LS English 9 Worksheet 3A
LS English 9 Worksheet 3A
LS English 9 Worksheet 3A
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Worksheet 3A
Freytag’s Pyramid
In 1863, the German writer Gustav Freytag used a pyramid to explain how stories can often be
broken into five stages.
1 Write each of these labels in the correct places next to the pyramid.
Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 1
Stage Definition
3 ‘The Red-Headed League’ uses this story structure. Use five different colours to highlight the
five stages in this summary of the story.
The narrator, Dr Watson, meets Sherlock Holmes at home. Holmes is talking with
Jabez Wilson, a man with very red hair. Wilson is a pawnbroker and has an assistant
named Vincent Spaulding, who is working for half the normal salary. Wilson says that
Spaulding is a good worker who goes alone into the basement of the shop to
develop photos. Two months ago, Spaulding showed an advertisement for the Red-
Headed League, which gives job opportunities to red-headed men. Spaulding
encouraged Wilson to apply. They went to the offices of the League and met
Duncan Ross, another red-headed man, who hired Wilson. The League paid Wilson
to copy pages of an encyclopedia. He was not allowed to leave the office when
working. However, after eight weeks Wilson arrived at the offices and found that the
Red-Headed League had been dissolved.
Holmes asks Watson to accompany him to a concert. On the way, they stop in front
of Wilson’s shop. Holmes thumps his walking stick on the pavement and knocks on
the door to ask Spaulding for directions. Afterwards, Holmes also tells Watson that
he saw on the knees of Spaulding’s trousers exactly what he wanted to see. Holmes
also notices that there is a bank behind Wilson’s shop.
Later that night, Watson and Holmes meet up, along with a detective named Peter
Jones and a bank manager named Mr Merryweather. Holmes says that they will
confront a criminal named John Clay. The four men wait for an hour in the cellar of
Mr Merryweather’s Bank, which is filled with French gold. Suddenly, they notice a
light shining through a crack in the floor. Two men climb out and Holmes and Jones
leap at them. They capture John Clay, who is in fact Vincent Spaulding. The other
man escapes.
Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 2
Later, Holmes tells Watson how he knew that the Red-Headed League must have
been a plan to get Wilson out of his shop. Spaulding being willing to work for so
little money alone in the basement suggested to Holmes that Spaulding was doing
something illegal. Holmes thought that Spaulding was digging a tunnel to the bank.
Holmes pounded on the pavement outside Wilson’s shop to determine whether the
ground underneath was hollow, and he asked directions so that he could see
whether the knees of Spaulding’s trousers were worn away. The fact that the League
dissolved so suddenly suggested to Holmes that the robbery was about to happen
and that he could capture John Clay.
4 Many other stories, from old plays to modern movies, use a three-act story structure,
where the hero suffers a failure or reversal in the second act of the story that leads to a
low point. Label the points on the line with the following terms:
Cambridge Lower Secondary English 9 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021 3