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MST table definitions

Adaptable Index Parameter Name Values Description DFD

in interface
Settings 1 241107 Limit to short edge feed No (0), Several 3rd party devices can only handle short edge feed material. DFD 1.0
Editor Yes (1) Setting this parameter to yes forces the printer to send only short edge
feed material to the 3rd party outlet.
Settings 2 241103 Document deposition (face Face down (0), DFD 1.0
Editor orientation) Face up (1)
Settings 3 241104 Last sheet first No (0), If set to no the printer will print the sheets in 1-N order. DFD 1.0
Editor Yes (1) If set to yes the printer will print the sheets in N-1 order.
Settings 4 241105 Recovery strategy Set based (1), t based without URE message (2 u will suppress the DFD 1.0
Editor Set based without confirmation on the LUI of the printer to check the finisher when ready
URE message (2) before continue recovering/printing the remaining sheets of the job
Page based (3)
Settings 5 241106 Header orientation Header up (0), DFD 1.0
Editor Header down (1)
SDS 6 dfd_stop_type_after_full Stop type after full Stop before set- The entered stop-type determines system behaviour when an external DFD 1.0
boundary(0), finisher reports "Full" during printing to that finisher: If set to "Stop
Soft-stop on set before set-boundary", printing may be stopped at any time. If set to
boundary (1), "Stop on set-boundary", printing must be stopped on a set-boundary.
Together with the "dfd_nof_sets_after_full" parameter, the printer
determines when to start rerouting sheets to the error bin.
SDS 7 dfd_nof_sets_after_full Number of delivered sets after Infinite (-1), The maximum number of sets the external finisher can process DFD 3.0
full [0..100] sets properly after it has reported "Full", after this number of sets the printer
will start rerouting to the error bin.
SDS 8 dfd_c0_sheet_exit_usage C0 (Sheet exit) signal usage None (0), Configuration of C0 DFD 1.0
Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 9 dfd_c1_end_of_set_usage C1 (End of set) signal usage None (0), Configuration of C1 DFD 1.0
Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 10 dfd_c2_cycle_up_usage C2 (Cycle up) signal usage None (0), Configuration of C2 DFD 1.0
Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 11 dfd_c3_end_of_job_usage C3 (End of job) signal usage None (0), Configuration of C3 DFD 1.0
Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 12 dfd_c4_large_paper_format_usag C4 (Large paper format) signal None (0), Configuration of C4 DFD 2.0
e usage Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 13 dfd_c5_c6_job_destination_usage C5/C6 (job Destination) signal None (0), Configuration of C5 and C6 DFD 3.0
usage Active high (1),
Copyright 2022 Canon Production Printing, Venlo, The Netherlands

Adaptable Index Parameter Name Values Description DFD

in interface
Active low (2)
SDS 14 dfd_c7_prod_full_handling_usage C7 (Productive Full Handling) None (0), Configuration of C7 DFD 1.0
signal usage Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 15 dfd_s0_off_line_usage S0 (Offline) signal usage None (0), Configuration of S0 DFD 1.0
Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 16 dfd_s1_faulted_usage S1 (Faulted) signal usage None (0), Configuration of S1 DFD 1.0
Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 17 dfd_s2_full_usage S2 (Full) signal usage None (0), Configuration of S2 DFD 1.0
Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 18 dfd_s3_sheet_delivered_us age S3 (Sheet delivered) signal None (0), Configuration of S3 DFD 1.0
usage Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 19 dfd_s4_set_delivered_usage S4 (Set delivered) signal usage None (0), Configuration of S4 DFD 1.0
Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 20 dfd_s5_req_opt_sheet_interval_us S5 (Optional sheet interval time) None (0), Configuration of S5 DFD 2.0
age signal usage Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 21 dfd_s6_req_opt_set_interval_usag S6 (Optional set interval time) None (0), Configuration of S6 DFD 2.0
e signal usage Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 22 dfd_s7_req_opt_set_delay_usage S7 (Optional delay between None (0), Configuration of S7 DFD 2.0
sets) signal usage Active high (1),
Active low (2)
SDS 23 dfd_c0_sheet_exit_pulse C0 (Sheet exit) signal pulse- 5..250 ms Pulse-width for sheet exit signal (TE only). DFD 1.0
SDS 24 dfd_c1_end_of_set_pulse C1 (End of set) signal pulse- 5..250 ms Pulse-width for end of set signal (TE only). DFD 1.0
SDS 25 dfd_c3_end_of_job_pulse C3 (End of job) signal pulse- 5..250 ms Pulse-width for end of job signal (TE only). DFD 1.0
SDS 26 dfd_c0_sheet_exit_delay C0 (Sheet exit) signal delay 0..5000 ms Delay between the LE/TE of the last sheet at the output of the printer DFD 1.0
and activation of sheet exit signal.
SDS 27 dfd_c1_end_of_set_delay C1 (End of set) signal delay 0..5000 ms Delay between the LE/TE of the last sheet at the output of the printer DFD 1.0
and activation of end of set signal.
SDS 28 dfd_c3_end_of_job_delay C3 (End of job) signal delay 0..5000 ms Delay between the LE/TE of the last sheet at the output of the printer DFD 1.0
and activation of end of job signal.
SDS 29 dfd_c2_cycle_up_time First sheet delay after C2 (Cycle 0..600000 ms Minimum delay between activation of cycle up signal and the leading DFD 1.0
up) edge of the first sheet at the output of the printer.
SDS 30 dfd_c2_cycle_down_time C2 (Cycle down) delay after last 0..600000 ms Minimum delay between the TE of the last sheet at the output of the DFD 1.0

Adaptable Index Parameter Name Values Description DFD

in interface
sheet printer and the deactivation of the cycle up signal (= cycle down).
SDS 31 dfd_c4_threshold_size C4 (Large paper format) 0..5000 (0.1 mm) The threshold size in transport direction on which the large paper DFD 2.0
threshold size format signal is activated. (Defined in steps of 0.1 mm)
SDS 32 dfd_c4_switch_delay C4 (Large paper format) switch 0..60000 ms Minimum delay between the TE of the last sheet at the output of the DFD 2.0
delay printer and the LE of the following sheet in case of a switch of paper
SDS 33 dfd_c5_c6_job_destination_switch C5/C6 (Job destination) switch 0..60000 ms Minimum delay between the (de-)activation of the job destination DFD 3.0
_delay delay signals and the LE of the following sheet at the output of the printer in
case of a switch of external finisher.
SDS 34 dfd_c5_c6_bypass_delay C5/C6 (bypass) delay 0.. 60000ms The time needed to transport a sheet through the external finisher at DFD 3.0
the moment when the printer is printing towards a downstream unit
SDS 35 dfd_c0_min_sheet_interval Default minimum sheet interval 0..5000 ms Minimum time between two sheet exit signals. DFD 1.0
SDS 36 dfd_c0_opt_sheet_interval Optional minimum sheet interval 0..5000 ms Minimum time between two sheet exit signals. DFD 2.0
SDS 37 dfd_c1_min_set_interval Default minimum set interval 0..60000 ms Minimum time between two end of set signals. DFD 1.0
SDS 38 dfd_c1_opt_set_interval Optional minimum set interval 0..60000 ms Minimum time between two end of set signals. DFD 2.0
SDS 39 dfd_c1_min_set_gap Default minimum delay between 0..60000 ms Minimum delay between the TE of the last sheet of a set at the output DFD 1.0
sets of the printer and the LE of the first sheet of the next set.
SDS 40 dfd_c1_opt_set_gap Optional minimum delay 0..60000 ms Minimum delay between the TE of the last sheet of a set at the output DFD 2.0
between sets of the printer and the LE of the first sheet of the next set.
SDS 41 dfd_c3_min_job_gap Default minimum delay between 0..60000 ms Minimum delay between the TE of the last sheet of a job at the output DFD 2.0
jobs of the printer and the LE of the first sheet of the next job.
SDS 42 dfd_edge_paperpath_sensor 3rd party Sensor edge selection Leading edge (0), Edge of paper path sensor to base C0, C1 and C3 signal timing on. DFD 1.0
Trailing edge (1)
SDS 43 dfd_s2_prod_full_pulse_duration S2 (Full) Maximum signal pulse 5..250 ms Maximum duration of the S2 signal pulse in order to trigger productive DFD 3.0
duration full handling
SDS 44 dfd_s2_prod_full_delay S2 (Full) Productive full handling 0..60000ms Minimum delay between the TE of the last sheet at the output of the DFD 3.0
delay printer and the LE of the following sheet in case of productive full
SDS 45 dfd_timeout_s3 Time out S3 (Sheet delivered) 0..30000 ms Maximum delay between the sheet exit signal and sheet delivered DFD 1.0
SDS 46 dfd_timeout_s4 Time out S4 (Set delivered) 0..30000 ms Maximum delay between the end of set signal and set delivered signal. DFD 1.0
SDS 47 dfd_in_velocity Input speed of DFD device 9500..16000 [0.1 Speed of first input pinch in DFD device. DFD 3.0
SDS 48 dfd_in_pinch_position Position of first pinch after 0..10000 [0.1 mm] DFD 3.0
border (L2)
49 dfd_plus_protocol DFD+ protocol 0: No DFD+ protocol What serial protocol needs to be used
1: Horizon DFD+
2: Tecnau DFD+
50 dfd_plus_serial_baudrate DFD+ serial baudrate 0: 110 bps The baudrate to be used for serial communication in bits/sec.

Adaptable Index Parameter Name Values Description DFD

in interface
1: 300 bps
2: 600 bps
3: 1200 bps
4: 2400 bps
5: 4800 bps
6: 9600 bps
7: 14400 bps
8: 19200 bps
9: 38400 bps
10: 57600 bps
11: 115200 bps
12: 128000 bps
13: 256000 bps
51 dfd_plus_serial_parity DFD+ serial parity 0: None The parity of the serial port communication.
1: Even
2: Odd parity
3: Mark
4: Space
52 dfd_plus_serial_databits DFD+ serial databits 0: 5 bits Number of bits per data frame.
1: 6 bits
2: 7 bits
3: 8 bits
4: 9 bits
53 dfd_plus_serial_stopbits DFD+ serial stopbits 0: 1 bit Number of stop bits per data frame.
1: 1-and-1 half bits
2: 2 bits

Copyright 2022 Canon Production Printing, Venlo, The Netherlands

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