IJCE-V11I6P103 - Published Paper - SSRG IJCE
IJCE-V11I6P103 - Published Paper - SSRG IJCE
IJCE-V11I6P103 - Published Paper - SSRG IJCE
Original Article
Received: 06 April 2024 Revised: 18 May 2024 Accepted: 06 June 2024 Published: 30 June 2024
Abstract - Developments towards imperishable has been a serious issue in the last few years as the construction sector, specially
building construction, creates a portion of the yearly surroundings deterioration. As high-rise buildings’ demand is increasing,
enhancing the exhaustion of extra raw materials, energy, and resources are straight away accountable for the increase in
hazardous content in the environment, which is also dangerous to occupant well-being and surroundings. To control these
several surrounding impacts, it is needed to construct additional imperishable substances which will minimize the influence on
surroundings. Design and planning of a high-rise building is necessary to make it more effective and it becomes tougher when
the concern is about imperishable housing. India requires not only imperishable living, but the house also that are well planned
energy consumption and constructed using imperishable techniques. Sustainable building planning and design should start with
the selection and use of imperishable substances that have superior features to conventional building substances. The paper
focused on recent developments in sustainable high-rise buildings with speed-oriented procedures and techniques to bring down
the entire cost and time of the project.
ash. It also facilitates energy reduction within enclosed living analysis permit more efficient high-rise construction.
spaces by controlling comfort level temperature. Concerned governments and bodies encourage developers by
giving incentives to developers who implement advanced
2. Research Need sustainable technologies. Pursuing the inspiration to
Precast Concrete structures are not very popular or well- metamorphose the dwelling construction sector, the Ministry
used in India. The main reason is the connection of precast of Housing and Urban Affairs commence a Global Housing
structure which is very important for stability and durability Technology Challenge to recognize and conserve the suitable
of any concrete structure. Precast elements are connected to available sustainable construction technologies from all over
each other, forming a 3D framework that is self-sufficient to the universe.
sustain wind, gravitation, and earthquake loads. To attain trust
to use precast concrete elements frequently is a need. To save 3.1. Essential to Develop Sustainable Building Construction
natural resources, moving forward to sustainable construction • Constructing a residential building starts at the beginning
by eliminating the use of timers in precast concrete structures step. After the completion of construction tenure, it is
is also a need in today’s scenario. The unique challenge is to difficult to build a building sustainable as desired.
design a lightweight structure, wind and earthquake-resistant • A high-rise construction should be pinpointed in a
and structural safety. The precast technology is not fully consolidated location so that occupants can utilize public
implemented in our country because of a lack of knowledge vehicles and low or non-renewable energy-consumption
about the technology.
vehicles. Apart from this, Energy discharge should be
3. Recent Developments in Building • Water utilization should be null. Whole disposed water
Construction Sector should be recycled after purification biologically. Detailing
The Sustainable techniques and substance use are the of High-rises should permit for reaping of the water
most constructive ways for the high-rise building construction collected from rain. The water after treatment should be
sector to put up to conserve the surroundings, which has used for landscaping and flushing.
developed the principal attainable infusion to decrease the • Reprocessed substances should also be used to the
surrounding's influence and get imperishable development. maximum extent as much better as can.
Conventionally, in India, house units are built using traditional • As an alternative to ordinary walling material, for better
technology. With the enormous construction need to proceed insulation as well as heat declining, aerated concrete blocks
into deliberations, the key factors such as speedy consuming should be used.
natural assets, achievement of Sustainable Development • Thermal insulation of the roof is to be done with soil paste
Goals (SDG), and worldwide promises to minimize the instead of chemicals.
footprints of carbon, there is an acute requirement to get
alternate for energy concentrated building substances such as 3.2. Innovations in the Construction of High-Rise Buildings
red bricks and lower the use of sparse natural assets such as Numerous innovative techniques have been in place to
river sand, clean water, wood/timber etc. worldwide, there has improve the construction of high-rise buildings without
been high-tech professional development in the field of affecting resources in the neighborhood and in a cost-effective
construction building substances and speedy execution of pre- manner. A few such techniques include:
engineered/ prefabricated construction exercises. • Use of high strength concrete: This helps in reducing the
size and self-weight of all the members of the structure.
The substitute technologies are used in our country in a • Use of ready-mix concrete: Switching from conventional
finite area so far. Several Indian real estate developers use concrete to RMC is an innovative method to increase the
prefab technologies to construct modular and affordable speed of construction and hence save in cost and time.
homes. All precast concrete elements are manufactured in • Use of waterproofing compounds: The basement of high-
bulk, then transported to the construction site and finally rise buildings needs to be waterproofed by admixtures
erected on-site using this prefab technology. This method and waterproofing components for sustainable structures.
saves money, labor, material and time with good construction • Precast structures: For efficient and faster construction,
quality. This technology offers speedy construction with the use of precast fabricated elements is an innovative
tailor-made design, safer construction and lower impact on the method for the construction of high-rise buildings.
environment as compared to traditional construction • Use of steel: Steel construction is always better than
technology. First and foremost, an enormous quantity of conventional construction due to its allied safety,
affordable high-rise buildings mandates design stability, and energy efficiency. The same may easily be
standardization and high-speed construction with good adapted for high-rise structures.
quality, all of which is possible in this type of construction • Other techniques: Some techniques like the use of high-
technology. Advanced methodologies of design and advanced speed lifts, aluminum shuttering, elevators, ultra
Rajesh Kumar et al. / IJCE, 11(6), 18-23, 2024
ropeways, hybrid control systems, use of facades can Out of the six projects, LHP Chennai consists of 1,152
further improve the quality of construction. dwelling units, with all primary and communal edifice
facilities being finished in all respects in a record 12 months.
3.3. Recent Sustainable Technologies This project has been finished in all respects, in spite of the
During Construction Technology India (CTI) 2019, fifty- COVID-19 pandemic. Light House projects are model
four technologies were selected by a Technical Evaluation residential projects with houses being constructed with
Committee (TEC) set up by the Ministry of Housing and finalized substitute techniques convenient to the geo-climatic
Urban Affairs. The below mentioned techniques have been and dangerous situations of the concerned area.
collected into six broad categories, namely:
1. A Construction System (Precast concrete) - 3D Precast These indicate the construction of all set to live homes
volume based with the best speed, best wealth and superior construction
2. A Construction System (Precast concrete) - components quality in an imperishable manner. Six entities of technology
assembled at the site providers have been shortlisted through a diligent hybrid
3. A Structural System (Light Gauge Steel) - a Structural bidding procedure for developing Light House Projects
(LHPs) at six separate places in six regions of our country. The
System of Steel with pre-engineered
duration of completion of these projects is a maximum of
4. Prefabricated Panel System - Sandwich-type
twelve months after all statutory approvals.
5. Concrete Construction Type - Monolithic
6. Formwork System (Stay in Place)
4. Case Study
To examine and evaluate the potency of these techniques and
3.4. Light House Projects
materials, a case study was attempted. [8]
In order to showcase these technologies, out of the
Project: Light House Project for MoHUA, Govt. of India
shortlisted 54 technologies, 6 Projects of the Light House
pattern using six separate techniques were finalized. Mr Location: Nukkampal Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu [8]
Narndera Modi -The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India put
Contractor Company: B.G. Shirke Construction
down the base stone on 1st January 2021 of six Light House
projects. The six LH projects in India are mentioned in Table Technology Pvt. Ltd
Table 1. Six light house projects in india Project Duration: 12 months
Rajesh Kumar et al. / IJCE, 11(6), 18-23, 2024
Rajesh Kumar et al. / IJCE, 11(6), 18-23, 2024
Vertical load, seismic load and wind load were performed temperature with in enclosed habitat space. Also, a
by Tor Steel Research Foundation, IIT Mumbai, and design considerable reduction in dead load is achieved due to the
load tests by IIT Roorkee and CBRI on full scale high-rise use of form finish precast components and AAC material,
buildings to investigate the behaviour of all elements under all resulting in better performance under seismic loads.
loading conditions. Fire ratings are also considered as per • Every one of the structural components is pre-engineered
NBC norms. Thermal behaviour and acoustic comfort are and constructed in manufacturing units with quality control
considered for habitat. objectives result comes out of dimensional perfectness,
correcting and distancing of reinforcement, equal defensive
6. Conclusion cover, and guaranteeing the strength of design by using
From the current case study, the below-mentioned design mix concrete; RMC has less water-cement ratio
conclusions can be easily presented. which eventually results into the long-lasting structure.
• 3S Prefab technology eliminates the use of timber and • Construction speed can be increased with precast concrete
forest produce of any category. On the contrary, the use of construction techniques. Also, the requirement for labor is
fly ash and GGBS enhances sustainability. The thermal and minimal as compared to traditional construction
acoustic insulation provided by the AAC block masonry techniques. This technology is easy to implement with
facilities reduces energy towards maintaining comfort level skilled, minimal manpower and machinery.
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