Inorganic Unit 1
Inorganic Unit 1
Inorganic Unit 1
❖ Test being used to identify the impurity.
Limit test for heavy metal is based on the reaction of metallic impurities with
Hydrogen, Sulphide or Sodium sulphide in acidic medium to produce metal
sulphides which gives Brown colour. [LEAD IS USED AS STAND]
Heavy Metals + H2S/ Na2S Heavy metal sulphides
(brown colour ppt.)
Method A Method C
Method B Method D
Method A = For the substance give clear colourless solution
under specific condition give in monograph (pharmacopeia).
Means, here we check impurities of sulphate in sample with the help of Limit
Here we use 2 Nessler cylinder
❑ Test solution
❑ Standard solution
Chemical required :-
Potassium Sulphate , Distilled water, Barium sulphate reagent, Dilute HCl
2. Add 1.5 ml of ethanolic sulphate standard solution(10 ppm SO4) Mix and allow
to stand for 1min.
2. Add 1.5ml of ethanolic sulphate standard solution (10ppm SO4) Mix and allow to stand for 1min.
. BaSO4 reagent react with sulphate
. In the presence of dilute HCl
. And form BaSO4
. Lead to formation of white ppt.
. Lead to turibidity in solution
Means, here we check impurities of chloride in sample with the help of Limit test.
For Limit Test, we use Nesseler cylinder [2]
Test solution
Standard solution
Chemical required :- Standard NaCl solution – 0.05845%, distilled H2O, Dilute HNO3, AgNO3 solution- 5%
– Limit Test of chloride
Here we add AgNO3
→ this react with chloride in the presence of dilute HNO 3 form AgCl
This leads to turbidity
Arsenic easily reduce into Arsine gas If we use Nessler cylinder then
gas release out , so we use Gutziet apparatus.
As may be present as As+3 (Trivalent)
As+5 (Pentavalent)
As+3 HCl H3AsO3 Arsanious Acid
As+5 H3AsO4 Arsenic Acid
Arsenic 2 Arsanious Acid
Standard Solution Test Solution
[test solution < standard solution ( yellow strain)] → Test Pass
[standard solution < test solution ( yellow strain)] → Test Fail
Arsine Gas react with HgCl2 paper
Form Diarsino Mercury which leads to yellow strain.
Small amount of Inorganic impurity are detect.
Here, we check impurity of Fe so we perform limit test and called
limit test for Iron.
Use 2 Nessler cylinder
Chemical required:-
• Standard Ferric ammonium sulphate solution =20ml
• Citric acid solution = 20% w/v
• Ammonia solution
• Thioglycolic acid
Test sample Standard compound
Sample is dissolved in specific amount of water 2ml of standard solution of iron diluted with
and then volume is made up to 40ml water upto 40ml
Add 2ml of 20% w/v of citric acid (iron free) Add 2ml of 20% w/v of citric acid (iron free)
Add ammonia to make the solution alkaline and Add ammonia to make the solution alkaline and
adjust the volume to 50ml adjust the volume to 50ml
Color developed is viewed vertically and Color developed is viewed vertically and
compared with standard solution compared with standard solution
Now, compare the color of Test solution with Standard solution.
If , Test solution have less color as compared to standard then test pass
[standard < test solution (color) Test Fail ]
➢ Citric acid forms complex with metal cation and helps precipitation of iron by ammonia by
forming a complex with it.
➢ Thioglycolic acid helps to oxidize iron(II) to iron (III).
➢ Ammonia is added to make solution alkaline. The pale pink to reddish purple color is visible
only in the alkaline media. The color is not visible in acidic media as ferrous thioglycolate
complex decomposes in high acidic media.
Most undesirable impurity in medical compound and come through use of H2SO4
• Lead line apparatus
• Glass bottles used for storage of chemicals
Based on the reaction of lead and diphenyl thiocarbazone (dithizone) in alkaline
solution to form lead dithizone complex (Red color).
Add 2ml of potassium cyanide and 2ml of hydroxylamine Add 2ml of potassium cyanide and 2ml of hydroxylamine
hydrochloride hydrochloride
Add 2 drops of phenol red and make solution alkaline by Add 2 drops of phenol red and make solution alkaline by
adding ammonia solution adding ammonia solution
Extract with 5ml of dithizone until it becomes green Extract with 5ml of dithizone until it becomes green
Combine dithizone extracts are shaken for 30mins with Combine dithizone extracts are shaken for 30mins with
30ml of nitric acid and the chloroform layer is discarded 30ml of nitric acid and the chloroform layer is discarded
To the acid solution add 5ml of standard dithizone To the acid solution add 5ml of standard dithizone
solution solution
Add 4ml of ammonium cyanide Add 4ml of ammonium cyanide
Shake for 30 mins and observe the color Shake for 30 mins and observe the color
The intensity of the color of complex, is depends on the amount of
lead in the solution.
[Standard > Test solution (Red color) Test Pass]
[Test > Standard solution (Red color) Test Fail]
Ammonium citrate, potassium cyanide, hydroxylamine
hydrochloride is used to make pH optimum so interference and
influence of other impurities have been eliminated.
Phenol red is used as indicator to develop the color at the end of
Lead present as an impurities in the substance, gets separated bye
extracting an alkaline solution with a dithizone extraction solution.
Principle :- Used for those color compound who does not pass normal limit test.
It carried out on the basis of reaction between BaCl 2 and soluble in the presence of Acetic acid .
Leads to formation of BaSO 4
Here reagent used → BaCl2, sulphate free alcohol and a solution of Potassium sulphate ( is added to increase
sensitivity of test) and here alcohol is helps in prevention from supersaturation and produce uniform turbidity.
Here Acetic acid makes acidic solution → BaSO4 ppt. form ( insoluble) which give turbidity.
Chemicals: Potassium sulphate (K2SO4), potassium permanganate (KMn04), barium chloride (BaCl2), ethanol,
hydrochloric acid (HCl), glacial acetic acid (CH3COOH).
(Sample) (ethanol)
Test solution Standard solution
Take 1 ml 25% w/v barium chloride in Nessler’s Take 1 ml 25% w/v barium chloride in Nessler’s
cylinder and add 1.5 ml of ethanolic sulphate cylinder and add 1.5 ml of ethanolic sulphate
standard solution (10 ppm SO4-2). Mix and allow to standard solution (10 ppm SO4-2). Mix and allow to
stand for 1 minutes stand for 1 minutes
Transfer prepared test solution and add 0.15 ml of Add 15 ml of standard sulphate solution (10 ppm
5 M acetic acid. SO4-2) and 0.15 ml of 5M acetic acid.
Add sufficient distilled water to produced 50 ml. Add sufficient distilled water to produced 50ml.
Stirred it immediately and allow standing for 5 Stirred it immediately and allow standing for 5
minutes. minutes.
Now, cool the solution and dilute to 60ml Now add 1ml 0.1M AgNO3 solution 0.1M AgNO3 solution
with distilled water and then filter
Take two 50ml Nessler cylinder Stir immediately with glass rod Stir with glass rod
Labelled one test And placed it for 5min (protected from And placed it for 5min
And other on standard
Reagent used:- Dilute HNO3 → makes solution Acidic which helps in formation of AgCl
ppt. (Leads to turbuidity)
This test is not used for H2O immiscible liquid.