Acksii - Judges Screen Inserts - Digital Final - r1

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Encounter Expedition
Exped tion Normal Daily Da ly
Animal Spec al Abilities
Special Abil ties Profic ency Throws
Proficiency Cost by Trained Role
Speed Speed Load (st) Food Water
Camel 150’ / 75’ 30 30 st 3 st 6 st* Dromedary, Rugged Endurance - 100gp (riding), 200gp (war
Dog, Hunting 180’ / 90’ 36 2 st 0.2 st 0.4 st Acute Olfaction, Acute Hearing Listening 8+, Tracking 3+ 10gp
Dog, War 150’ / 75’ 30 6 st 0.6 st 1.2 st Acute Olfaction, Acute Hearing Listening 8+, Tracking 11+ 75gp
Donkey 120’ / 60’ 24 15 st 1.5 st 3 st Sure-footed, Efficient Grazer, Stubborn Listening 11+ 10gp (draft), 20gp (riding)
Elephant 120’ / 60’ 24 180 st 18 st 36 st Acute Hearing, Acute Olfaction Listening 4+ 1500gp (riding), 3500gp (war)
Horse, Heavy 150’ / 75’ 30 40 st 4 st 8 st - - 40gp (draft), 315gp (war)
Horse, Light 240’ / 120’ 48 20 st 2 st 4 st - - 75gp (riding), 150gp (war)
Horse, Medium 180’ / 90’ 36 30 st 3 st 6 st - - 30gp (draft), 40gp (riding), 250gp (war)
Horse, Steppe 210’ / 105’ 42 25 st* 2 st 4 st Efficient Grazer, Rugged Endurance - 30gp (draft), 60gp (riding), 120gp (war)
Mule 150’ / 75’ 30 25 st 2.5 st 5 st Sure-footed - 20gp (draft), 30gp (riding), 50gp (war)
Ox 120’ / 60’ 24 45 st 4.5 st 9 st Efficient Grazer - 40gp (draft)
Vehicles Animal Abilities
Encounter Expedition Cargo Structural Ability Effect
Vehicle Crew AC Cost
Speed Speed (stone) Hit points Acute Hearing +1 vs. surprise and can hear sounds at 2× earshot range
Cart, Large (1 heavy horse) 1 60’/30’ 12 / 6 80 / 120 0 2 50gp Acute Olfaction +1 vs. surprise, track by scent
Cart, Large (2 heavy horses) 1 60’/30’ 12 / 6 160 / 240 0 2 50gp Go 6 months without water without
Cart, Small (1 mule) 1 60’/30’ 12 / 6 50 / 75 0 1 25gp becoming dehydrated
Cart, Small (2 mules) 1 60’/30’ 12 / 6 100 / 150 0 1 25gp No supply cost when with an army; can graze with
Efficient Grazer
Chariot, Heavy (4 light horses) 1+3 90’/45’ 18 / 9 80 / 160 2 2 240gp ancillary activities while moving at expedition speed
Chariot, Light (2 light horses) 1+1 180’/90’ 36 / 18 40 / 80 0 1 120gp Rugged Endurance Can force march for CON + 1 days without penalty
Chariot, Medium (2 medium horses) 1+2 120’/60’ 24 / 12 60 / 120 1 1 180gp Becomes paralyzed, not frightened, from fear effects or
Stubborn morale failures
Howdah, Riding (colossal creature) 20 or 40 By creature By creature (60) 0 1 600gp
Can be taken into dungeons; speed modifier in
Howdah, Riding (gigantic creature) 6 or 12 By creature By creature (18) 0 1 120gp Sure-footed mountains is ×2/3 rather than ×1/2
Howdah, Riding (huge creature) 2 or 4 By creature By creature (6) 0 1 30gp Tracker Equivalent of 3 ranks of Tracking
Howdah, War (colossal creature) 20 or 40 By creature By creature (120) 1 2 1,200gp
Howdah, War (gigantic creature) 6 or 12 By creature By creature (36) 1 1 240gp
Howdah, War (huge creature) 2 or 4 By creature By creature (15) 1 1 60gp Mounted/Vehicle Combat Rules
Palanquin, Small 2 60’/30’ 12 / 6 15 / 35 0 1 25gp  Rider/driver and passenger(s) each act on own initiative number
Palanquin, Medium 4 90’/60’ 18 / 12 18 / 30 0 1 100gp  Mount/vehicle transporter(s) act on rider/driver’s initiative number
 Rider/driver chooses actions that mount/vehicle transporter(s)
Mounted Attack Table undertake unless frightened (but transporters can ignore frightened
conditions as long as less than half affected)
Mount Moved Mount Stationary Mount Charged  When mount/vehicle moves, rider/driver and passengers move with it
 Driver, rider, and passenger(s) can mount or dismount as combat
Rider Can attack if passenger Can attack if mount doesn’t Can attack action, or as movement action if proficient
and mount don’t
Passenger Can attack if rider and mount don’t Can attack if mount doesn’t Can attack  Proficient rider treats target smaller than mount as subjacent
 Nonproficient rider or passenger(s) on mount must make Paralysis
Can attack if rider and passenger don’t; Can usually save after attacking or be dismounted, knocked prone, and
Mount Can attack if rider and passenger don’t Can move after rider’s missile attack attack if war-trained dealt 1d4  damage
Vehicle Attack Table  Rider/passenger on mount must make Paralysis save after dealt
damage or be dismounted, knocked prone, and dealt 1d4  damage,
Vehicle Didn’t Charge
C arge Vehicle Charged unless either in military saddle or double proficient in Riding
and Mounted Combat
Driver Can attack Cannot attack  Use mount/vehicle’s size for size-adjusted saving throws against
Passenger Can attack Can melee attack special maneuvers
Transporters Can attack if carrying vehicle on back Can melee attack if carrying on back or pulling vehicle

Combat Round Sequence Surprise Matrix

Steps Sequence of Play Monsters
Combatants must declare spellcasting or Fore, LOS Fore LOS None
1. Declarations
defensive movement before rolling
Monsters not surprised Monsters roll surprise (+1) Monsters roll surprise Monsters roll surprise (-1)
Each combatant (or group of monsters) rolls 1d6
2. Roll Initiative + initiative modifier Fore, LOS Adventurers not surprised Adventurers not surprised Adventurers not surprised Adventurers not surprised
Adventurers cannot evade Adventurers can evade Adventurers can evade Adventurers can always evade
Count down from 10; each combatant acts on Monsters not surprised Monsters roll surprise (+1) Monsters roll surprise Monsters roll surprise (-1)
Initiative their initiative number; on ties, the side with Fore Adventurers roll surprise (+1) Adventurers roll surprise (+1) Adventurers roll surprise (+1) Adventurers roll surprise (+1)
3. Countdown fewer members (if equal, the monsters) chooses Adventurers cannot evade Adventurers can evade Adventurers can evade Adventurers can evade
whether to act first or last
Monsters not surprised Monsters roll surprise (+1) Monsters roll surprise Monsters roll surprise (-1)
Judge checks if morale roll required for any LOS Adventurers roll surprise Adventurers roll surprise Adventurers roll surprise Adventurers roll surprise
4. Morale groups or creatures and makes roll if so Adventurers cannot evade Adventurers can evade Adventurers can evade Adventurers can evade
Monsters not surprised Monsters roll surprise (+1) Monsters roll surprise
Readied Action Special Situations
None Adventurers roll surprise (-1) Adventurers roll surprise (-1) Adventurers rolls surprise (-1) No encounter
Situation Rule Adventurers cannot evade Adventurers cannot evade Adventurers cannot evade
You can declare your readied attack vs a
charging opponent a countercharge if desired; Cover, Elevation, & Flanking
Countercharge your countercharge applies normal charge rules Cover, Elevation, & Flanking Condition Effect
(+2 attack, impact damage, disordered)
Any attack vs target at lower elevation Target subjacent +1 attack bonus vs target
Losing a Readied Lose your readied action if you take damage, fail
Action a saving throw, or are involuntarily moved Any attack vs target from flank Target flanked +2 attack bonus vs target
A readied attack with an equipped impact Any attack vs target from rear Target vulnerable +2 attack bonus vs target and target can be ambushed or backstabbed
damage weapon vs a charging opponent deals Missile attack vs target with waist high cover Target in cover -2 attack penalty vs target (no penalty with Precise Shooting)
Set vs Charge impact damage even if you don't countercharge, Missile attack vs target with chest high cover Target in cover -4 attack penalty vs target (no penalty with Precise Shooting)
but without attack bonus or disorder
Missile attack vs target through engaged allies Target in cover -4 attack penalty vs target (no penalty with Precise Shooting)
Readied actions can persist to the following
Staying Ready round; they are lost when your normal initiative Missile attack vs target engaged with ally Ally engaged Cannot attack target (or -4 attack penalty with Precise Shooting)
for that round comes up (even if you Delay)
Morale Rolls Morale Roll Modifiers
Readied vs Readied Resolve in order of current initiative numbers
If an entire round passes w/o any offensive Adjusted Situation Mod
Result Effect
Reserve Standoff actions by either side, all sides lose 2d6 Roll Below 1/2 hp (single creature) –2
readied actions
Combatants frightened and run away, if cannot run Side has lost 1/2 or more
Frightened -2
2 or less start cowering (becoming vulnerable) instead, will starting numbers
Acting Before Your Initiative Retreat surrender if able
Below 2/3 hp (single creature) -5
Situation Rule Faltering Combatants faltering (–2 to attack, proficiency, &
3-5 saving throws), will try to fighting withdraw, may Side has lost 2/3 or more
Retreat -5
Readied action from prior Take readied action if triggered before surrender if offered good terms starting numbers
round hasn’t yet triggered initiative; still act on initiative whether or Outnumber enemies +2
not readied action triggered Combatants continue fighting, but will not pursue if
6-8 Fight On opponents retreat Outnumber enemies 2:1 +5
Can attack a charging opponent with
Equipped with Advance Combatants continue fighting, and will pursue if Can't retreat and enemy won’t
higher initiative, just after opponent’s 9-11 +5
missile or long melee and Pursue other side retreats accept surrender
move and before opponent's attack;
weapon on first round, can cleave if opponent killed; but lose Victory Combatants continue fighting, will aggressively pursue Roll when 1/3 HP (single creature) or numbers gone, then
and not surprised 12+
initiative for this round or Death if other side retreats, and will not roll morale again each round thereafter when damaged or another dies

Initiative Tracker
Mark the start of the round by placing a token in front of the initiative tracker next to the ‘10’. As you count down initiative, shift the token down step-by-step

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2

Fighter Saving Throws Attack Throws by Level and HD Missile Weapon Ranges
Level Paralysis Death Blast Implements Spells Monster Crusader/ Attack Short Medium Long
Fighter Mage
0 14+ 15+ 16+ 17+ 18+ HD T ef
Thief T row
Throw Range Range Range
1 13+ 14+ 15+ 16+ 17+ 1/2 or less 0* 0* 0* 12+ Weapon 0 -2 -5
2–3 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ 16+ 1-1 0 0 0 11+ Arbalest Up to 180’ …to 360’ …to 480’
4 11+ 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ 1 1 1 to 2 1 to 3 10+ Axe (thrown) Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
5–6 10+ 11+ 12+ 13+ 14+ 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 6 9+ Bola Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
7 9+ 10+ 11+ 12+ 13+ 3 4 5 to 6 7 to 9 8+ Bow, Composite Up to 120’ …to 240’ …to 360’
8–9 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 12+ 4 5 to 6 7 to 8 10 to 12 7+ Bow, Long Up to 120’ …to 240’ …to 360’
10 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 5 7 9 to 10 13 to 14 6+ Bow, Short Up to 75’ …to 150’ …to 300’
11 – 12 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 6 8 to 9 11 to 12 - 5+ Crossbow Up to 140’ …to 280’ …to 420’
13 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 7 10 13 to 14 - 4+ Dagger (thrown) Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
14 – 15 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 8 11 to 12 - - 3+ Dart Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
16 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 9 13 - - 2+ Holy water Up to 15’ …to 45’ …to 60’
17 – 18 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 10 14 - - 1+ Javelin Up to 30’ …to 60’ …to 120’
19 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 11 - - - 0+ Knife (thrown) Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
20 – 21 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 12 - - - -1+ Oil (thrown) Up to 15’ …to 45’ …to 60’
22 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 13 - - - -2+ Sling Up to 60’ …to 120’ …to 240’
23+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 14 - - - -3+ Sling-Staff Up to 75’ …to 150’ …to 300’
15 - - - -4+ Spear Up to 30’ …to 60’ …to 120’
Crusader Attack and Saving Throws
16 - - - -5+ Torch Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
Level Paralysis Death Blast Implements Spells 17 - - - -6+ Warhammer (thrown) Up to 15’ …to 30’ …to 45’
1–2 13+ 10+ 16+ 13+ 15+ 18 - - - -7+
3–4 12+ 9+ 15+ 12+ 14+ 19 - - - -8+ Attacks with Burning Oil
5–6 11+ 8+ 14+ 11+ 13+ 20+ - - - -9+ Result Effect
7–8 10+ 7+ 13+ 10+ 12+ * Non-proficient characters such as peasants and militia attack with a -1
9 – 10 9+ 6+ 12+ 9+ 11+
penalty, giving them an effective 12+ attack throw.
Direct Hit Target takes 1d8  and is burning
Splash 1d3  to 5’, Blast save avoids
11 – 12 8+ 5+ 11+ 8+ 10+ Attempt to rebuke requires crusader have LOS on target undead. If throw succeeds,
13 – 14 7+ 4+ 10+ 7+ 9+ roll 2d6 for HD of undead rebuked or destroyed (minimum 1 HD on successful Splash: Splash 1d3  to 5’, Blast save avoids
throw). Undead with lower HD are always rebuked before undead with higher HD.
Thief Attack and Saving Throws Fumble: Attacker takes 1d8  and is burning for 1 round.
Rebuked undead become frightened and must flee from rebuker at running speed for
10 rounds (1 turn). If they can’t flee, they cower until they can flee or condition ends. Scatter from target in 1d12 clock direction
Level Paralysis Death Blast Implements Spells Miss 1d10’ short, 2d10 medium, 5d10’ long
1–2 13+ 13+ 13+ 14+ 15+ If rebuke attempt fails, crusader cannot attempt again for remainder of encounter. Splash at impact point (as above)
3–4 12+ 12+ 12+ 13+ 14+ Rebuking Undead
5–6 11+ 11+ 11+ 12+ 13+
7–8 10+ 10+ 10+ 11+ 12+ Crusader Level
Undead Type
9 – 10 9+ 9+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14+
11 – 12 8+ 8+ 8+ 9+ 10+ Skeleton 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D D D D D D
13 – 14 7+ 7+ 7+ 8+ 9+ Zombie 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D D D D D
Mage Attack and Saving Throws Ghoul 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D D D D
Wight 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D D D
Level Paralysis Death Blast Implements Spells Wraith - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D D
1–3 13+ 13+ 15+ 11+ 12+ Mummy - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D D
4–6 12+ 12+ 14+ 10+ 11+ Specter - - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D D
7–9 11+ 11+ 13+ 9+ 10+ Vampire - - - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D D
10 – 12 10+ 10+ 12+ 8+ 9+ Incarnation* - - - - - 19+ 16+ 13+ 10+ 7+ 4+ R R D
13 – 14 9+ 9+ 11+ 7+ 8+ * Lawful crusaders can rebuke demons, while chaotic crusaders can control demons and rebuke angels.

Actions during Combat

Can Perform
Type Action Notes
if Engaged?
Cast Spell Yes Must pre-declare; must remain stationary; lose spell if damaged or fail a save before casting
Can move in straight line at up to running speed then attack (q.v.) with +2 attack bonus and impact damage (by weapon), but become disordered
Charge No (–2 AC) until next initiative
Delay entire initiative until lower number to a minimum value equal to negative of current initiative; if waiting for a specific combatant to act, your
Delay Initiative Yes action takes place after theirs
Full Round

Don/Doff Armor Yes Don or doff 1 stone worth of armor (1 AC) per round
Hasty Thief Skill Yes Make a Hasty Lockpicking, Searching, or Trapbreaking throw
Fire/Reload Artillery No Attack with artillery or reload artillery that has attacked
Run No Can move in straight line at up to running speed, but become disordered (–2 AC)
Running Sneak No Can sneak in straight line at up to running speed with –10 penalty to Sneak throw, but become disordered until next initiative
Retreat Yes Must pre-declare; move in straight line at up to running speed, turning back on enemies, but become disordered (–2 AC) until next initiative
Spike Door Yes Hammer 1 spike into a door
Move No Move up to combat speed, changing facing freely
Change Facing Yes Change facing, even if engaged
Sneak No Move up to ½ combat speed or full combat speed with –5 penalty to Sneak throw

Stand (not engaged) No Stand up if prone and not engaged

Take Cover No Fall prone, crouch, kneel
Withdraw Yes Must pre-declare; move up to ½ combat speed, changing facing freely
Grab item/creature from ground, give complex orders, light torch/lantern/flask, open door, ready/loose shield, swap weapons (dropping old/
Other Actions in Lieu of Movement Yes drawing new is free), retrieve item from backpack/sack
Perform full attack sequence; can substitute special maneuver for any/all attacks; can move up to 5' towards enemy first if not engaged; cleave if
Attack Yes target is incapacitated
Bash Yes Bash door/smash window/lift portcullis using Dungeonbashing throw
Self or adjacent character gains +2 AC vs melee (with shield, also gain +4 AC vs missile and +2 to Blast saving throws); cannot Defend after
Defend Yes charging/running/retreating
Attempt to end grabbed, restrained, or wrestled condition with either Paralysis saving throw (slip free) or Dungeonbashing prof
Escape Yes throw (break free)
Hide No Make a Hiding proficiency throw; requires cover, darkness, or dim light

Listen Yes Make a Listening throw to listen for faint sounds

State intended action and its trigger; can ready movement or combat actions, but not full round actions; lose readied action if damaged, fail
Ready an Action Yes a save, or involuntarily moved before taking it; readied actions interrupt enemy after enemy movement action (or latest point of move) but
before combat action
Rebuke Yes Rebuke undead in line of sight
Stand (engaged) Yes Stand up if prone, even if engaged
Trigger Mortal Wounds roll in incapacitated target; can apply herbs, use healing potion/item, or lay on hands for bonus; casting a cure as full-
Treat Injury Yes
round action on incapacitated target also counts as treating injury
Use Spell-Like Ability Yes Use an innate ability not requiring full round to use
Apply healing herb, brandish holy symbol/garlic/mirror, cast spell from rod/staff/wand/ring, drink potion, mount or dismount, unlock a door using
Other Actions in Lieu of Attacking Yes key, listen for sounds, use equipped item, take move action
* Combat action must be used after movement action

Special Maneuvers
Additional Effect
Maneuver Attack Modifier Damage Paralysis Save Notes
(if Save Fails)
+0 punch 1d3  punch
Brawl 1d4  kick No None None
–2 kick
-4 or no penalty Opponent can shake off as combat action; combatant must make
Clamber None Yes; Size-adjusted Clamber on target
w/ Climbing throw Paralysis save to stay on
Target must helpless of equal or lesser size; combatant must not be
Coup de Grace Automatic hit Instant death No None engaged to take this action
Yes; +4 if target holding weapon Target’s weapon also
Disarm -4 As per attack None
With two hands knocked up to 5’ away
Target also forced back 1’ per If forced into object, target takes 1d6 {B} damage per 10’ moved and
Force Back -4 As per attack Yes; Size-adjusted point of damage falls prone; If forced into creature, smaller creature falls prone
As per attack,
Incapacitate -4 No None None
but nonlethal
Knock Down -4 As per attack Yes; Size-adjusted Target also knocked prone None
Combatant moves past target, On successful save, target chooses to block and take damage or allow
Overrun -4 Only if blocked Yes; Size-adjusted and gains bonus combat action character to move past
-4 (hafted weapon) Yes; +4 bonus if sundering sword or shield; Target weapon or shield Magic items add bonus to save; can only be sundered by weapons of
Sunder As per attack
-6 (other weapon) -4 if sundering hafted weapon is also destroyed equal or greater magic
As per attack, Attack throw rolled for each target separately; Can cleave if more than
Sweep Attack None but divided by No None half of targets incapacitated
# of targets
Wrestle -4 None Yes; Size-adjusted Target wrestled Ignore target’s AC from armor when making attack
Mortal Wounds Mortal Wounds General Results* Monster Experience Points
Situation Modifier Adjusted Monster HD Base XP Bonus XP/Ability
Condition Recovery
Wounded's CON +/– CON mod 1d20 Roll Less than 1 5 1
0 or less Instantly killed n/a 1 10 3
Wounded’s helmet Wearing heavy helmet +2
1+ 15 6
d4 +0 Mortally wounded, die unless healed to 1
1-5 1 month bed rest 2 20 9
Wounded's HD d6 +2 hp within 1 round
2+ 35 12
d8 +4 Grievously wounded, die unless healed to 1
6-10 2 weeks bed rest 3 50 15
hp within 1 turn
HP = 0 +5 3+ 65 35
Critically wounded, die unless healed to 1
–1/4 max <= HP < 0 +0 11-15 1 week bed rest 4 80 55
hp within 1 day
Wounded's –1/2 max <= HP < –1/4 max –2 4+ 140 75
1 week bed rest,
current hp –1x max <= HP < –1/2 max –5 16-20 In shock, recover with 1 hp 5 200 150
or 1 day w/ magic
5+ 260 200
–2x max <= HP < –1x max –10 1 day bed rest,
21-25 Just knocked out, recover with 1 hp 6 320 250
HP < –2x max –20 or none w/ magic
6+ 380 300
Ally's healing magic Per level of healing magic used +1 26+ Just dazed, recover with 1 hp No rest needed 7 440 350
Ally's lay on hands Per 2 levels of ally +1 * See individual tables for associated permanent injuries 7+ 500 400
Ally's healing prof Per rank of Healing proficiency +1 While resting, a creature is incapacitated:
8 600 500
Ally’s herbs Horsetail applied +2 9 700 600
 It cannot be healed above 1 hit point by natural or magical healing
Within 1 round +2 10 850 700
 it cannot attack, cast spells, or undertake dedicated activities of any sort. 11 1,000 800
Within 1 turn –3  If reduced to 0 hp again before it has had sufficient rest, it is instantly slain
Treatment Timing 12 1,200 900
Within 1 hour –5  If under the care of a character with Healing proficiency can take bed rest when traveling
(since incapacitation) 13 1,400 1,000
Within 1 day –8 as a passenger in a vehicle 14 1,600 1,100
More than 1 day –10  If the table indicates rest period can be shortened with magical healing, then any form of 15 1,800 1,200
Necromantic magic –1/2 spell level if triggered by necromancy healing magic will suffice. 16 2,000 1,300

Rest & Recuperation

Exploration Speed Benefits
Character Speed and Encumbrance
Moving at exploration speed in a dungeon allows members of party to: Rest & Recuperation
 Use 10’ poles to probe ahead and trigger traps early
Encumbrance Exploration Speed Combat Speed Running Speed Adventurer must rest for
 Map the dungeon if in bright light Up to 5 stone 120’ per turn 40’ per round 120’ per round 1 turn for each 5 turns of
Up to 7 stone 90’ per turn 30’ per round 90’ per round exploration & combat unless has
 Concentrate if necessary to maintain spells Endurance proficiency;
 Hastily Search surroundings if proficient in Search Up to 10 stone 60’ per turn 20’ per round 60’ per round
 Make less noise when moving and Sneak if proficient Up to 20 stone + STR mod 30’ per turn 10’ per round 30’ per round If fail to rest, become winded and
cannot charge or run until rests.
Earshot by Sound and Environment Traps
Quiet Normal Loud Disabling Traps Hasty Trapbreaking Methodical Trapbreaking
Sound Environment Environment Environment Time Required 1 round 1 turn
Exploring, Quiet Spellcasting, Sneaking*, Whispering NA / 10’ NA / 5’ NA / 2.5’ Using Adventuring Not permitted 18+
Spellcasting, Talking, Walking 10’ / 80’ 5’ / 20’ 2.5’ / 10’ Using Trapbreaking By class level By class level, +4 bonus
Fighting, Hustling, Shouting, Singing 90’ / 720’ 45’ / 180’ 30’ / 120’ Successful Throw Trap disarmed or discharged Trap disarmed or discharged
Blast Spell 180’ / 1200’ 90’ / 360’ 45’ / 180’ Failed Throw Trap not disarmed, cannot repeat Trap not disarmed, try again
Deafening Blast Spell 4 miles / 15 miles 1 mile / 4 miles 1200’ / 1 mile Botched Throw (2-3) Trap triggered N/A
* Failed Sneaking throw or naturally stealthy character; a proficient character succeeding on a Sneaking throw makes no noise. Botched Throw (1) Trap triggered Trap triggered
Searching & Listening Triggering Traps
Searching & Listening Hasty Search Methodical Search Listen Triggering Traps
Time Required 1 round or exploration movement 1 turn 1 round, once per turn When an adventurer’s action might trigger a
Area Investigated 5’ reach, or 10’ reach with pole 5’ reach, or 10’ reach with pole Door or intersection trap, roll 1d6:
Using Adventuring Not permitted 18+ 18+ 1–2 trap accidentally triggered
Using Adventuring + Alertness Not permitted 14+ 14+ 3–6 trap accidentally bypassed
Using Searching/Listening By class level By class level, +4 bonus By class level Random Dungeon Room Stocking
Successful Throw Feature discovered Featured discovered Sound heard
Roll 1d20 Contents Treasure
Failed Throw Nothing discovered, cannot repeat Nothing discovered, try again Nothing heard, try again
1–6 Empty 15%
Doors 7–12 Monster If Lair
Door AC SHP Notes 13–15 Trap 30%
16–20 Unique As Needed
Iron-banded Stone Door (10’ x 10’ x 3.5’, 50,000 lbs) 6 25 Harmed as stone structure
Iron-banded Stone Door (8’ x 3’ x 6.25”, 3200 lbs) 6 2 Harmed as stone structure Dungeon Encounters
Solid Iron Door (6’8” x 2’6” x 2”, 400 lbs) 6 1 Harmed as stone structure Dungeon Encounters
Iron Trap Door (30” x 30” x 2”, 200 lbs) 6 1 Harmed as stone structure Frequency: One throw per 2 turns
Iron-Banded Wooden Door (6’8” x 2’6” x 2”, 150 lbs) 3 1 Broken down in 3 turns with axe or harmed as wood structure Encounter throw: 6+ on 1d6
Wooden Door, (6’8” x 2’6” x 1’3”, 50 lbs) 1 1 Broken down in 1 turn with axe or harmed as wood structure Encounter Distance: 2d6 × 10’
Lead Glass Window (24” x 46” x.25” and 25lbs or less) 0 - Broken open in 1 round with any weapon
Spiking Doors Shut
Opening Doors Use Key Hastily Pick Methodically Pick Batter Down Bash Open
Time Required 1 action 1 round 1 turn 1 – 3 turns 1 round
Spiking Doors Shut
Throw Required None Lockpicking Lockpicking, +4 bonus None Dungeonbashing Doors can be spiked shut.
Each door can have up to 4 spikes
Successful Throw N/A Open lock Open lock N/A Door opens
Requires 1 round to hammer 1 spike.
Failed Throw N/A Cannot hastily pick Failed to pick, try again N/A Failed to bash, try again
Dungeonbashing throw req. to open, w/ -4
Botch (2 - 3) N/A Lock jammed N/A N/A N/A penalty per spike after first.
Botched Throw (1) N/A Lock jammed Lock jammed N/A Suffer 1  damage, try again Evil doors always swing shut but open easily for
Equipment Required Key Thieves’ tools Thieves’ tools Axe Crowbar (optional, +2) monsters unless spiked, held, or magically closed.

Swimming & Drowning
Spelunking Climb (easy) Climb (sheer surface) Rappel
Movement Type Ascend/descend Ascend/descend Descend only Swimming
Throw Required One
Throw Required One throw per 100’ One throw per 100’ One throw per 100’ throw each round if water
too deep to stand
Using Adventuring 8+ Not permitted Not permitted
Using Adventuring Target value = Encumbrance
Using Climbing/Mountaineering By class level By class level By class level
Using Swimming +4 bonus, if target value 0+ or
Successful Throw Climb @ 1/3 Combat Speed Climb @ 1/3 Combat Speed Rappel @ Run Speed better, no throw req.
Fall unless double proficient with Swim @1/4 Combat Speed and
Failed Throw No progress for 1 round Rappel @ Combat Speed
mountaineering gear
Successful Throw take Combat Action or
Botched Throw (1) Fall unless double proficient Fall unless double proficient with Swim @1/4 Running Speed
with mountaineering gear mountaineering gear and become winded
Vulnerable in Combat No Yes Yes Failed Throw Begins drowning
Spelunking Crawling Traverse Balancing Traverse (narrow) Balancing Traverse (precarious)
Movement Type Horizontal only Horizontal only Horizontal only Adventurer who is drowning..
Throw Required One throw per 100’ One throw per 100’ One throw per 100’  becomes vulnerable and cannot take any actions
Using Adventuring 8+ 8+ Not permitted  Sinks 10’ per st of Encumbrance at start
Using Climbing/Mountaineering By class level By class level By class level of his initiative
Successful Throw Traverse @ 1/3 Combat Speed Traverse @ 1/3 Combat Speed Traverse @ 1/3 Combat Speed  Holds breath for 5 + CON rounds, then dies at
end of initiative
Fall unless proficient in both Climbing
Failed Throw No progress 1 one round No progress for 1 round and Cat Burglary  Counts as weighing 7 3/6 st + ½
Encumbrance by rescuers
Botched Throw (1) Fall unless double proficient Fall unless proficient in both
(mountaineering gear implied) Climbing and Cat Burglary Fall  Condition ends if carried to surface by ally
Vulnerable in Combat Yes Yes Yes

Thief Skills
Running Squeezing
Level Climb Hide Listen Lockpick Pickpocket Search Sneak Trapbreak  Adventurer must move forward in
1 6+ 19+ 14+ 18+ 17+ 18+ 17+ 18+ a straight line or gentle curve and
becomes disordered until start of Throw Required One throw per chokepoint
2 5+ 18+ 13+ 17+ 16+ 17+ 16+ 17+ his next initiative Using Adventuring Target Value = Encumbrance
3 4+ 17+ 12+ 16+ 15+ 16+ 15+ 16+  if running in difficult terrain, Successful Throw Move @ Combat Speed
4 3+ 16+ 11+ 15+ 14+ 15+ 14+ 15+ adventurer must make a Paralysis
save (add class level if proficient Failed Throw No progress for 1 round
5 2+ 15+ 10+ 14+ 13+ 14+ 13+ 14+ Botching Throw (1) Become stuck
in Acrobatics) or fall prone at the
6 1+ 14+ 9+ 13+ 12+ 13+ 12+ 13+ half-way point of move Vulnerable, cannot take
Effects of Stuck any
7 0+ 12+ 8+ 11+ 10+ 11+ 10+ 11+  Each round after 10 rounds action except to escape
8 -1+ 10+ 7+ 9+ 8+ 9+ 8+ 9+ +/- CON modifier, adventurer by wiggling backwards or
must make a Paralysis save (add pushing forward
9 -2+ 8+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 7+
+4 if proficient in Endurance)
Wiggle Backwards? Make Paralysis save; retreat 10’
10 -3+ 6+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ or become winded. and end condition if successful
11 -4+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 3+  Winded adventurers cannot Make Dungeonbashing
12 -5+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 0+ 1+ 0+ 2+ charge or run until they
Push Forward? throw; advance 10’ and end
13 -6+ 0+ 2+ -1+ -2+ -1+ -2+ 2+ rest for 1 turn condition if successful, worsen
plight (-4) if fail
14 -7+ -2+ 1+ -3+ -4+ -3+ -4+ 1+
Lighting Leaping & Jumping
Light Source Bright Dim Duration Proficiency Effect on DEX Vertical Leap Horizontal Jump
Candle 0’ – 5’ 6’ – 10’ 6 turns Adventuring None DEX Bonus + 1 DEX + 1d6 – encumbrance
Lantern 0’ – 15’ 16’ – 30’ 24 turns/flask Acrobatics Increase by class level, max 24 DEX Bonus + 1 DEX + 1d6 – encumbrance
Torch 0’ – 15’ 16 – 30’ 6 turns
Shadowy Senses - 0’ – 30’ while not deafened or running

Wilderness Movement Speed Speed Modifiers

Exploration Expedition Expedition Expedition Road Speed Multiplier Max Vehicle Speed Ineffective If..
Domesticated Animals &
Speed Speed Speed Speed Earth x3/2 or x2 (Driving) 60’ / 12 miles Rain, Muddy, Snowy
Vehicles by Speed*
(Feet/Turn) (Miles/Day) (Hexes/Day) (Miles/Hr) Gravel x3/2 or x2 (Driving) 90’ / 18 miles Muddy, Snowy
30’ 6 1 0.75 Paved x3/2 or x2 (Driving) No maximum Snowy
60’ 12 2 1.5 Cart, Palanquin, Wagon
Visibility in the Wild
90’ 18 3 2.25 Heavy Chariot
120’ 24 4 3 Donkey, Elephant, Medium Chariot, Ox Full Half
Feature Perceived Daylight Starlight
150’ 30 5 3.75 Camel, Goat, Heavy Horse, Mule, War Dog Moonlight Moonlight
180’ 36 6 4.5 Hunting Dog, Light Chariot, Medium Horse Terrain* 3 miles 1.5 miles 4,000’ 2,000’
210’ 42 7 5.25 Steppe Horse Fire* 3 miles 3 miles 3 miles 3 miles
240’ 48 8 6 Light Horse Humanoid (1 - 9) 600’ 300’ 150’ 75’
270’ 54 9 6.75 Party/Gang (10 - 30) 900’ 450’ 225’ 110’
300’ 60 10 7.5 Platoon (31 - 60) 1,200’ 600’ 300’ 150’
330’ 66 11 8.25 Company (61 - 240) 1,800’ 900’ 450’ 225’
360’ 72 12 9 Battalion (241+) 3,600’ 1,800’ 900’ 450’
* Speed halved if encumbrance is greater than normal load * Distance can be increased by elevation
Rest & Recuperation Daily Rations
Rest & Recuperation Creature Food Water Total
Failure to Rest: Adventurers becomes fatigued without 8 hours restful sleep per 12 hours adventuring Domesticated Animal 0.1 x NL 0.2 x NL 0.3 x NL
Continuous Activity: Adventurers become fatigued after 6 days of activity or 1 day of force marching Human/Demi-Human 1/6 st 5/6 st 1 st
Labor Proficiency: Adventurer does not become fatigued except by missing sleep or force marching
Searching the Wild
Endurance Proficiency: Adventurer can go without rest for 1 day + CON modifier +1 additional day with Labor
Effect of Fatigue: Cumulative -1 penalty to throws and damage rolls until necessary rest taken Expedition Movement Searching
Sleeping in Armor: Throw greater than Encumbrance or sleep not restful; donning armor takes 1 round per stone of encumbrance 11 miles or less 18+
Encounters while Asleep: Begin encounter slumbering; condition ends immediately if attacked, damaged, or moved; ends at end of round if noise in earshot 12 – 23 miles 17+
Speed / Navigation / Encounter Distance / Evasion / Lairs by Terrain Type 24 – 35 miles 16+
36 – 47 miles 15+
Movement Navigation Evasion Throw by Party Size Lairs per
Terrain Type Encounter Distance 48 – 59 miles 14+
Multiplier Throw 6- 7 to 14 15 to 30 31 to 60 61+ Hex
60 – 71 miles 13+
Barrens (any) x2/3 6+ 4d6 x 30’ (420’) 12+ 14+ 16+ 18+ 20+ 1d4
72 – 83 miles 12+
Desert (rocky) x2/3 6+ 6d20 x 30’ (1890’) 16+ 18+ 20+ 22+ 24+ 1d2
84 – 95 miles 11+
Desert (sandy) x2/3 6+ 4d6 x 30’ (420’) 12+ 14+ 16+ 18+ 20+ 1d4
96 – 107 miles 10+
Forest (deciduous) x2/3 8+ 5d8 x 3 (68’) 2+ 4+ 6+ 8+ 10+ 2d4
108 – 119 miles 9+
Forest (taiga) x2/3 8+ 3d6 x 15’ (157’) 5+ 7+ 9+ 11+ 13+ 2d4
120 – 131 miles 8+
Grassland (other) x1 6+ 4d6 x 30’ (420’) 9+ 11+ 13+ 15+ 17+ 1d3
132 – 143 miles 7+
Grassland (steppe) x1 6+ 6d20 x 30’ (1890’) 16+ 18+ 20+ 22+ 24+ 1d3-1
144 – 155 miles 6+
Hills (forested) x2/3 8+ 5d8 x 3’ (68’) 5+ 7+ 9+ 11+ 13+ 2d4
156 – 167 miles 5+
Hills (rocky/terraced) x2/3 8+ 4d6 x 30’ (420’) 12+ 14+ 16+ 18+ 20+ 1d4
168 – 179 miles 4+
Jungle (any) x1/2 14+ 5d4 x 3’ (38’) 2+ 4+ 6+ 8+ 10+ 2d8
180 – 191 miles 3+
Mountains (forested) x1/2 6+ 5d8 x 3’ (68’) 5+ 7+ 9+ 11+ 13+ 2d4
192 miles or more 2+
Mountains (rocky/terraced) x1/2 6+ 4d6 x 30’ (420’) 12+ 14+ 16+ 18+ 20+ 1d4+1
Throw once per hour (per half-hour if searching by air over
Scrubland (low, sparse) x1 6+ 4d6 x 30’ (420’) 12+ 14+ 16+ 18+ 20+ 1d2 open terrain) per search party, with:
Scrubland (high, dense) x1 8+ 3d6 x 15’ (157’) 9+ 11+ 13+ 15+ 17+ 2d4
• +4 bonus if party member(s) proficient in Tracking
Swamp (marshy) x1/2 10+ 3d6 x 15’ (157’) 9+ 11+ 13+ 15+ 17+ 2d4+1 • -4 penalty if party searching for particular point
Swamp (scrubby) x1/2 10+ 5d8 x 3’ (68’) 5+ 7+ 9+ 11+ 13+ 2d4+1 • -8 penalty if party searching by air over trees
Swamp (forested) x1/2 14+ 5d4 x 3’ (38’) 2+ 4+ 6+ 8+ 10+ 2d4+1 Make wilderness encounter roll once per hour per party

Hunting & Foraging

Terrain Encounters
Action Activity Throw Target Notes
Die Roll Valuable Terrain Dangerous Terrain Unique Terrain
Foraging Firewood Ancillary (1 hour) 3+ if in forest +4 bonus if Survival proficiency
(10 stone of wood) Once/day 14+ if in other terrain 10 st of wood = 4 hours campfire 1 Cache Awful Despoiling Complex Map
Foraging Water Automatic if river/lake +4 bonus if Survival proficiency (any 2 Food Challenge Curse
Ancillary (1 hour) 3 Fountain Enshrouding Terrain Empowering Place
(3 day’s water for 18+ if barrens/desert member of party)
Once/day per party
every creature) 14+ if in other terrain Parties >30 roll multiple times 4 Hidden Settlement Foul Fountain Lesser Terrain
+4 bonus if Survival proficiency 5 Monster Carcass Hazard Magical Place
Foraging Food Ancillary (1 hour) 22+ if barrens/desert -4 in civilized territory and -2 in borderlands if 6 Ore Plague Magical Resource
(1/2 stone of food) Once/day 18+ if other terrain not willing to steal
7 Ruin Poison Monstrous Shadow
18+ civilized +4 bonus if Survival proficiency
Hunting Food 8 Safe Haven Rough Going Place of Power
Dedicated (8 hours) 14+ borderlands Triggers wandering encounter throw
(1 stone of game) 12+ outlands Hunting dogs can hunt 19+, each rolls w/ +1 9 Shortcut Spoilage Portal
10+ unsettled bonus per other dog in pack 10 Useful Herbs Trap Relic
Automatic if grazing 11 Vista Wasteland Truly Unique
Efficient grazers (donkeys, steppe horses) can
Dedicated (8 hours) animal unless if in 12 Double Double Double
Grazing Food graze as 4 ancillary activities and travel as
barrens/desert and not dedicated activity
native to terrain  Ignore any terrain encounters rolled while the party is resting, stationary, or
Evasion Modifiers moving along an already traversed route.
Situation Modifier  Mark the location of terrain encounters on your regional map.
Party can fly Special Party can automatic evade unless monsters can also fly Hazard
Monsters can fly -4 Unless party flying or in forest, forested hills, dense scrub, jungle, or swamp
Explorer guiding +5 Party can evade even if surprised, provided explorer not surprised Die Roll Hazard Trap Equivalent
Forlorn hope +4 # of adventurers equal to # of monsters must stay to fight 1 Avalanche/Rockslide Rolling Rock Trap
Difference in Speed -4/+4 Monsters faster / party faster 2 Brittle Ledges Rock-Cut Pit Trap
All groups that fail collectively have encounter, each that 3 Falling Rocks Ceiling Collapse Trap
Sauve qui peut! Roll per group succeeds goes own way 4 Hoy Geysers/Vents Fire Trap
5 Hidden Crevices/Sinkholes Excavated Earth Pit
Wilderness Encounter Frequency by Activity and Territory Classification
6 Rotten Collapse-Prone Trees Swinging Log Trap
Activity Civilized Borderlands Outlands Unsettled
Monster Rarity by Territory Classification
Hunting Once per attempt Once per attempt Once per attempt Once per attempt
Managing Traps None None Once per 6 traps Once per 6 traps Dice Roll (d20) Civilized Borderlands Outlands Unsettled
Resting/Stationary (day) None None None Once per 12 hours Common 1-14 1-12 1-10 1-8
Resting/Stationary (night) Once per 7 nights Once per 3 nights Once per 12 hours Once per 12 hours Uncommon 15-19 13-18 11-15 9-14
Searching Once per hour Once per hour Once per hour Once per hour Rare 20 19-20 16-19 15-18
Traveling Once per 6-mile hex Once per 6-mile hex Once per 6-mile hex Once per 6-mile hex Very Rare - - 20 19-20
Wilderness Encounter Type by Territory Classification
Civilized or Borderlands Outlands or Encounter throws triggered by time are made when the time period begins. Choose
Civilized Borderlands or Outlands Unsettled + Unsettled when it occurs or roll dice to randomly determine when within week / day / hour
+ Road + Road + Road Road
 Roll 1d8 for day of week (re-roll or choose on 8)
Column Shift, Roll Again 1 1 1 1 -
 Roll 1d6 to determine the turn of the hour
No Encounter 2 – 11 2 – 10 2–8 2–8 1–6
 Roll 1d12 to determine hour of day or night from dawn or dusk
Civilized Encounter 12 – 20 11 – 17 9 – 13 9 – 11 -
Encounter throws triggered by hexes are made when the characters enter the hex.
Monster Encounter - 18 14 – 15 12 – 15 7 – 12
Choose where it occurs or roll 1d6 to determine mile in hex when encounter occurs.
Dangerous Terrain Encounter - 19 16 – 17 16 – 17 13 – 15
Valuable Terrain Encounter - 20 18 – 19 18 – 19 16 – 18
Unique Terrain Encounter - - 20 20 19 – 20

Weathering the Wild Weather

Weather Effect Modifier Temperature Temperature Precipitation Wind
Creatures without protective clothing for 4 hours or who get become hypothermic. If (+0 or less) (+1 or more)
hypothermic, must make a Death saving throw at end of day or become frostbitten. -7 or less Frigid (-75 F or less) - Sunbaked Still
Cold Cannot rest without camp fire or protective clothing or blankets. 5% chance per week -6 Frigid (-65 to -74 F) - Sunbaked Still
of catching disease.

-5 Frigid (-55 to -64 F) - Sunbaked Still

Expedition speed halved. Creatures without protective clothing for 6 turns or who get
wet become hypothermic. If hypothermic, must make a Death saving throw at end of -4 Frigid (-50 to -54 F) - Sunbaked Still
Frigid -3 Frigid (-40 to -49 F) - Sunbaked Still
day or become frostbitten. Cannot rest without camp fire and either protective clothing
or blankets. 10% chance per week of catching disease. -2 Frigid (-25 to -39 F) - Sunbaked Still
Expedition speed halved. Creatures in heavy armor must make Death saving throws -1 Frigid (-12 to -24 F) - Clear Still
Sweltering each hour or become fatigued. Water ration increased by 25% and Dehydration causes 0 Frigid (-6 to -11 F) Very Chilly (33 to 36 F) Clear Still
double CON loss.
1 Frigid (-5 to 0 F) Very Chilly (37 to 40 F) Clear Still
Drizzly Foraging throws for firewood suffer -2 penalty. Mud forms after 3 days.
2 Cold (6 to 15 F) Chilly (41 to 50 F) Clear Still
Flurry Foraging throws for firewood suffer -2 penalty. Snow forms after 3 days.
3 Cold (16 to 25 F) Chilly (51 to 56 F) Clear Still
Maximum visibility drops to 20’. Speeds of all creatures are halved except for those
Foggy which do not rely on sight to function. Land Surveying, Navigation, and Searching 4 Cold (26 to 32 F) Chilly (57 to 62 F) Partly Cloudy Still
suffer -4 penalty. 5 Very Chilly (33 to 36 F) Brisk (63 to 67 F) Mostly Cloudy Gentle

All missile attacks suffer a -2 penalty. Land Surveying, Navigation, and Searching suffer 6 Very Chilly (37 to 40 F) Balmy (68 to 71 F) Overcast Gentle
a -2 penalty. Maximum visibility halved. Earthen roads provide no benefit. Foraging for 7 Chilly (41 to 50 F) Balmy (72 to 74 F) Drizzly Moderate
Rainy firewood suffers -4 penalty. Tracking suffers -4 penalty per hour. Mud forms after one 8 Chilly (51 to 55 F) Balmy (75 to 79 F) Drizzly Moderate
day. 10% chance per week of catching disease.
9 Brisk (56 to 60 F) Warm (80 to 82 F) Drizzly Moderate
Maximum visibility drops to 20’. Speeds of all creatures are halved for all purposes. Land
Surveying, Navigation, and Searching suffer -4 penalty. Foraging for firewood suffers 10 Brisk (61 to 65 F) Warm (83 to 86 F) Rainy Strong
Snowy 11 Balmy (66 to 68 F) Hot (87 to 90 F) Rainy Strong
-4 penalty. Tracking suffers -4 penalty per hour. Snow accumulates after one day. 10%
chance per week of catching disease. 12 Balmy (69 to 72 F) Hot (91 to 94 F) Rainy Very Strong, Windy
Sunbaked Foraging throws to find water suffer -4 penalty. Adventurers without protective clothing 13 - Sweltering (95 to 99 F) Rainy Very Strong, Windy
suffer 1 {F} damage if outdoors for 4 mor more hours unless they have Savage Resilience. 14 - Sweltering (100 to 104 F) Rainy Gale, Stormy
All missile attacks and listening throws suffer a -4 penalty. Air speed is quartered. 15 - Sweltering (105 to 108 F) Rainy Gale, Stormy
Expedition speed is quartered. All creatures are affected as if by gale of wind. In barren
Stormy 16 - Sweltering (109 to 112 F) Rainy Gale, Stormy
or desert terrain, maximum visibility is reduced to 20’ by dust, all speeds are quartered,
and Land Surveying, Navigation, and Searching suffer -4 penalty. 17 - Sweltering (113 to 115 F) Rainy Gale, Stormy

All missile attacks and listening throws suffer a -2 penalty. Air speed is halved. 18 - Sweltering (116 to 120 F) Rainy Gale, Stormy
Expedition speed is halved. In barrens or desert terrain only, visibility is reduced to
Windy 20’, all speeds are halved, and Land Surveying, Navigation, Searching, and Tracking  If Temperature is Cold or Frigid, then Drizzly => Flurry and Rainy => Snowy
proficiency throws all suffer -4  If Wind is Still, then Drizzly => Misty, Rainy => Foggy
Wilderness Conditions
Condition Cause Effect Condition Ends
1 day w/o any water
Dehydrated 2 days w/o half water cannot force march, cannot heal wounds, loses 1d6 CON each day Drink full water ration; 3 CON return per day of full water ration
5 days w/o full water
1 day force marching
Fatigued Cumulative -1 penalty to throws and damage rolls 8 hours restful sleep
6 days strenuous activity
Frostbitten Hypothermic, failed Death save roll 1d6 on 16-20 row of Savage Mortal Wounds Hypothermia ends or save succeeds
Hypothermic Cold or Frigid weather cannot force march, cannot heal wounds, loses 1d3 CON each hour 1 hour warmth (campfire etc.)
Hungry 1 day w/o full food -1 penalty on attack throws, proficiency throws, saving throws Eat full food ration
2 days w/o any food
Underfed Hungry and cannot force march or heal wounds Eat full food ration
5 days w/o half food
5 days underfed w/o food
Starving Underfed and loses 1 CON each day Eat full food ration to be underfed; 1 CON returns per day of full food ration
10 days underfed w/o half food

Sea Vessels
Dimens ons
Dimensions Crew Combat Speed Cargo AC SHP
Vessel Speed Cost
Oar Oar Oar Oar
Length Beam Hexes Sailors Rowers Marines Sail Sail
Sprint Cruise Slow Slow

Barge, Small 50’ 13’ 1 5 - - - - - 180’ - 72 2,000 2 15 2,000

Barge, Large 115’ 20’ 2 10 - - - - - 150’ - 60 7,000 2 60 9,000
Barge, Huge 230’ 60’ 4 50 - - - - - 120’ - 48 135,000 2 1,150 180,000
Boat, Row 12’ 6’ 1 - 1 - 210’ 150’ 90’ - 30 - 100 1 2 200gp
Boat, Sail 30’ 10’ 1 3 - - - - - 180’ - 72 400 1 5 1,500gp
Canoe 15’ 5’ 1 - 1 - 210’ 150’ 90’ - 30 - 60 0 1 40gp
Galley, 1-Rower 65’ 13’ 1 3 30 - 240’ 150’ 90’ 240’ 30 96 500 2 15 1,500gp
Galley, 1.5-Rower 80’ 14’ 1 5 50 5 270’ 180’ 90’ 300’ 30 96 750 2 20 2,750gp
Galley, 2-Rower 90’ 14’ 1 5 90 10 270’ 180’ 90’ 240’ 36 96 1,000 2 25 3,350gp
Galley, 2.5-Rower 115’ 19’ 2 10 120 10 300’ 240’ 120’ 360’ 48 96 1,250 2 45 6,000gp
Galley, 3-Rower 130’ 18.5’ 2 15 170 15 330’ 270’ 150’ 240’ 54 96 1,500 2 55 7,500gp
Galley, 4-Rower 140’ 18.5’ 2 15 180 75 300’ 240’ 120’ 180’ 48 72 2,000 2 65 10,000gp
Galley, 5-Rower 150’ 18.5’ 3 20 300 75 270’ 240’ 120’ 150’ 48 66 5,750 2 120 16,250gp
Galley, 6-Rower 155’ 25’ 3 20 336 100 270’ 210’ 120’ 150’ 42 60 6,000 2 140 20,000gp
Galley, 8-Rower 320’ 25’ 5 50 440 150 240’ 210’ 120’ 150’ 42 60 8,000 2 200 30,000gp
Longship 65’ 13’ 1 15 60 (75) 210’ 150’ 90’ 240’ 30 90 2,000 2 30 4,000gp
Raft Varies Varies 1 - 1 - 180’ 120’ 60’ - 24 - 150 0 1 150gp
Sailing Ship, Small 75’ 25’ 1 12 - - - - - 240’ - 96 10,000 2 75 10,000gp
Sailing Ship, Large 100’ 25’ 2 20 - - - - - 180’ - 72 30,000 2 200 20,000gp
Sailing Ship, Huge 115’ 30’ 2 40 - - - - - 180’ - 60 50,000 2 400 60,000gp

Wind Speed Wind Direction

Wind Sail Oar Next Day’s Special Effect D12 Wind Direction
2d6 Speeds Speed Speed Wind 1 Northerly
2, 3, 4 Still ×0 ×1 -2 None 2 Northeasterly
5, 6 Gentle ×1/2 ×1 -1 None 3 Easterly
7, 8, 9 Moderate ×1 ×1 0 None 4 Southeasterly
10, 11 Strong ×3/2 ×1 +1 Cannot tack unless master mariner 5 Southerly
12, 13 Very Strong ×2/3 ×2/3 +2 Cannot tack, Windy conditions 6 Southwesterly
14 Gale ×2/3 or 0 ×2/3 or 0 +4 Damaged or drift, Stormy conditions 7 Westerly
8 Northwesterly
9 – 12 Prevailing wind direction
Maximum Visibility at Sea
Full Half Voyage speeds assume rowing/sailing by day for 12 hours; on open sea with a navigator and full crew, a
Feature Perceived Dayl ght
Daylight Starlig t
Starlight vessel can sail by night another 12 hours at voyage speed.
Moonlight Moonl ght
 If sailed vessel has fewer than required sailors, but at least half, daytime sailing speed is
Coastline 12 miles 6 miles 3 miles 1.5miles unaffected, nighttime sailing speed is reduced in double proportion to missing crew .
Vessel 6 miles 3 miles 1.5 miles 4,000’  If sailed vessel has fewer than half required sailors, daytime sailing speed is reduced in
Fire 6 miles 6 miles 6 miles 6 miles proportion to amount of crew below half, nighttime sailing speed is reduced to 0 (uncrewed).
Flying Creatures 1,800’ 900’ 450’ 225’  If rowed vessel has fewer than the required rowers, rowing speed is reduced in proportion to its
Submerged Creatures 120’ 60’ 30’ 15’ missing rowers.

1-Hex Vessel Movement 2-Hex Vessel Movement 3-Hex Vessel Movement Vessel Missile Weapon Ranges
Missile Weapon Double
Short Med. Long
Range by Hex Long
Arbalest 0–2 3–4 5–8 9 – 16
Crossbow 0–2 3–4 5–7 8 – 14
Composite Bow 0–2 3–4 5–6 7 – 12
Javelin/Spear 0 1 2 3–4
Long Bow 0–2 3–4 5–6 7 – 12
Short Bow 0–2 3 4–5 6 – 10
Sling 0–1 2 3–4 5–8
Sling-Staff 0–2 3 4–5 6 – 10
Other (thrown) 0 0 1 2

Sea Encounter Throw Frequency

Activity Civilized Borderlands Outlands Unsettled
Anchored/Beached (day) None None None Once per 12 hours
Anchored/Beached (night) Once per 7 nights Once per 3 nights Once per 12 hours Once per 12 hours
Fishing Once per attempt Once per attempt Once per attempt Once per attempt
Searching Once per hour Once per hour Once per hour Once per hour
Sailing/Rowing Once per 24-mile hex Once per 24-mile hex Once per 24-mile hex Once per 24-mile hex
Sailing/Rowing (trade route) Once per 6-mile hex Once per 6-mile hex Once per 6-mile hex Once per 6-mile hex

Vessel Speeds Sea Encounter by Territory Classification Ramming

Vessel Hexes Civilized Civilized or Borderlands Outlands or Ramming Vessel Damage
Combat Speed Moved + Trade Borderlands + or Outlands + Unsettled + Unsettled Galley, 1-rower 3d6  structural damage
480’* 8 Route Trade Route Trade Route Trade Route
Galley, 1.5-rower 4d6  structural damage
450’* 7.5 Column Shift, Roll Again 1 1 1 1 -
Galley, 2-rower 5d6  structural damage
420’* 7 No Encounter 2 - 13 2 – 12 2 – 12 2 – 11 1 – 10
Galley, 2.5 rower 7d6  structural damage
390’* 6.5 Civilized Encounter 14 - 20 13 – 18 13 – 16 12 - 14 -
Monster Encounter - 19 17 – 19 15 – 18 11 – 17 Galley, 3 rower 8d6  structural damage
360’ 6
330’ 5.5 Nautical Encounter - 20 20 19 - 20 18 - 20 Galley, 4 rower 9d6  structural damage
300’ 5 Galley, 5 rower 11d6  structural damage
Monster Rarity by Territory Classification
270’ 4.5 Ignore any nautical Galley, 6 rower 12d6  structural damage
Dice Roll (1d20) Civilized Borderlands Outlands Unsettled encounters rolled
240’ 4 while the vessel is Galley, 8 rower 13d6  structural damage
210’ 3.5 Common 1-14 1-12 1-10 1-8 anchored, beached,
Uncommon 15-19 13-18 11-15 9-14 or moving along a Sea Pursuit Time
180’ 3
150’ 2.5 Rare 20 19-20 16-19 15-18 known or previously- Evading vessel
vesse is Time to Catch
Very Rare - - 20 19-20 charted trade route.
120’ 2 Faster than pursuer Cannot be caught
90’ 1.5 Be sure to mark 0’ – 30’/round slower 1d6+2 hours
60’ 1 Classify sea hexes based on the proximity and classification of the nearest land territory the location of any
31’ –60’/round slower 1d3+1 hours
 Up to 6 miles (1 hex) from land, sea hex classification is the same as land’s classification notable nautical
30’ 0.5 encounters on 61’ – 90’/round slower 1d3 hours
* Only possible for 1.5-rower, 2-rower,  7 to 24 miles (2 - 4 hexes) from land, sea hex classification is one step worse than land’s your regional map. 91’ – 120’/round slower 2d6+1 turns
and 2.5-rower galleys running in front  25 miles (5 hexes) or more from land, sea hex classification is always unsettled
of a strong wind. 121’ – 150’/ round slower 2d6-1 turns

Supply Cost Movement of Large Armies Mutual Awareness

Unit Cost Per Cost Per Column Length Speed Army B’s Stance
Army Size Army A’s Stance
Scale Infantry Unit Cavalry Unit Multiplier
Offensive Defensive Evasive
Platoon 15gp 60gp Less than 16 brigades 3 miles (1 hex) ×1
Offensive Pitched Battle Pitched Battle Rear Guard Action
Company 60gp 240gp 16 – 26 brigades 6 miles (1 hex) ×2/3
Defensive Pitched Battle No Battle No Battle
Battalion 240gp 960gp 27 – 32 brigades 9 miles (1.5 hexes) ×1/2
Evasive Rear Guard Action No Battle No Battle
Brigade 960gp 3,840gp 33 brigades or more 12 miles (2 hexes) ×1/3
Supply Line (16 hexes max) Campaign Equipment Availability Mutual Unawareness
Each Hex of Terrain Counts as Army Size Market Class Army B’s Stance
Army A’s Stance
Barrens, Desert 4 hexes 72,000 troops or more II Offensive Defensive Evasive
Jungle, Mountain, Swamp 2 hexes 36,001 – 72,000 troops III Offensive Meeting Engagement Meeting Engagement Skirmish
Hills, Forest 3/2 hexes 12,001 – 36,000 troops IV Defensive Meeting Engagement No Battle No Battle
Grassland, Shrubland 1 hex 3,001 - 12,000 troops V Evasive Skirmish No Battle No Battle
Road 1/2 hex 1,200 - 3,000 troops VI
Navigable Waterway No hexes Unilateral Awareness
Battlefield Set-Up Army B’s Stance (Unaware)
 Each army must assign a commander to each zone Army A’s Stance
 Max units in commander’s zone(s) limited by its
Army B Reserve (Aware) Offensive Defensive Evasive
commander’s Leadership Ability Army B Right Army B Center Army B Left Offensive Deep Envelopment Envelopment Rear Guard Envelopment
 If too few commanders, assign multiple zones to
one commander, splitting LA across zones Defensive Ambush No Battle No Battle
Army A Left Army A Center Army A Right
 If extra commanders, place in zone and add their Evasive No Battle No Battle No Battle
LA to zone commander’s LA Army A Reserve
Results of Pillaging
Unit Morale Unit Pursuit
Results of Pillaging Standard Pillage “Salt the Earth” (4×
(4× time)
Adjusted Die Roll Result Pursuing Unit Pursuit Throw Gold Plundered 3d6gp per family 20gp per family
2- Rout Light Cavalry or Flyer 11+ Supplies Looted 1d10 x 5gp per family 50gp per family
3–5 Flee Other Cavalry 14+ Prisoners Taken 1d10 per 10 families 1 prisoner per family
6–8 Waver Light Infantry 14+ Families Lost 1d10 per 10 families All families lost
9 – 11 Stand Firm Other Infantry 18+ Stronghold Reduction 1gp per 1gp plundered 1gp per 1gp plundered
12+ Rally
Morale Modifiers Domain Pillaging Requirements
Morale Roll Modifiers Modifier Domain Size Army Required Time Required
Army Modifiers (apply to all units) 1 – 500 families 600 troops 1 day
+1/2 Morale 501 – 2,500 families 2,400 troops 1d3 days
Army leader present on battlefield Modifier (round up) 2,501 – 7,500 families 7,200 troops 1d4 days
Army has lost 1/2 or more of its starting units, but less than 2/3 -2 7,500 – 12,500 families 12,000 troops 1d6 days
Army has lost 2/3 or more of its starting units -5 12,501+ families 24,000 troops 1d8 days
Army has destroyed more units than opposing army +2
Unit Attack Throw Modifier
Army has lost more units than opposing army -2
Army cannot retreat (surrounded, trapped, etc.) +2 Circumstance Modifier
Army defending homeland / sacred ground Judge’s Discretion Commander or Lieutenant personally leading unit +1
Unit Modifiers Unit facing broken zone +2
Officer attached to unit + Morale Modifier Opposing army surprised (first battle turn only) +2
Unit is wavering or disordered -2 Opposing army occupies advantageous terrain (hill, ridgeline) -2
Unit is adjacent to a broken zone -2

Reconnaissance Modifiers Reconnaissance Rolls Reconnaissance Range

Reconnaissance Modifiers Modifier Modified Die Roll Result Observing Army Must
Opposing Army Size
Army Size 2- Catastrophe Be Within
Opposing army has 600 or fewer troops total -2 3–5 Failure 120 troops or less One 24-mile hex
Opposing army has only 601 to 3,000 troops -1 6–8 Marginal Success 121 – 600 troops Two 24-mile hexes
Opposing army has 3,001 to 12,000 troops total 0 9 – 11 Success 601 – 3000 troops Three 24-mile hexes
Opposing army has 12,001 to 36,000 troops total +1 12+ Major Success 3,001 troops or more Four 24-mile hexes
Opposing army has 36,001 to 72,000 troops total +2
Opposing army has 72,001 or more troops +3 Results of Reconnaissance Rolls
Proximity of Armies Degree of Success
Armies are in same 6-mile hex +2 Proximity of Marginal Success
Armies are in adjacent 6-mile hexes +1 Success Major Success
Armies are in same 24-mile hex 0 Same  Location (6-mile hex)  Location (6-mile hex)  Location (6-mile hex)
Armies are 1 or more 24-mile hexes away from each other -1/hex 6-mile Hex  Approximate size  Approximate size  Approximate size
Leadership  Direction of march  Direction of march  Direction of march
 Number of divisions  Number of divisions  Number of divisions
Observing army’s leader has higher strategic ability than opposing army’s leader +1  Number of units per  Number of units per  Number of units per
Opposing army’s leader has higher strategic ability than observing army’s leader -1 division division division
Magic, Spies, and Stratagems  Common prisoner  Type of each unit  Type of each unit
 Valuable prisoner  Strength of each unit
Observing army can observe opposing army with magic (greater clairvoyance, scry, etc.) Varies  Very valuable prisoner
Opposing army can camouflage location with magic (hidden host, illusory terrain, etc.) Varies Same  Location (24-mile hex)  Location (6-mile hex)  Location (6-mile hex)
Observing army has spy infiltrated within opposing army +1/spy 24-mile Hex  Approximate size  Approximate size  Approximate size
Observing army can observe opposing army from the air +2  Direction of march  Direction of march  Direction of march
Observing army has stratagem to reconnoiter or scout enemy position (Judge’s discretion) Varies  Number of divisions  Number of divisions  Number of divisions
 Number of units per  Number of units per
Opposing army has stratagem to deceive or trick scouts (Judge’s discretion) Varies division division
Scouting and Screening Troops  Common prisoner  Type of each unit
Observing army scouting with 6 to 20 units +1  Valuable prisoner
Observing army scouting with 21 to 100 units +2 1–2  Location (within 2 24-  Location (24-mile hex)  Location (6-mile hex)
Observing army scouting 101 or more units +3 24-mile Hexes mile hexes)  Approximate size  Approximate size
 Approximate size  Direction of march  Direction of march
Opposing army screened by 6 to 20 units -1  Direction of march  Number of divisions  Number of divisions
Opposing army screened by 21 to 100 units -2  Number of units per
Opposing army screened by 101 or more units -3 division
Observing army has more cavalry units in total than opposing army +1  Common prisoner
Opposing army has more cavalry units in total than observing army -1 3–4  Location (within 4 24-  Location (within 2 24-  Location (24-mile hex)
24-mile Hexes mile hexes) mile hexes) Approximate size
Terrain  Approximate size  Approximate size Direction of march
Opposing army is in barrens (any), desert (any), grasslands (any), scrubland (low, sparse) +1  Direction of march Number of divisions
Opposing army is in forest (taiga), hills (rocky),scrubland (high, dense), swamp (marshy) 0
Opposing army is in forest (deciduous), hills (forested), jungle, mountains (any), swamp Use of Magic in Reconnaissance
(scrubby, forested) Lay of the land always reveals the presence of an enemy army or supply base if within the same 6-mile hex.
Observing army is more familiar with region than opposing army +1
Opposing army is more familiar with region than observing army -1 Locate distant object always reveals the distance and direction to the designated object (usually an enemy
battle standard). This can then assist in knowing where to observe the army with another spell.
Greater clairaudiency, greater clairvoyancy, and scry allow the observing army to designate a 6-mile hex
Magical Camouflage upon which the magic is used. The observing army then uses either that hex or its actual hex for purposes
Magical camouflage reduces the effective size of the opposing army, which makes the army harder to of proximity, whichever is better. However, if the observing army designates a 6-mile hex outside of its own
observe. Each illusory terrain, hidden host, or perpetual figment spell can hide one company-sized unit reconnaissance range, it cannot capture prisoners from the reconnaissance roll.

Results of Interrogation Prisoner Information

Adjusted Die Roll Result Common Prisoner Valuable Prisoner Very Valuable Prisoner
2- False Information The name, class, approximate The name, class, approximate level, and description The names, classes, approximate levels, and descriptions of the
3–5 Nothing level, and description of the of the opposing army’s leader; and its total opposing army’s leader and division commanders; and its total
6–8 One piece of information opposing army’s leader. number of officers. number of officers.
9 – 11 Two pieces of information Whether there are any spies Whether there are any spies infiltrated into friendly Whether there are any spies infiltrated into friendly army by
12+ All known information infiltrated into friendly army army by opposing army; and if so, the name, class, opposing army; and if so, the name, class, approximate level, and
by opposing army. approximate level, and description of 1 spy. description of up to 1d4 spies.
Blockade Whether the opposing army is in supply, along with the location
Quick Reference Whether the opposing Whether the opposing army is in supply, and the and description of its supply base and the route of its supply line
1 point of unit capacity requires… army is in supply. location of its supply base if so. if so. The description of the supply base includes the supply base’s
commander, size, stronghold value, and garrison (if any).
2 blockading units, or
1/2 blockading ship, or Whether any spellcasters of 7th level or higher
Whether any spellcasters of 7th The total number of spellcasters of 7th level or higher serving in
are serving in the opposing army, plus the name,
250’ of circumvallation level or higher are serving in the opposing army, plus the name, class, approximate level, and
class, and description of the opposing army’s most
Minimum 20 units / 10 ships / 5000’ the opposing army. description of the opposing army’s most powerful spellcaster.
powerful spellcaster.
Artillery / Siege Equipment The morale modifier of the opposing army’s leader
The morale modifier of the opposing The morale modifier of the opposing army’s leader and the name
and the name and morale modifier of its least-
army’s leader. and morale modifier of its most- and least-charismatic commander.
Equipment Bonus Units charismatic commander.
Ballista, Light (10) 1 The strategic stance of The strategic stance of the opposing army and the The strategic stance of the opposing army and the number and
Ballista, Medium (5) 1 the opposing army. number of siege weapons it is transporting. type of siege weapons it is transporting.
Ballista, Heavy 2 Type and strength of each unit in opposing army as well as its
Type of each unit in opposing army. Type and strength of each unit in opposing army.
Battering Rams / Screws (6) 1 strategic objective.
Catapult, Light 2 Judge’s choice of any of the above or Judge’s choice of any of the above or other piece of Judge’s choice of any of the above or another piece of very
Catapult, Medium 3 other piece of common information valuable information valuable information
Catapult, Heavy 6
Siege Duration Modifier Duration of Siege
Hoists (10) 1
Siege Tower, Standard 1 Duration Besieging Army’s Unit Advantage
Stronghold Site
Siege Tower, Large 2 Modifier Stronghold’s

101 – 200

201 – 300

301 – 400

401 – 500

501 – 600
76 – 100
11 – 15

16 – 30

31 – 50

51 – 75
Mountain (Sogdian Rock, the Acropolis) ×5 Structural

5 – 10
Siege Tower, Huge 8


Island (Tyre, Mont. St. Michel) ×4 HP
Trebuchet, Light 6
Trebuchet, Medium 15 Peninsula (Constantinople) ×3
Trebuchet, Heavy 18 Riverbank (Rhine river castles) ×2 1 – 3,000 45 23 9 6 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 – 6,000 90 45 18 12 6 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0
Artillery Bombardment
7 – 9,000 135 68 27 18 9 5 4 3 1 1 1 1 0 0
Daily Damage Daily Damage Shotss Fired
Sho Daily Ammo Maximum
Max mum 10 – 12,000 180 90 36 24 12 7 5 4 2 1 1 1 1 1
Ar illery Type
Artillery v. Wood v. Stone Per Day Cost
Cos Range
13 – 15,000 225 113 45 30 15 9 6 5 2 2 1 1 1 1
Light Ballista 775 - 1,440 15gp 600’ 16 – 20,000 - 150 60 40 20 12 8 6 3 2 2 1 1 1
Medium Ballista 1,500 - 1,440 45gp 600’ 21 – 30,000 - 225 90 60 30 18 12 9 5 3 2 2 2 1
Heavy Ballista 2,250 75 720 100gp 900’ 31 – 50,000 - - 150 100 50 30 20 15 8 5 4 3 3 2
Light Catapult 2,250 75 720 100gp 900’ 51 – 75,000 - - 225 150 75 45 30 23 11 8 6 5 4 3
Medium Catapult 3,750 125 720 600gp 900’ 76 – 100,000 - - - 200 100 60 40 30 15 10 8 6 5 4
Heavy Catapult 2,500 275 480 1,500gp 1200’ 101 – 125,000 - - - 250 125 75 50 38 19 13 9 8 6 5
Light Trebuchet 2,500 275 480 1,500gp 1200’ 126 – 150,000 - - - - 200 120 80 60 30 20 15 12 10 9
Medium Trebuchet 2,000 625 360 1,350gp 1500’ 151 – 200,000 - - - - 250 150 100 75 38 25 19 15 13 11
Heavy Trebuchet 2,250 750 360 2,900gp 1800’ 201 – 250,000 - - - - - 180 120 90 45 30 23 18 15 13
Scavenged Ammunition: Construction cost for scavenged ammunition is 1/10th the daily cost listed on the Artillery 251 – 300,000 - - - - - 210 140 105 53 35 26 21 18 15
Bombardment table. 301,000+ - - - - - 240 160 120 60 40 30 24 20 17

Equipment Availability by Market Class Settlement Encounters

Price Class I Class II Class III Class IV
V Class V Class VI Encounter
Party Location Encounter Frequency
1gp or less 2,750 700 425 100 35 15 Throw
T row (d6)*
2 – 10gp 300 70 35 10 3 1 Avenue (day) Every hour (6 turns) 6+
11 – 100gp 20 5 2 1 25% 10% Avenue (night) Every 30 minutes (3 turns) 6+
101 – 1,000gp 7 2 1 25% 10% 5% Alley (day) Every 30 minutes (3 turns) 6+
1,001 – 10,000gp 2 1 25% 10% 5% 1% Alley (night) Every 10 minutes (1 turn) 5+
10,001gp or more 25% 10% 3% 1% - - Holed Up (day/night) Every day (24 hours) 5+
 Importing from local hub adds +1 market class but takes 2d6 days * Add +1 to encounter throw if adventurers looking for trouble
 Importing from regional hub adds +2 market class but takes 2d6 weeks

Merchant Guildhouse Settlement Movement

Market Investment Wealth Movement Type Distance Traveled Get lost?
Loanable Funds (gp)
Class Opportunities (gp) Deposited (gp) Commuting 1-6 characters, 5 city blocks per turn Familiar location, familiar route, no
Class I 100,000* per borrower 100,000* 1,500,000* 7-14 characters, 5 blocks per 2 turns Familiar location, new route 7+ or get lost*
Class II 25,000 per borrower 25,000 375,000 15+ characters, 5 blocks per 4 turns Unfamiliar location 11+ or get lost*
Class III 10,000 per borrower 10,000 187,500 Meandering 1 city block per turn No (can use street signs and ask directions)
* Getting lost means characters end up 1d4+1 blocks away from intended destination that turn
Class IV 5,000 per borrower 5,000 46,875
Class V 2,000 per borrower 2,000 18,750
Hireling Availability by Market Class
Class VI 1,000 per borrower 1,000 6,000
* Per 20,000 families Ruffian Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Wage
Carouser 2d4×50 5d20 5d10 3d4 1d6 1d2 7gp
Merchant Guildhouse Services
Footpad 2d4×50 5d20 5d10 3d4 1d6 1d2 30gp
Service Cost Reciter 2d4×25 5d10 3d8 1d6 1d3 1 30gp
Arrange transportation services 5% commission on transport cost Slayer 5d10 2d6 1d6 1 1 (75%) 1 (5%) 625gp
Borrow funds for 30 days w/ collateral Borrower pays 3% interest Spy 5d20 4d6 2d6 1d3 1d2 1 (10%) 625gp
Borrow funds for 30 days w/o collateral Borrower pays 9% interest Thug 5d20 4d6 2d6 1d3 1d2 1 (10%) 30gp
Exchange currency Moneychanger charges 0.25% fee Mercenary Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Wage
Hire brokers to buy/sell merchandise 10% commission on purchase/sale Light Infantry 4d100 5d20 5d10 3d4 1d6 1d2 By race
Hire brokers to recruit hirelings 10% Heavy Infantry 2d100 5d10 3d8 1d8 1d3 1 (85%) By race
Loan funds for 30 days Lender receives 0.25% interest Slinger 8d20 4d10 2d10 1d6 1d2 1 (70%) By race
Make investment By investment Bowman 8d20 4d10 2d10 1d6 1d2 1 (70%) By race
Secure guild license 10% annual fee on earnings Crossbowman 8d20 4d10 2d10 1d6 1d2 1 (70%) By race
Store wealth in safe deposit Depositor pays 0.25% fee per month Composite Bowman/Longbowman* 4d20 2d10 1d10 1d3 1 1 (33%) By race
 Becoming a client of the Merchant Guild bank requires Friendly reactions Light Cavalry 4d20 2d10 1d10 1d3 1 1 (33%) By race
(add +1 if a venturer and +1 per rank of Bargaining) Mounted Crossbowman 3d20 4d4 2d4 1d2 1 (75%) 1 (25%) By race
 Clients with funds on deposit can withdraw it on demand and/or use bills of Horse Archers 3d20 4d4 2d4 1d3 1 (70%) 1 (23%) By race
exchange to pay guild merchants. Medium Cavalry 3d20 4d4 2d4 1d2 1 (70%) 1 (23%) By race
Heavy Cavalry 4d10 1d10 1d6 1d2 (50%) 1 (50%) 1 (15%) By race
Mercenary Guildhouse Services
Cataphract Cavalry 3d10 1d8 1d4 1d2 (33%) 1 (40%) 1 (10%) By race
Service Cost Camel Archers* 4d20 2d10 1d10 1d3 1 1 (33%) By race
Join Guildhouse Able-bodied (STR 9+), 12gp annual fee Camel Lancers† 3d20 4d4 2d4 1d2 1 (70%) 1 (23%) By race
Guildhouse lodging 1sp per night War Elephants 1d10 1 (70%) 1 (40%) 1 (7%) 1 (5%) - By race
100gp for loss of life; 40gp for loss of freedom; Beast Riders 3d10 1d8 1d4 1d2 (33%) 1 (40%) 1 (10%) By race
Mutual Aid 40gp for loss of arm; 30gp for loss of leg; * Settlement will only have one of these two troop types, not both.
10gp for loss of eye; 5gp for loss of finger, toe, ear † Settlement will only have these troop types if the settlement’s realm includes Barrens or Desert hexes.

Hireling (Henchmen) Availability by Market Class Table

Henchman Loyalty
Henchman Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Wage  Base Loyalty 0 +
0th level 4d100 5d20 4d8 3d4 1d6 1d2 12gp/month Employer CHA mod
1st level 5d10 2d6 1d4 1d2 1 (65%) 1 (20%) 25gp/month  +1 if Blood of Kings class power
2nd level 3d10 2d4 1d3 1 1 (40%) 1 (15%) 50gp/month  +1 if “Accept with élan”
 +1 each level gained
3rd level 1d10 1d3 1 (85%) 1 (33%) 1 (15%) 1 (5%) 100gp/month
 +1 if roll Fanatic Loyalty
4th level 1d6 1d2 1 (45%) 1 (15%) 1 (5%) - 200gp/month
 -1 if roll Grudging Loyalty
Levelled Henchman Class Cost of Recruitment  -1 for each Calamity suffered
1d100×100 01–
01–10 11–
11–30 31–
31–50 51–
51–75 76–
76–90 91–
91–00 Market Cost Per Week Per  -2 if other henchmen
left untreated when
1–40 Mage Thief Crusader Fighter Explorer Venturer Class Hireling Type funds were available
41–60 Mage Bard Bladedancer Fighter Explorer Venturer I 1d6+15gp  -1 to -3 from wounds
61–80 Mage Assassin Priestess Fighter Explorer Venturer II 1d10+10gp and side effects left
81–90 Mage Thief Shaman Barbarian Explorer Venturer III 1d8+5gp uncompensated or uncured.
91–94 Spellsword Nightblade Craftpriest Vaultguard Special Special IV 1d6+3gp Roll Loyalty each time henchman gains
95–96 Warlock Special Witch Paladin Special Special V 1d6gp level or suffers calamity!
97–98 Warlock Special Witch Paladin Special Special VI 1d3gp Henchman Loyalty
100 Wonderworker Special Special Ruinguard Special Special Random Henchman Level Adjusted Die
On a result of “Special”, choose a class from AXIOMS, BTA, Heroic Fantasy Handbook, and/or Player’s Companion or create a custom class. Result
Roll (1d20) Level Roll (2d6)
Henchman Availability by Market Class and Rarity Reaction 2- Hostility
10 or lower 1
to Hiring Officer 3–5 Resignation
Rarity Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI 11-16 2
Adj. Die 6–8 Grudging Loyalty
Ubiquitous 2d8 1d4 1d1 1 (50%) 1 (20%) 1 (7%) Result 17-18 3
Common 2d4 1d3 1 (50%) 1 (25%) 1 (10%) 1 (4%)
Roll 9 – 11 Loyalty
19-20 4 12+ Fanatic Loyalty
Uncommon 1d3 1 (60%) 1 (25%) 1 (12%) 1 (5%) 1 (2%) 2- Refuse and slander
Rare 1d2 1 (35%) 1 (15%) 1 (7%) 1 (3%) 1 (1%) 3–5 Refuse
Very Rare 1 (50%) 1 (15%) 1 (7%) 1 (3%) 1 (1%) - 6–8 Try Again
Recruiting henchmen requires one ancillary activity per day during the period. The
Extremely Rare 1 (20%) 1 (6%) 1 (2%) 1 (1%) - - 9 – 11 Accept fee is per type. ½ of the candidates (rounded up) become available within the first
12+ Accept with élan week of recruitment. ¼ (rounded down, minimum 1) becomes available during
Legendary 1 (10%) 1 (3%) 1 (1%) - - - second week. Remainder become available in third week.
Class Rarity Specific Qualification Rarity Mods
Rarity Classes Specific Qualification Rarity Mods Henchman Morale
Henchman Obedience
Ubiquitous Explorer, Fighter Qualification Rarity  Base ML equal to
Common Crusader, Mage, Thief, Venturer Mercenary w/ similar Adj. Roll (2d6) Result
Specific level +1 rarity per level above 1 equipment (-1 to +2)
Uncommon Assassin, Bard, Bladedancer, Priestess 2- Refuses
General prof Start at Common w/ 1 rank,  +1 permament bonus
Rare Barbarian, Shaman, Warlock (random class) +1 rarity per additional rank on advancing to 1st 3–5 Begrudging
Very Rare Dwarven Craftpriest, Dwarven Vaultguard, Paladin, Witch Start at class rarity, level and 5th level 6+ Compliant
Class prof
Extremely Rare Elven Nightblade, Elven Spellsword, Zaharan Ruinguard +1 rarity per prof rank  + CHA modifier Refuses: Henchman refuses
Legendary Nobiran Wonderworker while personally to follow orders; if employer
led by character insists, roll again but Loyalty
Hiring Conditions Signing Bonus (Bribery)  +2 when personally led by -1 permanently.
Hiring Conditions Modifier Character character with Command Begrudging: -1 Loyalty if
+1 Bonus +2 Bonus +3 Bonus  +1 when personally led begrudge adventure; -1 penalty
Prospective employer’s CHA + modifer Proficient?
by 5th+ level character to throw if begrudge task; -1 rank
Prospective employer’s Proficient 1 day wages 1 week wages 1 month wages with class power in proficiency or -1 class level
+ bonus
proficiency bonus(es) Non-Proficient 1 week wages 1 month wages 1 year wages  +2 to -5 based on begrudge work in settlement
-1 / previous refusal situational modifiers
Recruiting attempt after Cannot try again on Compliant: Carries out task to
previous refusal refuse & slander best of ability

Reaction Rolls Time to Influence Encounter Tone Key Offering Bribes

Adjusted Attempt # Time Required Who Bribery Bonus vs Pay Offered
Initial Reaction When Influencing
2d6 Roll 1 1 round (1 minute) B Both Prof? +1 +2 +3
2- Hostile, attacks Shift 2 attitudes towards Hostile 2 1 turn (10 minutes) E Either No* 1 week 1 month 1 year
3–5 Unfriendly, may attack Shift 1 attitude towards Hostile 3 6 turns (1 hour) C Character Yes 1 day 1 week 1 month
6–8 Neutral, uncertain Shift 1 attitude towards Neutral 4 8 hours (1 day) T Target * Failed bribe shifts attitude 1 step towards hostile
9–11 Indifferent, uninterested Shift 1 attitude towards Friendly 5 5 days (1 week)
12+ Friendly, helpful Shift 2 attitude towards Friendly Intimidation Modifiers
Seduction Modifiers
Diplomacy Modifiers Situation Mod
Situation Mod
Outnumber +/– 1
Situation Mod Alone together +1
B Outnumber 3:2 +/– 2
B Alignment match or mismatch +/– 1 With target's friends –1
Outnumber 3:1 +/– 5
In own lair +/– 1 E 3+ levels higher +/– 1
In own lair +/– 1
E Has authority +/– 1 min Attractive / unattractive age relative to target +/– 1 min
E Brandishing weapon +/– 1
Owes favors +/– 1 per Appealing / unappealing behavior or appearance +/– 1 min
Has magic items +/– 1
CHA mod +/– CHA Higher social status +1 min
Has advantage +/– 1 min
Offering bribe +1-3 C CHA mod +/– CHA
Has authority +/– 1 min
C Diplomacy prof +1 Seduction prof +1
3+ levels higher +/– 1
Mystic Aura prof +1 Mystic Aura prof +1
CHA mod +/– CHA
Brandishing weapon –1 Performance prof +1
C Intimidation prof +1
WIL mod –/+ WIL WIL mod –/+ WIL
Mystic Aura prof +1
Thinks character harmed friends –1 Already hostile –2
Morale score –/+ Morale
Knows character harmed friends –2 Already unfriendly –1
WIL mod –/+ WIL
Harmed by character –5 Already indifferent +1
T T Saw friends hurt +1
Already hostile –2 Already friendly +2
Fears loss of face – 1 min
Already unfriendly –1 Friends burned in past –1 T
Fears boss more –5 min
Already indifferent +1 Personally burned in past –2
Already hostile –2
Already friendly +2 Liaison is risky –2 min
Already unfriendly –1
Domain Morale Modifiers Domain Morale Roll Already intimidated +1
Monthly Events Morale Roll Adj. Adjusted Die Roll Result
Garrison expenditure below 2gp/family -1/gp below 2- Morale reduced by 2 (min -4)
Base Domain Morale
Domain invaded and occupied by enemy army 0, then -1 per month 3–5 Morale reduced by 1 (min -4)
6–8 Morale shifts by 1 towards base Base Morale
Domain pillaged by enemy army -4 Modifier
9 – 11 Morale increased by 1 (max +4) Score
1gp/family in troops repressing domain +1*
12+ Morale increased by 2 (max +4) Personal authority By Level & Income
2gp/family in troops repressing domain +2*
Leadership proficiency +1
Additional troops repressing domain +1#/gp above Effects of Current Morale
Neutral ruler, Chaotic domain -1
Liturgy expense above 1gp/family +1/gp above Morale Score Morale Level Lawful ruler, Chaotic domain -2
Liturgy expense below 1gp/family -1/gp below
-4 Rebellious Domain classified borderlands -1
Taxes above 2gp/family -1/gp above
-3 Defiant Additional troops in borderlands +1
Taxes below 2gp/family +1/gp below -2 Turbulent Insufficient stronghold -1/-2/-3
Tithes not paid -1 -1 Demoralized Lawful/Chaotic
Ruler introduces or maintains worship of god of different alignment -4 -1
0 Apathetic ruler, Neutral domain
Ruler maintains worship of god of different alignment -2 +1 Loyal Neutral ruler, Lawful domain -1
Ruler administers domain +1 +2 Dedicated Chaotic ruler, Lawful domain -2
Calamity affects domain Varies +3 Steadfast Domain classified outlands -2
* Current morale score cannot exceed 0 when repressed +4 Stalwart Additional troops in outlands +1/+2

Identifying Magic Items

Item Method* Doesn't Discern Risks
Item triggered by use or wear Equip it Command words, charges, or other obscure usages/effects Curse
Weapon or armor with magic bonus Use it in deadly combat for 1 round, or train for 1 day Command words, charges, or other obscure usages/effects Curse
Item, ring, rod, or staff usable by mages Arcane Dabbling throw Command words or charges Backfire on a 1-3
Potion Take a sip Discerns effects fully Poison
Potion Alchemy throw after 1 round of examining Discerns effects fully None
Common, uncommon, and/or rare item Magical Engineering throw, after 1 turn of examining Command words, charges, curses, or other obscure usages/effects None
Very rare or legendary item Loremastery throw, after 1 turn of examining Command words, charges, curses, or other obscure usages/effects None
Any magic item Magical Research project Discerns effects fully None
* Methods requiring a proficiency throw can only be tried once per level per item

Tower of Knowledge Services Availability of any Given Spell by Market Class*

Service Cost Spell Level Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Cost
Buy blank spell books, parchment, papyrus, and ink By item Divine - 1st lvl 4d4×100 4d10×10 4d4×10 6d10 4d6 2d4 5gp
Commission manufacture of workshop and laboratory components By commission Divine - 2nd lvl 4d6×10 12d6 4d6 4d4 2d4 1d6 10gp
Hire alchemist to identify potion (1 turn, 3+) 40gp Divine - 3rd lvl 8d6 4d6 2d6 2d4 1d6 - 45gp
Hire sage to identify item with Magical Engineering (1 turn, 3+) 40gp Divine - 4th lvl 6d6 2d6 2d3 1d3 - - 185gp
Hire sage to identify item with Loremastery (1 turn, 18+) 40gp Divine - 5th lvl 4d4 2d3 1d4 1d4-3 - - 900gp
Hire mage to identify item (3 weeks, 8+) 2,000gp Divine - 6th lvl 2d3 1d3 1d8-6 - - - 3,600gp
Purchase arcane spellcasting services By spell Arcane - 1st lvl 2d4×100 2d10×10 2d4×10 3d10 2d6 1d4 5gp
Purchase magic items from vault 225% base cost Arcane - 2nd lvl 2d6×10 6d6 2d6 2d4 1d4 1d3 10gp
Purchase special components from vaults 110% component cost Arcane - 3rd lvl 4d6 2d6 2d3 1d4 1d3 - 45gp
Purchase 1st level spell formula 100gp Arcane - 4th lvl 3d6 2d2 1d3 1d3-1 - - 185gp
Purchase 2nd level spell formula 200gp Arcane - 5th lvl 2d4 1d3 1d2 1d10-9 - - 900gp
Purchase 3rd level spell formula 400gp Arcane - 6th lvl 1d3 1d3-1 1d8-7 - - - 3,600gp
Purchase 4th level spell formula 1,000gp * This is for buying spells; adventurers wishing to sell spells have a 1 in 6 chance of being able to sell each spell slot per day for the
prices above, with a max at each spell level of 9 – (market class + spell level)
Purchase 5th level spell formula 3,000gp
Purchase 6th level spell formula 7,000gp Perpetual Spell Costs
Recruit mages, alchemists, engineers, or sages By hireling type*
Sell magic items found or looted to Tower Base cost Spell Level Upfront Fee Monthly Fee Spell Level Upfront Fee Monthly Fee
Sell magic items created by seller to Tower 200% base cost 1st lvl 40gp 1gp 4th lvl 440gp 15gp
Sell special components to Tower 90% base cost 2nd lvl 55gp 2gp 5th lvl 1,365gp 40gp
* All transactions subject to Equipment Availability/Hireling Availability and Judge’s discretion. 3rd lvl 160gp 5gp 6th lvl 4,515gp 135gp

Magic Item Availability By Market Class Magic Item Transaction By Market Class
Item Type Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Magic Item Price Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
Potion 37 9 5 1 50% 10% 1gp or less 2,750 700 425 100 35 15
Ring 9 2 1 30% 10% - 2-10gp 300 70 35 10 3 1
Scroll 53 13 7 2 70% 20% 11-100gp 20 5 2 1 25% 10%
Rod/Wand/Staff 9 2 1 30% 10% - 101-1,000gp 7 2 1 25% 10% 5%
Miscellaneous Weapon 9 2 1 30% 10% - 1,001-10,000gp 2 1 25% 10% 5% 1%
Sword 37 9 5 1 50% 10% 10,001gp or more 25% 10% 3% 1% NA NA
Miscellaneous Item 9 2 1 30% 10% - Use Magic Item Transaction table to determine the number of potential buyers and sellers of magic items in a month
Armor & Shield 14 4 2 40% 20% 10% and/or the Magic Item Availability table to determine the number of magic items of each type in a settlement.

Market Characteristics Destination, Route, and Departure Date

Market Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Max Situation Market Impact

Baseline Tariff Investment Per
Class Cargo Toll Consignments Passengers Month Destination is Class I or Class II market +1
Destination is Class III or Class IV market 0
I 30,000 st 0.2cp/st 20% and 5% 4,000 st 2d6+1 × 10 100,000gp*
Destination is Class V or Class VI market -1
II 7,500 st 0.2cp/st 20% and 5% 1,000 st 6d6 25,000gp
Destination is within range of trade of current market +1
III 3,750 st 0.2cp/st 20% and 5% 500 st 4d4 10,000gp
Destination is mysterious, unknown, legendary, etc. -3
IV 1,000 st 0.1 cp/st 20% and 5% 120 st 2d3 5,000gp
Route travels exclusively on roads, rivers, and coastlines +1
V 400 st 0.1 cp/st 20% and 5% 50 st 1d4 2,000gp
Route travels through any desert, mountains, and/or ocean terrain -1 per 24-mile hex
VI 150 st None None 20 st 1d2-1 1,000gp
Route travels on river when sea route of equal or lesser length to same
* Per 20,000 families -3
destination is available
Route travels on road when river route to same destination is available -3
Assessment of Supply & Demand Arbitrage Trading Route travels on road when sea route to same destination is available -8
 Successful Assessment: learn all 29 Daily Supply = Base Number of Stones × Market Impact. Date of departure is more than 3 days away and less than 10 days away 0
Demand Modifiers (DMs). Steady Trade Route = + 1/2 class level to Market Impact. Date of departure is less than 3 days away or more than 10 days away -1/day
 Partial Assessment: learn 1d6 DMs.
Market Price = Base Price modified 4d4-10 steps. Carrier has safely delivered passengers or merchandise on route to
 Expertise Required: 1DM if 2 ranks of +1
relevant proficiency.  Shift price up/down by steps equal to +DM/-DM. destination in last 30 days
 Failed Assessment: No info.  If Class I/Class I, +1 step; if Class V/VI, -1 step.
Total Load Base Number of Stone
 False Assessment: 1d6 False DMs.  If “grain & vegetables” in spring, +1 step; Market Impact = × = Daily Supply and
in fall, -1 step. Baseline Merchant Cargo Market Impact Demand
 +/-1 step in arbitrager’s favor if Steady Trade Route.
Reaction to Negotiation
Daily Moorage and Stabling Cost
Adjusted Die Roll Assessment of Supply & Reaction to Contract of Carriage
(2d6) Demand Result Negotiation Result Result Vehicle/Animal Moorage/Stabling Anchor/Pasture
2- False Assessment Outraged refusal Jeering Refusal Ship 1gp per 50 shp 1gp
3–5 Failed Assessment Refusal Skepticism Wagon* 2gp 5sp
6–8 Expertise Is Required Negotiations continue Assurances demanded Cart*, Elephant 1gp 2sp
9 – 11 Partial Assessment Grudging agreement Cautious agreement Horse 5sp 1sp
12+ Successful Assessment Agreement Enthusiastic agreement Camel/Donkey/Ox 2sp 4cp
* Cost of the cart or wagon’s animals is included

Reaction to Negotiation Contract of Carriage Cargo Handling Time and Cost

 Agreement: price shifts 1 step in  Enthusiastic Agreement: Deal accepted.
venturer’s favor.  Cautious Agreement: Deal only if Type of Transport Crew Work Rate Total Time* Total Cost*
 Grudging Agreement: price shift if legitimate merchant. 1 pack donkey (20 st) 1 worker 40 st / hour 3 turns 0.5cp
give concession.  Assurances Demanded: Collateral or 1 pack mule (40 st) 1 worker 40 st / hour 1 hour 1cp
 Negotiations Continue: roll again, guards required.
replace CHA with WIL. 1 pack camel (60 st) 1 worker 40 st / hour 1.5 hours 1.5cp
 Skepticism: Price -10%, Market Class -1,
 Refusal: Can no longer negotiate fior Market Impact -1. 1 pack horse (80 st) 1 worker 40 st / hour 2 hours 2cp
this good this month.  Jeering Refusal: No consignments/ 1 cart (320 st) 2 workers 40 st / hour 4 hours 8cp
 Outraged Refusal: Locked out of the passengers this month. 1 wagon (640 st) 4 workers 40 st / hour 4 hours 16cp
market for this good this month. 1 barge, small (2,000 st) 5 workers 20 st / hour 2.5 days 1gp
1 barge, large (9,000 st) 10 workers 20 st / hour 5 days 5 hours 4.5gp
Carriage Shipping Rate 1 barge, huge (180,000) 50 workers 20 st / hour 22 days 4 hours 90gp
1 sailing ship, small (10,000 st) 12 workers 20 st / hour 5 days 2 hours 5gp
Distance Consignment Passenger Passenger Cost and Weight
 Passengers occupy 50st cargo 1 sailing ship, large (30,000 st) 20 workers 20 st / hour 9 days 3 hours 15gp
Road 24 miles 1.25cp / st 1gp / passenger 1 sailing ship, huge (50,000 st) 40 workers 20 st / hour 7 days 6 hours 25gp
 Rations cost 5cp and weigh 1 st /
River 96 miles 1.25cp / st 1gp / passenger day / passenger Warehouse 10 workers 20 st / hour 1 hour / 200 st 1gp / 100 st
Sea 480 miles 1.25cp / st 1gp / passenger * Doubled if loading vessels at anchor or caravans outside in pasture.

Common and Precious Merchandise

Common Merchandise Container Price / St Price Step Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
Grain & vegetables Bags 0.12gp 0.01gp 2,000 500 250 60 25 10
Salt Bricks 0.15gp 0.02gp 1,000 250 125 30 12 5
Beer & ale Amphorae 0.15gp 0.02gp 1,000 250 125 30 12 5
Pottery Crates 0.15gp 0.02gp 1,000 250 125 30 12 5
Common wood Bundles 0.17gp 0.02gp 1,000 250 125 30 12 5
Wine & spirits Amphorae 0.19gp 0.02gp 1,000 250 125 30 12 5
Oil & sauce Amphorae 0.30gp 0.03gp 500 125 60 15 6 3
Preserved fish Amphorae 0.45gp 0.04gp 500 125 60 15 6 3
Preserved meat Amphorae 1gp 0.1gp 500 125 60 15 6 3
Glassware Crates 1.5gp 0.15gp 250 60 30 8 3 1
Rare wood Bundles 2gp 0.2gp 150 40 20 5 2 1
Common metal Chests 2gp 0.2gp 150 40 20 5 2 1
Common furs Bundles 4.5gp 0.45gp 100 25 12 3 1 1
Textiles Rolls 7.5gp 0.75gp 100 25 12 3 1 1
Dye & pigment Jars 10gp 1gp 75 20 10 2 1 0.4
Botanicals Bags 15gp 1.5gp 75 20 10 2 1 0.4
Clothing Bags 15gp 1.5gp 75 20 10 2 1 0.4
Tools Crates 15gp 1.5gp 75 20 10 2 1 0.4
Armor & weapons Crates 22gp 2.2gp 75 20 10 2 1 0.4
Precious Merchandise Container Price / St Price Step Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
Monster parts Metamphorae 60gp 6gp 33 8 4 1 0.4 0.2
Ivory Tusk wrapping 100gp 10gp 20 5 3 1 0.25 0.1
Rare furs Bundles 100gp 10gp 20 5 3 1 0.25 0.1
Spices Amphorae 100gp 10gp 20 5 3 1 0.25 0.1
Fine porcelain Crates 100gp 10gp 20 5 3 1 0.25 0.1
Precious metals Chests 100gp 10gp 20 5 3 1 0.25 0.1
Silk Rolls 333gp 33gp 6 2 1 0.2 0.1 0.03
Rare books & art Boxes 333gp 33gp 6 2 1 0.2 0.1 0.03
Semiprecious stones Boxes 1,000gp 100gp 2 1 0.25 0.06 0.03 0.01
Gems Boxes 7,500gp 750gp 0.25 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.01* 0.01**
* Roll 1d4. On a 1–3, the merchandise is semiprecious stones; on a 4, it’s gems.
** If DM is +2 or more, .01 can be sold. If DM is -2 or less .01 can be bought. Otherwise, not available.

Arbitrage Trading Passenger and Cargo Carriage Exhaustion of Arbitrage: 20% cumulative chance per day that price shifts against
arbitrager; if buying +1 step, if selling -1 step; reset to 20% after price shift
1. Assess Supply and Demand (RR p. 373) 1. Announce Destination, Route, & Departure Time (RR p. 378)
2. Select Type of Merchandise (RR p. 373) 2. Solicit Shippers to Consign Cargo (RR p. 379) Price Reset: 10% cumulative chance per week of major event occurring that causes all
3. Solicit Buyers or Sellers (RR p. 375) 3. Solicit Travelers to Book Passage (RR p. 381) prices to reset
4. Determine Market Price (RR p. 375) 4. Check for Chartered Travel (RR p. 381) Fixed Deal Terms: Spot price for same merchandise cannot be bargained both up and
5. Negotiate Spot Price (RR p. 376) 5. Embark Passengers & Load Cargo (RR p. 382) down in the same market in the same month
6. Exchange Merch. for Payment (RR p. 376) 6. Continue to Solicit or Exit Market (RR p. 382)
Shipping Terms: Shippers pay ½ at consignment and ½ on delivery. If less than
7. Continue to Trade or Exit Market (RR p. 377) 7. Transport Passengers and Cargo (RR p. 382)
8. Transport or Store Goods (RR p. 378) enthusiastic agreement, also must give free passage for merchant rep (50 st. passenger)
Chartered Travel: if throw 21+ on d20 + Market Impact, charter to location 2d20 x
100 miles away, pay as if filling cargo capacity

Buildings Tavern Menu

Type Occupants and Occupation Item Cost
Bawdyhouse, Small 1 prostitute, 50% 1 patron* Wheat biscuit with honey 1cp
Bawdyhouse, Medium 2d3 prostitutes, 1 brothelkeeper (thief, roll for level), 1d3 patrons* Boiled green beans in fish sauce 1cp
Bawdyhouse, Large 4d6 prostitutes, 1d6 guards (assassin or thief, 1st level), 1 brothelkeeper (thief, roll for level), 2d6 patrons* Boiled lentils with almonds 2cp
Cantina, Small 1 cantinakeeper, 1d3 dependents, 1d3 patrons* Pickled beets 2cp
Cantina, Medium 1 cantinakeeper, 2d6 patrons*, 2d4-1 other occupants; #2 - #5 dependents, #6 cook, #7 scullion Pickled olives and capers 2cp
Cantina, Large 1 cantinakeeper, 1 scullion, 4d6 patrons*, 2d4+1 occupants; #2 - #5 dependents, #6 cook, #7 scullion, #8 - #9 maids Fried cucumbers drizzled with honey 2cp
Inn 1 innkeeper, 1 cook, 1 scullion, 1d3 tavernworkers, 2d6+2 patrons*, 1d4 dependents, 1d3 maidservants Blood sausage with egg, onion, and pepper 2cp
Tavern 1 tavernkeeper, 1 cook, 1 scullion, 1d3 tavernworkers, 2d6+2 patrons*, 1d4 dependents Pork stew with apples and honey 3cp
* Roll on appropriate column of Random Occupant by Building Type for these occupants as needed. Fried mullet fish with olive oil and lemon 5cp
Lodging Games of Skill and Chance Roast mutton with chopped almonds and garlic 1sp
Vinegar and water 1cp
Type Cost Roll (1d6) Game
Krysean barley beer and honey 2cp
Bawdyhouse (one night) 1gp–10gp Kyrpeges (“wargame”), a strategy boardgame played with miniatures on Opelenean plum wine mixed with rose water 5cp
Inn (one night) 1sp–2gp a grid. Two patrons are playing while the rest bet on the outcome.
Corcanosi raisin wine mixed with honey 5cp
Kenneling (one night) 1cp–1sp Destri Spevas (“horse and chariot”), a boardgame where up to seven
2 Tirenean sweet sparkling rose wine mixed with honey 1sp
players roll dice to race their token around an oval track.
Stabling, Draft/riding (one night) 2sp–5sp Tirenean dry white wine mixed with honey 1sp
Calefan Esevi (“lucky sevens”), a game of chance played with a deck of 49
Stabling, Warhorse (one night) 5sp–1gp 3–4 Tirenean sweet white wine mixed with honey and rose petals 2sp
cards. Any number of players compete to be the closest to a hand of 7.
Townhouse (one month lease) 30gp–60gp Draxës (“dice”), a game of chance played with three six-sided dice. Up to Tirenean dry white wine with wormwood and saffron 5sp
Villa (one month lease) 75gp–100gp 5–6 seven patrons are placing bets as they alternate rolling. Tirenean sweet white wine with pepper, saffron and cinnamon 5sp
Tavern Entertainment Argollëan honeyed ambrosia with saffron and cinnamon 5sp
Roll Additional Cantina Menu
(1d20) Patrons Item Cost
1 Citharist playing cithara - Bran bread loaf (1lb) 1cp
2 Citharist playing cithara and singing drinking-songs - Wheat biscuit with honey 1cp
3 Citharist playing cithara accompanied by vocalist singing drinking-songs - Wheat toast with salt, olives, and fish sauce 2cp
4 Lyrist playing lyre - Wheat toast with cheese, onions, and ham 2cp
5 Lyrist playing lyre and singing drinking-songs - Wheat meal porridge, one bowl 3cp
6 Flutist playing reed flute - Pair of hardboiled eggs with fish sauce 1cp
7 Flutist playing syrinx - Pair of fried eggs with salt and pepper 1cp
8 Flutist and lyrist playing in harmony - Blood sausage with egg, onion, and pepper (4oz) 2cp
9 Rhapsodist singing lyric poetry while playing lyre - Fresh-cooked spicy pork sausage (4oz) 3cp
10 Rhapsodist singing elegiac poetry accompanied by flutist playing reed flute - Fried pork sausage with field mushrooms 2cp
11 Dancing bear accompanied by animal trainer/vocalist playing tambourine and singing +1d6 Salted chickpea pancakes 3cp
12 Hedge wizard casting illusions and performing stage magic +1d6 Boiled greens with fish sauce 1cp
13 Jongleur engaged in show with bawdy humor, acrobatics, juggling, and music +1d6 Pickled beets 2cp
14 Ecdysiast performing exotic dance accompanied by lyrist +2d6 Boiled lentils with almonds 3cp
15 Mime performing dramatic dance accompanied by rhapsodist and 1d3+1 musicians playing reed flute, +2d6 Dried figs with honey 3cp
cymbals, and/or syrinx
Vinegar and water 1cp
Troupe of 1d3+3 musicians playing cithara, reed flute, syrinx, drum, and/or cymbals accompanied by
16 +2d6 Barley water and honey 1cp
vocalist or rhapsodist
17 Troupe of 1d3+3 actors performing a drama with masks and costumes +2d6 Fermented wheat porridge 1cp
18 Troupe of 1d3+3 actors performing a comedy with masks and costumes +2d6 Milk and honey 2cp
19 Troupe of 1d3+3 ecdysiasts performing lascivious dance using castanets for accompaniment +4d6 Watered local wine 2cp
Troupe of 2d6+4 jongleurs engaged in farcical extravaganza with bawdy humor, faux fighting, acrobatics, Warm spiced Krysean wine 5cp
20 +4d6
dance, and music Honeyed Tirenean wine 1sp

Extravagant Imperial Banquet Menu

1d12 Appetizers Drinks
1 Baked chicken breast with chopped nuts and garlic Celdorean mint cordial mixed with white vinegar and lemon juice
2 Baked chickpeas with almonds Corcanosi raisin wine mixed with honey
3 Boiled chickpeas with grated cheese Krysean mulled dry red wine spiced with saffron and cinnamon
4 Boiled lentils with coriander Nicean honeyed ambrosia
5 Pickled olives and capers Opelenean plum wine mixed with rose water
6 Poached eggs in fish sauce Tirenean brandy and apple juice with almonds and cinnamon
7 Pureed hazelnuts with coriander and cheese Tirenean dry white wine mixed with honey
8 Raw leek, olive, celery, and garlic salad Tirenean dry white wine with wormwood and saffron
9 Salted chickpea pancakes Tirenean dry white wine flavored with black myrtle berries
10 Soft-boiled eggs in pine-nut sauce Tirenean sweet sparkling rose wine mixed with honey
11 Spiced honey-sweetened cheese Tirenean sweet white wine with pepper, saffron, and cinnamon
12 Wheat bread with goat cheese and mint Tirenean sweet white honey-mixed wine scented with rose petals

1d12 Main Course Accompaniments

1 Boiled duck with spiced gravy Artichokes braised in wine and rosemary
2 Boiled goose with spiced olive oil and fish sauce Baked grape leaves stuffed with mackerel and cheese
3 Boiled mackerel fillet with leeks Boiled carrots in cumin sauce
4 Boiled veal with fermented fish sauce Boiled leeks wrapped in cabbage leaf
5 Fattened goose liver with butter Boiled turnips drizzled with vinaigrette
6 Minced pork stew with apples and honey Fried cucumbers drizzled with honey
7 Roast boar stuffed with blood sausage Fried green beans in fish sauce
8 Roast boar with sesame sweet wine sauce Goat cheese in honey and black pepper sauce
9 Roast duck with spiced plum sauce Raw radishes with vinegar
10 Roast hare with white sauce and onions Steamed green beans in coriander sauce
11 Roast tuna with olive oil and lemon Steamed radishes in fish sauce
12 Rustic pork sausage with field mushrooms Sweet chestnut stew with lentils

1d12 Dessert Entertainment

1 Baked custard with cinnamon and pepper Charmed animal show performed by itinerant elven enchanter
2 Dry goat cheese with fresh grapes Comedy Tarkaun Means Big Bird performed by itinerant thespians
3 Honey-drizzled figs and dates Epic poem The Bellësareus recited by itinerant bard
4 Honey-drizzled fried milk bread Exotic dance performed by itinerant Opelenean dance troupe
5 Honey-soaked wheat cake Gladiatorial battle fought between elite guard and captured goblin
6 Honey-sweetened milk custard Gladiatorial battle fought between elite guard and convicted criminal
7 Nut-stuffed dates in honey Games of kyrpeges played between diners
8 Pear-and-honey soufflé Martial dance performed by itinerant bladedancer troupe
9 Plum fruit tarts Melodic flute and lyre recital played by itinerant musicians
10 Souffléed elderberries with fish sauce Display of life-like automatons by itinerant Dwarven machinist
11 Sweet buns with raisins Prestidigitations and transformations cast by itinerant mage
12 Sweet egg omelets with honey Tragedy Ulkyreus in Winter performed by itinerant thespians

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