Technology Review of Wind-Tunnel Angle Measurement: Kenneth G. Toro
Technology Review of Wind-Tunnel Angle Measurement: Kenneth G. Toro
Technology Review of Wind-Tunnel Angle Measurement: Kenneth G. Toro
Kenneth G. Toro∗
I. Introduction
The scope of this paper is to gather and centralize knowledge of angle measurement in order to help
facilitate future technology development at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC). The area of focus for
this paper is on angle measurement technology applied to ground-based aeronautic testing, where pitch, roll,
and yaw angles of an aerodynamic model with respect to a wind-tunnel test-section are desired to be known
for aerodynamic analysis. The available volume of wind-tunnel models varies widely between the ranges of
aeronautic testing, from large low-speed models to small supersonic and hypersonic models. Due to this
range of model sizes, the approaches for angle measurement changes for each type of testing. For example,
supersonic testing tends to utilize off-body measurements, such as photogrammetry, or potentiometers and
encoders built into the support structure. Whereas larger models will accommodate single- to multi-axis
accelerometers within the body.
∗ Research Engineer, System Engineering and Engineering Methods, NASA Langley Research Center
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Sensing Electrodes
Air Bubble
Common Electrode
Figure 1. Electrolytic Tilt Sensor Outline
Electrolytic tilt sensors are sealed curved-glass cylinders with electrolyte, electrically conductive fluid,
and several electrodes (Figure 1). Two sensing electrodes are placed at the tips of the cylinder and a single,
common, electrode is located in the middle. As the electrolytic sensor is pitched, a captive bubble causes an
imbalance between the two sensing electrodes. A single conditioner provides an AC voltage for the sensor,
and demodulates the sensor output to an amplified DC output voltage. Calibration of the output voltage to
sensor angle is used to convert the signal into an angle measurement.
Wong originally studied the feasibility of using electrolytic sensors to replace servo accelerometers.3, 4
In a study eight-electrolytic sensors were tested for; sensory sensitivity, linearity, repeatability, hysteresis,
temperature characteristics, roll-on-pitch interaction, lead-wire resistance sensitivity, step response, and
rectification. Testing results revealed that the electrolytic sensors are an order of magnitude worse than
Q-Flex accelerometers in terms of angle measurement.
Wong further studied the use of electrolytic sensors to replace wall attitude sensors at LaRC’s National
Transonic Facility (NTF).5 Due to cryogenic temperatures of NTF, these sensors were placed in heated
enclosures to maintain a internal temperature of 160 ◦ F. Testing results showed that the assembled package
did not meet the required ±0.01◦ , but did meet a larger ±0.1◦ requirement for less harsh environments.
Electrolytic sensors were implemented along side Q-Flex accelerometers in several angle of attack (AoA)
packages at LaRC. In this arrangement, electrolytic sensors were utilized for setting wind-tunnel wind-off
and -on zeros.6 Current AoA package design no longer feature electrolytic tilt sensors, and solely rely on the
Q-Flex sensors for re-leveling. These sensors are still utilized for re-leveling balance calibration fixtures at
LaRC’s force measurement laboratory. Electrolytic tilt sensors provides a cost effective re-leveling platform
with a total sensor and signal conditioner cost of approximately $1,400 USD.
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II.B.1. Stingwhip
One issue found that affects all accelerometers is the phenomena of stingwhip. Stingwhip is where model,
balance, and sting vibrations generate centrifugal acceleration that will bias sensor outputs. At LaRC’s
National Transonic Facility (NTF) model vibrations were found to significantly affect Q-Flex outputs.10–13
Young et al. observed significant bias errors, up to 0.5◦ , during laboratory vibration testing of a full
model, balance, and sting.14 A first-order correction was developed based on known radii distances of
the accelerometer to the center of rotation, and vibration magnitude measurements. This method was
time-consuming, since a vibration study must be conducted for every model and potentially all model
configurations prior to wind-on tunnel operations.
Buehrle et al. further developed the stingwhip corrections by summing the contributions for each vi-
bration mode.15 Laboratory testing demonstrated a reduction in stingwhip error for the first mode in the
yaw plane from −0.146◦ to −0.009◦ and in the pitch plane (z) from −0.175◦ to −0.006◦ . This method of
correcting for rectification errors also requires estimating the radii of each vibration mode experimentally for
each model, balance, and sting combination. Additionally, an optical AoA system was utilized as a secondary
angle measurement to measure any movement of the model during testing. Results from the video system
were not adversely affected by the model dynamics.
In the late 1990’s, NASA LaRC developed multiple stingwhip packages, QS-1 and QS-2, to provide real-
time corrections.16 Each of these packages featured extra sensors that accompanied a Q-Flex to measure
the extra information required for stingwhip corrections. The QS-1 package utilized extra accelerometers to
calculate the angular-rate of the AoA package, whereas the QS-2 measured the angular-rate directly with
gyroscopes. The QS-2 package was laboratory tested against an Optotrack and photogrammetry systems.
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Newman and Yu investigated a MEMS based attitude measurement system that is compact enough to
fit within small high-speed testing models, where model volume is limited.19, 20 The authors state that
the requirements for this type of testing is not the typical ±0.01◦ but a more lax ±0.1◦ , and is achievable
with MEMS sensors of the time. A prototype system of MEMS based accelerometers and gyros was tested
on a calibration table. Results confirmed that the tested accelerometers are capable of meeting the ±0.1◦
accuracy requirements, but could not be confirmed for the gyroscope sensors.
More recently, Crawford and Rhode designed and built a MEMS based accelerometer AoA package for
the 31-Inch Mach 10 Tunnel at LaRC.21 This system comprised of two pairs of MEMS accelerometers with
different sensing ranges, 3-g and 10-g. The pairs were wired in series to form a voltage differential to provide
a near zero voltage at zero angle and to help compensate any temperature effects. Laboratory testing of the
3g sensor showed two-sigma performance of 0.025◦ and 0.009◦ over ranges of ±60◦ and ±24◦ , respectively.
Wind-on testing with this package showed that an offset existed for the 10-g sensors based on comparisons
to the 3-g sensor and tunnel encoder. The 3-g sensors performed on the order of the tunnel encoder, and did
not see large changes with slight increases in sensor temperature. The lack of a functioning optical system
for independent review of the encoder or accelerometers precluded any definitive absolute accuracy results
and conclusions.
II.C. Gyroscopes
Gyroscopes are similar in principle to accelerometers where a proof mass system is designed to respond to
angular rates instead of linear acceleration. Since gyroscopes do no measure angle directly, the signal must
be integrated over time to yield an angle estimate. Typically, integration of the angular rate will start after
the gyroscope is leveled by angle sensors or levels.
The earliest usage of gyroscopes in wind-tunnel testings dates to the late 1970s in a dynamic motion
model.22–24 Wind-tunnel testing of hypervelocity bodies was studied for motion on aerodynamic moment
characteristic coupling effects. It was described that flight quality three-axis gyroscopes were used in the
model. Chrusciel states that angle of attack measurements agreed well with data from a 3 Degree of Freedom
dynamic balance, with corrections for gyro drift. Although, no accuracy values were claimed, it was noted
that the data was sufficient for their analysis.
Fiber-optic gyroscopes (FOG) are popular in flight-vehicles and marine ships for there precise angular
rate information, and lack of sensitivity to vibrations and accelerations. German Research Institute for
Aviation and Space Flight (DLR) tested a FOG25 as an replacement for accelerometers in order to avoid
rectification and stingwhip errors discussed in the accelerometers section. DLR installed a off-the-shelf FOG
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III.A. Photogrammetry
Photogrammetry is the most often utilized optical attitude measurement technique, and generally relies on
more than one camera. A pair of cameras are placed at different view points, typically 60◦ to 90◦ convergence
angle for highest accuracy, to triangulate points of interest on the wind tunnel model. These systems track
points that are either self-illuminated or reflector based.
Several self-illuminated systems that have been developed are ELOPTOPOS by SAAB, Optotrak, and
RADAC by CERT.28–31 Many of these systems perform well, the ELOPTOPOS system claimed to have a
resolution of 0.0026◦ , and a repeatability of 0.005◦ , and performed best without any roll or yaw angle.32
The Optotrak system, still commercially available, has been proved to provide similar results to other
systems such as Q-Flex accelerometers and a Boeing laser system, discussed later.33 This system was
also leveraged to provide yaw measurements at LaRC’s 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel with good
agreement to the model support system.34 Most of these systems were are not widely used because they
require a calibration by another sensor and LED targets in the model outer mold line. These systems also
require model dependent calibrations, due to change in LED positions between targets, which is also an issue
with other photogrammetry techniques.
Retro-reflectors have been widely used as targets in photogrammetry installations.35–39 Similar to self-
illuminating targets, cameras track several bright reflectors on a model to triangulate the various positions.
These systems have the ability to track all six degrees of freedom (DOF) such as the system used at LaRC’s
20-Foot Vertical Spin Tunnel (VST).35 With the increase in DOF the systems accuracy decreases, the first
system at VST had pitch and roll accuracies of ±0.5◦ , and yaw accuracy of ±1.0◦ . Accuracies are better
with reduced DOFs and a smaller test volume as evidenced by testing at AEDC’s 16-Foot Transonic Wind
Tunnel.36, 37, 40 At AEDC an eight camera system was developed, but only two cameras were used for
attitude measurement, the others were for pressure sensitive paint viewing. Ruyten demonstrated that the
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V. Recommendations
As many have said before, there is no perfect attitude measurement system, but there are those that
work well. Q-Flex accelerometers are the most widely used for there simplicity and accuracy, but are plagued
with vibration issues. Most of these vibration issues can be mitigated with isolation pads, and stingwhip
corrections. Continuous development of MEMS accelerometer sensors for applications such as smart phones,
virtual reality headsets, and unmanned aerial vehicles makes them attractive to use in small models that can
not accommodate Q-Flexs. MEMS accelerometers will still suffer from rectification errors and stingwhip,
but is currently not researched well. Optical techniques provide a vibration free measurement, however falls
victim to tunnel or support structure movement.
From this, it is suggested that not only one type of sensor is studied and implemented for all facilities, but
a spectrum of solutions is required. Wind-tunnel models can be separated into three different size groups
for subsonic/transonic, supersonic, and hypervelocity. With increases in speed the model sizes generally
decrease, which requires different measurement techniques for each. Subsonic and transonic facilities where
models are large enough to accommodate should continue to use Q-Flex sensors and research vibration issues
if necessary for accuracy. MEMS type sensors, should be strongly considered for smaller supersonic facilities
with further research into possible vibration issues and stingwhip. Hypervelocity facilities will require the use
of off-body techniques due to the lack of model space, for most facilities, where photogrammetry methods
show promise. New techniques should be developed so that photogrammetry techniques can account for
movement of the tunnel walls or camera support structure.
1 Steinle, F. and Stanewsky, E., “Wind Tunnel Flow Quality and Data Accuracy Requirements,” Tech. Rep. AGARD
Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681-2199, United States, 1991, pp. 382–391, cited By 2.
4 Wong, D. T., “Evaluation of electrolytic tilt sensors for measuring model angle of attack in wind tunnel tests,” Tech.
Rep. TM-4315, NASA Langley Research Center, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681-2199, United States,
Feb. 1992.
5 Wong, D. T., “Evaluation of the prototype dual-axis wall attitude measurement sensor,” Tech. Rep. TM-109056, NASA
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6 Finley, T. and Tcheng, P., “Model attitude measurements at NASA Langley Research Center,” American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681-2199, United States, 1992.
7 Crawford, B. L., “Angle Measurement System (AMS) for Establishing Model Pitch and Roll Zero, and Performing Single
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8 Tripp, J. S., Wong, D. T., Finley, T. D., and Tcheng, P., “Improved calibration technique for wind tunnel model attitude
sensors,” NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681-2199, United States, 1993, pp. 89–97.
9 Marshall, R. and Landman, D., “An improved method for determining pitch and roll angles using accelerometers,”
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, United States, 2000.
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