-Governance- The manner in which the political leadership manages the affairs
of a country
-Government- An institution which runs the affairs of a country
-Parliamentary democracy- Is a system of government in which the political
authority lies with people as mandated by the electorate
-Monarchy- is a system in which the country is ruled by a King, Queen or
-Republic- is a parliamentary democracy in which the head of state is a President
-Constitutional democracy- A government that adheres to the laws of the land or
-Multi-party system- It is when a country allows more than one political party to
-Good Governance- A positive way of managing the affairs of a country by all
-Democracy- Government of the people, by the people and for the people
-Constitution- A document that contains the laws of the country
-Accountability- Responsibility to do things you are charged with
-Transparency- Openness or free flow of information to and from the leaders to
the led
-Executive- An institution which is charged with making decisions and
organizing developmental plans
-Legislature- An institution that has the power to make or change existing laws
-Judiciary- An institution which executes and interprets laws
-Autocracy- A system of government in which one or group has unlimited
-Dictatorship- Government by a ruler who has complete absolute powers
-First past the polls-This is a constituency based system where the party that
wins a majority of seats in parliament forms the government
-Proportional representation- In this system allocation of seats in the National
Assembly is done according to the overall percentage of votes per party in the
general elections
-Constituency- An area delimited or marked for the election of a member of the
National Assembly/Parliament
-Parliament/National Assembly- A law making institution
-Voter Apathy- It’s a low turn out at registration and at the polling stations
during the elections
-Rule of Law- Is the respect for the law by all
-Constitutional Limitations- It means operation within the laws of the country
-Separation of Powers- The sharing of power by the 3 branches of government
such as Legislature, Judiciary and Executive
-Referendum- An occasion in which everyone is voting in order to make a
decision about a particular subject eg. Abortion to be legalized or not
-Bill of Rights- A document within the constitution which contains rights and
freedoms of citizens in a country
-Social contract- A voluntary and unwritten agreement between the leaders and
the electorate
-It exploits the national resources
-It promotes sustainable utilization of resources
-It is made up of the President, National Assembly and the House of Chiefs
-It makes new laws of the country
-It can amend/change the existing laws
-It oversees the way in which government policies are implemented
-Approves government’ annual budget plans
-It decides on government expenditure
-It can authorize the government to get foreign aid
-It elects the president who signs all the laws which are then published in the
government Gazette
-It is made up of the Chief Justice and the Courts
-It deals with the administration of justice in the country
-It interprets laws of the country
-It tries criminal and civil cases
- Punishes the offenders though fine or imprisonment
-He/she is the Commander-Chief of the armed forces eg. BDF and Police
-He/she appoints certain top officials in all stake organs e.g. Ministers, CEOs etc.
-He/she has the prerogative of mercy which means that he can pardon/forgive the
-He can convene or dissolve the Parliament/National Assembly
-He/she must sign all the Bills before they can become Law
-He/she can declare a foreigner a prohibited immigrant
-He/she can declare a state of Emergency/Curfew by suspending the constitution
-In order to preserve democracy and good governance, the government is divided
into 3 branches namely Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary
-Each branch is independent of each other
-Each branch has limited powers i.e. No branch is allowed to interfere with the
duties of other branches
-This is done in order to provide checks and balances on other branches so as to
avoid the abuse of power by one branch/institution
-The executive and the judiciary can check the power of the judiciary by changing
the constitution instead of changing the law so that the law does not violate the
-Parliament can pass a vote a ‘motion no confidence on the government’ and
the parliament is dissolved and new elections are held
-It also prevents improper conduct by persons performing public functions
-It looks after the interests of the people and listens to their complaints about the
government service
-To recommend action to be taken in remedying the injustice caused
-Enhances fair administrative practice and conduct
-It encourages observance of rules of natural justice
-Makes sure that the public service adopts a result-oriented and performance-
driven culture with better accountability
- Runs the elections without fear or favouritism in order to promote good
-It regulates and runs free and fair elections
-It validates the outcome of elections
-Gives citizens the right to elect their representatives
-Provides the public with voter education
-To conduct referenda to help people make a decision concerning a particular
subject e.g. Abortion, etc.
-Advises in policy making processes on matters affecting culture
-Helps in the law making processes
-Promotes and implements government policies
-It affords people an opportunity to participate in decision making through
-It represents the interests and needs of people
-It is a symbol of authority eg. Keeps law and order
-It acts as a unifying force by trying minor cases
-Promotes peace and transparency ie. Settlement of disputes
d) MEDIA ( TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet)
-It is the watchdog of the nation by disseminating information to people
-It exposes wrong doings in all sectors e.g. Exposes corruption
-Opens the public`s communication forum through talk shows
-Sensitizes the public on their rights and responsibilities
-Challenges the government to be accountable and transparent
-It is a pressure group which guard against violation of women rights
-It calls for some changes on the laws which discriminates against women
-It lobby’s for Affirmative Action i.e. women calls for a 50-50 parity for positions
of power
-It provides women with political education
-It managed to convince different political parties to include women’s issues in
their manifestos
-It has enhanced the increasing women representation into positions of power
-They advise the government to do things in a good way and faithful manner in
order to promote good governance
-They are against all forms of discrimination since we are all equal before the
eyes of the Lord
-They unite people from diverse backgrounds by preaching tolerance and
acceptance of one other
-Provides an alternative government
*Internal conflicts make people lose confidence in them/fragmentation leads to
split votes as they compete among themselves
*Some opposition parties are only active in major settlements and do not have
representatives in remote areas like the ruling party
*Exaggeration of national issues which may render some parts of the country
*Financial constraints/lack of resources to lobby for support throughout the entire
-In Botswana the winner takes it all
-It encourages the government to speak with one voice
-It ensures political stability ie. Free and fair elections with less controversy
-It is simple and easy for people to understand
-It enables an MP to have a direct link between with their constituents or
-It tends to produce decisive results in the elections
-It may lead to the formation of a strong and united government
-It encourages candidates to be responsive to the needs of their constituencies
-It does not encourage equal gender participation and representation
-The Independent Electoral Commission is not nominated by the National
Assembly and does not have equal representatives from the ruling party and the
-It favours small parties which frequently lose out under first-past-the-post system
-It allows great voter choice by allowing one to list political parties in order of
-It allows power sharing in the country e.g. Parties A,B,C and D would obtain
40%, 30%, 20% and 10% out of 50 seats, Party A will have 20 seats, B-15, C-10,
and D-5 seats
-Unless the winning party gets over 50% of the votes, it can only form a
government with the support of other parties
-It promotes a coalition of political parties
-It caters for all interests of divergent groups such as disabled, children, women
and minority ethnic communities
-It is difficult to be understood by the electorates
-It rarely leads to a result with one clear winner
-It weakens the link between an MP and their constituency/electorates
-It leads to backroom deals where parties form coalitions
-Coalition takes power from the ordinary voters and gives too much power to
small minority parties
-It can be complicated when calculating an exact percentage/result
-Delimitation of constituencies can provoke traditional voters of a particular
-Absence of transfer voting during elections day
-Loss of ID cards/registration card/invalid cards
-Accountability-Leaders to satisfy the needs of the citizens by performing the
responsibilities they are charged with
-Rule of law-All people are equal and all should respect the constitution i.e. there
should be absence of arbitrary powers
-Gender neutrality- Equality between sexes is allowed to exist
-Transparency-There would free flow of information between the leaders and led
i.e. Decisions of the leaders should not be done in secret
-Respect for human rights & civil rights-Rights and freedoms should be
guaranteed by law e.g. right to life
-Corruption Free-Absence of corrupt practices through checks and balances e.g.
nepotism, bribery and favouratism
-Liberal Democracy-The is elected by the people and rules on behalf of the
people hence the promotion of peaceful change of government
-Social Harmony-Equitable distribution of the national resources for the benefit
of all people without any discrimination
-Separation of powers-Power should be shared between different branches of
government to reduce abuse of power
-Resource prudency-Sustainable utilization of resources for future generations
a) Aristocracy-type of government formed by people of highest social class
especially class depending on birth wealth
-ruled by few rich individuals (state of oligarchy)
-corruption and nepotism is common practice
-dictatorial and autocratic in nature
-protect own interests against the masses by prohibiting elections
-violation of human rights
-restricted freedom of press
-freedom of speech
-respect the rule of law by all
-everyone has the right to vote
-conduct regular free and fair elections
-freedom of association and assemble
-observation of human rights
d) One/single party state –only one party is allowed to exist and to act as the
ruling government
-opposition parties are not allowed
-high corruption by government officials
-no transparency on government issues
-limited press freedom
-no general elections
-The constitution can be challenged by civil society
-The decisions of leaders can be questioned
-Human rights and freedoms are guaranteed by the law
-The use of force is limited; discussion and persuasion are used to solve conflicts
-The government holds power for a limited number of years ie. 5 years before
-The president holds office for a maximum period of 10 years
-During Saddam Hussein it was a military dictatorship that seized power by force
-Ordinary citizens have no say in the decision making process unlike a democracy
-The head of the military dictatorship has absolute power in that country
-This can lead to decisions being made against the wishes of the majority eg. The
use of scotch death campaign/policy as an anti-Kurd offensive with the use of
chemical weapons because they opposed him in the 1980`s
-There were no elections and the government tells people what to do
-It is a Theocracy that is a religious government
-Members of the majority religion which is Islam make up parliament and thus
the government
-The religious leader in Iran is known as the Ayatollah, who wields a great deal of
-Civil laws are made to conform to the religious teachings of Islam
-Today Iran combines Theocracy and Democracy
-It is an Absolute Monarchy or an Autocracy
-It has been ruled over by Saudi royal family
-All the powers lie in the hands of the Saudi royal family
-All the ministers of the Saudi Arabian government together with all members of
the Cabinet are members of the royal family
-It is an example of an Autocracy
-The power wielded by the monarchy is regarded as legitimate by the right of
birth in the Saudi royal family
-It is meant to be a Grassroots Democracy
-Is a one-party communist state ie. Only one Communist Political Party exist
-Debate is meant to occur within branches of the Communist Party on a local
-Ideas are then passed upwards to the national leadership
-No external opposition is allowed
-It is a Totalitarian state
-The government controls every aspects of an individual`s life
-It does so through the establishment of single-party state
-Leaders have absolute and dictatorial powers
-The leaders hold power by means of a secret police (Intelligence Units)
-They use mass media propaganda and eliminate free speech
-No discussion or criticism of the state
-There is wide-spread use of terror tactics