A Recent Day Role Model
A Recent Day Role Model
A Recent Day Role Model
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Uswatul Muslimah
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A Recent-Day Role Model
A Compassionate Mother to All
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) would show great affection to
young children and was always concerned about their wellbeing
and progress. Hence, she would show deep consideration for
children and would continuously monitor them, guiding and
correcting them with love. She would even share valuable
parenting tips with the parents. Furthermore, she was blessed
with a sense of humour due to which children would feel
comfortable in her company.
The extent of consideration which she showed to young
children can perhaps be gauged by the fact that during the annual
jalsah of Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen (for which the ladies are
hosted at her home), she would ensure that fruit would be cut and
served during the programme. She knew that the jalsah program
is lengthy and realized that children become hungry very quickly.
Hence, she did this to ensure that the children would be
comfortable and would not be inconvenienced.
Allah Ta‘ala had blessed her with a good understanding of
‘child psychology’ (i.e. the temperament of a child and the
manner in which a child thinks, etc.). It was in light of this that
she would caution mothers against continuously reproaching and
scolding their children. She would explain to them that doing so
causes the children to become more obstinate, stubborn and
rebellious. Likewise, she would advise that when conducting
ta’leem at home with the children, then more focus should be on
A Recent-Day Role Model
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
A person’s childhood is the period in which one is moulded
for life. Understanding this, Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) was
very particular regarding the upbringing of children. She
remained vigilant at all times and constantly corrected the
children when they erred. However, she did not continuously
scold the children, but rather corrected them with compassion.
A Recent-Day Role Model
Effort to Instil Imaan and Deen
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) was always concerned regarding
the Deen and imaan of her family and progeny. It was out of this
concern that she would perform two rakaats of salaah, every day,
making du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala to safeguard the Deen and dunya of
all her children. Likewise, every morning, she would take out
some money and set it aside as sadaqah for her children and
She would commence teaching her children from a very young
age. Hence, one of her children commenced the takhtee (the first
stage of learning Arabic letters) and completed learning to recite
the Quraan Majeed in just one year, from when the child was four
until he was five years old.
She was very particular about the daily ta’leem at home, and
would encourage one-and-all to be punctual on the daily
ta’leem. After the Asr Salaah, she would gather all the members of
the home and ensure that ta’leem was conducted by reading from
the kitaabs Fazaail-e-Aa’maal and Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat. Before the
ta’leem would commence, she would ask someone to first recite
the 40 Durood and Salaam, and after the ta’leem was concluded,
she would instruct everyone to engage in zikr for some time, after
which a collective du‘aa was made.
On one occasion, she mentioned to her son, Mufti Saheb
(daamat barakaatuhum), “On the day when ta’leem is not
A Recent-Day Role Model
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
Sahaabi who was given the glad tidings of Jannah as a reward for
not having any malice in his heart.
She would teach her daughters and granddaughters to honour,
respect and serve the elderly. In order to instil this quality within
them, if there was any old woman present, she would make them
bring water for her, fetch her shoes, hold her hands to give her
support while she walked, etc.
She would not tolerate wastage in any form, and hence would
ensure that the plates and pots be wiped clean. She would explain
to her children that even if it is just a little food, it can still feed a
poor person and should not be wasted. When encouraging
children to clean their plates, she would remind them of the
hadeeth which says that the plate makes du‘aa for a person when
he cleans it.
She taught her children the importance of du‘aa saying, “Allah
Ta‘ala’s treasures are unlimited and He has everything we desire.
So, always ask Him for whatever you need.” On a Friday
specifically, she would encourage her children to engage in du‘aa,
reminding them that there is a special moment on a Friday
wherein du‘aas are accepted.
On Fridays, she would also encourage the household to recite
Aayat-e-Kareemah (i.e. the du‘aa of Nabi Yunus [‘alaihis salaam] -
“Laa ilaaha illa anta subhaanaka inni kuntu minaz zaalimeen”)
together, after which they would all engage in du‘aa.
When it came to arguments, she advised her children to avoid
any conversation or discussion which could evolve into a
misunderstanding or quarrel. Furthermore, she advised them
A Recent-Day Role Model
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
The greatest concern in the heart of Makkiyyah Aapa
(rahimahallah) was for the safety of her children’s imaan and
Deen. Hence, it is clear that this was her main focus in their
upbringing, as she understood that a correct Deeni upbringing
would assist the child in remaining firm in Deen, thus acquiring a
safe passage to Jannah.
When teaching values to children, then instead of merely
speaking and discussing the values, they need to be practically
taught and implemented. Thus, Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
would make her daughters serve the elderly, make the children
clean their plates, make du‘aa on a Friday, etc.
The importance of daily home ta’leem can never be
emphasized enough. It is through punctuality on the daily home
ta’leem that the spirit and mindset of Deen is instilled into the
household. Furthermore, engaging in zikr, du‘aa etc., as a family,
causes the special mercy of Allah Ta‘ala to rain on the household.
When the parent plays an active part in the Deeni
education of the child, the child progresses in leaps and
bounds. However, if the parent relies on the maktab to ‘work
wonders’, and there is no corresponding effort or support given
at home, then in most cases, the child struggles to progress and
does not reach his potential.
Dedicated to her ‘Ibaadah
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) was always concerned regarding
her Deeni progress. On one occasion, she mentioned to one of her
sons that when her mother passed away, then more than the grief
she experienced over the loss of a mother was the grief she felt
over the loss of the person who would point out her faults, correct
her and guide her.
Likewise, she always strove to attain perfection in every aspect
of her Deen. Hence, when carrying out any ‘ibaadah or any action,
she would often enquire as to whether she was carrying it out in
the correct manner.
She was very particular regarding salaah. Thus, she would
prepare for salaah before the time could set in, and would also
encourage others to do the same. She was also particular about
performing salaah in the “awwal waqt” (i.e. the earliest time
when the salaah can be performed). She would not allow her
salaah to be delayed and would remind others to also read their
salaah early.
She was very punctual on performing Tahajjud Salaah. She
would awaken in the early hours of the morning (at least one hour
before the time of Fajr sets in) and engage in salaah, du‘aa and
zikr. This remained her habit until the end of her life, even when
she reached old age and became weak.
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
A Recent-Day Role Model
but she would refuse saying, “If you don’t complete your
ma’moolaat in their prescribed time, you will not do it later on.”
From the Al-Hizbul Aa’zam, she would make a point of daily
reciting the du‘aa containing the nine ‘hasbiyallah” (this du‘aa
appears under the Thursday portion – no. 34). This du‘aa is very
comprehensive and seeks Allah Ta‘ala’s assistance for every
aspect of a person’s life. Hence, she would say, “Which part of our
life is not included in this du‘aa?” She would also encourage her
granddaughters to memorize and recite this du‘aa every day.
She was always seen with a tasbeeh in her hand and her tongue
would always be engaged in the zikr of Allah Ta’ala. By looking at
her, one would be reminded of the hadeeth in which Rasulullah
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) gave the advice that one’s tongue
should remain moist with the remembrance of Allah Ta‘ala.
She would never visit malls and shopping centres. Her habit
was to remain at home, as per the command of Allah Ta‘ala.
Despite her high levels of piety, she was extremely humble.
Thus, if anyone praised her, she would recite the following du‘aa
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
For a person to exert himself in ‘ibaadah for a few days, or
for a short period of time, is generally easy. The true test of a
person’s loyalty is that they are always committed to their
‘ibaadah. Hence, throughout her life, even when she was
advanced in age, Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) remained
punctual and steadfast on her daily ‘ibaadah.
Salaah is the first command after imaan. Hence, for a
person to progress in Deen, they must be particular regarding
their salaah. Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) showed such
importance to salaah that she would perform her salaah as soon
as the time set in, and would not allow the salaah to be delayed
and performed later.
When a person wishes to progress, they will always seek
guidance and try to improve themselves. Hence, Makkiyyah Aapa
(rahimahallah) always asked whether she was fulfilling her
‘ibaadaat correctly. Conversely, if a person has no desire to
progress, he will fulfil his ‘ibaadaat incorrectly and will be content
to continue doing so.
Compassion and Concern
Among the many outstanding qualities which Makkiyyah Aapa
(rahimahallah) possessed was her compassion and concern for
one and all.
She always showed special care and love for those who were
weak or slow, and children who had a natural weakness or
disability would enjoy her special favour and kindness. She would
go out of her way to care for them and bring happiness to their
hearts, saying, “Allah Ta‘ala’s help comes to us on account of the
weak among us.” In reality, these are the words of a hadeeth in
which Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “You are
provided with help and sustenance because of the weak ones
amongst you.” (Saheeh Bukhaari #2896)
A young girl who is unable to walk from birth says that she
would love to come and meet Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
because of the special care and love that she showed to her. She
says, “Whenever I came to meet her, she always made me feel very
special.” In fact, this was the sentiment and feeling expressed by
most of the people who visited her.
She loved the poor (both family and non-family) and would
always try to be with them. Hence, she would attend the weekly
ladies ta’leem in poorer areas such as Malukazi, Isipingo Rail and
Lotus Park. In this way, she attracted many poor people to
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
Islam. A revert to Islam who had no support from her family says
that she was like a mother to her.
As she advanced in age, she seldom went out, on account of her
ill health. However, if she heard that a poor person had passed
away, she would take the trouble and make the effort to visit the
family of the deceased. Towards the end of her life, she could no
longer go to visit the sick or console the bereaved. She would thus
send her daughters-in-law to the home of the sick and the
bereaved, and on their return, she would express happiness
saying, “A very important responsibility has been fulfilled.”
She would make a point of supporting the poor people who go
house-to-house selling food items to earn a living. Even if she did
not require what they were selling, she would buy something just
to support them. Likewise, on hot days, she would provide cold
water for these people as well as beggars that came to the house.
She was very particular in treating her domestic workers with
care and affection. A domestic worker once commented that
whenever she went to her home, she always asked her how she
was keeping. This would make her feel very special and
Many years ago, a certain woman in Isipingo Beach was
widowed. She hailed from India and had no children to care for
her. Furthermore, most of her family lived in India. Hence, after
her husband’s demise, she had nowhere to go. Makkiyyah Aapa
(rahimahallah) happily took her into her own home and cared for
her like a widowed sister, right until she passed away – despite the
A Recent-Day Role Model
fact that she was in no way related to her. In fact, she would even
entertain this widow’s visitors without any fuss or complaint.
A certain family member and her husband were fond of eating
butter bananas. If she managed to acquire butter bananas, she
made a point of sending some for them, even though they lived
two hours away. Likewise, she would care for other elderly
women and widows by sending fruit, vegetables and other items
to their homes.
On account of her caring and loving nature, women found it
easy to approach her and confide in her, asking her for
advice. When any woman confided in her, she would never
divulge her secret, and she would give her such advice that the
woman would feel motivated and reassured. Furthermore, her
concern for people was such that on hearing of any person’s
problem, she would engage in du‘aa and beg Allah Ta‘ala to
alleviate that person’s problem.
On one occasion, a certain woman came to her and asked her
what she should do when her family held gatherings which were
not permissible to attend (e.g. mixed gatherings, etc.). She
replied, “Do not attend the gathering. However, in order to
maintain family ties, visit the family one day before the gathering
or one day after. Excuse yourself from attending, and ensure that
you take a gift for them when visiting.”
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) was indeed an
embodiment of the quality of compassion. Hence, she brought an
elderly widow into her own home and showed her the same care
that she would have shown her own sister. In comparison, people
today are sadly ‘dumping’ and abandoning their own parents in
old age homes and care facilities!
Often, a person may be blessed with a soft heart and the
quality of compassion, but he only shows compassion to his
family, friends and close associates. As far as Makkiyyah Aapa
(rahimahallah) was concerned, she showed compassion to one
and all – especially the poor people who are often overlooked by
Love for the poor is a quality of imaan. Hence, Rasulullah
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) taught us to make du‘aa for Allah
Ta‘ala to bless us with love for the poor. Makkiyyah Aapa
(rahimahallah) was blessed with this quality, and hence she
deliberately went to poor areas to conduct ta’leem, visit funeral
homes, etc.
Together with the ability to give good, sensible advice,
perhaps the reason for many women referring their problems to
her was that she would never breach their trust and divulge their
secrets to anyone. This is indeed one of the core qualities of a
believer – he does not betray those who trust him.
Striving for Islam
When Mufti Saheb (daamat barakaatuhum) completed his studies
in Darul ‘Uloom Deoband and returned home to Isipingo Beach,
he intended to start off a madrasah for hifz and ‘aalim students.
At the time, some people advised him that he should work for
half a day and teach for half a day. In this way, he would be able
to earn an income and also teach Deen. However, his respected
mother advised him to spend all his time for Deen, as they (his
parents) were prepared to support him. In this way Mufti Saheb
(daamat barakaatuhum) was able to dedicate all his time and
effort to the madrasah.
In this manner, the mother and father of Mufti Saheb (daamat
barakaatuhum) were greatly instrumental in commencing the
Darul ‘Uloom – Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen, as it was with their
support and encouragement that Mufti Saheb (daamat
barakaatuhum) was able to carry out the work of Deen.
In the initial period when the madrasah commenced, there was
no kitchen where food was prepared for the students. Hence,
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) would personally prepare meals
and send the food for the madrasah students. Even later on, she
would have great compassion for the students of Deen – especially
the foreign students – and would occasionally invite them home
for meals. She would even go to the extent of preparing the meals
according to their taste and culture. Often, she would order fish
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
and pay for it with her own money for the Thailand and Philippine
students saying, “They have come from so far to learn Deen. We
should at least try and make them comfortable and keep them
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) had great respect for Deen.
When Mufti Saheb (daamat barakaatuhum) commenced teaching
hifz in their home, then the area of the house which he used as
the hifz classroom was situated under the toilet. Hence, out of
respect for the Quraan Majeed and Deen, she refrained from using
that toilet so long as Mufti Saheb (daamat barakaatuhum) was
teaching there, and instead used the spare toilet in the
veranda. She also had great respect for her sons’ Asaatizah (Deeni
teachers) in Mias’ farm. Thus, she would regularly send gifts to
their homes and would regularly invite them home as well.
She supported every effort of Deen. Hence, she would make
du‘aa for the protection and acceptance of all the Darul ‘Ulooms
and all other branches of Deen. Similarly, she supported the work
of Da’wat and Tableegh.
In the initial days of the Tableegh Jamaat, when Haaji Bhai
Padia (rahimahullah) was striving to establish the jamaat work in
South Africa, Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) was in the forefront
of the mastooraat (ladies) effort. She would organize ladies’
jamaat programmes in areas such as Lotus Park, Orient Hills, etc.
Furthermore, she would happily and wholeheartedly prepare
food to feed jamaats and ‘Ulama in her home. She would say to the
men of the home, “Just let me know, in advance, how many people
are coming for meals, and insha-Allah, I will have the food ready
A Recent-Day Role Model
for them.” In fact, this was her habit in Makkah Mukarramah and
Madeenah Munawwarah as well (when she went for hajj and
‘umrah). She would feed numerous ‘Ulama and jamaats that
would arrive for hajj or ‘umrah, and no amount of people were too
many to feed.
She had deep love for the pious friends of Allah Ta‘ala and was
always desirous of the privilege of hosting pious people in her
home. Hence, many of the senior ‘Ulama and pious people of the
time knew her family personally, and many of them would stay at
her home. Among the illustrious saints who stayed at her home
or partook of meals were Shaikhul Hadeeth, Moulana Muhammad
Zakariyya, Shaikh ‘Abdul Fattaah Abu Ghuddah, Moulana
Maseehullah Khan, Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi, Moulana
Sa‘eed Ahmad Khan, Moulana In‘aamul Hasan, Moulana
Muhammad ‘Umar Paalanpuri, Moulana Moosa Saamrodhi,
Moulana As’ad Madani, Qaari Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi, Moulana
Abraarul Haqq, Moulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar
(rahimahumullah) and many others. In fact, some Imaams of the
Harams of Makkah Mukarramah and Madeenah Munawwarah
also visited her home and partook of meals at her dastarkhaan, by
the grace of Allah Ta‘ala.
Moulana Faqeer Muhammad (rahimahullah), who was the
khaleefah of Moulana Ashraf ‘Ali Thaanwi (rahimahullah), and
also a resident of Makkah Mukarramah, was also very close to the
family, and would make special du‘aa for Makkiyyah Aapa
(rahimahallah) in particular.
She would make time to listen to the bayaans of senior ‘Ulama
(such as Moulana Haroon Abasoomar [rahimahullah] and
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
The parents of Mufti Saheb (daamat barakaatuhum) realised
that their son was their investment for the Hereafter. Hence, if they
supported him in his Deeni endeavours, they would leave a legacy that
would continue to benefit them in this world and the next. Thus, they
were pleased with him dedicating all his time to the service of Deen.
Every person is able to strive for Deen in their own way. In
her capacity, Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) made an effort for
the mastooraat work, organizing ladies’ programmes in the
surrounding areas.
To use a toilet that is built above a hifz class is not
impermissible. However, due to her high level of respect and love for
the Quraan Majeed, Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) refrained from
doing so. In this manner, we should try our best to love and show
respect to everything connected to Deen.
The quality of wholeheartedly hosting people in one’s home
is sadly lacking among many people today. Makkiyyah Aapa
(rahimahallah) loved to host guests in her home, as it is a means of
great reward and draws immense barakah. Furthermore, she went
out of her way to make the guests comfortable, such as using her
own money to purchase fish and prepare it for the foreign students.
Words of Wisdom
Allah Ta‘ala had blessed Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah) with
great wisdom. Hence, many of her words of wisdom have been
recorded by her family members. Many of these advices are
actually derived from the lessons in the ahaadeeth of Rasulullah
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). Some of her advices were:
- Through giving zakaat, you will cleanse your wealth.
- Through giving sadaqah, you will cure your sick ones.
- If you speak less, eat less and have less freedom, you will always
remain happy and content.
- The example of performing salaah in the earliest time is like
eating freshly cooked food. The first person to dish out enjoys it
the most. As time goes by, it will not be the same. Performing
salaah towards the end of the time is like eating leftovers.
- Do not become so sweet that people chew you up, and do not
become so bitter that people spit you out.
- If you keep silent, you are like a king (i.e. you will maintain your
honour and dignity).
- Do not allow a rooster to be better than you, where he is awake
while you are still asleep (in the early part of the morning).
- If you remain silent, no person will be able to judge you.
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
Advices for Expectant Women
There were many practical and beneficial advices that Makkiyah
Aapa (rahimahallah) would give the young girls who were
expecting and were on the verge of motherhood. When we
examine these advices, we find that they revolve around the
aspect of drawing the special mercy of Allah Ta‘ala through du‘aa
and good actions, attracting the angels and repelling the
Hence, these valuable advices were not only for the benefit of
the mother – they were also for the benefit of the child. Through
practising on these advices, it is hoped that the child will be
directed to the path of righteousness from his very birth.
She would advise them that from the beginning of their
pregnancy, they should do the following:
- Recite abundant durood (try to recite one thousand durood
- Recite Surah Yaseen daily. On completing the surah, blow into a
cup of water and drink the water.
- Perform two rakaats of Salaatul Haajat daily. Thereafter, make
du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala and beg Him for a healthy, pious baby, and a
quick, easy delivery.
- Do not lose your temper and be gentle in your behaviour and
approach with all people – especially children.
Makkiyyah Aapa (rahimahallah)
- Try to feed the animals e.g. put some bread out for the birds to eat.
- Try your best to increase your recitation of the Quraan Majeed.
- Keep firm hope in Allah Ta‘ala and trust in Him, and insha-Allah
you will have an easy delivery.
- Try to keep your hair covered at all times, even when sleeping,
so that you will constantly enjoy the company of the angels. Even
after the baby is born, when bathing, changing or feeding him,
keep your hair covered.
- Apart from the abovementioned advices, she would advise
pregnant women to recite the following du‘aas in abundance:
A Recent-Day Role Model