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Is Technology Brings People Closer or Driving Them Apart?

Technology has significantly transformed how people connect, communicate, and interact

with each other, which has completely changed the way people live. In an era where technology

characterizes every aspect of existence, the topic of whether technology strengthens or weakens

human connections has gained considerable attention. (Ahmad, 2023) Technology is advancing

at a rate that has never been witnessed before, and although it has facilitated human connection,

it has also created a paradox of connectedness. On the one hand, technology has made it easier

than ever to communicate with people all over the world. On the other hand, technology has also

led to a world in which face-to-face interactions are becoming increasingly rare. While

technological advancements have fundamentally altered communication, enabling immediate

global exchanges, and overcoming geographical limitations. (Folios, 2023) Globally, technology

has enabled unprecedented connectivity. Disregarding geographical limitations, social

networking sites, instant messaging programs, and video conferencing technology have made it

simpler than ever to remain in touch with friends, family, and coworkers. However, there is a

more complex reality hiding beneath the surface of this obvious connectivity. Undoubtedly,

technology has made communication simpler, but it has also brought new difficulties in

maintaining healthy human connections. (Johansen, 2021) There is usually some sweetness

influenced by bitterness. Every advantage that modern technology offers may also have a

disadvantage. The effect on human relationships is, of course, arguably the most notable and

significant drawback. (Morgenstern, 2024) While devices help people connect with individuals

who are nearby, they also keep people apart from others who are far away. The essay will try to

explore whether technology brings people closer or drives them apart by focusing on the benefits

of technology on enhanced communication, collaboration and sharing, social support identity. As

well as addressing concerns of technology on social isolation and loneliness, mental health and

well-being, misinformation and privacy, and refutation.

First, in today's parallel world, there can be multiple benefits of technology of powerful

force for bringing people closer together, global communication, collaboration, and a sense of

belonging. Now, Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, making it easier to

bridge distances and maintaining relationships. We can text, phone message, or have video chats

with family members anywhere in the world by simply pressing a button. Despite physical

distance, the ability to connect in real time strengthens bonds and promotes closeness. On one

hand, Regain (2024) opines that technology strengthens connections by drawing people closer

together. Then, one of the most significant benefits of technology is its ability to facilitate

collaboration and sharing. The prevalence of remote work and online education has increased,

enabling people to learn from experts and work together on projects without being limited by

geography. Furthermore, digital platforms facilitate the exchange of knowledge and foster

creative cooperation, enabling individuals to develop and solve problems collectively. Now,

boundaries were removed by technology, which made it possible for us to meet and converse

with people we might never otherwise have the chance to meet or who we had met but never had

the chance to speak with (Wang,2018). Moreover, technology also playing a crucial role in

providing social support and promoting a sense of identity. Online communities allow

individuals to find like-minded peers and form connections based on shared interests or

experiences. Moreover, due to the internet and apps ongoing growth, healthcare services are now

utilizing these technologies to monitor patient health and to assist detect and manage issues

(Kenyon, 2021). Technology provides platforms for self-expression, allowing individuals to

share their thoughts, ideas, and creativity with the world. Additionally, technology provides

access to mental health resources and app-based features that let users keep an eye on a variety of

factors which has been connected to a decrease in mental illness symptoms (Bohlmann ,2024).

Technology, which is a complicated device, has two impacts on social

communication. Since it provides a global circle but can lead to social isolation. Digital

communication channels are becoming the default option that detract many from personal

conversations. In the online world, it is very often wrong and misunderstood, promoting a dislike

or separate ways. It is also interesting to learn that social media platforms tend to create "echo

chambers" that limit the exposure to various points of view. The influence of technology on

social relations is a difficult task to understand (Li et al., 2022b). Social distancing has the

negative effect of also producing increased social isolation while providing world-wide

communication. Can you imagine a life with less the in-depth communicates because of digital

communications becoming more common? Fake news is originated and distributed through

online platforms, and as such, damages trust and build gaps of misunderstanding. On the other

hand, automated screening on social media prevails echo chambers that exclude many views

from being outspread (Grey et al., 2024). Technology affects people negatively and positively

through different means. While it binds the people into a unity of sharing and caring, it also

unites them across the globe as one. On the flip side, overburdening technology can lead to

mental health issues through mobile device addiction, cyberbullying, as well as body image

disorders. Scholarly discourse examines the issue in detail providing an in-depth analysis of how

technology acts both on a personal level and a societal level affecting the well-being and social

cohesion of people. Its overuse may result in the addiction and cyber bullying; however, it raises
serious questions about the mental health. Social media platforms have also increased the

contributions to anxiety and unrealistic body perceptions in that they maintain the standard of

artificial bodies. Sharing views about technology in a relaxed discussion is diverse. In contrast,

some account for its divisiveness, while others support its cross-cultural potential (Burgess &

Burgess, 2024). The influence of technology on the spread of wrong information, invasion of

privacy, and digital gap is being studied in academic circles. The internet fueled the spread of

conspiracy theories, which lowered people’s trust in information sources. Privacy challenges

occur from the extensive data collection and accounting operations (Advocates, 2023). In the

same way, differences in internet access will increase the digital divide that currently

exists Similarly, disparities in internet access will contribute to the already expanded digital

divide. It is astonishing to see the technology increasing opportunities for interaction bringing

interesting downsides such as inequality, privacy, and misinformation. Regulation is necessary to

control that, and digital literacy promotion as well.

To a certain extent they are right that technology reduces our face-to-face conversations.

But think about this, however: despite their distance, technology truly makes it easier for us to

stay in contact with friends and family. We can see and communicate with loved ones no matter

where they are thanks to social media and video calls. And a lot of online conversations result in

face-to-face hangouts. (Barnes, 2023) Incredibly, technology has brought people closer together.

It's easier than ever for us to collaborate and build personal relationships with others. Still, most

people seem to be more divided in the world. These individuals think using these technologies is

a waste of time and a distraction. But as an optimist perspective is different. Online, people may

tell lies or pose to be someone else. However, technology isn't the only factor in that. But these
days, anyone can verify the accuracy of information and the authenticity of people with the use

of technological instruments Although worries over how technology affects mental health and

wellbeing are frequently expressed, it is critical to have a balanced and fair examination of these

concerns. It is important to recognize that technology is not naturally addictive. (Technology and

the Future of Mental Health Treatment, n.d.) Technology has created new opportunities for data

collection and mental health services. The public, medical professionals, and academics now

have new options to receive care, track progress, and deepen their understanding of mental health

thanks to mobile devices including cell phones, smartphones, and tablets. Have one heard of the

term staying in your bubble, it is when one only hears what they already believe. Some say

technology makes this worse. But online, one can find lots of different views and info. Social

media mixes things up to show you different opinions. (Islam, 2023) Approximately 15 million

Bangladeshis have moved abroad in search of a better life for their family, they could be the ones

with the greatest influence over how technology enhances their lives. After seeing the evidence

there is no way we can agree with this idea of social isolation and loneliness. (Is Technology

Bringing Us Together or Tearing Us Apart? – 101 Data Solutions, n.d.) Technology allows the

planning of face-to-face events that connect people. Their argument is irrelevant to the topic.

This essay delved into the ongoing debate about technology's impact on our relationships.

It explored how technology could enhance communication, collaboration, and information

sharing, ultimately strengthening social support and allowing for the formation of online

identities (as seen in Pietersen et al., 2019). However, the essay also acknowledged potential

drawbacks like increased social isolation and loneliness (Wellbeing web, 2023). Additionally, it

examined the negative effects on mental health and the spread of misinformation on platforms

like Weibo (Luo et al., 2021). By critically evaluating these sources, the essay aimed to highlight
the importance of responsible technology use to cultivate stronger connections, echoing the

sentiment expressed in (Staff ,2015) about technology's role in long-distance relationships.


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