Technical Delivery Condition

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w MATERIAL PURCHASED SPECIFICATIONS. (MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATES WITHOUT IMPACT TEST AND WITHOUT ‘SPWHT) (SA516 Gr.70N) (CLIENT IHYUNDAT SAUDI ARANCO [EQUIPMENT TAG NO. ALL. [CLIENT REF.7 PO No |PO-SA-AMI-000-HECM-320006 [PROJECT [AMIRAL PROJECT IMs PROJECT No. [Ja-2at7 IMS Document No. IMISA-2417 MATOO7 INWR - FORM 7a22-7 [601 Rev Description Prop. | ChkiApp Ww Jaren: s516.6-708 ai ae aT ET ae a [{w MIS Carpio Oepuonet eR a TTS sta ae Sins pea aaa IEC roicasecnee | venor escrow ste seccncanowron pares wrmiouTaveacresrano—|icteene cate! compnce femur sews senor rane) Jabeiow mentoned Speccation shall be compled and reported inreeied MIC of ee 0c: Any conic between ths dociment and referred code/spctations the stringent requirements sal be ap ch material supple to MISA under this [AE Section vil Ow Eaton 2075 REFERENCE CODE/SPECFICATIONS: [ASME Section I Part Eston 2025 Maer Spec SA S1GSASIGM 82 [ME Section Pa-A Editon 2022 Material Spec SA 2/S9.206 [ast mater speciation ASTI ASE. Be Saudi rao Maer Speatication 32 SANS 003,24 June 100 Saud vac Engineering Standard, SAES W010, 13 Aogust 222 86 [amis 0-3204,aN 2022 Tes W-0n0 JAN 2022 MATERIAL CERTIICATION: [cerfestonsallben engich sper BOIOS7# Wpe3z llceteats, steals reports nd necesary documents must desert to sa for approval before dispatch of mater [certifeaton sal be as per MaterilRequstions PR). Ths Carfeate shal Material Specficstion/bengaaton/ Grade il ManufatoersName/SymBol Cerfiate entiation Number and ate oT SUE Charge, Batch or Hest Number ‘Dimension ‘Spaced Mechanica Physica and Chemical oper ‘Actual Mechs, Pysial an Chemical Properties umber of Samples tested Orentation of est Specimens Rests of Viua/Oimensoninapacion cal NDE Nithods andrews en] eat Testinent Procedure and Furnace Garge namber Contact’ ference Number well Seva Arinco BI Namber 36d Gantt terse) cag he WT Test cetficte shal ate hat the aan eve von The lel pats ess han 200 Becquerely/ram (gram) or 5 mieresevert per Inoue sv ote [RD MTS [Sse neta series co Doe fev ‘Compliance Department MASAISIT-WATOOT OL Tiara constuction Technics Delivery Conan JpRonecT moma provecr |ropcable Clause Vendor Joeseririon: TERIAL SPECICATION FOR PLATES WITHOUT MMPACTTESTANO —|ieterenceCode/ | Compiance jwriour spur speciation) reso) Jaren: sa516.G- 70% | _ [even aNAlvsis (Heat and Product Anais ie mater shal conform to the chemical requirements spe ADE ateral Speciation Sk'16/SH 516M Table wth the estrition onthe Jlementsasspectied below: [carson ) 0.19% Ma, [utr Phosphrus(P) 001% Ma, 1 vanadiom (J 002% Max, ASMESection I Part itive i) 0.02% Max vanadium (7) + Mabiam (Nb) 0.05% Max, Irsminurs ia 012% Ma, ck 02s Mox, boron 0.0059 Mae [carton Equivalent (CE) shalt exceed above 093 when Gledsted a 102 accordance wit formula stated bow lc cy + tony ceudssvys) + KN NCUY/IS) | anuFACTURING PROCESS Base Plte shale fly led vocoumdegased and sal conform tothe 1 [fine austenite gen site requirement of ASME Materia peceation SA- | ASME Section Part-A noysa20%4 7 [Rear TREATMENT, FL [Ie plter tal e supped in Normalized Condon. ASME Section Par TL | MESIARIENT PROPERTIES AND HARONESS TEST chanical est on materal cad ota the ills roqured by maTera) 61 reeciestionn Normalized Condo an Normalized isa Ineter Noe fo Specimen tocato). chanical vest on materal cared out atthe ilasrquved>y mate 62 | recitation in Novralzed Condon ane Normalved + Minimum SPWHT asa condition (Refer Note Go for Specimen Location chanical test on materia carsied ot atthe mils roqured>ymateval 63 |ecinetion a Noxmalzed Condon and Normalred + Maximum SPWHT asa condition (Refer Note G6 for Specimen Location Fension Tet The plates, ar represented bythe tension esl =peamens, 4 |eattenntorm tothe reauiements gwen Table? of SA-SIBBASIEM as Jase Material specication. [oD MTS ie ns Soe Doe Ta = Compliance Department aA D417. MATOOE 1 ‘ater ansrctonTecnea Delivery Condions Jpnoxecr- amma pRovEcr laptabie Cauee Vendor Joescriprion: MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATES WTHOUTIMPACTTESTAND |(eterenceCade/ | Compliance jurnour sewn {specication} (es/No) Jaren: 5536 61.708 os [Mechanica Text salle perarmed by he Matera Manufacturer whashal [warntee that he minimum mechanical properties requ by ths Ipecteton wl be comatied wth. Minimum Tense Strength 5485 Ms ASME Section Pars [psc or material testing sal beaten Won each pate Varvara t the ting direction n accordance with Material Speciation SA20/S4-20M lt the standards locations at 1/81 and at a depth of 1/27 cr-maximurn heat treated thickness) lation S2-SaMss008 Cae aia eamins.o 13204 Cause 1218 o rardnezs Text sal be done m acordance wi Test Wathoas nd letintins of ASME Materal Speciation S370 Hardness lth carbon se plates shal be less than 20008 saesn-o108 amiesw.010 [Ic AND NACE REQUIREMENTS: Ina [ane Graze Fhe pte hall conform tothe foe austenite gam sue fae Tofino he |ceneral Requirement of ASME Mater pectication SA-20/58 20M in ne ASME Section Pars Inow DESTRUCTIVE TESTING Utrasonc Earnaton/Appable Tor pats Som) Plates Hallbe 100% |sitrosonicaly examined after machining a the mil and bore forming in acordance wth ASME Mater Speifcaton SA-435, Any aa where one lo more discontinue produce a continuous indctions onthe same ple within of plate thickness tht cannot be encompassed win 25 mm | [amatercirces unacceptable 22.AMS5.008 Cause a3 8AMIMS 03208 Cause 143.1 tresonc tamination appcabl Yor Pats 250mm Paes hall be 100% atresnicallyexaminedinacordance with ASTM Mater speciation A 578 supplementy requirements 2 and Acpetacecitera tal be Level € lorasre iMpACrTESTING: [snMUVATED POST WELD HEAT TREATWERT SPATE Received mater wil be nepeced t MISA. Theatr wil at be accepted 2 ISA incoming inspection without he rele ceifiestin. [aly plan and inspection procedure fo pate manufocurershal be comping with 50 90012015, aot [TU MIS eiinetncuna sein to Doe Fe 8 Compliance epartment aD MAT oF Tatra of constuction Technical DelveryCondtons PROVECT: ARAL PRONECT reliable clause Vendor escrirrion: nATERIAL SPECICATION FOR PLATES WITHOUT IMPACTTESTANO —|iReference Cade | Compliance ITHOUT SPU Ipecteaton) ves) areRIAL: s4516.6.70N TN] Joann: late shall be marked n accordance wth the ASME Materal Spain A 516/54 516M and S&20/ S&20 requicement. lt shal be physically 11 |raed such that he marking aes lee an traceable to sporting asa [ertfeaton and documentation. Te marking shale apptedy the low resets, | fresronsiatr Mechanical ext sallb peviormed by the mateval manufacturer wh sal oor feuarante thatthe minimum mechanical properties requied ty this isa lvelston sal be compl ith 7] Jorners neaumeents [The alate thickness petied Hallbe carsidered as minimum nd no under ae oterance is acceptable sa Morin sale cad out a eprate Feat eaten Tr The se = PE [ates prodaced rom ci ae ot permed MBA pa [Penatining and rea of aes by welding sha nt Be pried. at [tet late sha be carey protected nd packed aga any damage fae 5 euring rns. | oeneRAL NOTES a Specfcation Approval ev No] Date Fae BF aero we

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