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Addition: +
Subtraction: -
Multiplying: *
Division: /
Power: ** or ^

Functions applied to a value x

Sine of x: sin(x)
Cosine of x: cos(x)
Tangent of x: tan(x)
Arc which the sine is x: asin(x)
Arc which the cosine is x: acos(x)
Arc which the tangent is x: atan(x)
Hyperbolical Sine of x: sinh(x)
Hyperbolical Cosine of x: cosh(x)
Hyperbolical Tangent of x: tanh(x)
Natural Logarithm of x: log(x) or ln(x)
Logarithm of x at the base 10: log10(x)
Exponential of x (e powers x): exp(x)
Root square of x: sqrt(x)
Absolute value of x: abs(x)
Sine of x (x in degrees): sind(x)
Cosine of x (x in degrees): cosd(x)
Tangent of x (x in degrees): tand(x)

Attention => For LAB Fit, reading a real: , (comma) = . (point)

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