Acksii - Judges Screen Inserts - Digital Final - r1
Acksii - Judges Screen Inserts - Digital Final - r1
Acksii - Judges Screen Inserts - Digital Final - r1
Encounter Expedition
Exped tion Normal Daily Da ly
Animal Spec al Abilities
Special Abil ties Profic ency Throws
Proficiency Cost by Trained Role
Speed Speed Load (st) Food Water
Camel 150’ / 75’ 30 30 st 3 st 6 st* Dromedary, Rugged Endurance - 100gp (riding), 200gp (war
Dog, Hunting 180’ / 90’ 36 2 st 0.2 st 0.4 st Acute Olfaction, Acute Hearing Listening 8+, Tracking 3+ 10gp
Dog, War 150’ / 75’ 30 6 st 0.6 st 1.2 st Acute Olfaction, Acute Hearing Listening 8+, Tracking 11+ 75gp
Donkey 120’ / 60’ 24 15 st 1.5 st 3 st Sure-footed, Efficient Grazer, Stubborn Listening 11+ 10gp (draft), 20gp (riding)
Elephant 120’ / 60’ 24 180 st 18 st 36 st Acute Hearing, Acute Olfaction Listening 4+ 1500gp (riding), 3500gp (war)
Horse, Heavy 150’ / 75’ 30 40 st 4 st 8 st - - 40gp (draft), 315gp (war)
Horse, Light 240’ / 120’ 48 20 st 2 st 4 st - - 75gp (riding), 150gp (war)
Horse, Medium 180’ / 90’ 36 30 st 3 st 6 st - - 30gp (draft), 40gp (riding), 250gp (war)
Horse, Steppe 210’ / 105’ 42 25 st* 2 st 4 st Efficient Grazer, Rugged Endurance - 30gp (draft), 60gp (riding), 120gp (war)
Mule 150’ / 75’ 30 25 st 2.5 st 5 st Sure-footed - 20gp (draft), 30gp (riding), 50gp (war)
Ox 120’ / 60’ 24 45 st 4.5 st 9 st Efficient Grazer - 40gp (draft)
Vehicles Animal Abilities
Encounter Expedition Cargo Structural Ability Effect
Vehicle Crew AC Cost
Speed Speed (stone) Hit points Acute Hearing +1 vs. surprise and can hear sounds at 2× earshot range
Cart, Large (1 heavy horse) 1 60’/30’ 12 / 6 80 / 120 0 2 50gp Acute Olfaction +1 vs. surprise, track by scent
Cart, Large (2 heavy horses) 1 60’/30’ 12 / 6 160 / 240 0 2 50gp Go 6 months without water without
Cart, Small (1 mule) 1 60’/30’ 12 / 6 50 / 75 0 1 25gp becoming dehydrated
Cart, Small (2 mules) 1 60’/30’ 12 / 6 100 / 150 0 1 25gp No supply cost when with an army; can graze with
Efficient Grazer
Chariot, Heavy (4 light horses) 1+3 90’/45’ 18 / 9 80 / 160 2 2 240gp ancillary activities while moving at expedition speed
Chariot, Light (2 light horses) 1+1 180’/90’ 36 / 18 40 / 80 0 1 120gp Rugged Endurance Can force march for CON + 1 days without penalty
Chariot, Medium (2 medium horses) 1+2 120’/60’ 24 / 12 60 / 120 1 1 180gp Becomes paralyzed, not frightened, from fear effects or
Stubborn morale failures
Howdah, Riding (colossal creature) 20 or 40 By creature By creature (60) 0 1 600gp
Can be taken into dungeons; speed modifier in
Howdah, Riding (gigantic creature) 6 or 12 By creature By creature (18) 0 1 120gp Sure-footed mountains is ×2/3 rather than ×1/2
Howdah, Riding (huge creature) 2 or 4 By creature By creature (6) 0 1 30gp Tracker Equivalent of 3 ranks of Tracking
Howdah, War (colossal creature) 20 or 40 By creature By creature (120) 1 2 1,200gp
Howdah, War (gigantic creature) 6 or 12 By creature By creature (36) 1 1 240gp
Howdah, War (huge creature) 2 or 4 By creature By creature (15) 1 1 60gp Mounted/Vehicle Combat Rules
Palanquin, Small 2 60’/30’ 12 / 6 15 / 35 0 1 25gp Rider/driver and passenger(s) each act on own initiative number
Palanquin, Medium 4 90’/60’ 18 / 12 18 / 30 0 1 100gp Mount/vehicle transporter(s) act on rider/driver’s initiative number
Rider/driver chooses actions that mount/vehicle transporter(s)
Mounted Attack Table undertake unless frightened (but transporters can ignore frightened
conditions as long as less than half affected)
Mount Moved Mount Stationary Mount Charged When mount/vehicle moves, rider/driver and passengers move with it
Driver, rider, and passenger(s) can mount or dismount as combat
Rider Can attack if passenger Can attack if mount doesn’t Can attack action, or as movement action if proficient
and mount don’t
Passenger Can attack if rider and mount don’t Can attack if mount doesn’t Can attack Proficient rider treats target smaller than mount as subjacent
Nonproficient rider or passenger(s) on mount must make Paralysis
Can attack if rider and passenger don’t; Can usually save after attacking or be dismounted, knocked prone, and
Mount Can attack if rider and passenger don’t Can move after rider’s missile attack attack if war-trained dealt 1d4 damage
Vehicle Attack Table Rider/passenger on mount must make Paralysis save after dealt
damage or be dismounted, knocked prone, and dealt 1d4 damage,
Vehicle Didn’t Charge
C arge Vehicle Charged unless either in military saddle or double proficient in Riding
and Mounted Combat
Driver Can attack Cannot attack Use mount/vehicle’s size for size-adjusted saving throws against
Passenger Can attack Can melee attack special maneuvers
Transporters Can attack if carrying vehicle on back Can melee attack if carrying on back or pulling vehicle
Initiative Tracker
Mark the start of the round by placing a token in front of the initiative tracker next to the ‘10’. As you count down initiative, shift the token down step-by-step
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
Fighter Saving Throws Attack Throws by Level and HD Missile Weapon Ranges
Level Paralysis Death Blast Implements Spells Monster Crusader/ Attack Short Medium Long
Fighter Mage
0 14+ 15+ 16+ 17+ 18+ HD T ef
Thief T row
Throw Range Range Range
1 13+ 14+ 15+ 16+ 17+ 1/2 or less 0* 0* 0* 12+ Weapon 0 -2 -5
2–3 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ 16+ 1-1 0 0 0 11+ Arbalest Up to 180’ …to 360’ …to 480’
4 11+ 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ 1 1 1 to 2 1 to 3 10+ Axe (thrown) Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
5–6 10+ 11+ 12+ 13+ 14+ 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 6 9+ Bola Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
7 9+ 10+ 11+ 12+ 13+ 3 4 5 to 6 7 to 9 8+ Bow, Composite Up to 120’ …to 240’ …to 360’
8–9 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 12+ 4 5 to 6 7 to 8 10 to 12 7+ Bow, Long Up to 120’ …to 240’ …to 360’
10 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 5 7 9 to 10 13 to 14 6+ Bow, Short Up to 75’ …to 150’ …to 300’
11 – 12 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 6 8 to 9 11 to 12 - 5+ Crossbow Up to 140’ …to 280’ …to 420’
13 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 7 10 13 to 14 - 4+ Dagger (thrown) Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
14 – 15 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 8 11 to 12 - - 3+ Dart Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
16 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 9 13 - - 2+ Holy water Up to 15’ …to 45’ …to 60’
17 – 18 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 10 14 - - 1+ Javelin Up to 30’ …to 60’ …to 120’
19 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 11 - - - 0+ Knife (thrown) Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
20 – 21 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 12 - - - -1+ Oil (thrown) Up to 15’ …to 45’ …to 60’
22 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 13 - - - -2+ Sling Up to 60’ …to 120’ …to 240’
23+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 14 - - - -3+ Sling-Staff Up to 75’ …to 150’ …to 300’
15 - - - -4+ Spear Up to 30’ …to 60’ …to 120’
Crusader Attack and Saving Throws
16 - - - -5+ Torch Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
Level Paralysis Death Blast Implements Spells 17 - - - -6+ Warhammer (thrown) Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
1–2 13+ 10+ 16+ 13+ 15+ 18 - - - -7+
3–4 12+ 9+ 15+ 12+ 14+ 19 - - - -8+ Attacks with Burning Oil
5–6 11+ 8+ 14+ 11+ 13+ 20+ - - - -9+ Result Effect
7–8 10+ 7+ 13+ 10+ 12+ * Non-proficient characters such as peasants and militia attack with a -1
9 – 10 9+ 6+ 12+ 9+ 11+
penalty, giving them an effective 12+ attack throw.
Direct Hit Target takes 1d8 and is burning
Splash 1d3 to 5’, Blast save avoids
11 – 12 8+ 5+ 11+ 8+ 10+ Attempt to rebuke requires crusader have LOS on target undead. If throw succeeds,
13 – 14 7+ 4+ 10+ 7+ 9+ roll 2d6 for HD of undead rebuked or destroyed (minimum 1 HD on successful Splash: Splash 1d3 to 5’, Blast save avoids
throw). Undead with lower HD are always rebuked before undead with higher HD.
Thief Attack and Saving Throws Fumble: Attacker takes 1d8 and is burning for 1 round.
Rebuked undead become frightened and must flee from rebuker at running speed for
10 rounds (1 turn). If they can’t flee, they cower until they can flee or condition ends. Scatter from target in 1d12 clock direction
Level Paralysis Death Blast Implements Spells Miss 1d10’ short, 2d10 medium, 5d10’ long
1–2 13+ 13+ 13+ 14+ 15+ If rebuke attempt fails, crusader cannot attempt again for remainder of encounter. Splash at impact point (as above)
3–4 12+ 12+ 12+ 13+ 14+ Rebuking Undead
5–6 11+ 11+ 11+ 12+ 13+
7–8 10+ 10+ 10+ 11+ 12+ Crusader Level
Undead Type
9 – 10 9+ 9+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14+
11 – 12 8+ 8+ 8+ 9+ 10+ Skeleton 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D D D D D D
13 – 14 7+ 7+ 7+ 8+ 9+ Zombie 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D D D D D
Mage Attack and Saving Throws Ghoul 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D D D D
Wight 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D D D
Level Paralysis Death Blast Implements Spells Wraith - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D D
1–3 13+ 13+ 15+ 11+ 12+ Mummy - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D
4–6 12+ 12+ 14+ 10+ 11+ Specter - - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D
7–9 11+ 11+ 13+ 9+ 10+ Vampire - - - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D
10 – 12 10+ 10+ 12+ 8+ 9+ Incarnation* - - - - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D
13 – 14 9+ 9+ 11+ 7+ 8+ * Lawful crusaders can rebuke demons, while chaotic crusaders can control demons and rebuke angels.
Don/Doff Armor Yes Don or doff 1 stone worth of armor (1 AC) per round
Hasty Thief Skill Yes Make a Hasty Lockpicking, Searching, or Trapbreaking throw
Fire/Reload Artillery No Attack with artillery or reload artillery that has attacked
Run No Can move in straight line at up to running speed, but become disordered (–2 AC)
Running Sneak No Can sneak in straight line at up to running speed with –10 penalty to Sneak throw, but become disordered until next initiative
Retreat Yes Must pre-declare; move in straight line at up to running speed, turning back on enemies, but become disordered (–2 AC) until next initiative
Spike Door Yes Hammer 1 spike into a door
Move No Move up to combat speed, changing facing freely
Change Facing Yes Change facing, even if engaged
Sneak No Move up to ½ combat speed or full combat speed with –5 penalty to Sneak throw
Special Maneuvers
Additional Effect
Maneuver Attack Modifier Damage Paralysis Save Notes
(if Save Fails)
+0 punch 1d3 punch
Brawl 1d4 kick No None None
–2 kick
-4 or no penalty Opponent can shake off as combat action; combatant must make
Clamber None Yes; Size-adjusted Clamber on target
w/ Climbing throw Paralysis save to stay on
Target must helpless of equal or lesser size; combatant must not be
Coup de Grace Automatic hit Instant death No None engaged to take this action
Yes; +4 if target holding weapon Target’s weapon also
Disarm -4 As per attack None
With two hands knocked up to 5’ away
Target also forced back 1’ per If forced into object, target takes 1d6 {B} damage per 10’ moved and
Force Back -4 As per attack Yes; Size-adjusted point of damage falls prone; If forced into creature, smaller creature falls prone
As per attack,
Incapacitate -4 No None None
but nonlethal
Knock Down -4 As per attack Yes; Size-adjusted Target also knocked prone None
Combatant moves past target, On successful save, target chooses to block and take damage or allow
Overrun -4 Only if blocked Yes; Size-adjusted and gains bonus combat action character to move past
-4 (hafted weapon) Yes; +4 bonus if sundering sword or shield; Target weapon or shield Magic items add bonus to save; can only be sundered by weapons of
Sunder As per attack
-6 (other weapon) -4 if sundering hafted weapon is also destroyed equal or greater magic
As per attack, Attack throw rolled for each target separately; Can cleave if more than
Sweep Attack None but divided by No None half of targets incapacitated
# of targets
Wrestle -4 None Yes; Size-adjusted Target wrestled Ignore target’s AC from armor when making attack
Mortal Wounds Mortal Wounds General Results* Monster Experience Points
Situation Modifier Adjusted Monster HD Base XP Bonus XP/Ability
Condition Recovery
Wounded's CON +/– CON mod 1d20 Roll Less than 1 5 1
0 or less Instantly killed n/a 1 10 3
Wounded’s helmet Wearing heavy helmet +2
1+ 15 6
d4 +0 Mortally wounded, die unless healed to 1
1-5 1 month bed rest 2 20 9
Wounded's HD d6 +2 hp within 1 round
2+ 35 12
d8 +4 Grievously wounded, die unless healed to 1
6-10 2 weeks bed rest 3 50 15
hp within 1 turn
HP = 0 +5 3+ 65 35
Critically wounded, die unless healed to 1
–1/4 max <= HP < 0 +0 11-15 1 week bed rest 4 80 55
hp within 1 day
Wounded's –1/2 max <= HP < –1/4 max –2 4+ 140 75
1 week bed rest,
current hp –1x max <= HP < –1/2 max –5 16-20 In shock, recover with 1 hp 5 200 150
or 1 day w/ magic
5+ 260 200
–2x max <= HP < –1x max –10 1 day bed rest,
21-25 Just knocked out, recover with 1 hp 6 320 250
HP < –2x max –20 or none w/ magic
6+ 380 300
Ally's healing magic Per level of healing magic used +1 26+ Just dazed, recover with 1 hp No rest needed 7 440 350
Ally's lay on hands Per 2 levels of ally +1 * See individual tables for associated permanent injuries 7+ 500 400
Ally's healing prof Per rank of Healing proficiency +1 While resting, a creature is incapacitated:
8 600 500
Ally’s herbs Horsetail applied +2 9 700 600
It cannot be healed above 1 hit point by natural or magical healing
Within 1 round +2 10 850 700
it cannot attack, cast spells, or undertake dedicated activities of any sort. 11 1,000 800
Within 1 turn –3 If reduced to 0 hp again before it has had sufficient rest, it is instantly slain
Treatment Timing 12 1,200 900
Within 1 hour –5 If under the care of a character with Healing proficiency can take bed rest when traveling
(since incapacitation) 13 1,400 1,000
Within 1 day –8 as a passenger in a vehicle 14 1,600 1,100
More than 1 day –10 If the table indicates rest period can be shortened with magical healing, then any form of 15 1,800 1,200
Necromantic magic –1/2 spell level if triggered by necromancy healing magic will suffice. 16 2,000 1,300
Swimming & Drowning
Spelunking Climb (easy) Climb (sheer surface) Rappel
Movement Type Ascend/descend Ascend/descend Descend only Swimming
Throw Required One
Throw Required One throw per 100’ One throw per 100’ One throw per 100’ throw each round if water
too deep to stand
Using Adventuring 8+ Not permitted Not permitted
Using Adventuring Target value = Encumbrance
Using Climbing/Mountaineering By class level By class level By class level
Using Swimming +4 bonus, if target value 0+ or
Successful Throw Climb @ 1/3 Combat Speed Climb @ 1/3 Combat Speed Rappel @ Run Speed better, no throw req.
Fall unless double proficient with Swim @1/4 Combat Speed and
Failed Throw No progress for 1 round Rappel @ Combat Speed
mountaineering gear
Successful Throw take Combat Action or
Botched Throw (1) Fall unless double proficient Fall unless double proficient with Swim @1/4 Running Speed
with mountaineering gear mountaineering gear and become winded
Vulnerable in Combat No Yes Yes Failed Throw Begins drowning
Spelunking Crawling Traverse Balancing Traverse (narrow) Balancing Traverse (precarious)
Movement Type Horizontal only Horizontal only Horizontal only Adventurer who is drowning..
Throw Required One throw per 100’ One throw per 100’ One throw per 100’ becomes vulnerable and cannot take any actions
Using Adventuring 8+ 8+ Not permitted Sinks 10’ per st of Encumbrance at start
Using Climbing/Mountaineering By class level By class level By class level of his initiative
Successful Throw Traverse @ 1/3 Combat Speed Traverse @ 1/3 Combat Speed Traverse @ 1/3 Combat Speed Holds breath for 5 + CON rounds, then dies at
end of initiative
Fall unless proficient in both Climbing
Failed Throw No progress 1 one round No progress for 1 round and Cat Burglary Counts as weighing 7 3/6 st + ½
Encumbrance by rescuers
Botched Throw (1) Fall unless double proficient Fall unless proficient in both
(mountaineering gear implied) Climbing and Cat Burglary Fall Condition ends if carried to surface by ally
Vulnerable in Combat Yes Yes Yes
Thief Skills
Running Squeezing
Level Climb Hide Listen Lockpick Pickpocket Search Sneak Trapbreak Adventurer must move forward in
1 6+ 19+ 14+ 18+ 17+ 18+ 17+ 18+ a straight line or gentle curve and
becomes disordered until start of Throw Required One throw per chokepoint
2 5+ 18+ 13+ 17+ 16+ 17+ 16+ 17+ his next initiative Using Adventuring Target Value = Encumbrance
3 4+ 17+ 12+ 16+ 15+ 16+ 15+ 16+ if running in difficult terrain, Successful Throw Move @ Combat Speed
4 3+ 16+ 11+ 15+ 14+ 15+ 14+ 15+ adventurer must make a Paralysis
save (add class level if proficient Failed Throw No progress for 1 round
5 2+ 15+ 10+ 14+ 13+ 14+ 13+ 14+ Botching Throw (1) Become stuck
in Acrobatics) or fall prone at the
6 1+ 14+ 9+ 13+ 12+ 13+ 12+ 13+ half-way point of move Vulnerable, cannot take
Effects of Stuck any
7 0+ 12+ 8+ 11+ 10+ 11+ 10+ 11+ Each round after 10 rounds action except to escape
8 -1+ 10+ 7+ 9+ 8+ 9+ 8+ 9+ +/- CON modifier, adventurer by wiggling backwards or
must make a Paralysis save (add pushing forward
9 -2+ 8+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 7+
+4 if proficient in Endurance)
Wiggle Backwards? Make Paralysis save; retreat 10’
10 -3+ 6+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ or become winded. and end condition if successful
11 -4+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 3+ Winded adventurers cannot Make Dungeonbashing
12 -5+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 0+ 1+ 0+ 2+ charge or run until they
Push Forward? throw; advance 10’ and end
13 -6+ 0+ 2+ -1+ -2+ -1+ -2+ 2+ rest for 1 turn condition if successful, worsen
plight (-4) if fail
14 -7+ -2+ 1+ -3+ -4+ -3+ -4+ 1+
Lighting Leaping & Jumping
Light Source Bright Dim Duration Proficiency Effect on DEX Vertical Leap Horizontal Jump
Candle 0’ – 5’ 6’ – 10’ 6 turns Adventuring None DEX Bonus + 1 DEX + 1d6 – encumbrance
Lantern 0’ – 15’ 16’ – 30’ 24 turns/flask Acrobatics Increase by class level, max 24 DEX Bonus + 1 DEX + 1d6 – encumbrance
Torch 0’ – 15’ 16 – 30’ 6 turns
Shadowy Senses - 0’ – 30’ while not deafened or running
All missile attacks suffer a -2 penalty. Land Surveying, Navigation, and Searching suffer 6 Very Chilly (37 to 40 F) Balmy (68 to 71 F) Overcast Gentle
a -2 penalty. Maximum visibility halved. Earthen roads provide no benefit. Foraging for 7 Chilly (41 to 50 F) Balmy (72 to 74 F) Drizzly Moderate
Rainy firewood suffers -4 penalty. Tracking suffers -4 penalty per hour. Mud forms after one 8 Chilly (51 to 55 F) Balmy (75 to 79 F) Drizzly Moderate
day. 10% chance per week of catching disease.
9 Brisk (56 to 60 F) Warm (80 to 82 F) Drizzly Moderate
Maximum visibility drops to 20’. Speeds of all creatures are halved for all purposes. Land
Surveying, Navigation, and Searching suffer -4 penalty. Foraging for firewood suffers 10 Brisk (61 to 65 F) Warm (83 to 86 F) Rainy Strong
Snowy 11 Balmy (66 to 68 F) Hot (87 to 90 F) Rainy Strong
-4 penalty. Tracking suffers -4 penalty per hour. Snow accumulates after one day. 10%
chance per week of catching disease. 12 Balmy (69 to 72 F) Hot (91 to 94 F) Rainy Very Strong, Windy
Sunbaked Foraging throws to find water suffer -4 penalty. Adventurers without protective clothing 13 - Sweltering (95 to 99 F) Rainy Very Strong, Windy
suffer 1 {F} damage if outdoors for 4 mor more hours unless they have Savage Resilience. 14 - Sweltering (100 to 104 F) Rainy Gale, Stormy
All missile attacks and listening throws suffer a -4 penalty. Air speed is quartered. 15 - Sweltering (105 to 108 F) Rainy Gale, Stormy
Expedition speed is quartered. All creatures are affected as if by gale of wind. In barren
Stormy 16 - Sweltering (109 to 112 F) Rainy Gale, Stormy
or desert terrain, maximum visibility is reduced to 20’ by dust, all speeds are quartered,
and Land Surveying, Navigation, and Searching suffer -4 penalty. 17 - Sweltering (113 to 115 F) Rainy Gale, Stormy
All missile attacks and listening throws suffer a -2 penalty. Air speed is halved. 18 - Sweltering (116 to 120 F) Rainy Gale, Stormy
Expedition speed is halved. In barrens or desert terrain only, visibility is reduced to
Windy 20’, all speeds are halved, and Land Surveying, Navigation, Searching, and Tracking If Temperature is Cold or Frigid, then Drizzly => Flurry and Rainy => Snowy
proficiency throws all suffer -4 If Wind is Still, then Drizzly => Misty, Rainy => Foggy
Wilderness Conditions
Condition Cause Effect Condition Ends
1 day w/o any water
Dehydrated 2 days w/o half water cannot force march, cannot heal wounds, loses 1d6 CON each day Drink full water ration; 3 CON return per day of full water ration
5 days w/o full water
1 day force marching
Fatigued Cumulative -1 penalty to throws and damage rolls 8 hours restful sleep
6 days strenuous activity
Frostbitten Hypothermic, failed Death save roll 1d6 on 16-20 row of Savage Mortal Wounds Hypothermia ends or save succeeds
Hypothermic Cold or Frigid weather cannot force march, cannot heal wounds, loses 1d3 CON each hour 1 hour warmth (campfire etc.)
Hungry 1 day w/o full food -1 penalty on attack throws, proficiency throws, saving throws Eat full food ration
2 days w/o any food
Underfed Hungry and cannot force march or heal wounds Eat full food ration
5 days w/o half food
5 days underfed w/o food
Starving Underfed and loses 1 CON each day Eat full food ration to be underfed; 1 CON returns per day of full food ration
10 days underfed w/o half food
Sea Vessels
Dimens ons
Dimensions Crew Combat Speed Cargo AC SHP
Vessel Speed Cost
Oar Oar Oar Oar
Length Beam Hexes Sailors Rowers Marines Sail Sail
Sprint Cruise Slow Slow
1-Hex Vessel Movement 2-Hex Vessel Movement 3-Hex Vessel Movement Vessel Missile Weapon Ranges
Missile Weapon Double
Short Med. Long
Range by Hex Long
Arbalest 0–2 3–4 5–8 9 – 16
Crossbow 0–2 3–4 5–7 8 – 14
Composite Bow 0–2 3–4 5–6 7 – 12
Javelin/Spear 0 1 2 3–4
Long Bow 0–2 3–4 5–6 7 – 12
Short Bow 0–2 3 4–5 6 – 10
Sling 0–1 2 3–4 5–8
Sling-Staff 0–2 3 4–5 6 – 10
Other (thrown) 0 0 1 2
101 – 200
201 – 300
301 – 400
401 – 500
501 – 600
76 – 100
11 – 15
16 – 30
31 – 50
51 – 75
Mountain (Sogdian Rock, the Acropolis) ×5 Structural
5 – 10
Siege Tower, Huge 8
Island (Tyre, Mont. St. Michel) ×4 HP
Trebuchet, Light 6
Trebuchet, Medium 15 Peninsula (Constantinople) ×3
Trebuchet, Heavy 18 Riverbank (Rhine river castles) ×2 1 – 3,000 45 23 9 6 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 – 6,000 90 45 18 12 6 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0
Artillery Bombardment
7 – 9,000 135 68 27 18 9 5 4 3 1 1 1 1 0 0
Daily Damage Daily Damage Shotss Fired
Sho Daily Ammo Maximum
Max mum 10 – 12,000 180 90 36 24 12 7 5 4 2 1 1 1 1 1
Ar illery Type
Artillery v. Wood v. Stone Per Day Cost
Cos Range
13 – 15,000 225 113 45 30 15 9 6 5 2 2 1 1 1 1
Light Ballista 775 - 1,440 15gp 600’ 16 – 20,000 - 150 60 40 20 12 8 6 3 2 2 1 1 1
Medium Ballista 1,500 - 1,440 45gp 600’ 21 – 30,000 - 225 90 60 30 18 12 9 5 3 2 2 2 1
Heavy Ballista 2,250 75 720 100gp 900’ 31 – 50,000 - - 150 100 50 30 20 15 8 5 4 3 3 2
Light Catapult 2,250 75 720 100gp 900’ 51 – 75,000 - - 225 150 75 45 30 23 11 8 6 5 4 3
Medium Catapult 3,750 125 720 600gp 900’ 76 – 100,000 - - - 200 100 60 40 30 15 10 8 6 5 4
Heavy Catapult 2,500 275 480 1,500gp 1200’ 101 – 125,000 - - - 250 125 75 50 38 19 13 9 8 6 5
Light Trebuchet 2,500 275 480 1,500gp 1200’ 126 – 150,000 - - - - 200 120 80 60 30 20 15 12 10 9
Medium Trebuchet 2,000 625 360 1,350gp 1500’ 151 – 200,000 - - - - 250 150 100 75 38 25 19 15 13 11
Heavy Trebuchet 2,250 750 360 2,900gp 1800’ 201 – 250,000 - - - - - 180 120 90 45 30 23 18 15 13
Scavenged Ammunition: Construction cost for scavenged ammunition is 1/10th the daily cost listed on the Artillery 251 – 300,000 - - - - - 210 140 105 53 35 26 21 18 15
Bombardment table. 301,000+ - - - - - 240 160 120 60 40 30 24 20 17
Magic Item Availability By Market Class Magic Item Transaction By Market Class
Item Type Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Magic Item Price Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
Potion 37 9 5 1 50% 10% 1gp or less 2,750 700 425 100 35 15
Ring 9 2 1 30% 10% - 2-10gp 300 70 35 10 3 1
Scroll 53 13 7 2 70% 20% 11-100gp 20 5 2 1 25% 10%
Rod/Wand/Staff 9 2 1 30% 10% - 101-1,000gp 7 2 1 25% 10% 5%
Miscellaneous Weapon 9 2 1 30% 10% - 1,001-10,000gp 2 1 25% 10% 5% 1%
Sword 37 9 5 1 50% 10% 10,001gp or more 25% 10% 3% 1% NA NA
Miscellaneous Item 9 2 1 30% 10% - Use Magic Item Transaction table to determine the number of potential buyers and sellers of magic items in a month
Armor & Shield 14 4 2 40% 20% 10% and/or the Magic Item Availability table to determine the number of magic items of each type in a settlement.
Arbitrage Trading Passenger and Cargo Carriage Exhaustion of Arbitrage: 20% cumulative chance per day that price shifts against
arbitrager; if buying +1 step, if selling -1 step; reset to 20% after price shift
1. Assess Supply and Demand (RR p. 373) 1. Announce Destination, Route, & Departure Time (RR p. 378)
2. Select Type of Merchandise (RR p. 373) 2. Solicit Shippers to Consign Cargo (RR p. 379) Price Reset: 10% cumulative chance per week of major event occurring that causes all
3. Solicit Buyers or Sellers (RR p. 375) 3. Solicit Travelers to Book Passage (RR p. 381) prices to reset
4. Determine Market Price (RR p. 375) 4. Check for Chartered Travel (RR p. 381) Fixed Deal Terms: Spot price for same merchandise cannot be bargained both up and
5. Negotiate Spot Price (RR p. 376) 5. Embark Passengers & Load Cargo (RR p. 382) down in the same market in the same month
6. Exchange Merch. for Payment (RR p. 376) 6. Continue to Solicit or Exit Market (RR p. 382)
Shipping Terms: Shippers pay ½ at consignment and ½ on delivery. If less than
7. Continue to Trade or Exit Market (RR p. 377) 7. Transport Passengers and Cargo (RR p. 382)
8. Transport or Store Goods (RR p. 378) enthusiastic agreement, also must give free passage for merchant rep (50 st. passenger)
Chartered Travel: if throw 21+ on d20 + Market Impact, charter to location 2d20 x
100 miles away, pay as if filling cargo capacity