye white average, flight speed, and chute
temperament score1 for heifers, bulls, and steers
Item Flight speed Chute temperament score

Group 1
  Eye white average 0.415 0.674
P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001
  Flight speed 1 0.378
P < 0.005
  Chute temperament score 0.378 1
P < 0.005
Group 2
  Eye white average 0.333 0.950
P < 0.05 P < 0.0001
  Flight speed 1 0.680
P < 0.001
  Chute temperament score 0.680 1
P < 0.001
Group 3
  Eye white average 0.294 0.696
P < 0.01 P < 0.0001
  Flight speed 1 0.460
P < 0.001
  Chute temperament score 0.460 1
P < 0.001
The chute temperament score criteria were based on a 1 to 5 scale as described by Voisinet et al. (1997).

be due to group 2 having more experience in the chute 0.46 for group 3. This result may also be due to less
and being handled more often. Increased amounts of fear of handling in the chute and a better assessment
handling experience and exposure to novel environ- of the chute behavior. Alternatively there may be sex
ments often results in animals having decreased fear differences in response to handling in the chute due to
responses to new environments and handlers, especial- size and strength or differences in the physical ability of
ly if the handling occurs at an early age (Boivin et bulls (group 2) during the flight tests. Grandin (1993)
al., 1994), although Müller and von Keyserlink (2006) found that steers were generally calmer in a chute test
found increases in FS in heifers over repeated tests. If than bulls, which differs from our results. However, in
the animals are more familiar with the handling pro- the current study, steers were blood sampled during the
cedure, a more accurate CTS could be assigned that test, whereas bulls were not, which could have been a
is more indicative of the disposition of the animals be- significant stressor in our study. The current study was
cause it may reflect a stable personality trait rather not designed to compare sexes directly.
than response to novelty. The CTS have proved to be Further study is required to entirely understand the
successful when the scoring criteria are clearly defined complex relationship between EW percent and temper-
and is often included in Limousin breeding protocols ament and to decipher any confounding factors such
in the United States (Le Neindre et al., 1995; Beck- as age, sex, breed, environmental factors, and handling
man et al., 2005). The correlation coefficient between experience as well as possible differences between the
FS and CTS was also the greatest for group 2 with a left and right eye that could occur due to lateralization
coefficient of 0.68 compared with 0.38 for group 1 and (differences in the magnitude of left and right brain
outputs; De Boyer Des Roches et al., 2008). Addition-
ally, more research could be focused on qualitative ob-
Table 5. Skewness and kurtosis values calculated using servations of EW that could be used in daily assess-
the Proc Univariate1 method for the temperament as- ments. Cattle that reveal EW on the upper portion of
sessment distributions of eye white and flight speed in the eye may have different temperaments that those
heifers, bulls, and steers that only reveal EW on the lower one-half of the eye.
Temperament This type of research could be useful to provide produc-
Group assessment method Skewness Kurtosis ers with a quick and easy scoring system for tempera-
ment on breeding programs or to assess daily welfare
Group 1 Eye white 0.648 0.036
  Flight speed 0.618 −1.053
Group 2 Eye white 1.095 0.381 An additional area of future study could be focused
  Flight speed 1.087 2.370 on assessing EW as a tool for selection. Many more
Group 2 Eye white 0.067 −0.052 animals would need to be included in this type of study,
  Flight speed 0.790 −0.446 and heritabilities should be calculated. Breed differ-
SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC. ences could also be studied more thoroughly as well as

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2174 Core et al.

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References This article cites 17 articles, 4 of which you can access for free at:

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