Hong 2018
Hong 2018
Hong 2018
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Materials Chemistry C
Materials for optical, magnetic and electronic devices
Accepted Manuscript
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S. Y. Kim and H. W. Jang, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C7TC05658C.
Volume 4 Number 1 7 January 2016 Pages 1–224 This is an Accepted Manuscript, which has been through the
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DOI: 10.1039/C7TC05658C
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V characteristics as the ionic defects can migrate under photogenerated carriers.95‐97 Therefore, many researchers
external bias.29 Eames et al. demonstrated that ionic defects in have attempted to reveal how the grain boundaries in halide
MAPbI3, especially VI•, have low activation energy for perovskites affect the performance of halide perovskite‐based
migration, by a first‐principles calculation.56 The migration of optoelectronic and electronic devices. Among them, Shao and
Fig. 2 (a) Dark and photocurrent hysteresis curves with various sweep voltage rates. Reproduced with permission from ref. 29. (b) Current–voltage curves of TiO2‐
based MAPbI3 devices with pronounced hysteresis. Reproduced with permission from ref. 57. (c) C‐AFM measurement setup. (d) Topography AFM image of the
perovskite thin film. The locations where the c‐AFM tip measured the grain and GB current are labelled with a red triangle and a blue square, respectively. The scale
bar is 1 mm. (e and f) Local dark current measured at the GB (e) and on the grain (f), respectively. Reproduced with permission from ref. 87. (g) Schematic diagram
showing the degradation of the perovskite film in moisture. (h) Schematic showing the interaction of moisture with a bare perovskite film. Reproduced with
permission from ref. 83.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1‐3 | 3
quality of the grain boundaries by remedying the amorphous applications. Various low‐dimensional halide perovskites
region to prevent moisture infiltration. including 0D nanostructures such as quantum dots and
Although halide perovskites have high potential as next‐ nanocrystals,70 1D nanostructures such as nanowires and
generation optoelectronic materials, from the point of view of nanorods,31 and 2D nanostructures such as nanoplatelets and
Fig. 3 Quantum size effect in nanostructured semiconductors. (a) Density of states, (b) 3. Synthesis and properties of low‐dimensional
Energy band diagram for bulk and various nanostructures semiconductors. halide perovskites
4 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1‐3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
The synthesis methods and properties of low‐dimensional quantum confinement, large bandgap, and flexibility have
halide perovskites such as nanowire, nanosheets, and caused 2D materials to be considered as promising candidates
nanoparticles with various chemical composition have been for many optoelectronic applications. For halide perovskites,
widely reported.107, 108 The halide perovskites synthesized in 2D quantum wells and the electronic coupling between the top
Fig. 4 (a) The <100>‐oriented halide perovskite series with general formula of (RNH3)2An−1MnX3n+1. The thicknesses of inorganic slabs increase and toward 3D structure with
increasing n. Reproduced with permission from ref. 116. (b) Structural illustration of a single‐layer (C4H9NH3)2PbBr4. (c–d) AFM and TEM images of several single‐layer
(C4H9NH3)2PbBr4. (e) Photoluminescence of different 2D halide perovskites. (C4H9NH3)2PbCl4 (i), (C4H9NH3)2PbBr4 (ii), (C4H9NH3)2PbI4 (iii), (C4H9NH3)2PbCl2Br2 (iv), (C4H9NH3)2PbBr2I2
(v), and (C4H9NH3)2(MA)Pb2Br7 (vi) Reproduced with permission from ref. 108. (f) Graphical depictions of the pseudo‐colored PL intensity measured as a function of excitation
wavelength. (g) Time‐resolved PL decay and fitting curves of the light emission at 515 nm from CsPbBr3 nanoplatelets with a 375 nm pulse laser. Reproduced with permission from
ref. 61. (h) UV/Vis absorption and (i) photoluminescence (PL) spectra of (PEA)2PbX4 NSs (X = Cl, Br, I) with different compositions. (j) Photograph of solutions of (PEA)2PbX4 NSs with
different compositions under the irradiation of a 365 nm UV lamp. (k) Degradation of (PEA)2PbI4 NS film and MAPbI3 QD film under ambient conditions with the relative humidity
of 65 %. Reproduced with permission from ref. 109.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1‐3 | 5
reports on the synthesis of solution‐phase growth of single‐ strategy for the colloidal synthesis of various low‐dimensional
and few‐layer 2D halide perovskites by several groups. As CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I, or mixed halide) nanostructures.61 The 2D
shown in Fig. 4a, the number of 2D halide perovskites layers CsPbBr3 nanoplatelets can be synthesized from CsPbX3
can be controlled by solution‐phase growth.117 For example, nanocrystals with the assistance of oleic acid and octylamine.
Fig. 5 (a) Schematic of the synthesis setup using a home‐built vapor‐transport system. (b) Thickness of PbI2 platelets before (images above data line) and after being converted to
CH3NH3PbI3 (images below data line). Reproduced with permission from ref. 71. (c) Schematic illustration of solution process to fabricate 2D PbI2 nanosheets and vapor‐phase
conversion process to transfer PbI2 into 2D MAPbI3 perovskite nanosheets. (d−g) AFM topography images of 2D MAPbI3 nanosheets with different thicknesses. Scale bars: 2 μm.
(h) Normalized PL spectra of 2D perovskite nanosheets with different thicknesses. (i) PL peak position and energy gap as a function of the number of unit cells in perovskite.
Reproduced with permission from ref. 72.
6 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1‐3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
with the initial value for more than 100 h, whereas MAPbI3 electron‐diffusion length resulted from the high crystal quality
quantum dots degraded rapidly and their PL completely of the halide perovskite platelet prepared by CVD method.
disappeared within 96 h (Fig. 4k). Thus, ultrathin 2D Liu and co‐workers also reported 2D MAPbI3 nanoplatelets
(C8H9NH3)2PbX4 nanosheets with good stability, brightness, and using a two‐step CVD growth method.72 They also used the
perovskite can be synthesized by CVD methods. The synthesis 3.2. 1D halide perovskites
of 2D halide perovskites such as nanosheets and nanoplatelets
have been reported by several groups. For example, Xiong’s 1D nanostructure semiconductors such as nanorods and
group reported for the first time the synthesis of various nanowires have been investigated for decades as excellent
compositions of halide perovskite nanoplatelets by using the platforms for photonics and nanoelectronics owing to their
CVD method.71 The synthesis set‐up for 2D halide perovskite anisotropic geometry, large surface‐to‐volume ratio, and
nanoplatelets is illustrated in Fig. 5a. To synthesize a 2D halide
perovskite, they employed a two‐step method. First, lead
halide (PbX2, X = Cl, Br, I, or mixed halide) nanoplatelets were
synthesized on muscovite mica substrates using van der Waals
epitaxial growth by the CVD method. The as‐grown PbX2
nanoplatelets were converted into MAPbX3 nanoplatelets by a
vapor‐phase conversion method, as depicted in Fig. 5b. Using
the two‐step method, MAPbX3 nanoplatelets with a lateral size
of 5–30 μm and a thickness ranging from several layers to
several hundreds of nanometers could be synthesized. The in‐
plane orientation of the PbX2 platelets confirmed the van der
Waals epitaxial growth owing to the three‐fold symmetry of
the mica surface lattice, and the nanoplatelets maintained
their morphology after conversion into MAPbX3. Moreover,
the ratio of the thickness of MAPbX3 nanoplatelets to that of
PbX2 nanoplatelets is 1.81, which agrees with the lattice
constant ratio of MAPbX3 and PbX2 along the c‐axis. This
implies that the thickness of CVD‐grown 2D MAPbX3
nanoplatelets can be easily controlled by monitoring the
thickness of the counterpart of the PbX2 nanoplatelets. As PbX2
nanoplatelets, which have various halide compositions, can be
prepared easily, MAPbX3 nanoplatelets, the counterparts of
PbX2, also can be easily synthesized by a vapor‐phase
conversion reaction. The electron‐diffusion lengths of CVD‐ Fig. 6 Schematic of process to fabricate 1D perovskite nanodots via (a) slip‐coating,
grown 2D MAPbI3 nanoplatelets were approximately 210 nm (b) blade‐coating, (c) nanofluidic channel, (d) self‐template, (e) extrusion and (f)
vapor‐phase synthesis using template. Reproduced with permission from refs. 125,
which is much longer than that of bulk MAPbI3. This longer
126, 127, 128, 132 and 149.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1‐3 | 7
3.2.1. By solution‐phase growth experiment with the same procedure was conducted using γ‐
butyrolactone (GBL) as a solvent. However no anisotropic
The synthesis of halide perovskite nanowires via stricter
growth of perovskite occurred due to the higher boiling point
directing adducts was presented by Petrov et al.58 The
of GBL.126
perovskite nanowires were formed through an intermediate
Deng and co‐workers synthesized aligned single‐crystalline
phase such as MAI‐PbI2‐dimethylformamide (DMF) and
MAPbI3 nanowire arrays using a modified solvent‐evaporation‐
Formamidinium iodide (FAI)‐PbI2‐DMF, acting as structural
induced recrystallization method combined with blade coating
directing agents. Typically, PbI2 film was first deposited on a
(Fig. 6b).127 By varying the concentration of the precursor
substrate. Next, the PbI2 coated substrate was dipped into a
solution and coating speed, the density of the MAPbI3
solution of MAI or FAI in a mixture solution of DMF and IPA.
nanowire arrays and diameter of the MAPbI3 nanowires could
Finally, the halide perovskite nanowire was obtained by
be controlled. The synthesized aligned single‐crystalline
annealing on a hot plate at 100 C for 5 min. In this method, I−
MAPbI3 nanowire arrays show high moisture stability and high
plays a crucial role in the formation of nanowires, owing to the
mechanical flexibility.
stable intermediate compound with PbI2, MA+/FA+ and DMF. In
One of the novel methods to obtain a halide perovskite
addition, the layered structure of PbI2 is also the key for the
nanowire is controlled growth using an open fluidic channel.128
intermediate phase formation, whereas PbCl2 or PbBr2 do not
In a specific experiment, a saturated MAPbI3/DMF was
have a layered structure. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
dropped on arrays of a nanostructured SiO2 substrate, as
images of perovskite nanowire synthesis by this method are
shown in Fig. 6c. The halide perovskite precursor was driven
presented in Fig. 7a. Similarly, Zhu et al. demonstrated that the
through the channel by capillary forces. At the channel
perovskite nanowires can also be obtained by post‐treatment
entrances, a stable cluster and nuclei of an MAPbI3‐DMF
of a perovskite film with a mixture of DMF and IPA.125
intermediate phase was formed, initiating the growth of
Halide perovskite nanowires with diameter of 50–400 nm
nanowires in the channels. The uniform halide perovskite
and length 10 μm can be achieved by a slip‐coating method.126
nanowire array is displayed in Fig. 7c. The growth mechanism
Specifically, a saturated precursor of MAPbI3 in DMF was
of halide perovskite nanowires in an open fluidic channel can
dropped onto a glass slide and covered with another glass
be classified as a solvent‐evaporation‐induced supersaturated
slide. Afterward, the upper slide glass was slowly moved,
driven crystallization. Thus, the concentration of precursor and
exposing the thin liquid film perovskite precursor to ambient
solvents, the surface tension, and temperature are important
air, resulting in solvent evaporation and perovskite nanowire
parameters to control the growth of perovskite nanowires.128
formation (Fig. 6a).126 A SEM image of a perovskite nanowire
fabricated by this method is shown in Fig. 7b. The effect of the By self‐template‐directing
solvent for perovskite precursor was also investigated. The
8 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1‐3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
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Fig. 9 Schematic illustration the synthesis of perovskite nanodots via (a) ligand‐ achieved by reacting lead halide (PbX2) and Cs‐oleate in a high‐
assisted reprecipitation method, (b) hot injection method and, (c) SiO2
boiling‐point organic solvent such as octadecene at (140–200 C).
mesoporous template. Reproduced with permission from refs. 135 and 137.
Long‐chain organic ligands such as oleic acid and oleylamine are
employed to confine the crystal size of the resulting nanocrystals.
The majority of crystal growth occurred within the first 3 s after the
3.3. 0D halide perovskites injection of Cs‐oleate into PbX2 in octadecene owing to the fast
3.3.1. By ligand‐assisted precipitation nucleation and growth kinetics. The crystal size of the CsPbX3
The non‐template synthesis of MAPbBr3 was performed by nanocrystal fabricated by this process depends on the reaction
Schmidt et al. for the first time.134 In this work, MAPbBr3 temperature rather than the reaction time. Thus, by tuning the
nanocrystals were obtained at room temperature by crystal temperature, the crystal size of nanocrystals can be precisely
employing octylammonium bromide and octadecylammonium controlled. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image, PL,
bromide as organic capping ligands. As a result, these halide absorption, and time result in PL of monodispersed halide
perovskite nanocrystals showed bright PL at 527 and 530 nm perovskite nanocrystal are shown in Fig 10a. The obtained halide
with a quantum yield of 20%.134 The ligand‐assisted perovskite nanocrystals exhibit significantly high quantum yields of
reprecipitation method (LARP) for the fabrication of halide 50–90%.136 However, this method is not applicable to the synthesis
perovskite nanocrystals was further developed by Zhang and of organometal lead halide perovskite nanocrystals owing to the
co‐workers (Fig. 9a) .135 Specifically, halide perovskite low stability of organic cations at high temperature.
nanocrystals were simply achieved by vigorously stirring a
halide perovskite precursor solution including PbX2, MAX, 3.3.3. By using templates
DMF, and long‐chain organic ligands such as n‐octylamine and Another strategy to fabricate perovskite nanocrystals is by
oleic acid in a poor solvent such as toluene or hexane. The PL using mesoporous templates. Kovalenko and colleagues
quantum yield of the halide perovskite nanocrystal prepared discovered that mesoporous silica function well as templates
by LARP was reported to be up to 70%.135 It should be noted for preparing perovskite nanocrystals on a large scale.137 The
that by changing the type and concentration of organic synthesis method is shown in Fig. 9e. The halide perovskite
ligands, the crystal morphology of the halide perovskite can be nanocrystals were obtained by simply dipping and drying the
tuned from nanodots to nanosheets and nanowires.61 mesoporous templates in a perovskite precursor. The crystal
size and quantum confinement of the perovskite nanocrystal
3.3.2. By hot injection growth fabricated using this method was determined by the size of
Colloidal synthesis of halide perovskite nanocrystals at relatively pores of the templates. Despite all these of advantages, the
high temperatures of 140–200 C was reported by Protesescu and applications of this method in electronic and optoelectronic
coworkers in 2014.136 The synthesis process is illustrated in Fig. 9d. devices are still very limited owing to the insulating property of
This method takes advantage of the ionic nature of chemical the mesoporous template.
bonding in CsPbX3 compounds. The crystallization of CsPbX3 is
10 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1‐3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Fig. 11 (a) Unit cell structure of (C8H9NH3)2(MA)n‐1PbnI3n+1 perovskites with different n values, showing the evolution of dimensionality from 2D (n = 1) to 3D (n = ∞), (b) DFT
simulation of the formation energy of perovskite with different n values in different atmospheres. Comparison of J–V curves for different number of perovskite layers. (c)
Simulation using experimental absorption spectra and bandgaps, and mobility of 0.1 cm2 V‐1s‐1. (d) Simulation with radiative recombination of 5 × 10−10 cm3 s‐1 and gradually
decreasing mobility for lower n. The same trap density is used for all cases. Perovskite layer was estimated to be 200 nm thick. (e) Experimental curve. (f) Device stability test as a
function of n value. Reproduced with permission from ref. 139. (g) Schematic of device with (TEM images of CsPbI3 NCs). (h) SEM cross‐section of CsPbI3 perovskite solar cells. (i) J–
V curves of device measured in air as a function of keeping time. Reproduced with permission from ref. 140.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1‐3 | 11
12 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1‐3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
n ranging from 12–16 shows a smooth surface, low trap optoelectronics. Liu et al. reported a CVD‐grown 2D MAPbI3
densities, narrow emission bandwidths, and high PL quantum nanoplatelets‐based photodetector.72 Although the gate
yield, improving the EQE of LED up to 10.4%.142 Other than 2D voltage did not affect the source–drain current of the
perovskites, quasi‐2D halide perovskites have also been widely photodetector, which is different from bulk counterpart, the
4.3. Photodetectors
The photodetectors based on polycrystalline halide perovskite
thin films exhibit performance degradation because the
Fig. 13 (a) Schematic illustration of the flexible photodetector. (b)
defects can be migrated by external bias.29 The performance
Photoresponse at 5 V of the CsPbBr3 nanosheet photodetector for the 1st and
degradation can be avoided using low‐dimensional halide 10000th bending–recovery cycle. (c) Stability comparison of normalized
perovskites which have high crystallinity and nanostructures.72, photocurrent of CsPbBr3 and MAPbBr3 photodetectors Reproduced with
75, 148, 149 For example, unlike their 3D bulk‐phase counterpart, permission from ref. 150. (d) Schematic illustration of MAPbI3 NW array
photodetector. (e–f) SEM images of the photodetector with different
2D nanostructure semiconductors exhibit strong quantum
magnification. Reproduced with permission from ref. 154. (g) Probable
confinement and tunable optical bandgap varying with schematics of carrier transportation of CsPbBr3 film with drop‐coating and
thickness, which is a fascinating property for optoelectronics centrifugal‐casting under light irradiation. (h) I‐V logarithm curves of PD with
applications, especially photodetectors. There have been different film fabrication under 532 nm laser (0.40 mW cm‐2). Reproduced with
attempts to apply 2D nanostructure halide perovskites in permission from ref. 156.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1‐3 | 13
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16 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1‐3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
can protect the halide perovskite structure without changing of Korea (NRF) and the International Energy Joint R&D
their optical and electrical properties are urgent. The poor Program (20168510011350) of the Korea Institute of Energy
stability of halide perovskite materials can be improved by Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP).
optimizing the Goldschmidt tolerance factor (t). The tolerance
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