EntrepreneurPastIssuesPDF Feb24
EntrepreneurPastIssuesPDF Feb24
EntrepreneurPastIssuesPDF Feb24
About Us NPCS is a well-known technical consultancy that focuses on Project Reports Compilation, and we have
been following a tight system and procedure to assure only top quality in accordance with our clients'
expectations in this rapidly increasing and changing market. We’ve created the list of the top projects to start your own business startups.
ood preservation is a method ` 1575/-
Instant Sorghum Upma Mix, Bread, Cakes, Instant Laddu Mix, Pizza Base,
US$ 150- methods drastically altered
Rawa/Suji, Vermicelli, Puffs and Sorghum Muesli with Manufacturing,
of maintaining foods at a the character of the food
desired level of properties being preserved. Meat and Machinery, Equipment Details & Factory Layout)
or nature for their maximum poultry products are chilled
benefits. Preservation usually immediately after slaughter illet is a type of cereal ` 2495/- US$ 225- on creating a range of millet-
involves preventing the growth of to acceptable internal that is a part of the based products like flour, flakes,
bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and other temperatures which insure grass family Poaceae. pasta, beverages, and snacks.
micro-organisms (although some the prompt removal of the This small round whole grain Manufacturing process and
methods work by introducing animal heat and preserve is grown in India and Nigeria, recipes are provided, empowering
bacteria, or fungi to the food), the wholesomeness of the especially in Asia and Africa. entrepreneurs to innovate in
as well as retarding the oxidation products. As such, due to There are multiple types product development.
of fats which cause rancidity. the recent up gradation of of millets. However, most The Millet Market size is
There are various methods of preservation techniques, the common varieties include estimated at USD 11.53 billion,
preservation chilling, freezing, preservation industry is also Finger Millet, Foxtail Millet, and is expected to reach USD
curing, smoking, dehydration, growing almost at the same Pearl Millet, Proso Millet, 14.43 billion, growing at a CAGR
canning, radiation preservation rate as the food industry Little Millet and Sorghum of 4.60%. Millets are small grass
etc. Chilling is most widely used which is about 10 to 12% per Millet. Millet is loaded with seeds that are widely grown.
method for preservation for short year. nutritional value and that They are treated as Cereal Crops
term storage of meat because Some of the major is why many dieticians and for Human Food. Generally, a
chilling or refrigeration slows aspects of the book are doctors recommend it as huge percentage of the Millets
down the microbial growth and enzymatic as well principles of various preservation techniques, one of the breakfast cereal Produced is consumed and the
as chemical reactions. Freezing is the method of standards and quality control measures for that must include in diet. remaining percentage is used for
choice for the long term preservation of meat. It meat, meat food products order, eating quality Additionally, millet muesli is also recommended producing Beer, and Instant ready eat Foods.
has advantage of retaining most of the nutritive and sensory evaluation of meat, preservation by diet consultant experts because it is a more Breakfast Foods like Cornflakes are made from
value of meat during storage. Meat smoking of poultry meat, utilisation of poultry industry nutrient dense type of millets. Millet. The growing awareness regarding health
was known to man as an aid in preservation for by products, mixed poultry by products meal, Key features of the handbook include: and fitness among the consumers are resulting
a long time. Smoke contains a large number of structure, composition and nutritive value of Cultivation Techniques: The book provides in a higher uptake of organic, natural, and
wood degradation products such as aldehydes, eggs, luncheon meats, meat loaves, and meat detailed information on millet cultivation gluten-free products, which, in turn, is fueling the
ketones, organic acids, and phenols etc. which spreads, barbecue style pork loaf using non fat techniques, including land preparation, planting, millet market.
exert bacteriostatic affect besides imparting dry milk, canned corned beef products, salisbury irrigation, pest and disease management, and This book offers comprehensive reference
characteristic smoky flavour. Canning is a steak with textured vegetable protein, general harvesting. It offers guidance on optimizing millet that covers various aspects of millet production
process of preservation achieved by thermal instruction to be observed for processing canned yields while minimizing environmental impact. and its value-added Products Production
sterilization of product held in hermetically items under sterm or under the combination of Millet Varieties: Readers will find descriptions Process, Machinery, Equipment Details, Factory
sealed containers. Canning preserves the stream and water pressure, spaghetti and meat of different millet varieties, their adaptability layout and Photographs with Suppliers Contact
sensory attributes such as appearance, flavour balls in tomato sauce with cheese, etc. to various climates and regions, and their Details are also given.
and texture of the meat products to a large Different preservation techniques are nutritional profiles. This knowledge can help The Millet Production, Processing,
extent. Freeze drying of meat is a satisfactory being developed to satisfy current demands farmers select the most suitable millet varieties and Value-Added Products Handbook is a
process of dehydration preservation due to of economic preservation and consumer for their specific conditions. comprehensive guide that offers a wealth of
better reconstitution properties, nutritive quality satisfaction in nutritional and sensory aspects, Processing Techniques: The handbook knowledge and practical insights into the world
and acceptability. It involves the removal of convenience, absence of preservatives, low delves into post-harvest processes, from of millet agriculture and its various applications.
water from the frozen state to vapour state by demand of energy and environmental safety. The threshing and cleaning to milling and storage. This handbook serves as an invaluable resource
keeping it under vacuum and giving a low heat present book contains various processes of meat It highlights best practices for preserving millet for farmers, agricultural researchers, startups,
treatment. Maintaining or creating nutritional and poultry preservation. All the entrepreneurs, quality and reducing post-harvest losses. entrepreneurs, food processors, and anyone
value, texture and flavour is an important aspect technocrats, persons evolved in meat and poultry Value Addition Product Innovation: This interested in the cultivation, processing, and
of food preservation, although, historically, some processing will be benefited from this book. handbook is a treasure trove of information utilization of millet grains.
Most Growing Industries to Start a New Business
Setup Plant of
P Setup Unit of
• Pharmaceutical Appli- aint rollers are tools com-
cations: Nicotine extract- monly used for apply-
ed from tobacco waste
Extraction from
ing paint on large, flat
has applications in the
pharmaceutical industry,
surfaces efficiently. This
device typically consists of two Paint Rollers
Tobacco Waste
particularly in smoking main parts–the roller frame, which
cessation products and acts as a handle, and the roller cover, CAGR of 6.9% during the forecast
nicotine replacement ther- which is the part that actually applies period. Developing economies like
apies. the paint. The roller cover is usually a China, India, and Indonesia result in
icotine is a chemical com- cylindrical piece, made from various high economic growth. Furthermore,
pound that is naturally • E-Cigarette Industry: The e-cig-
arette industry relies on nicotine, materials such as lambswool, syn- the increased demand for residential
present in the leaves of thetic fibers, or foam, which is capable construction and development in the
the tobacco plant. It is a and by providing a sustainable
and cost-effective source of nico- of absorbing paint and then releasing paint industry in these countries is
powerful stimulant and is primarily it evenly onto a surface when rolled.
known for its addictive properties, as tine, you can tap into this rapidly anticipated to boost the market further.
it is the main addictive Advantage of Paint Rollers Indian Market Overview
component of tobacco PROJECT COST ESTIMATE The first advantage of paint roll- The India paint roller market is
products. When tobacco CAPACITY: ers lies in their inherent design and anticipated to grow at a steady pace
is burned or consumed, Nicotine 10ml bottle each : 5,000 Bottles Per Day efficiency. They are the go-to choice in the forecast period, 2023E-2028F.
nicotine is released Nicotine 50ml bottle each : 1,300 Bottles Per Day when you need to cover a large area The demand for the paint roller market
and quickly absorbed Nicotine 100ml bottle each : 650 Bottles Per Day quickly and with ease, offering a much is increasing due to the growth in the
into the bloodstream. Nicotine 250ml bottle each : 260 Bottles Per Day more streamlined approach to paint- infrastructure sector in India. Increas-
Nicotine is a colorless Nicotine 500ml bottle each : 170 Bottles Per Day ing compared to the traditional paint- ing socioeconomic developments and
liquid that turns brown Nicotine 1000ml bottle each : 85 Bottles Per Day brush. Their design allows for better housing subsidies by the government
when exposed to air. It Plant & Machinery absorption and release of paint, lead- will positively influence the market
: ` 289 Lakhs
has a distinctive odor Rate of Return ing to fewer refills and interruptions in residential areas. India roller paint
: 35%
and taste, which is of- Break Even Point during the painting process. This not market is increasing due to rising pop-
: 32% only saves time but also results in less ulation, fast industrialization, and more
ten described as bitter.
It acts as a stimulant, wasted paint. Beyond efficiency, paint foreign investment finance across
increasing heart rate and blood pres- growing market. rollers offer a more even and uniform developing nation. Manufacturers in
sure, while also promoting the release Global Market Outlook application of paint. Unlike brushes, the sector benefit from consumers
of dopamine in the brain, resulting in The global nicotine market size which can leave visible strokes and growing propensity for renovating run-
pleasurable sensations. is expected to be USD 375.22 million uneven layers of paint, rollers dis- down, underdeveloped homes, public
Uses and Applications of Nicotine in 2022, as per our research, the tribute the paint evenly across the buildings, and private structures.
market is expected to reach USD surface. This results in a smoother,
• Neurological Research According to estimations and
1,244.06 million by 2031, exhibiting a more professional-looking finish that
• Cognitive Disorders predictions made by the WHO, the
CAGR of 12.72% during the forecast is often hard to achieve with other
urban population is anticipated to
• Pest Control period. The global nicotine market is a painting tools.
increase rapidly in india due to which,
• Nicotine Replacement Products dynamic and rapidly growing industry Additionally, paint rollers are the need for painting and painting
• Research and Medicine that revolves around the production cost-effective. While the initial cost supplies such as paint rollers will
and distribution of nicotine, a highly of a paint roller may be higher than a also likely to rise as more people are
Why Should Start Extraction from
addictive chemical compound derived paintbrush, the longer lifespan and the moving into cities. Favorable govern-
Tobacco Waste Business?
from tobacco plants. Nicotine is reduced paint usage make it a more ment policies and rise in FDI inflows are
• Diversification of Income primarily used in the manufacturing economical choice in the long run. key growth drivers for the paint rollers
Streams: The extraction industry of various tobacco products, They are also easy to clean and main- industry in India.
allows entrepreneurs to diversify including cigarettes, e-cigarettes, tain, further extending their usability
their income sources. By utilizing and smokeless tobacco. The nicotine Conclusion
and value for money.
tobacco waste, you can create market encompasses the production, The rising global demand for paint
Global Market Overview
additional revenue streams extraction, and supply of nicotine in rollers, combined with the low entry
alongside existing businesses or various forms, such as liquid nicotine, The global paint rollers market barriers, opportunities for innovation
investments. size is valued at USD 2,932.56 million and differentiation, and a wide range
nicotine gums, nicotine patches,
in 2023. It is expected to reach USD of potential markets, make the paint
• Resource Utilization: Tobacco and nicotine inhalers. The growing
4603.97 million by 2032, growing at rollers business a promising venture.
waste is a byproduct of the tobacco preference for oral tobacco-free
a CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast Whether you're looking to start a
industry. By extracting valuable products as compared to flammable
period (2024-2032). The paint roller small-scale manufacturing business
compounds from this waste, you cigarettes is driving the regional
market is expected to grow due to the or a retail store specializing in paint-
contribute to resource efficiency nicotine market growth.
rapid growth of cities. The market is ing tools, the paint rollers sector is
and reduce environmental impact. Conclusion also growing because of increased certainly worth considering.
• Market Demand: There is a growing Starting a nicotine extraction government spending on building
demand for tobacco-derived business from tobacco waste not only homes. Also, government programs PROJECT COST ESTIMATE
compounds such as nicotine, promises significant financial gains that help the paint and painting tools CAPACITY
which is used in various industries, but also allows entrepreneurs to make industries offer good chances for Paint Roller : 12,000 Pcs. Per Day
including pharmaceuticals, a positive impact on the environment the paint roller market to grow. Plant & Machinery : ` 73 Lakhs
e-cigarettes, and the agriculture and public health. It is a win-win Asia-Pacific holds the leading po- Cost of Project : ` 396 Lakhs
sector. Meeting this demand can situation for both business success sition in the global paint rollers Rate of Return : 29%
be a profitable venture. and sustainability. market and is expected to grow at a Break Even Point : 52%
Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on all above Businesses are Available. Contact :
NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Kamla Nagar, Delhi–110 007 (India). Tel. : 91-11- 23843955 • 23845886
Mob.: +91-9097075054 • 8800733955
AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Website : www.niir.org • www.entrepreneurindia.co • E-mail : info@niir.org • npcs.india@gmail.com
Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on all above Businesses are Available. Contact :
NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Kamla Nagar, Delhi–110 007 (India). Tel. : 91-11- 23843955 • 23845886
Mob.: +91-9097075054 • 8800733955
AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Website : www.niir.org • www.entrepreneurindia.co • E-mail : info@niir.org • npcs.india@gmail.com
Invest in
• Emergency and Disaster Relief Housing
• Portable Offices and Workspaces
Steel Containers
• Retail Spaces
• Art Studios and Workshops
• Farming and Gardening
• Recreational Spaces
teel cargo the locking Global Market Outlook
containers, also mechanisms,
Steel Containers Market Size was valued at
known as intermodal and other components
USD 114.8 Billion in 2022. The steel containers
containers, are robust, necessary for a functional door.
market industry is projected to grow from USD
rectangular storage units made primarily from 8. Installation of Doors & Walls onto Floor 118.82 Billion in 2023 to USD 156.46 Billion by
high-strength corrugated steel. These industrial- Frame: The doors and corrugated walls are 2032, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate
grade boxes, typically 8 feet wide, 8.5 feet tall, and installed onto the floor frame. This step starts (CAGR) of 3.50% during the forecast period (2023–
either 20 or 40 feet long, are designed to be easily to bring the shape of the container together. 2032). A significant market driver that could fuel
transported between different modes of transport 9. Installation of Roof: The roof panel is installed the expansion of steel containers is the rising need
– from ship to rail to truck – without needing to onto the top of the container, completing the for steel containers in the food industry for use in
unload and reload their cargo. These containers are basic structure. the handling, storage, and transportation of various
built to withstand the harsh realities of international 10. Priming: The assembled container is primed food items.
shipping. Subjected to rough handling, varying to protect the steel and prepare it for painting. The steel container market expanded as a
weather conditions, and constant motion, they must Priming helps in preventing corrosion. result of a rise in the demand for ship-borne cargo
be strong enough to protect valuable merchandise
11. Painting: The container is painted, which adds transportation. Due to advantages over other modes
throughout its journey across the globe.
another layer of corrosion protection and gives of transportation, including cost effectiveness and
Production of Steel Containers the container its final appearance. a more secure method of carrying products, there
The production of steel containers, such as 12. Installing Floor Panels & Door Hardware: The is an increasing demand for the movement of cargo
cargo containers, involves a complex and multi- interior floor panels are installed, and the door by waterways.
stage process. Here's a breakdown of each step in hardware, such as locking mechanisms, is The Asia-Pacific Steel Containers Market is
the production process: attached. expected to grow at the fastest CAGR from 2023
1. Unrolling & Cutting: The process begins with 13. Water Proofing & Corrosion Resistance: to 2032 because of the existence of expanding
the unrolling of large steel coils. These steel Additional waterproofing and corrosion economies, rising disposable income, and brisk
sheets are then cut into the required sizes for resistance measures are applied. This may growth in the food, beverage, and chemical
the sides, roof, and floor of the container. involve sealants and specialized coatings. industries. China is anticipated to have a lead in
2. Surface Treatment: The cut steel sheets terms of steel containers market share over the
14. Waterproof Testing & Final Inspection:
undergo surface treatment to remove any projection period, while ASEAN and India, which are
The container undergoes waterproof testing
impurities and to prepare them for further expected to dominate the market, are also expected
to ensure it's airtight and watertight. A final
processing. This can include processes like to develop significantly. Moreover, China’s steel
inspection is conducted to ensure quality
sandblasting, which cleans and etches the containers market held the largest market share,
standards are met.
surface. and the Indian steel containers market was the
15. Material Handling Systems Involved: fastest growing market in the Asia-Pacific region.
3. Corrugation: The steel sheets for the sides Throughout this process, various material
and sometimes the roof are corrugated. This Conclusion
handling systems are used to move
corrugation process involves shaping the steel components and the container itself. This Starting a business centered on steel cargo
sheets into a wave-like pattern, which adds can include cranes, forklifts, and conveyor containers offers an exciting opportunity to tap
strength and rigidity to the container. systems. into a market ripe with potential. Not only will
4. Fabrication of Roof Panels: Separate roof you be capitalizing on a growing trend, but you'll
Each of these steps is crucial for ensuring
panels are fabricated, often using a different also be contributing to a more sustainable and
the durability, strength, and longevity of the steel
process or material to optimize for strength and innovative future. So why wait? Dive into the world
containers, making them suitable for transporting
durability. of steel cargo containers and see what amazing
goods across long distances and various
opportunities await.
5. Fabrication of Floor Braces: Floor braces environmental conditions.
are fabricated separately. These braces will Uses and Applications
support the container's floor and provide
Steel containers, commonly known as cargo PROJECT COST ESTIMATE
additional structural integrity.
containers, are widely used in various industries CAPACITY
6. Different Stages of Welding: Various due to their durability, versatility, and security. Here Cargo Containers : 34 Nos Per Day
components of the container are welded are some of the key uses and applications of steel (Size 20 Feet)
together. This includes welding the sides to the containers: Plant & Machinery : ` 272 Lakhs
frame, attaching the roof, and securing the floor
• Shipping and Transportation Cost of Project : ` 1992 Lakhs
• Storage Rate of Return : 29%
7. Door Frame Assembly: The door frame is Break Even Point : 51%
assembled separately. It includes the frame, • Modular Construction
Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on all above Businesses are Available. Contact :
NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Kamla Nagar, Delhi–110 007 (India). Tel. : 91-11- 23843955 • 23845886
Mob.: +91-9097075054 • 8800733955
AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Website : www.niir.org • www.entrepreneurindia.co • E-mail : info@niir.org • npcs.india@gmail.com
P Start
article board, also known as chipboard • Grinding: The chipped wood is then ground
or low-density fiberboard, is a type into finer particles. The size of these particles
of engineered wood product made by is crucial for the quality of the final product,
Manufacturing of
compressing small particles of wood, affecting its density and strength.
such as sawdust, wood chips, and shavings, • Drying: The ground wood particles are
with a synthetic resin or binder under heat
dried to reduce their moisture content.
and pressure. This creates a flat, dense Proper drying is vital to prevent the final
panel that can be used for a variety of product from warping or developing
purposes, such as furniture, cabinetry, mold.
and flooring.
• Mixing with Resin: Once
Uses and Applications
dried, the wood particles are mixed
Particle board, also known as with a resin binder. This resin helps
chipboard or particleboard, is a versatile to bind the particles together under
material made from wood chips, pressure and heat, giving the particle
sawmill shavings, or even sawdust, and board its strength and durability.
a synthetic resin or other suitable binder, • Cold Pressing: The mixture
which is pressed and extruded. It has a of wood particles and resin is first
(Wood Base)
variety of uses and applications in different subjected to cold pressing. This step
fields: compacts the mixture into a dense mat and
• Furniture Manufacturing: Particle board is begins the process of binding the particles
widely used in the furniture industry. It's often together.
used for inexpensive furniture and as a base • Hot Pressing: After cold pressing, the mat
to be covered with veneers in more expensive undergoes hot pressing, which activates the
a n d
items. resin binder and solidifies the bond between the
infrastructure. In the construction industry, plain
• Insulation: Particle board has some insulating particle board is commonly used for manufacturing wood particles. This step also determines the
properties and can be used in construction to thickness of the final particle board.
provide insulation. • Cutting: The large sheets of particle board
• Acoustic Panels: Due to its density, particle produced from the hot press are then cut into
board can be effective for acoustic panels in CAPACITY manageable sizes according to market demand
soundproofing applications. Particle Board (Wood Based) : 3,600 Nos Per Day or specific customer requirements.
Plant & Machinery : ` 16.30 Crores
• Packaging: For heavy items, particle board is • Sizing: The cut sheets are sized more precisely,
Cost of Project : ` 31.37 Crores
sometimes used in packaging. It provides more ensuring that each board meets the exact
Rate of Return : 30%
protection than cardboard but is cheaper than specifications for thickness and dimensions.
solid wood. Break Even Point : 50%
• Sanding: The surfaces and edges of the boards
• Wall and Ceiling Panels: In interior decoration, are sanded to create a smooth finish. This step
wooden panel products, such as particleboard
particle board is used as wall and ceiling panels. is crucial for preparing the boards for painting,
cabinets, particle board kitchen cabinets,
It can be designed to mimic various textures and laminating, or other finishes.
particleboard doors, and subfloors. This has
styles. • Packing: Once the particle boards have been
minimized the overall cost of construction. Such
• Doors: Some types of interior doors are made factors have led to the increased use of particle sized and sanded, they are packed for protection
from particle board, either as the core material board materials, driving the growth of the global during storage and transportation.
or as part of a veneered construction. particle board market across the globe. • Sent to Sale: The final step involves distributing
• Home Decor Items: Particle board is used Manufacturing Process of Particle Board the packed particle boards to retailers or directly
in various home decor items such as picture to customers for use in furniture, construction,
The manufacturing process of particle board,
frames, decorative shelves, and other small and various other applications.
which is a type of engineered wood product,
furnishings. This manufacturing process allows for
involves several stages. This process starts with
Despite its many uses, particle board does wood as the primary raw material and ends with the the efficient use of wood resources, including
have limitations. It's not as strong as plywood final product being packed and sent for sale. Here's waste wood, to create a versatile and cost-
or solid wood, can be damaged by moisture and a detailed look at each step in the process: effective material. Particle board is widely used
water, and doesn’t hold screws as well as other in the furniture industry, construction, and for DIY
• Wood Preparation: The first step involves
types of wood. However, its low cost and versatility projects due to its affordability and ease of use.
gathering wood, which can be in the form of
make it a popular choice for many applications. Conclusion
logs, branches, or wood waste from other
Global Market Outlook processes. This raw material serves as the base Starting a particle board manufacturing
Particle Board Market was valued at USD 19.3 for creating the particle board. business can be a powerful move towards
Billion by 2030 and is expected to witness a 6.1% • Cutting: The wood is then cut into smaller pieces promoting sustainability. By transforming
CAGR during the forecast period. The global market to make it easier to process. This step ensures wood waste materials into a valuable product,
for particle board has been witnessing moderate that the wood can be handled more efficiently in manufacturers can actively contribute to
growth in the past couple of years. The demand the subsequent stages. waste reduction and resource efficiency in the
for laminated particle board and pre-laminated woodworking industry. This not only makes good
• Chipping: After cutting, the wood pieces are
particleboard is expected to be driven by increasing business sense but also positions the company
chipped into even smaller fragments. These
demand for the cheaper wood-based products as a responsible and environmentally-conscious
wood chips are essential for creating a uniform
for various end-use applications in construction, entity.
particle board.
Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on all above Businesses are Available. Contact :
NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Kamla Nagar, Delhi–110 007 (India). Tel. : 91-11- 23843955 • 23845886
Mob.: +91-9097075054 • 8800733955
AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Website : www.niir.org • www.entrepreneurindia.co • E-mail : info@niir.org • npcs.india@gmail.com
olid rubber tyres, as puncture-proof design of these tyres make them
their name suggests, are ideal for industries that require tough and reliable
tyres that are constructed
Solid Rubber Tyres equipment.
Potato FlakesBusiness
entirely out of solid rubber, Global Market Outlook
unlike traditional tyres that are filled
Global Solid Tire Market was valued USD
with air. This innovative technology
7.47 BN (by revenue) in 2022 and is anticipated
deviates from the usual pneumatic
to reach USD 11.55 BN by 2030 with a CAGR
tyre design, which contains an
inflatable inner tube. Instead, solid PROJECT COST ESTIMATE
inflation, making them
virtually maintenance-
of 5.6%. Solid tires are the airless tires that are
extremely durable, stable, puncture resistant, and
rubber tyres provide a consistent,
CAPACITY: free. This saves time maintenance free. Solid tires are also known as
solid performance, quite literally,
Truck Tyre : 200 Pcs. Per Day and resources in airless tires or non-pneumatic tires. These tires
under pressure. They have been
Lorry Tyre : 200 Pcs. Per Day industrial applications. are either made up of solid rubber or molded with
revolutionizing the market due to their
plastic compounds. They posses high load bearing
unique and practical features. Unlike Bike Tyre : 200 Pcs. Per Day • Resistance to
capacity and thus used in lawn mowers, forklift
regular tyres, these do not need air Car Tyre : 200 Pcs. Per Day Harsh Conditions:
trucks, tractors, motorized golf carts, platform
to function, thereby eliminating the Plant & Machinery : ` 12.34 Crores Solid tires are often
vehicles and other heavy load bearing capacity
possibility of punctures or air leaks. Cost of Project : ` 44.28 Crores more resistant to
vehicles. Rapid urbanization and industrialization
Designed to be robust and sturdy, Rate of Return : 35% extreme temperatures
in these regions have led to an increased demand
they can withstand harsh conditions Break Even Point : 52% and corrosive
for automobiles and heavy-duty equipment, thus
and heavy loads, making them a substances. This
fueling the market growth. Moreover, the increase in
favorite amongst industries such as construction, makes them ideal for use in environments where
middle-class disposable income in these countries
agriculture, and mining. exposure to such conditions is common, like
has led to a rise in automobile ownership, further
Advantage of Solid Rubber Tyres chemical plants or extreme weather conditions.
boosting the demand for solid rubber tires.
Here are some of the key advantages: Why to Start this Business?
The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) is another
• Puncture and Flat Proof: One of the most Starting a solid rubber tyre business is a significant factor contributing to the solid rubber
significant benefits of solid rubber tires is smart move for entrepreneurs looking for a tires market growth. With their increased load
their resistance to punctures, which virtually profitable opportunity in a growing industry. With and different handling characteristics, EVs benefit
eliminates the risk of flats. This is especially the increasing demand for solid rubber tyres, there immensely from the stability and resilience that
useful in industrial settings or construction sites is a huge potential for growth and success in this solid rubber tires offer. As the demand for EVs
where sharp objects like nails or shards of metal field. They versatile and can be used in various continues to grow, so does the need for solid rubber
are common. industries, from construction to agriculture. This tires, creating a promising outlook for the market.
means that your business can cater to a wide
• Durability: Solid rubber tires are generally more Conclusion
range of customers and industries, increasing
durable than pneumatic tires. They are less For entrepreneurs looking for a smart
your potential for revenue. Moreover, solid rubber
susceptible to wear and tear, especially in harsh investment, starting a solid rubber tyre business
tyres have a longer lifespan than air-filled tyres,
working environments. This can lead to longer offers a wide range of benefits, from versatility to
which means your customers will come back less
tire life and reduced replacement costs. customer loyalty and trust. And with the Indian
frequently for replacements, resulting in increased
• Maintenance-Free: Unlike pneumatic tires, solid customer loyalty and trust. The durability and market booming, there is no better time to tap into
rubber tires do not require air pressure checks or this growing industry.
Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on all above Businesses are Available. Contact :
NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Kamla Nagar, Delhi–110 007 (India). Tel. : 91-11- 23843955 • 23845886
Mob.: +91-9097075054 • 8800733955
AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Website : www.niir.org • www.entrepreneurindia.co • E-mail : info@niir.org • npcs.india@gmail.com
Wood Plastic
are a type of These metals are
Alloy Wheel
wheel made widely available and
from an alloy of alumi- reasonably priced,
num or magnesium, and contributing to
Composite (WPC)
Manufacturing Business
sometimes even both. profitable production
These alloys are light- costs. In addition
weight and offer superior to serving the two- ood Plastic Composite (WPC)
performance over tradi-
tional steel wheels. The
term 'alloy' refers to a mix
for Two Wheelers wheeler market,
diversification is also
possible. The same
is a material made of a
combination of wood fiber and
thermoplastic resin. WPC has
of metals or a metal combined manufacturing process can become a popular building material due to its
with other elements. The aluminum or magnesium al- be adapted to produce alloy wheels for other types of durability and sustainability, as it is made from
loys used in these wheels are known for their strength vehicles like cars and ATVs, further broadening the recycled plastic and wood fibers.
and lightweight characteristics, making them ideal market scope. WPC Is an Ideal Material for a Variety of Ap-
for two-wheelers. These wheels are usually cast or Global Market Outlook plications
forged into design, making them more appealing than
The Alloy Wheel Market size was valued at USD WPC is also a great choice for interior
regular steel wheels. With their aesthetic appeal and
17.6 Billion in 2022 and the total Alloy Wheel Market applications such as furniture and wall panels,
performance-enhancing attributes, they are popular in
revenue is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.2% from due to its high resistance to moisture and
the modern two-wheeler market.
2023 to 2029, reaching nearly USD 28.48 Billion. wear. The material is extremely stable and
The Benefit of Using Alloy Wheels for Two Wheelers An alloy wheel is a wheel made from an alloy of can withstand changes in temperature and
Alloy wheels undoubtedly elevate the riding ex- aluminium or magnesium. These wheels are popular humidity, making it an ideal choice for use in
perience by providing numerous perks. One of the among car enthusiasts due to their lightweight, areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and even
key advantages lies in their lightweight nature, which strength, and aesthetic appeal. The demand for alloy basements.
enhances maneuverability and control. With alloy wheels has been steadily increasing over the years Indian Market Outlook
wheels, taking sharp turns or cruising at high speeds due to several reasons. One major reason is that
feels more effortless and precise. This weight differ- alloy wheels are lighter than steel wheels, which can The India wood plastic composites market
ence also impacts the overall strain on the suspension improve a vehicle's handling, acceleration, and fuel reached a value of US$ 196.7 Million in 2021.
components, leading to less wear and tear, and ulti- economy. Additionally, alloy wheels are available in a Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the
mately extending the longevity of your two-wheeler. wide range of styles and designs, allowing car owners market to reach US$ 393.5 Million by 2027,
In addition, alloy wheels have a reputation for their to customize their vehicle's appearance. Moreover, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 12% during
strength and durability. They are less prone to cracks alloy wheels are more resistant to corrosion and 2022-2027.
or bends when compared to their steel counterparts. rust than steel wheels, which can make them a more Global Market Outlook
This quality makes them a reliable choice for rough durable and longer-lasting option. As a result, many The global wood plastic composites
terrains and less-than-ideal road conditions, ensuring car manufacturers are now offering alloy wheels as market size was estimated at USD 5.76
the rider's safety. Alloy wheels are also acknowledged standard or optional equipment on their vehicles. billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a
for their superior heat conduction. They disperse the The North American region is a dominant player compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
heat generated from the braking system more effi- in the global alloy wheels market. It is expected to 11.5% from 2022 to 2030. Increasing demand
ciently, reducing the chances of brake failure due to maintain its position as the market leader in terms for wood plastic composite in manufacturing
overheating. This improved heat dissipation not only of revenue and market share during the forecast noise barriers for street construction, sheet
enhances the performance of the braking system but period. In 2020, North America accounted for the pilings for landscaping, and garden furniture is
also ensures a smoother and safer ride. largest share of the global alloy wheels market, and expected to surge the product demand during
Why to Start Manufacturing Business of Alloy this trend is expected to continue through 2025. The the forecast period.
Wheel for Two Wheelers? North American market's dominance is attributed Conclusion
With the burgeoning popularity and demand for to various factors such as high disposable income, WPC has become increasingly popular
alloy wheels among two-wheeler owners, venturing a well-established automotive industry, and a in recent years due to its versatile nature and
into the alloy wheel manufacturing business can be a growing demand for premium and high-performance the fact that it offers a sustainable solution to
promising opportunity. Given their numerous benefits vehicles. The passenger cars segment is expected traditional materials like wood. It is an ideal
and increasing appeal, producing alloy wheels can be to hold the largest share of the North American alloy material for entrepreneurs looking to launch
a lucrative business proposition. The primary reason wheels market due to the increasing trend towards a business that involves outdoor products
to consider this manufacturing business is the rising customization and personalization of vehicles. or structures. WPC provides a wide range
preference for alloy wheels among bike enthusiasts. Conclusion of benefits, making it a smart choice for
Alloy wheels offer enhanced performance, durability, It’s clear to see why the alloy wheels manufacturing those looking for a reliable material that can
and a distinctive aesthetic that has led to their business is a prospective area to venture into. Not only withstand the elements.
growing popularity. This surge in demand translates is the demand for two-wheelers on an upward trend,
into a potentially sizeable but the preference for alloy wheels PROJECT COST ESTIMATE
market for alloy wheel PROJECT COST ESTIMATE amongst two-wheeler owners CAPACITY
manufacturers. Moreover, CAPACITY is also growing. This offers an Wood Plastic : 10 Million Sq.Ft. Per Annum
since the production of alloy Alloy Wheel for 2 Wheeler : 400 Pcs Per Day excellent opportunity for those Composite (WPC)
wheels involves the use Plant & Machinery : ` 157 Lakhs considering a business in this Plant & Machinery : ` 406 Lakhs
of aluminum, magnesium, Cost of Project : ` 802 Lakhs industry. Cost of Project : ` 790 Lakhs
or a combination of both, Rate of Return : 28% Rate of Return : 27 %
manufacturers can tap into Break Even Point : 46% Break Even Point : 61 %
Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on all above Businesses are Available. Contact :
NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Kamla Nagar, Delhi–110 007 (India). Tel. : 91-11- 23843955 • 23845886
Mob.: +91-9097075054 • 8800733955
AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Website : www.niir.org • www.entrepreneurindia.co • E-mail : info@niir.org • npcs.india@gmail.com
Start a Production of
as compressed bio gas are becoming increasingly popular. With
more businesses and governments recognizing the potential of this
renewable energy source, the industry is likely to experience an
Compressed Biogas
even larger boom.
Indian Market Outlook
India is the world's second-largest biogas consumer in the
world. According to the Oil and Natural Resources Minister, India
ompressed bio gas (CBG) is a renewable energy source produced will receive Rs 2 lakh in investment to develop 5000 biogas plants by
from organic material such as agricultural waste, municipal waste, 2023-24. The installation of renewable energy sources is expected to increase
and other organic sources. It is made through anaerobic digestion significantly over the next decade, resulting in India biogas market growth.
(AD), a process which breaks down organic material in the absence Global Market Outlook
of oxygen to create biogas and other useful products. Biogas is made up The global biogas market size was valued at USD 60.06 billion in 2021
mostly of methane and carbon dioxide, both of which can be used for energy and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3%
production. from 2022 to 2030. The growing interest in finding effective means to obtain
Uses and Applications bio-products and biofuel from industrial food waste coupled with an increasing
Compressed bio gas is a renewable energy source that has a wide range need for wastewater treatment in the industrial sector is expected to fuel the
of uses and applications. It is a clean fuel that can be demand for biogas over the forecast period.
used to power vehicles, generate electricity, and provide Conclusion
heating and cooling. It can also be used in industrial PROJECT COST ESTIMATE In conclusion, the compressed bio gas industry is
processes, such as the production of fertilizer, plastics, CAPACITY: booming and the future looks bright. With advancements in
and chemicals. As demand for renewable energy grows, Compressed Bio Gas : 6 MT Per Day technology and more people and businesses recognizing
compressed bio gas is likely to become an even more Spent Slurry as Manure : 60 MT Per Day the benefits of using this renewable energy source, this
important part of the energy mix in the future. Plant & Machinery : ` 172 Lakhs industry is set to become one of the biggest players in
Future prospects for the compressed biogas sector Cost of Project : ` 522 Lakhs the energy sector. With its low emissions, economic
The future of the compressed bio gas industry is Rate of Return : 27 % efficiency, and environmental friendliness, it is clear why
looking very promising. With the world’s energy needs Break Even Point : 46 % this fuel is becoming increasingly popular with businesses
constantly increasing, renewable energy sources such and governments around the world.
Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on all above Businesses are Available. Contact :
NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Kamla Nagar, Delhi–110 007 (India). Tel. : 91-11- 23843955 • 23845886
Mob.: +91-9097075054 • 8800733955
AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Website : www.niir.org • www.entrepreneurindia.co • E-mail : info@niir.org • npcs.india@gmail.com
Survey LAND & BUILDING : Requirement of Land Area, Rates of the Land, Built up Area,
Construction Schedule, Plant Layout.
Cum FINANCIAL ASPECTS : Cost of Raw Materials, Cost of Land & Building, Cost of Plant &
Detailed Techno Machineries, Fixed Capital Investment, Working Capital, Project Cost, Capital Formation,
Cost of Production, Profitability Analysis, Break Even Point, Cash Flow Statement for 5
Economic to 10 Years, Depreciation Chart, Conclusion, Projected Balance Sheet, Land Man Ratio.
Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on all above Businesses are Available. Contact :
NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Kamla Nagar, Delhi–110 007 (India). Tel. : 91-11- 23843955 • 23845886
Mob.: +91-9097075054 • 8800733955
AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Website : www.niir.org • www.entrepreneurindia.co • E-mail : info@niir.org • npcs.india@gmail.com
Another crucial application of Freon is in industrial The global refrigerants market size was valued
cooling systems. Large-scale manufacturing at USD 22.47 billion in 2022 and is projected to
processes often produce immense heat that needs grow from USD 24.20 billion in 2023 to USD 41.21
to be controlled to ensure the smooth operation of billion by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.9% during
Business of
machinery and equipment. Industrial chillers that the forecast period. A refrigerant is a mixture of
utilize Freon gases effectively manage this excess liquid substances used in a refrigeration cycle and
heat, thereby preventing overheating and ensuring heat pump. Its transition from liquid to gaseous
optimal performance of the industrial processes. form takes place during the refrigeration cycle. They
In the medical field, Freon gases are are preferred due to their properties such as high
used in various cooling applications such heat of vaporization, non-corrosive, high density in
as in the refrigeration of blood, medicines, gaseous form, and moderate density in liquid form.
and other biological materials. They help Additionally, various available chemicals are used
maintain the precise low temperatures as refrigerants such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
needed to preserve these materials’ chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), hydrofluroolefins
quality and integrity. Freon gases are (HFO), and other inorganic chemicals. Their main
also used in medical equipment like MRI application is air conditioning systems for buildings,
machines, where they serve to cool the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries.
superconducting magnets. Moreover, The increasing demand from numerous end-use
Freon gases have applications in the IT industries, mainly the automotive sector, is driving
industry. They are used in data centers to industry growth. Besides, rapid urbanization in
cool servers and prevent overheating, which emerging economies, the growing number of
could lead to data loss or equipment failure. cold stores, and the increasing demand for green
With the increasing demand for data storage refrigerants are other factors expected to drive the
and the subsequent rise in data centers, the global market growth during the forecast period.
use of Freon gases in this industry has become Asia Pacific is expected to witness significant
increasingly vital. growth over the forecast period. This is due to
Benefit of Start Freon Gases Business? rapid economic growth, mainly in the automobile
Starting a business that deals with Freon gases and consumer goods industries. The region's rapid
has several benefits, both immediate and long- urbanization and improved living standards are
term, making it a potentially profitable venture. The further boosting the market growth.
demand for refrigeration and cooling services is Conclusion
continually growing. This increase is due to several Starting a business that deals with Freon
factors, such as the rise in global temperatures, gases offers various benefits. From tapping into a
population growth, urbanization, and improved growing market demand and catering to a diverse
reon gases, often referred to simply as living standards. These factors lead to an increased range of applications, to creating job opportunities
"Freon," are a type of chlorofluorocarbon reliance on air conditioning units, refrigerators, and and contributing positively to society, this business
(CFC) that have been extensively used other cooling appliances that utilize Freon gases. venture holds promising potential. With the right
in various cooling and refrigeration Hence, starting a business in this field can take planning, innovation, and market strategies,
applications, and it’s used to identify a range of CFCs advantage of this ever-increasing demand, providing entrepreneurs in this field can build a profitable and
and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). These ample opportunities for growth and expansion. sustainable business.
gases are non-toxic, non-flammable, and have been Furthermore, the versatility of Freon gases and
extensively favored due to their superior cooling their wide range of applications present numerous PROJECT COST ESTIMATE
properties. Freon gases are often recognized by a business opportunities. These gases are not only CAPACITY:
series of numbers such as R-22, R-12, or R-134a, used in residential and commercial settings for 13.6 Kgs Cylinder : 224,196 Nos Per Annum
each number representing a different chemical air conditioning and refrigeration but also find
1 Kg Cans : 1,500,000 Nos Per Annum
composition and application. application in automotive, industrial, medical, and IT
500gm Cans : 3,000,000 Nos Per Annum
Uses and Applications industries. A business in this field could therefore
by Product HCL Acid 30% : 21,000 Nos Per Annum
cater to a diverse client base, improving its potential
The versatility and superior cooling properties Plant & Machinery : ` 10.64 Crores
for profitability. For instance, a business could
of Freon gases have found a wide range of Cost of Project : ` 32.29 Crores
choose to specialize in providing Freon gases for a
applications in numerous sectors. Freon gases have Rate of Return : 30%
specific sector like the automotive industry or offer
a significant role in the automotive industry. They Break Even Point : 45%
a range of services catering to various industries.
were formerly used in the air conditioning systems
Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on all above Businesses are Available. Contact :
NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Kamla Nagar, Delhi–110 007 (India). Tel. : 91-11- 23843955 • 23845886
Mob.: +91-9097075054 • 8800733955
AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Website : www.niir.org • www.entrepreneurindia.co • E-mail : info@niir.org • npcs.india@gmail.com
Start Manufacturing of
Cutting and Grinding Disc
utting and grinding discs, also known grains and metal shards. They can create fast and industries, businesses can price these products
as abrasive discs, are specialized tools clean cuts, but they can also generate sparks and competitively and still make a good profit margin.
used in various industries to cut, grind, heat. Global Market Outlook
or finish metal and other materials. They Grinding discs are used for shaping, The global abrasives market size was estimated
come in various forms, depending on their intended smoothing, and sharpening materials. They are
at USD 37.71 billion in 2023 and is projected to
use. Some discs are designed to make quick, clean available in various shapes and sizes, depending
grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
cuts, while others are crafted for precision grinding on the application. Common grinding disc of 5.0% from 2024 to 2030. One of the key growth
or polishing. types include: drivers is the growing metal fabrication industry,
These discs consist PROJECT COST ESTIMATE Snagging discs: These discs are due to the increasing demand for pre-engineered
of abrasive grains—hard CAPACITY: used for removing large amounts of buildings & components and developments
particles that can grind Cutting Disc Size : 2,000 Pcs Per Day material quickly. They are typically in manufacturing sector. Growth of the metal
or cut—embedded in a (115 mm x 1 mm) made with coarse abrasive grains fabrication industry is also driven by the rising
bonding material. The Grinding Disc : 2,000 Pcs Per Day and can create rough finishes. demand from various end-use industries, including
abrasive grains act like (115 mm x 6 mm) automotive, aerospace, agriculture, and medical.
Grinding discs: These discs
tiny cutting blades, each Plant & Machinery : ` 141 Lakhs The market for abrasives is in a constant state of
are used for shaping and smoothing
one removing a small Cost of Project : ` 423 Lakhs evolution due to technological advancements and a
materials. They are available in a
piece of material as the Rate of Return : 28% shortage of skilled labors.
variety of grits, from coarse to fine.
disc spins. The type of Break Even Point : 48%
Polishing discs: These discs are Asia Pacific dominated the market with
abrasive grain can vary,
used for creating a smooth, polished a revenue share of over 55.0% in 2023.
with common types being aluminum oxide or
Infrastructural developments, rising investments in
silicon carbide, each suited for different materials finish on materials. They are typically made with
very fine abrasive grains. manufacturing sector, and growth in EV production
and applications.
in developing economies, are some of the factors
Uses and Application of Cutting and Grinding Disc Flap discs: These discs are made with abrasive
expected to augment this growth. Southeast Asian
cloth flaps attached to a backing plate. They are
They are available in various sizes and countries are potential markets for abrasives. For
flexible and can be used for contour grinding and
thicknesses, depending on the material you need instance, as per the General Statistics Office of
to cut and the depth of cut you require. Common Vietnam, industrial production index increased
cutting disc types include: Why to Start This Business? by 5.8% in 2023 compared to 2022. Growth in
Abrasive cutting discs: These are the most The case for venturing into the cutting and manufacturing and processing industries were
common type of cutting disc and are made with grinding disc business is compelling for several key drivers behind the boost of industrial sector.
abrasive grains bonded together with resin. They reasons. The sheer diversity and extensive use of Developments in manufacturing sector of the
are suitable for cutting a wide range of materials, these tools across a multitude of industries present country have augmented need for machinery and
but they can create rough cuts. a robust demand. The industries ranging from metal product demand.
fabrication, automotive, construction, stone work, Conclusion
Diamond cutting discs: These discs are made
woodworking, pipe and pipeline, aerospace and
with diamond segments bonded to a steel core. The future of the cutting and grinding disc
defense, shipbuilding to oil and gas, all rely heavily
They are more expensive than abrasive discs, but business is promising, albeit demanding. It requires
on these discs. This constant demand signifies
they offer cleaner cuts and can last longer. They are constant innovation, stringent quality control, adept
a steady market, thus making this business a
ideal for cutting hard materials like concrete, stone, cost management, and a keen understanding
promising one. Additionally, a business in cutting
and tile. of customer needs. However, those who can
and grinding discs can be highly profitable. The
Metal cutting discs: These discs are production cost of these discs can be relatively successfully navigate these challenges stand
specifically designed for cutting metal. They are low, especially when produced in large volumes. to reap substantial rewards in this burgeoning
typically made with a combination of abrasive And considering their indispensable role in various industry.
Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on all above Businesses are Available. Contact :
NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Kamla Nagar, Delhi–110 007 (India). Tel. : 91-11- 23843955 • 23845886
Mob.: +91-9097075054 • 8800733955
AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Website : www.niir.org • www.entrepreneurindia.co • E-mail : info@niir.org • npcs.india@gmail.com
gg powder is essentially a dried of food products. From baked goods and sauces transform the egg shell waste to create new values
or dehydrated form of eggs. This to protein shakes and emergency food kits, the from these waste materials. The eggshell wastes
transformation from the familiar form potential applications of egg powder are vast and could convert to a) biodiesel production as solid
of eggs that we know to a powdered varied. This offers businesses a broad market and base catalyst to use for biodiesel production,
substance happens through a process known as numerous opportunities for innovation and product pollutants minimization, reducing the production
spray drying. In this procedure, fresh eggs are development. costs of biodiesel and making the process to
broken and the yolks and whites are separated. Global Market Outlook produce biodiesel fully, ecologically and friendly,
They are then pasteurized to eliminate any bacteria. b) absorbent of heavy metals from wastewater as
Global Egg Powder Market size is estimated to serious environmental problem in the ecosystem,
The pasteurized eggs are sprayed into a heated
touch USD 3.92 billion by 2030 and anticipated to c) biomaterial in order to bone tissue replacements
chamber, where the water evaporates, resulting
grow at a CAGR of around 4.5% during the forecast due to the rise in the number of patients, d) fertilizer
in a fine, dry powder. This powder can either be
period, i.e., 2024-30. The Egg Powder market has and calcium supplement as nutrition for human,
a blend of both the egg white and yolk, or it can
experienced steady growth in recent years and is animals, plants, etc. Numbers of research articles
be exclusively one or the other, depending on its
expected to continue expanding in the forthcoming have been included in this review, which describe a
intended use. The resulting product is easy to store,
years as well. The market growth can be attributed methodical growth in this subject matter.
long-lasting, and retains much of the nutritional
to the rising demand for convenient and shelf-stable
value of fresh eggs. It can be rehydrated by adding The egg is the most nutritious natural product.
egg-based products, driven by busy lifestyles and a
water and used in place of fresh eggs in a variety of Eggs are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.
focus on convenience foods across the globe.
recipes and dishes. The poultry industry in India has made remarkable
Egg powder helps in the production of oil- progress and grown into an organized and highly
The Nutritional Benefits of Egg Powder
based emulsions which are essential for medicine productive industry. Dried egg powder can be
The appeal of any food product usually hinges preparation. This preparation is mainly driven by the
on its nutritional value, and egg powder stands out unique properties of egg yolk and its ability to serve stored and transported at room temperatures. It
in this regard. This condensed, dehydrated form of as an emulsifying agent in vaccine formulations. is quite stable and has a long shelf life. There is
eggs is a powerhouse of vital nutrients, including Pharmaceutical firms such as Sanofi, MannKind, enough scope of an egg powder manufacturing
proteins, vitamins A, D, E, B12, and essential etc. use egg powder to manufacture various flu plant, with a suitable capacity. Whole egg powder
minerals like selenium. Moreover, it serves as a vaccines, yellow fever vaccines, rubella vaccines, is consumed in hotels, hospitals, restaurants, and
reliable source of riboflavin and pantothenic acid. etc. which are further anticipated to enhance the military establishment etc.
These nutrients are critical for the body's energy market size during 2024-2030. The eggshell membrane powder market is
production and overall well-being. One remarkable expected to grow at a CAGR of ~13% during
The North American region is expected to the forecast period 2019-2029. The pet food
aspect of egg powder is its high protein content.
hold a major share of the market owing to the supplement industry is an emerging industry, as
A single serving of egg powder is equivalent to
increasing emphasis of consumers on healthy consumers are becoming fonder of their pets and
the protein value of two large eggs, making it an
& active lifestyles, eating well, and exercising take proper care of their nutrition. In order to ensure
attractive option for individuals aiming to amplify
regularly. The rapid acceptance of egg protein in that their pets get adequate nutrients, consumers
their protein intake. Whether you're an athlete looking
dietary supplements in North America is poised to prefer pet food supplements that are organic and
to enhance muscle recovery, a vegetarian seeking a
stimulate product demand owing to its low cost, natural, to avoid any adverse effects on pets. Egg
valuable protein source, or someone simply trying
ease of processing, and high nutrient profile. membrane protein powder is mainly used in pet
to maintain a balanced diet, egg powder can meet
your protein needs in a convenient, easy-to-use Conclusion supplements to reduce bone disorders and comfort
form. The egg powder industry represents a lucrative them in case of seasonal allergies. Hence, this
Why to Start Egg Powder Industry? opportunity given the rising consumer demand for evolving demand for pet supplements is driving the
nutrient-rich, convenient food options. The reduced global egg membrane protein powder market.
It’s clear that there's a great potential for growth
logistics costs, combined The global eggshell membrane market is going
in the egg powder industry. But what
with a growing through certain developments that are shaping its
makes it a particularly attractive venture PROJECT COST ESTIMATE global market,
for new and existing businesses. There competitive landscape. These are also paving the
CAPACITY offer a promising
are several compelling reasons. The rising Egg Powder road to growth over the forecast period. One such
: 2,400 Kgs Per Day landscape for development is outlined below. Entrepreneurs who
consumer awareness and focus on health Plant & Machinery : ` 489 Lakhs
businesses looking invest in this project will be successful.
and nutrition make egg powder a timely Cost of Project : ` 930 Lakhs to enter or expand
product. Its high protein content, coupled Rate of Return
with an array of essential vitamins and Break Even Point : 52%
: 29% within this industry. PROJECT COST ESTIMATE
Therefore, whether CAPACITY
minerals, meets the consumer demand for
you're a startup Eggshell Powder : 2 MT / Day
nutrient-dense food options. The increasing
looking for an Plant & Machinery : ` 11 Lakhs
popularity of fitness regimes and protein-rich diets
innovative product idea or an existing business Cost of Project : ` 42 Lakhs
also play a pivotal role in the surge in demand for
seeking to diversify, the egg powder industry Rate of Return : 30%
egg powder. The convenience and versatility of egg
warrants serious consideration.
powder make it a valuable addition to a wide array Break Even Point : 79%
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