LEED GA 考试模拟试题4

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Question 2 of 100

What major concepts are integral to green building and sustainability?

A Linear planning and design processes

This is the traditional building approach. The opposite would be the integrated process.

B Life cycle approach

A life cycle approach considers all stages of a project, product or service. For example a life cycle approach for materials would

consider growing raw materials and production, to distribution, consumer use and product disposal.

C Integrated process

Integrated process is the approach of having separate stakeholders or designers work together to ensure the project is benefiting

from synergy which allows for greater levels of sustainability throughout the project's life.

D Open systems

A closed system with a closed loop is thought of as more sustainable. For example, plants growing in a field, grow, produce oxygen,

take in water, then die and decay which helps plants grow. Closed systems can be linked so one system uses the byproducts of


E Systems thinking

Systems thinking is a process of understanding how each part of the built environment affects every other part. It is the belief that the

component parts of a system can best be understood in the context of relationships with each other and with other systems, rather

than in isolation. These parts include project materials, building systems, site, people, and information.



Question 10 of 100

Which of the following refrigerants has the least global warming potential?

A HCFC-123

While you don't need to memorize the entire table of ODP and GWP values, note that while HFCs deplete less ozone, HCFC-123

causes less global warming than any HFC.

B CFC-12

CFC-11 and CFC-12 both have high GWPs.

C HFC-23

HFCs have low ODPs but high GWPs.

D CFC-11

CFC-11 and CFC-12 both have high GWPs.







Make sure you understand how Innovation in Design points are earned and where they get awarded. ID points are 'bonus

points' and the ID category is a 'bonus category'. When a project achieves exemplary or innovative performance, the project

can earn these bonus points under the ID category.

Consider Regional Materials. Under the LEED for New Construction rating system, regional materials use can earn:

10% - 1 point

20% - 2 points

Exemplary performance is awarded for a 30% use. You would not get another point for Regional Materials credit. The credit

itself can earn a maximum of 2 points. A 30% use earns one bonus point for exemplary performance.

What happens if a project uses 40% Regional Materials? No more points are awarded. The credit can earn a maximum of two

points, and there is one exemplary performance point. If there were no limits it would be too easy to get a building certified

because you could just buy 100% regional materials to get points easily.

Note you do not have to memorize points and percentages for your GA exam because the GA exam is not rating system /

credit specific. This information was provided as an example to further your understanding.


Question 27

The baseline water use of a urinal is:

A 2.2 gpf

B 2.2 gpm

C 1.0 gpf

1.0 gallons per flush (gpf) per the EPAct of 1992.

D 1.0 gpm


Question 31

Cabinetry made from walnut shells would help contribute toward earning what LEED credit?

A Recycled Materials

Pre-consumer content is content from industry scraps that was diverted from the waste stream and used for other

purposes. Examples include sawdust, wood shavings, wood chips, and print overruns. Excluded are materials that are

re-incorporated into the same manufacturing process that generated it.

Cabinetry made from walnut shells is an example of a pre-consumer recycled material.

B Construction Waste Management

Cabinets are usually built to order and have minimal waste generated during installation. Any waste disposed of would

contribute to construction waste management but not enough information is given in the question to make this a valid


C Building Reuse

Building reuse deals with reusing the floors, roofs, and walls of an existing building.

D Regional Materials

No information was given on the manufacturing distance of the cabinets so this cannot be an answer choice.

Question 32 of 100

What is a benefit of submitting a formal inquiry under LEED Interpretations compared to Project Credit
Interpretation Rulings?

A Smaller fees

LEED Interpretations have higher fees.

B Precedent setting outcomes

One of the benefits of LEED Interpretations is that the decision can be precedent setting and applicable to
other LEED projects.

C Shorter turn-around time

LEED Interpretations have a longer turnaround time.

D Less rigorous review process

LEED Interpretations are subject to greater scrutiny because they may impact the way the LEED rating

systems are implemented.

(O3) is a gas composed of three oxygen atoms. It is not usually emitted directly into the air, but at ground-level is
created by a chemical reaction between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the
presence of sunlight. Ozone has the same chemical structure whether it occurs miles above the earth or at

ground-level and can be 'good' or 'bad,' depending on its location in the atmosphere.

In the earth's lower atmosphere, ground-level ozone is considered 'bad.' Motor vehicle exhaust and industrial
emissions, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents as well as natural sources emit NOx and VOC that help form

ozone. Ground-level ozone is the primary constituent of smog. Sunlight and hot weather cause ground-level ozone to
form in harmful concentrations in the air. As a result, it is known as a summertime air pollutant. Many urban areas tend
to have high levels of 'bad' ozone, but even rural areas are also subject to increased ozone levels because wind

carries ozone and pollutants that form it hundreds of miles away from their original sources.

'Good' ozone occurs naturally in the stratosphere approximately 10 to 30 miles above the earth's surface and forms a
layer that protects life on earth from the sun's harmful rays.

Question 41 of 100

A LEED consultant helps a company earn an innovation point on a school project in Michigan using a strategy not
found in the LEED rating system. What is true regarding this consultant's ability to use this strategy and earn this
innovation point on other projects?

A The consultant is guaranteed to earn points using this strategy on other projects

B Other projects can not earn the point using this strategy

C It is not guaranteed that this strategy will earn points on other projects

It is important to note that the award of an ID credit for one project at a specific point in time does
not constitute automatic approval for a similar strategy in a future project.

Consider Project A that earns an ID credit for transplanting 50 trees from the building site to
another area of the property. Six months later Project B in another part of town also plans on
transplanting some trees. Just because Project A earned the point it does not automatically mean
Project B will. Project B must submit the appropriate documentation to GBCI through LEED

Online for approval.

D This strategy can be used on one other project


Question 44 of 100

The project team for an office building is considering a composting program. What statement is true regarding
Innovation in Design (ID) credit for a composting program?

A If Project ABC earns an ID credit for implementing a composting program then Project XYZ will also earn the

An ID credit earned on one project does not guarantee the same strategy will be earned on another project.

B Composting 100% of a project's organic waste can earn the project exemplary performance

Exemplary performance goes above and beyond the requirements of existing credits. Composting is not an
existing LEED credit.

C A LEED AP would be required to design a composting management plan in order to meet the ID credit

A LEED AP helps streamline the certification process. A LEED AP is not required to design or implement
innovative strategies for ID points.

D The ID point can only be earned if all occupants of the building are allowed to participate in the program

The 3 basic criteria for achieving an ID credit for a category not found in the LEED rating system is:

1. Quantitative. This means the concept must have measurable/quantifiable environmental benefits.
Establish a baseline and compare it with the final outcome to determine the improvement. How
much environmental benefit did the strategy achieve?

2. Comprehensive. The process or specification must be comprehensive. For example, if a new

material could be used in every floor of a building, the project team can't use it in just one floor. A
process that only addresses a part of the project isn't considered comprehensive and does not
meet the credit requirements.
3. Transferrable. The concept must be able to be used on other projects by other project teams. It
can't be a concept that only applies to a unique aspect of one project.

The ID point for a composting program would only be allowed if all building occupants would have access to
the program. For example, you couldn't say 'we're limiting this program to the occupants on floors 1-5 but
not 6-10 because we don't have enough space for all that compost.

E LEED would reject any ID credit submission for a composting program unless it was a Regional Priority

ID credits and Regional Priority credits are unrelated.

Question 59 of 100

Biomass is what type of material?

A Plant material

Biomass is plant material converted to heat energy to produce electricity.

B Landfill gas

C Animal waste

D Fly-ash

Question 61 of 100

Finding synergies among prerequisites and credits is aided by:

A LEED Score Card

The LEED Score Card is used to determine the target certification level and serves as a high level guide of
what green building goals are trying to be achieved.


USGBC creates the LEED rating systems. USGBC can answer questions but is not a contact resource for
the synergies for your specific project.


GBCI can answer questions but is not a contact resource for the synergies for your specific project.


One of the roles of the LEED AP is to help with synergies among prerequisites and credits.



Question 69 of 100

What statement is true regarding wool carpet made from wool leftover from the carpet manufacturing process?

A This material is an example of post-consumer recycled content

Post-consumer material - recycled material generated from the waste of household, commercial, industrial,
or institutional end-users

Postconsumer recycled content - is the percentage of material in a product that was consumer waste. The
recycled material was generated by household, commercial, industrial, or institutional end-users and can no
longer be used for its intended purpose. It includes returns of materials from the distribution chain.
Examples include construction and demolition debris, materials collected through recycling programs,
discarded products (e.g., furniture, cabinetry, decking), and landscaping waste (e.g., leaves, grass
clippings, tree trimmings). (ISO 14021)

B This material is an example of pre-consumer recycled content

Pre-consumer content - formerly known as post-industrial content, is the percentage of material in a product

that is recycled from manufacturing waste. Examples include planer shavings, plytrim, sawdust, chips,
bagasse, sunflower seed hulls, walnut shells, culls, trimmed materials, print overruns, overissue
publications, and obsolete inventories. Excluded are materials such as rework, regrind, or scrap generated
in a process and capable of being reclaimed within the same process that generated it (ISO 14021).

C This material does not contain recycled content

This example would not be considered any type of recycled material. If a manufacturing process uses
scraps and puts them back in the assembly line, it is a good practice but it does not count towards pre or

post consumer recycled content.

D This material is an example of post-industrial recycled content

Post-industrial content is now called pre-consumer content.







Question 80 of 100

What is NOT a triple bottom line benefit of infill development?

A Limiting the amount of land covered by pavement

Building on a previously developed site or a location between existing buildings reduces the need for
additional pavement.

B Development is compacted by reducing the square feet per acre

Do not confuse infill development with compact development strategies. Infill development doesn't mean
smaller it means a better choice of land to build on.

C Reducing infrastructure costs

Building away from existing infrastructure generates additional costs from water and utility services as well
as the need to add additional transportation routes.

D Creating more vital communities

Infill development help communities become more connected and can help in revitalization.




Question 85 of 100

What statement is true regarding the LEED scorecard?

A The scorecard is organized by LEED category

Each LEED category is listed, along with the credits and prerequisites for that category.

B The scorecard gives the project team the option of not earning prerequisites

Prerequisites are automatically filled in as being awarded in the scorecard.

C Innovation in Design credits are not listed in the LEED scorecard

Yes, they are listed.

D There is one LEED scorecard that can be used for any rating system

Each rating system has a unique scorecard.


Question 87 of 100

What is a difference between the project team and the stakeholders in the green building process?

A The project team is a collaborative group involved in design and problem solving during all steps of the
project while stakeholders are not involved in all steps

This is primarily what the project team will do. The project team has the greatest involvement in every part of
the project from start to finish.

All stakeholders aren't necessarily involved in all steps of the project, or deeply involved in design decisions.

For example the neighbors of the building aren't going to be sitting in meetings discussing the building's
insulation or what kind of wood should be used for office desks.

B Stakeholders work together to complete the project while the project team does not

All stakeholders aren't necessarily going to complete the project. Some people may be invited to charrettes
and then their input may not be needed again.

C The project team includes the project owner while the stakeholders does not include the project owner

This is not correct because the building owner would be a stakeholder as well.

D Stakeholders encompass everyone who works on the project from start to finish while the project team does

The project team encompasses everyone who works on the project from start to finish.



Question 94 of 100

Which of the following requires the submission of a proposed requirement as part of the documentation?

A Baseline water use calculations

The requirements for baseline water use calculations are a given as part of the rating system. The
requirements are not submitted with any type of documentation.

B Credit Interpretation Request (CIR)

CIRs are used for technical guidance on credits. The credit requirements are not included when asking a

C Innovation in Design (ID) credit submission

The following are required when submitting an ID credit for innovative performance:

• The intent of the proposed credit

• The proposed requirement for compliance

• The proposed submittals to demonstrate compliance
• The strategies used to meet the requirements

D CFC phase-out plan

A CFC phase-out plan requires following the EPA Clean Air Act regulations.


Biofuel based technologies use a renewable/recurring supply of organic material such as plant matter (biomass) to
produce electricity. Bio-fuels are fuels derived from biomass. Bio-fuel systems reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

For LEED biofuels include:

• untreated wood waste

• agricultural crops or waste

• animal waste
• other organic waste
• landfill gas

An issue with bioenergy is the amount of fossil fuel energy used to produce it. Bioenergy such as the burning of
ethanol from corn, requires energy to produce the fuel.

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