Geology For Civil Engineers Semis
Geology For Civil Engineers Semis
Geology For Civil Engineers Semis
in some folds, the limbs will be - These are the minor asymmetrical
mutually largely parallel. Such folds within major folds but
folds are called isoclinals folds. confined only to incompetent beds
- These folds may be vertical which are sandwiched between
inclined or horizontal. competent formations. These
Fan Folds develop because of the shearing/
- Usually in simple anticlines, the dragging effect.
limbs dip away from one another
Mechanisms of Folding
and in simple synclines they dip
towards each other. But in the case Folding of rocks takes place by
of fan folds, this trend is just the different ways of accommodation of
opposite, i.e. in anticlines of fan stress. In many cases, slips or shear
folds, the limbs dip towards each occur in between the beds.
other with reference to their axial The process is similar to slipping of
plane. In synclines of this kind, the cards which occurs when the set is
limbs dip away from each other. fold. If they are not allowed to slip
As the term suggests, these folds over one another, folding of the set
are fan shaped. cannot take place.
Domes and Basins This is the way in which folding
- Usually, a fold will have two generally occur in the case of hard
distinct limbs. But some folds do and competent rock like quartzites,
not have any such specific limbs In another kind of folding, folds are
and appear as beds locally pushed characterized by thinning of the
up or down, 1.e. their shapes limbs and thickening of crest and
appear as dome or basin. In a troughs. This takes place commonly
dome, which resembles an upper in weak and incompetent rocks like
hemisphere, the dips are found in shales,
all sides from the common central
Causes and Effects of Folding
top point. Thus, this is a type of
anticline. In the basin, which is Most of the important folds, as
like a bowl, the slopes are just already pointed out, are due to
opposite tectonic causes. But a few folds of a
Geanticlines and Geosynclines minor type are due to non-tectonic
- The anticlines and synclines with a causes,
normal shape but a very large
magnitude is called Geanticlines
and Geosynclines
Drag Folds
GLAN212: Geology for Civil Engineers
A fault plane may be plain or straight When the fault plane is inclined, the
or may be curved or irregular, it may faulted block which lies below the
be horizontal or inclined or vertical. fault plane is called the "foot wall"
and the other block which rests
Recurrence of Faulting
above the fault plane is called
Faulting occurs when shearing "hanging wall", In this case of
resistance of the geological vertical faults, naturally the faulted
formation is overcome by the blocks cannot be described as foot
tectonics forces, Occurrence of wall or hanging wall.
faulting is often accompanied by
earthquakes, and it is an indication of
subsurface instability of the region 3. Slip
concerned. The displacement that occurs during
Thus, faulting may be treated as an faulting is called the slip. The total
attempt to reach stability. Because of displacement is known as the next
the hard, rigid and solid nature of the slip. This may be along the strike
rock masses involved, this stability is direction or the dip direction or
not achieved in one stroke but by along both.
repetition of the process. Thus, once 4. Heave and Throw
if a faulting occurs in a place, it shall The horizontal component of
remain active for some time, ie, displacement is called "heave”, and
subsequent recurring faulting takes the vertical component of
place there only. displacement is called "throw"
In vertical faults, there is only
Parts of a Fault
throw, but no heave. In horizontal
1. Fault Plane faults, there is only heave, but no
This is the plane along which the throw.
adjacent blocks were relatively
Classification and Types of Faults
displaced. In other words, this is the
fracture surface on either side of 1. Types of displacement along the plane
which the rocks had moved past one Based on this principle, faults are
another. divisible into transitional faults and
Its intersection with the horizontal rotational faults.
plane gives the strike direction of In the case of transitional faults, the
the fault. type of displacement of the foot wall
The direction along which the fault with reference to the hanging wall is
plane has the maximum slope is its uniform along the fault plane.
true dip direction. In the case of the rotational fault the
2. Foot Wall and Hanging Wall displacement varies from place to
GLAN212: Geology for Civil Engineers