TK1914 Outline

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Pusat Pengajian Sains Komputer

School of Computer Science

TTTK1914 SEMESTER 1 SESI 2011/2012

Pengaturcaraan C I/
C Programming I
Tiada/ None


Instructors Office Group Venue Hours

Dr. Mohd Rosmadi Mokhtar G-3-28 PPSK
DK1 Monday
Dr. Zulkarnain Md Ali E-3-28 2&4 11-1pm

Dr. Raed Ali G-3-33 PPTM Monday
DK1 9-11am
Dr. Ravie Chandren E-4-48 1&3 03-8921 6715


Instructors Office Group Venue Hours

Dr. Mohd Rosmadi Mokhtar G-3-28 Wednesday 4 (TSa) BK1
Dr. Raed Ali G-3-33 Thursday 2 (TK-int) BK6 10-12pm
Dr. Salwani Abdullah Pej KJ TK 2 (TRb) BK3 9-11am 03-89216181 2 (TKb) BK1 11-1pm
Marini Abu Bakar H-1-8 4 (TSb) BK4 Wed 11-1pm 2 (TKa) BK1 Thurs 10-12pm
Rodziah Latih E-4-38 3 (TRc) BK2 Tue 9-10am 2 (TKc) BK2 Thurs 10-12pm
Dr. Ravie Chandren E-4-48 Tuesday
3 (TRa) BK1 03-8921 6715 9-11
Dr. Zulkarnain Md Ali E-3-28 1 (THb) BK8 Tue 4-6pm 1(THa) BK3 Wed 10-12pm
2 (TKd) BK5 Thurs 10-12pm


Demonstrators Office Group Lab Hours


1.0 Learning Outcomes

Di akhir kursus ini pelajar dijangkakan akan dapat:

1. Membangun, mengkompil dan melaksana aturcara ringkas dalam persekitaran Linux.

2. Mengenalpasti dan membetulkan kesilapan sintak dan logik bagi suatu aturcara.
3. Menggunakan elemen asas aturcara dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang diberi.
4. Membangun satu aturcara untuk menyelesaikan masalah asas; carian, analisa berstatistik
ringkas (mencari jumlah, purata, maksimum, minimum), masalah asas matematik (faktorial,
nombor perdana), dan sebagainya.
5. Membangun satu aturcara bagi menyelesaikan masalah sebenar.

2.0 Sinopsis/Synopsis

Kursus ini adalah pengenalan pertama kepada pengaturcaraan. Kursus ini dilaksanakan dalam
persekitaran kuliah dan makmal yang membolehkan pelajar menjadi pengaturcara yang baik. Pelajar
yang mengambil kursus ini tidak semestinya mempunyai latar belakang pengaturcaraan komputer, oleh
itu pengenalan kepada komputer dan bahasa pengaturcaraan akan diberikan. Pelantar Linux digunakan
semasa pembangunan aturcara. Sebahagian besar kursus meliputi elemen penting dalam bahagian
berstruktur bahasa berkenaan. Tajuk perbincangan meliputi elemen asas C (C++), input dan output,
struktur kawalan, fungsi takrifan pengguna, tatasusunan, rentetan dan rekod. Tambahan daripada itu,
teknik bagi menyelesaikan masalah asas juga akan dibincangkan.

This course is intended as a first introduction to programming. The course is conducted in such a way
that it provides a classroom and laboratory environment that enables students to become proficient C
(or C++) programmers. Students are not assumed to have a background in computer programming
and therefore introductory material on computers, and programming languages are presented. Linux
platform will be used for the program development. The majority of the course will be covering on the
essentials of the structured part of the language. Topics include the basic elements of C (or C++),
input and output, control structures, user defined functions, arrays, strings and records. In addition,
techniques to solve basic problems will also be discussed.

3.0 References

3.1 Main Reference

- D. S. Malik. 2011. “C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures”. 5th ed.
Thomson Course Technology. ISBN-10: 0538798092 ISBN-13: 9780538798099

3.2 Other References

- Tony Gaddis, Judy Walters, and Godfrey Muganda. 2008. Starting Out with C++: Early
Objects. 6/E. Addison-Wesley
- Daniel Liang. 2007. Introduction to Programming with C++. Pearson International.
- Gary Bronson. 2006. C++ for Engineers and Scientists. Thomson Course Technology.
- Dietel & Dietel. 2007. C++ How to Program. 6th ed. Prentice Hall.

3.3 Website References:

4.0 Course Outlines

Chapter Lab Tutorial

Week Monday Holidays Code Topics
Code Topics Code Topics
Lec 1 - An Overview of computers and
1 12/9 programming languages Ch 1, 2 - - - -
- Basic Elements of C++
16/9 Lec 2 - Basic Elements of C++ (cont) Ch 2, 3 Lab1 - Introduction to Linux T1 - Basic elements of C++
2 19/9
- Input/ Output and g++
3 26/9 Lec 3 - Control Structures I (Selection) Ch 4 Lab2 - Basic elements &I/O T2 - Basic elements…&I/O
Lec 4 - Control Structures II Ch 5 Lab3 - Control Structures I T3 - Control Structures I
4 3/10
Lec 5 - Algorithms & Problem Solving Ch 1& Lab4 - Control Structures II T4 - Control Structures II
5 10/10
6 17/10 Lec 6 - User-Defined Functions I Ch 6 Lab5 Lab Test 1 T5 Algo& Problem Solving
7 24/10 26/10 Lec 7 - User-Defined Functions II Ch 7 Lab6 - Functions I T6 - Functions I
8 31/10 Lec 8 - Arrays I Ch 9 Lab7 - Functions II T7 - Functions II
Semester Break & Hari Raya Aidil Adha (5 – 13/11/2011)
9 14/11 Lec 9 - Arrays II Ch 9 Lab8 - Arrays I T8 - Arrays I
10 21/11 27/11 Lec 10 - Strings, string Type Ch 8, 9 Lab9 - Arrays II T9 - Arrays II
Lec 11 - Enumeration Type, typedef, Ch 3, 8 Lab10 - Strings T10 - Strings
11 28/11
Namespace. - File I/O
12 5/12 Lec 12 - Records (Structs) I Ch 10 Lab11 - File I/O T11 - File I/O
13 12/12 Lec 13 - Records (Structs) II Ch 13 Lab12 - Records (Structs) T12 - Records (Structs)
19/12 Lec 14 Revision All topics - Lab Test 2 - Revision
15 26/12 Study Week & Christmas Celebration (24/12/2011 – 2/01/2012)
Final Exam (3 - 20/01/2012)

5.0 Implementations
1. Lecture is 2 hours per week.
2. Tutorial is 2 hours per week.
3. Lab session is 2 hours per week.

6.0 Evaluations

Item Percentage
Lab Evaluation 10 %
Tutorial/ Quiz 10 %
Lab Test 1 15 %
Lab Test 2 15 %
Final Examination 50 %
Total 100%

7.0 Linux account

All students are requested to obtain user account at Linux server from staff in charge (Pn. Azziyati, Lab
Linux). If you have any questions about the course or need assistance, please contact your instructor in
person or by telephone during office hours; or by e-mail at any time.

8.0 Lecture Materials

1. Lecture slides can be obtained and downloaded from UKM eLearning Portal (SPIN)
2. Students are required to obtain the text book (“C++ Programming: Program Design Including
Data Structures” by D.S. Malik) from the School of Computer Science office or other book

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