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Serial port can send of data at a time

a) bytes b) 1 bit c) 8 bits d) 16 byte

2. USB stand for

a) Universal Sequential Bus b) Universal Series Bus

c) Universal Serial Bus d) Unified Serial Bus

3. L1, L2 and L3 are types of

a) Processors b) Ports c) Registers d) Cache Memor

4. Involution law states that

a) X=X b) X+X=1 c) X+X=Xd d) X+Y=Y+X

5. Which symbol is used to represent NAND gate

a) b)

c) d)

6. What is the output for NOR if X=0 and Y=1

a) 1 b) 0 c) 1, 1 d) -1

7. Which is a linear data structure

a) Queues b) Trees c) Graph d) Pointers

8. operation access each data element exactly once.

a) Traversal b) Searching c) Sorting d) Insertion

9. Statement 1: Stack is a data structure that follows LIFO order

Statement II: In LIFO the last item is added is the first item to be removed

a) Both I and II are correct b) Both I and II are incorrect

c) I is incorrect but Il is correct d) I is correct but II is incorrect

10. In Linked list the pointer start position is also called as

a) Null b) Head c) Tail d) None

11. Members declared in section can be accessed outside the class

a) Private b) Public

c) Protected d) None of the given choice

12. Identify the syntax error in the following program

segment Class Sum

Private: int a, b:

Void main()

Sum S;

a) Error due to semicolon missing at closing of class

b) Error due to missing of member function

c) Error due to missing public access specifier

d) Error in object creation

13. Function overloading requires all functions should have

a) Same names b) Different names

c) Unique names d) None of the given choice

14. command is used to delete table in SQL.



15. Stands for Data Manipulation Language.

a) Data duality Language c) Data Manipulation Language

b) Data Definition Language d) Dual Data Language

16. command will create a record.



17. command modifies the existing rows (records) in a table.


18. command rows (records) from a table from the database.


19. is concerned with the analysis and picking out relevant information.

a) Data ware house b) Reporting

c) Data mining d) Metadata

20. SQL stands for

a) Structured Query language b) Procedural Language

c) Theoretical Language d) Unstructured Language

21. SQL statements should be terminated by a .

a) Semicolon b) comma c) dot d) quotes

22. DDL stands for .

a) Data duality Language b) Data Definition Language

c) Data Definition Level d) Dual Data Language

23. command used crate a new table.


24. command modifies an existing table.


25. The RDBMS terminology for a row is

a) Tuple b) relation c) attribute d) degree

26. Which of the following is a valid SQL type?

a) CHARACTER b) NUMERIC c) FLOAT d) All of the above

27. is a repository of an organization's electronically stored data.

a) Data ware house b) Reporting

c) Data mining d) Metadata

28. are components of data ware house.

a) Data ware house & reporting b) Reporting & Metadata

c) Data mining & Metadata d) none of these

29. An in DBMS is a real-world thing or a real-world object which is distinguishable

from other objects in the real world.

a) Attribute b) Entity c) Domain d) Weak entity

30. is a set of data values that are given to an entity.

a) Attribute b) Entity c) Domain d) Instance

31. An is a characteristic which represents the entity.

a) Attribute b) Entity c) Domain d) Instance

32. A row of a table that represents a complete information about a particular entity

is called as a

a) Record b) table c)row d) column

33. Which of the following not belongs to datatypes of DBMS?

a) Integer b) String c) Date d) primary key

34. Single fabricated (IC) is Called

a) LSI b) Microprocessor

c) Registers d) Cache

35. Hardware settings Activated When turned on.

a) CMOS b) AGP c) PCI d) BIOS

36. if x + 0 = 0 then the dual is

a) x + 1 = 1 b) x * 0 = 1 c) x.1 = 1 d) x.1 = 0

37. Associative law states that

a) x + y = y + x b) x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z

c) x + y + z = y + x + z d) x(y + z) = x + (y + z)

38. which is the fastest memory

a) Registers b) Cache c) RAM d) ROM

39. Which of the following Application of database ?

a) Telecommunication b) Finance

c) banking d) All of these.

40. is a collection of related information.

a) Information b) database c) Relation d) Tuple

41. is a set of values for an attribute in that column

a) Domain b) database c) Relation d) Tuple

42. Collection of record is called as a .

a) Record b) domain c) column d) table.

43. A software package used to manage the databases and run operations in the data is known as

a) Database management system. b) Structured Query Language

c) Information management d) All of these

44. Boolean algebra is also called as

a) Switch b) gate c) Switching algebra d) None

45. Parallel ports Can transfer data at a time bits of

a) 1 b)4 c) 6 d) 8

46. A Collection of parallel wires .

a) Bus b) port c) HAD d) ALL

47. Idempotence law states that

a) 𝑥̅̅= x b) X+1 = X

c) X+0=0 d) X.X = x.

48. which is the old type Motherboard

a) XT b) AT C) ATX d) Baby AT

49. Constructor must be declared in section

a) Main b) Private

c) public d) Anywhere inside the class

50. The symbol used with destructor

a) ≠ b) ~ c) ● d) *

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