Animal Husbandry Notes
Animal Husbandry Notes
Animal Husbandry Notes
Animal husbandry is the practice employed to increase the production of animal products by
livestock. Animal husbandry includes feeding, breeding, and disease control of livestock
Advantages of animal husbandry:
As animal husbandry is scientific management of farm animals, it serves many uses for human
• It helps in enhancing milk production
• It increases egg production
• It increases meat production
• It increases fish production
• It helps in proper management of agricultural wastes.
Cattle farming:
A cattle farming is the practice of rearing cattle by providing facilities for raising livestock.
Livestock includes domestication of cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs etc. A cattle farming is
carried out to raise cows and buffaloes as important livestock. The two major species of Indian
cattle are Bosindicus, or cows, and Bosbubalis, or buffaloes.
f) Milk production centres should be maintained for the animals which give birth to young ones.
Milk production depends on duration of lactation period. Lactation period is the period following
the birth of a calf during which milk is produced by the animal. Lactation period can be
enhanced by administering certain hormonal injections.
g) Cross-breeding is done between foreign and local breeds of animals to facilitate the growth of
animals with desired qualities. e.g. Foreign breed like Jersey cow, with long lactation period, is
crossed with local breed like Red Sindhi cow, with high resistance to disease, to obtain offspring
of desired qualities like long lactation period and high resistance to diseases.
Advantages of cross-breeding
Cross-breeding helps in the development of certain desired characteristics in animals.
• To increase milk production
• To increase resistance against diseases.
• To enhance the varieties with longer lactation period.
• To rely on less amount of quality feed.
Poultry farming:
Poultry farming is the practice of raising fowl for egg production and chicken meat. Fowls are
used for producing eggs and broilers are used for producing meat.
Cross –breeding is common in poultry to develop new varieties with the desirable traits. e.g
Indian breed Aseel is cross-bred with the foreign breed Leghorn.
Cross-breeding is used to develop offspring with desirable traits. The desirable traits include
dwarf broilers that can be used as meat within a short period of time, higher number and better
quality of chicks, and tolerance to high temperatures during summer.
Fish farming:
Fish farming is also called as aquaculture. This is culturing of fish for commercial purposes. Fish
is a cheap source of animal protein.
Types of fishery
a) Capture fishery and culture fishery
Fish are obtained by capture fishing as an economic source for their meat.
• Capture fishing involves capturing of fish from sea water or fresh water. Culture fishing
involves culturing the fish in small enclosures.
• Capture fishing is classified into marine fishery and inland fishery depending upon the
resources used for fishing.
Composite fish farming is rearing of different varieties of fish in the same area. e.g. Composite
fish farming includes Catla, the surface feeders, Rohu, feed in the middle zone of a pond, Mrigal
and common carp, the bottom feeders, and grass carp, feeding on weeds. These species can
co-exist in a single pond, and thus, increase the yield of fish from the pond.
c) Marine fishery and Inland fishery
Mariculture is the culture of fish in marine water.
• Marine fishery involves fishing in salt water regions.
• Some examples of marine fish are Pomphret, Tuna and Mackerel.
• Fish are captured by locating large schools of fish, in the open sea, with the help of
satellites and echo-sounders.
• Marine fish of high economic value are farmed in seawater. Shellfish, such as prawns,
mussels and oysters are also farmed in seawater. Oysters are cultivated for their pearls.
Inland fisheries involve fresh water canals, ponds, reservoirs, rivers from which fish are
Estuaries are the regions where fresh water mixes with sea water. These are rich sources of
Fish farming encounters the problem of lack of quality seed or eggs. Fish are bred in ponds by
hormonal stimulation. Fish are injected with hormones that stimulate the production of eggs or
seed. This ensures the supply of pure fish seed in desired quantities.
Beehives are enclosed structures in which honey bees live and raise their young.
• The practice of maintaining honey bee colonies in beehives is called bee-keeping
or apiculture. Apiaries or bee farms are established for commercial production of honey.
• Bee-keeping is a cheap and popular agricultural enterprise.
• Honey produced in bee-hives is the source of honey used in food and medicines.
Taste and the quality of the honey depend upon the flowers the bees visit for nectar
• Wax obtained from these hives is used in ointments, polishes etc.
Types of bees
Apis Cerana indica is the local variety of bees available for honey production.
Apis dorsata and Apis Florae are other common varieties used for honey production.
An Italian bee variety, Apis mellifera, is commonly used for commercial honey
production. Bees of this species are known for high amount of honey collection, sting
less and stay in hives for a long time.