Iqarus Training
Iqarus Training
Iqarus Training
Iqarus is a world leader in the design, development and delivery of customised and
internationally accredited medical training and education packages. We support
governments, IGOs, NGOs, militaries and others by providing their staff with the critical skills
and knowledge needed to manage medical emergencies in complex environments. Our HQ
in Hereford, UK, is the home of our Immersive Training Centre (ITC), a state-of-the-art facility
where innovation and training go hand-in-hand. Here, our expert trainers have designed some
of the most realistic training environments available anywhere in the world, where learners
are pitted against the real-world challenges they are likely to encounter in the field.
Over our 20-year history, we have continuously evolved and adapted to the ever-changing
needs of our clients and their learners. We currently offer 23 core courses as well as a wide
range of tailored training modules designed to specifically meet learner requirements. Our
trainers are also able to deploy to any location around the globe and deliver to the same
standards as we do at home in the ITC.
Training at Our Facility
We bring your operating environment to our training room.
The ITC is an adaptive environment offering the most realistic and dynamic medical
training courses. In our high-fidelity simulation space, you can set your own agenda and
create a tailor-made scenario to suit your organisational needs. This ensures that your staff
are equipped with the skills and experience needed to succeed in the specific environments
where you operate.
• First Response Emergency Care Level 3 • Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
(FREC3) RQF • CPD Study Day: Wound Assessment &
• Level 4 Certificate in First Management (inclusive of suturing)
Response Emergency Care (RQF) • CPD Study Day: Advanced Trauma
Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) in the UK offers unparalleled realism and intensive
face-to-face teaching.
The unique Hereford based centre is providing a one-day theory and practical hands-on course
for those deploying. This course suits beginners with no prior medical training and also those
looking to refresh their medical skills.
This fully immersive course will cover the management of catastrophic bleeding, airway theory
& practical, breathing theory & practical, circulation and burns, basic life support and automated
external defibrillator (AED) training, wound management, trauma emergencies and will provide
hands-on practical training.
On completion of the course each student will receive an individual first-aid kit (IFAK),
containing sufficient equipment to perform all the essential skills taught during training.
Iqarus certified and accredited.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) is designed to prepare personnel who will be
travelling to, or operating in, remote and challenging environments. This pioneering course
builds upon comprehensive theoretical instruction, delivering generic safety procedures and
country specific information. Training will provide learners with the opportunity to put theory
into practice during scenario training and assessment.
On completion of the course, individuals will be able to recognise and mitigate threats to
their safety and security, enabling them to operate effectively and with confidence in a variety
of environments.
• Risk assessment & mitigation Iqarus offer a range of HEAT training solutions to
suit our clients’ specific requirements:
• Situation awareness
The 2 day Introductory course provides those
• Weapons awareness
deploying to areas of low risk with the
• Armoured vehicles fundamentals of risk assessment and mitigation.
• Working with security teams The 3 day Intermediate course provides those
• Types of ambush & cross over drills
deploying to areas of potential risk with the
knowledge required to work effectively with
• Minefields awareness security teams, recognise and mitigate potential
• Personal protective equipment hazards. The intermediate course also provides
practical training and experience in the
• Equipment use and carriage management of casualties following any
• IED awareness adverse incident.
• Reaction to mortars, rockets The 5 day Advanced course provides those
& small arms deploying in areas of known threat with extensive
training and practical experience of the full range
• Kidnap of potential hazards to health and life. Learners
• Hostage survival techniques will gain practical experience in the recognition,
mitigation, and management of threats from
• Surveillance hostile activities, CBRN threats and
• Separation from security environmental risks through practical exercises
and guided discussion.
QUALIFICATION: It is the nature of HEAT training that
curricula must remain dynamic to address
Iqarus certified and accredited. emergent threats and specific client requirements.
A minimum of six delegates
are required to attend the course.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
The Medicine in Remote Areas Course (MIRA) was developed by Iqarus to provide students
who already have experience in pre-hospital care with the added skills and knowledge to be
able to deal with casualties in a remote environment where evacuation may be delayed. This
Iqarus course is endorsed by the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care, Royal College of Surgeons in
Edinburgh, meeting all requirements of the Faculty’s Pre-Hospital Emergency Management Skills
Framework at Descriptor D. It is an ideal development course for medics working in mountain
rescue, expedition and exploration, media industry, humanitarian and disaster relief fields.
The Iqarus MIRA course is delivered over 5 challenging days, during which learners will develop
their understanding and application of:
• Dynamic risk assessment
• Appropriate use of protective equipment
• Triage and scene management
• Effective communication
• The management of injuries from common
mechanisms of injury, including moving
vehicle collisions, ballistics trauma, assault,
penetrating trauma and falls from height.
• Basic life support and oxygen therapy
• Basic and advanced management of
massive external bleeding
• Basic, intermediate and advanced
airway management
• Basic and advanced management of COURSE DURATION: 5 Days
chest injuries
• Circulatory system assessment and QUALIFICATION:
haemorrhage control Endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons
• Shock and fluid replacement (I.V & I.O) (Edinburgh). Conforms to the requirements of
the Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM)
• The recognition and management of
Framework descriptor D - for nationally
traumatic brain injuries certificated non healthcare professional
• Management of fractures, dislocations providers caring for patients as a secondary
and burns role, i.e., Police Officers in specialist roles,
• Prevention and management of Fire Service IEC, equivalent UKSAR trained
environmental illnesses personnel, Enhanced Community
• The recognition and management of medical First Responder.
emergencies, including special circumstances The Iqarus MIRA qualification is valid for
• Appropriate patient packaging and three years.
casualty handling
• Remote area and prolonged patient care.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
This 3-day course sharpens skills, reinforces knowledge and brings students back up-to-speed.
This short course has been created for those with a valid and in-date MIRA certificate.
This course provides 24 CPD hours, externally accredited by the UK CPD certification service.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
The Qualsafe First Response Emergency Care (Level 3 RQF) covers the full range of skills
required by the HSE for first aid, and more. The Qualsafe First Response Emergency Care (Level
3 RQF) is a regulated and nationally recognised qualification, ideal for those looking to work or
volunteer as a first responder.
Among the first to arrive at a scene, first responders typically include law enforcement officers,
firefighters, and those providing medical cover for festivals and events such as emergency /
community first responders, door supervisors, close protection operatives and security guards
as well as those in high-risk environments including the military, power stations, agriculture,
and manufacturing.
For those with further ambitions, this course also forms the first step of a programme to become
a paramedic in 2 years.
Accredited by Qualsafe, recognised on the UK Regulated Qualifications Framework at Level 3.
This course provides 40 CPD hours, externally accredited by the UK CPD certification service.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
The QA Level 4 Certificate in First Response Emergency Care (RQF) is a regulated and
nationally recognised pre-hospital care qualification. The course is specifically designed for
those looking to work within the NHS or private ambulance services as an emergency care
assistant, intermediate ambulance practitioner, event medical provider, associate practitioner,
or healthcare assistant. It is also ideal for those looking to work within specialist roles in the
military, police and fire services.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
International travel is a feature of modern life for all of us, from the gap year student to the
executive business traveller. Despite being commonplace, travel to unfamiliar environments
can expose people difficulty and discomfort, ranging from embarrassment, financial and
business loss to severe health risks. Even the most seasoned traveller will benefit from the Iqarus
Lone Traveller Awareness training, this short, enjoyable and accessible programme will give a
practical understanding of safe travel including the diverse global cultural norms, appropriate
dress and behaviour, personal security, travel and hotel safety, internet and media security, health
protection and even efficient packing advice.
The course is suitable and relevant for all travellers, from gap year students, adventurers and
business frequent fliers.
Iqarus certified and accredited.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
Originally designed to cater to the need of news THE TRAINING SYLLABUS INCLUDES:
and media personnel operating in the extreme
environments of conflicts and natural disasters, • Ballistic trauma
the MOET course is eminently suitable for any • Road traffic collision
individual operating in a small team in hostile
or conflict areas. • Acute coronary events
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
We offer a selection of online training courses to raise awareness, build capability and support
operations. These include but are not limited to:
• Qualsafe Level 1 Award in Introduction to Mental Health in the Workplace (RQF)
• Qualsafe Level 2 Award in Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace (RQF)
• Qualsafe Level 3 Award in Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace (RQF)
• Qualsafe Level 3 Award in Education and Training (RQF)
• Qualsafe Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF)
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
The Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) course introduces evidence-based, life-saving
techniques and strategies for providing the best trauma care on the battlefield. NAEMT
conducts TCCC courses under the auspices of its PHTLS programme, the recognised world
leader in pre-hospital trauma education.
NAEMT’s TCCC courses use the PHTLS Military textbook and are fully compliant with the
Department of Defence Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC)
guidelines. It is the only TCCC course endorsed by the American College of Surgeons. The 2-day
provider course is designed for combat EMS/military personnel, including medics, corpsmen,
and para-rescue personnel deploying in support of combat operations. The course’s content
and structure also can be modified for law enforcement special weapons and tactics and
special response teams.
The course uses lessons learnt from recent military operations to teach students to respond to
incidents outside the routine clinical operating environment.
Subjects taught include:
• Strategies for treating wounded responders in threatening environments
• Haemorrhage control
• Surgical airway management and needle decompression
• Practical movement of casualties in hostile environments.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
Developed by NAEMT, this course promotes excellence in trauma patient management through
global education. Based on a pre-hospital trauma care philosophy that stresses the treatment
of a trauma patient as a unique entity with specific needs, PHTLS courses improve the quality
of trauma care and decrease mortality. The programme is recognised around the world as best
in class.
QUALIFICATION: NAEMT PHTLS Provider Certificate. This course also provides 16 CPD hours,
externally accredited by the UK CPD certification service.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
The Wound Assessment & Management A 1-day CPD course on advanced trauma
(inclusive of suturing) course is open to assessment and management. Content
registered medical professionals and combat includes a comprehensive trauma specific
medical technicians (Class 1). A 1-day CPD primary survey and practical assessment
course covering all aspects of wound skills for trauma patients, along with theory
assessment and management. and practical sessions for intra-osseous and
emergency surgical airways.
You will be taught how to assess a wound for
closure or referral, wound closure methodology Practical scenarios will be used to
and how to assess nerve/tendon function. consolidate skills learnt. This is ideal
Practical skills stations will include suturing, refresher training open to all emergency
gluing, steri-strips and stapling. services and healthcare professionals who
are looking to update their CPD’s and
This is ideal for professionals looking to refresh
practice their trauma skills.
their minor injury skills and to ensure they are
aware of latest developments and techniques.
COURSE DURATION: 1 Day QUALIFICATION: This course provides
8 CPD hours, externally accredited by
QUALIFICATION: This course provides
the UK CPD certification service.
8 CPD hours, externally accredited by
the UK CPD certification service.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
The objective of the qualification is to educate learners in common mental health problems
related to work such as stress, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
The qualification includes how to actively listen and have a conversation, provide suggestions
but empower the individual to make their own decisions on how to best provide assistance
in difficult times. Learners will also gain an understanding of laws that apply to the workplace
associated with mental health.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
Our paediatric courses help parents, students, teachers and teaching assistants, nannies, and
babysitters to build basic and emergency first aid knowledge and develop the skills and
confidence to respond to an emergency effectively.
Our internationally accredited instructors are experts in their respective fields, have extensive
medical backgrounds and many years of experience in training. They will ensure that learners
get the most out of the course and walk away with a valuable new skillset.
This qualification is ideal for those who are required to provide emergency first aid to infants
and/or children and is based on the EYFS syllabus for emergency first aid courses.
On completion of this course learners will be able to demonstrate the practical administration
of safe, prompt, effective first aid in emergency situations with an understanding of the role of
the first aider.
The qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of:
• The Resuscitation Council (UK)
• Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
• A distinguished panel of experts in medical care.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
This qualification will enable learners to attain This qualification forms part of the QA First
the knowledge and practical competencies Aid suite of qualifications. The qualification
needed to safely use an automated external and learning outcomes are based on the
defibrillator (AED). The objective of the recommendations of:
qualification is to benefit learners by preparing • The Resuscitation Council (UK)
them to safely use an AED in the event of a
person suffering a cardiac arrest. • A distinguished panel of experts in
emergency medical care
This learning outcomes of this unregulated
qualification are based on the This QA qualification outlines a range of
recommendations of: knowledge and practical skills in providing
basic life support (BLS) and using an
• The Resuscitation Council (UK) automated external defibrillator (AED) safely.
• A distinguished panel of experts in Learners will practise assessing and managing
emergency medical care. a casualty who needs BLS and the safe use of
an AED.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
This qualification forms part of the QA The QA Level 3 Award in Education and
Education and Training suite of qualifications. Training (RQF) is a regulated and nationally
The qualification and learning outcomes are recognised qualification, specifically designed
based on the recommendations of: to be an introduction to teaching for those that
work or would like to work in the further
• National Occupational Standards for
education and skills sector.
Learning and Development
Over a 5-day period, learners will build
• 2014 Professional Standards for Teachers
an understanding of the specific role and
and Trainers in Education and Training
responsibilities relating to planning, delivering
This qualification is designed to provide and reviewing inclusive training sessions.
learners with an introduction to teaching Topics covered include creating and
/training in the further education and skills maintaining a safe, inclusive and supportive
sector. It is a knowledge-based teaching learning environment, assessing learners
qualification which has no minimum teaching and providing constructive and
practice requirement, and therefore, it may developmental feedback.
be undertaken by individuals who are not
Successful candidates will leave with the
currently in a teaching or training role.
knowledge, understanding and skills required
The objective of the qualification is to benefit to prepare them for teaching in a wide range
learners by enabling them to attain the of contexts, in environments such as Further
knowledge, understanding and skills required Education (FE) Colleges, local authorities or
to prepare them for teaching in a wide range independent training.
of contexts. It will help the learner to build
an understanding of the specific roles and
responsibilities related to planning and COURSE DURATION: 5 Day
delivering inclusive training sessions as well
QUALIFICATION: This regulated qualification
as how to assess learners giving them
is externally accredited by Qualsafe.
constructive and developmental feedback.
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355
Courses can be held at Iqarus Immersive Training Centre (ITC) located in Hereford, UK or by
arrangement at clients’ locations worldwide.
For more information email, visit or call +44 (0) 1432 355