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Aana Handore

07 - 11 - 1956

Driver Number - 7
Conductor Number - 3
Kua Number - 8
Name Number - 1

Birth Chart

3 5 7

8 111 6
Your Characteristics

Your Driver Number is Number 7. Number 7 represents Ketu. People

born in this category are those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th of any

Your Strengths

You are kindhearted people who love to help those who are in need.
You cannot see anyone suffer. You are very caring and supportive will
always stand beside your friends and family in times of need.

You have strong intuition powers and should always listen to your own
gut feelings as it will take you in the right direction in your life.

You have an out of the box thinking and have very good analytical
thinking which helps you to capitalize on ideas.

You are highly knowledgeable and people ruled by number 7 tend to

have a good education which can make you take up the profession
related to teaching and education. People value your advise and time
and keep coming to you as they know that you will surely be able to
help them out with your wise thinking.

You are an orderly, disciplined and well behaved person. You respect
people’s time and expect others to do the same with your time as well.
People look up at you for your never giving up attitude.

You have good time management skills and believe in efficient


You are very creative and fond of mystic science like occult science,
vastu, numerology. People ruled by number 7 can either by very
religious or very spiritual. You understand that there is always
something deeper, something more which others can’t see which
instills a great sense of spirituality in you.
You are fond of driving, fond of far-off places, big landscapes or
mountains, where you can experience nature.

Your knowledge and wisdom makes people look up to you and they
always turn to you for advice.

Number 7 is the number of healer and hence these people can do

very in areas which are connected to healing.

Your nature helps you to be in service-related industry and can also

become good consultants.

Tip for you is to do meditation and yoga to keep your thoughts in

control and try to be as busy as you can.

You find interest in many topics and seeks to absorb as much

knowledge as you can, whether it’s practical or metaphysical, you are
thirsty for knowledge.

You are not just an information sponge. You are able to separate
what’s useful from what’s meaningless and identify fact from fiction
which helps you to stay on track and follow the most valuable wisdom.

Overall, people ruled by number 7 are very good spokesman and

orators and have good communication skills. They are also very social
and mingle up easily with new people.

Professions which suit you are teaching, philosophy, scientist, occult

science, healing, consultancy.

Your Weakness

You are continuously engrossed in negative thoughts, and can be

called day dreamers. Your thoughts are always in past or future and
hence you don’t enjoy the present.
You have a lot of mood swings and hence experience restlessness
and that can lead to anxiety, nervousness, stress and tension.

You have low self-esteem and confidence. You are always doubting
your own potential and abilities.

You are never found in carefree light moment and are sad within for
some or the other reasons. You get upset if your own family members
have problem and if not, then with your neighbors problem. It seems
like you are finding reasons to not be happy.

You are romantic by nature and are easily attracted to the opposite
sex. You should be cautious when it comes to romantic relationships
as there is a tendency of such people to end up in extra-martial affairs.

You are good at criticizing others but cannot tolerate any criticism of
yourself and will detach completely from those people.

Children ruled by number 7 can be very sensitive and parents should

be very particular about this behavior. They should not be
reprimanded a lot as they can go in their own shell and become

You do not like to talk a lot about your problems and feelings and
keep it to yourself. You are not comfortable in sharing your feelings
with others as you do not want to bother them with your own troubles.
The problem is, it’s impossible to connect with others in a genuine
way if you won’t ever let them see to the real you. Hence, you should
share what is in your heart openly with others.

How Would You Be a Parent ?

As a partner, you are an invaluable asset. You are ready to defend

your partner at any cost. However, sometime as a partner you could
be emotional and demanding, expecting attention (and devotion) in
As a parent, you might not be very strict with your child but your
tactful, diplomatic, forgiving nature can help you to develop strong
bonding with your children.
What does your Driver-Conductor Combination signify about you?

Driver 7 Conductor 3

Number 7 represents Ketu and Number 3 represents Jupiter.

You are a perfect mix of knowledge with wisdom and are highly
respected in society because of the same. People really value your
time and advice.

You have few and selected friends and will provide them a helping
hand whenever the need arises. You are considered as the
peacemaker in your circle and help settling issues in families and
offices also. You are a pure soul from you heart and do not intent to
cheat or harm anyone.

You may be an introvert by nature, and you can at times get extremely
reserved and speak only when necessary.

You are spiritual by nature and have great belief in supreme powers.
You also have great intuitive skills and should listen to your heart. You
are blessed with a very good sixth sense and you should never ignore
it as it will lead you in the right direction in your life.

You should avoid multitasking and always focus on just one/two things
at a time. If you start multiple things at the same time then there are
chances that you will not end up completing all the tasks and that can
lead to frustration.

You should also be careful when it comes marriage as your marriage

sector is a bit weak. Hence, when you get married, make sure that
your partner has a very good marriage sector in their date of birth.

You are little insecure about money, as you don’t want to depend on
others when it comes to money. You are very particular about
spending money and will spend at places only when necessary.

You are very knowledgeable but your knowledge can be a hinderance

in your growth also because you may think that you know everything
which can make you seem a bit arrogant and having superiority

Professions like teaching, education sector, training, or occult are very

suitable for you.

Tip for you is to get into meditation and yoga to control your mind.
What the Yogas in your DOB say about You

Thought Plane - Average

You have a strong and analytical thought process with the gift of good
visualizing of things in detail. Your power of imagination starts from
the point where the thought process of other people ends. Your
thinking pattern, the way of planning and executing your work is

Your ideas are unique and very out of the box. You are a solution
oriented person and people often come up to you for your valuable
advice. You are disciplined and organized in your tasks.

You are good at calculating the risk factors involved and you leave
nothing unattended. Nothing can escape from your eyes when you
are planning or give shape to your project. Like for instance: your
thought process and prudence tells you that a particular land which is
a barren land at present having zero value will be in appreciated by
crores in coming years. People might not believe you when you say
this but you will find that your prediction was indeed right and the land
value actually appreciated a lot.

But you face problem when you have to be regular with your work.
You may be hard working and laborious, but you may not be punctual
with your work. Either you lack a disciplined routine or follow ups. Your
planning and execution is good but you only need to work more
towards an organized way of working.

Being laborious and creative is your strength. You are not scared of
extraordinary efforts. You know how to manage your work and always
keep practical solutions in hand keeping in mind the problems that
can be faced in future. Your logical and intelligent ideas, your brain
storming queries, implementation of your work in a creative way and
stubbornness to give your best, leaving no space for doubt makes you
perfect. Regular practice and following a defined routine will make it
So, though you are smart, intelligent, having such good visualization
gift given by God and even you are so hard working and laborious but
you need to work on your schedules, setting up targets and following
a particular time table, be more organized and disciplined.
Will Plane - Good

You have a strong will power and determination to move to the

journey of success. You have the ability to rise from difficulties and
are not scared of whatever obstacles come your way. You never give
up and have that fighting spirit to bounce back in life. You are sure to
be successful sooner or later if you have this plane.

Your determination towards your goal is so strong that no one can

stop you from achieving your targets. Your focused approach is your
success mantra. You have the talent and ability to bounce back in life.
Learning from your past mistakes and experiences, your continuous
hard efforts and your will to never give up until you reach the finishing
line makes you shine like a diamond in life. Whether you have
emotional, physical, relationship, financial or any other problem in life,
you have the will to fight and come out of it bravely.

In 20th century, generally everyone has the numbers 9 and 1 in their

date of birth. So the main difference in this plane is made by the
presence of number 5 which is a master key number which balances
your emotions and relationship. It is the soul and life of this plane. This
plane makes you a fighter and gives you a blessing to balance all the
spheres of life. It maintains your temperament and even gives you a
quality of being patient in life and working at a steady pace to reach
your success point. Ms Dhoni, the famous cricketer is the live
example whose strong will power and decision making has given him
heights in his captaincy of the Indian cricket team.

You are really good at communication and know best to make use of
your knowledge. You surely have strong chances of getting name and
fame in life. People are impressed by your way energetic appeal
towards life which never makes you sit idle.

You are a happy-go-lucky person. You do not focus too much on

problems in life and keep a positive attitude. It is difficult for people to
read your face even if you are in problem. You always stay neutral,
whether it is pain or pleasures or you are facing ups and down in life,
you will never show it on your face. You have the art to keep yourself
stable in all type of situations and your overall personality looks

Like suppose if you suffered a huge loss or you are facing career or
relationship issues, and someone asks about your problem, you will
never tell them that you are in trouble and meet with full warmth or if
the situation is completely the opposite where when you even have all
luxuries of life, then also you will never show it off and behave neutral.

In a nutshell, you are a fighter and know how to bounce back in life
from problems.
Action Plane - Average

You are an action oriented person. You are a quick and decisive
person. Once you make up your mind, you will surely act upon it. You
have a quick approach towards everything.

If you have made up your mind for something, then no one can stop
you from taking action. It doesn’t matter whether your decision will be
right or wrong, you will still act upon your decision. You believe in
acting upon an idea/thought and seeing how it turns out for your
rather than waiting for things to be perfect to implement an idea. For
example, Salman Khan’s date of birth has complete action plane and
even will plane making him a strong action-oriented person in life.

Your quick decisive approach makes you risk takers. However,

sometimes it is possible that you might take decisions in haste and
may repent later for your actions. Like for example, you liked a pair of
shoes at a place, you will immediately purchase without giving a
thought about its cost or waiting to see other options, but when you
find the same pair of shoes at a different place at lower price, you
might regret your decision.

You are always excited towards life. You cannot avoid precipitance in
life. In simple words, you may be impetuous and abrupt, may do
things in a hurry. Like suppose even if person warns you about
purchasing a mobile phone as a particular feature is not working
properly, but you still might go to the showroom to purchase it as you
already had made up your mind and no one can change it. You may
sometimes take decisions recklessly and may feel sorry about it later.

You also have a liking for luxurious things and never like things which
are ordinary or simple. You have a different taste as compared to
other people.

You may even be very sporty and like doing things which involves
physical efforts and labor. You give importance to physical fitness and
are energetic in your work. This plane puts you in action in all
scenarios either physically or mentally. Master Blaster Sachin
Tendulkar, Brian Lara are a few examples who have either 100% or
66% action plane. Their action plane played a part in giving them
success in physical sports.

You are really good at grabbing the opportunities in life. You will never
let go of an opportunity or a lucky window of possibility if it comes to
you whether it is related to career or employment or promotion or in
relationships. You are smart and quick in approach to act and grab the
Mental Plane - Weak

Your mental plane is a bit weak. It is possible that you easily forget
things. Just for an example, you must have come across friends who
scored well even without studying a lot. They must be a having strong
mental plane. But some people need immense hard work and labor to
achieve their set goals and need to study very hard to remember
things – you are one these.

Your analytical and reasoning part may be low and it is possible that
you lack enthusiasm and courage. You may not be very comfortable in
taking risks or facing challenges easily.

You may be intelligent but might lack technical knowledge or logical

understanding or practical skills to perform the tasks. It is possible you
have the willpower to do things but lack of practice and discipline
keeps you from achieving your goals. You will not be much interested
in details and nitty gritty of things. Other than motivation and
enthusiasm, you need mental discipline which is really important.
Avoid giving an ear to what other people say and trust your own
valuable assumptions.
Emotional Plane - Good

You are surely a person born with a golden heart. You are a
compassionate, loving and caring person and you are ruled more by
emotions in your life. Your heart rules over the brain. You are ruled by
combination of being wise and showing wisdom.

Whenever there is crunch in life or you are fixed in a problem, your

heart will take the decisions and you tend to ignore the practical facts.
It is possible that you might take wrong decisions and may become
partial for your loved ones.

You are the person who easily trusts people. It is difficult for you to
cheat people. You are a trustworthy person and people always come
to you for support either monetary or emotional or advice. They know
that you will surely help them and sort their problem. You act like good
mediators who can easily sort out the problem between two persons.
You are having a perfect combination of creativity, knowledge,
intelligence, communication and a person having complete balance
on emotions.

Though you are having heart of king but you are the person who can
easily be hurt or cheated by others. It is easy for others to convince
you and make you speak in their favor. You are the one who is easily
betrayed by other people, they may play with your emotions and later
break your heart. Sometimes you are even dual and double minded to
reach conclusions. People might make misuse of your feelings and
you still won’t complain to anyone. Like suppose, one of your friend
had already betrayed you either by hurting your feelings or even in
monetary terms, but if this person approaches you again, you will still
trust the person and will be ready to help keeping aside your

You are a family oriented person and very close to your family. You
are ready to do anything for love and care of your family. You will
always keep aside your ego and will try to keep the family united and
happy. You do not like to hurt other people’s emotions and you are
someone who easily cannot hate anyone. You always give priority to
your family than anything else in the world. You can easily adjust
yourself according to the situations. You are good at not revealing
your true emotions and ignore your feelings. You cannot see anyone
in pain. You are the first one who starts crying looking at an emotional
scene while watching movie.

You are either religious or spiritual or believe in God. But it does not
mean that you don’t work hard. Your mantra for life is to work hard to
get success; you won’t reap anything fruitful if you don’t put hard
efforts. You are very responsible for your work and can do caring type
of jobs very efficiently like NGO, social service, philanthropy, etc. You
are perfect to get into numerology, astrology or any other occult field
as profession.
Practical Plane - Good

You are a person with a practical approach towards everything. You

will go into depth of each and every single detail before taking a
decision. You have a very analytical brain. Without knowing the details
of the project, you will not jump to conclusions. You have a logical and
scientific approach towards everything.

You will not understand anything if logic or details are not given to
you. You will go into all the necessary details and will even do nit
picking to satisfy yourself before you act. You are more prone to
asking questions like when, how, where or why.

Like if someone calls you up for accompanying a trip, you will ask for
everything in detail like the time, the place, the temperature, hotel
bookings, transportation, number of people going, clothing required,
total expense and other minutest details and if you are still not
convinced with the details, you may not give your final approval for the

You are even good at proving your view of point to others. Your logical
understanding about anything is so strong that you might even argue
with the other person to prove yourself right. No one can win over
arguments with you. You have the art of expressing your thoughts
very well and your scientific ideas helps you to get the support of the
people too.

Your ambitious and leadership qualities will never make you sit idle
and you will keeping working hard until you reach your goal point. You
have good reasoning capabilities given by number 8, support of Sun
for expressive communication skills and also the support of Venus for
wealth and success that you will help reach heights with your hard

But you should be patient and never give up easily. You can grow high
with your experiences and learning from your past mistakes. Your
success may be a bit delayed but you will attain it if you worked hard
and keep consistent. You have the ability to amplify your success if
you keep yourself motivated and confident. Avoid being reckless, give
others also a chance in life to prove themselves. Take them along with
you on a journey of success.

Step I (No Vacuum)

• Any alphabet of the name should not have any vacuum in between

Step II (Name & Fame)

• It should be in ascending descent. It represents that your name is
touching new heights of name and fame

Step III (Support)

• There should be a line below the signature. Please make sure it
should not cut any of the alphabets in your name. It represent support
to your name.

Step IV (Authority)
• There should be two dots below the line which represents extra
support to your name and authority
Lucky Numbers, Bad Numbers, Neutral Numbers

Lucky Numbers - 1,5,3

Bad Number - 4,8
Neutral Number - 2,9,7,6

You should take your important decisions and execute them only on
your lucky number dates like 1st, 3rd, 5th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 19th,
21st, 23rd, 28th, 30th of any Month.

You should not take important decisions and avoid dates like 4th, 8th,
13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th, 31st of any Month.

If the above dates are not available, then you can also take decisions
on your neutral number dates like 2nd, 6th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 15th, 16th,
18th, 20th, 24th, 25th, 27th, 29th of any Month.
Lucky Colors and Bad Colors

Lucky Colors - Red, Green, Yellow

Bad Colors - Black
Neutral Colors - White
Business Card Rules

Step I
Your company logo should be in the center i.e., in the South block

Step II
Your name & designation should be in the right corner, i.e., in SW

Step III
Company name should be in italics or running font. It can be in the
center of the card, i.e., East to West block

Step IV
Your address and other details should be from NE to NW block

Step V
Colors can be chosen in accordance with your D-C combination and
Relationship Sector

There are many things as per Numerology which can contribute

towards the relationship sector of a person.

Relationship sector can mean relationship with spouse, family,

children, friends, workplace and society at large.

Out of the many criteria, the placement of Mercury and Venus in a

birth chart play a very significant role. Though, mainly Venus is
responsible for the relationship sector, but in case Venus is absent,
Mercury also has the power to balance the relationship sector.

The placement of Ketu in a birth chart can also tell a lot about the
relationship sector especially when it comes to reciprocation of trust
and dependence from other people

Your Relationship Sector Rating

Taking these factors into consideration, your relationship sector score

is 6 out of 6 which shows that it is Very Good.

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