4 Phases of Roman Expansion

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4 phases of Roman

1 period
Phase I of Roman expansion. (509 B.C.E -264 B.C.E) The first expansion of

Roman expansion was mainly continuous wars. In this time, Rome was

gradually taking over the Italian Peninsula. In 493 B.C.E, the Roman

leaders signed a peace treaty with their Latin neighbors stating that

“There shall be peace with all romans and all the communities of Latins

as long as Heaven and earth endure.” Thus, there was peace between

the romans and the Latins. However, in 390 B.C.E, Rome faced a life

changing challenge when the Gauls came and nearly brought Rome to

its knees. The Gauls crushed a roman army and then proceeded to surge

through the city. After this, the Romans decided to start over and

rebuilt their city this time they built walls around it to prevent the

previous event from reoccurring. The new Rome was thriving, and in the

300s B.C.E Rome conquered the Etruscans. As Rome’s territory

expanded, more people were forced to the army to maintain their land.

Most of these people that were forced to join the army were plebeians.

Of course, the plebeians were not happy with this and it led to a civil

PRO: rebuilding their city was a good plan because now that they have

the experience of an invasion the put walls up. This will event that same

event and events similar to that from happening in the future.

CON: : rome’s expanding territory led to people joining the army when they didn’t want to which is

unfair. And in the end , more and more people died for a piece of land.

this was a typical roman civil unrest. As you can see, there are many causalities.
There are also chariots. Maybe the leaders rode in on chariots.

2 period
Phase II of Roman Expansion. (264 B.C.E- 146 B.C. E.) The second period of Expansion

was wars against Carthage (a powerful city-state) for control of the Mediterranean region, these wars

were known as The Punic Wars. There were 3 wars , the first war was mainly on sea and in 241 B.C. the

romans won. 23 whole years later in 218 BC the second punic war started. Carthage attacked Italy, but

they lost in the end and were forced to give up spain to Rome. After that there was a peace for 50 years,

that’s when Cato, a Roman senator, wanted Carthage to be delt with once and for all. Thus, the romans
attacked! This war lasted 3 years and in 146 B.C Carthage was burned to the ground. Rome reigned

superior but there were many casualties such as farms being destroyed and young soldiers lives being

lost. The Punic wars were over but Rome was not looking in good shape.

PRO: Carthage was destroyed and now there is no more enemies for the romans to face (for now)

CON: the wars had an impact on the soldiers especially the young ones. If all the soldiers die young then

nobody will be there to protect rome from future enemies

first Punic war

Hannibal and the carthage soldiers

second Punic war
Third Punic war
3 Period
Phase III of roman expansion. (145 BCE – 44 BCE) The 3rd phase of

roman expansion was actually the downfall of the roman republic.

Shocking, isn’t it? In 145 BCE roman conquests caused a bunch of

strain on the idea of a republic. At the end of the republic, many people

were paying high roman taxes. This led to a rebuttal in 91 BCE, as a

result of this, Rome made a deal to let more people become citizens.

Although most of these new citizens ended up becoming slaves. Slaves

were treated very harshly in Rome so, a slave named Spartacus led a

famous revolt in 73 BCE, Romans were quick to kill Spartacus and

anyone who followed in his footsteps. 40 years later , the famous civil

war between Pompey and Caesar came into play. The senates feared

Caesar so they sent Pompey to get rid of him. On the contrary, Caesar

lived and went on to conquer many new places. But he thought that a

Republic wasn’t going to solve rome’s problems so he created the idea

of a empire instead of the Republic. In a desperate attempt to save the

republic, the senate planned to murder Caesar. Caesar led and paved

the way for an empire to be born anew..

PRO: Caesar paved the way for a new way for Rome to be viewed and

how it is ruled. Which is really influencial

CON: Caesar’s impact on the world would lead to many torturous things

in the future. His death plunged the world into another civil war.


4 period
Phase IV of Roman expansion,(44 BCE – 14 CE) ,is the last phase/ period

of the expansion of rome and it focuses on how the empire came to be.

This takes place around the same time when the 2 nd triumvirate was

formed. Caesar’s adopted grandnephew , Octavian was taken the role as

emperior. But the trouble starts when Marc Antony married Queen

Cleopatra of Egypt. When news got out that this event had taken place

Octavian felt jealously and sent troops to kill both of them but when the

troops got there, they had already killed themselves. Octavian changed

his name to Augustus and he ruled over 50 million people and he turned

places like Judea into Roman Provinces. Thanks to him the romans

improved trade by harbors , canals , and roads. This was the peaceful

period known as Pax Romana but under the shadows, peace was hard to

maintain and it cost very much.

PRO: The Romans improve Trade with Canals and roads which can also

be used for everyday transportation. Double the prize

CON: it was hard to maintain the peace and there were a lot of

sacrifices to keep that peace. Maybe if things played out differently, the

burden wouldn’t have been so heavy

Marc Antony and Cleopatra’s bodies after killing

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