Misa 2417 Mat 004

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MATERIAL PURCHASED SPECIFICATIONS (MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATES WITH IMPACT TEST AND WITHOUT SPWHT) (SA-516 Gr.70N) [CLIENT EQUIPMENT. TAG NO. [CLIENT REF. / PO No. PROJECT IMIS PROJECT No. MIS Document No. HYUNDAI SAUDI ARAMCO- [310-C-2202 & 310-C-8005 /PO-SA-AMI-000-HECM-320006 |AMIRAL PROJECT [JA-2417 IMISA-2417-MAT-004 INMR_- FORM 7922-1 [601 LAST UPDATE. ST JULY 1996 REVI Eee ee VW) MIS Maritime Industrial Services Co. LTD. Doc. No. Rev. ‘Compliance Department ‘MISA-2417-MAT-004 oO ‘Material of construction Technical Delivery Conditions PROJECT: AMIRAL PROJECT |ESCRIPTION: MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATES WITH IMPACT TEST AND THOUT SPWHT \TERIAL: SA-516 Gr.70N Applicable Clause Vendor (Reference Code/ Compliance Specification) (Yes/No) I below mentioned Specification shall be complied and reported In received MTC of e [construction code his TOC. Any conflict between this document and referred code/specifications, the stringent requirements shall be applicable. rach material supplied to MISA under ‘Ad_ASME Section Vill Div.d Edition 2023 REFERENCE CODE/SPECIACATIONS: B1_[ASME Section II Part-A Edition 2023 Material Spec. SA'S16/5A 516M 2_[ASMF Section Il Part-A Fdition 2023 Material Spec. SA-20/SA-20M 83 _|ASTM Material Specification ASTM A578 B4_|Saudi Aramco Material Specification 32-SAMSS-004, 24 June 2020 B5_|Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard, SAES-W-010, 11 August 2022 B6_|AMIMS-D-3204,JAN 2022 87_|AMIMS-W-010,JAN 2022 c [MATERIAL CERTIFICATION: i_|Certification shall be in english as per 1S010474 type 3. [all certificates, material test reports and necessary documents must be e |sent to MISA for approval before dispatch of material. [Certification shall be as per Material Requisitions (MR). This Certificate shall contain as a minimum: Gi | Material Specification/Designation/Grade 3.2 | Mill/Manufacturers Name/Symbol C33 | Certificate Identification Number and date of issue (c3.8 | Charge, Batch or Heat Number 3.5 [Dimensions ‘C35 | Specified Mechanical, Physical and Chemical Properties ‘C37 | Actual Mechanical, Physical and Chemical Properties ‘C2.8 | Number of Samples tested (C3.9 | Orientation of Test Specimens 3.10 )- Results of Visual/Dimension inspection (€3.11| NDE Methods and results C3.12|- Heat Treatment Procedure and Furnace charge number cata] Contactors Reference Number as well as Saudi Aramco BI Number and roject name. C3.14]- Quantity (Items/Pieces) €3.15| Heat Treatment Cycle Data [The Mill Test certificate shal state that the radiation level from the steel 3.16 )plates is less than 100 becquerels/gram (8q/gram) or 0.5 microsieverts per hour (usv/hr). Loft TT) MIS ‘Maritime Industrial Services Co. LTD. Doc. No. Rev. Compliance Department MISA-2417-MAT-004 o Material of construction Technical Delivery Conditions, PROJECT: AMIRAL PROJECT |Applicable Clause Vendor DESCRIPTION: MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATES WITH IMPACT TEST AND (Reference Code/ Compliance without sPwHT Specification) (Yes/No) MATERIAL: SA-516 Gr.7ON. (CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (Heat and Product Analysis): bn The material shall conform to the chemical requirements as per ASME Material Specification SA-516/SA-S16M Table-1 with the restriction on the Jelements as specified below: carbon ('¢) 0.19% Max, sulfur (s), Phosphrus (P) 0.01% Max, Vanadium (Vv ) 0.02% Max, Niobium (Nb) 0.02% Max, Vanadium (V) + Niobium (Nb) : 0.039% Max, Aluminum (Al) (0.12% Max, Nickel (Ni) 0.4% Max, Boron 0.00059 Max [ASME Section II Part-A ba [Carbon Equivalent (CE) shall not exceed above 0.43 when calculated in accordance with formula stated below: (6C) + (%6MIn/6) + (96Cr+34Mo+4V1/5) + ((94Ni494CU)/15) MANUFACTURING PROCESS: a [Base Plate shall be fully killed, vacuum degassed and shall conform to the fine austenitic grain size requirement of ASME Material Specification SA- {20/SA-20M [ASME Section Il Part-A [HEAT TREATMENT: FL The plates shall be supplied in Normalized Condition. [ASME Section Il Part-A MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND HARDNESS TEST Gt [Mechanical test on material carried out at the mill as required by material |specification in Normalized Condition and Normalized (Refer Note G6 for Specimen Location). isa, @2 |Mechanical test on material carried out at the mill as required by material |specification in Normalized Condition (Refer Note GS for Specimen Location). MISA roy Tension Test- The plates, as represented by the tension test specimens, shall conform to the requirements given in Table-2 of SA-516/SA-S16M |ASME Material Specification. MISA Ga Mechanical Test shall be performed by the Material Manufacturer who |shall guarantee that the minimum mechanical properties required by this. |specitication will be complied with. Minimum Tensile Strength is 485 Mpa, [ASME Section II Part-A 6s [Specimens for material testing shall be taken from each plate tranverse to the rclling direction in accordance with Material Specification SA-20/SA- [20M at the standard test locations (i.e at 1/47) and at a depth of 1/2T (T=maximum heat treated thickness) location. 32-SAMSS-004 Clause 12.1.12.a & AMIMS-D- 3204 Clause 12.1.8 20f4 [MIS Maritime Industrial Services Co. LTD. Doc. No. Rev. = ‘Compliance Department MISA-2417-MAT-O04 om Material of construction Technical Delivery Conditions JPROJECT: AMIRAL PROJECT |Applicable Clause Vendor JOESCRIPTION: MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATES WITH IMPACT TEST AND (Reference Code/ Compliance | JWITHOUT SPWHT |Specification) (Yes/No) |MATERIAL: SA-516 Gr.70N 66 [Hardness Test shall be done in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions of ASME Material Specification SA-370.Hardness of the carbon. steel plates shall be less than 200BHN. SAES-W-010 & AMIES-W-010 IHIC AND NACE REQUIREMENTS: HI INA FINE GRAIN SIZE [The plate shall conform to the fine austenitic grain size (size 7 or finer) of. Ithe General Requirement of ASME Material Specification SA-20/SA-20M in line with ASTM E-112. ASME Section II Part-A, NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING! a Ultrasonic Examination(Applicable for plates <50mm): Plates shall be 100% ultrasonically examined after final machining at the mill and before forming | in accordance with ASME Material Specification SA-435. Any area where lone or more discontinuities produce a continuous indications on the same plane (within 59 of plate thickness) that cannot be encompassed within 25 Imm dimater circle is unacceptable. 32-SAMSS-004 Clause 14.3.3 & AMIMS-D-3204 Clause 14.3.1 2 [Ultrasonic Examination(Applicable for Plates 250mm): Plates shall be 100% ultrasonically examined in accordance with ASTM Material Specification A- 1578. Supplementry requirements $2 and Accpetance criteria shall be Level C lof A578 [IMPACT TESTING: KL [Charpy V-Notch Impact Testing (Type-A) - Transverse Direction: (ASME SA- 370; ASME SA-370 Charpy V notch (type A) sets of 3 specimens each) k2 [The material shall guarantee average impact test value at -46°C after quality heat treatment(QHT).. 3 [Test temprature shall not be less than -46°C. The minimum acceptable [Charpy impact energy values for thicknesses<5Omm (34) average of three |specimens/27J minimum for one individual specimen) and for thickness }>50mm (47) average of three specimens/38) minimum for one individual specimen) Ka Material shall be tested (Valid for impact Test, Hardness Test and |Mechanical Properties) KS [Normalized (N) = as supplied condition 30f4 “ey TMIS Maritime industrial Services Co. LT Doc. No. Re ie Compliance Department TMISA-2617-MAT-OCG o Material of construction Technical Delivery Conditions PROJECT: AMIRAL PROJECT Applicable Gause Vendor DESCRIPTION: MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATES WITH IMPACT TEST AND (Reference Code/ Compliance | lwirHour spwHT Specification) (es/No) | MATERIAL: SA-S16 Gr.70N [SIMULATED POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT (SPWHT): ta [wa I | M DIMENSIONS, SURFACE ROUGHNESS: _ Received material will be inspected at MISA. The material will not be jaccepted at MISA incoming inspection without the relative certification [Quality plan and inspection procedures for plate manufacturer shall be a | |complying with ISO 9003:2015. | N MARKING: Plate shall be marked in accordance with the ASME Material Specification |SA-516/SA-516M and SA-20/ SA-20M requirement. Plate shall be physically N1_|marked such that the marking area legible and traceable to supporting Misa certification and documentation. The marking shall be applied by the low stress stamps. Ma MIs | m2 o RESPONSIBLITY: [Mechanical test shal be performed by the material manufacturer who shall al. 01 [euarantee that the minimum mechanical properties required by this Misa specification shall be comply with. P OTHERS REQUIREMENTS: p_ |The plate thickness specified shall be considered as minimum and no under Mant it tolerance is acceptable. i na. [Normalsiashelvecaied outs separate eat weatment forthe ase ae i Fae prodicl om coer ape a Reconditioning and repair of plates by welding shall not be permitted, Pa and spate of plates by wereing ° Misa steel plate shall be carefully protected and packed against any damage | Ps MISA during transist. a [GENERAL NOTES: aa =| Specification Approval. ba 0 [19-Aug-24 we PRE z Rev No] Date PRPD BY APPR. BY | Ly ofa

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