Motorum 2548 2558 T Series
Motorum 2548 2558 T Series
Motorum 2548 2558 T Series
rfluratec 111 1
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Process Integration
• Downward extru sion up to 0.08"
• Servo controlled upward forming
. In turret bending height as high as 0.79"
The MURAT EC ram drive technology The servo motor drive mechanism delivers precise RAM control. Combined with Muratec application ,
incorporates a toggle mechanism driven by MOTORUM 2548-T/2558-T enables Ram Operation Patterns ideal for a wide range of processes.
an AC servo motor. This innovative
technology has resulted in achieving higher High Speed Punching Nibbling Operation Forming Operation
productivity, an environ ment friendl y
operation , and energy efficient production . A
Single rotati on of the cran k arm gives two
punching strokes.
By utilizing a mech anical advantage, the
servo driven ra m technology provides greater
punching force while generati ng less heat
and using less energy.
The servo motor is driven
Functionality !
rfluratec Power!
100 -- - - - ---- Power consumption
during punch ing
Tim e
Fu ll cont rol of the ram speed
is mainta ined within one Sta ndby power
pu nching cycl e to achieve the consumption
ultimate reduction In nOise
an d vibrati on
Motorum 2548-T/2558-T provides high speed proce ~
The Key to Reduced Lead Time of bending, forming, tapping and other processes, to
Th e servo drive allows precise stop • Stations used: a-Station Tapping Unit (Option)
positioning of the RAM punch, Auto-index (F-Station)
A full-scale rigid tapping unit using with sync
which in turn gives accurate angle of RPM and feed speed by the servo motor.
• Process types
control, for Z-bending via ind ex
station processing. Increase in
turret feed clearance takes the in L bend
C be nd Z bend
• Tap size: M2~M10
• Tapping methods: Machine thread / Rollin
turret bending height to a maximum • Max. sheet thickness : 0.25"
• Sheet thickness: ' Speclflcations vary. depending on type of material, holediameter, etc.
of 0.79". 0.02"-0.06" (Mild Steel)
Z bend :;;:.,g;,~J~_
8-Statl on Tap pi
Programmable up forming
(Option together with in turret bending)!>ur
After lowering the punch onto the
material, the servo controlled upward
- -...-«~...
formi ng stroke will not lift the material.
This improves accuracy on extrusion and
other high precision forming processes.
Downward extrusion protection
Conve ntion al turret punch presses have
long had difficulty with downward
extrus ion. As the formed work is lifted off
the uppe r surface of the die during
table/sheet movement, this option
el iminates degradation of the form
stem ming from interference with the die.
5ing with reliability and accuracy. This machine also raises overall productivity through process integration
lether with reduction of time needed to setup and program.
4-Station Tapping Unit (Option)
~ro n i zat i o n This tapping unit uses th e floating method
with dual cylinder feeding for a preset RPM.
• Tap size: M2.6 ~ M8
1thread • Tapping methods: Machine thread / Rolling thread
• Max. sheet thickness: 0.13"
Designed for higher productivity,
'Specilicatlons vary, depending on type 01material, hole diameter, etc quality and operating ease
Brush Table (Option)
Wh ile re duci ng scratchi ng on
the back of the works heet, the
b rus h tab le also gives stab le
movement of the worksheet
The brus h tab le reduces nois e
duri ng works heet movement
and elimi nate scratc hes to the
back of worksheet
~ing operati@m
One tool for all around deburring operation
Oeburring is accomplished using a pinching action in a tool
manufactured origi nally by Muratec. Two ball bearings
pinch an interi or or exterior edge of a part. Moving the part
through the ball remove s any burr from the upper and lower Built-in Turret Parts Chute (Option)
" side of the material.
A part c hute is provide d
sma ll parts, to enab le mic ro
jointless parts production, The parts
d ischarge port is located at CNC
control sid e of the press fram e ,
Maximum part size:
7,9 (X) x 5,9" (Y)
Sheet Metal Processing Expertise
The operator sho uld be able to output a high level of processing know-how without having to
think about how to do it, and this is the control concept of MOTORUM,
Conversational NC Programming and Editing Tool Alignment Confirmation Function Tool Life Monitor Function
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Program Creation & Background Editing The MOTORUM servo ram control features a The MOTORUM incorporates a programmable
ram motor torque monitonng system that auto tool life monitor function , that when tool
Programs can be created uSin g the enab les the operator to detect punch and d ie life has reac hed a set hit numbe r the "Tool life
conversati ona l mode , nonalignme nt, avoi di ng damages to th e Caution" message is displayed to capture the
Backgrou nd ed itin g of programs is also pu nch and die, operator's attention to carry out the punch and
poss ible die regr in ding
42% Reduction
58 ® + +
® + + +
5 min 45 s + ; + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
CENTRUM-3000 100 o o 0 0
9 min 55 s C+ + + + + + +
-: :1 -:
Process In novati on
In add ition to improvi ng processing ability,
Muratec works with customers in revising
production processes for sheet metal
products and offers suggestions for
improvem ent of industrial tec hniques.
Do you
Want to raise production speed?
Want to consolidate processes and
reduce holding time for work-in-process ?
Want to decrease the number of welded parts and raise efficiency?
Want to reduce the number of parts?
Want to reduce the number of actual parts?
Want to improve the production processes?
Automated Cell Systems
Applying the rich delivery results and expertise of sheet metal FMS, Muratec offers
automated cell systems ideal for client needs.
FG-1250 FG-1500
Sh eet Size: M
ccc:: ax-'C._ _ _ _ _4:.,::9.:,:
" ",9S'...c_--,-,6:.,::.0"
12O cc'O
(Y x X) Min .[N ested Layout] 39.4" x 59.0"
[Single Part] 11.S" x 19 7"
Blank Sh eet Th ickness: 0.02" to 0.13"
'Stocker type is also available
( I. FG1 500
• Space saving compact design
• Increased productivity through reduced loading cycle time
• Quieter system operation
• Manual blank sheet loading operation is possible
• NC-type loader unit control & scheduler
( ) : F1G -1500
• Compact design to store and handle full size blank sheets
and finished parts
• Unmanned operation over extended periods for variety of
production schedules
• Quieter system operation
• Manual blank sheet loading operation is possible
~11 }l
Blank Sheet
6-she l! type
i ) FFG- 1500
Floor Plan MOTORUM 2548-T Machine weig ht
CNC Servo Motor Drive n Ram Turret Punch Press
(YxX) With one repositi on 49.21 " x 196.85" 60 .04" x 196.85" 33,0001bs
Throat depth 52.05" 6307"
Feed clearance 0.98"
Maximum allowabl e sh eet weight 330 Ibs
Hit rate (XfY) 25 mm pitch 400 hpm /300 hpm '~~l
8.3 mm stroke, 1.0 I 1 mm pitch 800 hpm / 700 hpm f.
Simu ltan eous axis speed 4920"/mln Co CD
Pressure 72 Qbflin'
Power supply 23 KVA
· 4-Station Tapp in g · Slu g suct ion unit
· 8-Statl on Tapp in g · Downward extrusion protection
· Retraclable Die-hold er function · Programmable positioni ng workholder
· Programmabl e up form in g · Cell ready
· In turret bend ing
MACHINE TOOLS DIVISION 2120 Queen City Drive, POBox 667609, [Registry Add]
Charlotte, N.C. 28208, U.SA 135 Fu Te Xi Yi Rd., Wai Gao Qiao Free Trade Zone,
International Business Dept. TE L : +1-704-875-9280 FAX: +1-704-392-6541 Pudong, Shanghai, CHINA
2, Nakajima, Hashizume, Inuyama-shi, AICHI 484·8502, JAPAN [Contact Add]
TEL: +81-(0)568·61-3645 FAX: +81-(0)568-61·6455
150 Xin Gao Rd., Qingpu Industrial Zone,
Headquarters MURATA MACHINERY EUROPE GmbH Shanghai, 201700, CHINA
136, Takeda·Mukaishiro-cho, Fushimi-ku, KYOTO 612-8686, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Stral3e 3, 0·47877, Willich, GERMANY TEl:+86-(0)21-6921-2300 FAX +86-(0)21-6921·2330
JAPAN TEL: +49-(0)2154-914-250 FAX: +49-(0)2154-914-283
TEL: +81-(0)75-672-8t38 FAX: +81-(0)75-672-869t
MURATA DO BRASIL COMERCIO Rm. 309 Yu Lin Bldg., Xiang Jun Nan Li Er Xiang Jia No.5,
http :// ratec Chaoyang·qu, Beijing , 100020, CHINA
Estrada de Santa Izabel, 3383-KM 38,5 TEl:+86-(0)10-6597-3048 FAX:+86-(0)10·6591-1795
11aquaquecetuba-SP-CEP 08599-000 BRAZIL GUANGZHOU BRANCH
TEL: +55-(0)11-4648-6222 FAX: +55-(0)11-4648-6737 Room 635, United Star Hotel, 172 Chang Gang Rd ., C.,
Guangzhou, 510250, CHINA
MURATA MACHINERY SINGAPORE PTE LTD. TEL:+86-(0)20-8434-2882 FAX:+86-(0)20-8434-3463
30 Loyang Way #05-17/18 Loyang Industrial Estate
TEL: +65-6545-1228 FAX: +65·6545-2221
CAT. NO.92P1252 A 09-03-2 (X-TU)