Rexroth-Ball Rail Systems

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Cover Strip.

▶ Composite guide rails also available.
Further SNS/SNO ball guide rails and accessories are
Ball Rail Systems | Standard ball guide rails made of steel available.
▶ Cover strip, protective caps (see accessories for ball
guide rails)

Ordering guide rails with the recommended lengths

SNO R1605 .B. ball guide rails .. with flat underside for
mounting on components made of cast mineral materials
▶ In size 25 – 45 and accuracy class P and SP available on
Ordering ball guide rails in recom- Options and part numbers
mended lengths Size Ball guide rail with Accuracy class Number of sections, rail Pitch T Recommended rail length in accordance
size length L (mm), .... (mm) with formula L = nB · T – 4 mm

N H P SP UP One-piece Composite Maximum number of holes nB

The procedure shown in the following 15 R1605 13 4 3 2 1 9 31, .... 3., .... 60 64
20 R1605 83 4 3 2 1 9 31, .... 3., .... 60 64
ordering examples applies to all ball 25 R1605 23 4 3 2 1 9 31, .... 3., .... 60 64
30 R1605 73 4 3 2 1 9 31, .... 3., .... 80 48
guide rails. Recommended rail lengths 35 R1605 33 4 3 2 1 9 61, .... 6., .... 80 48
45 R1605 43 4 3 2 1 9 61, .... 6., .... 105 36
are more cost effective. 55 R1605 53 4 3 2 1 9 61, .... 6., .... 120 32
65 R1605 63 4 3 2 1 9 61, .... 6., .... 150 25
e.g. R1605 73 3 31, 1676

Excerpt from table with part numbers and recommended rail lengths for ordering example
Ordering example 1 Ordering example 2 Ordering example 3
From the desired length to the rec- (to Lmax) (above Lmax) (to Lmax , with smooth base surface)
Options: Options: Options:
ommended length ▶ Ball guide rail SNS ▶ Ball guide rail SNS ▶ SNO ball guide rail
▶ Size 30 ▶ Size 30 ▶ Size 30
▶ Accuracy class
TH ▶ Accuracy class H ▶ Accuracy class H
* 1 T (T1)
LW ▶ One-piece ▶ 2 sections ▶ One-piece
L = ·T–4 ▶ Rail length ▶ Rail length
nT · T
▶ Rail length
L = 1676 mm L = 5116 mm L ± 1,5 L = 1676 mm
 ound up quotient LW/T to the nearest Part number: Part number: Part number:
R1605 733 31, 1676 mm R1605 733 32, 5116 mm R1605 7B3 31, 1676 mm
whole number!

Calculation example
T1 T (T1)
Bosch Rexroth AG, R999000485 (2014-12)

( 80 mm)· 80 mm – 4 mm
1660 nT · T
L =
L ± 1,5
L = 21 · 80 mm – 4 mm
L = 1676 mm Basis: Number of holes L = Recommended rail length (mm)
LW = Desired length of rail (mm)
L = nB · T – 4 mm
T = Pitch (mm)
Basis: Number of pitches T1S = Preferred dimension (mm)
nB = Number of holes (–)
L = nT · T + 2 · T1S
nB = Number of pitches (–)

Notes on ordering examples Ordering example 1 (to Lmax) Ordering example 2 (above Lmax)
If preferred dimension T1S is not used, ▶▶ Ball guide rail SNS size 30 with ▶▶ Ball guide rail SNS size 30 with
it is possible to choose between: cover strip and strip clamps cover strip and strip clamps
▶▶ End space T1 between T1S and T1 min. ▶▶ Accuracy class H ▶▶ Accuracy class H
▶▶ As an alternative, it is possible to ▶▶ Calculated rail length 1676 mm, ▶▶ Calculated rail length 5116 mm,
choose end spaces T1 to T1 max. (20 · T, preferred dimension 2 sections (63 · T, preferred dimen-
T1S = 38 mm; number of holes sion T1S = 38 mm; number of holes
nB = 21) nB = 64)

Ordering data Ordering data

Material number, rail length (mm) Material number with number of
T1 / nT · T / T1 (mm) sections, rail length (mm)
T1 / nT · T / T1 (mm)
R1605 733 31, 1676 mm
38 / 20 · 80 / 38 mm R1605 733 32, 5116 mm
38 / 63 · 80 / 38 mm

In the case of rail lengths above Lmax,

sections approved by Rexroth are
joined together.

Bosch Rexroth AG, R999000485

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