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Indigenous Knowledge
 Indigenous Knowledge (Indigenous Knowledge) is the bases of community coping practices that have
helped vibrant communities survive natural calamities over centuries.
 The Asia Pacific region is particularly rich in such bodies of knowledge.
 Ancient civilizations, a multi-hazard context, frequent disasters, diverse geo-cultural communities, an
large populations dependent on scarce resources have all led to the evolution of very low cost ways of
life that include indigenous knowledge and disaster risk reduction (Disaster Risk Reduction) in a very
strong yet inconspicuous way.
 While such local practices are based on sound principles of interaction between humans and nature, the
policy context for disaster management in most countries in the region has evolved from the
governance domain.
 Most countries have tended to work with relief codes and with an approach of being prepared for
delivering calamity relief.
 The emergency response system based disaster management models adopted from the west have
generally overshadowed the disaster risk reduction aspect of disaster management, and particularly
indigenous knowledge within disaster risk reduction.
 Indigenous knowledge can be difficult to define and identify, since in many cases it emerges more as a
way of life rather than a set of specific initiatives or tools.
 Having said that, there are a large number of individual practices that can be highlighted as specific
disaster reduction mechanisms.
 These practices, however, need to be viewed with caution when seen without their larger contexts.
 The approach to integration of indigenous knowledge in disaster risk reduction thus needs to be based
on universally applicable principles illustrated with locally contextual practices.
 The policy level initiatives on indigenous knowledge for disaster risk reduction thus fall into the
seemingly ambiguous area between the abstract concepts of indigenous knowledge and the relatively
new and yet emerging paradigms of disaster risk reduction.
 Climate Change and Food Security
 The argument for contextualization assumes further critical proportions in the light of recent trends in
the area of climate change induced disasters.
 The rapid pace of change in the climatic context over the past few decades has outpaced the ability of
local coping systems to adapt through a process of testing and changing in a practice continuum.
 Further, communities are faced with a new starting point from which to cope, where some of the
existing indigenous practices are no longer viable.
 The implications of finding the right balance between technology and local practices assume greater
importance in this regard.
 Technology can help reduce vulnerabilities to accelerated changing conditions while indigenous
knowledge can support seamless integration of these practices into the local context.
 In addition, communities that have developed local practices to cope with certain conditions over time,
such as drought or flood, can provide lessons and strategies for other communities newly facing these
 Food security issues are being answered in various situations through a combination of new and more
resilient crop varieties and cropping systems.
 The element of indigenous knowledge, though recognized, needs to be incorporated more significantly
in the process.
 Indigenous knowledge, through its very definition, finds its natural home in rural societies that have
evolved over centuries and through generations.
 The implications of rural development initiatives, and of migration from rural to urban areas, are very
direct and potentially detrimental to the survival and continued adaptation and application of
indigenous systems.
 Rural development thus forms a very crucial area for appropriately designed systems of integrating the
traditional with the modern.
 The rural development field has very wide and diverse applications, ranging from farming and livestock
rearing to local resource management, education, health and social securities.
 As a developmental approach to disaster management, disaster risk reduction offers virtually all
subsets of physical, social and economic development for indigenous knowledge integration of
indigenous knowledge.
 Participation in governance, an ongoing theme for global good governance work, forms a very viable
base for such work, since participation and indigenous knowledge are both rooted in local perceptions,
understanding and appropriate application.
 Urban Risk Reduction
 In contrast to the rural context, the urban environment may be alien for indigenous knowledge.
 The very pronounced basis of economic gains that drives the urban engines and pulls migrant
populations to work and live in cities denies the space for rural ways of life.
 At the same time, within urban areas and urban communities there are subsets that retain, or have the
potential to retain, and deploy adapted indigenous systems in their new settings.
 This is of importance since more than half of the Asia-Pacific people will live in cities soon, and2 a
majority of these people will live in sub-standard conditions in fast growing but ill serviced urban
centers at high risk of urban disasters.
 Gender and Inclusion
 At the humanitarianism and rights level, social inclusion is an issue that deserves special attention
when working with indigenous knowledge and disaster reduction.
 Caution needs to be maintained regarding the fact that indigenous systems often come with their own
baggage of social practices that can, and sometimes have been, interpreted as discriminatory.
 It must also be noted that some knowledge is held by specific groups or members of a community,
restricted to one gender, or to certain religious and spiritual leaders, midwives, or healers.
 In this case, women often hold unique knowledge unknown by others in the community, and therefore
must be included in decision making related to disaster reduction due to the added value of their insight
and knowledge.
 The subject of gender and disaster has attracted attention in recent years, primarily from the approach
of addressing the gender divide and fulfilling the special needs of women in emergency situations.
 The strength of women’s groups in disaster risk reduction has begun to be realized, and work on
women’s self-help groups has gained ground.
 The link of indigenous knowledge with gender based work in specific, and social inclusion work on a
general level, however still requires significant attention from the point of research, identification of
opportunities, and development of applicable models.
 The various factors affecting vulnerability in disaster risk management.
 Indian sub-continent has unique geo-climatic and socio-political conditions that make it vulnerable to
both the natural as well as manmade disasters. Around 6% of the population of India is impacted
annually by the exposures to disasters. They Key natural disasters in India include floods, droughts,
cyclones, earthquakes, landslides and avalanches that have resulted in loss of lives and livelihoods.
According to a Planning Commission report, the key vulnerabilities of India include the following:
 Coastal States, particularly in the East Coast and Gujarat on west coast, are vulnerable to cyclones.
 4 crore hectare land mass is vulnerable to floods and river erosion.
 68 per cent of net sown area is vulnerable to drought.
 55 per cent of total area is in Seismic Zones III-V and vulnerable to earthquakes of moderate to high
 Sub-Himalayan/ Western Ghat are vulnerable to landslides.
 Vulnerability to disasters or emergencies of Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear
 (CBRN) origin has increased on account of socioeconomic development. The changing climate also
exasperates the vulnerabilities. The occurrence of heat waves, cold waves, floods, droughts, intense
cyclones and flash floods is getting increased due to climate change and global warming.
 Further, Disaster vulnerability is function of poverty and poverty is inextricably linked to disaster
vulnerability. Poverty compels the people to compromise in matters of shelters and dwellings and more
and more people live at unsafe places. Moreover, the low cost material used in making the dwellings
makes them more unsafe to live. Hydrological and Climate Related Hazards
 Floods
 Floods can be caused by heavy rainfall, inadequate capacity of rivers to carry the high flood discharge,
inadequate drainage to carry away the rainwater quickly to streams/ rivers. ice jams or landslides
blocking streams, typhoons and cyclones etc. Further, flash floods occur because of high rate of water
flow particularly in areas with less permeability of soil.
 Over 40 million hectare of landmass in India is prone to floods.
 Nearly 75 % of the total annual rainfall is concentrated over a short south-west monsoon season of
three to four months from June to September.
 As a result there is a very heavy discharge from the rivers during this period causing widespread floods.
 Flood problem is chronic in at least 10 states. From October to December each year, a very large area of
South India, including Tamil Nadu, the coastal regions of Andhra Pradesh and the union territory of
Puducherry, receives up to 30 percent of its annual rainfall from the northeast monsoon (or winter
 These have caused devastating floods in Chennai in 2015. Most devastating floods in recent times have
been the 2013 Assam floods, 2013 Uttarakhand Floods, 2012 Brahamputra Floods etc.
 Cyclones
 India has a very long coastline which is exposed to tropical cyclones arising in the Bay of Bengal and
Arabian Sea.
 Indian Ocean is one of the six major cyclone-prone regions in the world.
 In India cyclones occur usually in April-May, and also between October and December.
 The Eastern coastline is more prone to cyclones as about 80 percent of total cyclones generated in the
region hit there.
 The worst hitting cyclones have been the Andhra Pradesh cyclone of November 1977 and the super
cyclone of Odisha in the year 1999.
 The impact of the cyclones is mainly confined to the coastal districts, the maximum destruction being
within 100 km. from the centre of the cyclones and on either side of the storm track.
 The principal dangers from a cyclone include the gales and strong winds; torrential rain and high tidal
waves (storm surges).
 Most casualties are caused by coastal inundation by tidal waves and storm surges.
 Heat waves, Cold waves and fog
 Heat waves refer to the extreme positive departure from the maximum temperature in summers.
 The fatalities caused by heat waves have increased in recent decades.
 The problem of heat wave is compounded by a decrease in Diurnal Temperature Range (DTR). 4
 In urban areas, the heat wave is increasing gaining notoriety for more and more fatalities.
 Cold waves occur mainly due to the extreme low temperature coupled with incursion of dry cold winds
from north-west.
 Most affected areas of country due to the cold waves include the western and north-western regions
and also Bihar, UP directly affected by the western disturbances.
 Thunderstorm, Hailstorm, Dust Storm etc
 India‟s central, north-eastern, north-western and northern parts are generally affected by these.
 The southern coastal areas are less prone to thunderstorms, hailstorms and dust storms.
 The hailstorms are more frequent in Assam, Uttarakhand and some parts of Maharashtra.
 Dust storms are common in Rajasthan, MP and Haryana. Tornadoes are rare in India.
 Droughts
 Drought refers to the situation of less moisture in the soil (which makes the land unproductive) and
scarcity of water for drinking, irrigation, industrial uses and other purposes, usually caused by
deficient/less than average rainfall over a long period of time.
 Some states of India feature the perennial drought such as Rajasthan, Odisha, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh
 Sixteen percent of the country‟s total area is drought-prone and approximately 50 million people are
affected annually by droughts. In India about 68 percent of net sown area in the country is drought-
 Most of the drought-prone areas identified by the Government of India lie in arid, semi-arid and sub-
humid areas of the country.
 In the arid and semi-arid zones, very severe droughts occur once in every eight to nine year

 A) Flow of information there is a clearly defined sequence to managing information: Converting raw
data to useful information;
 Information input;
 Sorting (grading, collating, discarding what is unreliable);
 Evaluation;
 Decision making;
 Information output (dissemination); and
 Action For example, specific objectives for damage assessment in the aftermath of cyclones and
droughts would include :
 Identification of the extent of damage or loss
 Identification of the types of assistance needed
 Identification of crops that can be grown as an interim substitute 5
 Determination of the amount of seeds, fertilizer and tools needed, the resources available in the area,
and the amount of supplies required from outside the affected area.
 Identification of local institutions that could carry out the program and their capabilities.
 Identification of the level of farming skills in the affected community
 Determination of technical assistance requirements
 Determination of the receptivity of local institutions and the public to proposed agricultural
rehabilitation activities.
 Data would be required regarding :
 Identification of the predominant food and cash crops, cropping patterns, and normal production levels.
 Likely losses, such as; if whole or part of a crop is likely to be damaged, if any portion could be salvaged
by timely mitigation, the quantum of insurance that would suffice, keeping in view, estimated losses.
 Identification of land problems to identify the extent of erosion, landslide zones, flood-prone areas, and
areas where desertification could occur.
 Also note agricultural land forms such as terraces or contour farming (or lack thereof).
 Identification of water supply problems as certain disasters create special problems in water supply, for
example, salt water flooding in cyclones can pollute local water wells and leave irrigation water salty;
droughts dry up aquifers; wave action can destroy irrigation channels and desert windstorms can erode
or fill shallow irrigation channels in arid zones. Determination of supply needs meaning, a
determination should be made whether additional seeds, tools, fertilizers, etc., or alternative seeds
could be planted immediately.
 For example, replacing traditional varieties of rice with a fast-growing variety may be possible in some
cases, yet this might require introduction of needed fertilizers.
 Determination of local farming practices since it is important to identify the social, cultural and
traditional aspects of farming, especially in the low-income and subsistence farming sectors. The time
needed to plant certain crops, the normal growing season, and information about seasonal availability
or constraints to certain types of crops is vital.
 It is also important to identify traditional responses to the disaster such as crop diversification, growing
alternative varieties or alternative crops, altering cropping patterns, growing “famine foods,” or
building food reserves.
 Determine the status of drought animals to check total losses and determine whether the losses will
delay rehabilitation. Check to see if animals need emergency feeding, and determine whether farmers
would have to sell them off.
 Institutional preparedness, studying ministries/departments engaged in disaster management,
whether, disaster plan, contingency funding, official maps are in place, etc.

 The roles and responsibilities of community, state, center & other stake holders
 Indian Constitution and Natural Disasters
 Indian Constitution, the Magna Carta of Fundamental Rights for Indians guarantees protection of life
and security with the purpose of ensuring a welfare State.
 Not only the laws and regulations framed by the Central and State Governments have to be in
conformity with the Constitutional provisions, but also the authorities have a duty under the
Constitution to safeguard and protect the Fundamental Rights.
 The scope and applicability of these Fundamental Rights and the validity of the laws passed by the
legislatures and the executive actions of the government are often the subject matter of various
decisions by the Supreme Court of India.
 The Environment Protection Act, 1986
 After the Bhopal Gas Leak Tragedy, the Indian Parliament enacted the Environment (Protection) Act
(EPA), 1986 for the purpose of safeguarding and protecting the environment from unregulated
industrial or other activities. Under the EPA, the central Government is entrusted with responsibility to
take all the measures for protecting and improving the quality of the environment and preventing
controlling and abating environmental pollution.
 It prohibits persons carrying on any industry, operation or process from discharging or emitting any
environmental pollutants in excess of prescribed standards.
 The EPA imposes obligations on persons handling any hazardous substance to follow prescribed
procedure and comply with prescribed safeguards.
 Environment Impact Assessment Statement
 In the year 1994, a notification was issued by the Central Government under Section 3 of EPA making it
mandatory on the part of all new industrial units and those with intent to modernize or expand to
submit an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Statement for the purpose of obtaining clearance
from the Central Government for setting up industrial projects.
 The „Manufacture, Storage and Impact of Hazardous Chemical Rules‟, 1989
 In the Year 1989, the Central Government framed the “Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous
Chemical Rules‟, 1987 under the EPA.
 The principal objective of the rules is the prevention of major accidents arising from industrial activity,
the limitation of the effects of such accidents both on humans and the environment, and the
harmonization of the various control measures and the agencies to prevent and limit major accidents.
E) The Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 1991.
 In the year 1991, with a view to protect the fragile ecosystem of the coastal areas in India from
unregulated developmental activities, the Government of India issued Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ)
 Notification under the EPA to control the developmental activities within 500 meters of High Tide Line
(HTL). F) The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
 The parliament also enacted the “Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991‟ to provide for public liability
insurance for the purpose of providing immediate relief to the persons affected by accidents occurring
while handling hazardous substances.
 The Act imposes on the person, who has control over handling any hazardous substance, the liability to
give the relief specified in the Act to all the victims of any accident, which occurs while handling such
 The National Environment Appellate Authority Act, 1997
 This Act has been enacted to provide for the establishment of a National Environment Appellate
Authority to hear appeals with respect to restriction of areas in which any industries, operations or
process or class of industries, shall not be carried out subject to certain safeguards under the EPA.
 The Natural Disaster Management Act, 2005
 The Disaster Management Act, 2005 seeking for an effective management authorities have been
constituted at the National, State and at the District level.
 The National Disaster Management Authority (National Authority), which is to be chaired by the Prime
Minister of India is entrusted with the responsibilities for laying down the policies on disaster
management, and approve plans at the national level for disaster management.
 National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
 The NDMA, as the apex body for disaster management, is headed by the Prime Minister and has the
responsibility for laying down policies, plans and guidelines for DM and coordinating their enforcement
and implementation for ensuring timely and effective response to disasters.
 The guidelines will assist the Central ministries, Departments and States to formulate their respective
DM plans. J) National Executive Committee (NEC)
 The NEC comprises the Union Home Secretary as Chairperson, and the Secretaries to the Government of
India, in the Ministries/Departments of Agriculture, Atomic Energy, defense, Drinking Water Supply,
Environment and Forests, Finance (Expenditure), Health, Power, Rural Development, Science &
Technology, Space, Telecommunication, Urban Development, Water Resources and the Chief of the
Integrated Defence Staff of the Chiefs of Staff Committee members. Secretaries in the Ministry of
External Affairs, Earth Sciences, Human Resource Development, Mines, Shipping, Road Transport &
Highways, and the Secretary, NDMA will be special invitees to the meetings of the NEC.
 State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA)
 At the State level, the SDMA, headed by the Chief Minister, will lay down policies and plans for DM in the

 It will, inter alia approve the State Plan in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the NDMA,
coordinate the implementation of the State Plan, recommended provision of funds for mitigation and
preparedness measures and review the developmental plans of the different Departments of the State
to ensure the integration of prevention, preparedness and mitigation measures.
 District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA)
 The DDMA will be headed by the District Collector, Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate as the
case may be, with the elected representative of the local authority as the Co Chairperson.
 The DDMA will act as the planning, coordinating and implementing body for DM at the District level and
take all necessary measures for the purposes of DM in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the
 The Developmental Activities in A Society
 □ In any nation disasters can have very serious effects on their current developmental plans.
 The disaster may stall the contemporary progress and development, and it may take quite some time
before the economy is put to track.
 These effects will be evident in both revenue earning and infrastructure areas.
 Some such effects include the flowing
 Loss of crops :
 Standing crops could be seriously damaged. In some instances crops that have been developed over a
period of time could be destroyed.
 For instance, when the tsunami struck the Indian coasts it destroyed large tracts of coconut plantations
in Southern parts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
 Loss of livestock :
 Loss of livestock due to natural disasters or through outbreak of animal disease could devastate
valuable national resources and spell doom to the farmers, especially small and marginal.
 For instance large number of poultry was lost due to avian flu or was culled to prevent its spread in
India in 2013 and 2014.
 This led to large scale losses to livestock farmers.
 Degradation of land :
 Land inundated by a cyclonic storm surge or tsunami could be subjected to Stalinization.
 This could have severe adverse consequences to the food security of the communities.
 Example of this disaster includes the farm lands in West Bengal that were inundated by saline water
when the cyclone Ayila struck; and the fields of Kerala and Tamil Nadu when the tsunami struck its
coastal areas.
 Droughts could also result in degradation of soil, making the fields severely affected and
making it unsuitable to grow crops. These disasters could have immediate effect on the domestic and
export markets.
 Infrastructure loss :
 Loss of infrastructure due to disasters could cripple the society.
 Some such losses include :
 Loss of roads and bridges: Such losses would curb transportation and also delay ongoing construction
and other programs.
 Loss of buildings and facilities: Losses to buildings, machinery, etc. can hamper developmental
activities. and the conduct of business, commerce and other social security schemes.
 Damage to harbors, wharfs and landing yards: Such damages will hit the maritime transport capability
drastically restricting transportation and commercial activities.
 Loss to airport and aircrafts: These losses will also create serious constraints as in the case of maritime
 In addition to affecting coconut oil output, the destruction also resulted in destruction of the source of
production - the coconut trees. This could also include loss to agricultural implements, equipment,
facilities and so on. Disasters can have a cascading effect on ongoing programmes and could adversely
affect the long-term interests of the society.
 A disaster could lead to material and economic losses.
 Such losses could cause delays in upstream projects and programs.
 Another effect is the loss of viability of the disaster affected income generating schemes.
 For instance, a disaster stricken coconut plantation could require near to a decade to be replaced.
 By this time the commercial viability of the plantation would have been lost due tochange in demand,
tastes or even loss of customers to other competitors.
 There is also the danger of long-term unsuitability of land areas.
 There could be the cost of relocating of the communities involved.
 Another major long-term effect includes deprivation of vital resources, which could affect
developmental process.
 The various Components of Disaster Relief
 □ Disaster relief means first aid provided for alleviating the suffering of domestic disaster victims.
 Hence it aims to meet the immediate needs of the victims of a disastrous event.
 Usually, it includes humanitarian services and transportation, food, clothing, medicine, beds
 and bedding, temporary shelter and housing, medical materiel, medical and technical personnel, and
repairs to essential services.
 From earlier times, disaster relief is considered a local responsibility of the federal government to
provide assistance, when local and state relief capacities are exhausted. Water

 Global access to safe water, adequate sanitation, and proper hygiene education can reduce illness and
death from disease, leading to improved health, poverty reduction, and socioeconomic development.
However, many countries are challenged to provide these basic necessities to their populations, leaving
people at risk for water, sanitation, and hygiene(WASH)-related diseases. Community water systems
and water safety plans
 A couple pumps water out of a community well Human health and well-being are strongly affected by
the environment in which we live - the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food and nutrients
we eat. Community water systems and water safety plans are important ways to ensure the health of
the community.
 In many places, communities lack the capacity to effectively adapt their current systems for water,
sanitation, and hygiene to the community‟s changing needs (population growth, changes in water
 According to the World Health Organization, the objectives of a water safety plan are to ensure safe
drinking water through good water supply practices, which include :
 Preventing contamination of source waters;
 Treating the water to reduce or remove contamination that could be present to the extent necessary to
meet the water quality targets; and
 Preventing re-contamination during storage, distribution, and handling of drinking water. Prepare an
emergency water supply
 Store at least 1 gallon of water per day for each person and each pet. Consider storing more water than
this for hot climates, for pregnant women, and for people who are sick.
 Store at least a 3-day supply of water for each person and each pet. Try to store a 2-week supply if
 Observe the expiration date for store-bought water; replace other stored water every 6 months.
 Store a bottle of unscented liquid household chlorine bleach to disinfect your water and to use for
general cleaning and sanitizing. Try to store bleach in an area where the average temperature stays
around 70°F (21°C). Because the amount of active chlorine in bleach decreases over time due to normal
decay, consider replacing the bottle each year.
 Unopened commercially bottled water is the safest and most reliable emergency water supply.
 Use of food-grade water storage containers, such as those found at surplus or camping supply stores, is
recommended if you prepare stored water yourself.
 Before filling with safe water, use these steps to clean and sanitize storage containers: Wash the storage
container with dishwashing soap and water and rinse completely with clean water.
 Sanitize the container by adding a solution made by mixing 1 teaspoon of unscented liquid household
chlorine bleach in one quart of water. 11
 Cover the container and shake it well so that the sanitizing bleach solution touches all inside surfaces of
the container.
 Wait at least 30 seconds and then pour the sanitizing solution out of the container.
 Let the empty sanitized container air-dry before use OR rinse the empty container with clean, safe
water that already is available.
 Avoid using the following containers to store safe water:
 Containers that cannot be sealed tightly
 Containers that can break, such as glass bottles
 Containers that have ever held toxic solid or liquid chemicals, such as bleach or pesticides
 Plastic or cardboard bottles, jugs, and containers used for milk or fruit juices For proper water storage :
 Label container as “drinking water” and include storage date.
 Replace stored water that is not commercially bottled every six months.
 Keep stored water in a place with a fairly constant cool temperature.
 Do not store water containers in direct sunlight.
 Do not store water containers in areas where toxic substances such as gasoline or pesticides are
present. Food Prepare an emergency food supply A disaster can easily disrupt the food supply at any
time, so plan to have at least a 3-day supply of food on hand. Keep foods that :
 Have a long storage life.
 Require little or no cooking, water, or refrigeration, in case utilities are disrupted.
 Meet the needs of babies or other family members who are on special diets.
 Meet pets‟ needs.
 Are not very salty or spicy, as these foods increase the need for drinking water, which may be in short
supply. How to store emergency food
 When storing food, it is not necessary to buy dehydrated or other types of emergency food.
 Check the expiration dates on canned foods and dry mixes. Home-canned food usually needs to be
thrown out after a year.
 Use and replace food before its expiration date.
 Certain storage conditions can enhance the shelf life of canned or dried foods. The ideal location is a
cool, dry, dark place. The best temperature is 40 ° to 70 °F.
 Store foods away from ranges or refrigerator exhausts. Heat causes many foods to spoil more quickly.
 Store food away from petroleum products, such as gasoline, oil, paints, and solvents. Some food
products absorb their smell.
 Protect food from rodents and insects. Items stored in boxes or in paper cartons will keep longer if they
are heavily wrapped or stored in waterproof, airtight containers. Preparing food Preparing food after a
 disaster or emergency may be difficult due to damage to your home and loss of electricity, gas, and
water. Having the following items available will help you to prepare meals safely: Cooking utensils
 Knives, forks, and spoons
 Paper plates, cups, and towels
 A manual can- and bottle-opener
 Heavy-duty aluminum foil
 Propane gas or charcoal grill; camp stove
 Fuel for cooking, such as charcoal. (CAUTION: Only use charcoal grills or camp stoves outside of your
home to avoid smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisoning.) Clean and sanitize food-contact
surfaces in a four-step process :
 Wash with soap and hot, clean water.
 Rinse with clean water.
 Sanitize by immersing for 1 minute in a solution of 1 cup (8 oz/240 mL) of unscented household
chlorine bleach in 5 gallons of clean water.
 Allow to air dry. 4.2.3 Sanitation and Hygiene
 Sanitation and hygiene are critical to health, survival, and development. Many countries are challenged
in providing adequate sanitation for their entire populations, leaving people at risk for water,
sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)- related diseases.
 Throughout the world, an estimated 2.4 billion people lack basic sanitation (more than 32 % of the
world‟s population).
 Basic sanitation is described as having access to facilities for the safe disposal of human waste (feces
and urine), as well as having the ability to maintain hygienic conditions, through services such as
garbage collection, industrial/hazardous waste management, and wastewater treatment and disposal.
The need for latrines and toilets
 Proper sanitation facilities (for example, toilets and latrines) promote health because they allow people
to dispose of their waste appropriately.
 Throughout the developing world, many people do not have access to suitable sanitation facilities,
resulting in improper waste disposal. Absence of basic sanitation facilities can
 Result in an unhealthy environment contaminated by human waste. Without proper sanitation facilities,
waste from infected individuals can contaminate a community‟s land and water, increasing the risk of
infection for other individuals.
 Proper waste disposal can slow the infection cycle of many disease-causing agents
 Contribute to the spread of many diseases/conditions that can cause widespread illness and death.
Without proper sanitation facilities, people often have no choice but to live in and drink water from an
 environment contaminated with waste from infected individuals, thereby putting themselves at risk for
future infection.
 Inadequate waste disposal drives the infection cycle of many agents that can be spread through
contaminated soil, food, water, and insects such as flies. Personal hygiene and hand washing after a
disaster or emergency
 Hand washing under faucet
 Disaster kit
 Bathing
 Dental hygiene
 Wound care
 Good basic personal hygiene and hand washing are critical to help prevent the spread of illness and
disease. Clean, safe running water is essential for proper hygiene and hand washing.
 Hygiene is especially important in an emergency such as a flood, hurricane, or earthquake, but finding
clean, safe running water can sometimes be difficult. The following information will help to ensure good
hygiene and hand washing in the event of an emergency. .
 Disaster supplies kit (Hygiene supplies)
 Before an emergency, make sure you have created a disaster supplies kit. Hand washing
 Keeping hands clean during an emergency helps prevent the spread of germs. If your tap water is not
safe to use, wash your hands with soap and water that has been boiled or disinfected. Follow these
steps to make sure you wash your hands properly:
 Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold) and apply soap.
 Rub your hands together to make lather and scrub them well; be sure to scrub the backs of your hands,
between your fingers, and under your nails.
 Continue rubbing your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song
from beginning to end twice.
 Rinse your hands well under running water.
 Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
 A temporary hand washing station pdf icon [PDF-38 KB] external icon can be created by using a large
water jug that contains clean water (for example, boiled or disinfected).
 Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of germs on them If soap and
water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 % alcohol. Alcohol-
based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of germs on hands in some situations, but
sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs.
 Hand sanitizers are not effective when hands are visibly dirty. When to wash hands Wash hands with
soap and clean, running water (if available) :
 Before, during, and after preparing food
 Before eating food 14
 After using the toilet
 After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
 Before and after caring for someone who is sick
 After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
 After touching an animal or animal waste
 After touching garbage
 Before and after treating a cut or wound
 Other hand hygiene resources
 Food and water safety and hand hygiene resources
 Hand washing : Clean hands save lives
 Safe and healthy diapering for emergency settings
 Do not use contaminated water to wash dishes, brush your teeth, wash and prepare food, or make ice.
 Bathing or showering after a water-related emergency should only be done with clean, safe water.
Sometimes water that is not safe to drink can be used for bathing, but be careful not to swallow any
water or get it in your eyes.
 If you have a drinking water well, listen to your local health authorities for advice on using your well
water for showering and bathing. If extensive flooding has occurred or you suspect that your well may
be contaminated, contact your local, state, or tribal health department for specific advice on well testing
and disinfection.
 Dental hygiene
 Brushing your teeth after a water-related emergency should only be done with clean, safe water. Listen
to local authorities to find out if tap water is safe to use.
 Visit the safe drinking water for personal use page for more information about making your water safe
for brushing your teeth.
 You may visit CDC‟s Oral Health Web site for complete dental hygiene information. Wound care
 Keeping wounds clean and covered is crucial during an emergency. Open wounds and rashes exposed
to flood waters can become infected. To protect yourself and your family :
 Avoid contact with flood waters if you have an open wound.

 Cover clean, open wounds with a waterproof bandage to reduce chance of infection.
 Keep open wounds as clean as possible by washing well with soap and clean water.
 If a wound develops redness, swelling, or oozing, seek immediate medical care.
 Vibrios are naturally occurring bacteria that live in certain coastal waters. They can cause a skin
infection when an open wound is exposed to salt water or a mix of salt and fresh water, which can occur
during floods.
 The risk for injury during and after a hurricane and other natural disasters is high. Prompt first aid can
help heal small wounds and prevent infection. Wash your hands with soap and water before and after
providing first aid for a wound to help prevent infection. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that
contains at least 60 % if soap and water are not available. Tetanus, other bacterial infections, and fungal
infections are potential health threats for persons who have open wounds. Seek medical attention as
soon as possible if :
 There is a foreign object (soil, wood, metal, or other objects) embedded in the wound;
 The wound is at special risk of infection (such as a dog bite or a puncture by a dirty object);
 An old wound shows signs of becoming infected (increased pain and soreness, swelling, redness,
draining, or you develop a fever).Septic and onsite wastewater systems
 A well-maintained and constructed septic system will better withstand the stresses of heavy rains or
flooding. Regular inspection is necessary to ensure proper functioning.
 During heavy rains and floods, the ground can become saturated, preventing proper operation of the
system. For example, a septic tank can collapse or float out of position. Signs that a septic system is not
working properly include the following :
 Sinks drain slowly
 Toilets drain slowly
 Floor drains overflow
 Sewage becomes visible outside the home
 Regardless of the type of emergency shelter used the following principles generally apply :
 Shelters must provide protection from the elements, space to live and store belongings, privacy and
emotional security.
 Blankets, mats, and tarpaulin must be provided as needed.
 Refugee shelter should be culturally and socially appropriate and familiar where possible. Suitable local
materials are best, if available.
 Shelter must be adequate regardless of seasonal weather patterns, if not it should be adapted
 Wherever possible, persons of concern should be empowered to build their own shelter, with the
necessary organizational and material support. 16
 This will help to ensure that the shelter will meet their particular needs, promote a sense of ownership
and self-reliance, and reduces costs and construction time considerably
 Each type of emergency shelter hasadvantages and disadvantages depending on the context in which it
is used. Consider the following points when deciding on the emergency shelter or combination of
shelter types to be used in any given response
 Shelters
 Individual family shelter should always be preferred to communal accommodation as it provides the
necessary privacy, psychological comfort, and emotional safety.
 It also provides safety and security for people and possessions and helps to preserve or rebuild family
 Emergency shelter needs are best met by using the same locally available, sustainably sourced
materials and construction methods as would be normally used by the refugees themselves or the local
hosting population.
 Only if adequate quantities cannot be quickly obtained locally should emergency shelter material be
brought into the country.
 The simplest structures, and labour-intensive building methods, are preferable.
 Materials should be environmentally friendly and obtained in a sustainable manner..
 Plastic sheeting has become the most important shelter component in many humanitarian response
operations often in combination with rigid materials, as they offer flexibility and can be used in a
variety of ways in both urban and rural settings. Health Management of medical supply
 Disasters can also cause disruptions to the health care infrastructure.
 Hospitals and health centers may suffer structural damage, or health personnel may be among the
casualties, limiting the ability to provide health services to disaster victims.
 Emergency health kits that contain essential medical supplies and drugs are often provided to victims
as part of the immediate response to disasters.
 These kits are designed to meet the primary health care needs of people without access to medical
 Each kit covers the needs of about 10,000 persons for three months
 The twelve essential drugs in the basic kit include anti-inflammatories, an antacid, a disinfectant, oral
dehydration salts, an antimalarial, a basic antibiotic (effective against the most common bacteria), and
an ointment for eye infections. Assessment of immediate health needs
 Natural disasters do not usually result in infectious disease outbreaks. However, certain circumstances
can increase the chance for disease transmission.
 Immediately after a disaster, most increases in disease incidence are caused by fecal contamination of
water and food supplies. 17
 This contamination usually results in intestinal disease. Outbreaks of communicable diseases are
directly associated with population density and displacement.
 If disaster victims live in overcrowded conditions or are forced to leave their homes, the risk of a
disease outbreak increases. Disposal of dead
 In many emergency situations, especially in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster such as an
earthquake or cyclone, there may be many dead bodies that require appropriate disposal.
 Despite many myths and rumours to the contrary, exposure to dead human bodies is not in itself a
serious health hazard except in specific cases. For this reason, bodies should as far as possible be
handled and buried or cremated by the families of the dead people, in ways which are as close as
possible to their normal cultural and religious practices. Mass cremation or mass burial should be
avoided if possible. Waste Management
 Depending on their nature and severity, disasters can create large volumes of debris and waste.
 The waste can overwhelm existing solid waste management facilities and impact on other emergency
response and recovery activities.
 If poorly managed, the waste can have significant environmental and public health impacts and can
affect the overall recovery process. Sewer systems and wastewater management
 A sewer system pipe opening, along with the dirty water coming out of it.
 Community wastewater management and adequate sewer systems play important roles in sanitation
and disease prevention.
 Wastewater can contaminate the local environment and drinking water supply, thereby increasing the
risk of disease transmission.
 Therefore, to improve health, it is vital to develop a system to manage community wastewater and
 In many countries, proper wastewater management is not practiced due to lack of resources,
infrastructure, available technology, and space.
Institutional Arrangements National level
In the event of a disaster of a severe nature, National Crisis Management Committee under Cabinet
Crisis Management Committee under Cabinet Secretary gives policy directions and guidelines to the
Secretary gives policy directions and guidelines to the Crisis Management Group where national/
international efforts are required. International efforts are required.
 Crisis Management Group in MHA reviews the situation in Inter situation in Inter Ministerial meeting to
coordinate Ministerial meeting to coordinate various emergency support functions for the affected
various emergency support functions for the affected States.
 States Union Cabinet may set up a Cabinet Committee/Task Force/GoM for effective coordination
 of relief for effective coordination of relief measures in the wake of calamities of severe nature. State
 A State level Crisis Management Committee under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary is responsible
for formulating policies and guidelines for management of natural disasters in the States.
 This committee comprises of concerned functionaries in various State Departments and representatives
of Central Organizations located in the State.
 State Relief Commissioner is the Nodal Officer for coordinating the activities for relief operations in the
event of natural disasters.
 District level
 District level is the focal point in a disaster situation from which disaster management related activities
are coordinated and implemented.
 A district level committee exists under the District Collector / Deputy Commissioner.
 District Collector is the key functionary for directing, supervising and monitoring all disaster
management operations. Role of Central and State Governments
 Central and State Governments are jointly responsible for undertaking mitigation, preparedness,
response, relief and rehabilitation preparedness, response, relief and rehabilitation measures.
 Central Government supplements the efforts of State Government by providing financial and logistic
support in case of a major calamity.
 Involvement of local bodies, NGOs, Self help Involvement of local bodies, self help groups etc in relief
and response.
 Disaster response planning
 Activities aimed at understanding needs and responding to them, including rapid assessments,
provision of food and non-food items, provision of water, sanitation and hygiene services, and health
and shelter interventions. In the immediate hours and days after a disaster, when search-and-rescue
activities are critical, it is most often local actors who are first to respond. Information is often patchy
and confused; there can be significant damage to infrastructure, and large movements of people.
 Preparedness :
 Activities aimed at trying to prepare communities for a disaster, such as emergency drills or pre-
stocking relief items in logistic hubs.
 This involves measures designed for lessening the likely effects of emergencies. Includes appropriate
land-use planning, flood mitigation works, improved building codes improving structural qualities of
schools, houses and such other buildings so that medical causalities can be minimized.
 Ensuring the safety of health facilities and public health services including water supply and sewerage
system to reduce the cost of rehabilitation and reconstruction.
 Mitigation compliments the disaster preparedness and disaster response activities. 19
 Preparedness efforts include plans or preparations made in advance of an emergency that help
individuals and communities get ready to either respond or to recover. It aims to achieve a satisfactory
level of readiness to respond to any emergency situation through programs that strengthen the
technical and managerial capacity of governments, organizations, and communities.
 These measures can be described as logistical readiness to deal with disasters and can be enhanced by
having response mechanisms and procedures, rehearsals, developing long-term and short-term
strategies, public education and building early warning systems.
 The preparations may include the stocking of reserve food and water, the gathering and screening of
willing community volunteers, or citizens education & evacuation plan, holding disaster drills, and
installing smoke detectors, mutual aid agreements, development of hospital disaster plans, emergency
medical service plans, etc.
 Preparedness activities increase a community‟s ability to respond when a disaster occurs. The National
Incident Management System (NIMS) defines preparedness as "a continuous cycle of planning,
organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating, and taking corrective action in an effort to ensure
effective coordination during incident response."
 This preparedness cycle is one element of a broader National Preparedness System to prevent, respond
to, recover from, and mitigate against natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made
 Typical preparedness measures include developing mutual aid agreements and memorandums of
understanding, training for both response personnel and concerned citizens, conducting disaster
exercises to reinforce training and test capabilities, and presenting all hazards education campaigns.
Unlike mitigation activities, which are aimed at preventing a disaster from occurring, personal
preparedness focuses on preparing equipment and procedures for use when a disaster occurs, i.e.
 Preparedness measures can take many forms including the construction of shelters, installation of
warning devices, creation of back-up life-line services (e.g. power, water, sewage), and rehearsing
evacuation plans.
 Two simple measures can help prepare the individual for sitting out the event or evacuating, as
necessary. For evacuation, a disaster supplies kit may be prepared and for sheltering purposes a
stockpile of supplies may be created. These kits may include food, medicine, flashlights, candles and
 Disaster Management Act and Policy in India
 Definitions - In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires - "Affected area" means an area or part of
the country affected by a disaster; "Capacity-building" includes –
 Identification of existing resources and resources to be acquired or created; 20
 Acquiring or creating resources identified under sub-clause (i);
 Organization and training of personnel and coordination of such training for effective management of
disasters; "Central Government" means the Ministry or Department of the Government of India having

 administrative control of disaster management; "Disaster" means a catastrophe, mishap, calamity or
grave occurrence in any area, arising from natural or manmade causes, or by accident or negligence
which results in substantial loss of life or human suffering or damage to, and destruction of, property, or
damage to, or degradation of, environment, and is of such a nature or magnitude as to be beyond the
coping capacity of the community of the affected area; "Disaster management" means a continuous and
integrated process of planning, organising, coordinating and implementing measures which are
necessary or expedient for - Prevention of danger or threat of any disaster;
 Mitigation or reduction of risk of any disaster or its severity or consequences;
 Capacity-building;
 Preparedness to deal with any disaster;
 Prompt response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster;
 Assessing the severity or magnitude of effects of any disaster;
 Evacuation, rescue and relief;
 Rehabilitation and reconstruction;
 "District Authority" means the District Disaster Management Authority constituted under sub-section
 (1) of section 25;
 "District Plan" means the plan for disaster management for the district prepared under section 31;
 "Local authority" includes panchayat raj institutions, municipalities, a district board, cantonment board,
town planning authority or Zila Parishad or any other body or authority, by whatever name called, for
the time being invested by law, for rendering essential services or, with the control and management of
civic services, within a specified local area;
 "Mitigation" means measures aimed at reducing the risk, impact or effects of a disaster or threatening
disaster situation;
 "National Authority" means the National Disaster Management Authority established under sub-
section (1) of section 3;
 "National Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of the National Authority constituted
under sub-section (1) of section 8;
 "National Plan" means the plan for disaster management for the whole of the country prepared under
section 11;
 "Preparedness" means the state of readiness to deal with a threatening disaster situation or disaster
and the effects thereof;
 "Prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
 "Reconstruction" means construction or restoration of any property after a disaster;
 "Resources" includes manpower, services, materials and provisions;
 "State Authority" means the State Disaster Management Authority established under subsection (1)of
section 14 and includes the Disaster Management Authority for the Union territory constituted under
that section;
 "State Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of a State Authority constituted under
sub-section (1) of section 20;
 "State Government" means the Department of Government of the State having administrative control of
disaster management and includes Administrator of the Union territory appointed by the President
under article 239 of the Constitution;
 "State Plan" means the plan for disaster management for the whole of the State prepared under section
 23. India: National policy on Disaster Management 2009 This policy aims at:
 Promoting a culture of prevention, preparedness and resilience at all levels through knowledge,
innovation and education;
 Encouraging mitigation measures based on technology, traditional wisdom and environmental
 Mainstreaming disaster management into the developmental planning process;
 Establishing institutional and techno legal frameworks to create an enabling regulatory environment
and a compliance regime;
 Ensuring efficient mechanism for identification, assessment and monitoring of disaster risks;
 Developing contemporary forecasting and early warning systems backed by responsive and fail-safe
communication with information technology support;
 Ensuring efficient response and relief with a caring approach towards the needs of the vulnerable
sections of the society;
 Undertaking reconstruction as an opportunity to build disaster resilient structures and habitat for
ensuring safer living; and
 Promoting a productive and proactive partnership with the media for disaster management. This policy
of 2009 replaces the policy of 2005.
 "State Plan" means the plan for disaster management for the whole of the State prepared under section
 23. India: National policy on Disaster Management 2009 This policy aims at:
 Promoting a culture of prevention, preparedness and resilience at all levels through knowledge,
innovation and education;
 Encouraging mitigation measures based on technology, traditional wisdom and environmental
 Mainstreaming disaster management into the developmental planning process;
 Establishing institutional and techno legal frameworks to create an enabling regulatory environment
and a compliance regime; 23
 Ensuring efficient mechanism for identification, assessment and monitoring of disaster risks;
 Developing contemporary forecasting and early warning systems backed by responsive and fail-safe
communication with information technology support;
 Ensuring efficient response and relief with a caring approach towards the needs of the vulnerable
sections of the society;
 Undertaking reconstruction as an opportunity to build disaster resilient structures and habitat for
ensuring safer living; and
 Promoting a productive and proactive partnership with the media for disaster management. This policy
of 2009 replaces the policy of 2005.
 Recovery Phases of Disaster
 Disasters are spatial in nature as they strike at a specific location and influence a particular area.
 Location intelligence plays a critical role in disaster management. GIS coupled with remote sensing
provides a basic framework that helps in all the stages of disaster management starting from
preparedness, to response and recovery.
 Through advanced wireless technologies and web-based GIS applications, disaster management by
governments and other agencies is being revolutionized and is enhancing the coordination of response
efforts as well as planning for disaster risk reduction.
 GIS decision support systems for disaster have been applied in several parts of the world for effective
 For assessing disaster risks, one needs an understanding of key disaster event characteristics such as
location of impact (for example, earthquake epicenter, cyclone landfall), physical characteristics
(magnitude in case of earthquakes, central pressure in case of cyclones), local conditions like land use
and type and height of structures.
 These characteristics require an understanding of the geography of the impacted area in order to model
the hazard intensity and severity and to understand the impact on buildings, infrastructure and
population, and at the same time respond to the disaster for evacuation and rehabilitation works.
 Use of GIS and remote sensing, helps conduct all these tasks in a planned an efficient manner.
 Earlier, when the concept of GIS did not exist, response decisions during disasters were taken mostly on
the basis of prior experience and intuition rather than any live information.
 But today, live data on many parameters such as topography, geographic features, population,
infrastructure, demographics can be crucial to the response and recovery activities.
 GIS has the power to integrate data from various sources into a common platform and make it readily
accessible to various stakeholders for disaster management. It enables dissemination of critical
information in a timely manner in cases of emergencies.
 Further, the visualization of this data helps in analyzing a situation and taking quick decisions. In
advanced countries of the world, GIS has been successfully utilized to address all phases of disaster
management-preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery.
 It is very helpful to lay a foundation of GIS as all these stages are interconnected. The output of one
stage serves as input to the next stage.
 Awareness and Preparedness some critical questions that arise during awareness and preparedness for
disaster management are:
 What is the population of the area,
 Location of buildings and infrastructure,
 Social and structural characteristics of the area,
 Population at risk, evacuation time and technique,
 Location of the safe structures that could be used as shelters and others ? GIS and remote sensing
techniques can be used to build database of critical facilities such as hospitals, ambulances, fire stations,
police stations, schools and other places which can be helpful for planning purposes.
 Disaster maps can be prepared to show the risk zones as well as disaster impact zones. From a
mitigation point of view, hazard maps can be created for various natural and manmade hazards such as
floods, earthquakes, cyclones, forest fires etc., that help in understanding the risk of a location and
planning accordingly for the same. For e.g., in areas with high earthquake vulnerability, retrofitting of
structures and enforcing strict building codes is a must. The governments and local agencies can
preplan and improve preparedness by mapping evacuation routes, shelter planning, debris removal
planning, stocking enough supplies, conducting mock drills etc.
 Risk Assessment
 A fundamental principal of risk assessment is that risk due to natural catastrophes such as earthquakes,
hurricanes and flood, is location dependent, and that it can be assessed within an acceptable range of
uncertainty if reliable historical and location specific data is available.
 Risk assessment of natural catastrophes has two components-hazard and vulnerability. The hazard is a
measure of the physical intensity of the peril (earthquake, wind, surge, etc.) at a particular location and
the associated probabilities of these intensities. Hazard is location dependent.
 For example a location which is surrounded by seismic faults and has a weak surface geology has a
higher hazard potential than a location for away from faults and with strong surface geology.
 Similarly, hurricane, hazard at a location near the coast and with a flat, bare terrain is far higher than at
a location which is inland and has a rugged terrain.
 Vulnerability is a measure of the damage that the peril can cause to the built environment (house,
buildings, infrastructure and utilities) at that location.
 Manmade structure responds to different perils in different ways, depending on the design of their
structural systems and methods of constructions.
 Flood and cyclones play havoc with irrigation processes in the coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh. On the
other hand, the Rayalseema and Telenagana regions with semiarid to arid climatic conditions are
frequently affected by droughts.
 The worst affected are the rural people who are not adequately warned about the impending disasters.
 Now, the Andhra Pradesh State Remote Sensing Applications Centre (APSRC) has developed a remote
sensing application to overcome some of the problems that the state faces.
 Planning and Mitigation
 Earlier, the role of governments during natural calamities was limited to rescue, relief and
rehabilitation. With changing times, mitigation and main streaming of disaster risk reduction has
become a crucial activity requiring government intervention.
 GIS is enabling development of decision support systems capable of assessing risk from natural
disasters and helping governments in mitigation and planning.
 RMSI has developed an innovative „Decision support system for disaster risk reduction‟ that utilizes
the outcomes of multi-hazard risk assessment for activities performed for mitigation, preparedness,
response and recovery.
 This framework has been successfully implemented in several nations of the world and has proven to
be an impactful tool for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction. Mathematical modeling and GIS
analytics form the backbone of this framework.
 Response and Recovery
 Responding to a disaster adequately requires critical information like the location where the disaster
has occurred, intensity and severity of the event in various disaster zones, areas of maximum damage,
location of impacted population and the kind of resources needed to evacuate the trapped population.
 GIS and remote sensing techniques coupled with technologies like satellite imagery, aerial photography
using aircraft or drones can help find answers to many such questions.
 Soon after a disaster strikes, use of remote sensing technologies (such as aerial photographs or satellite
images) can be used to map the affected locations and compare the data to historical information to
assess the overall damage.
 While remote sensing aids in map preparation, GIS can be used for storage of digitized maps, their
visualization and analysis.
 There is a greater need for liaisoning of the public and private sector. GIS organizations such as RMSI
are equipped to turn around such tasks at a faster rate, provided high resolution satellite imagery is
made available by the government bodies or private companies. Further, this is supported by on ground
sample damage assessment surveys conducted by experts. RMSI experts have participated multiple
times in such
 post disaster surveys, including the Gujara earthquake, Mumbai floods in 2005, Surat floods in 2006
and Krishna river floods in 2008.
 Damage assessment helps in estimating the number of households damaged and families displaced
along with casualties and injured in short term, as well as the damaged infrastructure.
 It also helps in re-establishing communication so that it performs better in future or laying foundation
for an emergency communication network that could activates immediately in the aftermath of a
 At the same time, estimates of economic impacts and social impacts can be traced as the information
would help in identifying the most affected families, particularly widows, single parent children,
orphans, differently-abled persons and senior citizens.
 Furthermore, GIS platforms have proven to be very useful in connecting dislocated families. Open
applications with abilities to upload the photographs of missing family members and tagging the
location of other family members have been applied for several disasters worldwide.
 GIS technology is increasingly being used in spatial decision support systems. In the past few years, GIS
emerged as a powerful risk assessment tool and is being put to use to assess risk to property and life
stemming from natural hazards such as earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones and floods. Manipulation,
analysis, and graphic presentation of the risk and hazard data can be done within a GIS system, and
because these data have associated location information which is also stored within the GIS, their
spatial interrelationships can be determined and used in computer based risk assessment models. This
assessment can be used by insurance companies to help them make decisions on their insurance policy
rates, by land developers to make decisions on the feasibility of project sites, and by government
planners for better disaster preparedness
 National Disaster Management Plan
 The centre and different state governments have formulated acts, plans, protocols and other
instruments for effective disaster management in the country.
 The 2005 Disaster Management Act enacted by Parliament, 2016 National Disaster Management Plan
from National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), various Guidelines from NDMA, state
government acts and notifications are some of them. There should be a concerted effort to put these
guidelines and plans into action.)

 Disaster Damage Assessment
 Damage assessment is an important tool for retrospective and prospective analysis of disasters to
assimilate the extent of impact of a disaster. This forms the basis for future disaster preparedness and
preventive planning. It is essential in determining: what happened, what the effects were, which areas
were hardest hit, what situations must be given priority and what types of assistance are needed, for
example, Local, State, or Union? Emergency response can be more effective, equipment and personnel
 can be better used, and help can be provided quicker if a thorough damage assessment is performed
beforehand. The basic objectives of damage assessment could be summarised as follows :
 To make a rapid assessment of areas affected to know the extent of impact for purpose of immediate
rescue and relief operations;
 To prepare estimates for the amount of relief to be provided and the mode of relief, be it food, clothing,
medicines, shelter or other essential commodities;
 To make a detailed assessment regarding requirements for long-term relief and rehabilitation planning;
 To identify focus areas for the purpose of „retrofitting‟ actions in similar future situations.
 Damage assessment is therefore a prerequisite for effective disaster response effort. For effective
decisions, officials responsible for organising post-disaster relief operations should be properly
informed of the damage/possible damage should the event repeat itself some-time in the future, so that
they can know the needs, current, as well as prospective, in precise terms.
 They must have appropriate and timely information about : what happened, what needs to be done, and
what resources are available ? Their decisions can save lives; minimise injury, damage and loss; prevent
any further escalation; prevent secondary hazards and inform people who need to know. Well-
organised response will also help in building confidence and enhancing the credibility of the
 Relief operations are essentially about the management of information and resources, which is based
on assessments and reports carried out from time to time. Information is needed at all levels of
administration but the nature of the information required varies from one level to another. Good
assessment and reporting require forethought; hence, the assessment and reporting system should be
established during the preparedness planning stage.
 Essential Features of Damage Assessment
 Flow of information There is a clearly defined
 sequence to managing information: Converting raw data to useful information;
 Information input;
 Sorting (grading, collating, discarding what is unreliable);
 Evaluation;
 Decision making;
 Information output (dissemination); and
 Action For example, specific objectives for damage assessment in the aftermath of cyclones and
droughts would include :
 Identification of the extent of damage or loss
 Identification of the types of assistance needed 28
 Identification of crops that can be grown as an interim substitute
 Determination of the amount of seeds, fertilizer and tools needed, the resources available in the area,
and the amount of supplies required from outside the affected area.
 Identification of local institutions that could carry out the program and their capabilities.
 Identification of the level of farming skills in the affected community
 Determination of technical assistance requirements
 Determination of the receptivity of local institutions and the public to proposed agricultural
rehabilitation activities. Data would be required regarding :
 Identification of the predominant food and cash crops, cropping patterns, and normal production levels.
 Likely losses, such as; if whole or part of a crop is likely to be damaged, if any portion could be salvaged
by timely mitigation, the quantum of insurance that would suffice, keeping in view, estimated losses.
 Identification of land problems to identify the extent of erosion, landslide zones, floodprone areas, and
areas where desertification could occur.
 Also note agricultural land forms such asterraces or contour farming (or lack thereof).
 Identification of water supply problems as certain disasters create special problems in watersupply, for
example, salt water flooding in cyclones can pollute local water wells and leave irrigation water salty;
droughts dry up aquifers; wave action can destroy irrigation channels and desert windstorms can erode
or fill shallow irrigation channels in arid zones. Determination of supply needs meaning, a
determination should be made whether additional seeds, tools, fertilizers, etc., or alternative seeds
could be planted immediately.
 For example, replacing traditional varieties of rice with a fast-growing variety may be possible in some
cases, yet this might require introduction of needed fertilizers.
 Determination of local farming practices since it is important to identify the social, cultural and
traditional aspects of farming, especially in the low-income and subsistence farming sectors. The time
needed to plant certain crops, the normal growing season, and information about seasonal availability
or constraints to certain types of crops is vital.
 It is also important to identify traditional responses to the disaster such as cropdiversification, growing
alternative varieties or alternative crops, altering cropping patterns, growing “famine foods,” or
building food reserves.
 Determine the status of drought animals to check total losses and determine whether the losses will
delay rehabilitation. Check to see if animals need emergency feeding, and determine whether farmers
would have to sell them off.
 Institutional preparedness, studying ministries/departments engaged in disaster management,
whether, disaster plan, contingency funding, official maps are in place, etc. B)
 Utility of damage assessment The information would enable :
 Quantified assessment of losses that would accrue to farmers and the likely impact on food supply in
the market.
 Planning interim assistance like insurance needs of identified vulnerable segments, which are mainly,
small-scale farmers, repairing irrigation systems, contouring, farmland repair etc. that would help
further mitigation efforts.
 Alternate supportive projects; also possibly for how long; leading to articulation of longterm strategy
for generating sustainable livelihoods and therefore achieving risk reduction in the area.
 Levels of assessment Damage assessment is required at two basic levels of intervention. Firstly, it is
required for emergency relief measures in which quick assessment of damage is the basis for the
amount of relief material and food stocks that reach the disaster area. This type of an assessment is
called Rapid Damage Assessment. At the second level would be, a detailed technical analysis of damage
for long-term restoration and rehabilitation works. From a long-term perspective, damage assessment
scrutinises the mechanisms of failure that took place during the disaster. It is called Detailed Damage
Assessment. These studies are very useful for all prevention and mitigation efforts for disasters in the
future. Rapid Damage Assessment The official agency for reporting estimates of disaster damages is
usually the Revenue and Relief Department of the state government, as they are also the authority for
distributing relief to affected persons. As usual, there is a hierarchy of officials who report from the
lowest level of Villages/Panchayats through Blocks/Revenue Circles, Tehsils/ Talukas, and Sub-
divisions and finally to the districts and then to the state headquarters. However, relief agencies
including NGOs also have their own damage assessment systems and teams to carry out the
assessments. The basic items covered in rapid assessment are :
 Name of the place.
 The relevant disasters.
 Date and time of disaster strike.
 Area affected.
 Total number of villages or neighborhoods affected.
 Total population.
 Population affected in terms of number of people and households.
 Details of local bodies (panchayats or wards/municipalities) affected.
 In case of floods, area still under water.
 In case of an earthquake or cyclone, buildings damaged.
 Infrastructure affected (transportation, power, social infrastructure).
 Estimated number of deaths and injuries.
 Estimated loss of property.
 Closest sources of emergency aid. 30
 Detailed Damage Assessment Detailed damage assessment goes further than the rapid assessment, and
it includes the following additional information regarding disaster damage : Verified number of human
lives lost and number of injuries. Livestock lost a) Number. b) Estimated value. Details of damage to
crops in hectares and estimated loss of produce in quintals
 Hectares completely damaged.
 Hectares partially damaged.
 Hectares likely to be replanted or re-sown.
 Extent affected in percentage.
 Crops lost in quintals.
 Estimated value of crops lost in rupees. Houses damaged or destroyed
 Number.
 Estimated value. Loss to public works and utilities including local bodies property
 Name of the work and utility.
 Nature of damage.
 Estimated value of damage.
 Estimated cost to restore work or/and utility. Assessing Loss and Damage to Human Life
 Safety of human life is one of the prime objective of any humanitarian action. The life of any human
being is invaluable for the family, friends and for the larger community and social groups.
 Risk to human life during natural disasters varies depending on factors such as gender, age, social
status, etc.
 The inequalities, poverty and other social imbalances contribute to this risk.
 The disaster may not cause deaths but injury or disability and stress and trauma to the affected
 This has grave ramifications on the lives of the affected, their relatives and friends. Besides such impact,
the loss of human lives may affect other aspects of the lives of the survivors that may be necessary for
dignified living such as ability of the families to earn and the loss of care and protection providers.
 This loss due to the natural disasters is most overwhelming and brings focused attention to the region.
 The loss of human life shapes the humanitarian response, as this is the greatest loss that any affected
region has to bear.
 The loss of human life, therefore, is the most critical part of any damage assessment.
 The first information regarding this loss is to determine the baseline data related to the number of
families residing in the affected area, where the damage assessment is being undertaken.
 The loss and damage to human life can be understood by its varying extent such as
 Deaths,
 Permanent disabilities, 31
 Major injuries,
 Minor injuries and
 Missing.
 Details of minor injury, major injury and permanent disability are essential to formulate immediate care
and support system; as well as to plan long-term support and follow-up mechanisms.
 In cases of death or injury, information like death certificate by police or authorities, injury certificate
by hospital or the government doctor is needed for government support or compensation.
 Similarly, in case of missing people, it is important to understand if legalities like police complaint have
been registered or not, which may be essential for the affected families to access government
 It is also important to know whether they have received government assistance or compensation to
cope with the distress.
 Data should be segregated gender wise, age wise or occupation wise to develop deeper understanding.
 Details of occupation also provide a hint of economic status of families. Similarly, details of family
members of the affected person are essential; as it enables us to determine the number of earning
members and dependents within the family.
 It mightbe possible that a person, who has died or has become permanently disabled, was the only
earning member of the family.
 Mitigation Measures for Home One of the most effective means of protection is to take steps to make
your home and your household safe from the potential effects of disaster like floods, tornadoes,
hurricanes and earthquakes. This is called mitigation. Ideally, mitigation measures are implemented
before disaster strikes since they can help protect your household as well as your property. However,
even after a disaster strikes, actions can be taken to avoid or reduce the impact of the next disaster.
 If your home was damaged during the disaster, consider implementing mitigation measures while you
repair your home.
 Be sure that all upgrade construction projects comply with local building codes that pertain to seismic,
flood, fire and wind hazards. Make sure your contractors follow the codes, including periodic building
inspections of the construction.
 If you live in a flood-prone area, consider purchasing flood insurance to reduce your risk to floods.
Buying flood insurance to cover the value of a building and its contents will not only provide greater
peace of mind, but will also speed recovery if a flood occurs.
 If you live in an area prone to high winds, make sure your roof is firmly secured to the main frame of the
residence. Consider building a wind “Safe Room or Shelter” in your home to protect your household.
There are several additional steps you can take to reduce wind damages and losses, including the
following : 32
 Secure light fixtures and other items that could fall or shake loose in such events.
 Move heavy or breakable objects to low shelves.
 Anchor water heaters and bolt them to wall studs.
 Purchase storm shutters for exterior windows and doors to protect your home against high winds.
 If you live in an area likely to have an earthquake, consider using straps or other restraints to secure
cabinets, bookshelves, large appliances, (especially water heater and furnace), and light fixtures to
prevent damage and injury.
 Determine ways to prevent other types of hazards in your home, such as installing a fire sprinkler
 Obtain information specific to your area and home. Ask local emergency management, fire and police
departments, zoning and building offices, the American Red Cross, hardware dealers, home inspectors,
structural engineers and architects.
 Ask your local government, a hardware dealer or a private home inspector for technical advice on these
and other mitigation measures.

 . 33
 Hazard and Vulnerability Profile of India Indian sub-continent has unique geo-climatic and socio-
political conditions that make it vulnerable to both the natural as well as manmade disasters. Around
6% of the population of India is impacted annually by the exposures to disasters. They Key natural
disasters in India include floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes, landslides and avalanches that have
resulted in loss of lives and livelihoods. According to a Planning Commission report, the key
vulnerabilities of India include the following:
 Coastal States, particularly in the East Coast and Gujarat on west coast, are vulnerable to cyclones.
 4 crore hectare land mass is vulnerable to floods and river erosion.
 68 per cent of net sown area is vulnerable to drought.
 55 per cent of total area is in Seismic Zones III-V and vulnerable to earthquakes of moderate to high
 Sub-Himalayan/ Western Ghat are vulnerable to landslides.
 Vulnerability to disasters or emergencies of Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN)
origin has increased on account of socioeconomic development. The changing climate also exasperates
the vulnerabilities. The occurrence of heat waves, cold waves, floods, droughts, intense cyclones and
flash floods is getting increased due to climate change and global warming.
 Further, Disaster vulnerability is function of poverty and poverty is inextricably linked to disaster
vulnerability. Poverty compels the people to compromise in matters of shelters and dwellings and more
and more people live at unsafe places. Moreover, the low cost material used in making the dwellings
makes them more unsafe to live.
 They have been discussed below:
 Hydrological and Climate Related Hazards
 Floods
 Floods can be caused by heavy rainfall, inadequate capacity of rivers to carry the high flood discharge,
inadequate drainage to carry away the rainwater quickly to streams/ rivers. ice jams or landslides
blocking streams, typhoons and cyclones etc.
 Further, flash floods occur because of high rate of water flow particularly in areas with less
permeability of soil.
 Over 40 million hectare of landmass in India is prone to floods.
 Nearly 75 % of the total annual rainfall is concentrated over a short south-west monsoon season of
three to four months from June to September.
 As a result there is a very heavy discharge from the rivers during this period causing widespread floods.
 Flood problem is chronic in at least 10 states. From October to December each year, a very large area34
South India, including Tamil Nadu, the coastal regions of Andhra Pradesh and the union territory of
Puducherry, receives up to 30 percent of its annual rainfall from the northeast monsoon (or winter
 These have caused devesatiing floods in Chennai in 2015. Most devastating floods in recent times have
been the 2013 Assam floods, 2013 Uttarakhand Floods, 2012 Brahamputra Floods etc.
 Cyclones
 India has a very long coastline which is exposed to tropical cyclones arising in the Bay of Bengal and
Arabian Sea.
 Indian Ocean is one of the six major cyclone-prone regions in the world.

 In India cyclones occur usually in April-May, and also between October and December.
 The Eastern coastline is more prone to cyclones as about 80 percent of total cyclones generated in the
region hit there.
 The worst hitting cyclones have been the Andhra Pradesh cyclone of November1977 and the super
cyclone of Odisha in the year 1999.
 The impact of the cyclones is mainly confined to the coastal districts, the maximum destruction being
within 100 km. from the centre of the cyclones and on either side of the storm track.
 The principal dangers from a cyclone include the gales and strong winds; torrential rain and high tidal
waves (storm surges).
 Most casualties are caused by coastal inundation by tidal waves and storm surges.
 Heat waves, Cold waves and fog
 Heat waves refer to the extreme positive departure from the maximum temperature in summers.
 The fatalities caused by heat waves have increased in recent decades.
 The problem of heat wave is compounded by a decrease in Diurnal Temperature Range (DTR).
 In urban areas, the heat wave is increasing gaining notoriety for more and more fatalities.
 Cold waves occur mainly due to the extreme low temperature coupled with incursion of dry cold winds
from north-west.
 Most affected areas of country due to the cold waves include the western andnorth-western regions and
also Bihar, UP directly affected by the western disturbances.
 Thunderstorm, Hailstorm, Dust Storm etc
 India‟s central, north-eastern, north-western and northern parts are generally affected by these.
 The southern coastal areas are less prone to thunderstorms, hailstorms and dust storms.
 The hailstorms are more frequent in Assam, Uttarakhand and some parts of Maharashtra.
 Dust storms are common in Rajasthan, MP and Haryana. Tornadoes are rare in India.
 Droughts
 Drought refers to the situation of less moisture in the soil (whichmakes the land unproductive) and
scarcity of water for drinking, irrigation, industrial uses and other purposes, usually caused by
deficient/less than average rainfall over a long period of time.
 Some states of India feature the perennial drought such as Rajasthan, Odisha, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh
 Sixteen percent of the country‟s total area is drought-prone and approximately 50 million people are
affected annually by droughts. In India about 68 percent of net sown area in the country is drought-
 Most of the drought-prone areas identified by the Government of India lie in arid, semi-arid and sub-
humid areas of the country. 36
 In the arid and semi-arid zones, very severe droughts occur once in every eight to nine years. Geological
 Earthquakes
 Earthquake is almost impossible to be predicted, so it is the most destructive of all natural disasters.
 It is almost impossible to make arrangements and preparations against damages and collapses of
buildings and other man-made structures hit by an earthquake.
 More than half of India‟s total area is vulnerable to seismic activity of varying intensities.
 The most vulnerable regions are located in the Himalayan, Sub-Himalayan belt and Andaman &
 Nicobar Islands.
 The Himalayan ranges are among world‟s youngest fold mountains so the subterranean Himalayans
are geologically very active.

 The Himalayan frontal arc, flanked by the Arakan Yoma fold belt in the east and the Chaman fault in the
west make one of the seismically active regions in the world.
 Tsunami
 Tsunami refers to the displacement of a large volume of a body of water such as Ocean.
 Most Tsunamis are seismically generated, result of abrupt deformation of sea floor resulting vertical
displacement of the overlying water.
 The Tsunami waves are small in amplitude and long wavelength (often hundred of kilometers long).
 The east and west coasts of India and the island regions are likely to be affected by Tsunamis generated
mainly by subduction zone related earthquakes from the two potential source regions, viz. the
Andaman- Nicobar-Sumatra Island Arc and the Makran seduction zone north of Arabian Sea.
 Landslides
 Landslides are common in India in Himalayan region as well as Western Ghats. The Himalayan ranges
are among the youngest fold mountains of world.
 They comprise a series of seven curvilinear parallel folds running along a grand arc of around 3400
 The landslides in this region are probably more frequent than any other areas in the world.
 The Western Ghats, particularly Nilgiri hills also are notorious for frequent landslides.

 Industrial, Chemical and Nuclear Disasters
 The industrial and chemical disasters can occur due to accident, negligence or incompetence.
 They may result in huge loss to lives and property.
 The Hazardous industries and the workers in these industries are particularly vulnerable to chemical
and industrial disasters.
 The most significant chemical accidents in recorded history was the 1984 BhopalGas disaster, in which
more than 3,000 people were killed after a highly toxic vapour, (methyl isocyanate), was released at a
Union Carbide pesticides factory.
 Components of Disaster Relief
 Disaster relief means first aid provided for alleviating the suffering of domestic disaster victims.
 Hence it aims to meet the immediate needs of the victims of a disastrous event.
 Usually, it includes humanitarian services and transportation, food, clothing, medicine, beds and
bedding, temporary shelter and housing, medical materiel, medical and technical personnel, and repairs
to essential services.
 From earlier times, disaster relief is considered a local responsibility of the federal government to
provide assistance, when local and state relief capacities are exhausted.
 Water 38
 Global access to safe water, adequate sanitation, and proper hygiene education can reduce illness and
death from disease, leading to improved health, poverty reduction, and socio-economic development.
However, many countries are challenged to provide these basic necessities to their populations, leaving
people at risk for water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)-related diseases. Community water systems
and water safety plans
 A couple pumps water out of a community well Human health andwell-being are strongly affected by
the environment in which we live - the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food and nutrients
we eat. Community water systems and water safety plans are important ways to ensure the health of
the community.
 Inmany places, communities lack the capacity to effectively adapt their current

 systems for water, sanitation, and hygiene to the community’s changing needs (population growth,
changes in water quality).
 According to the World Health Organization, the objectives of a water safety plan are to ensure safe
drinking water through good water supply practices, which include :
 Preventing contamination of source waters;
 Treating the water to reduce or remove contamination that could be present to the extent necessary to
meet the water quality targets; and
 Preventing re-contamination during storage, distribution, and handling of drinking water. Prepare an
emergency water supply
 Store at least 1 gallon of water per day for each person and each pet. Consider storing more water than
this for hot climates, for pregnant women, and for people who are sick.
 Store at least a 3-day supply of water for each person and each pet. Try to store a 2-week supply if
 Observe the expiration date for store-bought water; replace other stored water every 6 months.
 Store a bottle of unscented liquid household chlorine bleach to disinfect your water and to use for
general cleaning and sanitizing. Try to store bleach in an area where the average temperature stays
around 70°F (21°C). Because the amount of active chlorine in bleach decreases over time due to normal
decay, consider replacing the bottle each year.
 Note : Alcohol dehydrate the body, which increases the need for drinking water. Water Containers
(Cleaning and Storage)
 Unopened commercially bottled water is the safest and most reliable emergency water supply.
 Use of food-grade water storage containers, such as those found at surplus or camping supply stores, is
recommended if you prepare stored water yourself.
 Before filling with safe water, use these steps to clean and sanitize storage containers :
 Wash the storage container with dishwashing soap and water and rinse completely with clean water.
 Sanitize the container by adding a solution made by mixing 1 teaspoon of unscented liquid household
chlorine bleach in one quart of water.
 Cover the container and shake it well so that the sanitizing bleach solution touches all inside surfaces of
the container.
 Wait at least 30 seconds and then pour the sanitizing solution out of the container.
 Let the empty sanitized container air-dry before use OR rinse the empty container with clean, safe
water that already is available.
 Avoid using the following containers to store safe water:
 Containers that cannot be sealed tightly
 Containers that can break, such as glass bottles 40
 Containers that have ever held toxic solid or liquid chemicals, such as bleach or pesticides
 Plastic or cardboard bottles, jugs, and containers used for milk or fruit juices For proper water storage :
 Label container as “drinking water” and include storage date.
 Replace stored water that is not commercially bottled every six months.
 Keep stored water in a place with a fairly constant cool temperature.
 Do not store water containers in direct sunlight.
 Do not store water containers in areas where toxic substances such as gasoline or pesticides are

 Food
 Prepare an emergency food supply
 A disaster can easily disrupt the food supply at any time, so plan to have at least a 3-day supply of food
on hand.
 Keep foods that:
 Have a long storage life.
 Require little or no cooking, water, or refrigeration, in case utilities are disrupted.
 Meet the needs of babies or other family members who are on special diets.
 Meet pets‟ needs.
 Are not very salty or spicy, as these foods increase the need for drinking water, which may be in short

 How to store emergency food
 When storing food, it is not necessary to buy dehydrated or other types of emergency food.
 Check the expiration dates on canned foods and dry mixes. Home-canned food usually needs to be
thrown out after a year.
 Use and replace food before its expiration date.
 Certain storage conditions can enhance the shelf life of canned or dried foods. The ideal location is a
cool, dry, dark place. The best temperature is 40 ° to 70 °F.
 Store foods away from ranges or refrigerator exhausts. Heat causes many foods to spoil more quickly.
 Store food away from petroleum products, such as gasoline, oil, paints, and solvents. Some food
products absorb their smell.
 Protect food from rodents and insects. Items stored in boxes or in paper cartons will keep longer if they
are heavily wrapped or stored in waterproof, airtight containers.
 Preparing food
 Preparing food after a disaster or emergency may be difficult due to damage to your home and loss of
electricity, gas, and water. Having the following items available will help you to prepare meals safely :
Cooking utensils
 Knives, forks, and spoons
 Paper plates, cups, and towels
 A manual can- and bottle-opener
 Heavy-duty aluminum foil
 Propane gas or charcoal grill; camp stove
 Fuel for cooking, such as charcoal. (CAUTION : Only use charcoal grills or camp stoves outside of your
home to avoid smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisoning.) 42
 Clean and sanitize food-contact surfaces in a four-step process :
 Wash with soap and hot, clean water.
 Rinse with clean water.
 Sanitize by immersing for 1 minute in a solution of 1 cup (8 oz/240 mL) of unscented household
chlorine bleach in 5 gallons of clean water.
 Allow to air dry. Sanitation and Hygiene
 Sanitation and hygiene are critical to health, survival, and development. Many countries are challenged
in providing adequate sanitation for their entire populations, leaving people at risk for water,
sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)-related diseases.

 Throughout the world, an estimated 2.4 billion people lack basic sanitation (more than 32 % of the
world’s population).
 Basic sanitation is described as having access to facilities for the safe disposal of human waste (feces
and urine), as well as having the ability to maintain hygienic conditions, through services such as
garbage collection, industrial/hazardous waste management, and wastewater treatment and disposal.
 The need for latrines and toilets
 Proper sanitation facilities (for example, toilets and latrines) promote health because they allow people
to dispose of their waste appropriately.
 Throughout the developing world, many people do not have access to suitable sanitation facilities,
resulting in improper waste disposal.
 Absence of basic sanitation facilities can
 Result in an unhealthy environment contaminated by human waste. Without proper sanitation facilities,
waste from infected individuals can contaminate a community’s land and water, increasing the risk of
infection for other individuals.
 Proper waste disposal can slow the infection cycle of many disease-causing agents
 Contribute to the spread of many diseases/conditions that can cause widespread illness and death.
Without proper sanitation facilities, people often have no choice but to live in and drink water from an
environment contaminated with waste from infected individuals, thereby putting themselves at risk for
future infection.
 Inadequate waste disposal drives the infection cycle of many agents that can be spread through
contaminated soil, food, water, and insects such as flies.
 Personal hygiene and hand washing after a disaster or emergency
 Hand washing under faucet
 On this page
 Disaster kit
 Hand washing
 When to wash hands
 Bathing
 Dental hygiene
 Wound care
 Good basic personal hygiene and hand washing are critical to help prevent the spread of illness and
disease. Clean, safe running water is essential for proper hygiene and hand washing.
 Hygiene is especially important in an emergency such as a flood, hurricane, or earthquake, but finding
clean, safe running water can sometimes be difficult. The following information will help to ensure good
hygiene and hand washing in the event of an emergency. 44
 Disaster supplies kit (Hygiene supplies)
 Before an emergency, make sure you have created a disaster supplies kit.
 Hand washing
 Keeping hands clean during an emergency helps prevent the spread of germs. If your tap water is not
safe to use, wash your hands with soap and water that has been boiled or disinfected. Follow these
steps to make sure you wash your hands properly :
 Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold) and apply soap.
 Rub yourhands together to make a lather and scrub them well; be sure to scrub the backs of your hands,
between your fingers, and under your nails.

 Continue rubbing your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer ? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song
from beginning to end twice.
 Rinse your hands well under running water.
 Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
 A temporary hand washing station pdf icon[PDF-38 kB]external icon can be created by using a large
water jug that contains clean water (for example, boiled or disinfected).
 Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of germs on them. If soap and
water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 % alcohol. Alcohol-
based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of germs on hands in some situations, but
sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs.
 Hand sanitizers are not effective when hands are visibly dirty. When to wash hands Wash hands with
soap and clean, running water (if available) :
 Before, during, and after preparing food
 Before eating food
 After using the toilet
 After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
 Before and after caring for someone who is sick
 After blowingyour nose, coughing, or sneezing
 After touching an animal or animal waste
 After touching garbage
 Before and after treating a cut or wound
 Other hand hygiene resources
 Food and water safety and hand hygiene resources
 Handwashing : Clean hands save lives
 Safe and healthy diapering for emergency settings
 Do not use contaminated water to wash dishes, brush your teeth, wash and prepare food, or make ice.
 Bathing
 Bathing or showering after a water-related emergency should only be done with clean, safe water.
Sometimes water that is not safe to drink can be used for bathing, but be careful not to swallow any
water or get it in your eyes.
 If you have a drinking water well, listen to your local health authorities for advice on using your well
water for showering and bathing. If extensive flooding has occurred or you suspect that your well may
be contaminated, contact your local, state, or tribal health department for specific advice on well testing
and disinfection.
 Dental hygiene 46
 Brushing your teeth after a water-related emergency should only be done with clean, safe water. Listen
to local authorities to find out if tap water is safe to use.
 Visit the safe drinking water for personal use page for more information about making your water safe
for brushing your teeth.
 You may visit CDC‟s Oral Health Web site for complete dental hygiene information.
 Wound care
 Keeping wounds clean and covered is crucial during an emergency. Open wounds and rashes exposed
to flood waters can become infected. To protect yourself and your family :

 Avoid contact with flood waters if you have an open wound.
 Cover clean, open wounds with a waterproof bandage to reduce chance of infection.
 Keep open wounds as clean as possible by washingwell with soap and clean water.
 If a wound develops redness, swelling, or oozing, seek immediate medical care.
 Vibrios are naturally occurring bacteria that live in certain coastal waters. They can cause a skin
infection when an open wound is exposed to salt water or a mix of salt and fresh water, which can occur
during floods.
 The risk for injury during and after a hurricane and other natural disasters is high. Prompt first aid can
help heal small wounds and prevent infection. Wash your hands with soap and water before and after
providing first aid for a wound to help prevent infection. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that
contains at least 60 % if soap and water are not available. Tetanus, other bacterial infections, and fungal
infections are potential health threats for persons who have open wounds. Seek medical attention as
soon as possible if :
 There is a foreign object (soil, wood, metal, or other objects) embedded in the wound;
 The wound is at special risk of infection (such as a dog bite or a puncture by a dirty object);
 An old wound shows signs of becoming infected (increased pain and soreness, swelling, redness,
draining, or you develop a fever).
 Septic and onsite wastewater systems
 A well-maintained and constructed septic system will better withstand the stresses of heavy rains or
flooding. Regular inspection is necessary to ensure proper functioning.
 During heavy rains and floods, the ground can become saturated, preventing proper operation of the
system. For example, a septic tank can collapse or float out of position. Signs that a septic system is not
working properly include the following :
 Sinks drain slowly
 Toilets drain slowly
 Floor drains overflow
 Sewage becomes visible outside the home
 Shelters
 Individual family shelter should always be preferred to communal accommodation as it provides the
necessary privacy, psychological comfort, and emotional safety.
 It also provides safety and security for people and possessions and helps to preserve or rebuild family
 Emergency shelter needs are best met by using the same locally available, sustainably sourced
materials and construction methods as would be normally used by the refugees themselves or the local
hosting population. 48
 Only if adequate quantities cannot be quickly obtained locally should emergency shelter material be
brought into the country.
 The simplest structures, and labour-intensive building methods, are preferable.
 Materials should be environmentally friendly and obtained in a sustainable manner.
 Plastic sheeting has become the most important shelter component in many humanitarian response
operations often in combination with rigid materials, as they offer flexibility and can be used in a
variety of ways in both urban and rural settings.
 Regardless of the type of emergency shelter used the following principles generally apply :
 Shelters must provide protection from the elements, space to live and store belongings, privacy and
emotional security.

 Blankets, mats, and tarpaulin must be provided as needed.
 Refugee shelter should be culturally and socially appropriate and familiar where possible. Suitable local
materials are best, if available.
 Shelter must be adequate regardless of seasonal weather patterns, if not it should be adapted
 Wherever possible, persons of concern should be empowered to build their own shelter, with the
necessary organizational and material support.
 This will help to ensure that the shelter will meet their particular needs, promote a sense of ownership
and self-reliance, and reduces costs and construction time considerably
 Eachtype of emergency shelter has advantages and disadvantages depending on the context in which it
is used.
 Health
 Management of medical supply
 Disasters can also cause disruptions to the health care infrastructure.
 Hospitals and health centers may suffer structural damage, or health personnel may be among the
casualties, limiting the ability to provide health services to disaster victims.
 Emergency health kits that contain essential medical supplies and drugs are often provided to victims
as part of the immediate response to disasters.
 These kits are designed to meet the primary health care needs of people without access to medical
 Each kit covers the needs of about 10,000 persons for three months
 The twelve essential drugs in the basic kit include anti-inflammatory, an antacid, a disinfectant, oral
dehydration salts, an ant malarial, a basic antibiotic (effective against the most common bacteria), and
an ointment for eye infections.
 Assessment of immediate health needs
 Natural disasters do not usually result in infectious disease outbreaks. However, certain circumstances
can increase the chance for disease transmission.
 Immediately after a disaster, most increases in disease incidence are caused by fecal contamination of
water and food supplies.
 This contamination usually results in intestinal disease. Outbreaks of communicable diseases are
directly associated with population density and displacement.
 If disaster victims live in overcrowded conditions or are forced toleave their homes, the risk of a disease
outbreak increases.
 Disposal of dead
 In many emergency situations, especially in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster such as 50
earthquake or cyclone, there may be many dead bodies that require appropriate disposal.
 Despite many myths and rumours to the contrary, exposure to dead human bodies is not in itself a
serious health hazard except in specific cases. For this reason, bodies should as far as possible be
handled and buried or cremated by the families of the dead people, in ways which are as close as
possible to their normal cultural and religious practices. Mass cremation or mass burial should be
avoided if possible.
 Waste Management
 Depending on their nature and severity, disasters can create large volumes of debris and waste.
 The waste can overwhelm existing solid waste management facilities and impact on other emergency
response and recovery activities.
 If poorly managed, the waste can have significant environmental and public health impacts and can
affect the overall recovery process.

 Sewer systems and wastewater management
 A sewer system pipe opening, along with the dirty water coming out of it.
 Community wastewater management and adequate sewer systems play important roles in sanitation
and disease prevention.
 Wastewater can contaminate the local environment and drinking water supply, thereby increasing the
risk of disease transmission.
 Therefore, to improve health, it is vital to develop a system to manage community wastewater and
 In many countries, proper wastewater management is not practiced due to lack of resources,
infrastructure, available technology, and space.
 Institutional Arrangements National level
 In the event of a disaster of a severe nature, National Crisis ManagementCommittee under Cabinet
Crisis Management Committee under Cabinet Secretary gives policy directions and guidelines to the
Secretary gives policy directions and guidelines to the Crisis Management Group where national/
international efforts are required. international efforts are required.
 Crisis Management Group in MHA reviews the situation in Inter situation in Inter-Ministerial meeting to
coordinate Ministerial meeting to coordinate various emergency support functions for the affected
various emergency support functions for the affected States. States.
 Union Cabinet may set up a Cabinet Committee/Task Force/GoM for effective coordination of relief for
effective coordination of relief measures in the wake of calamities of severe nature.
 State level
 A State level Crisis Management Committee under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary is responsible
for formulating policies and guidelines for management of natural disasters in the States.
 This committee comprises of concerned functionaries in various State Departments and representatives
of Central Organizations located in the State.
 State Relief Commissioner is the Nodal Officer for coordinating the activities for relief operations in the
event of natural disasters.
 District level
 District level is the focal point in a disastersituation from which disaster management related activities
are coordinated and implemented.
 A district level committee exists under the District Collector / Deputy Commissioner.
 District Collector is the key functionary for directing, supervising and monitoring all disaster
management operations.
 Role of Central and State Governments
 Central and State Governments are jointly responsible for undertaking mitigation, preparedness,
response, relief and rehabilitation preparedness, response, relief and rehabilitation measures.
 Central Government supplements the efforts of State Government by providing financial and logistic
support in case of a major calamity.
 Involvement of local bodies, NGOs, Self help Involvement of local bodies, Self help groups etc in relief
and response.
 Mitigation, Response and Preparedness
 Mitigation : Activities aimed at trying to mitigate the impact of a disaster if prevention is not possible,
such as building schools to be more earthquake resistant.

 Response : Activities aimed at understanding needs and responding to them, including rapid
assessments, provision of food and non-food items, provision of water, sanitation and hygiene services,
and health and shelter interventions.
 In the immediate hours and days after a disaster, when search-and-rescue activities are critical, it is
most often local actors who are first to respond. Information is often patchy and confused; there can be
significant damage to infrastructure, and large movements of people.
 Preparedness : Activities aimed at trying to prepare communities for a disaster, such as emergency
drills or pre-stocking relief items in logistic hubs.
 This involves measures designed for lessening the likely effects of emergencies. Includes appropriate
land-use planning, flood mitigation works, improved building codes improving structural qualities of
schools, houses and such other buildings so that medical causalities can be minimized.
 Ensuring the safety of health facilities and public health services including water supply and sewerage
system to reduce the cost of rehabilitation and reconstruction.
 Mitigation compliments the disaster preparedness and disaster response activities.
 Preparedness efforts include plans or preparations made in advance of an emergency that help
individuals and communities get ready to either respond or to recover. It aims to achieve a satisfactory
level of readiness to respond to any emergency situation through programs that strengthen the
technical and managerial capacity of governments, organizations, and communities.
 These measures can be described as logistical readiness to deal with disasters and can be enhanced by
having response mechanisms and procedures, rehearsals, developing long-term and short-term
strategies, public education and building early warning systems.
 The preparations may include the stocking of reserve food and water, the gathering and screening of
willing community volunteers, or citizens education & evacuation plan, holding disaster drills, and
installing smoke detectors, mutual aid agreements, development of hospital disaster plans, emergency
medical service plans, etc.
 Preparedness activities increase a community‟s ability to respond when a disaster occurs. The National
Incident Management System (NIMS) defines preparedness as "a continuous cycle of planning,
organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating, and taking corrective action in an effort to ensure
effective coordination during incident response."
 This preparedness cycle is one element of a broader National Preparedness System to prevent, respond
to, recover from, and mitigate against natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made
 Typical preparedness measures include developing mutual aid agreements and memorandums of
understanding, training for both response personnel and concerned citizens, conducting disaster
exercises to reinforce training and test capabilities, and presenting all-hazards education campaigns. 54
 Unlike mitigation activities, which are aimed at preventing a disaster from occurring, personal
preparedness focuses on preparing equipment and procedures for use when a disaster occurs, i.e.
 Preparedness measures can take many forms including the construction of shelters, installation of
warning devices, creation of back-up life-line services (e.g. power, water, sewage), and rehearsing
evacuation plans.
 Two simple measures can help prepare the individual for sitting out the event or evacuating, as
necessary. For evacuation, a disaster supplies kit may be prepared and for sheltering purposes a
stockpile of supplies may be created. These kits may include food, medicine, flashlights, candles and

 Disaster Management Act and Policy
 Definitions - In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires -
 "Affected area" means an area or part of the country affected by a disaster; "Capacity-building" includes
 Identification of existing resources and resources to be acquired or created;
 Acquiring or creating resources identified under sub-clause (i);
 Organization and training of personnel and coordination of such training for effective management of
 "Central Government" means the Ministry or Department of the Government of India having
administrative control of disaster management;
 "Disaster" means a catastrophe, mishap, calamity or grave occurrence in any area, arising from natural
or manmade causes, or by accident or negligence which results in substantial loss of life or human
suffering or damage to, and destruction of, property, or damage to, or degradation of, environment, and
is of such a nature or magnitude as to be beyond the coping capacity of the community of the affected
 "Disaster management" means a continuous and integrated process of planning, organising,
coordinating and implementing measures which are necessary or expedient for -
 Prevention of danger or threat of any disaster;
 Mitigation or reduction of risk of any disaster or its severity or consequences;
 Capacity-building;
 Preparedness to deal with any disaster;
 Prompt response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster; Assessing the severity or magnitude
of effects of any disaster;
 Evacuation, rescue and relief;
 Rehabilitation and reconstruction;
 "District Authority" means the District Disaster Management Authority constituted under sub-section
(1) of section 25;
 "District Plan" means the plan for disaster management for the district prepared under section 31;
 "Local authority" includes panchayati raj institutions, municipalities, a district board, cantonment
board, town planning authority or Zila Parishad or any other body or authority, by whatever name
called, for the time being invested by law, for rendering essential services or, with the control and
management of civic services, within a specified local area;
 "Mitigation" means measures aimed at reducing the risk, impact or effects of a disaster or threatening
disaster situation;
 "National Authority" means the National Disaster Management Authority established under sub-section
 (1) of section 3;
 "National Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of the National Authority constituted
under sub-section (1) of section 8;
 "National Plan" means the plan for disaster management for the whole of the country prepared under
section 11;
 "Preparedness" means the state of readiness to deal with a threatening disaster situation or disaster
and the effects thereof;
 "Prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
 "Reconstruction" means construction or restoration of any property after a disaster;
 "Resources" includes manpower, services, materials and provisions;
 "State Authority" means the State Disaster Management Authority established under sub-section (1) of
section 14 and includes the Disaster Management

 Authority for the Union territory constituted under that section;
 "State Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of a State Authority constituted under
sub-section (1) of section 20;
 "State Government" means the Department of Government of the State having administrative control of
disaster management and includes Administrator of the Union territory appointed by the President
under article 239 of the Constitution;
 Assessing the severity or magnitude of effects of any disaster;
 Evacuation, rescue and relief;
 Rehabilitation and reconstruction;
 "District Authority" means the District Disaster Management Authority constituted under sub-section
 (1) of section 25;
 "District Plan" means the plan for disaster management for the district prepared under section 31;
 "Local authority" includes panchayati raj institutions, municipalities,a district board, cantonment board,
town planning authority or Zila Parishad or any other body or authority, by whatever name called, for
the time being invested by law, for rendering essential services or, with the control and management of
civic services, within a specified local area;
 "Mitigation" means measures aimed at reducing the risk, impact or effects of a disaster or threatening
disaster situation;
 "National Authority" means the National Disaster Management Authority established under sub-section
 (1) of section 3;
 "National Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of the National Authority constituted
under sub-section (1) of section 8;
 "National Plan" means the plan for disaster management for the whole of the country prepared under
section 11;
 "Preparedness" means the state of readiness to deal with a threatening disaster situation or disaster
and the effects thereof;
 "Prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
 "Reconstruction" means construction orrestoration of any property after a disaster;
 "Resources" includes manpower, services, materials and provisions;
 "State Authority" means the State Disaster Management Authority established under sub-section (1) of
section 14 and includes the Disaster Management Authority for the Union territory constituted under
that section;
 "State Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of a State Authority constituted under
sub-section (1) of section 20;
 "State Government" means the Department of Government of the State having administrative control58
disaster management and includes Administrator of the Union territory appointed by the President
under article 239 of the Constitution;
 Other Related Policies, Plans, Programmes and Legislation
 Indian Constitution and Natural Disaster
 Indian Constitution, the Magna Carta of Fundamental Rights for Indians guarantees protection of life
and security with the purpose of ensuring a welfare State.
 Not only the laws and regulations framed by the Central and State Governments have to be in
conformity with the Constitutional provisions, but also the authorities have a duty under the
Constitution to safeguard and protect the Fundamental Rights.

 The scope and applicability of these Fundamental Rights and the validity of the laws passed by the
legislatures and the executive actions of the government are often the subject matter of various
decisions by the Supreme Court of India.
 The Environment Protection Act, 1986
 After the Bhopal Gas Leak Tragedy, the Indian Parliament enacted the Environment (Protection) Act
(EPA), 1986 for the purpose of safeguarding and protecting the environment from unregulated
industrial or other activities. Under the EPA, the central Government is entrusted with responsibility to
take all the measures for protecting and improving the quality of the environment and preventing
controlling and abating environmental pollution.
 It prohibits persons carrying on any industry, operation or process from discharging or emitting any
environmental pollutants in excess of prescribed standards.
 The EPA imposes obligations on persons handling any hazardous substance to follow prescribed
procedure and comply with prescribed safeguards.
 Environment Impact Assessment Statement
 In the year 1994, a notification was issued by the Central Government under Section 3 of EPA making it
mandatory on the part of all new industrial units and those with intent to modernize or expand to
submit an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Statement for the purpose of obtaining clearance
from the
 Central Government for setting up industrial projects.
 The ‘Manufacture, Storage and Impact of Hazardous Chemical Rules’, 1989
 In the Year 1989, the Central Government framed the „Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous
Chemical Rules‟, 1987 under the EPA.
 The principal objective of the rules is the prevention of major accidents arising from industrial activity,
the limitation of the effects of such accidents both on humans and the environment, and the
harmonization of the various control measures and the agencies to prevent and limit major accidents.
 The Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 1991.
 In the year 1991, with a view to protect the fragile ecosystem of the coastal areas in India from
unregulated developmental activities, the Government of India issued Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ)
Notification under the EPA to control the developmental activities within 500 meters of High Tide Line
 The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
 The parliament also enacted the “Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991‟ to provide for public liability
insurance for the purpose of providing immediate relief to the persons affected by accidents occurring
while handling hazardous substances.
 The Act imposes on the person, who has control over handling any hazardous substance, the liability 60
give the relief specified in the Act to all the victims of any accident, which occurs while handling such
 The National Environment Appellate Authority Act, 1997
 This Act has been enacted to provide for the establishment of a National Environment Appellate
Authority to hear appeals with respect to restriction of areas in which any industries, operations or
process or class of industries, shall not be carried out subject to certain safeguards under the EPA.
 Role of GIS and Information Technology Components in Preparedness, Risk Assessment, Response and
Recovery Phases of Disaster
 Disastersare spatial in nature as they strike at a specific location and influence a particular area.

 Location intelligence plays a critical role in disaster management. GIS coupled with remote sensing
provides a basic framework that helps in all the stages of disaster management starting from
preparedness, to response and recovery.
 Through advanced wireless technologies and web-based GIS applications, disaster management by
governments and other agencies is being revolutionized and is enhancing the coordination of response
efforts as well as planning for disaster risk reduction.
 GIS decision support systems for disaster have been applied in several parts of the world for effective
 For assessing disaster risks, one needs an understanding of key disaster event characteristics such as
location of impact (for example, earthquake epicenter, cyclone landfall), physical characteristics
(magnitude in case of earthquakes, central pressure in case of cyclones), local conditions like land use
and type and height of structures.
 These characteristics require an understanding of the geography of the impacted area in order to model
the hazard intensity and severity and to understand the impact on buildings, infrastructure and
population, and at the same time respond to the disaster for evacuation and rehabilitation works.
 Use of GIS and remote sensing, helps conduct all these tasks in a planned an efficient manner.
 Earlier, when the concept of GIS did not exist, response decisions during disasters were taken mostly on
the basis of prior experience and intuition rather than any live information.
 But today, live data on many parameters such as topography, geographic features, population,
infrastructure, demographics can be crucial to the response and recovery activities.
 GIS has the power to integrate data from various sources into a common platform and make it readily
accessible to various stakeholders for disaster management. It enables dissemination of critical
information in a timely manner in cases of emergencies.
 Further, the visualization of this data helps in analyzing a situation and taking quick decisions. In
advanced countries of the world, GIS has been successfully utilized to address all phases of disaster
management-preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery.
 It is very helpful to lay a foundation of GIS as all these stages are interconnected. The output of one
stage serves as input to the next stage.
 Disaster Damage Assessment
 Damage assessment is an important tool for retrospective and prospective analysis of disasters to
assimilate the extent of impact of a disaster. This forms the basis for future disaster preparedness and
preventive planning. It is essential in determining : what happened, what the effects were, which areas
were hardest hit, what situations must be given priority and what types of assistance are needed, for
example, Local, State, or Union ? Emergency response can be more effective, equipment and personnel
can be better used, and help can be provided quicker if a thorough damage assessment is performed
beforehand. The basic objectives of damage assessment could be summarised as follows :
 To make a rapid assessment of areas affected to know the extent of impact for purpose of immediate
rescue and relief operations;
 To prepare estimates for the amount of relief to be provided and the mode of relief, be it food, clothing,
medicines, shelter or other essential commodities;
 To make a detailed assessment regarding requirements for long-term relief and rehabilitation planning;
 To identify focus areas for the purpose of „retrofitting‟ actions in similar future situations.
 Damage assessment is therefore a prerequisite for effective disaster response effort. For effective
decisions, officials responsible for organising post-disaster relief operations should be properly

 of the damage/possible damage should the event repeat itself some-time in the future, so that they can
know the needs, current, as well as prospective, in precise terms.
 They must have appropriate and timely information about : what happened, what needs to be done, and
what resources are available ? Their decisions can save lives; minimise injury, damage and loss; prevent
any further escalation; prevent secondary hazards and inform people who need to know. Well-
organised response will also help in building confidence and enhancing the credibility of the
 Relief operations are essentially about the management of information and resources, which is based
on assessments and reports carried out from time to time. Information is needed at all levels of
administration but the nature of the information required varies from one level to another. Good
assessment and reporting require forethought; hence, the assessment and reporting system should be
established during the preparedness planning stage.
 Mitigation Measures for Home
 One of the most effective means of protection is to take steps to make your home and your household
safe from the potential effects of disaster like floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes. This is
called mitigation. Ideally, mitigation measures are implemented before disaster strikes since they can
help protect your household as well as your property. However, even after a disaster strikes, actions
can be taken to avoid or reduce the impact of the next disaster.
 If your home was damaged during the disaster, consider implementing mitigation measures while you
repair your home.
 Be sure that all upgrade construction projects comply with local building codes that pertain to seismic,
flood, fire and wind hazards. Make sure your contractors follow the codes, including periodic building
inspections of the construction.
 If you live in a flood-prone area, consider purchasing flood insurance to reduce your risk to floods.
Buying flood insurance to cover the value of a building and its contents will not only provide greater
peace of mind, but will also speed recovery if a flood occurs.
 If you live in an area prone to high winds, make sure your roof is firmly secured to the main frame of the
residence. Consider building a wind “Safe Room or Shelter” in your home to protect your household.
There are several additional steps you can take to reduce wind damages and losses, including the
 Secure light fixtures and other items that could fall or shake loose in such events.
 Move heavy or breakable objects to low shelves.
 Anchor water heaters and bolt them to wall studs.
 Purchase storm shutters for exterior windows and doorsto protect your home against high winds.
 If you live in an area likely to have an earthquake, consider using straps or other restraints to secure
cabinets, bookshelves, large appliances, (especially water heater and furnace), and light fixtures to
prevent damage and injury.


 UNIT – V
 Disater Management : Applications and Case Studies and Field Works
 Landslide Hazard Zonation : Case Studies
 Landslide hazard is commonly shown on maps, which display the spatial distribution of hazard classes
(Landslide Hazard Zonation). Landslide hazard zonation refers to “the division of the land in
homogeneous areas or domains and their ranking according to degrees of actual / potential hazard
caused by mass movement” (Varnes 1984). Landslide failures have caused untold number of causalities
and huge economic losses. In many countries, economic losses due to landslides are great and
apparently are growing as development expands into unstable hillside areas under the pressure of
expanding populations. Inspite of improvements in recognition, prediction, and mitigation measures,
worldwide landslide activity is increasing. The factors causing this expected augmented activity are :
 Increased urbanization and development in landslide prone areas.
 Continued deforestation of landslide prone areas, and
 Increased regional precipitation caused by changing climate patterns.
 At least 90 % of landslide losses can be avoidable if the problem is recognized before the development
or deforestation begins. Hence, there is a dire need for identification of existing and potential unstable
slopes. In this chapter more emphasis has been given to review the past studies on LHZ mapping by
various approaches using Remote Sensing and GIS.
 Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings and Infrastructure :Case Studies Earthquake
Preparedness and Coping Strategies
 This primer will help you in preparing yourself before and during the disaster caused by earthquakes,
and how to cope with such a disaster.
 An earthquake is the sudden motion, trembling or shaking of the ground due to the rapid release of
 Most earthquakes are due to movement of large slabs of rock called tectonic plates. When the plates
slide or move against each other, the plates may be bent or stretched.
 The bending or stretching stores energy. Sooner or later, the plates break and shift. When the break

happens, the stored energy is released in the form of waves, which we feel as earthquake
 The waves spread out from the focus or source of an earthquake in all directions.As the waves travel
away from the focus, they grow gradually weaker. So, the ground generally shakes less far away from
the focus.
 Most earthquakes occur along the boundaries of the tectonic plates. If you liveclose to a plate boundary,
you will experience more earthquakes than if you lived far from the boundary. For example, many

 countries around the Pacific Ocean are often rocked by earthquakes because they are located near the
boundary of the Pacific plate.
 Earthquakes occur every day. But most are too weak to be felt by humans. More than a million
earthquakes occur harmlessly every year. In comparison, damaging earthquakes occur less frequently.
The table below shows the frequency of earthquakes worldwide.

 Drought Assessment : Case Studies
 Drought is fundamentally the resultant of an extended period of reducedprecipitation.
 It is viewed through its impacts such as soil moisture, streamflow, crop yields, etc.
 As such, the question of predictability of drought mustextend to those quantities as well. Nevertheless,
in developing an understanding of drought and its predictability, it is useful to first consider the
physical mechanisms that cause precipitation deficits and how they vary by time scale.
 Availabilityof varied definitions of drought reflects the complexity of the natural disaster cum
hydrologic extreme.
 Studies were conducted on drought assessments using different techniques(conventional such as
estimation of relevant hydrologic parameters and advanced such as Remote Sensing technique, GIS
software, etc.) in varied domains of dry land agriculture, rural / urban contexts, etc.

 Coastal Flooding: Storm Surge Assessment
 Floods can be caused by unusually high tides, or storm surges. Land in estuarineareas (enclosed coastal
body of brackish water) can be at particular risk of flooding as high river flows, marine tides and storm
surge effects can act either alone or in combination to produce high water levels.Storm surges are
episodes of high sea level caused by strong winds, often increased further by unusually low air
 Storm surges usually affect in the fall and winter seasons, when strong lowpressure systems pass by
 During a storm surge, periods of strong winds drive water towards the shoreline,significantly
increasing the sea level.
 If the wind is blowing towards an estuary, the surge effect can be boosted evenmore, as the water is
funnelled into the estuary area.
 The longer strong onshore winds persist, the greater the surge effect.
 Low air pressure literally sucks the sea surface upward, and this effect can besignificant with intense
low pressure systems.
 The worst surgeimpacts are caused when a surge due to wind and low pressure coincides with an
unusually high tide. 68
 Sea levels can be raised over a metre above normal tide predictions. The impact ofa storm surge may be
offset if there is coastal sea ice present, although if the ice breaks up, it can add to the damaging effect of
flooding and wave action.
 Storm surges can also be caused by tropical storms systems (hurricanes).
 The combination of high winds, heavy wave action and flooding during a stormsurge can cause
extensive damage to affected areas.


 Forest Fire : Case Studies Forest Fire
 □ The most common hazard in forests is forests fire.
 Forests fires are as old as the forests themselves.
 They pose a threat not only to the forest wealth but alsoto the entire regime to fauna and flora seriously
disturbing the bio-diversity and the ecology and environment of a region.
 During summer, when there is no rain for months, the forests become litteredwith dry senescent leaves
and twinges, which could burst into flames ignited by the slightest spark.
 The Himalayan forests, particularly, Garhwal Himalayas have been burningregularly during the last few
summers, with colossal loss of vegetation cover of that region.
 Forest fire causes imbalances in nature and endangers biodiversity by reducingfaunal and floral wealth.
 Traditional methods of fire prevention are not proving effective and it is nowessential to raise public
awareness on the matter, particularly among those people who live close to or in forested areas.
 Causes of Forest Fire
 Forest fires are caused by natural causes as well as man-made causes
 Natural causes- Many forest fires start from natural causes such as lightning which set trees on fire.
However, rain extinguishes such fires without causing much damage. High atmospheric temperatures
and dryness (low humidity) offer favorable circumstance for a fire to start.
 Man-made causes - Fire is caused when a source of fire like naked flame, cigarette or bidi, electric spark
or any source of ignition comes into contact with inflammable material.
 Traditionally Indian forests have been affected by fires. Themenace has beenaggravated with rising
human and cattle population and the consequent increase in demand for forest products by individuals
and communities. Causes of forest fires can be divided into two broad categories : environmental 70

(which are beyond control) and human related (which are controllable).
 Environmental causes are largely related to climatic conditions such as temperature, wind speed and
direction, level of moisture in soil and atmosphere and duration of dry spells.
 Other natural causes are the friction of bamboos swaying due to high windvelocity and rolling stones
that result in sparks setting off fires in highly inflammable leaf litter on the forest floor.

 Human related causes result from human activity as well as methods of forestmanagement. These can
be intentional or unintentional
 Man Made Disasters : Case Studies
 These are mostly caused due to certain human activities. The disasters themselvescould be
unintentional, but, are caused due to some intentional activity. Most of these are due to certain
accidents - which could have been prevented - if adequate precautionary measures were put in place :
Nuclear leaks, chemical leaks, terrorist attack, structural destroy etc.
 Actions taken depend in part on perceptions of risk of thoseexposed.
 Effective emergency management depends on thorough incorporation ofemergency plans at all levels of
government and non-government involvement.
 Space Based Inputs for Disaster Mitigation and Management and Field Works Related to Disaster
 India is prone to many natural disasters like floods, landslides, cyclones, forest fires, earthquakes,
drought, etc. Satellites provide synoptic observations of the natural disasters at regular intervals that
helps in better planning and management of disasters. In order to better understand the risks due to
such disasters, it is necessary to integrate satellite and field based observations and to work towards
risk reduction principles. Satellite communication and navigation systems also play an important role in
disaster management with improved technological options. Disaster Management Support (DMS)
Programme, comprehensively addresses various aspects of natural disasters in the country, using space
based inputs. ISRO disseminates relevant information in interactive geo-spatial domain through various
geoportals like Bhuvan, National Database for Emergency Management and MOSDAC for the
administrators to better understand the impact and for improved decision support. ISRO provides the
satellite based near real time information support to Central Ministries / Departments and State
Ministries / Departments, prior during and after major natural disasters. In addition, ISRO also provides
capacity building in use of Space technology inputs in Disaster Management Support. ISRO is actively
involved with various other countries with regard to disaster management, through international
frameworks, such as, International Charter „Space & Major Disasters‟, Sentinel Asia, UNESCAP and so
 Cyclones Preparedness
 With large coast line, India is susceptible for cyclones. It is important to understand the impacts of
cyclone, with respect to its earlier footprints, low lying areas, etc, wherein satellite images provide such
inputs. Using historical satellite data and Digital surface models, these inputs are derived.
 Early warning
 ISRO uses geo-stationary and low earth orbit satellites for providing experimental inputs on
cyclogenesis, cyclone track, cyclone intensity. INSAT series of satellites with frequent imaging provide
the cyclone parameters for near real time analysis.
 Response
 Near real time information on inundation due to cyclones is derived, using optical and microwave SAR
data and the information is provided to the concerned departments. During 2018, ISRO provided
information on inundation to Odisha, Andhra Pradesh States during TITLI, PHETHAI, etc.
 Floods Preparedness
 Based on integration of historic satellite datasets acquired during major floods in different States, flood
hazard map layers were prepared for Assam, Bihar, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West
Bengal and Entire Country.

 Early Warning
 Using hydrological modelling of satellite and ground based hydro-meteorological inputs and digital
elevation models, experimental spatial flood early warning systems are established for selected river
reaches like Andhra Pradesh (Godavari), Odisha (Mahanadi) and Assam (Brahmaputra).
 Response
 Near real time information on flood inundation is derived on an operational basis using optical and
microwave SAR data and the information is provided to the concerned departments of Kerala, Assam,
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh States.
 Landslides Preparedness
 Landslides cause huge damages, particularly along pilgrim routes. ISRO prepared Landslide Hazard
Zonation maps for pilgrim routes in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Meghalaya.In addition, ISRO is
also preparing seasonal landslide inventory on regular basis.These satellite based inputs are very useful
for preparedness.
 Early Warning
 Experimental Landslide Early Warning System for Rainfall Triggered Landslides is carried out for the
following routes namely Rishikesh-Badrinath, Rishikesh-Uttarkashi Gaumukh,Chamoli-Okhimath
Rudraprayag-Kedarnath and Pithoragarh-Malpa in Uttarakhand during specific seasons.
 Response
 Near real time information on landslides is derived regularly during major landslide events in the
country and disseminated through Bhuvan geoportal. Areal extent of landslide is also estimated using
satellite data and DSMs. In addition, in case of river blockade due to landslide, necessary inputs are
provided to Govt. from time to time.
 Landslides Hazard Zones
 Landslide hazard zonation maps were prepared for selected pilgrim routes in the country. These zones
are delineated based on geological, topological and anthropogenic factors. These factors include
lithology, soil, slope, drainage, lineament, landuse, etc. At present these maps are available for pilgrim
routes in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya in addition, event-based and seasonal landslide
inventory is also carried out. The information on landslide inventory and hazard zones help the
decision makers for better planning in these areas
 Role of Media in Disaster Management
 The media forges a direct link between the public and emergency organizations and plays a very
important role in disseminating vital information to the public before, during and after disasters.
 The media assists in the management of disasters by educating the public about disasters; warning of
hazards; gathering and transmitting information about affected areas; alerting government officials,
relief organizations and the public to specific needs; and facilitating discussions about disaster
preparedness and response for continuous improvement.
 To help the media fulfil these roles, direct and effective working relationships between the media and
disaster management organizations should be established and maintained Experience shows that
regular interactions with the media before a disaster strikes, aids the effective flow of information and
lays the groundwork for effective working relationships in the aftermath of a disaster.
 Media and Emergency Response
 In managing disaster- the necessity of "right information at right time" has not changed for centuries.
 People need warnings ahead of the disaster and then, in its aftermath, data on -casualties, damage, the
supplies and skills that are needed, the best ways to bring

 in these resources, the help that is available and is being provided, and so on.
 There are many examples where - public education and the rapid, widespread dissemination of early
warnings saved thousands of lives.
 In November 1970, for example, a tropical cyclone, combined with a high tide, struck southeastern
Bangladesh, leaving more than 300,000 people dead and 1.3 million homeless.
 In May 1985, a comparable cyclone and storm surge hit the same area. "This time - there was better
local dissemination of disaster warnings and the people were better prepared to respond to them.
 The loss of life, although still high, was 10,000 or about 3 percent of that in 1970.
 When a devastating cyclone struck the same area of Bangladesh in May 1994, fewer than 1,000 people
died. 1977 cyclone in Andra Pradesh, India killed 10,000 people, while a similar storm in the same area
13 years later killed only 910.
 The dramatic difference -was due to the fact that a new early-warning system connected with radio
stations to alert people in low-lying areas, was put into place.
 On the other side, there are many examples where absence of an alert and warning system resulted into
huge number of casualties and extensive damage of property. Bhopal gas leak, 1999 super cyclone in
Orissa and 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami are few of the recent example in India where "timely alert" could
have saved millions of lives and enormous property.
 Media is usually defined as impersonal means of communication by whichwritten, visual or auditory or
sometimes a combination of such messages are transmitted directly to the audiences". In simpler terms,
the word media denotes the means of communication with large number of people spread over
 communities, cities or countries through written or printed word or sound and voice or visual images
or a combination of these.
 By the definition itself, we understand that media is all organised means of reaching large number of
people, quickly, timely effectively and efficiently. There are two main characteristics of media.
 It can reach millions of people in short time; even instantaneously.
 Audio media transcends the limits of illiteracy and the visual media can be effective in a multilingual
society as well.
 It is cost effective and generally user-friendly.
 Generally, media provide one way communication I.e. to the receivmg people.Television, radio,
newspaper, magazines, audio and video as well as movies are examples of media. These are very useful
in the multilingual traditional and largely illiterate society in India. Types of media : Media may be of
various kind; but in disaster management, following types of media are important : Print media - Print
media (newspapers etc.) have made tremendous progress in India since 1780, when the first Indian
newspaper 'The Bengal Gazette' appeared. After Independence, the mass media assumed great
significance. As per official records, more than 25000 different newspapers, magazines and bulletins are
being published from various states in the country in various languages.
 Broadcast media- They comprise radio and television. Messages are transmitted by these media
through satellite and received by viewers and listeners at distant places of the country very quickly.
Radio and T.V. reach more number of people than print media. In disaster warning and creating
awareness, broadcast media are most effective especially a large multilingual country like India with
low level of literacy. Broadcast media are sometimes termed as Electronic Media although the latter
term would include audio video cassettes.
 Display media- This comprises the following :
 Hoardings or Billboards or illuminated signs which can be displayed at busy public places like bus
stands; railway stations, parks, etc.

 Wall paintings and posters on common places including railway stations, airports providing specific
 Small panels on lamp posts or insideor outside buses, railway compartments, taxis etc.
 Banners
 Window displays
 Sky balloons in trade fairs
 Small handbi lis, leaflets.
 Exhibitions and Fairs where special pavilions may be arranged to deal with the theme of disaster


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