Physics Projesct

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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my physics
teacher, Mr. singye Wangchuk for his invaluable guidance and
encouragement throughout this project.

I also appreciate my friends for their support and

collaboration, which made this journey enjoyable.

Finally, a thank you to all the online resources that provided

essential information and inspiration. Your contributions were
greatly helpful.

Table of Contents
Si No. Topics Page
1. Introduction* 1

2. Background Information 2

3. Fluid Dynamics Today 4

4. 1) Hypothesis 5
2) Objectives
3)Research Based Questions
5. Interesting Facts 6

6. Application of Fluid Dynamics 7

7. i. Materials and Equipment 8 - 11

ii. Experiment or Methodology

8. i. Conclusions 11
ii. Reference

 Fluid dynamics is the branch of physics focused on the
behavior of fluids (liquids and gases) in motion and the
forces acting upon them.
 - A key aspect of fluid dynamics is examining how various
properties of a fluid influence its flow characteristics.
 - Viscosity measures a fluid's resistance to deformation and
flow, quantifying the internal friction within the fluid.
 - This project aims to explore the relationship between
viscosity and flow rate.
 - The focus will be on how increasing the viscosity of a fluid
affects its flow rate through a pipe.

Background Information

- Several factors influence the velocity of fluid flow through

a pipe, including:
- The fluid's viscosity
- The diameter of the pipe
- The pressure difference driving the flow
- Viscosity results from interactions between fluid
molecules; higher viscosity leads to decreased ability for the
fluid to flow freely due to increased internal friction.
- The Hagen-Poiseuille equation describes laminar flow in
circular pipes:

Q = pi r^4 (P1 - P2) *8 \eta L

- Q = flow rate
- r = radius of the pipe
- (P1 - P2) = pressure difference
- (L) = length of the pipe
- As viscosity increases, the flow rate decreases,
demonstrating the effect of internal friction on flow
- Understanding viscosity's influence on flow rate has
significant applications in:

- Engineering
- Medicine
- Environmental science
- In practical scenarios, such as design of piping systems or
analyzing blood flow in medical contexts, accounting for
viscosity is crucial for efficient and safe fluid transport.
- The project's hypothesis is that increasing viscosity will
lead to a decrease in flow rate through a pipe due to
heightened internal friction.
- The project will systematically measure flow rates at
varying viscosities to provide insights into fluid dynamics
principles and confirm the relationship between viscosity
and flow rate.

 Fluid dynamics today
 The idea of fluid dynamics changed the world as we
know it. It has allowed us to be able to move large
amounts of liquids and gases with much less stress
then in the past, it allowed us to use math to
understand the forces of those objects of liquids or
gasses when it comes to transporting those fluids and
gasses, it has also allowed us to understand how to
make things fly and was used in the creation of the
first plane.

Increasing the viscosity of a fluid will result in slower flow
rates through a pipe due to higher internal friction.

 To understand the concept of viscosity and it role in fluid
 To analyze how varying the viscosity of a fluid a fluid a
fluid affects its flow rate through a circular pipe.
 To quantify the relationship between viscosity and flow

Research based questions

1. How do fluid dynamics principles apply to the design of
aircraft wings to optimize lift and minimizing drag?
2. What are the different regimes of turbulent flow, and
what modules are most effective on predicting turbulence

3. How does fluid dynamics play a role in understanding
blood flow in the cardiovascular system, and what
implications does this have for medical treatment?

Interesting Facts
 The Navier-stokes equation describes the motion of
viscous fluid substances. Solving these equation is one
of the seven “Millennium Prize Problems”.
 Fluid dynamics is crucial in various fields, including
aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering
,meteorology, oceanography, and even medicine,
especially in understanding blood flow.

Applications of fluid dynamics:
1. Ship designing for boats and other water vessels.
2. Determining mass flow rate of water or other
liquids through pipelines.
3. Measuring flow rates along support structures.
4. Predicting various patterns in ocean wave dynamics.
5. Measuring lava flow (viscometer) during volcanic

Materials and Equipment
 Circular transparent pipe (acrylic tube)
 Viscosity standards (water, vegetable oil,
glycerin, and mixtures to crate varying
 Flow measurement apparatus (stopwatch and
graduated cylinder to measure volume)
 Thermometer (to ensure fluids are at the same
 Ruler or calipers (to measure pipe dimensions)

Experiment or Methodology
1. Setup:
-The acrylic pipe was securely placed horizontally on a
-A funnel was attached to the top of the pipe to control
fluid entry.
2. Preparation of fluids:
 Each fluid was prepared at room temperature
(approximately 25 degree Celcus) to maintain

consistency in viscosity. The viscosity of each fluid
was noted as follow:
- Water: 1cP
- Glycine: 1.5 cP
- Corn Syrup:1000 cP

3. Experimental Procedure:
- Water:
- A 500 mL graduated cylinder was filled with water and
poured into the funnel.
- The stopwatch was started simultaneously as the first
drop exited the pipe.
- The time taken for all 500 mL to exit was recorded.
- The above steps were repeated three times to calculate an
average time.
- Glycerin and Corn Syrup:
- The process was repeated for glycerin and corn syrup,
ensuring the pipe was thoroughly cleaned between each trial
to prevent contamination of the fluids.

4. Data Collection:
- The time taken for each fluid to flow through the pipe
was measured and recorded.

5. Results:

-The following data was collected over multiple trials for
each fluid:

Fluid Viscosity (cP) Average Time Average Flow

Taken (s) Rate(mL/s)
Water 1 10 50 mL/s

Glycerin 1.5 18 27.78 mL/s

Corn Syrup 100 180 2.78 mL/s

Flow Rate Calculation:

We know that
Flow Rate (Q) = Volume (V)/Time(s)
1. Water
Average flow rate= 500mL/10s = 50mL/s
2. Glycerin
Average flow rate=500mL/18s = 27.78mL/s
3. Corn Syrup
Average flow rate=500mL/180s=2.78mL/s

Hence, the gathered data supports the hypothesis that

increasing viscosity leads to a decrease in flow rate. The result
demonstrated that water, with the lowest viscosity, had the
highest average flow rate. Glycerin, having a moderate
viscosity, showed a reduced flow rate, while the corn syrup,
with significantly higher viscosity, exhibited a dramatically
reduced flow rate.

The experiment successfully demonstrated that fluid viscosity
significantly impacts flow rate through a pipe. As the viscosity
of the fluid increased, the flow rate decreased, confirming the
hypothesis. This understanding of fluid dynamics is vital in
various practical applications, including engineering design
and chemical processing, where fluid flow characteristics must
be accounted for.

 You Tube. Com
 Chatgpt
 Imagine
 Dali


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