Mapeh 8 Exam
Mapeh 8 Exam
Mapeh 8 Exam
6. The following are the emphasis of the Japanese arts except one:
7. Japanese origami and the differences in the figures formed have varied
meanings. Folding a paper forming a heron means what?
8. The different parts of the famous flower arrangement in Japan have their
individual resemblance. Which of the following resembles the last/lowest
9. The origami comes from two words combined together which means “to
fold a paper”. What are those?
12. The history of modern soccer dates back to how many years?
13. In soccer, there are two teams playing with how many players each?
a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 14
14. Soccer has become a global pastime which become included in the World
cupo which is played every ___ years.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
Sushi Bonsai
Yomeimon Origami
Painting Kimono
Ikebana Shin
29. (Hogaku , Shimyo) is a traditional music based on the early Chinese and
Budhist music.
30. This consists of 7 tones but considered as a hard mode/for men. (Yo-sen ,
31. This consists of 7 tones but considered as a soft mode/for women. (Yo-
sen , In-sen)
35. (Kotsuzumi , Kakko) is a small drum whose both ends are covered with
animal skin.
48-50. What things do you need to consider before forming a big size family?