BS 7777 2 1993, Flat Bottomed
BS 7777 2 1993, Flat Bottomed
BS 7777 2 1993, Flat Bottomed
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Mon Sep 04 10:12:06 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Flat-bottomed, vertical,
cylindrical storage
tanks for low
temperature service —
Part 2: Specification for the design and
construction of single, double and full
containment metal tanks for the storage
of liquefied gas at temperatures down
to – 165 °C
BS 7777-2:1993
British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Pressure Vessel
Standards Policy Committee (PVE/-) to Technical Committee PVE/15, upon
which the following bodies were represented:
© BSI 04-1999
Amd. No. Date Comments
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Mon Sep 04 10:12:06 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword iv
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
2.1 Normative references 1
2.2 Informative references 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Design conditions 1
5 Information to be exchanged between the purchaser and
the contractor 1
5.1 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 1
5.2 Optional and/or alternative information to be supplied by
the purchaser 1
5.3 Information to be agreed between the purchaser and
the contractor 1
6 Materials 2
6.1 Materials for inner or outer tank designed to contain
refrigerated liquid 2
6.2 Steel for outer tanks and outer containers 4
7 Design of components for single containment tank 5
7.1 Steel outer container of double shell single containment tank 5
7.2 Inner tank of double shell single containment tank 28
7.3 Steel single shell single containment tank for temperatures
down to – 50 °C 38
8 Design of components for double containment tank 38
8.1 Inner tank of double containment tank 38
8.2 Steel outer tank of double containment tank 38
9 Design of components for full containment tank 39
9.1 Inner tank of full containment tank 39
9.2 Steel outer tank of full containment tank 39
10 Shop fabrication of tank components 39
10.1 Workmanship 39
10.2 Flattening 39
10.3 Hard stamping 39
10.4 Plate edge preparation 39
10.5 Rolling and pressing 40
10.6 Shell nozzles and manholes 40
10.7 Bolt holes 40
10.8 Shop painting 40
10.9 Erection marks 40
10.10 Packaging and identification 40
10.11 Handling and transport 40
11 Site erection of tank components 40
11.1 General 40
11.2 Workmanship 40
11.3 Foundations 40
11.4 Rectification of materials damaged prior to erection 40
11.5 Erection of plates 40
11.6 Inner tank and outer tank or container erection tolerances 41
© BSI 04-1999 i
BS 7777-2:1993
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11.7 Manual cutting of plates 41
11.8 Protection of shell during erection 41
11.9 Erection of tank roof 41
11.10 Erection holes 42
11.11 Welding 42
11.12 Welding procedure approval and welder approval 43
11.13 Non-destructive testing 45
12 Pressure testing of both inner and outer tank 47
12.1 Hydrostatic testing 47
12.2 Pneumatic testing 48
13 Insulation 49
14 Foundations 49
15 Internal positive and internal negative pressure relief 49
16 Commissioning and decommissioning 49
17 Name plate 49
Annex A (informative) Guidance for the determination of
%T-shift for the impact testing of steels 50
Annex B (informative) Guidance for the tensile testing of 9 %
nickel steel weld metal using strain-gauged tensile specimens 52
Annex C (informative) Guidance for the use of aluminium and
aluminium alloys for liquid containing tanks 54
Annex D (informative) Worked example of stiffener design for a
fixed-roof container 55
Figure 1 — Typical bottom layout for tank or container 6
Figure 2 — Typical cross joints in bottom plates where three
thicknesses coincide 7
Figure 3 — Typical sketch plate joint under shell plates for tank
or container without annular plates 7
Figure 4 — Typical annular plate joint under shell plates for tank
or container with annular plates 7
Figure 5 — Shell stiffeners 9
Figure 6 — Shell-roof compression areas 12
Figure 7 — Shell-insert-type reinforcement 14
Figure 8 — Barrel-type nozzle reinforcement 15
Figure 9 — Graph for the determination of the thickness of a
barrel-type nozzle reinforcement 16
Figure 10 — Flanged roof nozzles 17
Figure 11 — Weld details for connection of mountings: set-through
type when t = 20 mm maximum and tp = 12.5 mm maximum
(preferred details) 18
Figure 12 — Weld details for connection of mountings: set-through
type when t = 20 mm maximum and tp = 12.5 mm maximum
(preferred details) 18
Figure 13 — Weld details for connection of mountings: set-through
type when 20 mm # t # 40 mm (preferred details) 19
Figure 14 — Weld details for connection of mountings: set-through
type when ti > 40 mm (preferred details) 20
Figure 15 — Weld details for connection of mountings: set-through
type (alternative details) 20
Figure 16 — Weld details for connection of mountings: compensated
set-through type (preferred details) 21
ii © BSI 04-1999
BS 7777-2:1993
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Figure 17 — Weld details for connection of mountings: compensated
set-through type (alternative details) 21
Figure 18 — Weld details for connection of mountings: set-on type 23
Figure 19 — Standard weld details for connection of mountings 24
Figure 20 — Reinforcement details for low-type nozzles 25
Figure 21 — Details of weld overlay for nozzles 26
Figure 22 — Treads welded to roof plates 28
Figure 23 — Typical detail of earthing boss site-welded to shell plates 29
Figure 24 — Detail of stiffening ring radial joint 34
Figure 25 — Typical shell and roof opening with expansion/contraction
device 37
Figure 26 — Typical shell and roof opening with flexible loop 37
Figure 27 — Location of Charpy V-notch impact energy test specimen 45
Figure A.1 — Details of test plate 51
Figure A.2 — Typical multi-run weld 51
Figure A.3 — Location of Charpy V-notch impact energy test specimens 51
Figure A.4 — Temperature shift (%T) at the 27 J toughness level 52
Figure B.1 — Dimensions of tensile test specimen 53
Figure B.2 — Method of attaching strain gauges 53
Figure B.3 — Test circuit 53
Table 1 — Reference list of metal components for single, double and full
containment tanks 1
Table 2 — Material types for tank shell and bottom 2
Table 3 — Longitudinal Charpy V-notch impact testing 3
Table 4 — Maximum shell plate thickness 3
Table 5 — Weld metal Charpy V-notch impact test energy 3
Table 6 — Steels for outer tank compression area, roof and roof
structure where the minimum design temperature is based on ambient
temperature 4
Table 7 — Steel for outer containers for single containment tanks 5
Table 8 — Container nominal shell plate thickness 8
Table 9 — Manhole and nozzle body thickness 13
Table 10 — Minimum thickness of annular plate 28
Table 11 — Determination of the maximum allowable design stress 29
Table 12 — Minimum shell plate thickness 30
Table 13 — Manhole and nozzle body thickness 33
Table 14 — Tank radius erection tolerances 41
Table 15 — Tank shell profile tolerance 41
Table A.1 — Test plate welding characteristics 50
Table C.1 — Aluminium alloy bolting materials 54
Table C.2 — Manhole and shell nozzle thickness 54
List of references 58
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This Part of BS 7777 has been prepared under the direction of the Pressure
Vessels Standards Policy Committee.
Flat-bottomed, vertical, cylindrical, storage tanks for refrigerated liquefied gases
have traditionally been of the single containment design where the liquid is
contained in a single shell surrounded by a conventional low bund wall at a
considerable distance. Where a double shell construction was used, the outer shell
was mainly there to contain the insulation.
These tanks were built according to two British Standards:
BS 4741:1971, Specification for vertical cylindrical welded steel storage tanks for
low temperature service: single wall tanks for temperatures down to – 50 °C.
BS 5387:1976, Specification for vertical cylindrical welded storage tanks for
low-temperature service: double-wall tanks for temperatures down to – 196 °C.
Until the 1970s it was normal practice to store all refrigerated products in single
containment tanks. Since that time it has increasingly become the practice for the
inner tank for hydrocarbons or ammonia to be surrounded by an outer tank or
wall. It is still the practice to store liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen or liquid argon
in single containment tanks. This outer tank or wall is intended to prevent the
release of the liquefied products into the surrounding area in case of leakage from
or damage to the inner tank. This philosophy results in increased safety for the
surrounding area. Such constructions are known as double containment tanks
and full containment tanks.
Depending on the lowest service temperature, the inner tank may be made from
carbon-manganese steel, low nickel steel, 9 % nickel steel, aluminium or stainless
steel. The double containment tanks and full containment tanks generally have
outer tanks or walls made from prestressed concrete, reinforced concrete with an
earth embankment or one of the metals specified for the inner tank. BS 4741 and
BS 5387 specified the requirements for single containment tanks only and
consequently did not include the requirements for material selection, design,
construction, loading cases, etc. that are necessary for double containment tanks
and full containment tanks.
To redress this situation, the Storage Tank Committee of The Engineering
Equipment and Materials Users’ Association (EEMUA) published in 1986
Recommendations for the design and construction of refrigerated liquefied gas
storage tanks, Publication No. 147[1]. The intention of EEMUA was that this
document would form the basis of a British Standard to be published a few years
later. Together, BS 7777-1 to BS 7777-4 supersede BS 4741:1971 and
BS 5387:1976, which are withdrawn.
Although experience has demonstrated that the risk of failure of a single
containment tank designed and fabricated in accordance with British Standards
is very low, this can be further reduced by more stringent requirements for
material selection, design, construction, inspection and testing. For certain stored
products, however, the consequences of failure may be considered so great that an
outer tank or wall is deemed necessary. Thus a further reduction of risk of failure
can be achieved through the use of a double or full containment storage concept.
The definitions of single, double and full containment tanks are given in 3.1 of
BS 7777-1:1993.
The selection of the storage concept should take into account the location, the
operational conditions and the environmental conditions. This standard covers
only flat-bottomed, cylindrical, stand-alone, storage tanks. However, it is not
intended to exclude the use of other concepts and designs which have been proven
in service.
This British Standard comprises four Parts:
— Part 1: Guide to the general provisions applying for design, construction,
installation and operation;
iv © BSI 04-1999
BS 7777-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Mon Sep 04 10:12:06 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
— Part 2: Specification for the design and construction of single, double and full
containment metal tanks for the storage of liquefied gas at temperatures down
to – 165 °C;
— Part 3: Recommendations for the design and construction of prestressed and
reinforced concrete tanks and tank foundations, and for the design and
installation of tank insulation, tank liners and tank coatings;
— Part 4: Specification for the design and construction of single containment
tanks for the storage of liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen or liquid argon.
NOTE This standard has been written in the form of a practice specification (see clause 6 of
PD 6501-1:1982).
To comply with this specification, the user has to comply with all its
requirements. The user may responsibly depart from the recommendations, but
would be expected to have good reasons for doing so.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to vi,
pages 1 to 58, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
© BSI 04-1999 v
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BS 7777-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Mon Sep 04 10:12:06 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
1 Scope 3 Definitions
This Part of BS 7777 specifies requirements, based For the purposes of this Part of BS 7777, the
on the loading cases given in Table 1 of definitions given in clause 3 of BS 7777-1:1993
BS 7777-1:1993, for the materials, design, apply, together with the following.
fabrication, inspection and testing of metal 3.1
components of single, double and full containment manufacturer
storage tanks.
the organization carrying out the shop fabrication
NOTE 1 A reference list of metal components is given
in Table 1. 3.2
NOTE 2 Where it is not possible to specify requirements which erector
can be verified, but it is considered that the information available
demands consideration, commentary and recommendations are the organization carrying out the construction on
added to the text. site
2 References 3.3
electrode manufacturer
2.1 Normative references
a specific manufacturer of electrodes
This Part of BS 7777 incorporates, by reference,
provisions from specific editions of other 3.4
publications. These normative references are cited designer
at the appropriate points in the text and the the organization carrying out the engineering
publications are listed on page 59. Subsequent design of the tank
amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications apply to this Part of BS 7777 only when 4 Design conditions
incorporated in it by updating or revision.
The design conditions referred to in this Part of
2.2 Informative references BS 7777 shall be those given in clause 4 of
This Part of BS 7777 refers to other publications BS 7777-1:1993.
that provide information or guidance. Editions of
these publications current at the time of issue of this 5 Information to be exchanged
standard are listed on page Inside back cover, but between the purchaser and the
reference should be made to the latest editions. contractor
Table 1 — Reference list of metal components 5.1 Information to be supplied by the
for single, double and full containment tanks purchaser
Subclause Description of tank Typical stored
referencea component products The information to be supplied by the purchaser
shall be as given in 5.1 of BS 7777-1:1993.
7.1 Single Ethane, ethylene,
containment: steel liquid natural gas 5.2 Optional and/or alternative information to
outer container (LNG) be supplied by the purchaser
7.2 Single The optional and/or alternative information to be
containment: inner supplied by the purchaser shall be as given in 5.2 of
tank BS 7777-1:1993.
7.3 Single Butane, ammonia, 5.3 Information to be agreed between the
containment: steel propane, purchaser and the contractor
tank propylene The information to be agreed between the purchaser
8.1 Double Butane, ammonia, and the contractor shall be as given in 5.3 of
containment: inner propane, BS 7777-1:1993.
tank propylene, ethane, In addition, the purchaser and manufacturer shall
8.2 Double ethylene, LNG agree on the areas of the tank whose material is to
containment: steel be impact tested (see 6.2.2).
outer tank
9.1 Full containment:
inner tank
9.2 Full containment:
steel outer tank
More detail is given at respective clause references for
particular tank types.
© BSI 04-1999 1
BS 7777-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Mon Sep 04 10:12:06 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
2 © BSI 04-1999
BS 7777-2:1993
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COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 6.1.2. Table 5 — Weld metal Charpy V-notch impact
Local thinning remote from the plate edge, due to test energy
rolled-in scattered scale on the surface of 9 % nickel Weld metal for designated Charpy V-notch impact test
steel, is acceptable provided that the measured steel type energya
thickness is not less than 90 % of the calculated
thickness of the plate. This is permissible only when For materials used at 27 J at – 10 °C
design thickness is based on weld metal strength and ambient temperatures
not the stronger plate material property value. For Type I steels 50 J at – 30 °Cb
Table 4 — Maximum shell plate thickness For Type II steels 50 J at – 50 °Cb
Material type Maximum shell thicknessa For Type III steels 50 J at – 80 °Cb
Type I 30 mm For Type IV steels 35 J at – 196 °Cc
Types II and III 25 mm For Type V 35 J at – 196 °Cc
Types IV and V 30 mmb For Type VI Not required
NOTE Where austenitic weld metal is used for welding
Type VI 25 mm Type II or Type III steels, Charpy V-notch impact testing of the
a When weld metal is not required.
material thicknesses are required in excess of these
values, additional requirements to maintain the same level of Energy value is the minimum average of three specimens,
safety are to be agreed between purchaser and manufacturer. with only one single value less than the value specified and
See footnote to Table 2. with no single value less than 75 % of the value specified.
The intent of this specification is to ensure that the
6.1.3 Welding production welds in the tank meet the 20 J minimum at the
test temperature given above. In order to achieve this, the
The welding procedure used for the construction of procedure test of weld metal for Types I, II and III steels is
steel tanks shall be that used in the welding required to demonstrate a higher Charpy V-notch energy value
to compensate for the scatter of results inherent in Charpy V
procedure approval tests. testing of weld materials.
All welding procedures shall be approved in Employing the foregoing welding procedure, production test
plates are normally unnecessary, and are not a feature of this
accordance with 11.12. standard. However, if production test plates are called for by the
Weld metal toughness for the shell, bottom annular purchaser, minimum average energy values of 27 J for three
and roof compression area butt welds, including the specimens with no single value less than 20 J are required at the
test temperature given.
connections between bottom annular-to-shell, and c The
shell nozzles, mountings and other permanent minimum average impact energy for the weld metal for
Types IV and V is based on the high nickel, austenitic weld
attachments, shall be in accordance with Table 5. metal. In the event of weld metal being offered in composition
6.1.4 Bolting materials matching that of 9 % nickel plate, additional specialist advice
should be obtained.
Bolting materials shall be in accordance with
BS 1506:1990 and, when non-austenitic steels are
used, shall demonstrate a fracture toughness of 27 J
at the design temperature.
© BSI 04-1999 3
BS 7777-2:1993
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COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 6.1.4. Where the minimum design temperature is based
Where austenitic steel is used, such as on the ambient value, steel for outer tank roof
grades 304, 321 or 347 of BS 1506, bolts may relax plates, roof structure, roof fittings and, where
on cooling to subzero temperatures. This is caused by applicable, also for the outer tank compression area,
a permanent transformation of the structure from shall be in accordance with Table 6.
austenite to martensite which results in an increase COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 6.2.1. It is
of length. The extent of transformation increases permissible to increase the maximum thickness of
with the applied stress. the roof compression area to 1.5 × the permitted
Bolts that cannot be retightened after cooling should limits (see 6.1.2), where the minimum design
be made from steel bar having a stable structure, temperature is based on the product temperature,
such as 25 Cr 20 Ni steel in accordance with and 1.5 × 35 mm, where the minimum design
BS 1501-3 (BS 1501-310S16), or nitrogen bearing temperature is based on ambient temperature.
austenitic steel in accordance with BS 1501-3 Table 6 — Steels for outer tank compression
(BS 1501-347S51) or with BS 1501-3 area, roof and roof structure where the
(BS 1501-304S61). minimum design temperature is based on
6.1.5 Mountings ambient temperature
Nozzle bodies and insert plates shall be of the same Minimum Thickness Materialb
design metal
specified nominal strength as the plates to which temperaturea
they are attached.
°C mm
Permanent attachments, insert plates, nozzle
bodies and flanges shall meet the notch ductility T$0 t # 15 BS EN 10025:1990
requirements of 6.1.1. Fe 430 B or
For 9 % nickel steel tanks the nozzle body should be 15 < t # 35 BS EN 10025:1990
made from 9 % nickel steel. Austenitic stainless steel Fe 430 C or
pipe or flange may be welded to the nozzle body Fe 510 D1
provided that the butt weld is located at a distance T $ – 20 t # 15 BS EN 10025:1990
greater than that calculated from the equation: Fe 430 B or
d = √(rt) Fe 510 C
15 < t # 35 BS EN 10025:1990
where Fe 430 D1 or
d is the welding distance for austenitic Fe 510 DD1
stainless steel measured from the face of the a See6.2.2.
reinforcement (in mm); b Other materials may be used provided they are equivalent to
r is the inside radius of the nozzle body those specified, and provided the purchaser and manufacturer
(in mm); agree to such a substitution.
t is the thickness (in mm). 6.2.2 Outer gas containers for single
containment tanks
6.2 Steel for outer tanks and outer containers
Material selection for an outer gas container shall
6.2.1 Outer liquid containing tanks, with be based on the minimum design metal temperature
internal or external insulation, for double of the tank shell, bottom or roof. All material used
containment or full containment shall be in accordance with Table 7.
For outer tank shells, bottoms, reinforcing plates, All material, such as forgings or piping, that is to be
mountings and permanent attachments, material welded to the outer container shall have a carbon
shall be in accordance with Table 2 for double content of less than 0.25 %.
containment tanks or full containment tanks.
The purchaser and manufacturer shall agree on the
For compression area, roof, roof structure and roof areas of the tank whose material shall be impact
fittings where the minimum design temperature is tested at a temperature determined in accordance
based on the product temperature, material shall be with Table 7, the ruling thickness of the part and
in accordance with Table 2 for double or full the minimum design metal temperature (see 5.3).
containment tanks.
4 © BSI 04-1999
BS 7777-2:1993
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The notch ductility of a reinforcing plate shall be The welding consumables used for the welding of
determined by reference to its maximum thickness the outer container shall be those used for the
and to Table 7. If the plate is more than 35 mm qualification of the welding procedure. Where
thick, the steel shall be impact tested at – 50 °C and manual metal arc welding is employed in
shall have an impact energy value of not less construction, hydrogen controlled electrodes shall
than 27 J. be used for welding steels with specified minimum
The reference thickness of a permanent attachment, tensile strengths greater than 430 N/mm2 and a
reinforcing plate, nozzle body or structural item thickness greater than 13 mm.
shall be taken as equal to its maximum thickness. A COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 6.2.2. The
nozzle flange shall have a reference thickness that is minimum design metal temperature for the
either the thickness of the branch to which the United Kingdom is – 10 °C. For areas outside the
flange is attached or 25 % of the flange thickness, United Kingdom, the minimum design metal
whichever is the greater. temperature is the lowest daily mean temperature
Table 7 — Steel for outer containers for single i.e. 0.5 × (maximum temperature + minimum
containment tanks temperature).
Minimum Thickness Materialb 7 Design of components for single
design metal t
temperaturea containment tank
7.1 Steel outer container of double shell single
°C mm containment tank
T $ + 10 t # 30 BS EN 10025:1990 NOTE An illustration of a steel outer container of a double
Fe 360 B, shell, single containment tank is given in Figures 1c and 1d of
Fe 430 B or BS 7777-1:1993.
Fe 510 B 7.1.1 Outer container materials
+ 10 > T $ 0 t # 25 BS EN 10025:1990 All materials used for the manufacture of outer
Fe 360 B, containers shall be in accordance with clause 6.
Fe 430 B or 7.1.2 Outer container loadings
Fe 510 B
The outer container loadings shall be in accordance
25 < t # 35 BS EN 10025:1990 with Table 1 of BS 7777-1:1993.
Fe 360 C,
Fe 430 C or 7.1.3 Design of the outer container bottom
Fe 510 D1 General
0 > T $– 20 t # 12.5 BS EN 10025:1990 The container bottom shall be fully supported by the
Fe 360 B, foundation.
Fe 430 B or The minimum thickness of both sketch or annular
Fe 510 B plates shall be 6 mm and the minimum length of
12.5 < t # 20 BS EN 10025:1990 straight edge of a sketch plate shall be 500 mm.
Fe 360 C, Containers with a bottom shell course greater
Fe 430 C or than 10 mm thick shall have a ring of butt-welded
Fe 510 C annular plates with a minimum plate thickness
20 < t # 35 BS EN 10025:1990 of 8 mm.
Fe 360 D1, The minimum distance between individual
Fe 430 D1 or three-plate joints shall be 300 mm.
Fe 510 DD1
Annular plates shall have a minimum width
a See6.2.2. of 500 mm.
Other materials may be used provided they are equivalent to The minimum distance from the outer surface of the
those specified, and provided the purchaser and manufacturer
agree to such a substitution. bottom shell plate to the outer edge of the bottom
plate shall be 50 mm (see section D-D and
section E-E of Figure 1).
Recommendations for the construction of
foundations are given in BS 7777-3.
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A container with a bottom shell course not greater For the minimum distances, reference should be
than 10 mm thick may have a ring of annular plates, made to section D-D of Figure 1.
or it may be constructed with sketch plates to the
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Figure 2 — Typical cross joints in bottom plates where three thicknesses coincide
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8 © BSI 04-1999
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Correlation of top curb angle section and shell Terminology for compression area junction of shell and
diameter roof
Shell diameter Size of curb angle R1 = radius of curvature of roof (in m) (for conical
D roofs = R/sin Ú);
m mm R = radius of shell (in m);
D # 10 60 × 60 × 6 t = thickness of shell (in mm);
10 < D # 20 60 × 60 × 8 ta = thickness of angle stiffener (in mm);
20 < D # 36 80 × 80 × 10 tr = thickness of roof plate at compression ring
36 < D # 48 100 × 100 × 12 (in mm);
48 < D 150 × 150 × 10 Wc = maximum width of shell plating considered
NOTE When applicable, the above minimum sizes of top to make up the compression area;
curb angle should be provided. Wn = maximum width of roof plating considered
to make up the compression area.
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BS 7777-2:1993
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b) They provide entry or exit of personnel, product The maximum insert plate thickness shall be not
or vapour to or from the inside of the inner tank. greater than 2t (see Figure 7).
Normally this also includes gauging devices that The corrosion allowance on any surface shall be
are sealed against vapour pressure. excluded from the computation of reinforcement
For openings that are directly attached to the outer thickness.
container, see 7.1.6; for other openings, see 7.2.7. b) The reinforcement shall be made by a thickened Shell manholes and shell nozzles 80 mm nozzle body protruding on both sides of the shell
outside diameter and above plate (see Figure 8). The thickness of the nozzle
shall be determined such that the stress
Shell manholes shall have a minimum diameter
of 600 mm. concentration factor (j) does not exceed 2
(see Figure 9).
The thickness of the manhole or nozzle body shall be
not less than that given in Table 9.
Reinforcement can be provided by any one, or any
Table 9 — Manhole and nozzle body thickness combination of, the following three methods.
Outside diameter Minimum manhole and
nozzle body nominal a) A thickened shell insert plate (see Figure 7 and
dn thickness Figure 20) or a circular reinforcing plate: the
mm limit of reinforcement is such that:
mm 1.5d # do # 2d
dn # 50 5.0 where
50 < dn # 75 5.5
75 < dn # 100 7.5 do is the effective diameter of reinforcement
100 < dn # 150 8.5 (in mm);
150 < dn # 200 10.5 d is the nominal diameter of the hole cut in the
200 < dn 12.5 shell plate (in mm).
Reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with The limiting reinforcement should be met when a
either item a) or item b), as follows. non-circular reinforcing plate is used.
a) The cross-sectional area of reinforcement, b) A thickened nozzle or manhole body: the
measured in the vertical plane containing the portion of the body which may be considered as
axis of the mounting, shall be not less than: reinforcement is that lying within the shell plate
0.75 dt thickness and within a distance of 4 × the body
where thickness from the shell plate surface unless the
d is the diameter of the hole cut in the shell body thickness is reduced within this distance,
when the limit is the point at which the reduction
plate (in mm);
t is the thickness of the shell plate (in mm).
c) A shell plate thicker than that of, and
subject to the limits of the limit of
reinforcement is that of item a) of this
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The dimensions of the welds connecting set-through COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON
nozzles to the shell shall not be larger than twice the Other forms of joint preparation are permitted by
wall thickness of the mounting agreement between the manufacturer and the
(see Figure 12 to Figure 17). purchaser.
When the thickness of nozzle bodies manufactured The reinforcing plate or insert plate may be extended
from rolled plate exceeds 20 mm, either material to the shell-to-bottom junction provided the plate
with specified through-thickness properties shall be intersects the bottom at 90° (see Figure 20).
used, or a minimum layer of 3 mm of weld metal With regard to Figure 11 to Figure 18 inclusive, and
shall be applied to the surface of the body, prior to in cases where the shell thickness (t) is used to derive
welding the nozzle to the shell (see Figure 21). other dimensions, or as a recommended restriction
Butt joints connecting insert plates to the shell on the use of a detail, the insert plate thickness ti
plates shall have full penetration and complete should be substituted in the text when insert plates
fusion. are used.
The leg length of fillet welds around the periphery of Reinforcing fillets should at least cover the
reinforcing plates shall equal the thickness of the penetration welds beneath.
reinforcing plate or 20 mm, whichever is less.
NOTE Reference should be made to R.T. Rose, Strength of rim reinforcements for manholes in welded storage tanks, British
Welding Journal, October 1961[2].
Figure 9 — Graph for the determination of the thickness of a barrel-type
nozzle reinforcement (see
16 © BSI 04-1999
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18 © BSI 04-1999
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NOTE For key to symbols, see Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 10.
Figure 16 — Weld details for connection of mountings: compensated set-through type
(preferred details)
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NOTE 1 For key to symbols, see Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 10.
NOTE 2 For standard weld details, see Figure 19.
NOTE 3 These details are alternative to those shown in Figure 16.
Figure 17 — Weld details for connection of mountings: compensated set-through type
(alternative details) (concluded)
22 © BSI 04-1999
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NOTE 1 For these details, discretion should be used in applying the maximum and the minimum dimensions quoted, since they
are subject to variation according to the welding procedure employed (e.g. size and type of electrodes). Further, the position in which
the welding is carried out, and the welding process adopted, should be considered carefully.
NOTE 2 It is considered that in no case should the gap between nozzle and adjacent plate exceed 3 mm. Wider gaps increase the
tendency to spontaneous cracking during welding, particularly as the thickness of the joined parts increases.
Figure 19 — Standard weld details for connection of mountings
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Figure 20 — Reinforcement details for low-type nozzles
BS 7777-2:1993
BS 7777-2:1993
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NOTE For nozzle attachment, an alternative is to remove 3 mm from the nozzle and replace with two layers of weld overlay.
Figure 21 — Details of weld overlay for nozzles (see and
26 © BSI 04-1999
BS 7777-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Mon Sep 04 10:12:06 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI Inspection of shell nozzles and manholes Stairway treads shall have a maximum rise
Butt welds connecting insert plates to the shell plate of 200 mm. Successive treads above should overlap
shall be 100 % radiographed. All fillet welds and the lower tread by a minimum of 16 mm, measured
butt welds that cannot be examined by radiography at the centre line of the stairway, and have a nosing
shall be fully magnetically crack detected before the depth in the range 25 mm to 50 mm.
pressure test. Stairways and gangways shall be capable of
When the thickness of nozzle bodies manufactured supporting a superimposed load of 2.4 kN/m2.
from rolled plate exceeds 20 mm, that area of the Where the vertical rise of stairways exceeds 6 m, an
body to be welded to the shell shall be ultrasonically intermediate landing (or landings) shall be provided
examined for laminations. with a minimum length of 900 mm.
Access to roof fittings shall be by stairways and
Surface irregularities that may confuse or mask any gangways supported from the tank roof.
defect should be carefully removed. Toe boards shall be provided at gangways, platforms
and roof peripheries where peripheral handrailing Flange drilling
is provided. They shall consist of a 150 mm × 6 mm
The flanges of all nozzles and manholes shall be flat installed with a 10 mm gap beneath the lower
made and drilled in accordance with the edge of the flat.
requirements for class 150 flanges of
Tank gangways that extend from one tank to an
BS 1560-3.1:1989.
adjacent tank, or to the ground or to any other
COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON structure, shall be supported in such a way as to
Flanges may be made from plate. They should be permit free relative movement of the structures
shown by calculation to be suitable for the design joined by the gangway.
conditions and to provide leak tight joints.
COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON Access to the tank or container roof For conical roof tanks, where the roof slope does not
Means of access to the roof shall be provided by one exceed 1 in 5, and there is no external roof insulation,
of the following. access to roof fittings may be by treads welded
directly to the roof plating, with handrailing on both
a) A gangway from an adjacent tank or item of
sides (see Figure 22).
b) A tower stairway which may also be used to Handrailing
support pipework and other services to the roof. Handrailing shall be provided on the outer side of a
c) A spiral stairway supported by an outer shell. spiral stairway. Handrailing shall be provided on
This shall only be permitted for steel outer both sides of a gangway and/or stairway, and on a
containers. spiral stairway where the distance between either
the shell or the outside of the shell insulation and
Design of structural steelwork associated with tank the stairway inner stringer exceeds 200 mm.
access shall be in accordance with BS 449-2:1969 or
BS 5950. Handrailing shall be of solid or tubular steel with a
minimum diameter of 30 mm. Handrail stanchions
shall be of the solid forged type or angle section and
Other forms of access, such as stairways around
shall be spaced around the periphery of a roof, on
tubular columns, should be by agreement between
gangways, platforms and stairways (measured
the purchaser and the contractor. along the slope of the stairway), at a distance not Stairways and gangways exceeding 1.8 m.
Stairways and gangways shall be of metallic Handrailing shall be capable of resisting a
construction and the minimum clear width shall uniformly distributed horizontal load of 750 N per
be 600 mm. metre run applied to the top of the handrail.
Stairway angle to the horizontal plane shall not COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON
exceed 42°. Where the roof slope exceeds 1 in 5, consideration
Stairways shall be of the double stringer type should be given to the provision of a higher standard
(see of handrailing around the periphery.
Stairway treads, landings and gangways shall be Handrailing should be provided around the whole of
galvanized, non-slip, rectangular mesh type in the periphery. In some instances, however, it may
accordance with BS 4592. only be necessary to provide handrailing around
part of the periphery.
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28 © BSI 04-1999
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© BSI 04-1999 29
BS 7777-2:1993
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Mon Sep 04 10:12:06 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI Shell plate thickness b) The following equation is used for calculating
For construction purposes, the minimum shell the thickness of shell plates under product
thickness shall be in accordance with Table 12. The conditions:
maximum shell thickness shall be in accordance D
t = ----------- { 98W ( H – 0.3 ) + P } + c
with 6.1.2. 20S
Table 12 — Minimum shell plate thickness
Tank diameter D Minimum shell thickness
t is the calculated minimum plate thickness
m mm (in mm);
D < 30 8 H is the height from the bottom of course under
30 # D < 50 10 consideration to the highest liquid level
50 # D 12 (in m);
NOTE This thickness may include any corrosion allowance
provided that the shell is shown by calculation to be safe in the
D is the tank inside diameter (in m);
corroded condition and in accordance with the requirement W is the maximum density of the liquid under
storage conditions (in g/ml); Internal loading S is the allowable design stress (in N/mm2)
The forces in the tank shell shall be calculated (see;
assuming that the tank is filled to the maximum P is the design pressure and is equal to zero in
specified product level and taking into account the the case of an inner tank with no attached
superimposed design roof pressure. The maximum roof [in mbar (gauge)];
specified product level shall be not higher
than 0.5 m below the top of the shell (see 7.2.3 of c is the corrosion allowance (in mm).
BS 7777-1:1993).
The tensile force in each course shall be calculated
The thickness of the shell plate shall be taken as the at 300 mm above the centre line of the horizontal
greater of tt or t, as determined from either the joint in question. No course shall be constructed at a
equation in item a) or the equation in item b) as thickness less than that of the course above,
appropriate. irrespective of materials of construction.
a) The following equation is used for calculating The inner tank shall be hydrostatically tested to a
the thickness of shell plates under test level equal to the maximum specified product level
conditions: (see 7.2.5 of BS 7777-1:1993).
t t = ------------- { 98Wt ( H – 0.3 ) + P t } COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON The
20S t ullage for earthquake sloshing need not be included
where in the design product level. The compression area at
tt is the calculated minimum plate the top of the shell can be thicker than the shell plate
thickness (in mm); of the tier below.
H is the height from the bottom of the Design for external loading
course under consideration to the highest The tank shell shall include stiffening to maintain
liquid level (in m); roundness and to prevent buckling under negative
D is the tank inside diameter (in m); differential pressure and pressure exerted by the
Wt is the maximum density of the test water
(in g/ml);
Loose powder insulants, used for filling the
St is the allowable stress under test interspace between the inner and outer shells, exert
conditions (in N/mm2) (see; an external pressure on the inner shell of a
magnitude depending on:
Pt is the test pressure and is equal to zero in
the case of an inner tank with no a) the resilience of the powder and any resilient
attached roof [in mbar (gauge)]. cushion included in the insulation system;
b) the characteristics of the powder such as angle
of repose and coefficient of friction, and external
c) the number of thermal cycles and their
30 © BSI 04-1999
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d) the configuration of the annular space and the 7.2.5 Inner tank roof design
height of the shell at the point of consideration. Types of roof
After making allowance for the accuracy in the
The roof shall be one of the following types:
determination of the design external pressure,
horizontal ring stiffeners are required where pitch is a) roof plating with supporting structure;
determined in accordance with An assumed b) roof plating without supporting structure;
value for Va (mbar) as 2 × the value determined from c) reinforced membrane roof;
the criteria above, should be used.
d) suspended deck, supported from outer tank
Each horizontal ring stiffener should be designed for roof.
the panel loading associated with that ring, taking
into account that portion of the shell considered to
Where a dome roof is adopted, the radius of
contribute to the stiffness of the ring and the stiffness
curvature should be the subject of agreement between
characteristics of the insulation system.
the purchaser and the manufacturer. The radius Design for thermal loading should normally be in the range of 0.8 to 1.5 × the
COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON The diameter of the tank shell.
effect of the transient thermal conditions during Compression area
cool-down and warm-up, as well as those that occur
Compression area shall be provided (see
during service, should be considered. Roof plating with supporting structure Shell plate arrangement
The roof shall be designed, and the plate thickness
The tank shall be designed such that all courses are
shall be checked, in accordance with
vertical and the diameter on the centre line of each
course is equal to the nominal diameter of the tank. COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON
BS 449 or BS 5950 specify allowable design stresses
for steels manufactured in accordance with
distance between vertical joints in adjacent courses
BS EN 10025 or BS 4360.
should be not less than one-third of the plate length,
but in no case less than 150 mm. For other materials permitted by this standard for
the inner tank, the allowable design stresses are to be
Where the distance between vertical joints is less
agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
than one-third plate length, additional precautions
may be necessary to prevent undue distortion. Roof plating without supporting structure Shell joints The roof shall be designed in accordance with and
Vertical seams shall be butt joints, with full
penetration and complete fusion. COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON
Where reinforced membrane roofs are used, special
Horizontal seams shall be butt joints and, for a
calculations may be necessary.
distance of 150 mm at either side of each vertical
seam T-junction, shall have full penetration and Suspended decks
complete fusion. The procedure used for welding A suspended deck support structure shall be
portions of the girth seams between the T-junctions designed for the lowest temperature encountered in
shall be as qualified in welding approval tests practice, of any section under consideration. The
(see 11.12). design shall ensure that the outer roof shall always
COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON It is be at ambient temperature where support hangers
recognized in practice that continuous full are attached to it.
penetration for the welding of horizontal joints may The structure shall be designed to allow for any one
not always be achieved between T-junctions. This hanger rod or rope becoming ineffective.
need not necessarily be a cause for rejection,
Materials for suspended decks shall be agreed
provided that the lack of full penetration is
between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
intermittent, longitudinal in nature, and does not
exceed approximately 10 % of the thickness of the
thicker plate joined.
Rigorous rectification of a lack of full penetration in
horizontal joints should be avoided, since repair
welds may not improve the integrity of the tank.
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A suspended deck shall be so insulated that the Nozzles which pass through the outer tank and
outer roof does not cool below its design metal which contain a cold medium shall be thermally
temperature, that the boil-off of the product is insulated from the tank structure to prevent local
controlled and that ice-formation leading to cold spots.
excessive roof loads is prevented. The system of Loads from connecting piping shall be incorporated
insulation and support structure shall be designed in the design of the shell or roof.
to prevent passage of insulation into the stored
At least two manholes shall be installed for access to
product, but shall allow gas to breathe from below to
the inside of the tank.
above the suspended deck, and vice versa, such that
the differential pressure across the suspended deck NOTE Manholes should be in the roof, with a minimum diameter
of 600 mm.
does not exceed 2.4 mbar. Where no access opening is possible in the outer
Direct gas streaming to the roof interspace shall be tank, a manhole shall be installed in the inner steel
avoided. tank to act as access opening into the inter-tank
Fittings that pass through the roof interspace and space during construction. An all-welded
that could substantially cool the interspace gas shall construction of double plate cover shall be used, so
be insulated. that the cover can be air pressure tested after the
The position of the deck shall be at a level not less hydrostatic test at the end of the construction of the
than 0.5 m above the product design liquid level tank.
pipe connections should preferably be made via the
suspended deck has generally the form of a roof of the tank. This is based on the philosophy that
nominally flat surface attached by hangers to the the risk of serious leakage from the inner tank is
outer roof. Its purpose is to support insulation and thereby reduced to a minimum. In this way, the
inhibit the flow of cold gas from the inner tank to the possibility of surroundings flooded by leaking
gas space between the inner and outer tank roofs. product, with the risk of fire and explosion, is
Since a suspended deck does not seal gas, the outer minimized.
tank contains the gas pressure whilst the inner tank Where side or bottom entry is specified, the design
contains the hydrostatic pressure of the contained should take account of the possibility of nozzle
product. For tanks erected in areas of high leakage, and its consequences, from the following
earthquake incidence, consideration should be given causes:
to the suitability of suspended decks, owing to the — differential movement;
effect of wave impact.
— thermal stress;
The design should take into account the effects of
— stress intensification;
thermal contractions that may arise in any part of
the roof or shell under any possible operating — pipe loads;
conditions, as well as differential pressures that may — difficulty of inspection/maintenance;
occur across the suspended deck. — foundation heating discontinuities;
Depending on the lowest design temperatures, — vulnerability of pipework to damage.
possible materials for suspended decks are as
Local reinforcement at roof nozzles as a result of
piping loads is permissible, particularly for tanks
— carbon-manganese steel; where the discharge is via submerged pumps.
— aluminium alloy; For tank ancillaries, like level gauges, which are
— 9 % nickel steel; supported by the bottom of the tank, expansion
— stainless steel; facilities such as bellows are required at the roof
penetrations to allow for differential movement
— timber.
between roof and pipe.
Hanger attachments to the outer roof can be of
Platforms or ladders or stairways should be
material suitable for ambient temperature if the provided for access to roof nozzles which are
hanger locations can be shown to be at ambient equipped with instruments and valves.
During construction of the tank, a temporary
7.2.6 Inner tank nozzle and access openings opening may be made by leaving out a plate in the
Inner tank nozzles and access openings shall be lowest course. This plate should be welded in at the
designed in accordance with 7.2.7. end of the construction.
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i) Anti-vortex provisions are considered. Permanent attachments other than manholes
j) Additional localized base heating is considered. and nozzles Nozzle welding details Vertical attachment welds shall not be located
within 150 mm of any main vertical seam and
Nozzle welding details shall be in accordance horizontal attachment welds shall not be made on
with Set-on nozzles shall not be used top of any main horizontal or vertical seam.
(see Figure 18).
Permanent attachments shall be welded in Inspection of mountings accordance with 6.1.3. The soundness of fillet welds
The butt welds associated with fittings and insert to the shell shall be checked by crack detection
plates shall be fully radiographed in accordance (see 11.13.2).
with 11.13.1. Radial joints in inner tank stiffeners shall be full
All fillet welds and butt welds that cannot be penetration butt welds. Mouse holes shall be
examined by radiography shall be fully crack provided at the shell vertical weld seams and at the
detected before the hydrostatic test (see 11.13.2). stiffener butt joints (see Figure 24).
weld surface should be such that interpretation by Temporary attachments shall be cut off the shell
crack detection or radiography is not impaired. plate 3 mm to 6 mm proud of the plate surface. Flanges COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON
The flanges of all nozzles and manholes shall be Temporary attachments may be knocked off the shell
made and drilled in accordance with class 150 of plate where the securing weld is weakened by
BS 1560-3.1:1989. chipping or gouging. Care should be taken not to
COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON The damage the parent plate. The resultant scar should
design of the bolting system should take into account be ground to a smooth profile, minimizing local
the low temperature conditions. Consideration reduction in thickness of the plate. After grinding,
should be given to differential contraction between the surface should be checked for cracks.
bolt and flange, transient operating conditions and
electrolytic corrosion (see 6.1.4).
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c) Service loads. The uplift produced by the structure by ensuring that the weakest point of the
annular space design pressure, with either: structure is not at the bottom, but should not be
1) wind uplift and overturning, or regarded as a load condition for an undefined
overpressure situation. The recommendation applies
2) seismic loads,
to all single containment tanks, the inner tanks of
but not item 1) and item 2) simultaneously, double containment tanks and the outer steel tanks
counteracted by the effective weight of the shell, of full containment tanks. The outer steel tanks of
roof, roof structure, any associated structure double containment tanks have an interspace open to
attached to shell or roof, and/or any permanently the atmosphere which safeguards the outer shell or
attached insulation. wall from overpressure.
d) Test loads. The uplift produced by the annular Where the top shell course is thickened to provide
space test pressure, plus 60 % of wind uplift and additional compression area, but a normal
overturning, counteracted by the effective weight anchorage is retained, the use of emergency pressure
of the shell, roof, roof structure and any relief valves should be considered for single
associated structure attached to the shell or roof. containment tanks, the inner tanks of double
Wind uplift pressure applied uniformly to the whole containment tanks and the outer steel tanks of full
cross-sectional area of the tank or container shall be containment tanks.
calculated in accordance with Insulation firmly attached to the inner or outer tank
CP 3: Chapter V-2:1972. may be regarded as resisting uplift on either tank. It
Anchorages shall not be directly attached to shells is not normal to apply insulation until after the
or to bottom plates, but shall be attached to pads or satisfactory testing of both tanks.
brackets. Anchorage design should allow for adjustment due
The design temperature for anchorage and to settlement prior to commissioning. All anchorages
anchorage attachments shall be either the design should be firmly embedded into the foundations. On
metal temperature of the tank or container, or a no account should inner tank anchorages be
temperature agreed between the purchaser and the embedded in the base insulation for the purpose of
designer. resisting uplift.
Under service conditions, the allowable stress for an Tank design should accommodate movements due to
anchorage shall not exceed 0.5 of yield strength for temperature change to minimize induced bending
the material of construction. stress in the shell. Any additional stress induced in
The anchorage shall be capable of resisting the the shell by the anchorage attachment to the shell
uplift produced by the test loads. For this condition should be checked to ensure that the allowable stress
the stress in the anchorage shall not level of the shell is not exceeded for the condition of
exceed 0.85 × the minimum yield strength of the anchorage load considered.
anchorage material. Heat breaks may be required at the anchorage of
COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON inner tanks to prevent chilling of the outer tank and
Both the inner tank and outer tank or container foundations. Heat transfer to the colder parts of the
should be checked for combinations of loadings to tank structure should be limited, to avoid failure of
establish the worst conditions of uplift. The the anchorage or tank due to ice formation or water
anchorage and its attachment to the shell and condensation.
foundation for each tank or container should be A corrosion allowance of 1 mm should be applied to
designed in accordance with the worst conditions of all surfaces of anchorage parts.
uplift. Any initial tension in the anchorage members,
Where the top shell course is thickened to provide resulting from bolting loads or loads due to transient
additional compression area, the anchorage should or long term thermal movement, should be
be designed for 3 × the design vapour pressure. The considered in the anchor loadings.
allowable stress for this loading may be increased No initial tension should be applied to the
to 90 % of the minimum specified yield strength of anchorage. It should become effective only when an
the anchorage material. The reason for this is that, uplift force develops in the shell of the tank or
with a thickened top shell course, the anchorage is container. Steps should be taken before the tank goes
underdesigned relative to the shell-to-roof into service to ensure that anchorage bolts cannot
connection. Designing the anchorage for 3 × the work loose or become ineffective over a long period.
design pressure ensures that the anchorage is in line
with the roof-to-shell connection, in the event of an
extreme overpressure. This recommendation should
be regarded as a further increase in the safety of the
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Allowance should be made for the contraction of the Sharp changes in form should not be permitted. At
vertical joints of the first shell course during horizontal and vertical joints the shell profile should
welding. not deviate from the theoretical versine, measured
All shell courses should be erected on a common over a gauge length of 1 m, by more than is
centre line. recommended in Table 15.
On all lap joints, the plates should be held in contact The inner and outer tank should be checked for
during the welding operation. circularity, dimension and level during the course of
The surfaces where the weld metal is to be applied
should be thoroughly cleaned before assembly. Table 15 — Tank shell profile tolerance
Attachments welded to the inner tank and needed Tank plate thickness t Profile tolerance
only for purposes of erection should be removed in mm mm
accordance with
t # 12.5 10
11.6 Inner tank and outer tank or container 12.5 < t # 25 8
erection tolerances 25 < t 6
The foundation levels shall be checked by the
erector before and during erection. 11.7 Manual cutting of plates
After welding the first erected course, the internal Manual cutting of plates shall be in accordance
radial tolerance, when measured horizontally from with 10.4.
the centre of the tank to any point on the inside of 11.8 Protection of shell during erection
the tank shell, shall be as given in Table 14. The
The erector shall protect the shell from
overall height of the shell shall not be out of vertical
unacceptable damage during erection.
by more than 1 in 200.
Table 14 — Tank radius erection tolerances
required by the purchaser, full details of the methods
Tank Diameter D Radial Tolerance used for protection should be made available for
m mm approval. The factors which should be taken into
account when determining the suitability of the
D # 12.5 ± 13 proposed method of protection are:
12.5 < D # 45 ± 19
45 < D ± 25 a) tank size;
b) construction method;
Plates to be joined by butt welding shall be matched c) location and degree of exposure to wind loads;
accurately and retained in position during the
welding operation. Misalignment of the plates shall d) number and type of key plate equipment;
not exceed the following. e) availability of reliable meteorological data
a) For completed vertical joints: during all periods of erection.
1) for plates up to and including 19 mm Consideration should be given to the use of
thick, 1.5 mm or 10 % of plate thickness, temporary wind girders, since the use of steel wire
whichever is the greater; guys or cables may not be adequate.
2) for plates over 19 mm thick, 3 mm or 10 % of 11.9 Erection of tank roof
plate thickness, whichever is the greater. Temporary support shall remain in position until
b) For completed horizontal joints: the completion of the main and secondary framing.
1) for plates up to and including 8 mm COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 11.9. When
thick, 1.5 mm or 20 % of the upper plate assembling roof plates on the framing, no excessive
thickness, whichever is the greater; unsymmetrical loading should be applied to the roof
members due to the stacking of roof plates.
2) for plates over 8 mm thick, 3 mm or 20 % of
the upper plate thickness, whichever is the The strength of the temporary support should be
greater. calculated using the most unfavourable loading
condition during erection.
overall vertical tolerance should apply to each When agreed between the purchaser and the erector,
individual course erected. roofs may be erected on the tank bottom and raised
into position by air pressure or other means.
© BSI 04-1999 41
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If the composition of the flux is such that special COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 11.11.8.
protection during storage or special treatment The exposed surface should be suitable for proper
before use is necessary, details of such special interfusion with the deposited weld metal. This may
protection or treatment shall be provided by the be done by chipping, grinding or gouging, or, where
electrode manufacturer, and implemented by the the back of the initial bead is smooth and free from
erector. crevices that might entrap slag, no preparation is
The performance of copper coated wires depends on 11.11.9 Weld reinforcement
the continuity and regularity of the copper coating,
The weld metal on each side of a butt joint shall be
which is often not apparent on visual inspection but built up so that the finished face in the area of fusion
could be important in critical applications. This extends above the line between the edges of
consideration should be agreed between the erector
adjoining plates.
and the supplier of the copper coating wires.
11.11.10 Undercutting
For unused flux, moisture pick-up, particle
break-down or alloy balance should be assessed. Undercutting of the base metal shall not be greater
Unfused recovered flux can be reused where its than 0.5 mm in depth. On horizontal butt joints and
properties are acceptable. fillet welds, undercut shall not exceed 1 mm in
11.11.5 Tack welds
For tanks designed for liquid containment, tack The edges of welds should merge smoothly with the
welds used in the assembly of the vertical joints of surface of the parent plate and sharp angles should
tank shells and manually welded horizontal joints of be avoided.
tank shells shall be removed from the finished joint.
11.11.11 Peening
Tack welds in the bottom, shell-to-bottom, roof and Peening of welds shall not be permitted.
automatically welded horizontal joints of the tank 11.11.12 Repairs
shell, and other joints, need not be removed provided Unacceptable defects in welds shall be brought to
they are sound and the subsequent weld passes are the attention of the purchaser’s inspector.
thoroughly fused into the tack welds.
Approved methods of repair shall be utilized.
For tanks not designed for liquid containment, tack
For a tank designed to contain liquid, a repair shall
welds by qualified welders need not be removed
be carried out where welded joints do not conform
provided they are sound and the subsequent weld
to The repair shall be 100 %
passes are thoroughly fused into the tack welds.
11.11.6 Visual inspection
For a tank not designed to contain liquid, where a
All welds shall be visually inspected in accordance section of weld, shown by radiography, is
with BS 5289:1976. unacceptable, and the limit of the defective welding
11.11.7 Cleaning of welds is not defined by such radiography, two adjacent
spots shall be examined by radiography. If the weld
Each run of weld metal shall have slag and other
at either of these sections fails to conform
deposits removed before the next pass is applied.
to, two additional spots shall be examined
Slag shall be removed from the finished weld before until the limits of such welding are determined.
All defects outside the scope of shall be
Where air-arc gouging is used, the surfaces shall be removed by chipping, grinding or gouging from one
chipped or ground back to bright metal before or both sides of the joint, and rewelded.
11.12 Welding procedure approval and welder
11.11.8 Back gouging and chipping approval
The reverse side of a full-penetration butt weld shall 11.12.1 General
be cleaned prior to the application of the first bead
Welding processes used for the construction of a
to this side.
tank or container shall be in accordance with the
welding procedure approval test and welder
approval test (see 11.12.3 and 11.12.4).
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2) After completion of the tank, the films shall b) For tanks designed to contain liquid, with a
be retained for a minimum period of 5 years. double fillet welded shell-to-bottom joint, the
COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON weld shall be tested for leakage inside and
Scattered porosity is not detrimental to the outside, by pressurizing the volume between the
mechanical properties of welded joints. It is better to welds with air [3 to 7 bar (gauge)] and applying a
limit repairs to a minimum, rather than to cut out soap film or other suitable material to both welds.
minor local porosity, unless it is consistently in c) For tanks designed to contain liquid, with full
excess of 2 % by area (as seen in a radiograph). The penetration welds between shell and bottom
area considered should be the length of the weld joints, the welds shall be 100 % magnetic particle
affected by porosity multiplied by the maximum inspection (MPI) or dye penetrant inspection
width of the weld locally. (DPI), internally and externally, and vacuum box
11.13.2 Surface crack detection tested internally.
Tank anchorage to shell welds shall be crack
For tanks designed to contain liquid, where the
detected before and after the hydro-pneumatic test.
double fillet shell-to-bottom weld is tested for
The compression ring to shell welds shall be crack leakage, to ensure that air pressure reaches all parts
detected inside and outside. of the weld, a sealed blockage in the annular passage
Nozzle welds in liquid containing tanks shall be between the inside and outside weld should be
crock detected inside and outside. provided by welding at one point only. A small pipe
Stiffener welds on liquid containing tanks shall coupling welded to the outside fillet weld,
be 100 % crack detected. communicating with the space between the welds,
should be welded on each side of and adjacent to the
The bottom to shell joints of liquid containing tanks
blockage. The air supply should be connected to one
shall be 100 % crack detected.
of the couplings and a pressure gauge to the other.
Crack detection shall be performed in accordance Couplings should be removed after satisfactory
with BS 6072:1981 or with BS 6443:1984. testing and the weld made good.
11.13.3 Leak testing Extent of vacuum box examination
12 Pressure testing of both inner and
outer tank
Extent of examination by vacuum box shall be as
follows. 12.1 Hydrostatic testing
a) Bottom seams of outer tanks, not designed to 12.1.1 Inner tank testing
contain liquid, shall be examined for leakage The inner tank shall be filled with the test liquid to
for 100 % of their length prior to the construction the maximum design product level (see
of tanks designed to contain liquid.
All joints shall be examined for leakage. The
b) Bottom seams of tanks designed to contain vacuum box test on the bottom plate welds
liquid and single containment tanks shall be (see 11.13.3) shall be repeated after the hydrostatic
examined for leakage for 100 % of their length test to detect for small leaks.
before hydrostatic testing. After hydrostatic
testing, examination shall be carried out on
height hydrostatic testing ensures that the tanks and
single containment tank bottoms and inner tank
their foundations are satisfactorily designed and
bottoms of double and full containment tanks.
constructed, the tanks are liquid tight and peak
c) More extensive vacuum box examination than stresses in the steel introduced during fabrication
specified in items a) and items b) shall be by are reduced at ambient temperature.
agreement between the purchaser and the
12.1.2 Testing of outer steel tanks for double
and full containment Vacuum box procedure
The outer tank shall be filled to such a height that it
Bottom seams shall be tested using a pressure contains the test liquid of a full inner tank.
of 650 mbar absolute (i.e. 350 mbar of vacuum).
COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 12.1.2. Testing of shell-to-bottom junction When the outer steel tank is tested, care should be
Testing of the shell-to-bottom junction shall be as taken during emptying to prevent damage to the
follows. inner tank. The liquid level in the annular space
should be equal to or less than that of the inner tank,
a) For tanks not designed to contain liquid, this
to prevent compressive stresses in the inner tank or
junction shall be tested by a specially constructed
bottom uplift.
vacuum box and in accordance with
© BSI 04-1999 47
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The bottom insulation of the inner tank should be 12.2 Pneumatic testing
adequately protected against the danger of liquid 12.2.1 Testing of inner tanks with integral
penetration during testing. roofs
12.1.3 Test procedure For a tank filled with water to the test water level,
The test procedure shall be agreed between the and after completion of all requirements of 12.1.3,
purchaser and the erector. the enclosed space above the water level shall be
COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 12.1.3. The pressurized with air equal to 1.25 × the pressure for
test procedure assumes that water at ambient which the vapour space is designed.
temperature is available as a test fluid for the inner The test procedure shall be agreed between the
tank. purchaser and the erector.
The rules given in the test procedure are formulated COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 12.2.1. A
to give stresses appropriate to the design conditions typical pneumatic test procedure is as follows.
and the materials of construction. a) Adjust the pressure relief vents to enable the
The limits for differential and uniform settlement enclosed space to be pressurized in accordance
should be specified, and a comprehensive test with 12.2.1. Increase the pressure to this value
procedure should be agreed. Water filling should be and hold for 15 min.
stopped immediately if the settlement exceeds that b) Reduce the air pressure to the vapour space
specified. design pressure. Check all welded joints above
Attention should be paid to the control and the water level by applying soap film or other
monitoring of pressures during all stages of testing, suitable material to the welded joints. This
including the checking of internal positive pressure should include all shell joints, all welded joints
and vacuum relief vents. in the roof, around openings and in all piping
Climatic changes cause sharp fluctuations in test against which the pneumatic pressure is acting.
pressure. Provision should be made for the safe relief c) Readjust the pressure relief vent setting so that
of internal positive pressure or internal negative the normal opening pressure can be checked by
pressure in the event of such fluctuations, or if the pumping air into the space above the water level.
relief vents fail to operate at the design pressures Check the opening pressure for the vacuum vent
whilst under test. by partial withdrawal of water from the tank.
The hydrostatic test should be completed before the d) Vent the tank to atmosphere and empty the
application of the shell and external roof insulation. tank of all test water.
The suitability of the water for hydrostatic testing e)Recheck and retighten the anchorage (if
should be considered, taking account of the time the provided) after the tank has been emptied of
tank is exposed to it. Attention should be paid to the water and is at atmospheric pressure.
chloride content, and in the case of 9 % nickel steel f) Apply air pressure, equal to the design
tanks, to the hydrogen sulphide content. pressure, to the empty tank and check the
The tank should be freely vented to atmosphere anchorage and foundation for uplift.
during filling and emptying. 12.2.2 Testing of outer tanks and containers
During filling, and when filled to the test level, the
With a pneumatic pressure, in accordance
tank and foundations should be inspected for with 12.2.1, acting against the outer tank or
leakage, mechanical damage and foundation container, the testing requirements shall result in a
test of the outer tank or container.
To counter possible compaction of the bottom
The test procedure shall be agreed between the
insulation, the anchorage, if provided, should be
purchaser and the erector.
checked and retightened, after filling with water but
before applying, the air test. COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 12.2.2.
This agreed test procedure is intended for that part
During the water filling, all welded joints should be of the outer tank or container that has not been
visually examined for leakage.
pressurized during the testing of the inner tank. It is
recommended that the inner tank is filled with water
to reduce air volume during the test.
A typical pneumatic test procedure is as follows:
48 © BSI 04-1999
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13 Insulation
Insulation shall be in accordance with 6.6, clause 10
and clause 14 of BS 7777-3:1993.
14 Foundations
Foundations shall be in accordance with clause 7 of
BS 7777-3:1993.
16 Commissioning and
Commissioning and decommissioning shall be in
accordance with clause 9 of BS 7777-1:1993.
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Annex A (informative)
Guidance for the determination of %T-shift for the impact testing of steels
A.1 Introduction
This annex gives the test method to be used by the steelmaker to determine %T.
There is not a requirement to determine %T for a weld procedure test (see 11.12.3). Guidance has therefore
been included as an annex since it is recognized that Charpy V (Cv) testing is the most widely used
standardized method for materials toughness testing, despite its limitations.
The desired impact value for any plate in the tank measured in the heat affected zone (HAZ) is 27 J at the
design temperature for double and full containment tanks, and 27 J at 25 °C ± 5 °C lower than the design
temperature for single containment tanks.
To ensure that the material does not have a flat energy versus temperature relationship, the material
should demonstrate that the Cv transition temperature is within 30 °C of the test temperature. To this end,
a higher energy value of 120 J gives a reasonable demonstration.
To achieve the necessary value of 27 J for any tank plate, with a degree of assurance, the steel should be
tested to demonstrate the shift in temperature at the 27 J Cv level for the HAZ, compared with the plate
material. This shift is defined as %T.
The determination of %T for a specific steel is required to be repeated when a steelmaking process route is
amended, since minor micro-alloy elements, desulfurization, deoxidation, casting and other steelmaking
practices can affect the response of the steel to welding.
After determining %T, each plate should then be tested at a temperature %T below the design temperature,
hence ensuring that the 27 J will still be achieved in the degraded HAZ, and tested on a batch basis at the
higher temperature to demonstrate the 120 J requirement.
A.2 Frequency of testing
Where it is necessary to determine %T, the tests should be carried out on the steel, and should be repeated
if any changes are made to the following:
a) steelmaker;
b) steelmaking process;
c) deoxidation practice;
d) desulfurization practice;
e) casting practice;
f) heat treatment;
g) change in specified chemical composition including micro-alloy additions.
A.3 Test plate
The test plate should be in accordance with Figure A.1, and should be welded in the flat position using
manual metal arc welding.
The welding should be carried out in accordance with Table A.1, and with Figure A.2.
The purchaser and the manufacturer or the erector should agree which electrode should be used for the
Table A.1 — Test plate welding characteristics
Electrode diameter Typical current Typical run-out length/electrode Necessary heat input
mm A mm kJ/mm
A.4 Testing
On completion of welding, Charpy impact specimens should be removed in accordance with Figure A.3. The
HAZ and plate Charpy specimens should be tested at suitable temperatures to determine the transition
curves for the two sets of specimens. Particular attention should be paid to testing at temperatures
where 27 J is obtained.
From the two curves, %T is determined. This is the shift in temperature of the 27 J transition temperature
(see Figure A.4).
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Where a transition temperature at 27 J cannot be determined, because of a high energy level bottom shelf,
then a 45 J level should be used, or a value agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer or erector.
A.5 Verification
The testing should be witnessed and verified by an independent inspection authority and full
documentation should be supplied by the tester on request.
Test plates should be unrestrained.
Test plates should be welded complete with a maximum time of 1 h between runs.
NOTE 1 A minimum of 15 plate specimens are taken at mid thickness from the same side of the weld as HAZ.
Longitudinal axis of specimens is to be perpendicular to weld axis.
NOTE 2 A minimum of 15 specimens are taken at mid thickness, with the notch located in the HAZ, and are etched to demonstrate
that the notch is not in weld metal or parent plate.
Figure A.3 — Location of Charpy V-notch impact energy test specimens
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Annex B (informative)
Guidance for the tensile testing of 9 % nickel steel weld metal using
strain-gauged tensile specimens
B.1 Introduction
The all-weld metal tensile specimen from a thin butt-welded test plate is of such a small cross-sectional
area that there is large variation in results. These results are not representative of the actual joint
Since weld metal tensile properties for 9 % nickel steel do not exceed the tensile properties of the parent
plate, it is necessary to obtain a value of weld metal proof stress and tensile stress to carry out an effective
The principle of this tensile test is that a localized spot, judged to be the weakest point in a welded joint, is
measured while stressed in a similar manner to the service condition, i.e. transverse stress on a vertical
joint due to the hoop stress.
Since design is based on yield stress and tensile stress, the proof stress is measured by means of small
gauge-length strain gauges on a joint tensile specimen from a test plate welded in accordance with the
welding procedure to be used on the tank.
B.2 Method of testing
The method of testing should be as follows.
a) The test specimens should be the full thickness of the plate at the welded joint, and in accordance with
Figure B.1.
b) The weld should be ground flush with the parent plate. There should be an adequate surface finish
for strain gauge attachment.
c) Misalignment should be a minimum.
d) Flattening of the specimen should be carried out where necessary to achieve an angular misalignment
of less than 1°.
e) The strain gauges should be attached, using a recognized strain gauge adhesive, in accordance with
Figure B.2.
f) The strain gauges on either side should have equal length and characteristics. The maximum strain
gauge length consistent with being completely within the weld metal surface width should be used.
g) Initially, the gauges should be monitored independently when employing a preload, to check the gauge
bonding and the extent of induced bending. If satisfactory, the gauges should be wired up with two
dummy gauges mounted on similar weld metal, to eliminate the bending strains.
h) Where there are strain gauges self-compensated for temperature, precision resistors may be used in
the bridge circuit to replace the dummies. This should be in accordance with Figure B.3. The output is
the sum of axial strain outputs from the two gauges on the specimen.
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i) The specimen should be loaded and the change in resistance of the strain gauges measured with
equivalent loads, from which a stress/strain curve should be obtained.
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Annex C (informative)
Guidance for the use of aluminium and aluminium alloys for liquid containing
C.1 Introduction
The use of aluminium and aluminium alloys, though not specified in the standard, are acceptable for
liquid-containing tanks, subject to agreement between the purchaser and the contractor.
In the event that aluminium or aluminium alloys are used, detailed evaluation of the complete design and
construction requirements by experienced and competent personnel is necessary.
C.2 Materials
Materials should be in accordance with BS 1470, BS 1471 and BS 1474.
The maximum shell plate thickness should not exceed 55 mm.
Material in accordance with Table C.1 should be used for bolting aluminium and aluminium alloy
Table C.1 — Aluminium alloy bolting
Alloy BS 1473
AlMg5 5056A H4
AlCu4SiMg 2014A TF
AlSiMgMn 6082 TF
C.3 Design
When the bottom is lap welded, it should be welded on the top and bottom sides (see
The use of a backing strip may produce unacceptable porosity or inadequate penetration due to improper
cleaning. To ensure adequate quality it may be necessary to remove the backing strip and undertake
repairs (see
The maximum allowable design stress in service in any plate of the shell should
be the least of UTS/2.67, 0.2 % PS/1.33 or 93 N/mm2.
For the compression area, the maximum allowable compressive stress should be 44 N/mm2 (see
For NS8 aluminium alloy, the roof supporting structure should be designed in accordance with BS 8118-1
or CP 118 (see
Manholes and shell nozzle bodies should not have a thickness less than that given in
Table C.2 (see, also, 7.2.7).
Table C.2 — Manhole and shell nozzle thickness
Outside diameter Minimum manhole and nozzle
body thickness
dn tp
mm mm
dn $ 50 5
50 < dn # 70 8
70 < dn # 100 10
100 < dn # 200 12.5
200 < dn # 300 15
300 < dn 20
C.4 Fabrication
Thermal cutting of aluminium and aluminium alloys is permitted only if plasma arc is used, followed, if
necessary, by cleaning to sound metal (see 10.4).
C.5 Welding and testing
Welding processes should be metal inert gas, or tungsten inert gas without using flux.
Welding procedures should be in accordance with 11.12.3 of this standard and BS EN 288-4.
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Welders should be approved in accordance with 11.12.4 of this standard and BS EN 287-2.
Radiographic techniques should be in accordance with BS 3451 (see, also,
A section of weld which is shown by radiography to have linear porosity parallel to the axis of the weld,
indicating a lack of fusion or lack of penetration, is unacceptable. This recommendation is in addition to
the requirements of 11.13.1.
Annex D (informative)
Worked example of stiffener design for a fixed-roof container (see
A fixed-roof container 48 m in diameter, 35 m high and having fourteen 2.5 m courses of
thickness 9.0 mm, 9.0 mm, 9.0 mm, 9.5 mm, 9.5 mm, 9.5 mm, 10.0 mm, 10.0 mm, 10.5 mm, 11.0 mm,
11.0 mm, 11.5 mm, 11.5 mm and 11.5 mm, is to be designed for a wind speed of 55 m/s. How many
stiffening rings are required, and what is their location and size?
Course h t He
9 5 1/2
Whence Hp = 6.663 --------- = 4.869.
As 5Hp <CHe < 6Hp, five stiffening rings are required.
These are located -----------e-, -----------e-, -----------e-, ---------------e , and ---------------e i.e 4.448 m, 8.896 m, 13.344 m, 17.791 m and 22.239
6 3 2 3 6
m, from the equivalent shell top.
First ring. The first ring is on a shell course of minimum plate thickness so no adjustment is needed. The
remaining four rings are not on courses of minimum plate thickness, hence their positions relative to the
actual top of the shell have to be determined.
Second ring. 8.896 – 2.5 – 2.5 – 2.5 = 1.396 m, therefore the ring is located on the fourth course
9.5 2
1.396 -------- + (3 × 2.5) = 9.098 m from the top of the shell.
Third ring. 13.344 – 2.5 – 2.5 – 2.5 – 2.184 – 2.184 = 1.476 m, therefore the ring is located on the sixth
9.5 2
1.476 -------- + (5 × 2.5) = 14.190 m from the top of the shell.
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Fourth ring. 17.791 – (3 × 2.5) – (3 × 2.184) – 1.921 = 1.818 m, therefore the ring is located on the eighth
10.0 2
1.818 ----------- + (7 × 2.5) = 19.866 m from the top of the shell.
In its ideal position, this ring stiffener comes within 150 mm of a horizontal seam; therefore it has to be
moved. It is obvious in this instance to move the ring to 19.850 from the top of the shell. Therefore,
repositioning of fourth ring on equivalent shell:
19.850 – ( 7 × 2.5 )
----------------------------------------------- = 1.806 m down on the eighth course.
----------- ---
9.0 2
56 © BSI 04-1999
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BS 7777-2:1993
Normative references
58 © BSI 04-1999
BS 7777-2:1993
CP 3:Chapter V, Loading.
CP 3:Chapter V-2:1972, Wind loads.
BS EN 287, Approval testing of welders for fusion welding.
BS EN 287-1:1992, Steel.
BS EN 288, Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials.
BS EN 288-3:1992, Welding procedure tests for the arc welding of steels.
BS EN 10025:1990, Specification for hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels and their technical
delivery conditions.
BS EN 10028, Specification for flat products made of steels for pressure purposes.
BS EN 10028-3:1993, Weldable fine grain steels, normalized.
BS EN 10045, Charpy impact test on metallic materials.
BS EN 10045-1:1990, Test method (V- and U-notches).
Informative references
BS 1470:1987, Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes: plate, sheet and strip.
BS 1471:1972, Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes — drawn tube.
BS 1473:1972, Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes — rivet, bolt and screw stock.
BS 1474:1987, Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes: bars, extruded round tubes and sections.
BS 1501, Steels for pressure purposes.
BS 1501-3:1990, Specification for corrosion- and heat-resisting steels: plates, sheet and strip.
BS 3451:1973, Methods of testing fusion welds in aluminium and aluminium alloys.
BS 4360:1990, Specification for weldable structural steels.
BS 7777, Flat-bottomed, vertical, cylindrical storage tanks for low temperature service.
BS 7777-4:1993, Specification for the design and construction of single containment tanks for the storage of
liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen or liquid argon1).
BS 8118, Structural use of aluminium.
BS 8118-1:1991, Code of practice for design.
PD 6501, The preparation of British Standards for building and civil engineering.
PD 6501-1:1982, Guide to the types of British Standard, their aims, relationship, content and application1).
CP 118:1969, The structural use of aluminium.
BS EN 287, Approval testing of welders for fusion welding.
BS EN 287-2:1992, Aluminium and aluminium alloys.
BS EN 288, Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials.
BS EN 288-4:1992, Welding procedure tests for the arc welding of aluminium and its alloys.
Other references
Recommendations for the design and construction of refrigerated liquefied gas storage tanks. EEMUA
publication 147:19861).
[2] ROSE, R.T. Strength of reinforcements for manholes in welded storage tanks, British Welding Journal,
October 1961.
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Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Mon Sep 04 10:12:06 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
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