LS English 9 Unit 4 Test Answers Editable
LS English 9 Unit 4 Test Answers Editable
LS English 9 Unit 4 Test Answers Editable
Section A: Reading
Question Answer Marks
1 ‘precisely’ 1
Give 1 mark. Give 0 marks if more than one word is offered.
The sentence is balanced in structure either side of the semi-colon: reflects the
obsession with time / punctuality / the exacting or precise nature of the central
Use of dashes to give repeated information: stresses his need to be in control so
2 adds depth to his character. 2
Repetition of never and unless he: both phrases show his controlling and precise
attitude to life.
Give 1 mark for the example and 1 mark for any credible explanation given in the
learner’s own words, up to a maximum of 2 marks. Allow repetition in the explanations.
The name implies he has hidden depths or secrets / that there is more to him than we
3 see / it makes him a mysterious character. 1
Give 1 mark for any credible explanation given in the learner’s own words.
When (the) present was (the) past and (the) past was (the) present.
6 Give 1 mark for just the words ‘past’ and ‘present’ or if one of the words is correctly 2
rewritten in the sentence.
Give 2 marks if the learner has fully rewritten the sentence.
withholding information from the reader – we do not know what his business
is / who he is meeting / who the face at the window is
7 the setting – an old, isolated house
mention of technical gadgets that we do not understand fully 2
use of time as a theme with the suggestion that the central character can move
through time.
Give 1 mark for any two of these features with a clear example given.
Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021
Section B: Writing
Creation of texts / vocabulary and language (maximum of 4 marks)
Descriptors Marks
Content is relevant and developed with imaginative detail using a variety of techniques,
e.g. imagery and figurative language.
Uses a range of precise and well-chosen vocabulary. 4
Characterisation is shown through actions and reactions during the story.
A clear, consistent relationship between the writer and the reader is established and controlled.
Content is relevant, and ideas are developed using some appropriate techniques.
Vocabulary choices are appropriate and sometimes well chosen.
Characters are described and developed with actions linked to key events. 3
A clear relationship between the writer and the reader is established in parts of the story, which
engages the reader.
Content is straightforward with an appropriate balance (e.g. speech, action and description).
Vocabulary is sometimes simple, but with some choices made to create interest.
Some events / feelings are described (e.g. something has happened that the character needs to 2
explain / reflect on).
Some attempt is made to engage the reader.
Descriptors Marks
Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021
Descriptors Marks
Descriptors Marks
Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021