Hawthorne Experiments

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Hawthorne Experiments

by Elton Mayo


Who is Elton Mayo?

y George Elton Mayo y Psychologist and sociologist y Active Australian Psychology reader y Moved to the United States to participate in the

Philadelphia post opportunity.

Mayos Journey
y Adelaide University y University of Queensland y Pennsylvania University y Harvard Business School y Retirement y British government advisor

Thanks to Mayo
y Human Relations Movement y Authored The social problems of an Industrial Civilization

( 1933) y WWII contributed to the Training Within Industry program for training supervisors

Illumination Studies 1924-1927

y Funded by General Electric y Conducted by The National Research Council (NRC) of the National

Academy of Sciences with engineers from MIT

y Measured Light Intensity vs. Worker Output y Result Each change (including decreases) resulted in higher output and

reported greater employee satisfaction

y Conclusions:

Light intensity has no conclusive effect on output Productivity has a psychological component Researchers interaction with the workers influenced higher performance

y Concept of Hawthorne Effect was created

Relay Assembly Test Experiments 1927-1929

y y y y y

Western Electric wanted more information Harvard researchers brought in to analyze the results Elton Mayo & Fritz Roethlisberger Group of 6 Women (5) Assemblers and (1) Layout Operator One Observer Explained every incremental change and recorded results Manipulated factors of production to measure effect on output:  Pay Incentives  Length of Work Day & Work Week  Use of Rest Periods  Company Sponsored Meals Management Visits / Special Attention Result Most changes resulted in higher output and reported greater employee satisfaction Conclusions:  Experiments yielded positive effects even with negative influences workers output will increase as a response to attention  Strong social bonds were created within the test group. Workers are influenced by need for recognition, security and sense of belonging

y y y

Relay Assembly Room #2 - 1928-1929

y Measured output changes with pay incentive changes  Special observation room  Relay Assemblers changed from Departmental Incentive to Small group 1st Session  Adjusted back to Large Group Incentive 2nd Session y Results  Small Group Incentive resulted in new Highest sustained level of production 112% over standard output base  Output dropped to 96.2% of base with return to large group incentive y Conclusion: Pay incentives were a relevant factor in output

increases but not the only factor.

Thank You

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