Cellular Sheaf Laplacians On The Set of Simplices of Symmetric Simplicial Set Induced by Hypergraph

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Abstract. We generalize cellular sheaf Laplacians on an ordered finite abstract simplicial com-
plex to the set of simplices of a symmetric simplicial set. We construct a functor from the category of
arXiv:2411.08458v1 [math.AT] 13 Nov 2024

hypergraphs to the category of finite symmetric simplicial sets and define cellular sheaf Laplacians on
the set of simplices of finite symmetric simplicial set induced by hypergraph. We provide formulas
for cellular sheaf Laplacians and show that cellular sheaf Laplacian on an ordered finite abstract
simplicial complex is exactly the ordered cellular sheaf Laplacian on the set of simplices induced by
abstract simplicial complex.

Key words. symmetric simplicial set, cellular sheaf, cellular sheaf cochain complex, cellular
sheaf Laplacian, hypergraph

MSC codes. 55U10, 55N05, 55N30

1. Introduction. Graph Laplacian plays a central role in Graph Neural Net-

works which has wide real-world applications [13, 18, 4, 15, 7]. For an abelian cat-
egory A, an A-valued cellular sheaf F on a graph G [5] and a total order on V(G),
sheaf cochain complex of G with F-coefficients δ : C0 (G, F) → C1 (G, F) is defined [11].
When A is the category of finite-dimensional R-vector spaces, the adjoint of δ, δ∗ , is
well-defined and so is sheaf Laplacian (δ)∗ ◦ δ. Sheaf Laplacian is used to construct
Sheaf Neural Networks [10] on graphs for various purposes [3, 2]. Construction of sheaf
Laplacian on the graph is generalized to an ordered finite abstract simplicial complex
L [14]. L is poset with respect to the set inclusion, so L has a natural topology gener-
ated by Alexandrov base {Uσ := {τ ∈ L | σ ⊂ τ}}σ∈L . For simplex σ of L, category A
and A-valued sheaf F on L, an associate cellular sheaf F : L → A is a functor defined
by F(σ) := F (Uσ ). Let Lk be the set of k-simplices of L. Since any σ ∈ Lk can be
uniquely expressed as σ = (v0 , · · · , vk ) where v0 < · · · < vk , for l ∈ {0, 1, · · · , k}, face
map dl : Lk → Lk−1 is defined by dl ((v0 , · · · , vk )) := (v0 , · · · , vbl , · · · , vk ). When A
is finitely complete abelian category, he defined cellular sheaf cochain complex of L
with F-coefficients, {Ck (L, F), δkF }k∈Z≥0 , given by
(1.1) Ck (L, F) := F(σ)

with the projection πσ : Ck (L, F) → F(σ) and

 
(1.2) δkF :=  (−1)l F(dl τ ⊂ τ) ◦ πdl τ  .
τ∈Lk+1 l∈{0,1,··· ,k}

We call its cohomology as cellular sheaf cohomology. He showed that cellular sheaf
cohomology is isomorphic to the sheaf cohomology of L with F -coefficients. As a
corollary, when A is the category of finite-dimensional R-vector spaces, degree k cel-
lular sheaf Laplacian LkF is well-defined and its kernel is isomorphic to the degree k
sheaf cohomology of L with F -coefficients. Hence cellular sheaf Laplacian encodes
information of both topology of L and geometry of F. Cellular sheaf Laplacians for a
trivial sheaf are used to signal processing on simplicial complexes [1, 20, 19].
We generalize cellular sheaf Laplacians on an ordered finite abstract simplicial
complex to hypergraph. Since the hypergraph itself lacks mathematical structures,

we associate finite symmetric simplicial set [9] from hypergraph [16] as in Figure 1.1.
A symmetric simplicial set X, together with the set of simplices X b behave like an
ordered finite abstract simplicial complex in the following sense : (1) each element of
b has dimension (2) X
X b has a natural preorder (3) there is a face map dl : Xn → Xn−1
for l ∈ {0, 1, · · · , n}. These properties are sufficient to define A-valued cellular sheaf F
on Xb and cellular sheaf cochain complex of X b with F-coefficients without any choice of
total order. We define the notion of cellular sheaf Laplacians of X b with F-coefficients
when A is the category of finite dimensional R-vector spaces. As in abstract simplicial
complex, we show that the kernel of the degree k cellular sheaf Laplacian is isomorphic
to the degree k sheaf cohomology when X is closed, Čech.

v3 [v3 ]e

v0 v4 [v4 ]e ′
[v0 ]e [v2 , v3 ]e
e e′
[v4 , v5 ]e ′
[v2 ]e
v2 [v1 , v2 , v0 ]e
v1 v5 [v1 ]e [v5 ]e ′

(a) Hypergraph H (b) Symmetric simplicial set K(H)

Fig. 1.1: (a) A hypergraph H = (E(H), V(H), fH ) with E(H) := {e, e ′ }, V(H) :=
{v0 , · · · , v5 }, fH (e) := {v0 , v1 , v2 , v3 } and fH (e ′ ) := {v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 }. (b) Description of
symmetric simplicial set K(H) induced by H.

1.1. Organization. In section 2, we review a cellular sheaf on a preordered

set. We show that the category of cellular sheaves is equivalent to the category of
sheaves. In section 3, we review the symmetric simplicial set and its set of simplices.
We define unordered, alternating, and ordered cellular sheaf cochain complexes on
the set of simplices. We show that cellular sheaf cohomology is isomorphic to the
sheaf cohomology when the symmetric simplicial set is closed, Čech. In section 4,
we construct a functor from the category of hypergraphs to the category of finite
symmetric simplicial sets. We show that finite symmetric simplicial set induced by
hypergraph is closed, Čech. When hypergraph is an ordered finite abstract simplicial
complex, we show that the cellular sheaf cochain complex of an ordered finite abstract
simplicial complex equals the ordered cellular sheaf cochain complex of the set of
simplices induced by hypergraph. In section 5, we compute explicit formulas of degree
k cellular sheaf Laplacians of a set of simplices induced by hypergraph.
1.2. Conventions.
• For categories C, D, we denote [C, D] the category of functors from C to D.
We denote C(A, B) := HomC (A, B) for its hom-sets.
• We denote VectR the category of finite dimensional inner product spaces over
R whose morphisms are linear maps. VectR is finitely bicomplete abelian
category with enough injectives.
• We denote Set as the category of sets and FinSet as the category of finite
sets. An endofunctor P : Set → Set is defined by P(A) = {B | B ⊆ A, B 6= ∅}.

• For a topological space X with base B, we denote Sh(X, A) the category of

A-valued sheaves on X and Sh(B, A) the category of A-valued B-sheaves.
• For a finite set A, we abbreviate {a} := {a0 , · · · , an } ⊆ A for a subset of A
and (a) := (a0 , · · · , an ) ∈ An+1 for an element of An+1 . We also abbreviate
(a)\al := (a0 , · · · , a
^ l , · · · , an ) for al ∈ {a}.
• For n ∈ Z≥0 , we denote Sn the set of bijections from [n] := {0, 1, · · · , n} to
itself. For g ∈ Sn , we denote the sign of g by sgn(g). For a set A, n ∈ Z≥0 ,
Sn acts on An+1 by g · (a0 , · · · , an ) := (ag(0) , · · · , ag(n) ). We abbreviate
(a)A ∈ FinSet([n], A) a function such that (a)A (k) := ak for k ∈ [n].
2. Category of cellular sheaves on a preordered set. Given a category
A and a preordered set P, we define the category A-valued cellular sheaves on a
preordered set P [6]. When A is complete, we show that it is equivalent to the
category of A-valued sheaves on P.
Definition 2.1. For a category A, a preordered set (P, .), the category Cell(P, A)
is defined as follows.
• The objects are all F ∈ [P, A] satisfying

x . y, y . x =⇒ F(x) = F(y), F(y . x) = F(x . y) = IdF(x) .

An object F is called a A-valued cellular sheaf on P.

• The morphisms from F to G are all natural transformations from F to G.
A preordered set has a natural topology, called the Alexandrov topology [6].
Definition 2.2. Let (P, .) be a preordered set.
• For p ∈ P, the basic open set of p is defined by Up := {q ∈ P | q & p}.
• P := {Up }p∈P forms a base for P. We call P the Alexandrov base for P.
• The topology generated by P is called the Alexandrov topology on P.
The following lemma is a key property of the Alexandrov topology.
Lemma 2.3. Suppose (P, .) is a preordered set equipped with Alexandrov topology.
If an open set U contains p, Up ⊆ U.
Proof. Suppose U = Uq where Uq ∈ P for each q ∈ Λ ⊂ P. Since {Uq }q∈Λ
is an open cover of U, there exists q0 ∈ Λ satisfying p ∈ Uq0 . Hence p & q0 and
Up ⊆ Uq0 ⊆ U.
Since we have Alexandrov topology on P, we can define the category of A-valued
sheaves on P, Sh(P, A).
Proposition 2.4. Suppose (P, .) is a preordered set and A is a complete cate-
gory. Then Cell(P, A) and Sh(P, A) are equivalence of categories (See [6, Proposition
3.3] for poset P).
∼ Sh(P, A) since ι : Sh(P, A) → Sh(P, A)
Proof. It suffices to show that Cell(P, A) =
defined by ι(F )(U) := lim F (Up ) is an equivalence of categories which preserves
Up ⊂U
basic open sets [17, Tag 009H]. Define a functor S ′ : Cell(P, A) → PSh(P, A) as
• S ′ (F)(Up ) := F(p) and for p . q, resS ′ (F) (Uq ֒→ Up ) := F(p . q).
• S ′ (α)(Up ) := α(p) for α ∈ Cell(P, A)(F, G).
We show that S ′ (F) is a P-sheaf for any F ∈ Cell(P, A). Given Up ∈ P, let {Ux }x∈I
be a P-open cover. There is an element x0 ∈ I such that Ux0 contains p, so x0 . p.
On the other hand, Ux0 ⊆ Up implies p . x0 . Hence Up = Ux0 and S ′ (F)(Up ) =

S ′ (F)(Ux0 ) = F(p). Given x, y ∈ I, let {Uxyz }z∈Ixy be a P-open cover of Ux ∩ Uy .

Suppose {sx ∈ S ′ (F)(Ux )}x∈I satisfies sx |Uxyz = sy |Uxyz . Then sx0 ∈ S ′ (F)(Up ) is
the unique section satisfying sx0 |Ux = sx for any x ∈ I. Hence S ′ (F) is a P-sheaf for
any F ∈ Cell(P, A).
Let ιP : P → Pop be a functor given by ιP (q) := Uq . Define a functor T ′ : Sh(P, A) →
Cell(P, A) as
• T ′ (F ) := F ◦ ιP .
• T ′ (η)(p) := η(Up ) for η ∈ Sh(P, A)(F , G).
(S ◦ T ′ )(F ) = F , (T ′ ◦ S ′ )(F) = F.

Hence Cell(P, A) = ∼ Sh(P, A) and S := ι ◦ S ′ : Cell(P, A) → Sh(P, A) is an equivalence

of categories.
Remark 2.5. If {F (Up ) | p ∈ P} is finite set for any F ∈ Sh(P, A), finitely com-
pleteness of A suffices to define ι by construction.
Definition 2.6. Let (P, .) be a preordered set and A be a complete category. For
F ∈ Cell(P, A), we say S(F) as the sheaf induced by F where S is a functor in the
proof of Proposition 2.4.
3. Cellular sheaf cochain complex on a set of simplices. In this section,
we develop a cellular sheaf theory on a symmetric simplicial set. More specifically,
given a symmetric simplicial set X and the set of simplices X, b we define (1) a cellular
sheaf F on X b and sheaf S(F) on X b (2) cellular sheaf cochain complex of X b with F-
coefficients (3) cellular sheaf Laplacians on X for VectR -valued cellular sheaf F. We
define conditions on X,b called closed and Čech, to associate cellular sheaf cohomology
with F-coefficients and sheaf cohomology with S(F)-coefficients.
3.1. Symmetric simplicial set and its set of simplices. In this subsection,
we define symmetric simplicial sets [9] and provide examples.
Definition 3.1. A symmetric simplex category !∆ is defined as follows.
• The objects are [n] for all n ∈ Z≥0 .
• The morphisms from [m] to [n] are all functions from [m] to [n].
[!∆op , Set] is called the category of symmetric simplicial sets.
• An object X of [!∆op , Set] is called a symmetric simplicial set.
• A symmetric simplicial set X is called finite if X ∈ [!∆op , FinSet].
Definition 3.2. Let X ∈ [!∆op , Set], n ∈ Z≥0 and l ∈ [n].
• For X ∈ [!∆op , Set], we simply denote X([n]) as Xn . An element of Xn is
called a n-simplex of X. A set Xb := ` Xn is called the set of simplicies of
• A face map dl : Xn → Xn−1 is defined by dl := X(dl ) where dl : [n − 1] → [n]
is the function with dl (k) := k for k < l, dl (k) := k + 1 for k ≥ l.
Set of simplices of a symmetric simplicial set has a natural preorder.
Proposition 3.3. Suppose X ∈ [!∆op , Set] is a symmetric simplicial set. Define
b by x . y if and only if there exists µ ∈ !∆([m], [n]) satisfying
a relation . on X
X(µ)(y) = x. Then . becomes a preorder on X.
Proof. X(Id[m] )(x) = x, so x . x. Suppose x . y and y . z. Then there are
morphisms µ ∈ !∆([m], [n]), ν ∈ !∆([n], [p]) satisfying X(µ)(y) = x and X(ν)(z) = y.
Hence X(ν ◦ µ)(z) = (X(µ) ◦ X(ν)) (z) = X(µ) (X(ν)(z)) = X(µ)(y) = x and x . z.

Example 3.4. We introduce two classes of symmetric simplicial sets which will be
used throughout the paper.
(1) Let V be a set. A V-simplex ∆[V] is defined as follows.
• ∆[V]n := Set([n], V) for n ∈ Z≥0 . ∆[V]n is the set of all (n + 1)-tuples
in V.
• For µ : [m] → [n] and (vi )V ∈ ∆[V]n , (∆[V])(µ) : ∆[V]n → ∆[V]m is
given by

(∆[V])(µ) ((vi0 , · · · , vin )V ) := (vi0 , · · · , vin )V ◦ µ

= (viµ(0) , · · · , viµ(m) )V .

Since (∆[V])(ν◦µ) = (∆[V])(µ)◦(∆[V])(ν) for any µ : [m] → [n], ν : [n] → [p],

∆[V] is a symmetric simplicial set. When V is a finite set, ∆[V] is a finite
symmetric simplicial set.
(2) Let X ∈ [!∆op , Set]. Since Xb is a preordered set by Proposition 3.3, for y ∈ X0 ,
the basic open set Uy is well-defined. A Čech nerve of X, denoted by Č(X),
is defined as follows.
• Č(X)n := {(y) := (y0 , · · · , yn ) ∈ (X0 )n+1 | U(y) := Uy0 ∩ · · · ∩ Uyn 6= ∅}
• For µ : [m] → [n] and (yi ) ∈ Č(X)n , Č(X)(µ) : Č(X)n → Č(X)m is given
Č(X)(µ) ((yi0 , · · · , yin )) := (yiµ(0) , · · · , yiµ(m) ).
For any µ : [m] → [n], ν : [n] → [p], (Č(X))(ν ◦ µ) = (Č(X))(µ) ◦ (Č(X))(ν).
Hence Č(X) is a symmetric simplicial set. For X, Y ∈ [!∆op , Set] and f ∈
[!∆op , Set](X, Y), Č(f) : Č(X) → Č(Y) is defined by

Č(f)n ((y0 , · · · , yn )) := (f0 (y0 ), · · · , f0 (yn ))

for (y0 , · · · , yn ) ∈ Č(X)n . Č(f) ∈ [!∆op , Set](Č(X), Č(Y)) since for any µ :
[m] → [n] and (y0 , · · · , yn ) ∈ Č(X),

Č(Y)(µ) ◦ Č(f)n ((y0 , · · · , yn )) = Č(f)m ◦ Č(X)(µ) ((y0 , · · · , yn ))

= f0 (yµ(0) ), · · · , f0 (yµ(n) ) .

Suppose X, Y, Z ∈ [!∆op , Set], f ∈ [!∆op , Set](X, Y) and g ∈ [!∆op , Set](Y, Z).

Then Č(g ◦ f) = Č(g) ◦ Č(f), so Č : [!∆op , Set] → [!∆op , Set] is a functor.
We define two properties of a symmetric simplicial set, called closed and Čech.

 ∈ [!∆ , Set]. For n ∈ Z≥0 , we have a map ψn : Xn →

Definition 3.5. Let X
Č(X)n given by ψn (y) := X((0)[n] )(y), · · · , X((n)[n] )(y) . We say X is
(1) closed if {∅} ∪ {Uy }y∈Xb is closed under finite intersections.
(2) Čech if ψ = {ψn } : X → Č(X) is an isomorphism in [!∆op , Set].
Remark 3.6. Suppose X, Y ∈ [!∆op , Set] are Čech and f ∈ [!∆op , Set](X, Y). Then
Č(f) ◦ ψ = ψ ◦ f since for any n ∈ Z≥0 , y ∈ Xn ,

Č(f)n ◦ ψn (y) = f0 (X((0)[n] )(y)), · · · , f0 (X((n)[n] )(y))

= Y((0)[n] )(fn (y)), · · · , Y((n)[n] )(fn (y)) (∵ f ∈ [!∆op , Set](X, Y))
= ψn ◦ fn (y).

In particular, if f is an isomorphism, so is Č(f).


3.2. Čech cochain complexes. In this subsection, we recall the notion of Čech
cochain complexes [8].
Definition 3.7. Let Y be a topological space with an open cover W = {Wβ }β∈B
of Y. For an abelian category A, let F be an A-valued presheaf on Y. Let k ∈ Z≥0 .
• For (β) ∈ Bk+1 , we define W(β) := Wβ0 ∩ · · · ∩ Wβk .
• We define
Čk (W, F ) := F (W(β) )

the set of all unordered k-cochains of W with F -coefficients. An element

of Čk (W, F ) is called an unordered k-cochain of W with F -coefficients. We
abbreviate a k-cochain when W and F are clear. We denote the (β)-projection
by π(β) : Čk (W, F ) → F (W(β) ).
• A coboundary map δkW,F : Čk (W, F ) → Čk+1 (W, F ) is defined as
 
δkW,F :=  (−1)l resF (W(β) ֒→ W(β\βl ) ) ◦ π(β)\βl  .
(β) l∈[k+1]

Computation shows that δk+1 k k k

W,F ◦ δW,F = 0. {Č (W, F ), δW,F }k∈Z≥0 is called
an unordered Čech cochain complex of W with F -coefficients.
• A k-cochain s is called alternating if for any g ∈ Sk ,

πg·(β0 ,··· ,βk ) ◦ s = π(βg(0) ,··· ,βg(k) ) ◦ s = sgn(g) · π(β0 ,··· ,βk ) ◦ s.

We denote the set of all alternating k-cochains by Čkalt (W, F ). δkW,F induces
a map δkW,F : Čkalt (W, F ) → Čk+1 k k
alt (W, F ). {Čalt (W, F ), δW,F }k∈Z≥0 is called
an alternating Čech cochain complex of W with F -coefficients.
• Suppose (B, <) is a totally ordered set. We define
Čkord (W, F ) := F (W(β0 ,··· ,βk ) )
(β0 <···<βk )∈Bk+1

the set of all ordered k-cochains of W with F -coefficients. An element of

Čkord (W, F ) is called an ordered k-cochain of W with F -coefficients. δkW,F
induces a map δkW,F : Čkord (W, F ) → Čk+1 k k
ord (W, F ). {Čord (W, F ), δW,F }k∈Z≥0
is called an ordered Čech cochain complex of W with F -coefficients.
• Suppose (B, <) is a totally ordered set. For q ∈ Z≥0 , we denote
– Ȟq ((Ck (W, F ), δkW,F )) the qth unordered Čech cohomology of W with
F -coefficients
– Ȟq ((Čkalt (W, F ), δkW,F )) the qth alternating Čech cohomology of W with
F -coefficients
– Ȟq ((Čkord (W, F ), δkW,F )) the qth ordered Čech cohomology of W with
F -coefficients.
Three cohomologies are all isomorphic [17, Tag 01FG].
• Cover(Y) is the category of open covers of Y such that
– the objects are open covers of Y and
– the morphisms from U to V is {∗} when V is a refinement of U and
otherwise ∅.

• The qth unordered Čech cohomology of Y with F -coefficients as

Ȟq (Y, F ) := lim Ȟq (W, F ).

W ∈Cover(Y)

The qth alternating Čech cohomology of Y with F -coefficients is defined as

alt (Y, F ) := lim Ȟq
alt (W, F ).
W ∈Cover(Y)

The qth ordered Čech cohomology of Y with F -coefficients is defined as

ord (Y, F ) := lim Ȟq
ord (W, F ).
W ={Wβ }β∈(B,<) ∈Cover(Y)

3.3. Cellular sheaf cochain complex. Let X be a finite symmetric simplicial

set, A be an abelian category and F ∈ Cell(X,b A) be a A-valued cellular sheaf on X.b
In this subsection, we define three versions of cellular sheaf cochain complexes of X
with F-coefficients.
b A)
Definition 3.8. Let X ∈ [∆op , FinSet], A be an abelian category, F ∈ Cell(X,
and k ∈ Z≥0 .
b F) := L F(y) the set of all unordered cellular sheaf k-
• We define Ck (X,
cochains of Xb with F-coefficients. An element of Ck (X, b F) is called an un-
ordered k-cochain of Xb with F-coefficients. We abbreviate a cellular sheaf
k-cochain when X and F are clear. We denote πy,F : Ck (X, b F) → F(y) the
• A coboundary map δkF : Ck (X,b F) → Ck+1 (X,
b F) is defined as
 
(3.1) k
δF :=  (−1) · F(dl (z) . z) ◦ πdl (z)  .

z∈Xk+1 l∈[k+1]

Computation shows that δk+1 b F), δk }k∈Z is called an un-

◦ δkF = 0. {Ck (X,
F F ≥0

ordered cellular sheaf cochain complex of X b with F-coefficients.

• A cellular sheaf k-cochain s is called alternating if for any g ∈ Sk ,

πX(g)(y) ◦ s = sgn(g) · πy ◦ s.

We denote the set of all alternating cellular sheaf k-cochains by Ckalt (X, b F).
k k k b k+1 b k b k
δF induces a map δF : Calt (X, F) → Calt (X, F). {Calt (X, F), δF }k∈Z≥0 is called
an alternating cellular sheaf cochain complex of X b with coefficients in F.
• Suppose X is Čech and (X0 , <) is a totally ordered set. We define
(3.2) b F) :=
Ckord (X, F(ψ−1k (y))
(y)=(y0 <···<yk )∈Č(X)k

b with F-coefficients. An
the set of all ordered cellular sheaf k-cochains of X
b F) is called an ordered k-cochain of X
element of Ckord (X, b with F-coefficients.
k k k b k+1 b k b
δF induces a map δF : Cord (X, F) → Cord (X, F). {Cord (X, F), δkF }k∈Z≥0 is called
an ordered cellular sheaf cochain complex of X b with F-coefficients.

b F), δk )) is called the qth unordered cellular sheaf cohomology of X

• Hq ((Ck (X, b
b F), δk )) is called the qth alternating cellular
with F-coefficients. Hq ((Ckalt (X, F
sheaf cohomology of X with F-coefficients. When X is Čech and (X0 , <) is
totally ordered, Hq ((Ckord (X,b F), δk )) is called the qth ordered cellular sheaf
cohomology of X b with F-coefficients.
Lemma 3.9. Suppose X, Y are finite symmetric simplicial sets and f := {fn }n∈Z≥0 :
X → Y is an isomorphism in [!∆op , FinSet]. Suppose F is an A-valued cellular sheaf
b for an abelian category A. Define f∗ F ∈ Cell(Y,
on X b A) by (f∗ F)(y) := F(f−1 (y)) for
y ∈ Yn .
(1) A bijection fb : X
b → Yb defined by f(y)
b := fk (y) for y ∈ Xk is homeomorphism
and the following diagram

b A)
Cell(X, b A)
// Cell(Y,

b A)
Sh(X, b A)
// Sh(Y,

is commutative. Moreover, S = (fb−1 )∗ ◦ S ◦ f∗ .

b F), δk ) = (Ck (Y,
(2) (Ck (X, b f∗ F), δk ) and (Ck (X, b F), δk ) = (Ck (Y, b f∗ F), δk )
F f∗ F alt F alt f∗ F
for any k ∈ Z≥0 .
(3) Suppose X, Y are Čech, (X0 , <), (Y0 , ≺) are totally ordered sets and f0 pre-
serves the total order. Then (Ckord (X, b F), δk ) = (Ck (Y, b f∗ F), δk ) for any
F ord f∗ F
k ∈ Z≥0 .
Proof. (1) For any z ∈ Yk , fb−1 (Uz ) = Uf−1 (z) is open in X.
b Hence fb is continuous.

Same argument shows that fb−1 is continuous. For any open set U ∈ Yb and F ∈
b A),

(S(f∗ F)) (U) = lim (f∗ F)(q)

= lim F fb−1 (q)

= lim F(p)
p∈fb−1 (U)
= S(F) fb−1 (U)

= fb∗ (S(F)) (U).

Hence S◦f∗ = fb∗ ◦S. Functoriality of the direct image functor proves S = (fb−1 )∗ ◦S◦f∗ .
(2) Direct computations show that
b f∗ F) =
Ck (Y, (f∗ F) (z) = F(f−1
k (z))
z∈Yk z∈Yk
= F(y)(∵ fk is bijective)
b F).
= Ck (X,

Since f is an isomorphism, for any k ∈ Z≥0 , g ∈ Sk , Y(g) ◦ fk = fk ◦ X(g) and fk is

bijective. Hence
b F)
s ∈ Ckalt (X,
⇐⇒ πX(g)(y),F ◦ s = sgn(g) · πy,F ◦ s for any g ∈ Sk , y ∈ Xk
⇐⇒ πf−1 (Y(g)(fk (y))),F ◦ s = sgn(g) · πf−1 (fk (y)),F ◦ s
k k

⇐⇒ πf−1 (Y(g)(z)),F ◦ s = sgn(g) · πf−1 (z),F ◦ s for any g ∈ Sk , z ∈ Yk

k k

⇐⇒ π(Y(g)(z)),f∗F ◦ s = sgn(g) · πz,f∗ F ◦ s for any g ∈ Sk , z ∈ Yk

b f∗ F).
⇐⇒ s ∈ Ck (Y, alt

Since f is an isomorphism, for any k ∈ Z≥0 and l ∈ [k], f−1 −1

k ◦ dl = dl ◦ fk+1 .

 
δkf∗ F =  (−1)l · (f∗ F)(dl (z) . z) ◦ πdl (z) 
z∈Yk+1 l∈[k+1]
 
M X 
=  (−1)l · F f−1 −1
k (dl (z)) . fk+1 (z) ◦ πf−1 (dl (z))

z∈Yk+1 l∈[k+1]
 
M X 
=  (−1)l · F dl (f−1 −1
k+1 (z)) . fk+1 (z) ◦ πdl (f−1

k+1 (z))
z∈Yk+1 l∈[k+1]
 
=  (−1)l · F (dl (y) . y) ◦ πdl (y) 
y∈Xk+1 l∈[k+1]

= δkF .
(3) Since f is an isomorphism, Č(fk )◦ψk = ψk ◦fk , f−1 −1 −1
k ◦ψk = ψk ◦ Č(X)(fk )
and Č(X)(fk ) is an isomorphism by Remark 3.6. Hence
b f∗ F) =
Ckord (Y, (f∗ F)(ψ−1
k ((z)))
(z)=(z0 ≺···≺zk )∈Č(Y)k
= F(f−1 −1
k ◦ ψk ((z)))
(z)=(z0 ≺···≺zk )∈Č(Y)k
M  −1 
= F ψ−1
k ◦ Č(X)(f k ) ((z))
(z)=(z0 ≺···≺zk )∈Č(Y)k
= F ψ−1
k ((y))
(y)=(y0 <···<yk )∈Č(X)k

b F).
= Ckord (X,

3.4. Isomorphisms of cohomologies. Let Y be a topological space and A be

an abelian category with enough injectives. For F ∈ Sh(Y, A) and q ∈ Z≥0 , we denote
sh (Y, F ) the qth sheaf cohomology of Y with F -coefficients. Suppose X is Čech finite

symmetric simplicial set and A is a complete abelian category with enough injec-
b A) induces ψ∗ F ∈ Cell(Č
tives. Then F ∈ Cell(X, [(X), A) and S(ψ∗ F) ∈ Sh(Č[ (X), A).
q [ ∼ q b b −1 ∼
We have three cohomologies : (1) Hsh (Č(X), S(ψ∗ F)) = Hsh (X, (ψ )∗ (S(ψ∗ F))) =
Hq (X, [
b S(F)) by Lemma 3.9 (2) Ȟq (Č b F) =
(X), S(ψ F)) (3) Hq (X, [
∼ Hq (Č (X), ψ F) by
sh ∗ ∗
Lemma 3.9. We show three cohomologies are isomorphic when X is closed, Čech.

Theorem 3.10. Suppose X ∈ [!∆op , FinSet] is a finite symmetric simplicial set

b A)
and A is a complete abelian category with enough injectives. Suppose F ∈ Cell(X,
b A) is an
is an A-valued cellular sheaf on the set of simplicies of X and F ∈ Sh(X,
A-valued sheaf on the set of simplicies of X.
(1) If X is closed, Hq b ∼ q b
sh (X, F ) = Ȟ (X, F ) for q ∈ Z≥0 .
(2) If X is Čech with isomorphism ψ : X → Č(X) in Definition 3.5 and X0 is
totally ordered,

Ȟq (Č b F) =
∼ Hq (X,
(X), S(ψ∗ F)) = b F) =
∼ Hq (X, b F)
∼ Hq (X,
alt ord

for q ∈ Z≥0 .

(3) If X is closed and Čech,

Hq b ∼ q b ∼ q b ∼ q b
sh (X, S(F)) = H (X, F) = Halt (X, F) = Hord (X, F)

for q ∈ Z≥0 .

Proof. (1) It suffices to show that the Alexandrov base X = {∅ ∪ Uy }y∈Xb for X b
satisfies (a) X is closed under finite intersections (b) Ȟalt (Uy0 ∩ · · · ∩ Uyk , F ) = 0
for any y0 , · · · , yk ∈ X b and k > 0 by the Cartan’s theorem [8, Theorem 13.19.]. (a)
is satisfied since X is closed. Closedness of X implies that when Uy0 ∩ · · · ∩ Uyk is
nonempty, it should be Uy for some y ∈ X. b Hence we will show that Ȟk (Uy , F ) = 0
to prove (b).
Suppose W = {Wβ }β∈B is an open cover of Uy . There exists β0 ∈ B such that
y ∈ Wβ0 , Uy ⊂ Wβ0 by Lemma 2.3. Hence r : {∗} → B with r(∗) := β0 im-
plies {Uy }{∗} refines W. Since W was arbitrary, {Uy }{∗} is a terminal object in
Cover(Uy ). Therefore, Ȟkalt (Uy , F ) = ∼ Ȟk ({Uy }{∗} , F ) = 0 for k > 0 due to the
fact that Čkalt ({Uy }{∗} , F ) = 0 for k > 0.
(2) Consider
 a collection of open  sets Wterm,X = {Uv }v∈X0 in X. For any y ∈ Xn ,
X (0)[n] (y) . y for X (0)[n] (y) ∈ X0 and y ∈ UX((0)[n] )(y) . Since y was arbi-
trary, Wterm,X covers X b and Wterm,X ∈ Cover(X).
Suppose W = {Wβ }β∈B ∈ Cover(X). Given v ∈ X0 , there exists βv ∈ B satisfying
v ∈ Wβv . Define a map r : X0 → B defined by r(v) := βv . Since βv ∈ B, Uv ⊂ Wβv
by Lemma 2.3 and Wterm,X refines W. Since W was arbitrary, Wterm,X is a terminal
object in Cover(X). b Hence the Čech cochain complex of Č [(X) is isomorphic to the
Čech cochain complex of Wterm,Č(X) and

Čk (Wterm,Č(X) , S(ψ∗ F)) = S(ψ∗ F)(U(yi ) )(∵ A is abelian category)
(yi )∈Č(X)k
= (ψ∗ F) (yi ) (∵ X is Čech and Proposition 2.4)
(yi )∈Č(X)k

= Ck (Č(X), ψ∗ F)
k b
= C (X, F)(∵ Lemma 3.9).
Lemma 3.9 also implies
b F)
Čkalt (Wterm,Č(X) , S(ψ∗ F)) = Ckalt (X,
b F).
Čkord (Wterm,Č(X) , S(ψ∗ F)) = Ckord (X,
Coboundary map δkW is given by
term,Č(X) ,S(ψ∗ F)
 
 (−1)l resS(ψ∗ F) (U(yj ) ֒→ U(yj )\yl ) ◦ π(yj)\yl 
(yj )∈Č(X)k+1 l∈[k+1]
 
=  (−1)l · F (dl (z) . z) ◦ πdl (z) 
z∈Xk+1 l∈[k+1]

= δkF .
Ȟq (Č b F) =
∼ Hq (X,
(X), S(ψ∗ F)) = b F) =
∼ Hq (X, b F).
∼ Hq (X,
alt ord
Hq b ∼ q b b −1 )∗ (S(ψ∗ F)))(∵ Lemma 3.9)
sh (X, S(F)) = Hsh (X, (ψ

= [
∼ Hq (Č b is homeomorphism)
(X), S(ψ∗ F))(∵ ψ

= [
∼ Ȟq (Č(X), S(ψ∗ F))(∵ Theorem 3.10.(1))

= [
∼ Hq (Č(X), ψ∗ F)(∵ Theorem 3.10.(2))
= q b F)((∵ Lemma 3.9)
∼ H (X,
∼ Hq (X,
= ∼ Hq (X,
b F) = b F)(∵ Theorem 3.10.(2)).
alt ord

3.5. Cellular sheaf Laplacians. Let X be a finite simplicial set and F is a

b In this subsection, we define degree k cellular
VectR -valued cellular sheaf F on X.
sheaf Laplacians on X for k ∈ Z≥0 .
b VectR ) and k ∈ Z≥0 .
Definition 3.11. Suppose X ∈ [∆op , FinSet], F ∈ Cell(X,
b F). (δk )∗ : Ck+1 (X,
• Let h, iCk be the induced inner product on Ck (X, b F) →
k b k
C (X, F) is called the adjoint of δF if
(3.3) hδkF (s), s ′ iCk+1 = hs, (δkF )∗ (s ′ )iCk
b F), s ′ ∈ Ck+1 (X,
for any s ∈ Ck (X, b F).

• The degree k up-Laplacian of F on X b is a linear map Lk : Ck (X, b F) →

Ck (X,b F) defined by Lk := (δk )∗ δk . The degree k down-Laplacian of F on X b
F,+ F F
k k b k b k k−1 k−1 ∗
is a linear map LF,− : C (X, F) → C (X, F) defined by LF,− := δF (δF ) .
Set L0F,− := 0. The degree k cellular sheaf Laplacian of F on X b is a linear map
k k b k b k k k
LF : C (X, F) → C (X, F) defined by LF := LF,+ + LF,− .
b F) are called degree k alternat-
• The restriction of LkF,+ , LkF,− , LkF to Ckalt (X,
ing up-Laplacian, down-Laplacian and Laplacian of F on X. b We denote by
Lkalt,F,+ , Lkalt,F,− and Lkalt,F .
• Suppose X̌ is Čech and (X0 , <) is totally ordered set. The restriction of
b F) are called degree k ordered up-Laplacian, down-
LkF,+ , LkF,− , LkF to Ckord (X,
Laplacian and Laplacian of F on X. b We denote by Lk k k
ord,F,+ , Lord,F,− and Lord,F .
Lemma 3.12. Suppose f : V → W is a linear map between inner product spaces
and f∗ : W → V is the adjoint of f.
(1) Ker f ∩ Im f∗ = {0V }.
(2) Ker f∗ ∩ Im f = {0W }.
Proof. (1) For v ∈ Ker f ∩ Im f∗ , v = f∗ (w) for some w ∈ W and hv, vi =

hv, f (w)i = hf(v), wi = h0V , wi = 0V . Hence v = 0.
(2) For w ∈ Ker f∗ ∩ Im f, w = f(v) for some v ∈ V and hw, wi = hf(v), wi =
hv, f∗ (w)i = hv, 0W i = 0. Hence w = 0W .
b when X
We show that LkF contains topological information about X b is closed and
Theorem 3.13. Suppose X ∈ [∆op , FinSet] is a fnite symmetric simplicial set
which is closed and Čech. Suppose F ∈ Cell(X, b VectR ) is a cellular sheaf on X
b such
b {F(z) | z ∈ X}
that X b is finite set. Then Ker L =
k ∼ H (X,
k b S(F)).
F sh
∼ Hk (X,
Proof. It suffices to show that Ker LkF = b F) by Remark 2.5 and Theorem
k k k−1 ∗
3.10.(3). Ker LF = Ker δF ∩ Ker (δF ) since

hLkF (s), si = h(δkF )∗ δkF (s), si + hδk−1

F (δk−1
F )∗ (s), si
= hδkF (s), δkF (s)i + h(δk−1
F )∗ (s), (δk−1
F )∗ (s)i
= kδkF (s)k2 + k(δk−1
F )∗ (s)k2 .

Hence LkF (s) = 0 if and only if δkF (s) = 0, (δk−1 F )∗ (s) = 0.

k b b F) = Ker Lk ⊕Im Lk .
Choose a basis of Ker LF and extend to C (X, F). Then Ck (X,
Define a linear map f : Ker LkF → Hk (X, b F) by f(s) := [s]. f is well-defined since
Ker LkF = Ker δkF ∩ Ker (δk−1 F )∗ ⊂ Ker δkF . To show f is surjective, suppose [s] ∈
k b k b
H (X, F) for some s ∈ C (X, F) with δkF (s) = 0. Then s = s ′ + LkF (s ′′ ) for some
b F). Since s, s ′ ∈ Ker δk , δk (Lk (s ′′ )) = δk (δk )∗ δk (s ′′ ) = 0
s ′ ∈ Ker LkF , s ′′ ∈ Ck (X, F F F F F F
and (δF ) δF (s ) ∈ Ker δkF ∩ Im (δkF )∗ = {0} by Lemma 3.12. Hence (δkF )∗ δkF (s ′′ ) = 0
k ∗ k ′′

and s = s ′ + (δk−1 F ) ◦ (δk−1

F )∗ (s ′′ ). This implies f(s ′ ) = [s]. To show f is injective,
suppose f(s) = [s] = 0 for some s ∈ Ker LkF . Then s = δk−1 b F).
(s ′ ) for some s ′ ∈ Ck (X,
k k k−1 ∗ k−1 ∗ k−1
Since s ∈ Ker LF = Ker δF ∩ Ker (δF ) , s ∈ Ker (δF ) ∩ Im δF = {0} by Lemma
3.12. Hence s = 0 and f is injective.
4. Finite symmetric simplicial set induced by hypergraph. In this sec-
tion, we define a functor from the category of hypergraphs to the category of finite

symmetric simplicial sets. Since an ordered finite abstract simplicial complex L is also
hypergraph, we have a finite symmetric simplicial set induced by L. We show that
cellular sheaf cochain complex of L is the ordered cellular sheaf cochain complex of
set of simplices induced by L.
4.1. Category of hypergraphs.
Definition 4.1. Let T : FinSet → FinSet be an endofunctor.
• A T -graph X = (E(X), V(X), fX : E(X) → T (V(X))) is an object of the comma
category (Id ↓ T ) [12]. E(X) is called the edge set of X, V(X) is called the
vertex set of X and fX is called the structure map of X.
• A P-graph H = (E(H), V(H), fH ) is called an hypergraph if fH (e) ∈/ V(H) for
any e ∈ E(H). We denote H the category of hypergraphs.
• For a`hypergraph H = (E(H), V(H), fH ), the extended structure map f̃H :
E(H) V(H) → P(V(H)) is defined by f̃H ((0, e)) := fH (e), f̃H ((1, v)) := v for
e ∈ E(H), v ∈ V(H).
Example 4.2. (1) Suppose L is a finite abstract simplicial complex. Then L
induces a natural hypergraph (E(L), V(L), fL ) = (L\L0 , L0 , IdL\L0 ). We abuse
the notation L for indicating hypergraph (L\L0 , L0 , IdL\L0 ).
(2) A set of triples H = (E(H), V(H), fH ) given by
• E(H) := {e, e ′ }
• V(H) := {v0 , · · · , v5 }
• fH (e) := {v0 , v1 , v2 , v3 } and fH (e ′ ) := {v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 }
is hypergraph. Figure 1.1.(a) describes the geometric description of H.
4.2. Construction of a functor. In this subsection, we construct a functor
K : H → [!∆op , FinSet] inspired by [16]. Geometrically, (K(H))n is the disjoint unions
of all n-simplices of ∆[f̃H (x)] with identifying all same (n + 1)-tuples as in Figure
Theorem 4.3. For a hypergraph H ∈ H, define K(H) := {K(H)n }n∈Z≥0 by
K(H)n := ∆[f̃H (x)]n / ∼
x∈E(H) V(H)

where ∼ is the equivalence relation generated by

(4.1) ∆[f̃H (e)]n ∋ (vi0 , · · · , vin )f̃H (x) ∼ (vi0 , · · · , vin )f̃H (x ′ ) ∈ ∆[f̃H (v)]n
for any x, x ′ ∈ E(H) V(H) and vi0 , · · · , vin ∈ fH (x) ∩ fH (x ′ ). Then K(H) is a finite
symmetric simplicial set. Moreover, K : H → [!∆op , FinSet] is a functor.
Proof. We denote an equivalence class of (x, (vi )f̃H (x) ) in K(H)n by [vi ]x . For
(µ)[n] ∈ !∆([m], [n]), K(H)((µ)[n] ) : K(H)n → K(H)m is defined by

K(H)((µ)[n] )([vi0 , · · · , vin ]x ) := [viµ0 , · · · , viµm ]x .

For any (µ)[n] ∈ !∆([m], [n]), (ν)[p] ∈ !∆([n], [p]) and [vi ]x ∈ K(H)p ,

K(H)((µ)[n] ) ◦ K(H)((ν)[p] )([vi ]x ) = K(H)((µ)[n] )([viν ]x )

= [viνµ ]x = K(H)((ν)[p] ◦ (µ)[n] ).

Hence K(H) ∈ [!∆op , FinSet].

Given η = (b, a) ∈ H(H, H ′ ), K(η)n : K(H)n → K(H ′ )n is defined by

 [a(vi )]b(e) if x = e ∈ E(H)
(4.2) K(η)n [vi ]x :=
[a(vi )]a(v) if x = v ∈ V(H).

For any (µ)[n] ∈ !∆([m], [n]), [vi ]x ∈ K(H)n ,

K(H ′ )((µ)[n] ) ◦ K(η)n [vi ]x = K(η)m ◦ K(H)((µ)[n] ) [vi ]x

[a(viµ )]b(e) if x = e ∈ E(H)
[a(viµ )]a(v) if x = v ∈ V(H).

This implies K(η) ∈ [!∆op , FinSet](K(H), K(H ′ )). Suppose η ∈ H(H0 , H1 ), η ′ ∈

H(H1 , H2 ). Then K (η ′ ◦ η) = K (η ′ ) ◦ K (η) by Equation 4.2. Therefore, K is a
We say K(H) the finite symmetric simplicial set induced by hypergraph H. There
are various operations on K(H).
Definition 4.4. Let H ∈ H and m, n ∈ Z≥0 .
• pl : K(H)m → K(H)0 is defined by pl := K(H)((l)[m] ) for l ∈ [m]. Explicitly,
it is given by
pl ([vi0 , · · · , vim ]x ) := [vil ]x .
• The face map dl : K(H)m → K(H)m−1 is given by

dl ([vi0 , · · · , vim ]x ) = [vi0 , · · · , b

vil , · · · , vim ]x .

• ∨l : K(H)m × K(H)n → K(H)m+n−1 is defined by

[vi ]x ∨l [vj ]x := [vi0 , · · · , vil−1 , vj0 , · · · , vjn , vil , · · · , vim ]x

for l ∈ [m + 1].
• Sm acts on K(H)m by g· := K(H)(g) for g ∈ Sm . Explicitly, it is given by

g · [vi0 , · · · , vim ]x := [vig(0) , · · · , vig(m) ]x .

\ to show that K(H) is

We characterize the preorder on the set of simplices of K(H)
closed and Čech.
Lemma 4.5. For H ∈ H and [vi ]x ∈ K(H)m , [vj ]x ′ ∈ K(H)n , the following are
equivalent on K(H).
(1) [vi ]x . [vj ]x ′
(2) {vi } ⊆ {vj }.
Proof. (1) =⇒ (2) Suppose [vi ]x . [vj ]x ′ . There exists (µ)[n] ∈ !∆([m], [n])
satisfying K(H)((µ)[n] )([vj ]x ′ ) = [vjµ ]x ′ = [vi ]x , so {vi } = {vjµ } ⊆ {vj }.
(2) =⇒ (1) Suppose {vi } ⊆ {vj }. For k ∈ [m], we can choose µk ∈ [n] satisfying vjµk =
vik and define (µ)[n] ∈ !∆([m], [n]) by (µ)[n] (k) := lk . Then K(H)((µ)[n] )([vj ]x ′ ) =
[vjµ ]x ′ = [vi ]x ′ = [vi ]x and [vi ]x . [vj ]x ′ .
Example 4.6. The hypergraph H in Example 4.2.(2) induces a set of simplices
K(H). See Figure 1.1.(b) for some elements of \
\ K(H).

• [v2 ]e . [v2 , v3 ]e . [v0 , v1 , v2 ]e .

• [v4 , v5 ]e ′ . [v5 , v4 ]e ′ and [v5 , v4 ]e ′ . [v4 , v5 ]e ′ . This implies . is not a partial
order since [v4 , v5 ]e ′ 6= [v5 , v4 ]e ′ .
• [v2 , v3 ]e = [v2 , v3 ]e ′ .
Proposition 4.7. Suppose H ∈ H is a hypergraph, x, x ′ ∈ E(H) V(H) and
I ⊂ f̃H (x), I ′ ⊂ f̃H (x ′ ).
(1) WI := U[vi ]x ⊂ \ K(H) for any [vi ]x satisfying {vi } = I is well-defined.
WI∪I ′ if there is x ∈ E(H) V(H) satisfying I ∪ I ′ ⊂ f̃H (x)
(2) WI ∩ WI ′ =
∅ otherwise.
Proof. (1) Suppose [vi ]x = [vj ]x ′ . Since {vi } = {vj } by Equation 4.1, [vi ]x . [vj ]x ′
and [vj ]x ′ . [vi ]x . Hence U[vi ]x = U[vj ]x ′ and WI is well-defined.
(2) Choose [vi ]x , [vi ′ ]x ′ satisfying {vi } = I and {vi ′ } = I ′ . Then

WI ∩ WI ′ = U[vi ]x ∩ U[vi ′ ]x ′ = {[vu ]x ′′ | [vu ]x ′′ & [vi ]x , [vu ]x ′′ & [vi ′ ]x ′ }

= {[vu ]x ′′ | {vu } ⊇ I, {vu } ⊇ I ′ }(∵ Lemma 4.5)
= {[vu ]x ′′ | {vu } ⊇ I ∪ I ′ }
= WI∪I ′ .

If there exists at least one [vu ]x ′′ ∈ \ K(H) such that {vu } ⊇ I ∪ I ′ , {[vu ]x ′′ | {vu } ⊇
I ∪ I } = WI∪I ′ . Otherwise, {[vu ]x ′′ | {vu } ⊇ I ∪ I ′ } = ∅.

Proposition 4.7 is used to show that K(H) is closed, Čech.

Theorem 4.8. For a hypergraph H ∈ H, K(H) is closed, Čech.
Proof. (1) Suppose [vi ]x , [vj ]x ′ ∈ \
K(H). If there is x ′′ ∈ E(H) V(H) satisfying
{vi } ∪ {vj } ⊂ f̃H (x ′′ ), U[vi ]x ∩ U[vj ]x ′ = W{vi }∪{vj } = U[vi ]x ′′ ∨0 [vj ]x ′′ for [vi ]x ′′ ∨0
[vj ]x ′′ ∈ \
K(H) by Proposition 4.7. Otherwise, U[vi ]x ∩ U[vj ]x ′ = ∅ by Proposition 4.7.
Hence K(H) is closed.
(2) Proposition 4.7 also implies

Č (K(H))n = {([v0 ]v0 , · · · , [vn ]vn ) | U[v0 ]v0 ∩ · · · ∩ U[vn ]vn 6= ∅}

= {([v0 ]x , · · · , [vn ]x ) | v0 , · · · , vn ∈ f̃H (x) for some x ∈ E(H) V(H)}

for any n ∈ Z>0 . ψn : K(H)n → Č (K(H))n in Definition 3.5 is given by

ψn ([v0 , · · · , vn ]x ) := ([v0 ]x , · · · , [vn ]x )

and it has the inverse ϕn with

ϕn (([v0 ]x , · · · , [vn ]x )) := [v0 , · · · , vn ]x .

For any [vi0 , · · · , vin ]x ∈ K(H)n , ([wj0 ]x , · · · , [wjn ]x ) ∈ Č(K(H))n and µ : [m] → [n],

Č(K(H))(µ) ◦ ψn ([vi0 , · · · , vin ]x ) = Č(K(H))(µ) (([v0 ]x , · · · , [vn ]x ))
= ([vµ(0) ]x , · · · , [vµ(m) ]x )
= ψm ([vµ(0) , · · · , vµ(m) ]x )
= (ψm ◦ K(H)(µ)) ([vi0 , · · · , vin ]x )


(K(H)(µ) ◦ ϕn ) (([wj0 ]x , · · · , [wjn ]x )) = K(H)(µ)([wj0 , · · · , wjn ]x )

= [wjµ(0) , · · · , wjµ(m) ]x
= ϕm (([wjµ(0) ]x , · · · , [wjµ(m) ]x ))

= ϕm ◦ Č(K(H))(µ) (([wj0 ]x , · · · , [wjn ]x )).

Therefore, ψ = {ψn }n∈Z≥0 ∈ [!∆op , FinSet](K(H), Č(K(H))) is isomorphism.

4.3. Compatibility of cellular sheaf cochain complexes. We show that
cellular sheaf cochain complex of an ordered finite abstract simplicial complex L in
Equation 1.1, 1.2 is exactly ordered cellular sheaf cochain complex of K(L).
Theorem 4.9. Suppose L is an ordered finite abstract simplicial complex and A is
an abelian category. For  an A-valued cellular sheaf F on L, define FL ∈ Cell(K(L), A)
by FL ([vi ]x ) := F (vi ) . Then K(L)0 is totally ordered and

[ FL ), δk )
(CkF (L, F), δkF ) = (Ckord,FL (K(L), FL

for any k ∈ Z≥0 .

Proof. A function φ : K(L)0 → L0 defined by φ([v]v ) := v is a set isomorphism,
so K(L)0 is also totally ordered preserved by φ. Computations show that
[ FL ) =
Ckord,FL (K(L), FL ψ−1
k ([vi0 , · · · , vik ]x )
vi0 <···<vik
vi0 ,··· ,vik ∈f̃L (x)
= FL (([vi0 ]x , · · · , [vik ]x ))
[vi0 ]x <···<[vik ]x
vi0 ,··· ,vik ∈f̃L (x)
= F ((vi0 , · · · , vik ))
vi0 <···<vik
vi0 ,··· ,vik ∈f̃L (x)
= F ((vi0 , · · · , vik )) = CkF (L, F)
vi0 <···<vik
(vi0 ,··· ,vik )∈Lk

[ FL ) is given by
and the restriction of δkFL to Ckord,FL (K(L),
 
δkFL =  (−1)l · (ψ∗ FL )(dl (σ) . σ) ◦ πdl (σ) 
σ=[vi0 ,··· ,vik+1 ]x ∈K(L)k+1 l∈[k+1]
vi0 <···<vik+1
 
=  (−1)l · F(dl (σ) . σ) ◦ πdl (σ) 
σ=(vi0 ,··· ,vik+1 )∈Lk+1 l∈[k+1]
vi0 <···<vik+1

= δkF .

5. Cellular sheaf Laplacian and its computations. In this section, we pro-

vide formulas for degree k cellular sheaf Laplacians on \
Proposition 5.1. Suppose H ∈ H is a hypergraph, F ∈ Cell(\ K(H), VectR ) is a
cellular sheaf on K(H) and k ∈ Z≥0 . Given [vi ]x ∈ K(H)k , define
V([vi ]x ) := fH (x ′ ) ⊂ V(H).
{x ′ ∈E(H)|{vi }⊂fH (x ′ )}

(1) π[vi ]x ◦ (δkF )∗ : Ck+1 (\

K(H), F) → F([vi ]x ) is given by
(−1)l F∗ ([vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ) ◦ π[vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ .
v∈V([vi ]x )

(2) π[vi ]x ◦ (δkF )∗ : Ck+1 \

alt (K(H), F) → F([vi ]x ) is given by
 
(k + 2)  F∗ ([vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′ ) ◦ π[vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′  .
v∈V([vi ]x )

(3) Suppose (V(H), <) is totally ordered set and [vi ]x satisfies vi0 < · · · < vik .
For v ∈ V([[vi ]x ]), define l(v) ∈ [k + 1] satisfying vi0 < · · · < v < vil(v) <
· · · < vik . Then π[vi ]x ◦ (δkF )∗ : Ck+1 \
ord (K(H), F) → F([vi ]x ) is given by
(−1)l(v) F∗ ([vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨l(v) [v]x ′ ) ◦ π[vi ]x ′ ∨l(v) [v]x ′ .
v∈V([vi ]x )

Proof. (1) Equation 3.1 implies that when [vi ]x is fixed,

δkF (s[vi ]x ) = (−1)l F([vi ]x . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ )(s[vi ]x )
[vj ]x ′

only if [vj ]x ′ = [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ for some v ∈ V([vi ]x ), l ∈ [k + 1] and otherwise 0. Hence
π[vi ]x ◦ (δkF )∗ = (−1)l F∗ ([vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ) ◦ π[vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ .
v∈V([vi ]x )

(2) Define g ∈ Sk+1 by g(0) := l, g(l) := l − 1 for l ∈ {1, · ·· , l} and g(t) := t for
t ∈ {l + 1, · · · , k + 1}. Then [vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′ = g · [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ and
π[vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′ ◦ s = sgn(g) · π[vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ◦ s = (−1)l π[vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ◦ s

for s ∈ Ck+1 \
alt (K(H), F). Hence
π[vi ]x ◦ (δkF )∗ = (−1)l F∗ ([vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ) ◦ π[vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′
v∈V([vi ]x )
= (−1)l+l F∗ ([vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′ ) ◦ π[vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′
v∈V([vi ]x )
 
= (k + 2)  F ([vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′ ) ◦ π[vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′  .

v∈V([vi ]x )

(3) Suppose [vi ]x ∈ K(H)k , [vj ]x ′ ∈ K(H)k+1 satisfies vi0 < · · · < vik and vj0 < · · · <
vjk+1 . Then
δkF (s[vi ]x ) = (−1)l(v) F([vi ]x . [vi ]x ′ ∨l(v) [v]x ′ )(s[vi ]x )
[vj ]x ′

only if [vj ]x ′ = [vi ]x ′ ∨l(v) [v]x ′ for some v ∈ V([vi ]x ) and otherwise 0. Hence
π[vi ]x ◦ (δkF )∗ = (−1)l(v) F∗ ([vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨l(v) [v]x ′ ) ◦ π[vi ]x ′ ∨l(v) [v]x ′ .
v∈V([vi ]x )

Theorem 5.2. Suppose H ∈ H is a hypergraph, F ∈ Cell(\

K(H), VectR ) is a cellu-
lar sheaf on \
K(H), k ∈ Z≥0 and [vi ]x ∈ K(H)k .
\ F), Lk (s)[v ] is given by
(1) For s ∈ Ck (K(H), F,+ i x

X  ′ 
(−1)l+l F∗ [vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′
l,l ′ ∈[k+1]
v∈V([vi ]x )
F dl ′ ([vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ) . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ (sdl ′ ([vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ) )

and LkF,− (s)[vi ]x is given by

X  ′ 
(−1)l+l F dl ([vi ]x ′ ) . [vi ]x ′
l,l ′ ∈[k]
v∈V([vi ]x )
F∗ dl ([vi ]x ′ ) . dl ([vi ]x ′ ) ∨l ′ [v]x ′ (sdl ([vi ]x ′ )∨l ′ [v]x ′ ) .

(2) For s ∈ Ckalt (\

K(H), F), Lkalt,F,+ (s)[vi ]x is given by
(k + 2) (−1)l F∗ [vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′
v∈V([vi ]x )
F dl ([vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′ ) . [vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′ (sdl ([vi ]x ′ ∨0 [v]x ′ ) )

and Lkalt,F,− (s)[vi ]x is given by

(k + 1) (−1)l F dl ([vi ]x ′ ) . [vi ]x ′
v∈V([vi ]x )
F∗ dl ([vi ]x ′ ) . dl ([vi ]x ′ ) ∨0 [v]x ′ (sdl ([vi ]x ′ )∨0 [v]x ′ ) .

(3) Suppose (V(H), <) is totally ordered set. For s ∈ Ckord (\ K(H), F) and [vi ]x ∈
K(H)k satisfying vi0 < · · · < vik , Lkord,F,+ (s)[vi ]x is given by
(−1)l+l(v) F∗ [vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨l(v) [v]x ′
v∈V([vi ]x )
F dl ([vi ]x ′ ∨l(v) [v]x ′ ) . [vi ]x ′ ∨l(v) [v]x ′ (sdl ([vi ]x ′ ∨l(v) [v]x ′ ) )

and Lkord,F,− (s)[vi ]x is given by

(−1)l+l(v) F dl ([vi ]x ′ ) . [vi ]x ′
v∈V([vi ]x )
F∗ dl ([vi ]x ′ ) . dl ([vi ]x ′ ) ∨l(v) [v]x ′ (sdl ([vi ]x ′ )∨l(v) [v]x ′ ) .

Proof. (1) Equation 3.1 and Proposition 5.1.(1) imply that LkF,+ (s)[vi ]x is equal
X  k 
(−1)l F∗ [vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ δF (s)[vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′
= (−1)l F∗ [vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′
X ′

(−1)l F(dl ′ ([vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ) . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ )(sdl ′ ([vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ) )
l+l ′ ∗
= (−1) F [vi ]x ′ . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′
v,l,l ′

F dl ′ ([vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ) . [vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ (sdl ′ ([vi ]x ′ ∨l [v]x ′ ) ).

Same computations proves formula for LkF,− (s)[vi ]x . Proposition 5.1.(2), 5.1.(3) for
(δkF )∗ on alternating, ordered cellular sheaf cochains prove (2) and (3).


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