ManEcon Chap2
ManEcon Chap2
ManEcon Chap2
MAKING Step 2. Determine the Objective
The best way to become acquainted with What is the decision maker’s goal?
managerial economics is to come face to face How should the decision maker value
with real-world decision-making problems. outcomes with respect to this goal? What if
Every decision can be framed and analyzed he or she is pursuing multiple, conflicting
using a common approach based on six objectives? When it comes to economic
steps, as Figure below indicates. decisions, it is a truism that “you can’t
The Basic Steps in Decision Making always get what you want.” But to make any
The process of decision making can be progress at all in your choice, you have to
broken down into six basic steps know what you want. In most private-sector
decisions, profit is the principal objective of
the firm and the usual barometer of its
performance. Thus, among alternative
courses of action, the manager will select the
one that will maximize the profit of the firm.