Lesson 2 Ict and Ethics
Lesson 2 Ict and Ethics
Lesson 2 Ict and Ethics
EMAIL: fredrick.ochieng@zetech.ac.ke
I. Input unit
II. Output
III. Central processing unit(CPU)or processor
IV. Main Memory
V. Secondary storage/Backing Storage
An input device lets you communicate with a computer. They are used to enter
information and issue commands to the computer. Commands tell the computer
to do something, like save the file. A keyboard, mouse, scanner, digital camera,
touch pads and joystick are examples of input devices.
o Keyboard-Used to type data into the computer. It has special keys forgiving the com-
puter commands called command or function keys
o Pointing Devices- Pointing devices move some object on the screen and
can do some action Mouse is a common pointing device
o Scanner allows you to scan documents, pictures, or graphics and view
them on the computer. You can also use software to edit the items you
scan. Used to put printed pictures and text into a computer. It Converts
an image into dots that the computer can understand .To scan text, opti-
cal character recognition(OCR)software is needed
o Digital Camera Used to take electronic pictures of an object. The pic-
tures taken by a digital camera can be used directly by a computer
o Microphone Used to put sound into a computer. Need sound recording
o Video Capture Card Usually place inside the computer's case. Use to put
video into a computer. Need a video source, either a video camera or vid-
eo recorder
o Voice input device-A computer I/O device in which vocal commands
o Optical Mark Reader (OMR) A special scanning device that can read-
carefully placed pencil marks on specially designed documents. OMR is
monitor uses a Picture Tube like a television with the image displayed on
the front of the tube, which is called the screen.
Can be used when the device is off. It is also called a print out. There dif-
ferent types of printers;
o Color laser printers are still fairly expensive Speakers- Used to output sound
o LCD Projectors- Similartomonitorsbutprojectsanimageon-
It is the main part of a computer system like the brain of a human being. It interprets
the instructions in the program and executes one by one. The CPU of a micro com-
puter is called a micro processor. Central Processing Unit is implemented in a single
piece of silicon device known as a computer chip.
The processor and main memory of a PC are commonly held on a single board
called a mother board. The processor has the following functions:
The control unit coordinates and controls all the operations carried out by the
computer. The control unit operates by repeating three operations which are:
Is the basic kind of internal memory that holds data and instructions
while the computer is in use.
It can be read from and written to.
It is called random access because the process or computer can access any
location in memory in any order as contrasted with sequential access devices
which must be accessed in order.
RAM is volatile; losing the stored information in an event of power loss,
and quite expensive.
Static RAM does not need to be refreshed, which makes it faster; but it is also
more expensive than dynamic RAM. Dynamic RAM needs to be refreshed
thousands of times per second. Both types of RAM are volatile, meaning that
they lose their contents when the power is turned off.
Over the years, newer computers have been introduced that contain faster micro-
processors. To accommodate the increased speed, chip manufacturers have de-
signed and built faster RAM chips. SD RAM (Synchronous DRAM) divides RAM into
two separate memory banks to increase the processing of the memory requests. To
overcome the performance limitations of SD RAM, two competing technologies have
been developed. RD RAM (Ram busD RAM) involves a new memory design that
achieves a higher data transfer speeds but it is expensive to manufacture. DDRS
DRAM (Double Data Rate SD RAM) can transfer data twice as fast as SD RAM be-
cause it reads data twice during each clock cycle. Newer technologies such as DDRII
an SLDRAM (SynclinkD RAM) are emerging.
ROM (Read only memory)
Is also random access but only for reads, once data has been written onto
a ROM chip, it cannot be removed and can only be read.
It refers to special memory used to store programs that boot the comput-
er and perform diagnostics. Most personal computers have a small
amount of ROM (a few thousand bytes).
Retains its contents even when the computer is turned off and is therefore
referred to as being non volatile.
Types of ROM
ROM: A mask programmed read only memory that can be only be produced by
the manufacturer. It is designed to perform a specific function and cannot be
changed. This is inflexible and so regular ROMs are only used generally for pro-
grams that are static (not changing often) and mass-produced. This product is
analogous to a commercial software CD-ROM that you purchase in a store.
Cache memory is a type of very fast memory that is used to improve the speed of a
computer doubling it in some cases. It acts as an intermediate store between the CPU and
the main memory, and works by storing the most frequently or recently used instructions
and data so that it will be very fast to retrieve them again.
Cache Memory
Main Memory
These are devices which are used to store huge information for future use. This
is mostly hard drives and removable media such as floppy disks, optical media
(CD ROM) etc.
Hard Drive:
Floppy Disk: Floppy disks allow information to be transported easily from one
Computer to another they have limited storage capacity, generally 1.44MB. Sav-
ing and retrieving information from a floppy disk is slower than on a hard drive.
They are more susceptible to physical damage and viruses than the hard drive.
The size of a hard drive is usually expressed in terms of megabytes and gige-
Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD ROM): CDROMs are read only storage
medium. Typically, a CDROM holds upto 650MB of information. While information
retrieval is faster than from a floppy disk, it is still not as fast as from the hard drive.
A CD-RW allows you to read, write, erase and write again. Writing takes place in
a single pass of the focused laser beam. This is sometimes referred to as direct
overwriting and can be repeated several thousand times per disc.
Main Memory
The diagram above shows how the units interact with each other in the pro-
cessing of data. Input devices enter information to be processed by the proces-
sor. The processor can read and write into the secondary storage devices.
The processor also stores the instructions being currently executed into the
main memory. So can be able to read and write into the main memory (RAM).
Once the data has been processed by the processor, the data can be displayed by
the output devices. Please note the direction of the arrows as it depicts the flow
of the data and instructions.
2.7 How information is stored in computers
The stored bits are usually retrieved from computers memory for manipulation
by the processor
2.8 Size
2.9 Chapter Review Questions