News Item Grade 12

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News Item Grade 12

Jumlah questions: 22

Estimasi pengerjaan: 18menit

Nama instruktur: Mrs. Heny Valdisabrang

1. To inform the readers/listeners about a newsworthy event.

a) structure b) Social Function

c) definition d) Source (s)

e) Language Features

2. What are the generic structures of news item?

a) Resource - main events - events - explanation. b) Newsworthy events - background event -

resource of information.

c) Resource - event - description. d) Newsworthy events - orientation - description.

e) Orientation - elaboration - resource of


3. The following are language features of news item, except ....

a) Using simple present tense b) Using action verbs.

c) using a background d) Using adverb of time.

e) Using saying verbs.

4. Reindeer delivery company in Japan "Domino's" has got into the Christmas spirit already!
It started to train reindeer to deliver pizza to customers. the company is working with reindeer
breeders to train the reindeer how to deliver pizza.
People can watch the reindeer in real-time by using a GPS driver tracker. The company claims that it
is taking all possible steps to ensure that animals are well.
What does text tell us about?

a) Special pizza in Christmas b) Reindeer delivery company

c) Pizza in Christmas event d) The Christmas spirit on December

5. Reindeer delivery company in Japan "Domino's" has got into the Christmas spirit already!
It started to train reindeer to deliver pizza to customers. the company is working with reindeer
breeders to train the reindeer how to deliver pizza.
People can watch the reindeer in real-time by using a GPS driver tracker. The company claims that it
is taking all possible steps to ensure that animals are well.
The word "it" in the second paragraph refers to...

a) Domino's Company b) Christmas spirit

c) Pizza d) reindeer

6. comment from witnesses is called?

a) source b) newsworthy event

c) action verb d) saying verb

7. Event in the form of summary and usually placed on first paragraph is called?

a) language features b) background event

c) newsworthy event d) source


Which paragraph called Sources?

a) Paragraph 1-2 b) Paragraph 5

c) Paragraph 3 d) Paragraph 4

e) Paragraph 2

Which paragraph called Newsworthy Event?

a) Paragraph 2 b) Paragraph 3

c) Paragraph 1 d) Paragraph 5

What is the news about?

a) Jalan Gatot Subroto has been closed by b) The traffic wasn’t runs smoothly

c) The demonstrates destroyed the separators d) Traffic after protest has returned to normal


Where did this incident happen?

a) depok b) bekasi

c) surabaya d) semarang

e) jakarta

Stated, Claimed, Said examples of..


13. News item is a text that ...

a) is designed to describe how something is b) is located near photos that gives important
achieved through a sequence of actions or information

c) informs readers about events of the day d) presents critical analysis on events or works
for readers or public audiences

14. The news 'Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters block airport' mainly discussed about an issue
that happened in ... .

a) Asia b) Africa

c) America d) Europe
15. News item is a text that ...

a) presents critical analysis on events or works b) is located near photos that gives important
for readers or public audiences information

c) is designed to describe how something is d) informs readers about events of the day
achieved through a sequence of actions or

16. The Surabaya Police have arrested a man, identified only as MN, for allegedly buying an infant via
MN was arrested at his house on Jl. Karah in Jambangan district in Surabaya, East Java, on
Sunday. He was found to have paid some Rp 3.8 million (US$250) for a baby boy when he was only
three days olD.
Surabaya police chief Sr. Comr. Rudi Setiawan said recently that the transaction was conducted in
Semarang, Central Java, on Sept. 23. The baby’s parents live in Tangerang in Banten.
“The baby is now safe with the Surabaya administration,” Rudi said on Monday (The Jakarta Post,
Tue, October 16, 2018)

What is the purpose of the text?

a) To argue that arresting the man is important b) To explain how police arrested the man

c) To convince reader that buying infant is d) To describe the important person for readers

e) To inform readers about arrested man for

buying an infant

17. The Surabaya Police have arrested a

man, identified only as MN, for allegedly buying an infant via Instagram.
MN was arrested at his house on Jl. Karah in Jambangan district in Surabaya, East Java, on
Sunday. He was found to have paid some Rp 3.8 million (US$250) for a baby boy when he was only
three days olD.
Surabaya police chief Sr. Comr. Rudi Setiawan said recently that the transaction was conducted in
Semarang, Central Java, on Sept. 23. The baby’s parents live in Tangerang in Banten.
“The baby is now safe with the Surabaya administration,” Rudi said on Monday (The Jakarta Post,
Tue, October 16, 2018)
What is the generic structure of the text above?

a) Newsworthy event – Background events – b) Stating thesis – Arguments – Reiteration


c) Orientation – Complication – Reorientation d) Orientation – Series of event – Reorientation

e) Goal – Equipments – Steps

18. to inform the reader, listener or viewer about even of the day

a) generic structure b) social function

c) language feature

19. newsworthy events, background of events, sources

a) social function b) generic structure

c) language features

20. short, captured in headlines

use action verb
use saying verb

a) social function b) generic structure

c) language features

Biden announces target that 50% of vehicles sold in US by 2030 will be electric

a) background of events b) sources

c) newsworthy events

Biden said the future of America’s car manufacturing is electric and “there’s no turning back.”⁠

a) use saying verb b) use action verb

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